HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200031 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2022-07-20Cameron Langille
Principal Planner, Planning
County of Albemarle blangille@albemarle.org
Community Development Department - Department Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3432
To: Craig Kotarski, P.E., craig.kotarski@timmons.com; Kevin Miller, kmiller@stonypointdg.com
Date: July 20, 2022
Re: SDP202200031 Rio Point Final Site Plan - Review Comments
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the
following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the
Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.]
Comments from Initial Site Plan (SDP202200009) Action Letter:
1. [32.5.2 (a) and ZMA201900008] Per Note 4 on Sheet 2 of the Application Plan, the developer is required to design
and construct the amenities within the 1.1-acre trailhead park. The initial site plan does not show any proposed
improvements within the park area. Note 1 states that "the developer will coordinate with the County Park
Authorities to design the amenities and landscaping within the trailhead park. The developers shall construct all
improvements within the trailhead park." This is reiterated in the proffer statement in Proffer 2. Please address the
a. Per staff discussion with applicant, the park design will be incorporated into the final site plan submission.
First submittal: The park is now shown with a travel way connecting: into the development. However,
other amenities within the park area are not vet shown. Per Note 3 on Sheet C4.2, the design of
amenities and other elements within the park will be coordinated with County parks & Recreation staff.
At this time, Parks & Recreation staff have not issued any comments, but Planning staff expect
comments to be issued shortly and these will be forwarded to the applicant. Per the note on the ZMA
Application Plan, the park must incorporate features such as benches, public art, landscaping, and a
gazebo. Prior to final site plan approval, these features must be shown on the plan. Please reach out to
Parks & Recreation staff for further guidance on the design of elements within the park.
b. Please be aware that Proffer 2a requires the developer to dedicate the land by special warranty deed of
fee simple title or grant perpetual easement upon written request by the County for the 1.1-acre trailhead
park. First submittal: Comment acknowledged by applicant. Pending completion of Parks & Recreation
staff review, additional comments on timing for the dedication may be forthcoming.
2. [32.5.2 (a) and ZMA201900008] The bioretention pond shown in the landscaping buffer behind buildings 8 and 9
must be moved so that 30' of land is available for planting landscaping/screening as required by the Application
Plan. First submittal: Comment addressed.
3. [32.5.2 (n)] Per staff discussion with applicant, a Special Exception application for the requested parking reduction
will be submitted with the final site plan and will run concurrently with the final site plan review. Should the Board
of Supervisors not approve the special exception, the area noted as a future building will be revised to include the
minimum required parking spaces. First submittal: Comment addressed, units proposed have been reduced to 295
and the plan shows the minimum required parking.
4. [General Comment] Please be aware that in order to construct an additional building and provide the 28 remaining
units, a separate site plan application will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the County. This site
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
plan is only proposing 299 total units. First submittal: Comment acknowledge by applicant. Future building is no
longer shown on this final site plan.
5. [General Comment] Please remove the unapproved proffer statement exhibit on Sheet C.01 and replace with the
approved proffer statement of ZMA201900008. First submittal: Comment addressed.
6. [32.5.2 (a)] Please revise the property owner information to match County records. See Engineering Division
comment #3f for further information. First submittal: Comment addressed.
7. [32.5.2 (a)] On the Cover Sheet and Sheet C.01, please revise the note that states "Proposed Zoning" to "Existing
Zoning." Remove the existing zoning note that states the property is zoned R4. It is zoned PRD per
ZMA201900008. First submittal: Comment addressed.
a. State all applicable Overlay Zoning Districts that apply to the properties. First submittal: Comment
8. [32.5.2 (a)] On all applicable drawings, please revise the labels for Preserved Steep Slopes so that it identifies these
features as "Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District." Currently, they are labeled as "Critical Slopes" or "Steep
Slopes" on several drawings. See Engineering Division comment #4a for further information. First submittal:
Comment addressed.
9. [32.5.2 (a)] Please provide a note on Sheet C.01 stating the required setbacks for this project. Setbacks are found
in Section 18-4.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. First submittal: Comment partially addressed. The note on Sheet
C.01 should also state the minimum required rear setback of 20'. Please revise.
a. Please show all required setback lines on the drawings. Revise setback lines so they meet the requirements
of Section 18-4.19. For example, the minimum front setback requirement in this district is 5' from the edge
of the right-of-way, but the setback is shown as 15' from the edge of ROW on the layout drawings. First
submittal: Comment partially addressed. Please show the minimum 20' rear setback on the drawings.
10. [32.5.2 (a)] Please revise the open space required note on Sheet C.01. The required open space for this project is
established by the calculations on the Application Plan of ZMA201900008. First submittal: The note on Sheet
C.01 states the correct minimum reauired open space as approved with ZMA201900008. However, the areas
that are proposed to count toward the 8.30-acre total open space provided are unclear on the drawings. Staff
requests an open space exhibit that identifies areas that will count toward the overall 8.10 acres of open space
Proposed, and also clarify which amenity areas internal to the site are counting toward the reauired 1.0-acre
active recreation areas. The plan identifies a 5,762 sq.ft amenity area, 6,128 open space (between buildings 10
and 11), 5,030 sq.ft dog park, and a 5A88 sq.ft. amenity area, but these do not add up to the required total 1.0
acres of reauired recreation area. Please clarify what features are proposed to count toward meeting the 1.0 acre
minimum, and label them on the plans with sq.ft
11. [32.5.2 (a)] Please revise the building height note on Sheet C.01 so that it is clear that the nine (9) townhomes at
the south end of the project are permitted to be a maximum of two stories, per the Application Plan of
ZMA201900008. Add a label to the layout drawings that states the maximum height permitted for those units is
two stories, per the Application Plan of ZMA201900008. First submittal: Comment addressed.
12. [32.5.2 (b)] Please identify the following:
a. Provide a table identifying the total floor area of each building proposed. First submittal: Comment
b. Identify how many units are proposed within each residential building. Specifically, identity how many
multifamily units measuring less than 500 sq.ft, 1-bedroom units, 2-bedroom units, and 3-bedroom units
are proposed within each multifamily structure. First submittal: Comment addressed.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
13. [32.5.2 (b)] Add a note to Sheet C.01 identifying the sizes of all proposed amenities (for example, the surface area
of the pool, size of the clubhouse, etc.) . Add a note stating "all project amenities must be completed prior to 50%
of the units receiving certificates of occupancy." First submittal: Comment addressed.
14. [32.5.2 (f)] Please show all existing topography on existing conditions and label contour lines. See attached
Engineering comments for further information. First submittal: Comment addressed.
15. [32.5.2 (j)] Please show all existing water, sewer and drainage facilities and easements within the property. Label
easements by type, state dimensions, and state the recorded instrument number that created the easement. First
submittal: Comment addressed.
16. [32.5.2 (k)] Please show all proposed water, sewer, drainage, and stormwater easements on the final site plan and
state the easement type and width. First submittal: Please see Engineering Division and ACSA comments
regarding proposed utility easements and iust the easements as necessary.
17. [32.5.2 (m)] Please provide pedestrian crossing accommodations at both site entrances for the shared use path.
See attached VDOT comments for further information. First submittal: Comment addressed.
18. [32.5.2 (m)] Please see Engineering comment #15a. Provide note to contractor to coordinate with the developer of
the adjacent Rio Commons project to ensure that the travelway connection to that project is correctly graded and
aligned. First submittal: Comment addressed.
19. [32.5.2 (n)] Per the Application Plan, amenities required include a pool, clubhouse, fitness area, and recreation
field. Please clarify where the following amenities are proposed: fitness area and recreation field. First submittal:
Comment addressed.
20. [32.5.2 (n)] ADA accessible ramps must be provided at all locations where sidewalks intersect vehicular travelways.
Please show these on the final site plan. First submittal: Comment not fully addressed. see VDOT comment #1.
21. [32.5.2 (n)] The 10' shared use path must extend for the entirety of the property frontage along Rio Road E., and
connect to the existing path at the intersection of John Warner Parkway and Rio Road E. Please show this on the
final site plan. See attached VDOT comments for further information. First submittal: Comment addressed.
22. [32.5.2 (n)] Please provide a construction detail in both plan and profile view of the dumpster pad enclosure and
recycling enclosure in order to meet the screening requirements specified by Section 18-4.12.19 (c). First
submittal: Comment addressed.
23. [32.5.2 (n)] Please provide dimensions for all buildings, parking spaces, sidewalks, walkways, walls, etc. First
submittal: Comment addressed.
24. [32.5.2 (o)] Prior to final site plan approval, the following areas must be dedicated to the County through approval
and recordation of a Special Lot application:
a. 0.12-acre greenway area. First submittal: Comment acknowledged by applicant. Submittal, approval, and
recordation of the Special Lot plat will be required prior to final site plan approval.
b. 0.82 acres of land along the frontage of Rio Road E. for required road improvements. First submittal:
Comment acknowledged by applicant. Submittal, approval, and recordation of the Special Lot plat will be
required prior to final site plan approval.
25. [32.5.2 (r)] Please provide a legend on each drawing. First submittal: Comment addressed.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
26. [32.5.2 (u)] Please see attached ARB comments. Prior to final site plan approval, a Certificate of Appropriateness
is needed. This will require building elevations for all proposed structures to address the architectural notes as
indicated on Sheet 2 of the Application Plan. First submittal: Comment stands pending review by ARB staff.
27. [32.6] Prior to approval, the final site plan must address all applicable requirements of Section 32.6, 32.7, and 32.8
of the Zoning Ordinance. First submittal: See comments under "Final Site Plan Comments" below.
28. [32.7.4] Prior to final site plan approval, a Water Protection Ordinance Plan (WPO) must be submitted, reviewed,
and approved. See Engineering comments for further information. First submittal: Comment stands, WPO
application not vet approved. See Engineering Division comments for further direction on the WPO application.
29. [32.7] Prior to final site plan approval, an easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and
recorded for all proposed easements.
a. [] The easement plat must show all proposed stormwater and drainage easements. Prior to
approval of the final site plan, all stormwater and drainage easements created by the easement plat will
need to be shown, labeled, and identified as public/private, state the width/size of the easement, and state
the recorded instrument number of the plat that created the easements. First submittal: Comment
acknowledged by applicant. Submittal, approval, and recordation of the Easement Plat application will be
required prior to final site plan approval. Once the plat is recorded, all new easements shown on the site
plan will need to state the instrument number (deed book/page) in the easement labels on the site plan
prior to final site plan approval.
b. [32.7.5] The easement plat must show all proposed water and sewer easements. Prior to approval of the
final site plan, all water and sewer easements created by the easement plat will need to be shown, labeled,
and identified as public/private, state the width/size of the easement, and state the recorded instrument
number of the plat that created the easements. First submittal: Comment acknowledged by applicant.
Submittal, approval, and recordation of the Easement Plat application will be required prior to final site
plan approval. Once the plat is recorded, all new easements shown on the site plan will need to state the
instrument number (deed book/paee) in the easement labels on the site plan prior to final site plan
c. [32.7.5] All internal access easements as required by the ZMA must be included on the easement plat, and
shown on the final site plan once the easement plat is recorded. An access easement is required from the
right -in only entrance into the site, and then south to connect with Tax Map Parcel 61-167A. See
Engineering comments for further information. First submittal: Comment acknowledged by applicant.
Submittal, approval, and recordation of the Easement Plat application will be required prior to final site
plan approval. Once the plat is recorded, all new easements shown on the site plan will need to state the
instrument number (deed book/page) in the easement labels on the site plan prior to final site plan
30. [4.12.16 (c)(6)] Prior to final site plan approval, all proposed parking must meet minimum County design
requirements. Parking space dimensions (length and width) must be labeled on the layout drawings. It appears that
parking spaces meet the minimum 9' x 18' requirements, but length dimensions are currently not labeled. First
submittal: Comment addressed.
31. [32.7.9] The final site plan will need to include a landscaping plan that meets the following requirements:
a. [] Street trees along all streets. Sizes and spacing requirements must be met. First submittal:
Please add a note, either in the street tree callouts or the plant schedule on Sheet 1-132.00, stating that
street trees are to be planted 50' on center.
b. [] Screening for parking spaces and dumpster areas and elsewhere as required by ARB. First
submittal: See comment #4 under "Final Site Plan Comments" below.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
c. [] One tree per ten parking spaces proposed, and 5% of the overall area used for parking and
internal travel ways must be landscaped. First submittal: Comment not addressed. The 5% parking area
canopy requirement is not stated in the landscaping calculations on Sheet LP1.00. Please add a
calculation stating the total area of parking and travel ways, and state the proposed canopy area based
on the trees and shrubs that will be planted inside of the project Street tree canopies cannot be counted
toward meeting the 5% parking area canopy requirement.
d. [] Minimum tree canopy of 10% must be provided within the site. Provide a calculation of the tree
canopy area provided, and state the tree canopy area proposed. First submittal: Comment may be
addressed pending applicant response to comment #2 in "Final Site Plan Comments" section below.
e. Landscaping within the required buffers at the west/north side of the development. See the buffer note
on Sheet 2 of the Application Plan for types, sizes, and spacing of landscaping within these buffers. First
submittal: Comment may be addressed pending completion of ARB review.
f. Provide a landscape schedule identifying the following information for proposed landscaping: state the
species name, common name, quantity, size/height at time of installation, canopy area per species, and
total canopy area for each species of landscaping material provided. First submittal: Comment addressed.
g. All proposed landscaping must be tree and shrub species specified on the Albemarle County
Recommended Plants List. First submittal: Comment addressed.
h. Canopy figures for all species can be obtained from the Plant Canopy Calculations list. First submittal:
Comment addressed.
32. [32.5.2 (n)] Any proposed outdoor lighting must be shown on the final site plan. A photometric plan and lighting
cut sheets must be provided with the final site plan. Proposed lighting must comply with requirements of Sections
32.7.8 & Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. In addition to meeting all lighting requirements a standard lighting
note will be required. First review: See comment #1 under Final Site Plan comments below.
Final Site Plan Comments:
1. [32.7.8] Please address the following on the lighting plan:
a. [4.17] The luminaire schedule on Sheet E1.01P does not match the legend on Sheet LP3.00. Please verify how
many types of outdoor luminaires are proposed. Sheet LP3.00 identifies "Forrey" post lights, but the schedule
only identifies three types of Hubbell lights and the bollard lamps. Either revise the schedule to include the
Forrey lights, or revise Sheet LP3.00 so that it identifies each type of Hubbell light. Ensure that all outdoor
luminaires emitting 3,000 lumens or greater are shown on Sheets LP3.00 and E1.01P.
b. [4.17] Please update the photometric data table on Sheet E1.01P so that it states the Light Loss Factor (LLF)
used to calculate the footcandle measurements. for each luminaire type. Albemarle County requires
photometric plans to use a Light Loss Factor (LLF) of 1.0 to calculate footcandle measurements on site plans.
c. [4.17] Adjust the footcandle measurements on Sheet E1.01P (if necessary) to address comment #1b and
ensure that footcandle spillover onto adjacent residentially zoned property and public rights -of -way do not
exceed 0.5 footcandles.
d. [4.17] Footcandle measurements along the southern property line exceed the maximum 0.5 spillover
permitted where the travelway will connect to the abutting parcel. Please adjust the lighting plan so that the
spillover does not exceed 0.5 footcandles at the property boundary. Either the luminaire types proposed in
that area need to be changed to reduce the spillover, or the lights need to be moved further into the site so
that the footcandle measurement is reduced.
e. [4.17.4 (a)] Pending applicant response to comment #1a above, please ensure that manufacturer cut -sheets for
all outdoor luminaires are provided on Sheet LP3.20. If the Forrey post lights will not be installed, remove the
cut sheet from Sheet3.20.
f. [4.17.4 (a)] The manufacturer cut -sheets on Sheet 3.20 do not show the light distribution of the luminaries that
will emit more than 3,000 lumens (Forrey and Hubbell lights). Please provide additional information
demonstrating that these lights will be equipped with full -cutoff fixtures.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
2. [32.7.9A (c)] On Sheet LP1.00, please state the area of the existing tree canopy that is proposed to be retained,
and identify (generally) the types and sizes of vegetation within those canopy areas.
3. [] In the labels for the 50' and 30' screening buffers on Sheet LP1.00, please state the sheet number that
shows the typical buffer plantings (Sheet LP1.10).
4. [ (a)(2)] The parking spaces located south of the clubhouse building must be screened from the adjacent
parcel. Currently, no screening is shown. Please address the following:
a. Show screening on Sheet LP1.00 that meets the requirements of Section (d). The planting strip area
must be a minimum of 20' wide, and the plant materials must consist of a double staggered row of evergreen
trees planted 15 feet on center, or a double staggered row of evergreen shrubs planted ten feet on center.
b. Update the planting schedule as necessary to include the new trees/shrubs that will be installed to meet the
screening requirement.
5. [ (b)] The parking lot tree calculation on Sheet LP1.00 states that 500 parking spaces are proposed.
However, 528 spaces are shown on the site plan. The calculation needs to be revised to state that 53 trees are
required within the parking area, and two additional trees must be provided within the site.
6. [ZMA201900008] The site plan does not show the transit stop and associated improvements (shelter, rest bench,
signage) that is required by proffer #3a. The proffer requires the transit stop to be installed and completed at the
same time as the other proffered road improvements (proffer #1c), unless County transportation planning staff opt
to initiate proffer #3b (cash in lieu of transit stop). Pending applicant response to this comment, the site plan will
be sent to County transportation planning staff on all future submittals.
a. If the developer plans to address this comment by building the transit stop, revise the site plan to show its
location and all associated improvements.
Please contact Cameron Langille in the Planning Division by using blangille@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext.3432 for
further information.
Comments from Other Reviewers:
Albemarle County Engineering Division - John Anderson, 4anderson2@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) - Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski@albemarle.ore - Review not
yet complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
Albemarle County E911 Services - Andy Slack, aslack@albemarle.org - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals
will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
Albemarle County Building Inspections - Betty Slough, bslough@albemarle.org - Review not yet complete, comments or
approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
Albemarle County Department of Fire & Rescue - Howard Lagomarsino, hlaeomarsino@albemarle.ore - Requested
changes, see attached.
Albemarle County Department of Parks & Recreation - Tim Padalino, toadalino@albemarle.ore - Review not yet
complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) - Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthority.org - Requested changes, see
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) - Doug McAvoy, douelas.mcavov@vdot.vireinia.gov - Requested
changes, see attached.
Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) - devreview@rivanna.org - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals
will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
qoF t+t 401 McIntire Road, North Wing
2`s Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
County of Albemarle
Site Plan review
Project title:
Rio Point Final Site Plan
Project file number:
Plan prepares
Jessica Denko, PE / Timmons Group [ iessica.denkogtimmons.com j
608 Preston Ave., Suite 200 / Charlottesville, VA 22903
Owner or rep.:
Rio Point, LLC / 200 Garrett St., Suite 0, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Plan received date:
22 Jun 2022
Date of comments:
1 Jul 2022
Plan Coordinator:
Cameron Langille (Rebecca Ragsdale)
John Anderson
Engineering has reviewed the final site plan and offers these review comments (based upon ISP review comments).
1. General: (FSP) Item 1. persists. Applicant: `Acknowledged.'
a. WPO202200011 approval is required prior to ESP approval.
b. An easement plat must be recorded prior to WPO plan approval. (Also, item 5.c., below)
c. A SWM facility maintenance agreement must be recorded prior to easement plat recordation.
2. C2.1: Please provide a more explicit reference to `VDOT plan.' (FSP) May persist. Applicant response
(letter d. May 6, 2022): `A note has been added to sheet C2.0. The VDOT plan referenced is 0631-002-128,
C502.' Asfollow-ug: Note does not appear (possible .PDF flattening issue?). If .PDF is not flattened then
saved prior to digital submittal, text may be stripped from the plan. Please confirm Note appears on sheet
C2.0 and comment will be withdrawn.
3. C2.0-C2.6
a. Revise to show Ex. paved walk along J. Warner Pkwy (C2.1). If easement exists over this walk,
please label easement and provide deed bk.-pg. ref. to (public) sidewalk easement. (FSP)
b. Provide existing contour labels. No elevation is provided across existing conditions sheets.
Additional comments possible. (FSP) Addressed.
c. Revise steep slopes label/s to read `preserved steep slopes.' (C2.3) (FSP) Addressed.
d. Revise typo at WB. 173 to read DB. 173 (C2.4). (FSP) Addressed.
e. Label preserved steep slopes (C2.5 ). (FSP) Addressed.
f. Revise parcel label ref. to Helena Ottillia Wetsel et als, consistent with county real estate records
(and C0.0) which identify TMPs 06100-00-00-16700 and 06100-00-00-167CO as owned by Rio
Point LLC. (FSP) Addressed.
4. C4.0
a. Revise `GIS Critical slopes — preserved' label to read `GIS Preserved steep slopes.' Critical
slopes exist in rural districts, steep slopes in development districts, and different review and
construction requirements apply to each category (steep v. critical). (FSP) Addressed.
5. C4.1-4.6
a. Label internal travelways `private access.' (FSP) Addressed.
b. Provide private access easement consistent with sheet 1, ZMA2019-00008 Application Plan.
(FSP) Addressed.
c. Label ACSA utility easements. Label ACSA easement width. A separate easement plat
application is required for ACSA utility, SWM, and public drainage easements. (FSP) Partially
Engineering Review Comments
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addressed. As follow- uo:Please submit easement plat with easement plat application and review
fee at earliest convenience.
6. C4.2
a. Recommend Open Space 1.1 ac. label be revised as needed to reflect <1.1 Ac. if future Rio Rd. E.
/J. Warner Parkway roundabout consumes a portion of Open Space. Paved roadway /public RW
likely do not qualify as Open Space. (FSP) Withdrawn. Applicant: `Label has been revised per
Parks Department comments. Portion of frontage will be dedicated to right-of-way. Open space
calculation matches approved Application Plan with the rezoning.'
b. Recommend C4.2 include line -type /label tha. _. ..cure Rio W.A. Warner Pkwy. roundabout,
consistent with approved Timmons Group ZMA Application plan, sheet 1. (FSP) Withdrawn.
Applicant: `The roundabout layout was conceptual and not designed or approved. It was included
for reference on the Application plan as requested by the County. This plan reflects the existing
conditions per date of plan submission.'
7. C4.4
a. Provide (internal development) roundabout inscribed circle linework, consistent with Min, radius,
Figure 2 (table) at VDOT Roundabout Design Guidance, Version 1.1, March 2014. Label
inscribed circle R and check to ensure R attains Min. inscribed circle value (45' — 90' R). (FSP)
b. Provide, show, label CG-3 Modified Truck Apron curb detail (for internal roundabout), ref.
VDOT Roundabout Design Guidance, Figure 7. (FSP) Addressed.
8. C4.5 (Also- C4.0)
a. Separate Rio Commons townhouse development is shown. Please include ref. to SDP202100045
on C0.0, C4.0, C4.5 to avoid any misunderstanding that Rio Commons is separate and apart from
Rio Point development. (FSP) Addressed.
9. C4.7
a. Revise sheet index (key map) consistent with C4.8 sheet index, which is correct. (FSP)
10. C5.0
a. Review reverse slope bench requirements at 18-4.3.3.C.1. and provide design as needed when any
2:1 slope exceeds 20' (vertical interval), any 3:1 slope exceeds 30', or any 4:1 slope exceeds 40'.
(FSP) Addressed.
11. C5.1+
a. Multiple SWM facilities shown on C5.0 series will be reviewed with W 0202200011. Please
ensure any revisions to the WPO plan translate to ESP proposed contours. (FSP) May persist.
Applicant: `Acknowledged.'
b. With FSP, please limn posed r: all ht. to 10' Mai , (FSP) Addressed.
c. Provide PE -sealed retaining wall plans (required for Engineering to recommend ESP approval).
(FSP) Persists. Applicant: `Acknowledged, plans will be provided to the county for review.'
d. Wherever grade concentrates storm runoff against curb, provide Aabel CG-6, as opposed to CG-2.
(FSP) Partially addressed. Applicant: `CG-6 is provided (and labeled) where applicable.' As
follow-up: A few locations requiring CG-6 persist, for example: grade concentrates runoff against
curb fronting building 1, and against curb at the Rio Road East north right in -only entrance (C5.3).
e. For all parking spaces fronting 2:1 or 3:1 graded slopes, provide /label VDOT guardrail (GR-2).
(FSP) Partially addressed. Applicant: `Guardrail has been added.' Asfollow-up: 13 parking
spaces opposite building 2 face 2:1 slope at wet pond, location merits GR-2. Please provide,
show, label GR-2 (C5.5).
f Provide drainage at base of proposed fill slope to convey increased volume of sheet flow away
from Rio Road East and to protect existing /future sidewalk at this location from wash, or erosion.
Sheet runoff may not release uncontrolled across this slope without capture /conveyance. (FSP)
12. C5.2
a. Several extraneous TC labels with leader lines appear to float, without pointing to top of curb.
(FSP) Addressed.
Engineering Review Comments
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b. Provide label to identify heavy line -type rectangles that may be garage or storage units, these
features front 3:1 SWM facility slope. (FSP) Addressed.
13. C5.3
a. Note railing requirements, VDOT Road Design Manual Appendix A(I ), pg. A(I)-76 for sidewalks
when separation from the back edge of a sidewalk to the top of a 2:1 slope (or drop-off > 4 ft.) is
< 5-ft., as is the case with several proposed sidewalks adjacent to SWM facilities. Provide
required railing, or at least 5' separation. (FSP) NA. Note: SWM facilities have been removed
with this submission.
b. Inlets 602 and 504 appear to collect runoff from Rio Road East. Provide public drainage easement
beyond public RW to downstream SWM treatment or detention facilities. (FSP) Addressed.
c. Provide public SWM easement for proposed SWM facilities. (FSP) Addressed.
d. Provide public drainage easements for SWM facility outfalls. (FSP) Addressed.
14. C5.4
a. It appears the large SWM facility does not have an emergency spillway. SWM facility design will
be evaluated with WPO202200011, including presence or absence of emergency spillway. Special
design criteria apply to emergency spillways on fill slopes. (FSP) NA. SWM design evaluated
with VRO202200011.
15. C5.5
a. Provide note to contractor to coordinate grading with Rio Commons contractor /developer.
Coordination is required to avoid misalignment (or dispute), especially given Rio Commons
reliance on retaining walls in vicinity of travelway proposed to connect the two developments.
(FSP) Addressed.
b. Label large SWM facility, which appears to be a wet pond. If this facility has a permanent pool,
provide fixed barrier landscaping or fencing to prevent trespass, and provide signs that warn of
drowning hazard. (FSP) Addressed.
16. C8.0-C82
a. Recommend 95% compaction note/label, leader lines for storm ME str. or pipes substantially or
enurely in fill Piles 21 �_ 241, 243, 245, and 221, for example. Also, MH structures 242, 244 214,
(FSP) Addressed.
b. Provide note /label and leader line requiring %:" steel plate floors for "step down" manholes where
difference between invert of inlet pipe and invert of outlet pipe is 4' or greater. Ref. VDOT
Drainage Manual,, Max. Grades. (FSP) Persists. Applicant: `SL-1 is specified on profiles.'
As follow-up: Certain `step down' structures with difference between INV IN — INV OUT >4-ft.
require %" steel plate in the bottom of the manhole, for example, Sir. 224.
Engineering Review Comments
Page 4 of 4
17. C8.3
a. Increase pipe slope, pipe #501, to 0.5% Min. (FSP) Withdrawn. Applicant: `Pipe has been
removed with removal of biofilter.'
b. Decrease pipe slope, pipe #223, to 16% Max. (FSP) Addressed.
c. Storm structure table reference to ht. is confusing in places; for example: 426.08', Str. 4200. This
height does not appear to be an elevation reference. Please check /revise structure heights for the
four (4) structures listed with height >400'. (FSP) Addressed.
Please feel free to call if any questions: 434.296-5832 -x3069
Thank you
J. Anderson
SDP202200031 Rio Point FSP 070122.docx
Review Comments for SDP202200031 Final Site Developmentl3lan
Date Completed: Friday, July 08, 2022 Department/DivisiordAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Howard Lagomarsino Fire Rescue Requested Changes
Pager County of Albemarle Printed On: 77/1912 222
Albemarle County
Service Authority
Serving ♦ Conserving
June 28, 2022
Jessica Denko, P.E.
Timmons Group
608 Preston Ave. Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA 22903
RE: Rio Point; SDP 2022-0009
1st Review
Dear Jessica Denko:
The Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) has reviewed the above referenced site plan and
the following comments must be addressed prior to the plan being approvable to the ACSA.
1. All offsite easements must be recorded prior to plan approval and the recordation
information should be shown on the plans.
2. Manhole EX that you are proposing to connect to does not appear to exist. Is there a plan
to extend the ACSA sewer to this location? This offsite plan would need to be approved
before these plans can be approved.
3. Coordinate the offsite sewer extension shown on these plans with the proposed Rio
Commons development so a manhole is installed at their connection point to the offsite
4. ACSA will own the sanitary sewer line up to and including manhole 8. All sewerlines and
manholes upstream from manhole 8 will be privately owned. Clearly label the privately
owned sewerlines and manholes on the plan and profile views. The ACSA easement for
the offsite sewer should extend to the property line north of manhole 8. There should be a
separate overlapping private sewer easement for the section of sewer between manhole 8
and the property line that will be privately owned and maintained.
5. RWSA approval is required for the proposed waterline connection. If plans have not
already been routed to RWSA, please submit them directly to RWSA for review.
6. A Flow Acceptance letter is required from the RWSA for this project. ACSA will
request this from RWSA. Provide the anticipated schedule for full build -out of this site.
7. Provide plumbing fixture counts for each building so that the meters can be sized.
8. All onsite waterlines, except fire hydrant leads and lines to buildings, should be 8".
9. Shift the waterline connection in Rio Road to the northern entrance of the site. The new
waterline tee where the northern entrance (Road 3) meets Road 2 should be fully valved (3
valves). If needed, lower storm sewer 259 to maintain 12" of separation between the
waterline and the storm sewer.
168 Spotnap Road — Charlottesville, VA 22911 — Phone (434) 977-4511 — Fax (434) 979-0698
10. Eliminate the waterline that runs through the open space south of Building 10. The
waterline that is in the private access road, to provide service to Building 5, should be
extended to the north and connect to the waterline in Road 1.
11. Extend the waterline that runs along the southern portion of Road 1 (south of Building 11)
so that it connects to the waterline in Road 2. This should be a fully valved tee. The valves
should not be located under any concrete.
12. Shift the waterline in Road 2 to the eastern side of the road.
13. How will water service be provided to the clubhouse, pool and pool house?
14. For the combination domestic and fire connections, on the 6" line there should be a 6"x4"
tee, with a 4" GV and then a threaded plug to transition to 2" copper for the domestic line
and a 6" GV on the fire line immediately after the 6"x4" tee. The fire line will be private
after the 6" gate valve. None of the valves should be located under concrete or in a parking
space. Due to space limitations, it may be beneficial to have the domestic service and the
fire line tee off the 8" waterline separately for some buildings.
15. Relocate the domestic and fire connections for the following buildings:
a. Building 1— Locate all meters a minimum of 2' away from driveways and 10' from
sewer laterals.
b. Building 2- Locate all meters a minimum of 2' away from driveways and 10' from
sewer laterals.
c. Building 4 — Move to a location with more space. Possible locations are near the
southeast comer of the building or in the island to the northeast that already has a
fire hydrant in it.
d. Building 5— Move to a location with more space. A possible location is in the island
to the northwest that already has a fire hydrant in it.
e. Building 6 — Shift the meter vault so that it is 10' away from the building. Shift the
sidewalk so that it is centered between the two water meter vaults. Shift the 6"x4"
tee and water meter vault to the north.
f. Building 7 - Shift the 6"x4" tee and water meter vault to the north.
g. Building 8 — Shift the entire assembly to the south so the 6"x4" tee, valves and
water meter vault are in the island on the south side of the sidewalk.
h. Building 9 — Shift water meter vault to the north so it is 2' off the sidewalk.
i. Building 10 - Move to a location with more space. Possible locations are the islands
on the northwest or northeast comers of the building.
j. Building 11- Move to a location with more space. Possible locations are the islands
on the southwest or southeast comers of the building.
k. Potential Future Building — Shift to the west to the open area next to the building.
16. South of Building 2, if the layout of the proposed building(s) is finalized, show the
proposed building(s). Otherwise, remove the water services from the plans.
17. Show and label an RPZ assembly on the private side of each meter.
18. Show and label the DDCA for each fire line after the 6" isolation valve. If these will be
located inside the building, note that on the plans. If they will be installed in vaults, show
the vaults on the plans.
19. I recommend collocating hydrants in islands with water meters where practical to group
ACSA infrastructure together and leave some of the islands for landscaping.
20. The water pressure at most meters will exceed 80 psi. Private PRV's may need to be
installed on private portion of the service lines or in the buildings.
21. The hydrant north of building 2 should be shifted so the hydrant is between the curb and
22. Show and label all tees on the waterline profiles. Show all crossings with other utilities
including sanitary laterals.
23. Show the ACSA manholes with tops 6" above grade in unmaintained areas.
24. The ACSA easements should extend around all appurtenances, including meter vaults and
25. Show the proposed ACSA easements on the utility sheets, the landscaping sheet and the
lighting sheet. Move all trees, shrubs and light poles out of ACSA easements.
Please include annotated responses to all of these comments with the next submission. If I may
be of any further assistance with questions or clarifications, please feel free to contact me at (434)
977-4511 ext. 158 or by email atjweiler@serviceauthority.org.
Justin Weiler, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
cc: Christopher Henry
Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street (804) 7862701
Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 Fax: (804) 786.2940
June 24, 2021
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Rebecca Ragsdale
Re: Rio Point — Final Site Plan
Review # 1
Dear Ms. Ragsdale:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as prepared by Timmons Group, dated 5 May
2022, and offers the following comments:
1. Provide details for the CG-12 ADA ramps. Particularly, the truncated domes plates must
span the part of the ramp that is flush with the roadway pavement, and the two ramps
must point a pedestrian towards each other across the roadway.
2. Why are the stormwater volumes for structures 266 and 268 zero? These structures may
not capture stormwater from the site, but they capture it from the road and carry it into
the site's system, and must be included in the design of that system.
Please provide a digital copy in PDF format of the revised plan along with a comment response
letter. If further information is desired, please contact Doug McAvoy Jr. at (540) 718-6113.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
Doug McAvoy Jr., P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency