HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202100060 Correspondence 2022-08-15BOHLERI
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Attn: Kevin McCollum
Dear Mr. McCollum,
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201
Warrenton, VA 20186
o. 540.349.4500
August 12, 2022
Digital Upload
Re: SDP 2021-00084
Discount Tire — Final Site Plan 3rd
Review Response
1636 Seminole Trail
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Albemarle County
BE # V211201
Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Halle Properties, LLC the revised Final Site
Plan 41h Submission for the Discount Tire in Albemarle County, Virginia. The following is our
comment response letter addressing comments received from various departments. Each
comment is addressed and responded to as follows:
Applicable Comments from Initial Site Plan Action Letter (July 28, 2021)
Comment 6: [32.5.2 (k)(1), 32.6.2(g)] Any new easements required for water, sewer, drainage
facilities, or any proposed utilities will need to be reviewed, approved, and
recorded prior to final site plan approval. Please submit an easement plat
application the County for review. The final site plan will need to be updated so
that all easements are shown and labeled identifying easement type, whether it's
public or private, a width dimension, and the recorded instrument with deed book
and page number. Comment Stands.
Response 6: Easement plat has been previously submitted under separate cover;
pending approval.
Albemarle County Engineering Services — David James
Comment 3: (Rev.1) Easement plat will need to be recorded prior to FSP approval.
Response 3: Acknowledged; easement plat has been previously submitted under
separate cover; pending approval.
w . BohlerEngineering.com
Kevin McCollum
Final Site Plan 31d Review Response
August 12, 2022
Page 2 of 4
Comment 9: Provide VDOT MASH guardrail (GR-MGS1) before wall drop-off (where height is
a foot or above). (Rev.1) Specify VDOT type of guardrail. (Rev.2) For new
construction, MASH approved GR systems shall be used. The VDOT standard
GR-MGS1 and 1A MASH systems should be used, not NCHRP 350 such as GR-
Response 9: Guardrail has been updated to GR-MGS1, see Sheet C-301. Revised detail
shown on Sheet C-902.
Comment 11: (Rev.1) VSMP plan will need to be approved prior to FSP approval
Response 11: Acknowledged; VSMP Plan has been resubmitted for approval.
Note: Separate building permit will be needed for walls over 3-ft high
Albemarle County Fire -Rescue — Howard Lagomarsino
Thank you for adding the knox box note, it is correctly written and needs to remain on the plans.
Comment 1: In placing notes 2 through 9 on the plans, you failed to provide context. Please
correct by ensuring the qualifying statement (During construction, the following
fire prevention steps are required...), followed by the verbiage in note 2 through
9. To properly identify the intent of these notes, please correct this issue by
placing the following note, in its entirety on the plan:
During construction, the following fire prevention steps are required, so please
note them on the plan:
a. Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where smoking makes conditions such
as to make smoking a hazard and these areas shall be designated with no
smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code.
b. Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for
discarded smoking materials per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code.
c. Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, vehicular access for
firefighting shall be provided at all construction and demolition sites, provide
access to within 100 ft. of temporary or permanent fire department
connections, and have no overhead wiring or other overhead obstructions
lower than 13 ft. 6 inches; this access may be via permanent or temporary
road, but shall be capable of supporting fire apparatus in all weather
d. Contractor shall ensure the street numbers are always plainly visible from the
frontage street during construction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code
e. An approved water supply for firefighting operations shall be in place and
available as soon as combustible materials arrive on site.
f. Waste and combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end
of each day and disposed of in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire
g. Fire extinguishers shall be provided, with not less than one approved fire
extinguisher at each stairwell, on all floor levels where combustible materials
have accumulated, in every storage and construction shed and in areas of
w . BohlerEngineering.com
Kevin McCollum
Final Site Plan 31d Review Response
August 12, 2022
Page 3 of 4
special; hazards, such as where flammable and combustible liquids are
stored or used, in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code
h. Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall comply with the
Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and shall require a permit from the
Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office
Response 1: Note 10 has been added on Sheet C-303.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — Doug McAvov
Comment 1: Original comment: Review the placement of the detectable warning surface and
ensure it complies with the most recent version of Standard Drawing CG-12.
a. Response: CG-12 detectable warning surfaces revised on Sheet C-301 per
VDOT CG-12 detail revised 04/19.
b. New comment: CG-12 version dated 4/19 does not allow ADA ramp on the
corner. Please see sheet 204.03 of the Standard Drawings for the detail
that applies in this situation.
Response 1: Proposed CG-12 ramp layouts/locations have been revised to match detail
shown on Sheet C-902; see Sheets C-301 and C-401.
Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson
Comment 1: Include ACSA General Water and Sewer Conditions.
httpS://servi ceauth ority. org/wp-
Response 1: ACSA General Water and Sewer Conditions have been added to right
column of Sheet C-102.
Comment 2: Replace 45-degree bends with a 90-degree bend.
Response 2: The 45-degree bends have been replaced with a 90-degree bend, see Sheet
Comment 3: Based on proposed fixture counts; the proposed meter should be 1.5-inch. The
meter vault should be shown to scale.
Response 3: Proposed meter has been updated to 1.5 inch and limits of meter vault have
been shown to scale on Sheet C-501. Detail for meter vault shown on Sheet
Comment 4: Ensure 5-feet minimum separation between hydrant and meter vault and FDC.
Response 4: A minimum 5' separation is shown, with dimensions, on Sheet C-501
Comment 5: Callout water main diameter.
Response 5: Water main diameter shown on Sheet C-501.
Comment 6: Show/callout irrigation meter. An irrigation application should be submitted with
the next revision. https://serviceauthority.org/wp-
content/uploads/2019/12/Irrigation Application.pdf
Response 6: Irrigation meter shown plans south of proposed fire hydrant along site
entrance, see Sheet C-501.
w . BohlerEngineering.com
Kevin McCollum
Final Site Plan 31d Review Response
August 12, 2022
Page 4 of 4
Comment 7: Include relevant construction details from the General Water and Sewer Specs.
httos://serviceauthority. org/wpcontent/u ploads/2021 /06/Genera lConstructionSpec
ifications 06242021.pdf
Response 7: Relevant construction details from ACSA General Water and Sewer
specifications have been added to Sheet C-901.
Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please
do not hesitate to contact me at (540) 349-4500.
Bohler Engineering
9K Nr
Ryan Yauger, P.E.
\\bohlereng.net\shares\VA-PROJECTS\21\V211201\Administrative\Letters\220812 Final Site Plan 3rd Review CRL (County).doc
www. BohlerEngineering.com