HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202200024 Narrative Special Use Permit 2022-08-11IVY PROPER— WATER CONSUMPTION PROJECT PROPOSAL Introduction Ivy Proper LLC (the "Applicant") is the owner of TMP 58A2-20 (the "Property"). The parcel is currently zoned C-1 but is embedded Albemarle County's Rural Area in the iconic community of Ivy. See Image 1. Image 1. 58A2 ISO 699 58A2 10A 58A2 8 1147 5894 430YY P"s1 O Hi<e 4191 4297 58A2 10 Rural Areas Village Residential C1 Commercial Commercial Office The Applicant requests a Special Use Permit for the rights to use 875 gallons per day of groundwater from a private well on the Property. The SUP is required under Chapter 18, Article III, Section because the ordinance currently limits water consumption for a site not served by public water to 400 gallons per site acre per day. The Property is .87 acres and; therefore under SDP2021000001, is p Y• P Y approved for only 348 gallons per day. 1)Page J The well was completed on July 7, 2022 and the attached report (Exhibit 1) confirms an approved well 280 feet deep with a static water level at 30 feet with a flow rate of at least 4 gallons per minute. We have included for reference the BTEX inspection for the approved well (Exhibit 2). The Virginia Administrative Code does not specifically mention veterinary hospitals (12VAC5-610-670, Table 5.1) (Exhibit 3); however, The North Carolina Administrative Code does (15A NCAC 02T .0114) (Exhibit 4). Based on their analysis, we estimate 250 gal/practitioner/shift. In our case, the proposed clinic is for a sole practitioner operating on a single shift; therefore, the estimated water use for the vet is 250gpd. The remaining available square footage in the building is unleased as of the date of this memo, but a project tenant mix and associated water usage is represented in the following table: Use Gallons Per Units Total GPD Veterinary* 250 GPD / practitioner 1 250 Office 35 GPD / person 4 140 Food Prep 15 GPD 1 15 Laundering 15 GPD 1 15 PT Office* 250 GPD / practitioner 1 250 Retail 200 SF floor space 1025 205 TOTAL 875 * Not in VAC. Calculations are based on NCAC. Factors for Consideration (per 18-33.40) • Public Need and Benefit Ivy epitomizes one of Albemarle County's rural communities complete with a full -service garage, a U.S. Post Office, a four -season nursery and garden center, and an old motel converted to retail and service -oriented enterprises servicing the community, and, of course, Duner's Restaurant. We propose to add an additional blend to this mix of services. • No Substantial Detriment The development of the Property has been approved under SDP2021000001. The proposed mix of additional services is a benefit to the community not a detriment. • Character of the Nearby Area is Unchanged The contemplated mix of uses does not adversely change the character of the proximate uses, which include a service station, a post office, a nursery and garden center, offices, a convenience store, and others. • Harmony The combination of veterinary hospital, office, food service, and retail is harmonious with other uses designated on the Comprehensive plan as rural areas, especially considering the C-1 zoning. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The subject property for this proposal is 58A2-20 located at the intersection of Route 250/Ivy Rd and Ivy Depot Rd, between the railroad and 4282 Ivy Rd, across from the Ivy Store. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes that "traditional crossroads communities" are an essential and vibrant part of our unique fabric. Ivy's origins as a community village date back to 1826 when it was known as Woodville. The Rural Area Chapter (Chapter 7) of the Comprehensive Plan designates these parcels for Rural Area land use. The intent of the Rural Area designation is to allow uses that preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; and also to allow residential uses at a density of up to 0.5 acres per dwelling unit. The proposed uses align with the Rural Area's intent for crossroads communities to provide support services and opportunities to engage in community life (Objective 5). Providing these services are a viable aspect of community life. While this parcel is zoned C-1 Commercial, it is also located in the Rural Area. The Rural Area Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states that uses allowed in the RA Zoning District are the uses that are appropriate in the Rural Area. The RA Zoning District (18-10.2.2(18)) includes Veterinary Services and Animal Hospitals as uses permitted by Special Use Permit, while offices, food stores, catering, retail shops, etc. are all by -right uses. IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE No impacts to the public sanitary sewer or water infrastructure are proposed. This project will utilize a private well and private septic system. SDP2021000001 includes a septic system with full reserve approved by VDH capable of handling 875 gallons per day. The "Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment" performed by Virginia Groundwater LLC for the Property suggests that natural recharge of groundwater on the site, post -development, is 450 gallons per day while the estimated proportion of daily withdrawal that is consumptive (i.e. not returned to the groundwater on site) is only 43.8 gallons per day (page 8). In summary: "The proposed withdrawal of 875 GPD, of which roughly 844 GPD are returned to the ground as recharge through the drain field, would have no foreseeable impacts on regional groundwater resources in the long term" (Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment, p. 9). The approved SDP2021000001 also included multiple studies with VDOT including a Turn Lane Warrant Analysis, an Access Management Exception Request, and a Design Waiver Request; all related to the current and projected increases in traffic and the location of a shared access between the Property and TMP 058A2-00-00- 020A0 to the east. Based on all of these studies and the resultant design modifications, VDOT approved SDP2021000001 on June 8, 2022 satisfied that traffic concerns related to the Property and its use were sufficiently addressed. IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The applicant desires to develop the land in an environmentally conscious way. The site in its current condition is partially covered by asphalt and gravel surface. This owner will make improvements to the management of stormwater runoff. The site's runoff is currently directed towards Ivy Road, where the runoff follows an undefined shallow channel just outside of the pavement. Sediment and gravel generated from the erosive runoff appears to be carried to a nearby inlet, before out -falling directly into Ivy Creek. The approved stormwater management plan will capture the site's stormwater in drainage inlets onsite, pipe it to an underground storage facility, and eventually pipe the water to the existing drainage inlet adjacent to Ivy Road. This approach will greatly reduce the volume of stormwater runoff directed over land towards Ivy Road, and thus mitigate the sediment load spilling into Ivy Creek. Water quality impacts will be achieved via onsite stormwater treatment and though the stormwater nutrient credit purchasing program in the Ivy Nutrient Bank. 3)Page .. EXHIBIT 1 r>1110 i, !1 Penn GW-2 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Revised 819/2016 UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT Page I of APPROVED 'Indicates required field or section Indicates required field or section, if applicable I- CtIntnet Infnrmation DEQ "'ell USGS Local VDH HDIN = 101-21-0130 VDH PWSID Contact: Name I Address Phone Owner Ivy Proper, LLC 400 Locust Avenue, Ste 3, Chanotteswile. VA 22902 Driller foster Well 8 Pump Co Inc PO Box 260. Earlysville. VA 22936 434-973-9079 System Provider 2. Well Location* Ph\'SIC:II Address: Ivy Road I Coaltty/Cil\'; Albemarle Subdivision Name: Section: Block: Lot: Tax Nla /GPIN #: 5BA2.20158A2-14 Latitude: N Longitude: Datum Source Horizontal: ❑ WGS84 ❑ NAD83 ❑-- L,at/Lon r Source (Check One): ❑ Map ❑ GPS ❑ PPDGPS ❑ Survey ❑ Imagery ❑ WAAS Location Information Collected By Physical Location Description: & Use" Type of FacilityCheck One): Type of Use Check All That Apply): ® Private® Drinking'Domestic Use ❑ Agricultural ❑ Food Processing ❑ Waterworks ❑ Manufacturing ❑ Irrigation ❑ Injec6op!L 2 6 2022 ❑ Obscrcaiion/%Ioniioring Well ❑ Geothennal R.ndmg ueaungl ❑ Fire Safety p 1 fined Charlottesville;koemarle ❑ I,pen'. O Relumal to surl:me Health Department o Relumed to \,loch. By- J. Well Construction;' Well designation, Name or Number: Date Started: 7/612022 Date Completed: 717n022 Type Rig: Air Rotary Class Well (Check One): ❑ 1 ❑ IIA ❑ IIB ❑ IIIA ® IIIB ❑ HIC ❑ IIID ❑ IIIE O IV Construction Tv a (Check One): ® New ❑ Existing -Modified: o weu ❑ pu,np: Date_ _ Well De tit: 280 ft. Total Hole (borehole) Depth: 84 ft. Depth to Bedrock: 15 ft. Hole Size (Include reamed zones): to inches from 0 to 54 ft. 6 Inches thorn 54 to 280 ft. Height of Casing above Land Surface: 2 ft. 0 inches Casing Size (LD.) and Materials: (below) "rota) De th of Casin : 56 ft. 61,4 inches from -2 to 54 ft. o .mtu VCed Material PSDR 27.6 Weight Per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to t1. o mfilled Material Wei& per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to li. o ...rued Material Weight per ft. or %call thickness in. Screen Size & Mesh: inches from to ft. o u,tiued Mesh Sizc TYIC inches from to ft. ❑ 1111ald I Mesh Size Type inches from to fl. o 1.16ued I Mesh Size Type Water Zones: from 70 to 71 fl, from to ft. from to ft. Gravel Pack: — - --- Size: Type: front to ft. I Size: fv e: from to ft. Grout Type: ® nenlonite Slum ❑ \gal l'nonn O l;entomte pellet, chips ❑ Cuncrc I. I O Ncal t'cmna 161u tentnnilel from 0 to 50 It. Grouting Method: found rmm sudacc I'nnnd d,mugh trmunle p.ry: u Ihnn xd IFum Ixnmm .ward Type of Seal: ❑ pi0�ss adapte. ❑ ,anN,n icat from 10 ft. Camera Survey': ❑ Yes ❑ NO Date Conducted: Additional Well Construction Form Information Attached: ❑ Yes ❑ No Form GW-2 Revised 8/ 19/2016 Page 3 of 4 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT 'Indicates required field or section °Indicates required field or section, if applicable 10. Driller's Log Use additional sheets if necessary), DEQ Well # USGS Local # VDH HDIN # 101.21•0130 VDH PWSID # Well designation, Name or Number: Depth (feel) Type of Rock or Soil Remarks Drilling Diagram of Well Construction (with Time dimensions) (Min.) From To (Color, material, fossils, hardness, etc.) ( Water, caving, cavities. etc.) 0 15 red clay, brown schist, brown sandy schist soil, broken -up rock, water, hard gray rock 15 54 hard gray rock set casing 54 70 hard gray rock, quartz 70 71 broken -up brownstone water 71 280 hard gray rock, quartz 11. Certification I certiJi, under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under nqdirection or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the h formation submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons n•ho manage the sssteni or those persons directly respons•ibleJar gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and heligl7rue. accurate, and complete. 1 ant aware that there are signilic•mt penalties forsubrnirtitig fcdse information including the possibility of fine and imprisonnnenl lior knowing violations. Signature'. { Date: 7/7/2022 License Number: 2719000250 / James R Hoa EXHIBIT 2 J J /JANAL.YTICS August 08, 2022 RICK AMARAL FRANK SAUL CONSTRUCTION 943 PRESTON AVE #5 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Account ID: Purchase Order: Client ID: IVY PROPER Work Order: 1060335 Dear RICK AMARAL Analytics Corporation 10329 Stony Run Lane Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (804) 365-3000 Fax: (804) 365-3002 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on Thursday, August 04, 2022. The signature below certifies that the results are based on the referenced methods and applicable certifications or accreditations are noted for each parameter reported (see key at end of report). Unless otherwise specified all analyses of solid materials are based on dry weight. Reported results relate only to the items tested, as received by the laboratory. On -site analysis (analysis ASAP) is recommended for the following tests: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, residual chlorine and sulfite. When performed off -site, these tests do not meet NELAC standards. Abbreviations:ug/L = micrograms per Liter, mg/L = milligrams per Liter, ug/g = micrograms per gram, mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ug/wp = micrograms per wipe, ug/ml = micrograms per millimeter, uS/cm = microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celcius ppb = parts per billion, DF = Dilution Factor. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to call Client Services at 1-800-888-8061. Sincerely, aa'x -A C Dawn Casto Technical Director (or designee) Enclosures Report ID: 1060335-20220808164949 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Page 1 of 3 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Analytics Corporation /jANALYTICS Workorder: 1060335 IVY PROPER Lab ID: 1060335001 Sample ID: 1 Parameters Analytics Corporation 10329 Stony Run Lane Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (804)365-3000 Fax: (908) 365-3002 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Date Received: 08/04/2022 16:21 Matrix Drinking Water Date Collected: 08/04/2022 7:00 Sample Type: GRAB Results Units LOQ OF Prepared By Analyzed By Qual Certifications Analytical Method: EPA 524.2 Benzene <5.00 ug/L 5.00 1 NA NA 8/5/2022 13:38 DAC V Ethylbenzene <2.00 ug/L 2.00 1 NA NA 8/5/2022 1338 DAC V m & p-xylene <4.00 ug/L 4.00 1 NA NA 8/5/2022 13:38 DAC o-Xylene <2.00 ug/L 2.00 1 NA NA 8/5/2022 13:38 DAC Toluene <2.00 ug/L 2.00 1 NA NA 8/5/2022 13:38 DAC V I .4 j d Report ID: 1060335-20220808164949 J CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Analytics Corporation Page 2 of 3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Workorder: 1060335 IVY PROPER Qualifiers Certification Index: V = Virginia (NELAC) - 1 VAC 3046 H 1, Laboratory ID: 460160, Certificate #: 11815 Report ID: 1060335-20220808164949 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Analytics Corporation 10329 Stony Run Lane Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (804) 365-3000 Fax: (9O8)365-3002 Page 3 of 3 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Analytics Corporation C•,_IRCC=NL��AAIIE___CUC=)Y GACCOUNT NAME AND ADDRESS y:�n K 7u J 1 ` �'^ S+✓� c i � 0 i� q p l l 3 T✓e A-ie I - �n q 4 e S J'• � 11I v� dd` / 63 =HIPPF —^ a0---ILES' '---)JEC' -EOR" ',ER ` -- � A N�ALYTICS 10329 Stony Run Lane Ashland, VA 23005 Phone (804) 365-3000 Toll Free (800) 888-8061 Fax (804) 365-3002 PURCHASE ORDER NO. CONTACT 2 rck_ TELEPHONE NUMBER N lsy RUSH ❑ Same Da l Same SISDay E-MAIL ADDRESS: � Am A � 4 L ® (+ ^tc 5(+•I1 /t rH fY'at S�Y^uc • d. Cu•,.� ❑ One Day ❑ Two Day ❑ Three Day ex SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS'. q ATEX Fti• I'Jt Mqr la Cum .1� CHAIN MATRIX CODES OF CUSTODY RECORD ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Place an "X" in the box below to indicate request) n x P' ¢ co z 0 i x c t B / `% ` O Z Preservative Temperature on Arrival �� i" A= AQUEOUS 0= OIL S =SOLID X =OTHER 2 U 2 ° Z 2 _ ° m Z L O Received on Ice: es ❑ No DW = DRINKING WATER IN= WIPES COMMENTS Lab ID Sample Identification Date & Time I 8/0 7/�NT pw 3 6 I TIME SAMPLED BY (PRINT NAME): --]SAMPLED BY ISIGNATURE TO INITIATE COCI: DATE SAMPLES RELINQUISHED BY: ISIGNATURE DATE TIME CONDITION SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME CONDITION �I E N V COC-01 I REV. 412012) RETAIN BACK COPY FOR PERSONAL RECORDS /1ANALYTICSS_ Work Order: 1060335 Customer Name: ANALYTICS CORPORATION MIS CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAB CONTAINER ID TYPE OF qTY Temp(C) pH CONTAINER 1 1060335001-C 40MLG 1 19.1 1 1060335001-A 40MLG 1 19.1 1 1060335001-B 40MLG 1 19.1 Notes Sample Custodian Signature Condition Code Definations WM Received out of </= 6 C range Sample Container Receipt Form Version 6-24-2011 Chlorine on I Condition Code Preservative Arrival (ppm) NA WM HCL NA WM HCL NA WM HCL COLLIN WOODWARD Date: Y, / v, 4- Version 7-10-2015 CML - — - — - Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT 3 ._ a .-A .A .J Virginia Administrative Code Title 12. Health Agency 5. Department of Health Chapter 610. Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations Part V. Design and Construction Criteria Article 1. General Requirements 12VAC5-610-670. Sewage flows. Subsurface soil absorption systems shall be designed on the basis of the sewage flows tabulated in Table 5.1. Table 5.1. Sewage Flows. Flow Discharg Design Flow BOD S.S. Duration(Hour) e Facility Unit (gpd) (#/day) (#/day) Dwellingl per person 75 0.2 0.2 24 total Food 15 -- -- -- preparati on Toilet - 20 -- facilities Bathing - 20 -- - facilities Handwas - 5 -- - hing facilities Launderi -- 15 - - -- ng Schools with shower per 16 0.04 0.04 8 and person cafeteria Schools without showers and with per 10 0.025 0.025 8 person or without cafeteria j Boarding per 75 0.2 0.2 16 schools person Motels at 65 gals/ person per 130 0.26 0.26 24 (rooms Person only) Trailer per 75 0.2 0.2 24 courts person Restaura per seat 50 0.2 0.2 16 nts Interstate or through perseat 100-180 0.7 0.7 16 highway restauran is Interstate per 5 0.01 0.01 24 rest areas person Service Per stations vehicle 10 0.01 0.01 16 served Factories Per operating & office erson per 15-35 0.03-0.07 0.03-0.07 Period buildings 8-hr shift per 1,000 Shopping PP g ft. of ultimate 200-300 0.1 0.1 12 centers floor space Hospitals per bed 300 0.6 0.6 24 Nursing per bed 200 0.3 0.3 24 homes Homes per bed 100 0.2 0.2 24 for the aged Doctor's per 1,000 500 0.1 0.1 12 office in sq. ft. medical center Laundro per 500 0.3 0.03 16 mats, 9 to machine 12# machines Communi per 15 0.03 0.03 12 ty student colleges and faculty Swimmin per 10 0.001 0.001 12 g pools swimmer Theaters, per car 5 0.01 0.01 4 drive-in type Theaters, per seat 5 0.01 0.01 12 auditoriu m type Picnic per 5 0.01 0.01 12 areas person Camps, resort day and night er campsite 50 0.05 0.05 24 with limited plumbing Luxury per 100 0.1 0.1 24 camps campsite with flush toilets Dump per 50 0.05 0.05 24 station campsite 1 For all dwelling units the design shall be based on two persons per bedroom. Statutory Authority §§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-164 of the Code of Virginia. Historical Notes Derived from VR355-34-02 § 4.2, eff. February 5, 1986; amended, eff. May 11, 1988; Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 16, eff. July 1, 2000. ._j EXHIBIT 4 15A NCAC 02T .0114 WASTEWATER DESIGN FLOW RATES (a) This Rule shall be used to determine wastewater flow rates for all systems governed by this Subchapter unless alternate criteria are provided by a program -specific rule or for flow used for the purposes of 15A NCAC 02H .0105. Higher flow rates shall be required where usage and occupancy are atypical, including those in Paragraph (e) of this Rule. Wastewater flow calculations shall take hours of operation and anticipated maximum occupancies and usage into account when calculating peak flows for design. (b) In determining the volume of sewage from dwelling units, the flow rate shall be 120 gallons per day per bedroom. The minimum volume of sewage from each dwelling unit shall be 240 gallons per day and each additional bedroom above two bedrooms shall increase the volume by 120 gallons per day. Each bedroom or any other room or addition that can function as a bedroom shall be considered a bedroom for design purposes. When the occupancy of a dwelling unit exceeds two persons per bedroom, the volume of sewage shall be determined by the maximum occupancy at a rate of 60 gallons per person per day. (c) The following table shall be used to determine the minimum allowable design daily flow of wastewater facilities. Design flow rates for establishments not identified below shall be determined using available flow data, water -using fixtures, occupancy or operation patterns, and other measured data. Type of Establishments Daily Flow For Design Barber and beauty shops Barber Shops 50 gal/chair Beauty Shops 125 gal/booth or bowl Businesses, offices and factories General business and office facilities 25 gal/employee/shift Factories, excluding industrial waste 25 gal/employee/shift Factories or businesses with showers or food preparation 35 gal/employee/shift Warehouse 100 gaHoading bay Warehouse — self storage (not including caretaker residence) 1 gal/unit Churches Churches without kitchens, day care or camps 3 gal/seat Churches with kitchen 5 gal/seat Churches providing day care or camps 25 gal/person (child & employee) Fire, rescue and emergency response facilities Fire or rescue stations without on site staff 25 gal/person Fire or rescue stations with on -site staff 50 gal/person/shift Food and drink facilities Banquet, dining hall 30 gal/seat Bars, cocktail lounges 20 gal/seat Caterers 50 gal/100 sq ft floor space Restaurant, full Service 40 gal/seat Restaurant, single service articles 20 gal/seat Restaurant, drive-in 50 gal/car space Restaurant, carry out only 50 gal/100 sq ft floor space Institutions, dining halls 5 gaUmeal Deli 40 gal/100 sq ft floor space Bakery 10 gal/100 sq ft floor space Meat department, butcher shop or fish market 75 gal/100 sq ft floor space Specialty food stand or kiosk 50 gal/100 sq ft floor space Hotels and Motels Hotels, motels and bed & breakfast facilities, without in -room cooking facilities 120 gal/room Hotels and motels, with in -room cooking facilities 175 gal/room Resort hotels 200 gal/room Cottages, cabins 200 gal/unit Self service laundry facilities 500 gal/machine Medical, dental, veterinary facilities Medical or dental offices 250 gal/practitioner/shift Veterinary offices (not including boarding) 250 gal/practitioner/shift Veterinary hospitals, kennels, animal boarding facilities 20 gal/pen, cage, kennel or stall Hospitals, medical 300 gal/bed Hospitals, mental 150 gal/bed Convalescent, nursing, rest homes without laundry facilities 60 gal/bed Convalescent, nursing, rest homes with laundry facilities 120 gal/bed Residential care facilities 60 gal/person Parks, recreation, camp grounds, R-V parks and other outdoor activity facilities Campgrounds with comfort station, without water or sewer hookups 75 gal/campsite Campgrounds with water and sewer hookups 100 gal/campsite Campground dump station facility 50 gal/space Construction, hunting or work camps with flush toilets 60 gal/person Construction, hunting or work camps with chemical or portable toilets 40 gal/person Parks with restroom facilities 250 gal/plumbing fixture Summer camps without food preparation or laundry facilities 30 gal/person Summer camps with food preparation and laundry facilities 60 gal/person Swimming pools, bathhouses and spas 10 gal/person Public access restrooms 325 gal/plumbing fixture Schools, preschools and day care Day care and preschool facilities 25 gal/person (child & employee) Schools with cafeteria, gym and showers 15 gal/student Schools with cafeteria 12 gal/student Schools without cafeteria, gym or showers 10 gaVstudent Boarding schools 60 gal/person (student & employee) Service stations, car wash facilities Service stations, gas stations 250 gal/plumbing fixture Car wash facilities 1200 gal/bay Sports centers ' Bowling center 50 gal/lane Fitness, exercise, karate or dance center 50 gal/100 sq ft Tennis, racquet ball 50 gal/court Gymnasium 50 gal/100 sq ft Golf course with only minimal food service 250 gal/plumbing fixture Country clubs 60 gal/member or patron Mini golf, putt -putt 250 gal/plumbing fixture Go-kart, motocross 250 gal/plumbing fixture Batting cages, driving ranges 250 gal/plumbing fixture Marinas without bathhouse 10 gal/slip Marinas with bathhouse 30 gal/slip Video game arcades, pool halls 250 gal/plumbing fixture F Stadiums, auditoriums, theaters, community centers 5 gal/seat Stores, shopping centers, malls and flea markets Auto, boat, recreational vehicle dealerships/showrooms with restrooms 125 gal/plumbing fixture Convenience stores, with food preparation 60 gal/100 sq ft Convenience stores, without food preparation 250 gal/plumbing fixture Flea markets 30 gal/stall Shopping centers and malls with food service 130 gal/1000 sq ft Stores and shopping centers without food service 100 gal/I000 sq ft Lj Transportation terminals — air, bus, train, ferry, port and dock 5 gal/passenger (d) Design daily flow rates for proposed non-residential developments where the types of use and occupancy are not known shall be designed for a minimum of 880 gallons per acre, or the applicant shall specify an anticipated flow based upon anticipated or potential uses. (e) Design daily flow rates for residential property on barrier islands and similar communities located south or east of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and used as vacation rental as defined in G.S. 42A-4 shall be 120 gallons per day per habitable room. Habitable room shall mean a room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for living or sleeping, excluding kitchens and dining areas, bathrooms, shower rooms, water closet compartments, laundries, pantries, foyers, connecting corridors, closets, and storage spaces. (f) An adjusted daily sewage flow design rate shall be granted for permitted but not yet tributary connections and future connections tributary to the system upon showing that the capacity of a sewage system is adequate to meet actual daily wastewater flows from a facility included in Paragraph (b) or (c) of this Rule without causing flow violations at the receiving wastewater treatment plant or capacity -related sanitary sewer overflows within the collection system as follows: (1) Documented, representative data from that facility or a comparable facility shall be submitted by an authorized signing official in accordance with Rule .0106 of this Section to the Division for all flow reduction requests, as follows: (A) dates of flow meter calibrations during the time frame evaluated and indication if any adjustments were necessary; (B) a breakdown of the type of connections (e.g. two bedroom units, three bedroom units) and number of customers for each month of submitted data as applicable. Identification of any non-residential connections including subdivision clubhouses and pools, restaurants, schools, churches and businesses. For each non-residential connection, information identified in Paragraph (c) of this Rule (e.g. 200 seat church, 40 seat restaurant, 35 person pool bathhouse); (C) a letter of agreement from the owner or an official, meeting the criteria of Rule .0106 of this Section, of the receiving collection system or treatment works accepting the wastewater and agreeing with the adjusted design rate; (D) age of the collection system; (E) analysis of inflow and infiltration within the collection system or receiving treatment plant, as applicable; (F) if a dedicated wastewater treatment plant serves the specific area and is representative of the residential wastewater usage, at least the 12 most recent consecutive monthly average ' wastewater flow readings and the daily total wastewater flow readings for the highest average wastewater flow month per customers, as reported to the Division; (G) if daily data from a wastewater treatment plant cannot be used or is not representative of the project area: 12 months worth of monthly average wastewater flows from the receiving treatment plant shall be evaluated to determine the peak sewage month. Daily wastewater flows shall then be taken from a flow meter installed at the most downstream point of the collection area for the peak month selected that is representative of the project area. Justification for the selected placement of the flow meter shall also be provided; and (H) an estimated design daily sewage flow rate shall be determined by calculating the numerical average of the top three daily readings for the highest average flow month. The calculations shall also account for seasonal variations, excessive inflow and infiltration, ' r age and suspected meter reading and recording errors. U(2) The Division shall evaluate all data submitted but shall also consider other factors in granting, with or without adjustment, or denying a flow reduction request including: applicable weather conditions during the data period (i.e. rainy or drought), other historical monitoring data for the particular facility or other similar facilities available to the Division, the general accuracy of ` monitoring reports and flow meter readings, and facility usage, such as whether the facility is in a resort area. r (3) Flow increases shall be required if the calculations required by Subparagraph (f)(1) of this Rule yield design flows higher than that specified in Paragraphs (b) or (c) of this Rule. Li (4) The permittee shall retain the letter of any approved adjusted daily design flow rate for the life of the facility and shall transfer such letter to a future permittee. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-215.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff. September 1, 2006; Readopted Eff. September 1, 2018. EXHIBIT 5 Ivy Proper TMP58A-14 & 20 Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment Groundwater Management Plan Prepared for: Building Management Company 400 Locust Avenue, suite 3 Charlottesville VA 22902 Draft submitted September 3, 2020 Nick H. Evans PhD CPG Virginia Groundwater LLC PO Box 1424 Charlottesville VA 22902 nick(@virginiagroundwater.com 434-466-1280 .J Key Findings Hydrogeologic setting: Located in the valley of Little Ivy Creek just above the flood plain, the site is underlain by deep and well -drained soils that overlie fractured crystalline porphyroblastic biotite gneiss bedrock. Groundwater availability: Soils and bedrock are favorable to water well construction. Recharge potential from onsite soils is excellent, and there is likely to be significant recharge from off site. Bedrock fracture potential is favorable. Are Hydrogeologic conditions favorable to proposed use? Yes. Contamination threats on record within 2000 feet of parcel? Yes. Due to the proximity of open LUST cases to the site, it is advisable to test any new well on the property for possible contaminants. Additional contaminant threats observed in field reconnaissance? None. Anticipated impacts of proposed use to existing users of groundwater? None Anticipated impacts of proposed use to impact sustainability of groundwater resources? None Groundwater management plan: Offset groundwater recharge lost due to impervious surface created during development by infiltrating runoff on site to the extent possible. Project Overview The proposal is to construct a 6500 square foot office building to include a veterinary clinic and general office space, on TMP58A-14 & 20, which comprise 0.87 acres on the north side of Ivy Road at Ivy (Figure 1). New impervious surface area created by the project will total 0.466 acres. A conceptual site plan showing the project layout and area of land disturbance is provided with this report. Figure 1: Site location map r m ViOM S� O ]]1 G n 7 85] R �o ]38 At organtown Rd ]l9 ��V L, IvY R- .assmefe 786 6]9 C v � 4 yid Rd yp� 9,00mr Che,.r as scale N T Langford or 2000 feet 3 Projected maximum water consumption for the facility is 875 gallons per day, based on usage by the veterinary clinic and office employees using restroom facilities. Water will be supplied by a well to be drilled on site. Waste water will be disposed of through an on -site drain field that has a permitted capacity of 875 gallons per day. Adjoining parcels are in a mix of uses (Figure 2). While all adjoining parcels are within the Albemarle County Service Authority service area (water only), not all are connected to the system, and all use on -site drain fields for waste disposal. Figure 2: location detail with nearby land usage 11 J • residential o commercial O church 100-year flood plain 4 .Jf Hydrogeologic Assessment Topography and hydrology The parcels to be developed are located within the Little Ivy Creek watershed. Site elevations range between about 516 feet above sea level on the southeast edge along Ivy Road, to about 537 feet in the northeast corner at the rear of the property (Figures 2 and 3). The southern portion of the property slopes gently south toward the alluvial flood plain Little Ivy Creek. The western edge of the 100-year flood plain is about 100 feet south of the property. Slopes are steeper along the northern edge of the property. The landscape slopes upward to the north and west of the site, toward a drainage divide defined by Turners Mountain. To a first approximation groundwater flow directions within a few hundred feet of the surface may be predicted to be down a hydraulic gradient that mimics surface topography. On this basis overall groundwater flow beneath the project site is predicted to be south to southeast, toward discharge in Little Ivy Creek. Figure 3: Topography, watershed drainage divides, and predicted groundwater flow directions in the vicinity of TMP 58A2-14 & 20 l �o t. r �lt.� /. _✓i' ten'.„ ! t Mechums River watershed 0 Ivy Creek watershed" l TMP 58A2-14 & 20 � � � �., rt�'_'^.--"fie J" "� �� �? • F ���/ � � � 3i watershed drainage `divide Little Ivy Creek watershed Ivy Creek wate� hed' r" predicted f; , r . t w, T r t\ `, s groundwater ��, `�,�4.1 flow direction scale ® F 2000 feet 5 Hydrogeology In central Virginia, the physical characteristics of soils and the underlying bedrock are critical to the suitability of a given site to water well construction. Soils and weathered rock close to the surface serve as a "sponge" that captures rainwater, then feeds water downward to recharge fractures in the bedrock. Drinking water wells are normally constructed to tap water from deep bedrock fractures, while excluding potentially contaminated water that may exist in soils and weathered rock close to the surface. Groundwater becomes cleansed by passing downward through deeper soils and bedrock fissures. While the soils provide an excellent medium for recharge and groundwater storage, a successful well must intersect deeper water -bearing fracture networks in the bedrock that are interconnected with the soils as a source for recharge. The soils on this site are classified as Yadkin clay loam, deeply eroded. These are described in the USDA Soil Survey as deep and well -drained, with moderate water storage capacity and moderate to high capacity to transmit water. These attributes are favorable for storage and transmission of groundwater. There is significant acreage up hydraulic gradient from the site to the north and west, which suggests potential for significant groundwater recharge from off site. The crystalline bedrock beneath the project site is called porphyroblastic biotite gneiss. There is an exposure of this rock on the northern edge of the site in an erosion ditch on the slope leading up to the railroad bed (image left). This type of rock is very widespread in western Albemarle County. The bedrock does not contain primary intergranular porosity through which groundwater might flow. Rather, groundwater flows in fractures and fissures, where such occur. The reported yields from drilled wells are a good proxy for assessing the degree of bedrock fracture density, which has a direct correlation with the magnitude of yields of wells drilled into that rock. Of 1536 database wells constructed in the porphyroblastic biotite gneiss bedrock present on this site, the average yield is 8.4 gallons per minute (GPM), and the average well depth is 218 feet. These numbers suggest that on average this type of rock is favorable in terms of fracture density. v Of 23 database wells in the vicinity of the site (Figure 4) in the County database, the average yield is 10 GPM, with a low of 0 GPM and a high of 60 GPM. Although 5 wells are reported as zero yield (dry holes), the numbers imply that overall bedrock fracture density is favorable to water well productivity in the vicinity of the project site. The existing well on the property is in the database as a zero yield well (drilled 1961, 122 feet deep). The applicant plans to abandon that well. Figure 4- Existing wells in the County database in the vicinity of TMP 58A2-14 & 20, also showing ACSA service area extent J TMP 58A2-14 & 20 • existing domestic well 15 in County database, location approximate; yield, gallons per minute existing public supply well in County database ACSA service area �I VA Water budget analysis of proiect impact It is instructive to use quantitative water budget analysis to evaluate the proposed use of groundwater relative to natural groundwater recharge. (data source: Sanford, W.E. and others, 2011, Quantifying components of the hydrologic cycle in Virginia using chemical hydrograph separation and multiple regression analysis: USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5198) Annual precipitation, Albemarle County: 46.8 inches --normal year 25.7 inches --drought year (d) Percentage of precipitation contributing to groundwater recharge, subtracting runoff and evapotranspiration: 32% Annual regional groundwater recharge: 14.98 inches 8.39 inches (d) Average regional daily groundwater recharge:.04104 inches = .00342 feet .02299 inches = .00192 feet (d) Daily recharge per acre: (.00342 feet) X (43560 square feet per acre) = 149 cubic feet recharge per acre 84 (d) Gallons recharge per day per acre: 149 cubic feet X 7.48 gallons per cubic foot = 1115 gallons per day per acre 682 (d) Recharge area available on project site: (0.87 acres) — (0.466 acres new imoervious surrace) = .4u4 acres Gallons per day natural recharge to site post development: (1115 gallons per acre) X (.404 acres) = 450 gallons per day 275 gallons per day (d) Predicted maximum daily groundwater withdrawal post development: 875 gallons per day Estimated proportion of daily withdrawal that is consumptive (water not returned to the ground on site through the drain field, for example water carried off -site in containers, or water lost to evaporation): 5%, or 43.8 gallons per day. The proposed consumptive usage of groundwater amounts to about 10% of daily recharge to the site post development under normal precipitation, and about 16% during drought years. Potential for proposed use to affect existing users of groundwater While the County database contains records for many wells in the vicinity of the proposed project site (Figure 4), it is not clear which of these are still in service due to expansion of the ACSA service area. Regardless, TMP58A-14 & 20 is down hydraulic gradient from all existing wells on record. The water budget 0 analysis, above, suggests that a well drilled on this site and pumped to supply the modest demands of the proposed use would have no foreseeable impact on existing users of groundwater on nearby parcels. Potential for proposed use to impact sustainability of groundwater resources The proposed withdrawal of 875 GPD, of which roughly 844 GPD are returned to the ground as recharge through the drain field, would have no foreseeable impacts on regional groundwater resources in the long term. Contaminant threats affecting the proposed site A Phase 1 Environmental Assessment of the property was conducted in 2019 by ECS Mid -Atlantic LLC (attached to this report). This assessment found four documented LUST (leaking underground storage tank) cases within 1000 feet of the site. (Figure 5). In reviewing these cases, none appear to pose potential impacts to the project Figure 5: LUST sites on record within 1000 feet of TMP58A-14 & 20 LUST site, case closed LUST site, ❑* case open 1 predicted groundwater flow direction site. The two sites listed as "closed" are hydraulically up gradient from the property. Neither is considered a potential threat to groundwater quality on TMP58A-14 & 20 because of their "closed" status and relative distance from the site. The two "open" cases are closer to the site, but both are down gradient hydraulically from the site, and not likely to impact a well drilled on site. A comprehensive study was conducted at the Scott's Exxon LUST site, located 300 feet southeast of the project site (Sullivan International Corporation, 2013, attached to this report). The data from this study confirm that groundwater flow in the area is toward the south-southeast, which would carry contaminants away from TMP58A-14 & 20. A domestic well on 58A2-20A, which is between the Scott's Exxon site and the proposed development site, was tested and found to be impacted by MBTE contamination from the spill. It is advisable that any well drilled on the proposed development site be tested for possible contaminants. Threats of contamination by proposed project There are no perceived threats to groundwater quality by the proposed use. Reserve wellfield The limited size of the property poses potential challenges to siting a replacement well if the supply well for the project becomes compromised in some way. Groundwater management plan Offset groundwater recharge lost due to impervious surface created during development by infiltrating runoff on -site to the extent possible. Submitted by Nicholas H. Evans, CPG # 2801 001041 September 3, 2020 I.U21LNION WEALTII of VIN uomaEs ow Department of Pwfe monal and Ocwpational a .%I,I d Dnvc. Sul¢ J . �. VA 08-31-2021 rrkMme. Maui VrTBMp BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL SOIL SCIENTISTS, WETLAND PROFESSIONALS R GE2100:S7S CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST NICHOLAS H EVANS JUM y M 46D9 BURNLEY STATION ROAD BARBOURSVILLE. VA 22923 oz IVY PROPER - FINAL SITE PLAN LAYOUT PLAN / i / rl I milt