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SUB201900050 Assessment - Environmental 2019-03-29
Old Dominion Onsite, Inc. Invoice 116 -#E Sylvia Rd. Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 746-7794 odoinfo@olddominiononsite.com http://olddominiononsite.com BILL TO Anita Dunbar Dirk G. DeHooge, Sr. Estate 104 Westminister Rd Charlottesville, VA 22901 INVOICE* DATE TOTAL DUE DUE DATE TERMS ENCLOSED 19-114D 03/28/2019 $475.00 __. 04/27/2019 Net 30 PROJECT 4658 Advance Mill Rd ACTIVITY QTY AMOUNT Subdivision Soil Study 1 475.00 Thank you for your business. BALANCE DUE $ 75.00 A 3%late fee will be added for balances over 30 days old. `t RECEIVED MAR 292019 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Old Dominion Onsite Inc. Page of 116 Sylvia Road, Suite E, Ashland VA 23005 OSE/PE Report for Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: 4658 Advance Mill Rd City. Earlysville Lot H Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map# TM Portion of 31-44G1 Health Dept. ID# Latitude 38.163225 Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Dirk G. DeHooge, Sr. Estate Street: 104 Westminister Rd City, State, Zip Code: Charlottesville,VA 22901 Prepared by: OSE Name Donald Heckler License# 1940001231 Address 40 Deer Tail Ln City, State, Zip Code Louisa,VA 23093 PE Name License# Address City, State, Zip Code Date of Report: March 28, 2019 Date of revision#1 AOSE/PE Job Number: 1231-19-006 Date of Revision#2 Contents/Index of this report: 1. Cover Page 2. Site Evaluation 3. Soil Profile 4. Asbuilt Drawing 5. Abbreviated Design Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630), and all other applicable laws, regulations and policiesimplemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I futher certify that I currently posses any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemtion in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A.11 recommend a Subdivision Approval be issued OSE/PE Signature Date OSE Job#: 1231-19-006 Page 2 of 5 Health Department ID# Site and Soil Evaluation Report Due Date (For certification letters and subdivisions) Old Dominion Onsite Inc. 40 Deer Tail Ln Ashland VA 23005 Tax Map/GPIN Ref: Portion of 31-44G1 540-223-0172 General Information • Date: February 14,2019 Albemarle County Health Department Applicant: Same as Owner Telephone No.: Address: Owner: Dirk G.DeHooge,Sr.Estate Address: 104 Westminster Rd,Charlottesville VA 22901 Location: West side of Advance Mills Rd about 0.9 mile North of Earlysville Rd Subdivision: Block/Section: Lot: H Soil Information Summary 1.Position in landscape satisfactory Yes n No n Describe Side Slope 2. Slope 6-8 % 3.Depth to rock/impervious strata Max. 65"+ Min. 64"+ None n 4.Free Water No n Yes n Range in Inches 5. Depth to seasonal water table(gray mottling or gray color) 65"+ inches 6. Soil percolation rate estimated Yes X Texture group 1 II nlI X III I Iry No Estimated Rate 53 min./inch at 40 inches 7.Percolation test performed Yes Number of percolation test holes No 71 1 Depth of percolation test holes Average percolation rate mpi Name(s)and title(s)of evaluator(s): Donald Hackler AOSE# 1940001231 540-223-0172 Signature(s) ©Site Approved. Absorption trench dispersing Septic tank effluent to be placed at 40 (inches)depth at site designated on permit.Site provides a total of 2700 square feet of absorption area for primary and reserve. Site Disapproved.Reasons for Rejection(check all that apply) 1 Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2 Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3 Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table. 4 Rates of absorption to slow. 5 Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfleld,and/or Reserve Area. 6 Proposed system too close to well. 7 Other—Specify Revised 12/1/2014 OSE Job#: 1231-19-006 Page 3 of 5 Date of Evaluation: February 14,2019 Profile Description SOIL EVALUATION REPORT Property ID: TM Portion of 31-44G1, Dirk G. DeHooge, Sr. Estate Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application.If soil evaluations are conducted by a private soil scientist, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features i.e.sewage disposal systems,wells,etc. within 100 feet of site and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this form. ElSee application sketch El See construction permit ❑X See sketch on reverse side or page attached to this form. Hole# Horizon Depth Description of color, texture, etc. Texture (Inches) Group 1 A 0-3 5YR4/3 Loam II Bt1 3-10 10R 4/8 Clay Loam Ill Bt2 10-27 10R 6/8 Light Clay Loam Ill Bt3 27-41 10R 5/8 Light Clay Loam Ill few fine faint 2.5YR 8/4 mottles from parent material BC2 41-64 10R 5/8 Sandy Clay Loam II few fine faint 2.5YR 8/4 mottles from parent material 2 A 0-6 5YR 4/3 Loam I I Bt1 6-32 10R 4/8 Clay Loam Ill Bt2 32-47 10R 4/8 Light Clay Loam Ill BC 47-64 10R 5/8 Sandy Clay Loam II few fine faint 2.5YR 8/4 mottles from parent material 3 A 0-3 5YR 4/3 Loam II AB 3-16 5YR 6/4 Light Clay Loam Ill Bt1 16-45 2.5YR 5/6 Clay Loam Ill Bt2 45-52 10R 4/8, 2.5YR 5/6& 8/4 Clay Loam Ill BC 52-65 10R 5/8 Light Clay Loam to Sandy Clay Loam III few fine faint 2.5YR 8/4 mottles from parent material 4 A 0-3 5YR 4/3 Loam II AB 3-10 5YR 6/4 Light Clay Loam Ili Bt1 10-27 2.5YR 5/8 Clay Loam Ill Bt2 27-40 10R 5/8 Light Clay Loam ill few fine faint 2.5YR 8/4 mottles from parent material BC 40-65 10R 5/8, 2.5YR 5/6 & 8/4 Sandy Clay Loam II REMARKS: Revised 12/1/2014 OSE Job# : 1231-19-006 10 4- 0 NNE DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION NC1 12'21'26" 1010.43 217.92 109.39 217.50 S12'19'41"W OF AREA WITHIN ZONE A(100 YEAR kr2 3'58'55" 996.82 69.28 34.65 59.26 514'39'30"W FL000 PLAIN)ACCORDING TO THE DLO, 5'27'23" 996.82 94.93 47.50 94.89 509'56'21"W FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP C4 B'16'07" 713.30 102.94 51.56 102,85 511.20'44"W • '• (COMMUNITY PANEL 510006 01400) EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 4,2005. C5 17'22'56' 713.30 216.40 109.04 215.57 524'10'15"W C6 2'27'22' 1366.94 58.60 29.30 58.59 S34'05'24"W G IS DENOTES IRON SET. T.M.19^25 IF DENOTES IRON FOUND, /24 S76'56'31'E 654.76' ©/ `-" -- / ;..,. '�--_-_- ----_-_-�p- -- T.M.31-44A1 f:''C/`t•' = T.M.31-44H :::r" Q PARCEL E < T•M.31-44C �!• �:•••: / T.M,31-44G1 i w 579.59'16'E 673.24' 1 3063 8f77"W n °"'' 4. DIRK G,DEHOOGE,SR.ESTATE :!)i�'' , DIRK G.DEHOOGE,JR., GUY M,DEHOOGE. / ,dtr::' ' 1 FRANK R.OEHOOGE DEBBY L.DEHDDGE PMpIWpyE6pLY 1 rf�, ','• :' o ELIZABETH A.DUNBAR AND DEANNA D.KI�•1BY Ft Ea 1 t �o D.8.4973-17,21 THRU 23 PLAT T /'" p ..s, W.B.122-613,0.8,1907-284, oRAAPIELo Y o, I 0.8.1348-489,D,B.f348-483, aAe000mmm FLAC°9 POLE I 0 ?p 0.8.558-257,D.B.503-229, o��0'0 I p 0.8.495-42MD.B.444-99, ua I T,M.3f-44A BTA � THIS PLAT NOT FOR RECORDATION D.8,305-623 STATC• .�` , pFuow 35'� CENTERLINE ' RESIDUE 24,87 ACRES 6TANEo %'LAUA �/ COPY SHOWING CONTROL POINTS M cL �- �°�°� �$gsIA Nis 1 s154E79 z"w TO SUBMETER ACCURACY N % TIED TO NORTH AMERICAN i N85• 3q"N�--�- STAKE ATAKE .4 D! i DATUM OF 1983 (NAD83) -1 41 s,e "--. - E•S'6'A POLE , I VIRGINIA SOUTH SPC 4t �o I -- -�_ 0 "tt I F� I I LU I A ' 1 11 so7.12 4o"w HEALTH DEPARTMENT COPY 0 tIVN 1 195.51' NOT FOR RECORDATION Q t NI IF• I North 3947293 IS S7f'37'23•E 522.18' IS 1 I STATEEROUT ROAD FOR East 11491222 T,M.31-4462 NEW LINE (30'PRESCRIPTIVE ESMT.) REVIEW PARCEL G N Fueo ;,0FLAS THOMAS A,DICKERSON t, memo a ` o ` ° D.B.4973-17,21 THRU 23 PLAT r .J oIp[�--;�,,`, 1 North 3947129 p AREA FLAG: L I its FLAO G1 East 11491718 EastNorth1 947046 0 IF PARCEL CH 3 15 CENTERLINE SCALE: 1" = 200' 'boo• 3.00 ACRES IS / BRENOANA.TAYLOR 6 DATE: MARCH 8, 2019 WS o IF IS 6 THOMDSBS4674-421IDNEY YLOR ^0 w N79•gq 5q'W / 0.B.4651-157,166 THRU 168 PLAT ROGER W.RAY 6 ASSOC. INC. 663 BERKMAR COURT , 273,19' %// North 3946884 CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22901 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"�200' / / East 11491597 TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 an Ns on `f� RAYSURVEYING.COM 0 200 400mummusimm N 0 r'( SHEET 3 OF 3 8981J Abbreviated Design Form Page 5 of 5 This form is for use with gravity,pump to gravity,enhanced flow,and low pressure distribution(LPD)sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the primary and reserve area for TM Portion of 31-44G 1,Dirk G.DeHooge, Sr.Estate Design Basis Total length of available area: 90 Total width of available area: 86 Estimated Perc.Rate 53 at 40 in.(depth) Number of bedrooms 4 Conveyance Method: Gravity Distribution method(specify): D-Box Dispersal system basis Table 5.4 of SHDR LGMI required? No Effluent quality required: Primary-Septic tank effluent Reserve-Advanced Secondary Square feet per bedroom: 400 Total trench bottom area required: 1600 Square feet per bedroom for reserve 210 Total area for reserve 840 Area Calculations Number of trenches 6 (Note if a pad is used) Length of pad or trenches: 90 Reserve is 4 Ditches 80' Long=960 Sq Ft Width of pad or trenches: 3 Center to center spacing: 9 Reserve required? Yes Percent reserve area required: 100% Total width of absorption area required 84 Total trench bottom area provided: 2700 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center-to-center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour.When this occurs it is necessary to use a center-to-center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is required. AOSE Form E Revised July 18,2007 AOSE Job#: 1231-19-006 `LINE DELTA RADIUS _ �C TANGENT CHORD CHORD RING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION C1 12 '21 '26" 1010.43 c17. 92 109. 39 217. 50 S12 41"W OF AREA WITHIN ZONE A (100 YEAR C2 3 '58'55" 996.82 69. 28 34. 65 69. 26 S14 '39'30"W :: FLOOD PLAIN) ACCORDING TO THE C3 5 °27'23" 996.82 94. 93 47. 50 94. 89 S09 '56 '21"W FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 102. 85 S11 '20 '44"W '• (COMMUNITY PANEL 510006 0140D) C4 8 '16'07" 713.30 102.94 51 . 56 EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 4, 2005. C5 17 '22'56" 713.30 216.40 109. 04 215.57 S24 '10 ' 15"W p C6 2 '27'22" 1366.94 58. 60 29. 30 58. 59 S34 '05'24"W 0IS DENOTES IRON SET. Z 0 T.M. 19-25 IF DENOTES IRON FOUND. -33 z S76 '56 '31"E 654.76' N , --- -- T.M.31-44A1 ©� i 3 T.M.31-44H / `� PARCEL E i • y :::' vo ,• r 1 m rn N V /:::.•;'` Q' •I •coo ' I � t• : ..: �� Ivcu I S06 °08'S7"W T. M. 31-44C cO, : 0 T . M . 31-44G1 i 130. 17' i. ::/ � DIRK G. DEHOOGE, SR. ESTATE ,Q DIRK G.DEHOOGE, JR., GUY M. DEHOOGE, -- .74(/ I ,�� ,c,\ FRANK R. DEHOOGE DEBBY L.DEHOOGE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED i I 7 h ::./::: p ELIZABETH A.DUNBAR AND DEANNA D.KIRBY PROPOSED 0/ �0 D.B.4973-17, 21 THRU 23 PLAT SEPTIC ( Ii/ ,�,,, W. B. 122-613, 0.8. 1907-284, DRAINFIELDAREA ' I (SUB201700036) FLAGf8 POLE V D. B. 1348-489, D.B. 1348-483, E=560.0 �V , D.B.558-257, D.B.503-229, � ,�, �, I T.M. 31-44A THIS PLAT NOT FOR RECORDATION D. B. 495-42MD.B.444-99, FLAG STAKE '.S,5s 11J U D.B.305-523 STAKEo �. v\ �FLAGl9 Q� 15'-n ,CENTERLINE RESIDUE= 24. 87 ACRES STAKEo ` Ss . . FLAG#7 �! S15 °a6'32"W COPY SHOWING CONTROL POINTS S G STAKE '. Ste. STAKE �� I TO SUBMETER ACCURACY '"\(- 1���_ ___ E=566.4 Sam STAKE o - 79 TIED TO NORTH AMERICAN ,1 N65 °5 34-W_____ STAKES\STAKE �� DATUM OF 1983 (NAD83) 'i8 E=566.4 POLE VIRGINIA SOUTH SPC 81 , -�_ m, 1 _ U -`_ I IF\ , 1 o'(5` I HEALTH DEPARTMENT COPY ,�% D. 1 S07 '12'40"W �\n i 196.51 ' NOT FOR RECORDATION N' IFk I North 3947293 �.• IS S71 '37' �' I STATE ROUTE 743 East 11491222 23 E 522. 18 ' IS' I ADVANCE MILLS ROAD FOR T.M. 31-44G2 NEW LINE oFLAG ti (30 'PRESCRIPTIVE ESMT. ) REVIEW PARCEL G D FLAGo 4 THOMAS A.DICKERSON o PROPOSED 1 \ ,' ' D D.B.4973-17, 21 THRU 23 PLAT . SEPTIC �-..: , , • Os, I North 3947129 • -.1 ORAINFIELDAREA , , ��o Uo I East 1 1491718 0 n FLAGo t o rn FL G U 2 ' North 3947046 PARCEL H 15 CENTERLINE SCALE: in = 200 ' East 11491230 + IF IS / T.M. 31-45 DATE: MARCH 8, 2019 90 ° 3. 00 ACPES / THOMAS SIDNEY BRENDA A. TAYLTAY LOR %/69 IF IS,, 6 D.B. 4674-421 ,/ �B.h�_ N79 °44 54"W / D.B. 4661-157, 166 THRU 168 PLAT ROGER W.RAY & ASSOC., INC. 273 ';9 / 663 BERKMAR COURT GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "=200 ' / / North 3946884 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 / / East 11491597 TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 ==_� . N RAYSURVEYING.COM 0 200 400 600 / .NJ • GL SHEET 3 OF 3 8981J