HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-19August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 1) A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on August i9, 1987, at 7:30 P.M., Meeting Room #7, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, and J. T. Henley, Jr. BOARD MEMBRRS ABSENT: Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom and Peter T. Way. OFFICF. RS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney; and Mr. John T. P. Home, Director of Planning and Community Development. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:31 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Fisher. Agenda Item No. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence. Agenda Item No. 4. Consent Agenda. Mr. Bowie offered motion to accept the Consent Agenda as information. Mrs. Cooke seconded the motion. There being no discussion, roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Item No. 4.1. as information. Planning Commission mlnutes for August 4, 1987, received Agenda Item No. 5. SP-87-64. Mission of Christ Church. To allow church on 25.42 acres, zoned RA. Property located on west side of Route 725 about 300 feet south of Route 627 near Esmont. Tax Map 128, Parcels 65 and 70. Scottsville District (advertised in the Daily Progress on August 4 and August 11, 1987). Mr. Horne gave the Staff Report which follows: "Petition: Mission of Christ Ghurch petitions the Board of Super- visors to issue a special use permit for a Church and Cemetery ( on 25.42 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas. Property, described as Tax Map 128, Parcels 65 and 70, is located on the west side of Route 723 at Esmont in the Scottsville Magisterial District. Character of the Area: This site is gently rolling and partially cleared. A mobile home is across Route 725 and two dwellings are to the north. Between Route 725 and Route 6 on Route 627 are a church, medical center, and Yancey Elementary School, as well as several dwellings. Route 725 is a dead end road. VDOT has stated that commercial sight distance can be obtained. Staff Comment: This church is proposed as a replacement for a church that burned at another location. Building plans show a seating capacity in the sanctuary for 84 persons.. Regular attendance is 40 to 50 persons. Two services are provided per week. Staff has reviewed this petition for consistency with criteria for issuance of a special use permit and it is staff's opinion that a church at th~m location would not be obtrusive nor out of character with other uses in the area. Staff recommends approval subject to: 1. Sanctuary seating l~m{tad to 84 persons; .55 August lg, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 2) Approval is for worship usage only. Day care or other such uses will require amendment of this permit; Administrative approval of site plan after review by the Site Review Committee." Mr. Horne said on August 4, 1987, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this petition subject to the three conditions. Mr. Fisher asked if any Board member had question~. When no questions were asked, Mr. Fisher opened the public hearing and asked the applicant to come forward and address the Board. Reverend Marilyn Jordan and Deacon Charles Jordan came forward. Reverend Jordan said they need the per, nit to re-establish the church, which burned on October 19, 1986. She said they believe if the church can be established in Esmont, it could make Esmont a better community by getting more people into the church and also ~mprove the neighborhood. Mr. Fisher tbankedR~verend 3ordan and asked if tt~re were any questions from the Boa=d. Mr. Henley said he has some questions about the seating capacity, and he asked Mr. Home if the church has been built already. Mr. Home replied no, but building plans have been provided to the Planning Commission and the seating capacity is shown on the plans; staff felt that 84 is a fairly significant expansion over what the capacity is now. Mr. Henley said he has reservations about putting a limit on the Lord's worshipping. Mr. Fisher asked Reverend Jordan if the limit of 84 people in the sanctuary presents a problem. The Reverend said not right now because they do not have 84 people in the congregation, but they are hoping to expand. As time goes on, as membership increases, they will have a larger build,nE. She said right now they just want to get started. Mr. Fisher asked if anyone else wished to speak to the application. With no one else coming forward to speak, the public hearthE was closed. Mr. Henley askedMr. Home if the 84 person capacity can be increased if the building size is increased. Mr. Home replied yes. Mr. Bowie asked if the plan is approved the way it is now, will the church have to reapply if membership increases to 100 people. Mr. Home replied yes, if seating capac- ity is to be increased; as long as the size of the sanct~ary remains the same~ the seating capacity will be treated as 84. This is based on past policy, where capacity is usually limited to what is asked for to keep track if there is expansion. Mr. Henley made a motion to approve SP-87-64 with the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. Mrs. Cooke seconde~, the. motion. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. F~sher and Hen]my. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. LindstromandWay. (Conditions are as follows:) 1. Sanctuary seating limited to 84 persons; 2. Approval is for worship usage only. Day care or other such uses will require amendment of this permit; 3. Administrative approval of site plan after review by the Site Review Committe~. Agenda Item No. 6. Keswick l.and Trust request-to extend the time limit on the following spec~al use permits which were originally approved in Ma~ch, 1986 (advertised in the Daily Progress on August 10 and August 17, 1987): SP-86-02. Tom Curtis, Trustee. To permit six guest ronmm approved for two existing cottages to be located in We~wick August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 3). Clubhouse addition/conference center and this addition to be connected to the main clubhouse. SP-86-03. Tom Curtis, Trustee. Allow for construction of golf course and road in the floodplain. SP-86-04. Tom Curtis, Trustee. Allow for subdivision of club- house tract into two parcels. Memorandum, from Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., dated August 11, 1987, follows: "Mr. Tom Curtis, Trustee for Keswick Country Club Land Trust has requested the extension of SP-86-02, SP-86-03 and SP-86-04 which are due to expire on August 19, 1987. The Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance provides that Special Use Permits shall become void 18 months after their approval unless work has commenced toward the completion of the use, structure or activity. The above special use permits involve the provision of guestrooms in the Keswick Clubhouse addition/conference center, renovation of two existing cottages into a tennis pro shop and storage building (SP-86-02); and allows for the subdivision of the clubhouse tract into two parcels (SP-86-04). The Albemarle County Zoning Administrator has determined that sub- stantial work has been started on SP-86-02 and SP-86-03 and does not require an extension of time. SP-86-04, however, has not been complied with and would necessitate an extension. Since no changes in the existing zoning ordinance have occurred which would alter the conditions or uses/activities requested by these special permits, the County Executive staff recox~nends your approval of the extension of SP-86-04 through August 19, 1988; a period of one l, year. After summarizing his memorandum, Mr. Agnor said staff recommends approval of SP-86-04 for a period of one year. He said the two year extension listed on the agenda is an error; Mr. Curtis' letter dated July 28, 1987, requested no specific extension, but a more recent letter of August 14, 1987, requests a one year extension. At this time the public hearing was opened. Mr. Tom Curtis, Trustee of Keswick Country Club Land Trust, said the request was summarized quite well. He confirmed that the extension is for just one year. They have asked for the extension because they are awaiting confirmation of funds from a fourth lender. Mr. Bowie asked if the problem lies with the Highway Department approval on the road design. Mr. Curtis answered that the special use permit requires State approval of road plans within an 18-month period. Keswick Country Club Land Trust has tried to meet all requests as timely as possible; the plat cannot be recorded until the road is completed. The road is under a separate permit, which is up right now. With no one else coming forward to speak, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Bowie made a motion to extend SP-86-04 for one year, until August 19, 1988. Mrs. Cooke seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Agenda Item No. 7. Stone Robinson Elementary School - Approval of Sewage Discharge Permit. (Deferred from August 12, 1987.) Memorandum dated August 18, 1987, from Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive, follows: "Messrs. George Williams, Bill Brent, David Papenfuse and I have discussed the operation and ownership of the package treatment plant i57 August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 4) planned for the Stone Robinson School. The plan will require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the State Water Control Board (SWCB), and a requirement of the permit will be that a State certified plant operator will be 'in responsible charge' of the operations of the plant. The operation will require daily visits, periodic testing, and monthly reports, the extent of which is controlled by the amount of flow and level of treatment for which the plant will be licensed by SWCB. The School Division seems to have three options for the operational responsibility: Operation by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) staff which will require the school to become a customer of the Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) who in turn contract with the RWSA to operate the plant. Operation and maintenance costs on a time and material basis would be directly passed!from RWSA through ACSA to the School Division. Operation by the School Division through a contract with a private service company licensed and certified to provide such services. There are several such companies in the State, and privately owned package plants in the area are being serviced by such companies. Operation by the School Division through employment of a certi- fied operator on a part-time basis. The certified operator could be a RWSA operator, or a retired operator seeking part-time employment. The operator would be provided with access to the School Division maintenance staff, and member(s) of that staff could be trained for certification, if the School Division so chose. Ownership of the plant has only a single alternative, i.e. the plant should be owned by the agency to which the NPDES permit is issued. Since compliance with the parameters of the permit frequantly is a matter related to the use of a building, as well as to the operation of the treatment plant, the permit should be issued to the agency that owns and operates the building which the treatment plant serves, where a plant serves a singular building. It theref6re appears that the treatment plant should be owned by the School DiVision. An additional consideration is that penalties resulting from permit violations can be significant, and the application of any such penalties would apply to the owners and users of theibuilding(s), who are also owners and users of the treatment plant. Penalties result- ing from plant operations would be provided for in an operational contract. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that: The decision on the operation of the plant be co~Lsidered by the School Board. Assistance by ACSA and RWSA staff.has been offered for that decision process. The ownership of the plant be retained by the School Division. The certification to the SWCB that the plant complies with county ordinances be authorized to proceed. That is an~initial step in the NPDES permit process. It is also involved in the issuance of a building permit, which is targeted for approxim~ately October 1." Mr. Agnor said the memorandum does not refer to the Four-Party Agreement; however, he has examined the Agreement and found that where the Agreement calls for the RWSA to treat all wastewater from publicly-owned facilities, it excludes the facilities of the Albemarle County School Board and the Common- wealth of Virginia. Mr. Fisher asked if the application to the SWCB will ~state that the plant will be used only for the operation of the school. Mr. Agnor replied affirma- August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 5) !58 tively. Mr. Fisher said the problems that have occurred with package treat- ment plants have been significant enough to make him question whether the right to run such a plant should be given to a private operator or school operator. Federal and State government standards placed on streams, along - with noise and odor standards imposed by citizens, would recommend that the RWSA operate the plant; RWSA is equipped with expertise, laboratories, and the people who need to do this. Mr. Fisher said he can go along with Recommen- dation No. 3, which is the only thing the Board must deal with tonight in order to get the building permit. He said the certification to the SWCB should state that as long as the plant is operated by RWSA, the plant complies with all County rules. He feels very strongly that this should be a require- ment for any plant; there should be no multiplicity of people trying to operate sewage treatment plants in the County. Mr. Agnor said the problems that have occurred in the past were generated by the early issuance and usages of package plants; it has become much better from a design point of view and there are people now in the contracting business that operate these plants more efficiently than before. Mr. Bowie said philosophically he agrees with Mr. Fisher. However, two plants privately run are operating satisfactorily. He said the County should work toward that goal, but he does not think putting a condition on the plant does anything more than stall the School Board operation of this for two or three months. Mr. Fisher said it does nob stall anything. He said the Board should certify that the plant complies with County ordinances as long as it is operated by RWSA. Mr. Bowie said he does not think that regulations require every plant must be operated by RWSA. Mr. Agnor replied that all publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities shall be operated by RWSA, but the regulations except plants owned by the Albemarle County School Board. Mr. Fisher said the suggested requirement probably will not hurt anything. Mr. Bowie said no, except that it imposes a condition the County may not be able to meet strictly if RWSA does not want to run the plant. Mr. Henley said he agrees with Mr. Fisher; he does not want to hold up work on the school, but he feels the County should try to get the RWSA to operate the plant, if possible. Mr. Agnor said the RWSA will operate it; the problem is that this matter has not been considered by the School Board. However, Mr. Agnor said his guess is that the School Board will welcome this recommendation. Mr. Agnor said he agrees that the RWSA has the equipment and expertise to operate the plant, but he feels .Uncomfortable making this a requirement a part of the certification to the State. Mr. Fisher said this will tell the School Board that they are in the business of running schools, but not running sewage treatment plants. Mr. Bowie said he has no problem with this, except he does not see why it has to be part of the certification. That sh6uld be handled as direction from the Board to the School Board. Mr. Fisher said he feels this is the County's chance to say how it wants the plant run. MrS. Cooke said she agrees with Mr. Fisher and with Mr. Henley. Now is a good time to begin bringing this sort of thing into a uniformity of compliance. Mr. Bowie asked where the requirement should be included in the certification. Mr.~Fisher said the certification should read, "The Board of Supervisors certifies to the State Water Control Board that the plant complies with all Countyiordinances and that the School Board be authorized to proceed provided that the plant will be operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority." Mr. Bowie made a motion to approve the certification as stated above. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cooke. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Agenda Item No. 7a. Discussion: Dog Leash Law for Hollymead. Mr. Agnor said staff has looked at a map of the Hollymead area and the language of an ordinance in order to consider an emergency leash law for the Hollymead area. Mr. Bowie pointed out the areas under consideration on a map drawn by Mr. Home. Mr. Bowie said the key reason for the emergency legisla- August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 6) tion is that school will begin before a public hearing can be held. He then read the specific area designations for the emergency leash law as follows: 1. Hollymead Subdivision - Sections 1-2 in Deed Book 531, Page 309-313, Section 3 in Deed Book 710, Page 444. 2. School Property - Parcel 27B. He asked Mr. St. John if this is sufficient to amend the law. Mr. St. John said he thinks the description given by Mr. Bowie is adequate. He read the opening paragraph to amend the Code, and then said the description given by Mr. Bowie could be inserted. At this time, Mr. Bowie added to the list: 1. Hollymead Square in Deed Book 622, Page 330. 2. Janice G. Snow - Tax Map 46, Parcel 28G in Deed Book 418, Page 440. Mr. Fisher asked if members of the Board wanted to give the public time to speak. Mr. Henley said he does not remember the Board ever enacting an emergency leash law. He said he would like to hear some reason or justifi- cation for doing so rather than following the normal procedure. Mr. Fisher said that Mr. Bowie thinks the issue is urgent enough to bring it before the Board. At this time, the public hearing was opened to those wishing to make a brief statement. Ms. Mary Beth Wagner said she had spoken on this issue before; dogs in the neighborhood have killed cats, and this is the reason residents are coneerned. Mr. Bowie said the reason he was requested to enact an emergency leash law pending a public hearing is because the Hollymead school will open before a public hearing can be held, and there is no real way to control loose dogs. With no else coming forward to speak, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Fisher asked if there were any corrections to the deed book numbers read. Mr. Bowie said there were none. Mr. Fisher called for discussion from the Board. Mr. Henley said he would like to have a reason other than a dog killed a cat. He said he is in favor of leash laws. Mr. Fisher asked if the delineation of the area will be the same as what has been proposed. Mr. Bowie said the public hearing should be advertised as what is listed. Mr. St. John said if the ordinance is to remain in effect after 60 days, there must be a public hearing on the ordinance. In addition, staff was asked to study alternatives to a county-wide leash law, a leash law for the urban area, along with several other measures. He said the area addressed tOnight will be the subject of a public hearing on September 16, 1987. Mr. Fisher said any permanent enactment must also have a public hearing. Mr. Henley said he still feels a public hearing should be held if the Board approves this emergency legislation. Mr. Bowie saidlthe difference is, as he sees it, that of the 200 plus houses in Hollymead, 195 are already on the petition. Assuming that those who did not sign the petition are against a leash law, a vast majority of residents have signed. Mr. Bowie made a motion to enact the emergency leash taw as described by the County Attorney with the list of properties read by himself; and to set the ordinance for public hearing on September 16, 1987, the ordinance reading as follows: BE IT ORDAINED that section 4-19(a) of the County Code of Albemarle County be and it is hereby amended to add subsection 24 as follows: 1. Hollymead Subdivision Sections 1-2 in Deed ~Book 531, Page 309-313. Section 3 in Deed Book 710, Page 444. 2. Hollymead Square in Deed Book 622, Page 330. 3. Janice G. Snow - Tax Map 46, Parcel 28G in Deed Book 418, Page 440. August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page ~7) 4. School Property - Parcel 27B. An emergency being deemed to exist this amendment shall take effect August 20, 1987, to become permanent upon reenactment after proper public hearing within 60 days. Mr. St. John said the Board should make findings of fact to underline this emergency so it will not be accused later of using the emergency to placate a situation it wants to dispose of. Mrs. Cooke said the residents have had a problem, they are concerned, school starts very soon, and children playing attract dogs. She said until such time as a public hearing can be held, the residents have a legitimate concern, and 60 days is time enough to investigate so the matter can be addressed by the Board, and then Mrs. Cooke seconded the foregoing motion. Mr. Henley said he will support the motion; however, if there was a problem, something should have been done before now. Mr. Fisher said if the motion passes and goes to public hearing with just the area delineated, that will be the end of the crisis. There will be no further concern about the rest of the County and the problems that exist there. No one agreed with him. Roll was called and the foregoing motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Agenda Item No. 8. Appointment: JPA-Fontaine Area Study Advisory Committee. Mr. Fisher said the group of people listed in the memorandum, dated August 19, 1987, from Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., reside in the Samuel Miller District. He recommends that Mr. Gordon Granger serve on the Committee, and that Mr. Paul Rood be asked to serve also. Mr. Fisher suggested that Mr. Clifford W. Haury serve as a backup for Mr. Rood. Mr. Bowie made a motion that Mr. Gordon~ Granger and Mr. Paul Rood be appointed to serve on the JPA-Fontaine Area Study Advisory Committee, and that Mr. Clifford W. Haury serve as a backup for Mr. Rood. Mrs. Cooke seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Mr. Fisher said he had met with Mrs. Cooke to read over applications received for the various boards and commissions, and they will make the following recommendations. Mr. Fisher said Mr. Gordon Walker, of the Advisory Council on Aging, recommended Mrs. Genevieve Murphy for appointment. The Board has also re~ an application from Mrs. Betty L. Newell for~several positions, one of which is Advisory Council on Aging. He said both terms have been vacant since June 1, and he and Mrs. Cooke recommend thatBetty Newell and Genevieve Murphy be appointed to fill those two positions. Mr. Bowie made a motion to appoint Mrs. Genevieve Murphy to the Advisory Council on Aging, with said term to expire on June 1, 1989, and Mrs. Betty L. Newell to the Advisory Council on Aging, for a term to expire on June 1, 1989. Mrs. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. None. Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. 161 August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 8) Mrs. Cooke made a motion to reappoint Mr. Dallas R. Crowe to the Joint Airport Commission, for a term to expire on December 1, 1990;. and Mr. Edward B. Lowery as the joint appointee to the Joint Airport Commission contingent upon approval by the City Council, for a term to expire on December 1, 1990. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Mr. Fisher said Judge Paul Peatross has resigned from the Alcohol Safety Action Program, because the Judicial Council of Virginia has decided it is inadvisable for a judge to serve on the local VASAP board. Mr. Fisher asked for recommendations from the Board or staff as to replacement for Judge Peatross. Mrs. Cooke recommended the reappointment of Mr. Kenneth O. Smith to the BOCA Code Board of Appeals, for a term to expire on August 21, 1992. Mr. Henley made a motion to approve this reappointment. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. None. Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Mrs. Cooke said the applications for the Community Services Board have been reviewed, and the recommendation is to appoint Mr. Charles Mitchell Toms, Jr. to fill the vacancy. Mr. Bowie made a motion to approve this appointment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henley. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT .' Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. None. Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Mrs. Cooke recommended that Mr. Fred C. McCormick be reappointed to the Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals. Mr. Henley made a motion to approve this reappointment. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. None. Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Agnor to call Judge Jannine Shannon to ask her if she wishes to continue to serve on the JAUNT board. Mrs. Cooke recommended the reappointment of Mr. Harry D. Kennedy and Mrs. E. A. "Shifty" Sides to the Jordan Development Corporation for a term to expire on August 13, 1988. Mr. Bowie made a motion to approve the reappoint- ments. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Mrs. Cooke recommended the reappointment of Messrs. Dan M. Maupin, Samuel Page, and Montie Pace, to the Land Use Classification Appeals Board for terms to expire September 1, 1989. Mr. Bowie made a motion to approve the reappoint- ments. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 9) Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Henley if he had anyone to recommend for the Agricul- tural/Forestal District Advisory Committee. Mr. Henley said he spoke with several people, and Mr. Dan M. Maupin said he would serve. Mr. Henley made a motion to appoint Mr. Dan M. Maupin to the Agricultural/Forestal District board to serve out Colonel Washington's unexpired term. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion tarried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. At 8:35 P. M., Mrs. Cooke made a motion, to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. The meeting was reconvened into open session at 8:43 P.M. Mrs. Cooke stated that the Board has deaided to wait until Mr. Way is present to discuss the appointment to the Library Board. Agenda Item No. 9. Approval of Minutes: March 18, 1985; October 1 (Night) 1986; March 17 and June 10, 1987. Mr. Fisher said he had read the minutes of March 17, 1987, and found them to be in good order, and recommends that they be approved. Mr. Bowie made a motion to approve those minutes. Mrs. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher and Henley. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Messrs. Lindstrom and Way. Agenda Item No. 10. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Board or Public. Mr. Henley asked Mr. Agnor if he had received a copy of a letter from Mr. John Sanderson, President of the Greenwood Citizens Council, about the Green- wood Chemical plant. Mr. Agnor said yes. Mr. Henley asked if the Board could have some answers to the four questions posed in the letter for September 2, 1987. Mr. Agnor replied yes. Mr. Fisher said he spoke with Ms. Cynthia Bailey, who is in charge of hazardous waste operations in Richmond. Ms. Bailey said she knew that the Greenwood Chemical plant was still on the Board's agenda, and had still not been cleaned up. Mr. Fisher said he hopes Mr. Agnor can find out what is going on. Mr. Agnor drew the Board members' attention to the memorandum from Mr. Mark N. Reynolds, Extension Agent/Agriculture, dated August 14, 1987. The memorandum stated that it is too early to assess the total damage picture in Albemarle County caused by drought conditions. The Agencies will continue to monitor the situation and will keep the Board informed. 163 Agenda Item No. 11. August 19, 1987 (Regular Meeting) (Page 10) Adjourn. With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 P.M.