HomeMy WebLinkAboutLZC202200029 Action Letter 2022-08-09,S.{.OF AL8 County of Albemarle COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Cody Cannon CBRE Group, Inc. 1310 Dorchester Dr. Norman, OK 73069 codv.ca nnonCa)cbre.com crbe zoningresearch(@cbre.com LEA BRUMFIELD Senior Planner 11, Zoning bru mfield@albemarle.ore tel: 434-296-5832 ext. 3023 Re: LZC202200029 - Parcel ID 06100-00-00-028AO (3.29 acres), 211 Whitewood Rd. (the "Property"), Owner - TRC Parks Edge, LLC, Russ Walker,1300 S Heidi Place, Meridian ID 83652 To Whom It May Concern: In response to your request fora Letter of Zoning Compliance for the above referenced property, please be advised of the following: 1. The Property is zoned Planned Residential Development - PRD. The Property is subject to the Airport Impact Overlay District as described in Chapter 30 of the Albemarle County Code. 2. The permitted uses of the Property are provided in Section 19 of Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code ("Zoning Ordinance"), see Attachment A. The current use of the Property of multi -family residential is a permitted use of the Property. There are no legal non -conforming uses on the property. Any uses not listed in Attachment 1 are not permitted on the property. 3. The current improvements on the property consist of nine multi -family structures. These structures are in compliance with the site plan SDP2004-00047. See Attachment B for approved and legal conforming site plan. 4. The Property is not part of a Planned Unit Development. 5. The most recent site plan associated with the Property, SDP200400047 Whitewood Village Renovations, was approved on June 7, 2004, and is provided as Attachment B. It modifies site plan SDP2003-00015, which is provided as Attachment C. 6. There are no records of approved variances, special use permits, special exceptions, special ordinances, or other conditions applicable to the Property. 7. In the event of casualty, in whole or in part, the Property may be rebuilt to its current use and specifications. 8. There are no outstanding zoning code violations on file associated with the Property. 9. There are no outstanding building code violations on file associated with the Property. 10. This office does not keep track of fire violations, but you can reach the County of Albemarle Fire and Rescue at (434) 296- 5833 to see if they have any fire violations on file. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road,Suite228 I Charlottesville, VA22902-4596 11. Valid Certificates of Occupancy have been issued for the subject property, and are attached as Attachments D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, and L. The Property is considered in compliance and the continued use of the Property as 12. Copies of any applicable records may be obtained via the noted links or from this office with a request through the department's Records Manager, Paul Bjornsen, at pbjornsen@albemarle.org once they have been approved or issued. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, C?T-�71- Lea Brumfield Senior Planner I I Designee to the Zoning Administrator AI bemarle County Requested attachments: Att. A - Albemarle County Code of Ordinance Section 19 - Planned Residential Development Permitted Uses Att. B - SDP200400047 Plan Att. C - SDP200300015 Plan Approved Minor Amendment 2003-11-03 Att. D - B200301921NC Certificate of Occupancy 2004-08-31 Att. E - B200301427AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004 -06-01 Att. F - B200301429AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004-02-06 Att. G - B200301429AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004-04-28 Att. H - B200301430AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004-06-01 Att. I - B200301431AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004-07-19 Att. J - B200301432AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004-12-08 Att. K - B200301433AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004-11-12 Att. L - B200301434AR Certificate of Occupancy 2004-11-22 WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, Suite 228 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, Suite 228 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 8/3122, 2:14 PM Sec. 19.3 - Permitted uses. Albemarle County, VA Code of Ordinances Sec. 19.3.1 - By right. The following uses shall be permitted by right in the PRD district, subject to the applicable requirements of this chapter: 1. Detached single-family dwellings. 2. Semi-detached and attached single-family dwellings such as two-family dwellings, triplexes, quadraplexes, and townhouses, provided that density is maintained, and provided further that buildings are located so that each unit could be provided with a lot meeting all other requirements for detached single-family dwellings except for side yards at the common wall. 3. Multiple -family dwellings. 4. (Repealed 9-2-81) 5. Parks, playgrounds, community centers and noncommercial recreational and cultural facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, game rooms, libraries and the like. 6. Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations, and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law. (Amended 5- 12-93) 7. Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies (reference 31.2.5); public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (reference 31.2.5; 5.1.121. (Amended 11-1-89) 8. Temporary construction uses (reference 5.1.18). 9. Accessory uses and structures including home occupation, Class A (reference 5.2) and storage buildings. 10. Group home (reference 5.1.07). (Amended 8-9-17) 11. Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat. (Added 10-9-02) 12. Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10-13-04) 13. Family day homes (reference 5.1.561. (Added 9-11-13) about:blank 1/2 8/3122, 2:14 PM Albemarle County, VA Code of Ordinances 14. Homestays (reference 5.1.481 (§ 20-19.3.1, 12-10-80; 9-2-81; 11-1-89; 5-12-93; Ord. 02-18(6)_, 10-9-02; Ord. 04-18(2)_, 10-13-04; Ord. 13- 18(5)_, 9-11-13; Ord. 17-18(41, 8-9-17; Ord. 19-18(3) 6-5-19; Ord. 19-18(6)_, 8-7-19) Sec. 19.3.2 - By special use permit. The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the PRD district, subject to the applicable requirements of this chapter and provided that no separate application shall be required for any such use as shall be included in the original PRD rezoning petition: (Amended 5-5- 10) 1. Child day center (reference 5.1.06). 2. Fire and rescue squad stations (reference 5.9). 3. Assisted living facility, skilled nursing facility, children's residential facility, or similar institution (reference 5.1.131. 4. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; microwave and radio -wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances (reference 5.1.12). 5. Home occupation, Class B (reference 5.2). 6. Religious assembly use. (Added 9-2-81; Amended 8-9-17) 7. Stand alone parking and parking structures (reference 4_12, 5.1.41). (Added 11-7-84; Amended 2- 5-03) 8. Swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic facilities (reference 5.1.16). (Added 9-13-89) 9. Offices. (Added 6-8-94) 10. Tier III personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10-13-04) 11. Historical centers, historical center special events, historical center festivals (reference 5.1.42). (Added 6-8-05) 12. Farmers' markets (reference 5.1.47). (Added 5-5-10) (§ 20-19.3.2, 12-10-80; 9-2-81; 11-7-84; 9-13-89; 6-8-94; Ord. 03-18(1), 2-5-03; Ord. 04-18(2), 10-13-04; Ord. 051818(7)_, 6-8-05; Ord. 10-18(4)_, 5-5-10; Ord. 17-18(4)_, 8-9-17; Ord. 17-18(5), 10-11-17; Ord. 19-18(3)_, 6-5-19) about:blank 2/2 10' BUILDING CHARLES PANNE SETBACK TAX MAP: 610-00-04-00900I ZONED: R-15 USE: RESIDENTIAL a 0� NEXISTING I DUMPSTER (TC BE RELCATEDI N I RELCATED DUMPSTER w/ SCREENING CRIT-VA TAX MAP: 61W ZONED: PRD EXISTING USE: RESIDENTIAL EXISTING 3x3 ELEC. EXISTING 6'-0" N l4' 09' 00" W NDUMPSTER�TRANSFOR IER� WOOD FENCE '16° 15' 00 W 30233' V ❑ ❑❑❑� ®❑ �7 � —[ DEMO. EXISTING ``14�'-9"xl5'-3" I - �1 Cr�Nc. PAD W/--r„ :IT I f I BUILDING 0201 / ` \ BUILDING I'l B sKEPOOIL.E L4 9° f BUILDING 0111 � I BUILDING "161 1 / 0 / / � V� Tv r= SUILDING "221ion REM& ❑❑t. ❑❑ 4 ® I C'O/ �I ,s' 's ExISTINE Ii�s .�T STALLIS II �r (II OT,pL ES 1I, RELOCATE v RELOCATE / 18'-0"x9'-I' RELOCATE I O�{I RELOCATE I RELocATE I BUILDING N151 RELOCATE EXIST. AHUe (2) EXIST. AHUe (2) 7�EXE SL CONC BIDEIUALK EXIST. AHUe (2) / I EXIST. AHUe (2) I EXIST. AFNJe (2J AHUe e!� ,,,;I!'� DEMO A PORTION ' of Ex18T. A HPALT� , I RELOCATE EXIST. AHUe (6) I FOR NEW D CK W/ _ MULCH BELOW �, � ffXTST. 'OAK FOREST' TAX MAP: 61WI ZONED: R-I EXISTING 12'-m" USE: RESIDENTIAL WOOD FENCE EXISTING EXI IV' BUILDING SETBACK 3x3 ELEC- DU9F TRANSFORMER EXISTING DUMPSTER / N 16' 44' 40" 415fo8' / / BUILDING 0141 >II �G 10, EI,IILDING SETBACK ❑ 7 —, 7r/r , r./� ffF/_ULI/LIfL/1/1CCi„fu/2�i.Tr% r rr DlhlO A P I N OF EXISt. ISHPALT r ri r�J I "-^;.,,$.!, co //irir� -- -- - - / {/ q 11" ULCH BELIOW vEMo A I s � a ��rry ry � � . rI'M \ IGG1 I RELOCATE s A F'ORTIO EXIST._- \ t PORTION EXISTING'4'-0 4'�"" ~ dd CARE I .. /gam/ ® \ \ ��II pALT 4d CARS DEMO A PORTIOt1�� 1 OF EXIST. TALL, 9" BRICK 0r}_ EXIST. AHUe CS) EXI T. ASHPAL# VOID WITH OF E ST. ASHPALT 1 , �,t : 1 ASHPALT RETAINING WALL;,AA DEMO A P0710N� ® I 1 �R NSW DECK WW//�� X� - p,' WITH 6'-0" TALL—,p't '� ( OF EXIST. ASH ALT ❑ ❑- i MULCH BELOUI GRASS ILL EXISTING FOR TUEW PECK W/ - a CHAIN LINK FENCE '_"�� I ® / FOR NEW DE W/� I TYPJ a 2x03 D.I. EtF'LOW I-=_.._- I ON Ior OF WAtr— ;< �' /` �` MULCH BELI�IU / / / -� TO BE REMOVED ,g`� . / / �a-S' ,.. - 1 � _ / / — REMOVE EXISTING MULCH AND REMOVE EXISTING - DIRT INFILL/EXCAVATE TC EXaT. PAY PHONE AND 25' BUILDING SETBACK BURIED RF"MOOO\1- T- wA - o /WHITEWOOP ROAD (60'-0" R/W) DEMO CONC. PAP TAX MAP: 61 HMO e(a IF I NTARIE� CAE TPLAYGROUND OONEW--/ TAX MAP: 61 PARCEL: 29A RECREATION AREAS/CONFIRM PARCEL: 28 EXACT LCOATION WITH OWNER ZONED: RURAL ZONED: RURAL EXISTING SITE PLAN WITH DEMOLITION NEW ASHPALT CONSISTS OF: _iV2" SM2-A BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON Top OF 3" BM BITUMINOUS 10' BUILD CONCRETE ON TOP OF, B" 21-A STONE.. SETBL N "14' 09' Vol, W N 16° 15' 00" W 30233' _III rc.--_ 'n ❑ ❑ 10. 5UILDINr, I SETBACK W I I f BUILDING 0201 TV 3� BUILDING M221 ��© nn� R1 I N ICIIT�' MAP NEW PINE MAW M LCH -AROUND NEW BLDG LANDSCAPING \ - EXIST. PAVED AREA WILL SERVE AS T11E.CCNSTRUCTION ENTRANCE fJ d 5 lo-bd w tk�°j � llia�� ° hcQv�, Sl�ned LANDSCAPING TREE/SHRUB TYPE SIZE QUANTITY RED MAPLE "OCT05ER GLORY" 1V2" DIA. 16 (ACER RUBRUM) CHINE5E JUNIPER - 61 (JUNIPERUS CHINESIS "PFITZERANA COMPACTA") 1JILDING N191 COMMMU�I�IITY BUILDING 3,2 9 a Af FEET MA>dn' FEI. T le 22'-4" 0n'WHI STORM WATER FROM NEW PARKING TO DRAIN TO EXISTING STORM SEWER SITE PLAN - GENERAL NOTES BUILDING 01-T I BUILDING 01161 �® / 1 I I BUILDING 0151 ❑ Li °° I ❑ N ❑ ` % .. o aN I ' PAIND ` �W T[ AL P Ih1G 81 L ti4d k1— M.H. BTCWWATER FROM COMMUNITY ?)I -Oil R/UW) BUILDING GUTTERST D AIN I'r2' TYPE K COPPER FOR— K/DOUBLE I HUSTOW TAP (TYPICAL) EXISTING WATER MAIN NEW SEWER LINE TO BE CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN ALONG LU41TEWOOD ROAD NEW ASHPALT CONSISTS Or, 1'r2" SM2-A BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON TOP OF 3" BM2 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON TOP OF a" 21-A STONE I. THE EXISTING SITE LIGHTING WILL NOT CHANGE. 2- COORDINATE ALL SITE PLANS WITH ALL ARCHITECTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL PLANS. 3. ALL EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 4. ALL EXISTING STORM SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 5, ALL EXISTING WATER LINES NOT USED SHALL BE ABANDONED. SOURGE OF SURYE"r SOURCE OF SURVEY IS FROM A SURVEY DATED 6EPTEME5ER 19, 1953 AND REVISED ON OCTOBER 29, 1983 AND ON OCTO5ER 1112003 BY 5. AUBREY HUFFMAN 4 ASSOCIATES, LTD. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAP�4Y SOURCE OF SITE TOPOGRAPHY IS FROM A TOPOGRAPHY MAP TITLED 'REVISED WHITEWOOD ROAD APARTMENTS' DATED MAY 1912 FROM AL'BEMARLE COUNTY. BUILDING #141 �.\d° \�� L.Y. �5 CARS 1 SIEW METER (TYP.) P TTPE K COPPER FOR SINGLE TAP (TYPICAL) NOTE, ALL METERS WILL BE I" SITE PLAN INFORMATION TAX MAP: 61 PARCEL, 28A ZONED: PRO = PLANNED RESIDENTAL DEVELOPMENT" 3.29 ACRE SITE .32 ACRE DISTURBED PARKING SUMMARY EXISTING SPACES = 142 PROPOSED SPACES = 142 z 25' BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING m Q 0 TAX Ih1AP: epl PARCEL:❑& ZONED: C-I COMMERC 10' BUILDING SETBACK NEW ASHPALT CONSISTS OF: 11/2" SM2-A BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON TOP OF 3" BM2 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON TOP of a" 21-A STONE SIGNATURE PANEL DIRECTOR OF PLANNINCz DATE UNIT SUMMARY' EXISTING UNITS: I BEDROOM UNITS 8 2 BEDROOM UNITS = 88 3 BEDROOM UNITS = 0 PROPOSED UNITS: I BEDROOM UNITS M 2 BEDROOM UNITS 51 3 BEDROOM UNITS = 20 THE PROPOSED UNITS INCLUDE THE FOL OWING NEW BARRIER-FRE UNITS: MAY 2 4 2004 1 BEDROOM UNITS = 0 2 BEDROOM UNITS = 2 (BUILDING 0151) 3 BEDROOM UNITS = I (BUILDING #211) dBF Associates Architects P,O. Box 78 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-2791 (434) 977-0593 (FAX) /'� i F--I V 1 C� A � 05 A a r r4, NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS PROPOSED SITE PLAN NORTH SCALE 1" = 40'-0" DATE 05-24-04 DWN BY HSC, FW CHECKED BY RJF.JR. PROJECT NO V2022 DRAWING NO p I OF 1 to BUILDING CHARLES PAYNE SETSA K TAX MAP: 61W2-00-OA-00900I ZONED: R-15 USE: RESIDENTIAL Q m I EXISTING D MPSTER� in N c N 14, 09' 00" W BUILDING 0221 DEMO A RTION �, OF EXIST. A HPALT FOR NEW p CK W/ MULCH€LOW CRIT-VA TAX MAP: 61W ZONED: PRD USE: RESIDENTIAL n BUILDING 0211 RELOCATE F-EXIST. AHUe (6) EXISTING EXISTING 3X3 ELEC. EXISTING 6'-O" DUMPSTER_TR4NSFOStIER� WOOD FENCE N '16' 15' 00" W 30233' TYPICAL STALL 18 AHUe (2) W/ ALH SNFILL EXISTING FOR 45HPAL J VOID PWJ - 4a CA DEOF MO u 6PALT DECK GRASEW DECK 4 BELO ( TY .) 2x3 D I REMOVE EXISTING MULCH AND DIRT INFILL/EXCAVATE TO-EXST. BURIED POOL STRUCTURE AND REMOVE SOUTH WALL OF BTRUCTURE/INFILL BACK WITH SUITABLE COMPACTABLE FILL FOR NEW PAVING TAX MAP: 61 REMOVE ALL EXISTING PLAYGROUND EOUIPMENT/RELOCATE TO NEW PARCEL: 29A RECREATION AREAS/CONFIRM ZONED: RURAL EXACT LCOATION WITH OWNER EXISTING SITE PLAN WITH DEMOLITION EXISTING SITE PLAN WITH UTILITIES VICINITY MAP (2) O. EXISTING NC. PAD SKHT BALL POLE Iq�.g�� s2 REMO EXIBTI '"%:•—PINE T E (11 TOT L) DEMO. A PORTI OF FEXIST. CONc. SID L BUILDING #111 EXISTING 12'-0" WOOD FENCE EXISTING DUMPSTER 51 OF EXIST. 1ULcH BI DEMO A I PORTION EXISTING 4'-0" e � OF EXIST. TALL, S" BRICK ASHPALT RETAINING WALL ay ,44 CARE WITH 6'-0" TALL t. 11, CHAIN LINK FENCEON or wAtt TO BE REMOVED71 � '- i 8 "I6' 44' 40" E S4681' T 12_ REMOVE EXISTING PAY PHONE AND WHITEWOOD ROAD (60'-0" R/W) DEMO GONG. PAD RELOCATE EXIST. AHUe (2) _j❑1 ❑ �,p �.. DEMO A 'OAK FOREST' TAX MAP: 61LUI ZONED: R-1 USE: RESIDENTIAL EXISTING 10' BUILDING SETBACK 3X3 ELEC. TRANSFORMER N 'Ib 44 40� 4-15b8 D -cam -- —•-- -� -- BUILDING 0161 ® T BUILDING �141 RELOCATE RELOCATE EXIST. AHUe (2) BUILDING 0151 EXIST. AHUe (2) do ❑❑ J RELOCATE EXIST. AHUe (6) DEMO A Po TION ® OF EXIST. ASH ALT .� a OF EXIST. ASHP LT BUILDING SETBACK TAX MAP: 61 PARCEL: 28 ZONED: RURAL 51TE PLAN - 6sENERAL NOTES I. THE EXISTING SITE LIGHTING WILL NOT CHANGE. 2. COORDINATE ALL SITE PLANS WITH ALL ARCHITECTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL PLANS. 3. ALL EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 4. ALL EXISTING STORM SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 5, ALL EXISTING WATER LINES NOT USED SHALL BE ABANDONED. 5OURCE OF- 6URVE1 SOURCE OF SURVEY IS FROM A SURVEY DATED SEPTEMBER IS, 1963 AND REVISED ON OCTOBER 29, IS63 AND ON OCT05ER 16, 2003 BY B. AUBREY HUFFMAN 4 ASSOCIATES, LTD. C Ea 5OURCE OF TOPOGRAf=H 1' SOURCE OF SITE TOPOGRAPHY IS FROM A TOPOGRAPHY MAP TITLED 'REVISED WHITEWOOD ROAD APARTMENTS' DATED MAY 1972 FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY. z I TAX MAP: 61 PARCEL:26 ZONED: C-1 COMMERCIAL 51 TE FLAN INFORM,4T I ON TAX MAP: 61 PARCEL: 25A ZONED: PRO - "PLANNED RE5IDENTAL DEVELOPMENT" 3.29 ACRE SITE .32 ACRE DISTURBED O,GT � 0 2003 dBF1 Associates Architects P.O. Box 78 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-2791 (434) 977-0593 (FAX) u RICHARD J. FUNK, JR. No.7423 W 1-4 T� V A a r W H ® E-I 2 ALBMRLE CO 10/30/03 1 ALBMRLE CO 09/08/03 NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS EXISTING SITE PLAN NORTH SCALE 1 " = 40'-0" DATE 07-21-03 DWN BY HSC, FW CHECKED BY RJF.JR. PROJECT NO V2022 DRAWING NO SPI OF 3 5W RECREATION AREA N 94' 09' 00" W F110' BUILDING 3' w N z n , VICINITY MAP BUILDING I'221 13 QA6@ NEW S'-0" cONC. RAMP w/ FTC). STEEL RAIL RELOCATED AHUe (2)— NEW DECKS ATTACHED — TO EXIST. BUILDING RECREATION AREA N 16' 15' 00" W 30233' Tvrv, BUILDING i1211 J BUILDING #201 IV eELOCATED AHUe (2) NEW DECKS NEW RED MAPLES (14 TOTAL ON STREET) EXIST. PAVED AREA WILL SERVE AS THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 10' BUIL[ SETB BUILDING 0191 TYPICAL STALL IS PINE BARK r -ARG NP NEW I BLDG LANDSC RELOCATED AHUe (2) NEW DECKS ATTACHED TO EXIST. BUILDING NEW N 14' 09' 00" Ill zZill_ _ N 16' 15' 4a0" W 30233' \ „ ` --TV ® a� I WIW ® f IUILDINGz 0201 / \ BUILDING 0221 — rv* I i BUILDING 021IE — i c;o I i 1. 1� 1 1 1 Y I I I I //"1 y NOR I '✓� � °�� a �� iV EXIST. PAVED AREA WILL SERVE AS t THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROPOSED SITE PLAN WITH UTILITIES LAND&CAPINGc TREE/SHRUB TYPE SIZE QUANTITY RED MAPLE "OCTOBER GLORY" lie" DIA. 1(0 (ACER RUBRUM) HINESE JUNIPER - 6� JUNIPERUS CHINESIS 'PFITZERANA COMPACTA") BUILDING 01BI STORM WATER FROM NEW PARKING TO DRAIN TO EXISTING STORM SEWER •rllr�., L�,I� CO cortc. NEW ASHPALT FOR 13 ___I NEW PARKING STALLS WHITEWOOD ROAD (60'-0" R/W) so COMMUNITY BUILDING 3)3e ecuaFM FEET MAXMJ1 Hrik u4T le 22'-41L SITE f'LAN — GENERAL NOTES NEW DECK ATTACH EXISTING 13U. NEW RECREATION 6' ' N 144' 40 W 415"' BUILDING "(ol NEW DECKS ATTACHED — TO EXIST. BUILDING — RELOCATED AHUe NEW DECKS ATTACI- NEW PAINT FOR ® TO EXIST. BUILD ONE .AQDITICNAL - _ALaAaa - co w [�I NEW V-0" CONC. RAMP w/ PTD. STEEL RAIL RELOCATED AHUe (2) NEW DECKS ATTACHED TO EXIST. BUILDING / 1 ❑ ❑ _ y_ ❑ �.V N i ❑ VAN 14 1 Al cabs _ f* ` \ w lie i�- � —677— • T —1 � M.H. STORMWATER FROM COMMUNITY i'-0" R/W) BUILDING GUTTERS TO DRAIN ire" TYPE K COPPER FOR TO EXISTING STORM SEWER DOUBLE TAP (TYPICAL) NEW SEWER LINE EXISTING WATER MAIN TO BE CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN ALONG WHITEWOOD ROAD NEW ASHPALT CONSISTS OF: 1/2" SM2-A BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON TOP OF 3' BM2 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON TOP OF S" 21-A STONE 1. THE EXISTING SITE LIGHTING WILL NOT CHANGE, 2. COORDINATE ALL SITE PLANS WITH ALL ARCHITECTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL PLANS. 3, ALL EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 4. ALL EXISTING STORM SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 5. ALL EXISTING WATER LINES NOT USED SHALL ESE ABANDONED. SOURCE OF SURVEY SOURCE OF SURVEY IS FROM A SURVEY DATED SEPTEMBER 1% IS63 AND REVISED ON OCT05ER 2S, M63 AND ON OCT05ER W6, 2003 BY B. AU5REY HUFFMAN 4 ASSOCIATES, LTD. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAFH"T' SOURCE OF SITE TOPOGRAPHY IS FROM A TOPOGRAPHY MAP TITLED 'REVISED WHITEWOOD ROAD APARTMENTS' DATED MAY 11312 FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY. BUILDING 0151 BUILDING 0141 WEW METER (TYP.) P TYPE K COPPER FOR SINGLE TAP (TYPICAL) NOTES ALL METERS WILL BE I" SITE PLAN INFORMATION TAX MAP: 61 PARCEL: 26A ZONED: PRD m PLANNED RESIDENTAL DEVELOPMENT" 3.29 ACRE SITE '32 ACRE DISTURBED PARKING SUMMARY EXISTING SPACES = 142 PROPOSED SPACES = 142 a 10' BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING UNIT SUMMARY EXISTING UNITS: I BEDROOM UNITS 5 2 BEDROOM UNITS = 60 3 BEDROOM UNITS = 0 PROPOSED UNITS. I BEDROOM UNITS = 19 2 BEDROOM UNITS = 51 3 BEDROOM UNITS = 20 THE PROPOSED UNITS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING NEW BARRIER-FRE UNITS: 1 BEDROOM UNITS = 0 2 BEDROOM UNITS = 2 (BUILDING 0151) _ fzEc ,I V, l 3 BEDROOM UNITS = I (BUILDING: *211) nr.-r s 0 2nn C�[Bl Associates Architects P.O. Box 78 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-2791 (434) 977-0593 (FAX) o���LTH 04y,`,l RICHARDJ.FUNK,JR. No.7423 9�Cxq,T,,�O!i 1� Z Q � � Qa oa O W H W C\2 U 2 ALBMRLE CO. 0/30/03 1 ALBMRLE CO. 9 08 0 NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS PROPOSED SITE PLAN NORTH SCALE 1" = 40'-0" DATE 07-21-03 DWN BY HSC, FW CHECKED BY RJF.JR. PROJECT NO V2022 DRAWING NO SP2 OF 2 � II•�•63 Im' BUILDING 3' W Q 9 �11 � m � N Z I n L N'14• 09' mm" w 7 ❑ w � I �w "U"I i I BUILDING 0221 ©❑ BUILDING 0211 M 302.33, 11IPAIN EXIST. PAVED AREA WILL SERVE A$ THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROPOSED E&cS PLAN WITH UTILITIES GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES I. Unless otherwise Indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02.00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 2. The plan approving authority must be notlFled ane week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step In clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than Indicated on these plans (Including, but not limited to, off-elte borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a eupplementary erosion control plan to the owner For review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible For Installation of aN additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 1. Alf disturbing areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped Into an approved filtering device. s. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures perlodically and after each runofF- producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immedlately. 10, This plan is provided For the implementation of erosion and sediment control measures only. 11. The exleting cover at the site Is pavement and grass. 12. The earthwork Indicates a need for off -site borrow. The contractor shall comply with note 5 above. 13. A wash rack will be Installed If the erosion control officer deems it necessary due to excessive amounts of soil deposits on any paved surfaces. SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SYMBOLS CD= CHECK DAM CE= CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CRS= CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION DC = DUST CONTROL MU = MULCH P5 = PERMANENT SEEDING SF - SILT FENCE VEG= VEGETATION COVER LANDSCAPINCx TREE/SHRUB TYPE SIZE QUANTITY RED MAPLE "OCTOBER GLORY' Ire" VIA. 16 LACER RUBRUM) HINESE JUNIPER - 61 JUNIPERUS CHINESIS 'PFITZERANA COMPACTA") NEW Ywpp ORANGE PLASTIC SAFETY FENCE N 16' 4 Q . :— /Ii� -rye -S�"s�� ■ �1 ■luregi� i7�fI�I ■ ■_.�� ■ ■ ��� ©■ ■ ■ SITE PLAN - GENERAL NOTES I. THE EXISTING SITE LIGHTING WILL NOT CHANGE, 2. COORDINATE ALL SITE PLANS WITH ALL ARCHITECTURAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL PLANS. 3. ALL EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 4. ALL EXISTING STORM SEWER SHALL REMAIN AS EXISTING. 5. ALL EXISTING WATER LINES NOT USED SHALL BE ABANDONED. NEW SEWER LINE EXISTING WATER MAIN TO BE CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN ALONG WHITEWOOD ROAD NEW ASHPALT CONSISTS OF: I1,2" SM2-A BITUMINOUS CONCRETE ON TOP OF 3" BM2 51TUMINCUO CONCRETE ON TOP OF 8" 21-A STONE SOURCE OF SURVEY SOURCE OF SURVEY IS FROM A SURVEY DATED SEPTEMBER IS, 1983 AND REVISED ON OCTOBER 2S, IS63 AND ON OCTOBER 16, 2003 BY B. AUBREY HUFFMAN E ASSOCIATES, LTD. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY SOURCE OF SITE TOPOGRAPHY IS FROM A TOPOGRAPHY MAP TITLED 'REVISED WHITEWOOD ROAD APARTMENTS' DATED MAY IS12 FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY. 0. FA s5 CARS 1 I" TYPE K COPPER FOR SINGLE TAP (TYPICAL) NOTE + ALL METERS WILL BE 11 SiTE PLAN 11 E2K IATION TAX MAP: 6I PARCEL: 28A ZONED: PRO = 'PLANNED RESIDENTAL DEVELOPMENT" 3.2B ACRE SITE .32 ACRE DISTURBED - PARKING SUi`-1 ARY EXISTING SPACES = 142 PROPOSED SPACES = 142 BUILDING V BUILDING Q 0 0 VICINIT`t MAP UNIT SUMMARY EXISTING UNITS: i BEDROOM UNITS = 8 2 BEDROOM UNITS 88 3 BEDROOM UNITS 0 PROPOSED UNITS: I BEDROOM UNITS IS 2 BEDROOM UNITS = 51 3 BEDROOM UNITS = 20 THE PROPOSED UNITS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING NEW BARRIER-FRE UNITS: I BEDROOM UNITS = 0 2 BEDROOM UNITS = 2 (BUILDING 0151) CEYVf-f 3 BEDROOM UNITS = I (BUILDING *211) I .. ..Y n A nnA'1 dBF Associates Architects P.O. Box 78 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-2791 (434) 977-0593 (FAX) U RICHARD J. FUNK, JR. . No.7423 cm,l` d' H >~ c7 A � Aa w r W H o M O 2 ALBMRLE CO. 0/30/03 1 ALBMRLE CO. 9 08 03 NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS E &c S PLAN NORTH SCALE 1" = 40'-0" DATE 07-21-03 DWN BY HSC, FW CHECKED BY RJF.JR. PROJECT NO V2022 DRAWING NO S P QO oM L 1 3 a� Ezv — - COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596 (434)296.5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the community center erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description Street/Route No. 181 Whttewood Road OwneAlbemarle Housing Associates Whitewood Village r Occupant - Building Permit N 03-1921 NC Type of Construction 58 Sprinkler System none required Use Group A-3 Zone PRD District Jack Jouett , has been Inspected and found to be In compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 BASEMENT 1'' FLOOR 2nd FLOOR 3fd FLOOR Add floors as Special Conditions / Modifications Modification on kitchen range hood. Dale 08131/2004 Building Official ZoningAdminislralor�f - — COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.4596 (434)296-5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Is to certify that the Interior and exterior renovations to apartment building: Building 141 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description Street/Route No. 141 Whitewood Road Owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant - Whitewood Village Building Permit # 03-1427 AR Type of Construction 5B Sprinkler System none required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouett , has been Inspected and found to be in compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 1•' FLOOR 2n° FLOOR 3rd FLOOR Add floors as Special Conditions / Modifications Dale 06/01/2004 Building Official --A Zoning Adminislratnr tq�• COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.459E (434)296.5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that theinteriorand exterior renovations to apartment building• Building 151 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description Street/Route No. 151 Whltewood Road Owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant Whitowood Village Building Permit if 03-1428 AR Type of Construction 5B Sprinkler System none required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouett , has been Inspected and found to be in compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 1" FLOOR 2n° FLOOR 3rd FLOOR Add floors as Special Conditions / Modifications Dale 02/0612004 Building Official Zoning Administrator COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 Mcintirc Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the interior and exterior renovations to apartment building• Building 161 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description Street/Route No. 161 Whitewood Road Owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant Whitewood Village Building Permit # 03.1429 AR Type of Construction 5B Sprinkler System nono required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouett , has been inspected and found to be in compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 161 FLOOR 2" FLOOR 3i° FLOOR Add floors as Special Conditions / Dale 04/28/2004 Building Official Zoning Administrator COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginin 229024596 (434)296.5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the interior and exterior renovations to apartment buildin Building 171 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description Street/Route No. 171 Whltewood Road Owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant Whltewood Village Building Permit # 03-1430 AR Type of Construction 5B Sprinkler System none required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouett , has been inspected and found to be In compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 1" FLOOR 2n° FLOOR 3id FLOOR Add floors al Special Conditions / Modifications Date 06/01/2004 Building Official Zoning Administrator COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 0 Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.4596 (434)296-5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Is to certify that the Interior and exterior renovations to apartment buildin Building 191 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description Street/Route No. 191 Whltewood Road Owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant Whltowood Village Building Permit # 03-1431 AR Type of Construction 513 Sprinkler System nono required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouatt , has been Inspected and found to be In compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 1" FLOOR 2n0 FLOOR Td FLOOR Add floors a: Special Conditions I Modifications Dale 0711912004 Building Official Zoning Administrator COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 McIntire (toad Charlottesville, Virginia 22903459E (434)296.5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the Interior and exterior renovations to apartment building; Building 201 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-02BA0 Legal Description StreoURoute No. 201 Whitewood Road Owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant Whitewood Village Building Permit # 03-1432 AR Type of Construction 5B Sprinkler System none required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouett , has been Inspected and found to be in compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 1" FLOOR 2nd FLOOR 3Id FLOOR Add floors as Special Conditions / /2004 12/08 Dale Building Official Zoning Adminislr�t�r�. � - ^� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the interior and exterior renovations to apartment buildin Building 211 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description Street/Route No. 2_11 Whitewood Road owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant Whitawood Village Building Permit # 03-1433 AR Type of Construction 5B Sprinkler System none required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouott , has been inspected and found to be in compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 1" FLOOR 2n° FLOOR 3rd FLOOR Add floors w Special Conditions / Modifications 12/2004 Date 11/Building Official ZoningAdminislrat��F COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Community Development Department 401 McIntire Rend Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.459E (434)296.5832 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This Is to certify that the interior and exterior renovations to apartment building; Building 221 erected on Tax Map 06100-00-00-028A0 Legal Description StreetlRoute No. 221 Whitowood Road owner Albemarle Housing Associates Occupant Whitowood Village Building Permit # 03.1434 AR Type of Construction 513 Sprinkler System none required Use Group R-2 Zone PRD District Jack Jouott , has boon Inspected and found to be in compliance with the Virginia uniform Statewide Building Code, 2000 edition. BASEMENT 1" FLOOR 2" FLOOR 3id FLOOR Add floors at Special Conditions / Modifications Dale 11/2212004 Building Official ✓`� Zoning Administrator