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SDP202200051 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2022-09-09
Cameron Langille Principal Planner, Planning County of Albemarle blangille@albemarle.org Community Development Department - Department Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3432 �JBGIN��' Memorandum To: Devin Mayberry, devin@roudabush.com; Matthew Crane, matthew0arterradesien.com Date: September 9, 2022 Re: SDP202200051 Rio Commons Initial Site Plan - Site Review Committee (SRC) Review Comments Dear Applicant: The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial comments from the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as applicable, are attached: Albemarle County Planning Services Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) Albemarle County Transportation Planning Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Albemarle County Building Inspections Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Albemarle County Service Authority Virginia Department of Transportation Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Virginia Department of Health Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that will be required to be resolved prior to Final Site Plan approval. The applicant shall request the project be deferred to allow required revisions if required. Please contact meat your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Cameron Langille Principal Planner WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) - Cameron Langille, blangille@albemarle.org - Comments to be addressed: 1. [32.5.2 (a) & 18-15.3] Per Section 18-15.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, the maximum density allowed in the R4 District as a bonus level cluster development is 6.0 du/acre. The allowable density note on Sheet 1 states that with bonus factors provided, the density can be up to 6.64 du/acre, and this is incorrect. Please address the following: a. [32.5.2 (a),18-15A.1 & 18-15A.3] The allowable density note states that this is a bonus level cluster development with the following bonus factors proposed: 10% bonus for maintenance of existing wooded area; 30% density bonus for providing affordable units; and then "density bonus credit for development standards." What is the "density bonus credit for development standards" mentioned in this note? This is not a bonus factor option listed under Section 18-15.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and therefore may not be used to gain additional density. Based on the information provided to staff on the current plan, a 40% density bonus is proposed. See the comment #1c below on how this affects the number of lots proposed. Please remove reference to the" density bonus credit for development standards" mentioned in the note. b. [38-5A.1] The Zoning Ordinance was revised in 2022 to revise the previous conus factor for 10% bonus for maintenance of existing wooded areas. This code section now allows for a bonus factor to be permitted depending on what option the developer chooses under Code Section 18-2.4.3. The bonus density note needs to be revised to state "Environmental Standards bonus factor) and identify whether this is a 5% or 10% bonus. The applicant will need to provide an exhibit identifying the area of existing wooded features that will be preserved. c. [32.5.2 (a)] The proposed density note states that the proposed density is 6.06 du/acre. As noted in the comment above, the maximum density allowed in a bonus level cluster development in the R4 district is 6.0 du/acre. The site plan must be revised so that the number of units proposed and the maximum density proposed is 6 du/acre. Based on the project acreage (7.10 acres) and the proposed density bonus factors which total 40%, the total number of units allowed is 39. Based on the site acreage and bonus factors proposed, the site plan must be revised so that a maximum of 39 total units are proposed, per Section 18- 15.3 and 18-15.4. 2. [14-400 and 14-403] Lots 26-34 do not have any frontage on a public or private street. These lots cannot be subdivided as proposed. The Subdivision Ordinance states "Each lot within a subdivision shall have frontage on an existing or proposed public or private street." These lots are only served by a private alley. As such, the road design and lot layout will need to be revised so that these lots front on a public or private street. 3. [ (d) and (e)] The street layout does not meet the extension and coordination requirements of Section 32 or the Subdivision Ordinance, 14-409 (A) and 14-409 (B). The terminus of Road A ends adjacent to the property line of the Rio Point project. However, there will be no street connection made in that area of the Rio Point parcel because that area is going to be a stormwater detention pond. The street layout should be revised so that Road A extends to the property line of a parcel(s) to the south, such as TMP 61-170. 4. [32.5.2 (a)] Please revise the TMP numbers on the site plans. The previous parcels were altered through a boundary line adjustment. It appears that the project now lies entirely within TMP 61-167A. 5. [32.5.2 (b)] Revise the allowable density, proposed use, and proposed density notes on Sheet 1 in order to comply with the changes specified by comment #1. 6. [32.5.2 (b)] Revise the lot tabulation note on Sheet 2 so it states the correct number of units proposed that meets the maximum density allowed (6.0 du/acre, or 39 total units). WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 7. [18-15.7 & 18-4.16] Revise the recreational are required and proposed notes on Sheet 2 so that they state the correct number of units proposed and the correct amount of recreational area required. Currently, they do not state the acreage/square footage of recreational areas provided. For 39 units, the required recreation area must be 7,800 sq.ft. 8. [32.5.2 (b)] Revise the parking required and parking provided notes on Sheet 2 so that they state the correct number of spaces required and proposed based on the 39 total units allowed. 9. [32.5.2 (b)] Revise all applicable drawings that show new lots so that a maximum of 39 total units are proposed. 10. [38-15A.3] Affordable housing. The site plan proposes to provide affordable housing to gain a 30% density bonus. Based on the site acreage, this means that of the 39 total units permitted, five (5) affordable units must be provided. a. Add a note to sheet 1 or sheet 2 stating the required number of affordable housing units. b. Identify whether the affordable units will be rental or for -sale. i. [18-2.4.5 (b)(2)] If rental units, the developer must enter into an agreement with the County of Albemarle restricting the rental rates of the affordable units for a period of at least ten years or until the units are sold as affordable units, whichever comes first. ii. [18-2.4.5 (b)(3)] If sale units, the developer must provide the County of Albemarle with confirmation of the initial sale price for the affordable units prior to the issuance of building permits for the bonus units. c. [32.5.2 (b)] Identify which lots/units will be affordable units in the note and symbolize the affordable lots/units on the layout drawings. 11. [32.5.2 (1) & 32.7] Please see VDOT comment #3. Road A does not meet minimum VDOT requirements for horizontal curves. Please revise. 12. [32.5.2 (a)] Please identify the recorded instrument number for the 50' greenway easement that exists within TMP 61-167A. 13. [32.5.2 (b) and 18-15.3] Please add a note to the plans stating the maximum building height permitted, which is 35.' 14. [32.5.2 (d)] Please see Engineering comment #3. Topography must be field verified within the past year, but the site plan states that topography was verified in 2016. 15. [32.5.2 (e) & (c)] Please identify and label all existing landscape features that will be retained on the landscape plan that will be included with the final site plan. See Engineering Division comment #7 for further information. a. [32.7.9A (b) & (c)] If any of the existing landscape features will be retained to meet minimum canopy requirements specified by Section, these features must be identified and labeled (vegetation type, sizes, etc.). b. [32.7.9A (b)] A copy of the Conservation Plan Checklist will need to be added as an exhibit to the final site plan, and must be completed and signed by the owner or contract purchaser prior to final site plan approval. 16. [32.5.2 (f)] Please see Engineering comment #5. Please provide documentation whether the stream is intermittent and provide Army Corps of Engineers approval for locating sanitary sewer in the locations proposed (if necessary). WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 17. [32.5.2 0)] Please show all existing water, sewer and drainage facilities and easements within the property. Label easements by type, state dimensions, and state the recorded instrument number that created the easement. 18. [32.5.2 (1) and 32.5.2 (n)] Please label and dimension the planting strips along public streets. County Subdivision Ordinance Section 14-422 requires planting strips within the ROW to be 6' wide. 19. [32.5.2 (i)] Road names must be approved by E911 prior to final site plan approval. 20. [32.5.2 (n)] Please show all proposed parking areas with dimensions for each residential unit. Show dimensions of parking areas if these will be provided in driveways within each lot. If garage spaces are proposed, demonstrate that the garages will be large enough to accommodate the minimum number of spaces required per unit in accordance with Section 4.12. 21. [32.5.2 (n)] Please show all required recreational amenities and sizes of recreational areas as specified by Section 4.16 on the final site plan. This includes construction details for the proposed recreational equipment. 22. [32.5.2 (n) and (a)] Please see attached Transportation Planning staff comments. The Board of Supervisors recently approved the Rio Corridor Plan which calls for a 10' shared -use path along the east/south side of Rio Road. The 8' sidewalk must be revised so that it is a 10' shared use path meeting minimum VDOT standards. 23. [32.6] Prior to approval, the final site plan must address all applicable requirements of Section 32.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 24. [32.7] Prior to final site plan approval, a road plan application must be submitted, reviewed, and approved to verify that all proposed streets and other means of vehicular access to the site comply with all County and VDOT road design requirements. This includes compliance with all emergency access requirements specified in comments from the Department of Fire & Rescue. 25. [] Please see attached VDOT comments #6-11 and Transportation Planning staff comments regarding changes to the proposed sidewalks. All comments related to sidewalk design must be met prior to road plan and final site plan approval. a. [ and 14-422] Road A must have sidewalks along both sides of the street to meet minimum County standards for new public streets in the development areas. Currently, it only has sidewalk along one side. Please revise. 26. [] Please see attached VDOT comment #12. Provide turn lane warrant analysis for the entrance at Rio Road. Please be aware that VDOT may require additional turn lanes to be constructed along Rio Road prior to final site plan and road plan approval. The final site plan and road plans will need to meet all applicable VDOT entrance and turn lane requirements. 27. [] Internal streets must meet all minimum design requirements specified by VDOT and the Department of Fire Rescue prior to final site plan and road plan approval. 28. [32.7.4] Prior to final site plan approval, a Water Protection Ordinance Plan (WPO) must be submitted, reviewed, and approved. See Engineering comments for further information. 29. [] Prior to final site plan approval, an easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded for all proposed stormwater and drainage easements. Prior to approval of the final site plan, all stormwater and drainage easements created by the easement plat will need to be shown, labeled, and identified as WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 public/private, state the width/size of the easement, and state the recorded instrument umber of the plat that created the easements. 30. [32.7.5] Prior to final site plan approval, an easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded for all proposed water and sewer easements. Prior to approval of the final site plan, all water and sewer easements created by the easement plat will need to be shown, labeled, and identified as public/private, state the width/size of the easement, and state the recorded instrument umber of the plat that created the easements. 31. [32.7] Prior to final site plan approval, an easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded to create new easement around the retaining walls proposed within private residential lots. A maintenance agreement will need to be provided and recorded with the plat that specifies who will maintain the retaining wall improvements within private residential lots. See Engineering comments #9-10 for further information. 32. [32.7.9] The final site plan will need to include a landscaping plan that meets the following requirements: a. [] Street trees along all streets. Sizes and spacing requirements must be met. b. [ & (d)] Screening for double frontage lots, which are lots 1-14. Double frontage lots require a 20' wide screening area consisting of a double staggered row of evergreen trees planted 15 feet on center, or a double staggered row of evergreen shrubs planted ten feet on center, or an alternative vegetative screening approved by the agent. c. [] Minimum tree canopy of 20% must be provided within the site. Provide a calculation of the tree canopy area provided, and state the tree canopy area proposed. d. Provide a landscape schedule identifying the following information for proposed landscaping: state the species name, common name, quantity, size/height at time of installation, canopy area per species, and total canopy area for each species of landscaping material provided. e. All proposed landscaping must be tree and shrub species specified on the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List. f. Canopy figures for all species can be obtained from the Plant Canopy Calculations list. Please contact Cameron Langille in the Planning Division by using blangille@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext.3432 for further information. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Comments from Other Reviewers. Albemarle County Engineering Division - Emily Cox, ecox2Palbemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) - Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski(a@albemarle.org - No objection, see attached. Albemarle County Transportation Planning - Jessica Hersh-Ballering, Ihballering@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County E911 Services - Andy Slack, aslack@albemarle.org - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt. Albemarle County Building Inspections - Betty Slough, bslough@albemarle.org - Review not yet complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt. Albemarle County Department of Fire & Rescue - Howard Lagomarsino, hlagomarsino@albemarle.org - Requested changes, see attached. Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) - Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthoritv.org - See attached recommendation. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) - Doug McAvoy, douglas.mcavoy@vdot.virginia.gov - Requested changes, see attached. Virginia Department of Health (VDH) - Alan Mazurowski, alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov - No objection, see attached. Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority - Dyon Vega, dvega@rivanna.org - Requested changes, see attached. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 �$ County of Albemarle m COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Memorandum To: Cameron Langille From: Emily Cox Date: 24 Aug 2022 Subject: Rio Commons - Initial (SDP202200051) 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Telephone: 434-296-5832 WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG The Rio Commons - Initial Site Plan has been reviewed by Engineering. The following comments will need to be addressed before approval: 1. WPO Plan complying with VSMP requirements must be submitted and approved before final site plan can be approved. 2. Road plan must be submitted and approved before final site plan can be approved. 3. All topography should be at least visually field verified by the designer within the last year. This plan states a date of 2016. 4. Please ensure the newest maps are used to show the Floodplain. 5. Please confirm stream is intermittent and provide army corps of engineer approval for proposed sanitary in stream. 6. Signed and sealed engineered plans for retaining walls will be required before final site plan approval. 7. Please clarify areas that are tree preservation areas vs. areas that are preserved or managed slopes. It is hard to distinguish the shading/colors. 8. Please label the slopes the same way as County GIS labels (ex: preserved slopes, not county steep slope area). 9. Please note that you will need to provide an agreement or easement for any offsite work. 10. Please show all proposed easements. 11. For the WPO VSMP it appears Rio Point approvals and bonding may be necessary before this WPO plan is approved. 12. Please show accurate grading or retaining wall on the northern end of property. Grading does not currently appear to work with the proposed grading on adjacent property, Rio Point. 13. Please show all proposed utilities and easements on the landscaping sheets. 14. Please show sight distance profiles for all intersections, not just Rio Road. Review Comments for SDP202200051 Major Amendment �] Project Name: RIO COMMONS - MAJOR - DIGITAL Date Completed: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 DepartmenUDivisionRgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewski CDD ARB No Objection Pager County of Albemarle Printed On: 09/09/2022 Review Comments for SDP202200051 Major Amendment �] Project Name: RIO COMMONS - MAJOR - DIGITAL Date Completed: Monday, August 29, 2022 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer Jessica Hersh-Ballering CDD Plennino Requested Changes I ne woemane County ttoara or Supervisors nave acceptea the RIo Cornaor flan, wmcn calls Tor a i tr vnae snarea use pain along the south side of Rio Road between John Warner Parkway and Pen Park Road. As such, and in accordance with Albemarle County Code Sec., the applicant should show a 10' shared use path that meets VDOT standards in place of the proposed 8' sidewalk. Additionally, the shared use path should extend beyond its current endpoint at the driveway to the southern end of the property. Also, the applicant should include a crosswalk (to include C(3,12 ramps and meet all other VDOT standards) across Public Road A to connect the sidewalk in front of properties 94043 to the sidewalk across Public Road A (in front of properties #35-39). Finally, the applicant should consider a pedestrian pathway adjacent to property #25 to connect Public Road B to the Alley. Page: 1--� County of Albemarle Printed On: 09/09/2022 Review Comments for SDP202200051 Major Amendment �] Project Name: RIO COMMONS - MAJOR - DIGITAL Date Completed: Monday, August 22, 2022 Department/DivisiordAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Howard Lagomarsino Fire Rescue Requested Changes 1) Fire appartaus access roads are required for all structures and shall provide an unobstructed travelway width of 20 ft. if the buildings are 30 feet tall or less (measured to the eaves) and 26 ft. if over 30 feet tall and at the location of hydrants. Since none of the roads or the alley are proposed to provide greater than a 24 ft. travelway, please address whether any of the buildings are to be taller than 30 feet tall (generally greater than 3 stories) by a note on the plan that they are not to be taller than 30 ft. or adjust the travelway widths accodingly. 2) Fire appartus access roads shall be arranged to provide unobstructed access to all sides of the ground level within 150 feet of the fire apparatus access road. Please ensure fire apparatus access roads or cluster of buildings are designed/arranged accomodate this. 3) If buildings are taller than 30 ft., the building can be no closer than 15 feet and no more than 30 feet from the fire apparatus access road to permit safe and effecient firefighting operations for aerial apparatus. 4) Parking that reduces the travelway width of fire apparatus access roads below 20 feet for buildings 30 feet tail or less and 26 feet if taller than 30 feet and at locations of hydrants is not permitted. Except where parking spaces are constructed so as to prevent the reduction of the travelway below the required width requires markings and/or signs enumerating "No Parking - Fire Lane." Under the curreent configuration, this requires the markings/signs on boith sides of all roads, except E. Rio Road, and the alley. 6) Under the current design, the alley is necessary to meet the fire appartus access road needs. There are sections that are designed with a travelway width of 18 ft to 20 ft wide. The minimum s width is 20 feet if buildings are 30 feet tall or less and 26 ft. if taller than 30 feet. 7) PLace a note on the plan indicating the needed fire flow for the buildings 8) Place a note on the plan indicating the available fire flow at teh hydrants. 9) Hydrants are required in the water service area in numbers and armaged according to needed fire flow and available fire flows. Generally, the least stringent is spacing of a miaximum of 500 ft and arranged with no buiilding more than 250 feet from a hydrant. Please provide the required number of hydrants and arranged according to the spacing based on the flow notes. 10) During demolition and/or construction, the following fire prevention steps are required, so please note them on the plan: a) Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where make smoking a hazard and these areas shall be designated with no smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. b) Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for discarded smoking materials per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. c) Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, vehicular access for firefighting shall be provided at all construction and demolition sites, including access to within 100 ft. of temporary or permanent fire department connections, and have no overhead wiring or other overhead obstructions lower than 13 ft. 6 inches; this access may be via permanent or temporary road, but shall be capable of supporting fire apparatus in all weather conditions. d) Contractor shall ensure the street numbers are always plainly visible from the frontage street during construction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code e) An approved water supply for firefighting operations shall be in place and available as soon as combustible materials arrive on site. f) Waste and combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each day and disposed of in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code g) Fire extinguishers shall be provided, with not less than one approved fire extinguisher at each stairwell, on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated, in every storage and construction shed and in areas of special, hazards, such as where flammable and combustible liquids are stored or used, in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code h) Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and shall require a permit from the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office Page: 1County of Albemarle Printed On: 09/09/2022 Review Comments for SDP202200051 Major Amendment �] Project Name: RIO COMMONS - MAJOR - DIGITAL Date Completed: Friday, September 02, 2022 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer: Richard Nelson ACSA Requested Changes I recommend SDP202100051 Rio Commons Initial Site Plan for approval with the following conditions: Submit utility plans to ACSA. Sanitary sewer shown as "Existing", is not existing. Offsite sewer extension will be required prior to final approval. Offsite easements will be needed. Meters to be between sidewalk and road. Show ACSA utilities on landscape plan. Proposed water main to be 8-inch. Show RWSA inline valve along Rio. Thanks, Richard Nelson Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (434)977-4511 n Pager County of Albemarle Printed On: 09/09/2022 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Stephen C. Brich, P.E. 1401 East Broad Street (804) 7862701 Commissioner Richmond, Virginia 23219 Fax: (804) 7862940 August 1, 2022 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Cameron Langille Re: Rio Commons — Initial Site Plan SDP-2022-00051 Review # 1 Dear Mr. Langille: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as prepared by Roudabush, Gale, & Assoc., dated 7 July 2022, and offers the following comments: 1. On Sheet 8, the pavement design labels the "F/C TO F/C" width as 24', but does not graphically show the measurement from face of curb to face of curb. 2. Parallel parking spaces on Public Road A must be at least 20' from the curb return of an intersection. 3. The horizontal curve in Public Road A does not comply with Table B(1)-1 in Appendix 13(1) of the Road Design Manual. 4. Provide vertical profiles for all public roads. 5. Provide intersection sight distance lines and profiles in the sight alignment for all internal intersections. 6. The sidewalk on the east side of Public Road B must connect to the sidewalk in the Rio Point development. 7. The sidewalk on the west side of Public Road B cannot end at the property line with Rio Point. According to ADA, all pedestrian facilities must have logical termini. Please find an alternate way to end this sidewalk. 8. The sidewalk on the west side of Public Road A at the western end does not have logical termini, as required by ADA. Please find alternate ways to end this sidewalk. 9. Please remove trees within 30' of intersections as shown in Section 5D of Appendix 13(1) of the Road Design Manual. 10. Is the US Postal Service requiring the use of cluster mailboxes? If so, where will they be located? 11. The proposed sidewalk along Rio Rd does not end at a logical terminus on it's southern end. Mark the portion highlighted below as "future construction by others," and that the VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING August 1, 2022 Attn: Cameron Langille grading to accommodate this construction should be performed. Also, review this location for a mid -block crossing of Rio Rd in accordance with IIM-TE-384. .. - .. �' oEn ,I�.,• ..... . 12. Provide turn lane warrant analysis for the entrance off Rio Rd. 13. Show the distance between the main entrance for this development and the proposed main entrance for the Rio Point development. 14. Please show limits of mill and overlay on Route 631 (Rio Rd) on plans in accordance with WP-2 in full lane -widths extending 2 feet beyond the limits of roadway construction. 15. Provide a right-of-way dedication across the front of the subject property for at least 15 feet from the centerline of Rte 631 or 1 foot behind the last feature to be maintained by VDOT. 16. There are several required signs not shown on the Plans and some that are conflict with other proposed elements of the design. Please resolve this. 17. Show proposed right-of-way lines for all public roads on both sides. Ensure these right- of-way lines cross the entrances of private streets. 18. Is there an access easement for this development across the internal network of the Rio Point Development? 19. Provide Public Drainage Easements for the stone water pipes carrying water from Public Road A and Public Road B to the SWM facilities in the Rio Point Development. 20. Provide drainage calculations. 21. Where will the road sign on Rio Rd indicating Pen Park Rd Signal Ahead be located after construction? It is shown on the "Existing Conditions" sheets, but none of the construction plans. 22. Due to the level of items noted in this review, these comments may not be exhaustive. 23. Note that the final plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual Appendices B(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other requirements. Please provide a digital copy in PDF format of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further information is desired, please contact Doug McAvoy Jr. at (540) 718-6113. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, Doug McAvoy Jr., P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency Blue Ridge Health District VIRGINIA DPARtMEN1 OF HEALTH Cameron Langille, Principal Planner Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Rio Commons Initial Site Plan Tax Map#: 61-167A & 61-171A SDP2022-51 Mr. Langille: ChabMsvMa/Abernade NeaNh Depadment 1 138 Rose 41 Dive Chanollesvile, VA 22903 Ofte 434-972-6200 1 fax 434-972-4310 September 2, 2022 As requested, I've reviewed the Initial Site Plan, dated July 7, 2022, for the proposed construction referenced above. Both water and sewer will be provided by ACSA. Abandonment of the existing well has been addressed by the plan, however, it appears from documents on file that there is an existing onsite septic system associated with 782 Rio Road E. I recommend that the location of any the septic tank be identified on the plan, and text be added to assure it will be abandoned in accordance with VDH recommendations. If there are any questions or concerns, please give me a call, 434-972-4306. Sincerely, ski Alan Mazurowski Environmental Health Supervisor Blue Ridge Health District alan.mazurowski ,vdh.vir i� og_v Review Comments for SDP202200051 Major Amendment �] Project Name: RIO COMMONS - MAJOR - DIGITAL Date Completed: Tuesday, August 09, 2022 Department/DivisiordAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Dyon Vega RWSA Requested Changes RWSA has revlewea me RIO t:ommons Inmal 5ne plan datea //r/Lu22 ny RouaaDusn, (isle and Assoc., Inc. and has the following comments. General comments: Please include RWSA general water and sewer notes, attached. Sheet 12: 1. Please show 18" Gate valve SRW-071 on the South Rivanna 18" DI WL. 2. Please plan to make a connection south of the 18" gate valve. 3. Please include the connection notes below and plan to have an RWSA inspector on site for the tap. Wet Tap on RWSA Waterline Add the following note to the utility plan sheet that shows the proposed connection: "Contractor shall coordinate with RWSA and ACSA for the connection to the existing RWSA XX" waterline. Contractor shall use due diligence to protect the RWSA XX' waterline during construction and tapping. Contractor shall verify the horizontal and vertical location, the outside diameter and the pipe material of the XX" waterline prior to ordering the tapping sleeve. RWSA shall be contacted 3 business days in advance of the test pit and shall be present during the test pit. The tapping sleeve shall be approved by RWSA prior to being ordered. The tapping contractor shall be approved by RWSA prior to the tap. A minimum of 3 business days notice shall be given prior to installation of the tapping sleeve. The )0"xXX" tapping sleeve and valve shall be installed plumb. Following the placement and testing of the XX"x)W tapping sleeve and valve, a concrete pad and thrust block shall be placed under and behind the tapping sleeve and allowed to set prior to making the tap. No permanent connections to the potable water system are allowed until the new waterlines are tested, disinfected, and ready for service. See RWSA General Notes on Sheet XX." Add the following note to the waterline profile sheet that shows the proposed connection: "A minimum of 3 business days notice shall be given to RWSA prior to installation of the tapping sleeve. Please see the note on sheet "XX- reference utility plan sheet" for more information regarding the connection to the RWSAwatedine" Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Dyon Vega Civil Engineer Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 08/09/2022 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) General Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes Last Revised: April 2016 1. All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Design and Construction Standards — Version 1.0, adopted in December 2015, except as modified below or modified in special notes. 2. RWSA shall approve all construction materials and methods of construction. A preconstruction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of any work. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001). 4. RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977-2970 ext. 205) shall be notified three business days prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA facilities on weekends or holidays without special written permission from RWSA. 6. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for tie-ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure -tested before a connection is made to the system. 7. The location of existing utilities as shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not. Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RWSA. No grading shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 9. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be required. For blasting within 100 feet of any operative RWSA sewerlines, bypass pumping and/or pre- and post -CCTV may be required. RWSA may also require certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements for utility crossings. When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 57 stone to the springline of the existing pipe. 11. New water main installations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water samples approved prior to making any permanent connection to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water system. 12. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities into service. 13. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement. This includes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. 14. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement. ------ ------ --------- ----- --———---———————————— T HIS SHEET FOR UTILITY ADJUST A/ENT /RELOCATION ONLY FEDERAL AID STATE 000 OO^ 0 ^ co cp � N N N N N V Q a No; p 2 n d 3c r p W a)W m j w 0. O W W 0 O N �og> REVISED FHWA STATE SHEET NO LIMITED ACCESS HIGHWAY gua Resolution Seple ber 15o1994 ronsportotion 111412008 REGION PROJECT ROUTE PROJECT dated41212009 See Sheet 3 for Utility Owners 3 VA. 631 0631-002-128,C-502 10(7) r" NOTES. I. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ANY PORTIONS OF C> t+ THE EXISTING WATER MAIN OR GAS MAIN IN AREAS v * 5,0 WHERE THERE WILL BE LESS THAN 2 OF FINISHED 9.0 �a x \ c;(p j COVER OVER THE PIPE. ALL COSTS FOR PIPE REMOVAL / b AND/OR ABANDONMENT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE /� ,a « " 05 00 . UNIT PRICE BID FOR WATER MAIN OR GAS MAIN fPEJ.�'•66,00]/t� a- 7 O a�'`Ti 2. SHUTDOWNS FOR TIE-INS TO THE EXISTING 180WATER MAIN F SHALL ONLY BE MADE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9 AM. •Q Joa H R AY. SEE WATER `�°r NDAY THROUGH T U SD J �\ b �� 6^ /~ r r \ > AND 3 P.M. MO O �, Sao o '� =°� �`�� � 4r j~ , • �'w � m � 7��. CONSTRUCTION NOTE 3. SHEET I- \`\�a�7 NA � l �? 93 �" .5T'A 0�l•50. 53 o k 4" Rett'a %ivs•�/,���] •V ° ..�ter. /� ,—'�-'�,• �: , 4 ' r' �` 4) j•t',C`ivt llZ� L oefie� ° G/ y\' '/ , ` . / I �• /`. %1 r r a Pawed 16 spa,a w 7�Ii•`\ 7! fa lar, �- SO EVE{ �5� r�, /`, / 1ti i %/'• l y� asp �A, <,. �• ` + Cenrx ' e�1�„ j, Qr'/ `,l Sups �� `� /' / Y�G • "'� •' K� G'l`J`iJ \ �/"/y.•y`./yC/ l V G %, TRg1CAR�• i/' �I�� • P°�• / \ �/c Cem tk ' � t t�° °„%, i / v ,� 3 /.,WATER !�►N "deaik,PC, 6� G ,f' �• ` aT- `\ ��;,: ,y P��(sZg Rod° d '- i f /' �SMMEE r r, \ � Lv 1 � .\ ,' /' � � .mot �Q-' ^. /`," � 'i' • ,I i / / i�,/ ^� \\ :\ � \: °! ` �� . 9 .t �, \c� (n� , .p •� % tf,,J fir' �y �� 440 L.F. rGA9 y��� � 0 SEE PROFILE. SHEETgGI \ \ `;; V. a '.� 1' ._�yi '!`'•—�'-7� '._�,� -~''s". 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