HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-11 adjSeptember !1, 1987 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 1) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on Sept~_mber 11, 1987, at 3:00 P.M., Meeting Room #11, County Office Building, 401McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke (arrived 3:28 P.M.), Messrs. C. Timothy Lindstrom and Peter T. Way. BOARD ME~ERS ABSENT: Messrs. J. T. Henley, Jr., and Gerald E. Fisher. OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 P.M. by the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Way. Agenda Item No. 2. Drafting of questions for Samuel Miller District seat candidates. ~ Working from a standard application FORM used by all persons making appli- cation for appointment to a board or commission, Mr. Way said Mr. Lindstrom made a correction the application form: the word "degress" should read "degrees." Mr. Way said the application fo_tm hm~ good information on it that would be valuable to have. Mr. Bowie asked what the purpose is in asking for previous-residences. Mrs. Cooke said this is on every application blank she has seen. Mr. Lindstrom asked what the requirements are for ru~kning for office; he knows of a financial disclosure concerning campaign spending, but when is a candidate required to file a financial disclosure as a precondition to serving. Mr. Way replied as soon as a candidate decides to run. Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the Board should follow the same procedure for candidates for the vacant seat; if this is not sent in with the application, the application should not be considered. Mr. Agnor said he believes once an elected person is sworn in this information would already have to be on file. Mrs. Cooke said she Would be upset if the Board would appoint someone who did not have to meet all the requirements other Board members had to meet. Mr. Bowie suggested modifying the standard application to include the statements. Mr. Lindstrom made the following suggestions: The words "Application to be Considered for Appointment to the Samuel Miller District Seat on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors," as a heading for the application form; 2. Applicant addresses to be verified by staff to confirm the applicant lives in the Samuel Miller District. 3. Add question: "Is your permanent residence located within the Samuel Miller Magisterial District?" Mr. Bowie suggested that more space be given to the "Occupation" section on the application form. Mr. Way asked if anyone has a problem with the sections on education, memberships, public, civic and charitable offices." Mr. Lindstrom said under "Memberships" and "Offices Held" the word "all" should be added for the Board's protection since a person cannot hold certain offices while serving on the Board. Mr. Bowie said the word "current" should also be added, although the Board should not restrict it to just current years of service. Mr. Agnor asked for confirmation that the word "all" was to be added, but not the word "current." Mr. Way replied yes. Mrs. Cooke suggested that "Reasons for desiring to serve," should be changed to "Reasons for desiring to serve on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors." Mr. Way said the statement below this must be kept also. Mr. Lindstrom said either on the application or as part of the questions, a state- ment should be included saying that the applicant will be required to include with the application the financial disclosure statement, in addition to the annual filing of the form and another form if~appointed. Also, a synopsis of the Conflict of Interest statute should be included in the application packet. Mr. Lindstrom suggested that Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney, provide the exact comprehensive citation for both financial disclosure and Conflict of September 11, 1987 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 2) Interest, and anything else that should be included in a precautionary notice. Mr. Bowie suggested that copies of this should be available in the Clerk's office so anyone who is interested can request them. Mr. Lindstrom agreed with Mr. Bowie. Mr. Way asked if copies of the financial disclosure form will be available if needed. Mr. Lindstrom said it should be attached to the appli- cation forms. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the Board members want the statement, "I certify that the statements contained on this application are true," before the signature. The Board members agreed. Mr. Bowie suggested that the words, "Your signature below signifies that you understand this," be also added. Mr. Lindstrom then suggested the words, "Your signature below certifies that the statements contained above are true and that you have received the notifica- tion contained in . "or "acknowledge receipt of the notification contained herein regarding . " Mr. Way said he feels there should not be an overload of questions, and that the questions should be fairly general in specific areas. Mr. Lindstrom said if the Board members cannot come to a decision, should not the public announcement of the person chosen be seen as a unanimous decision on the part of Board members. He said if it comes down to a choice of a couple of people, interviews can be held. Mr. Lindstrom said the discussion of the applicants should be in executive session. Mrs. Cooke said the one Person who has applie~ is not known by any members of the Board. She would not want to base her deci- sion based on information contained on a piece of paper and some carefully thought out written answers. Mrs. Cooke feels the Board members should reserve the right to conduct interviews. Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the words, "the Board reserves the right to interview any candidate" be added. Mr. Way said this could be stated at the public hearing. Mrs. Cooke suggested it be stated, "Should the Board find themselves in a position of not being able to make a decision between the candidates without an interview, we reserve the right to dali you in for said interview." Mr. Way said this should also be included on ~the application. Mr. Bowie suggested that the wording should be," the Board reserves the right to call any or all candidates in for said interview.~" Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the wording should be, "The Board does not ~lan to conduct interviews; however, it reserves the right to interview any or all applicants. The other Board members agreed. Ms. Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, said if the applications are sent out in the mail and the Board members do not know who the applicants .are and a photograph is not sent back with the application, how will anyone know if the applicants are in the audience at the public hearing. Mr. Way said a procedure will be developed where each applicant will have a chance to make remarks. Ms. Neher asked if something should be included that will say the applicants are expected to show up at the public hearing. Mrs. Cooke suggested that every applicant be required to attend the hearing and be prepared to make a state- ment. Mr. Lindstrom agreed. Mr. Way said that should be :on the application. Mr. Agnor said the date, place and time should be includeRi Mr. Lindstrom said the wording should be "and make a brief (two to three~iminute) statement." Mrs. Cooke suggested that rather than have candidates answer specific questions, each should be required to write a short paragraph on their views of the Comprehensive Plan, the Albemarle County school system, items of this sort. Mr. Lindstrom said the Board should know what the candidates know in a general sense, such as: is the candidate familiar with th~ Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan and its goals, or what are the goals oflAlbemarle County's plan? Mr. Bowie agreed. Mr. Lindstrom said the questionsishould be geared to finding out if the candidates know or understand the function of the Compre- hensive Plan, the School Board, and the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Lindstrom said there should be someway of determining the candidates familiarity with the terms and the relationships between these entities. He said the questions should be designed to inform the Board of the candidates familiarity with the major things that a supervisor must deal with, such as: land use decisions, budgetary matters, etc. Mr. Way said asking a question general in nature will give the public an idea of how the candidates feel about the issues. Mrs. Cooke said if the questions get into specifics, it is unfair because the average citizen will September il, 198Y (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 3) not know the answers and neither do candidates until they take office. She said the questions should be phrased in a general manner, such as, "Please make a brief statement on the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan," or "Please make a brief statement on the Albemarle County school systemm" Mr. Lindstrom suggested that the words should be, "Please briefly describe your understanding of the function of the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan." Neither Mr. Bowie nor Mrs. Cooke agreed. Mr. Lindstrom said if the Board asks what is the function of the Comprehensive Plan, not the candidates' opinions, the Board will know that the candidates understand what the Plan is supposed to do, and the questions will not trigger political answers to the questions. Mrs~ Cooke then suggested that the wording should be, "Please give a brief statement as to your understanding of the function of the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan." Mrs. Cooke said a statement on the school system should be included. Mr. Agnor asked if she meant the functions of the School Board or a comment on the school system. Mr. Bowie suggested the following: "What is your opinion of the function of the Albemarle County School Board," "What is the responsibility of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors," and "The Board of Supervisors makes many appointments, magisterial and group~ What do you feel a supervisor should look for in making an appointment?" Mr. Lindstrom said one of the ques- tions could be, "Many of the decisions which have to be considered by the Board relate to application of the Comprehensive Plan. What do you ~derstand the function of the Plan to be?" Mr. Bowie said something should be included on fiscal responsibility. Mr. Lindstrom said two areas are covered already, land use and appointments, Two other areas that should be covered are education and fiscal responsibility. Mr. Lindstrom suggested that space be provided in which to answer questions, perhaps one page for each answer, typed and double-spaced. Mr. Way said anyone who is serious about being a candidate will type the answers. Mr. Way asked if Board members have agreed on any question concerning education. Mr. Lindstrom suggested: "What is the function of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors in the provision of public education?" and "What is the function of the Albemarle County Scho61 Board in the provision of public education?" He suggested that the lead in could be: "Better than 70 percent of the County budget is devoted to public education. What is . " Mrs. Cooke suggested that "What do you believe your responsibility to be in making appointments to the various boards and commissions?" might be a good question. Mr~ Lindstrom suggested the following: "What characteristics do you believe are important in selecting appointees to boards and con~nissions?" Mr. Lindstrom then suggested: "The Board of Supervisors makes many appoint- ments to boards and commissions. What qualifications and characteristics do you believe would be important to you in selecting a person to fill a vacancy on a board or commission?" The other Board members said this is fine. Mr. Lindstrom asked Mr. Bowie if he was looking for a question about the budget process or a philosophy of spending. Mr. Bowie said the responsibility of the Board in developing a County budget. Mr. Lindstrom suggested the following: "What is the responsibility of t~e Board of Supervisors for the preparation and adoption of the annual budgeti, and the financial management of the County?" Mr. Lindstrom said the Board sets policy and then hires the officers to carry out that policy and the Bogrd oversees how the policy is carried out. Mr. Way said there are now four questions. Mrs. Cooke said she does not think there should be anymore, since these questions cover all the major areas and concerns she has. Mr. Agnor asked what the lead in is for the budget question. Mr. Bowie suggested: "The County budget is $60 million . "and asked how the last question read. Mr. Agnor restated the question. Mr. Lindstrom asked if there should be a preparatory statement to the question section to alert applicants as to the purposeiof the questions. Mr. Bowie suggested: "The purpose of this questionnair9 is not to determine your political or personal views. It is solely to!determine your understanding of the functions of the Board of Supervisors." Mr. Lindstrom said he worries about someone who has a perception that is totally wrong as to what a supervisor does because that person has not gone September 11, 1987 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 4) through the process of being elected. A great many people who are interested in becoming a supervisor lose interest when they have to run for office. The Board members asked Mr. Agnor if he had any suggestions to make. Mr. Agnor said no; the four major areas of interest are covered. Mr. Way asked about the amount of space that will be allotted to answer the questions. Mr. Agnor suggested a half of a page for answers; the question and an area for the answer; then the next question, etc. Mr. Bowie agreed. Mr. Way said that is appropriate. Mr. Agnor asked about the introductory statement. Mr. Bowie restated his introduction. Mrs. Cooke suggested: "This is to determine your understanding of the function of the Board of Supervisors~and not your political views, etc. " Mr. Lindstrom said if applicants answer the questions properly, the Board will know their political philosophy. Mrs. Cooke said she will formulate her opinion on what is clear to her that the applicants understand is the function of the Board, eliminating any political considerations. Mr. Lindstrom said he is not interested in party affiliation. Mr. Way said when the public hearing is held and the applicants have an opportunity to speak, some v~ews will come out. Mrs. Cooke said the Board will get some feel as to how the citizens of the Samuel Miller District feel about the candidates. Mr~~ Bowie said he thinks the public hearing is the most important part of this process. Mrs. Cooke said the process used to make the appointment givesthe applicants a condensed opportunity to experience the election process ~nd to make their views known and to get feedback from citizens. Mr. Lindstrom said he agrees; however, it is abhorrent to him if this process accomplishes by appointment what could or would not be accomplished by the electi~on p~ocesso Mr. Way said this is why this cannot be thrown in as part of the election. Mr. Bowie asked how soon the application packet has to be ready. Ms. Neher replied by Tuesday Mr. Lindstrom asked if the Board members wanted to look at the packet before it is senn out. All said they are satisfied. Mr. Way said if anyone does, it will be available in the Clerk's office. There was some discussion about deadlines and about the site for the public hearing. It was decided that the hearing would beiheld at the Henley Middle School. Following is the introductory statement and the questions decided upon: Statement: The purpose of the following questions is to determine your under- standing of the various major functions of the Board of Supervisors, and not to determine your political views or your personal ideas. Questions: Many decisions of the Board of Supervisors relatel to the Comprehen- sive Plan. Please make a brief statement of your understanding of the functions of the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan. ° Better than 65 percent of the County budget is for the school syst~n. What is the function of the Board of Supervisors in the provision of public education, and what is the function of thei:Albemarie County School Board in 'the provision of public education? The Board makes many important appointments. What qualifications and characteristics do you believe would be important to you in the selection of appointees for boards and commissions? The total County budget for Fiscal Year 1987-88 is $64.4 million. What is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors in the preparation and adoption of the annual budget, and in the financial management of the County? With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M.