HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201200001 Application 2022-08-17Application for Letter of Revision ❑ Letter of Revision - $118.86 + $4.75 Technology Fee = $123.61 This application may require additional review by the Fire Marshal. Fees in addition to those shown on this application may be required as required by the Fire Prevention Code Fee Schedule. A copy of the schedule is available from the Fire Marshal. Final Site Plan Name and Number: SDP 2012 00001 Contact (who should we contact about this project) Kevin Fink Street Address 210 Carlton Road City. Cville State VA Phone Number 434 270 0160 Owner of Record OCT Stonefield Property Owner, LLC Street Address 535 Madison Avenue, 6th FLoor rih New York qt,t. New York Phone Number 212 546 0824 Kevin Fink Street Address Same as above Phone Number 22902 kevin@martinhorn.com 10022 aschwarz@oconnorcp.com ❑ The appropriate fee, ❑ The site plan number that the change applies to, ❑ A request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authorized agent, ❑ 4 copies of the plan that shows the proposed changes, Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the approved final site plan, or on an I I'W IT' copy of that portion of the approved final site plan Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner, Agent Kevin Fink Print Name FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LOR # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? 08.15.22 Date 434 270 0160 Daytime phone number of Signatory Receipt # Ck# By: County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 REVISED 7/1/2021 (Fee Update) Page 1 of 1 DESIGN DEVELOP PROJECT: F45 Gym OWNER: O'Connor Capital Group LOCATION: 2075 Bond Street, Suite 150, Stonefield. SUBJECT: Description of work to be performed relative to sidewalk improvements. To whom it may concern, My name is Bob Pine, and I am the principal of Design Develop Architects based in Charlottesville. We have been hired by the Stonefield Property Owners to facilitate the following work: • Split existing and vacant 2-bay storefront space into two new separate tenant spaces. One of those new spaces with house F45 Gym, which provides athletic fitness training, and the other bay will be finished to accommodate another end user yet to be determined. • The current configuration of the storefront and associated egress and ingress of the existing sidewalk and safety features were originally designed and built to only accommodate a single point of entrance for the double bay space. • Since the double bay, single entrance/egress configuration did not allow for an accessible entrance for the newly configured (2) single bay storefronts, the existing sidewalk, ramp, and handrails had to be redesigned. The proposed changes would allow independent and code -compliant entrances to each new unit. Great care was taken to assure that the configuration of the revised sidewalk met accessibility requirements for slope and protection, as well as integrating these changes in such a way as to allow the flow of pedestrian traffic to pass by, and to existing storefront opening, as well as the planned secondary entrance to F45 Space as depicted on the construction drawings on file for the project.0ink to drawings) If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 434-806-8365 or bob(a)designdevelopl Ic.com Best Bob Plneo DESIGNDEVELOP 802 East Jefferson Street, Suite B3 I Charlottesville,VA 229021 434-806-8365 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite330I Baltimore, MD 21211 1434-443-4045 www.desia ndevelopl Ic.com Page 1 of 1 / \24 ,� \ o DISTRIC� SIGHT DIST XI-1 - lk�/ IMP E ENTS REFLECT S LD + _ - W OBJ B EVARD ROAD PLAN" - gJ -� 1 I I w W 036 SEE G. Io. 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