HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE202200116 Application 2022-08-30Zoning Clearance Application
Fee Amount: $ 61.36
Applicabon fee: $59 . Technology Surcharge:. $2.36
Receipt #:
Clearance P,I,mber
Date Paid By:
Check #: By:
Applicant - Fill out the entire page below and return to
Community Development 401 McIntire Rd. North Vling Charlcttesvi:le, VA 229C2
i e ::ounty
Name: RAROL—M E-Mail Address:
Mailing Address: QU 1 �� Phone #: i
Tax Map and Parcel 5`� 0 Fel5hlm� IccU Ma I I Zoning: �lQ—�j
number and/or Address U Staff mai'll ua f onknc,r
of the Business:
Parcel Owner: 11,•�,. LSD, _ _ Owner's Address:
Check any that apply: t� New Ecslness charge cf s- CI-.arge of Cwnership Crarge cr r,z:n e
Business Name: SeYmdbM i4d�
Description of Business: De$CPte Ire cusiress rcluorg use ^.urte, cf empcyees. r. fYer of srifts, avallattlitf cf pa ng ane ary adcricral info.
�f LL • w
Previous Business on Site:
Floor Plan: Please aGach either ar architectural drawine cr a sketch cf the crcpcsed business '.roc tiro the !ccaticr —fuses Ye
uses of roots.. the total square fcctace of We se and ary additional infcrrnaticr.
Total Square Footage Used
for the Business: ! l
Is the Parcel Zoned LI, HI, or PDIP? Yes No If yes. lu ouI a .a " t=,,._e„ s aac r
Will there be food preparation?
Yes �Nc %
if des. orovlce Virgina Department of Health appnval
Is the Parcel on public water or private well?
Public J Pvvate
If or private well. provide Virginia Department cf .ealt a 1
Is the Parcel on public sewer or septic?
Pudic secdc
If or septic. crcv'Ce ;irgiria Department of Pear- aporoval
Will you be putting up any new signage?
v_, Ic
If yes, obtalr apomprate sign pannit and list per —it tt oelow
Will there be new construction or renovations?
va; 1,0
If yes, aotair appropnate ocilding permit and list Permit x below
Please list any applicable Building Permit #s:
Zoning Clearance review canner begin urr!1 r,,e agDlica for 3D.we s =cnpleta and all applicable forms and fees are alubr^ltted
This Clearance w,II only be valid x t-e o3rel. s 3, f you ---a-ge, intensify, or move t'ne ❑sa to a new
loca`.lon, a new Zoning Cleararce w II oe req.:red
I hereby certify that I Dw,, or have the Dwners per^Iss c- -33 — >„ti.., -.cared on this application. I also cetf', t"a,. the
information prov!dad Is true and accurate to the bes- Dt f" -,N13. j: _ , . -3ad the Donoitlons of approval, and understand
teem. and that I will aabidle by the—
S�gratura j' J'./"I` W,,,,,W ,:ay 0 IIq
Zoning Clearance Application % w° ^�bemaeRd,No"M
rle County
Commun ty Develaprnent
Ch roft rve e0 North Wing
\ � � Chatlottesvlle. VA 229C2
L? tyjw Phone 4.342965832
Applicant - If you are not the land owner, please fill out the entire page below confirming that you have either
informed or are going to inform the owner of your zoning clearance application.
I certify that I will provide (or have provided) notice of this clearance application,
clearance number provmed by Staff or business name
to J LL the owner
Name of landowner on record
of Tax Map and Parcel Number 15 Y by either delivering a
TMF number of property
copy of the application to them in person or by sending them a copy of the application by
mail. (Please check one of the following below)
Hand delivering a copy of the application to the owner identified above on
Date 3/1IIz-
❑ Mailing a copy of the application to the owner identified above on
Date to the following address:
(Written notice to the owner and last known address on our record books will satisfy this
requirement. Please see staff for help determining this information if needed)
Signature of Applicant
Applicant Name Printed
For Albemarle County Staff Review Only
Proposed Use: Permitted: Yes No
Permitted by Section: Supplementary Regulations:
Applicable Special Use Permit (SP):
Applicable Rezonings (ZMA):
Applicable Site Plans (SDP):
Parking: If mere s ar approared site play asscoated with L^e Carcel. tie park,ry- rerwremerts will be refired cy re SDP. Sore
carKing requiremerts are detem^cee by a ZMA cr py ar amrcvec Ccee c4 Ceveicpment,
Parking Formula: Defined by: Site Plan Zoring Ordinance CoD Existing
Total Square Footage of the Use:
Required number of parking spaces:
Associated Clearances:
Is a site inspection necessary.: Yes No
Site Inspection on (date): To Confirm:
Conditions of Approval: Additicral cerdihers cf apprcval apply is Firewcrks and Crdshnas Trees
Approval Information
Approved as proposed Approved with conditions J Denied
Backflow prevention device and/or current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA. 434.977.4511 ext. 117
No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore, it is not a determination of compliance
with the existing site plan.
This site complies with the site plan as of this date.
Additional Notes:
Building Official Date
Zoning Official Date
Other Official Date
County of Albemarle Deoartment of community Development
4311 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Pbone 434.296.B32 Fax: 43.t 97?_.412S
Zoning Clearance Information
What is a Zoning Clearance?
Albemarle County
Community Development
Ch40 iree d, Nort1h 229 Wing
Cha notlesN.11e. VA 22902
Phone 434 2%5832
A Zoning Clearance is verification from Albemarle County that a proposed use, whether it is a new business or other activity'.
(see Zoning definition of "Use"), satisfies all requirements of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and ensures public
health and safety. A Zoning Clearance Application is reviewed by the Zoning Department, Building Inspections Department,
as well as any other applicable departments or agencies.
A Zoning Clearance is Required in the Following Circumstances
• Opening a new business
• Changing or expanding an existing business
• Buying an existing business
• Moving a business to a new location or changing its name
• Before natural resource extraction
• Any uses listed in Section 5 of the Albemarle Ccunty Zoning Ordinance as requiring a Zoning Clearance
Items Required to Apply for a Zoning Clearance
Before filling out a Zoning Clearance Application ensure you have cr have done the following:
fax Map and Parcel number or Address of the property. Include suite/unit/floor number, if applicable.
® Description of the proposed business/use. Include any and all relevant information such as a description of the
business, the number of employees, number of shifts availability of parking etc
ii�AF or Plan. A sketch or an architectural drawing of the total square footage of the use. If using less than the entire
ructure, note the location within the structure. Note the square footage of and use of each room.
Provide notice to the owner if the applicant is not the owner. Within ten days of applying for a zoning clearance, the
applicant, if they are not the owner of the parcel and/or structure, shall inform the owner that they have applied for a
Zoning Clearance. Please fill out the form on page 3.
• Other Approvals/Documents if applicable.
A Certified Engineer's Report is required if the parcel is zoned Industrial (LI, HI, or PDIP).
• Health Department approval is required for food preparation or if the parcel is on private well or septic.
• Bakeries require USDA approval.
• Any additional approvals the Zoning Administrator may require including Department of Social Services and Fire +
• If you have any questions feel free to contact Staff at (434) 296-5832
Submitting an Application
Once you have all the required information provided above:
1. Fill out an application. Please complete page 2 in its entirety.
2. Submit an application. Bring or send a completed application to Albemarle County Community Development at
401 McIntire Rd, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
3. Pay. The application fee can be paid for in person or :Mire. If paying online please attach a copy of your payment re-
ceipt. A Zoning Clearance Application will not be processed until payment has been received.
4. Notify the Owner. If you are not the owner of the property please fill out page 3
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