HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202200053 Correspondence 2022-09-13LINE - GRADE C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Community Development Staff FROM: Kendra Moon, PE Line and Grade Civil Engineering DATE: September 13, 2022 RE: Airport Auto at Northside Drive Special Exception Application Narrative Project Details: Applicant: Northside Drive LLC Engineer: Line and Grade Civil Engineering I Kendra G. Moon, PE Name of Project: Airport Auto at Northside Drive Short Description: Special Exception for Supporting Commercial Use Exceeding 2S% of GFA of Buildings on Site in HI District Proposed Site: Near Northside Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Property Details: Parcel ID Number: 03200-00-00-022MO Short Parcel ID: 32-22M Total Acres: 9.23 Owner: Northside Drive LLC Property Address: Near Northside Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Current Tenant: None Magisterial District: Rio Zoning: Heavy Industry (HI) Proffered: No ZMAs Related to Proffers: None Comprehensive Plan Area: Hollymead — Places 29 Comprehensive Plan Use: Heavy Industrial Comprehensive Plan Use: Light Industrial Land Use: Unassigned Surrounding Uses: Heavy Industrial to the north Planned Development Mixed Commercial (residential, under construction) to the east RI residential to the south Vacant Light Industrial to the west L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 4° St. NE; srE loo CHARLOTrESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL: )434) 262-0169 LINE-GRADE.COM Airport Auto at Northside Drive Application for Special Exception September 13, 2022 1 Page 2 A. Special Exception Request The applicant hereby requests a special exception pursuant to Sec. 26.2 to allow for a supporting commercial' use exceeding 25% of the gross floor area of buildings on an industrial site2. The supporting commercial use is an automotive repair and tire sales center proposed on TMP 32-22M, with a footprint of 46% of the existing buildings on the industrial site at Northside Drive. Please see Image 1 below for the industrial site area, and Appendix A for an enlarged version with existing building areas. \zs \� s n zoos \� xase 37'7 xzan 4F Ar w pre,, -'--- NORTHSIDE INDUSTRIAL SITE I ' SUBJECT PROPERTY / / l \\\ / ✓ \\ Image 1 — Northside Drive industrial parcels (Albemarle GIS) The Northside Drive industrial site consists of thirteen (13) adjacent parcels' zoned industrial. Existing uses include an equipment rental agency, a building materials store, a concrete supplier, and an auto body shop. The proposed commercial use is supporting not only the vehicle storage on parcel 32-22M, but also existing and future uses involving vehicles and employees on the adjacent parcels. Airport Automotive repairs personal vehicles and provides tires to both personal and commercial vehicles. ' In an abridged version of the definition provided by Sec. 3.1, supporting commercial is a use subordinate to and which primarily serves storage uses or their employees including, but not limited to, commercial truck repair. ' "Site," per Sec. 3.1, means one or more lots, or any part thereof, including one or more lots shown on a subdivision plat, site plan, or application plan. In this case, the Northside Drive industrial lots are referred to as the site. 3 TMPs 32-22, 32-22M, 32-22C5, 32-67, 32-22C3, 32-22C1, 32-70, 32-71, 32-72, 32-73, 32-74, 32-22C4,and 32-22C6 LINE GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Airport Auto at Northside Drive Application for Special Exception September 13, 2022 1 Page 3 Currently there are 44,976 sf' of buildings on the industrial site, though it is important to consider that TMP 32-22 consists of twenty (20) acres of vacant land, with the potential for large storage or manufacturing buildings in the future. The proposed supporting commercial use is 20,480 sf, including the repair garages and customer service building. Currently, this is 46%of the existing buildings on site. TMP 32-22 could easily accommodate 40,000 sf of buildings in the future, in which case this supporting commercial use would be less than 25% of the buildings on site. B. Background Information on Airport Auto This special exception is requested to allow the existing business Airport Auto to relocate within the vicinity of its current location. Airport Auto has been in operation for over 50 years' at 1791 Airport Road (TMPs 32-20D, 32-20E, 32-40, and 32A-01-OB- 3), see Image 2. It serves hundreds of vehicles daily performing repairs and tire sales and is one of the few automotive centers in the area between Charlottesville and Ruckersville. It has become apparent that the business is in need of a new location, for multiple reasons. The site is crowded, and the disorganized nature is evidence that it was not built for the service demand it is experiencing. The site has been in zoning violation for years for storing vehicles on TMP 32-20F without a special use permit, indicating that the business has outgrown its current location and is becoming a nuisance. Further, the current parcel is designated as a Neighborhood Service Center (NS) in the Comprehensive Plan, for which an automotive center is allowable, but the storage of vehicles is not'. Given all of these factors, it is imperative to move the business to a nearby location so that it can still serve the same clientele without negatively impacting the adjacent parcels. LINE GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 4 According to parcel sketches available on Albemarle County GIS 'Since 1971 ' Unless by exception where there are no impacts on surrounding uses and where consistent with the character of surrounding uses, per Table LU 1 of Places 29. Airport Auto at Northside Drive Application for Special Exception September 13, 2022 1 Page 4 Image 2 — Aerial image of existing Airport Auto location on Airport Road (Albemarle GIS) C. Proposed Auto Center Relocation The relocation of Airport Automotive provides the opportunity for organization and expansion from twelve (12) service garages to twenty (20) to operate more efficiently and decrease the amount of time vehicles are stored on site. The proposed location at TMP 32-22M just south of Northside Drive is approximately 0.80 miles north along U.S. 29 from the current location (see Image 3). It is a 9.23-acre Heavy Industrial site within Northside Industrial Park, surrounded by light and heavy industrial sites and one residential property. Some site work has been completed in the past, including the clearing of trees, construction of a detention pond, and construction of a 10-ft tall berm screening portions of the site from U.S. 29. There was an approved site plan' for this site in 2001 for a commercial park to include warehouse facilities and service retail. However, the proposed use was never built, and the site has sat vacant since. Presumably the price L I N E for this land has not been amenable to a heavy industrial use. This site lends itself well to the needs of this automotive center given its size and location. The proposed auto GRADE center is not anticipated to cause harm or nuisance to neighbors given the location within an industrial park, and its relocation will alleviate the zoningviolation associated with its current Airport Road location. CIVIL ENGINEERING ' SDP200100038 — see Appendix D Airport Auto at Northside Drive Application for Special Exception September 13, 2022 1 Page 5 D. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan The majority of the subject property is designated Heavy Industrial in the Comprehensive Plan, with a pipestem portion located in Light Industrial'. Surrounding properties are designated industrial as well, though one adjacent parcel (TMP 32-22N) is currently zoned residential'. This parcel is owned by Larry Hall, the owner of the industrial properties just north of the subject site, including Hall's Auto Body which is a similar use as what is being proposed. The site is located across U.S. 29 from a Destination Center and Community Center. While an automotive center is not a by - right use in the HI district, it is listed as a secondary use in the Comprehensive Plan for areas around centers. This is a use that has the potential for large equipment, noise, fumes, etc., all characteristic of a heavy industrial use. Though an automotive center is a commercial use, it is not entirely different in L I N E principle than the manufacturing and storage of vehicles, which are allowed by -right in HI districts. GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 8 The pipestem portion does not have any buildable area as it is just over 30 ft in width, and the use buffer from adjacent residences is 30 ft. 9 The pipestem portion of the property is technically adjacent to other R1 properties, but since there is no space for anything to be built or stored on this portion of the property, the residences are not being considered adjacent to the proposed use. Airport Auto at Northside Drive Application for Special Exception September 13, 2022 1 Page 6 E. Conclusion The relocation of Airport Auto is a net benefit to all. It fits better within the context of an industrial park than its current location in a designated Neighborhood Service Center adjacent to residential properties, it provides an opportunity for site organization and for screening from the entrance corridor, and it alleviates the existing zoning violation of the current site. The proximity of the new facility is essential to this plan, as Airport Auto has operated in the same location for over 50 years and has a regular customer base in this area. Keeping a local business open and thriving supports a primary objective of Economic Development10 List of Appendices Appendix A: Northside Industrial Site- Building Exhibit Appendix B: Existing Conditions Plan Appendix C: Concept Plan Appendix D: Rivanna Commercial Park SDP200100038 Appendix E: Places29 Master Plan references LINE GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 10 According to Albemarle County's Project Enable, Goal 1 is to strengthen existing business retention and/or expansion (BRE) to help existing businesses be successful Appendix A Northside Industrial Site — Building Exhibit Airport Auto at Northside Drive Existing TMP Building GFA (sf) 32-67 31,000 32-22C1 800 32-22C4 1,760 32-74 1,156 32-22CS 10,260 Total 44,976 Proposed TMP Building GFA (sf) 32-22 M 20,480 %Proposed 1 45.54% 1957 IV00 - 2058 1963 1985 1996 2043 2004 1973 1978 1999 2007Cyd s 1975 SP4t�o� 2008 2015P S 012028 199Y �) Sl 2025 PW 2027 2046 1949 ---\' 2017 2048 Hairs Auto Bodv Auto body shop 32 7 Wilson Ready Mix 31,000sf /32-22C1 Concrete supplier 1961 800 sf 32-22C3 39 ibelt Rentals ~ 1965 32-22 C i ipmentrental 32-70 10,260 sf 32-71 272 3-[` 32-22C5 — 32-.. L 74 i 2076 V; f J j 2056 3965 3907 2073 aline Brick $wilding materials � 32-22F 1,760 sf 2E-- - -! 3891 ice building 1,15G Af N 20.5 acres vacant land 32H -F 32-20 390 y Airport Auto (Proposed) repair/tire sales/vehicle storage 20,480 sf NORTHSIDE INDUSTRIAL SITE INDUSTRIAL PARCEL BUILDING AREAS SURROUNDING PROPOSED AIRPORT AUTO Appendix B Existing Conditions Plan Airport Auto at Northside Drive --- IIII III \ \\� O�\\\-- / Ivr J11 \ �/ / /�b / / � V�,y -All II\ 1 \ --- !Na, \ \ / -49\_ OWNERNORTHSIDEDR �EL LC ZONED: LIGHT INDUSTRY AREA: 20.54 AC TMP. 03200-00 00-07200 OWNER HALL, LARRYB ORBARB ARA ZONED. HEANDUSTRY \ / / 48> ` TMP. 03200-00-00 022N0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ OWNER HALL, LARRY SR OR \ I \ \ \\ \ \ III \ BARBARA \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ ( I \ \ \ \ \ ZONED: Rl RESIDENTIAL \ \ \ \ \ AREA: 6.74 AC _ <>- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \� \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ — soo TMP.• 03200 00 00-022MO — — OWNER HALL, LARRYB OR PORTION OF 32-22M — �_-- BARBARA A zoNEO: HEAVY INDUsrRY % AREA: 00 � _4\Z � \\ / I I III I IIII I I \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ ,` —/ / // ✓j// I I / \\ I _ I I I I I I MA NA l I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIII�I'I�\ `\\ \ \\\ \ \ \_ � / / JIllllj•V II /—J j i �. /� �B- — I FACILITY 0 BE RELOCATE / TMP. 03200-00-00-022M0— J OWNER NOR THSIDE DR/ VE L L C III 111 I \\ \ ZONED: HEAVY INDUSTRY o AREA: 9.23 AC \\� — __ -- I I POND \ \ \\ \\ rnIZIII Z I \ TMP 03200-00-00-022M0 ' / \\ \\ \ \ \ 1 \ OWNER- � ORRNANC ROBERT H \ — / O O _ ZONARF,4: L 00 ACsrRr \ I I I I I I I I I' I I �I I I I I I I I I I �• 1\ I I// / / /VA BERM T EXISTING O REMAIN \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I I / l _i I I I I I I I I���. — — — •' // /,i / / / / I �\ � � OHE —O- T — — — — T ' BLNG SET i \ _ -- - �—TRAIL - - EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 1" = 50': 0 50 100 Q z cc W ui z z LLS U .� W z J Lli C) w f ) 0 Q z O o ~ W > z zw o �(o 0 z o�Q D0-m ~ � QU)Q X w N�N 0- i CONCEPTUAL EXHIBIT 08,1>0022 FOR APPROVAL APPROVED SUBMISSION W 1 PROJEC 2206007 THE WORT, OF _INE + GRADL. Appendix C Concept Plan Airport Auto at Northside Drive 484 PROJECT SUMMARY \ — _ / I \\ I \ TMP.- 03200-00-00-07200\\ 1 NAME OF PROJECT: AlRPORTAUTO AT NORTHSIDE DRIVE / \ / / / / / / f �0� POND \ \\ 11111I I I �/ \ \ — — \ OWNER- HALL, LARRYB S - 482 OR BARBARA A PROJECTADDRESS: NEAR NORTHSIDE DRIVE, CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22911 \ \ \ ( — ZONED.' HEAVY INDUSTRY \\ \\\ J / / / \\ \ 1 I I I I —\\ \ \ \ AREA: L25 AC PROJECT NARRATIVE: PROPOSED AUTOMOTIVE CENTER [RELOCATION OFCURRENTAIRPORT 480 / \� / \ I I Illl 1 III r TMP. 03200 00-00 02200 �\ \ \ \ \ \ \ AUTO BUSINESS] / OWNER- NORTHSIOE DRIVE LLC APPLICANT/OWNER: i ZONED: LIGHT INDUSTRY / / — — _ AREA: 20.54 AC CONTACT: NORTHSIDE DRIVE LLC — — _ --- /� — / \ _ — _— �/� ��� //� /�///� ✓ �� je` \ f \\ �� 1 I \ ) / ANDREW BALDWJ / ADDRESS: 600 E WATER STREEEE T, SUITE H � — � � � �_::v_ CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 _ _ _ _ —_ — = 500 - _ PHONE: 434-422-505077 EMAIL: ANDREW@CORECVILLE.COM =-490= CONTACT: LINE AND GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING KENDRA G. MOON, PE _ _ _ — — _ — 480\\\\\\ I -00-022MOM. 00 1 ADDRESS: 113 4TH STREET N E; STE 100 OWNER HALL, LARRY B _� __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ —_— _ � — � � _— _— — — — � / CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 _ _ _ —�r S =� // / \ \ \ \\\ \ I OR BARBARA A PHONE: 434-262-0169 — >r 1�\\ ZONED: HA: VY 100NDUSTRY AREA.' 1.00 AC 1 EMAIL: KMOON@LINE-GRADE.COM 470— SOURCE OFSURVEY AND TOPOGRAPHY: SUBJECT PARCEL(S): SOURCE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS 460 \\\ \ \\\ \\\\\ \ l \ \ \ \\ \ PARCEL ID:32-22M I — OWNER: NORTHSIDE DRIVE LLC I IMP.- 03200-00-00-0 2M0 /r I I MANAGEMENT FACILITY CONTACT: ANDREW BALDWIN II OWNER NORTHSIDE DRI E LLC ZONED: HI ZONED: HEAVY INDUS RY 12 12 I \I OVERLAYS: AIRPORT IMPACT, ENTRANCE CORRIDOR, STEEP SLOPES II AREA: 9.23 AC 7 5 — PROFFERS: S D-4A I � — LEGALAREA:9.23AC ADJACENT PARCEL(S): I I \ PARCEL ID: 32-74 ZONED: HI / \ OWNER: NANCY&ROBERTJIRANEK II A 24 PARCEL ID: 32-73 ZONED: HI OWNER: BARBARA & LARRY HALL PARCEL ID: 32-22 III / VEHICLE I I ZONED: LI I I STORAGE AREA I I VEHICLE REPAIR EMPLOY OWNER: NORTHSIDE DRIVE LLC I I � GARAGES 9 PARKIN PARCEL ID: 32-22N 11 I I 10 16 16 8,000 SF ZONED: Rl OWNER: BARBARA & LARRY HALL PARCEL ID: 32-20 ZONED: PDMC OWNER: CWH PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP / I O \ PARCEL ID: 32-21C ZONED: R1 OWNER: WWANDS LLC / \� I II / 4 \ Rip \ 46' \ A?O PARCEL ID:32A-01-OB-14 � I _ ZONED: Rl \ II �' 15" HDPE \ _ OWNER: TING TIAN & PATRICK JARVIS SD-4 PARCEL ID:32-01-OB-13 II \ 410 OQ4 1 ZONED: Rl I SD-6 / OWNER: CAROLL&JOYCEGOOD \\ I \II VEHICLE REPAIR ES 8000SF I \ \ \ I II \ STORMWATER MIA I \ \1 \ II II \ \ \ MANAGEMENT FACILITY _ B I I \ \ \ \ A \ \ � \ 470 \ \ CUSP TMP. 0320-00-00-022NO I \\ \\\\ \ \\ II \ \ J L 470 \ _ \ 470 \ ANDS / OWNER: HALL, LARRY SR OR BARBARA ZONED: RI RESIDENTIAL AREA: 6.74 AC OHE 10' 8UILLDING SETBACK v I I \ 1 — — — —se \ PROPOSED SHARED USE PATH \ \ — 11 Ilo 11� \\\ \\ 1 � 15" HDPE / \ _ TMP.• 03200-00-00-022MO iTOMER \ \ OWNER- 11RANEK,, ROBERT ,RKING SD-3 / \ l / i H OR NANCY F \ ZONED HEAVY INDUSTRY AREA: /. 00 AC of IIIII1 11 \11 =I R LOBBY i CENTER I I \ ) SF II II II \ I 11 \ \ SD-2 INECT TO EXISTINGy� \ _ — DIPE UNDER US 29 12 — _ SEE A/C2.1 SEE B/C2.1 \ - - - - - !37 \ r t 0 1 CONCEPT PLAN 1" = 30': 0 30 60 W Q w z LLJ 0 LLJ 0 U) Q z z � or Lu > J LLJ Q Q J U z OLum O Q Q a_ i CONCEPTUAL EXHIBIT 011110022 FOR APPROVAL APPROVED SUBMISSION N' 1 PROJECT 2206007 T H E W 0 R K O F I N E + G R A D E C2mO - US 29 i EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE VEHICLE STORAGE AREA W Z 0 W W az reZ W (D V W z J uj N�_ L.L 0 SECTION w OTYPICAL 1" = 10': 0 10 20 0 ' ^ U) z o wz w z?o � J O v Q U F-�m acQ F- O r rc - US 29 VEHICLE REPAIR GARAGES PROPOSED GRADE J EXISTING GRADE Em VEHICLE REPAIR GARAGES El CONCEPTUAL EXHIBIT 013110022 tell APPROVAL APPROVED SUBMISSION NO. 1 PROJECT 2206007 T H E W 0 R K O F L I N E + G R A D E OB TYPICAL SECTION C2ml 1" = 10': 0 10 20 Appendix D Rivanna Commercial Park SDP200100038 Airport Auto at Northside Drive i RIVANNA COMMERCIAL PARK Name of Owner/Developer: Rivagrla Partners LP Plan prepared by: Marcia Joseph Located on: Tax Map 32 parcels 22 and 22M Site falls in the AIA Airport Impact Area Zoned: H-I and LI And EC Entrance Corridor \ ti ZMA 87-19 with proffers as follows - From the letter dated January 18, 1988 1. In order to provide a tangible incentive for the extension of public sewer to this industrial property, but in recognition of the lack of same '� currently, we hereby proffer that prior to the installation of public sewer I the uses that will be allowed will be those that do not require public t� sewer and which can be served by domestic septic fields. Furthermore, the buildings which will be constructed will have less than a total of 223,000 square feet, until such public sewer is available. 2. We hereby proffer a restriction of the types of uses of the property for that portion of the property for that portion of the property which will be HI. The uses that will be prohibited on the property would include the following: brick manufacturing; concrete mixing plants; manufacturing of ; sewage disposal systems; manufacturing and recycling of tires; ti petroleum; gasoline, natural gas and manufactured gas storage; sawmills; wood preserving operations. i 3. We agree to restrict the uses of the 9 acres of Parcel 32-22C which is already zoned Hi in the same way as provided in Section 2 above. ' 4. We proffer to restrict the development of the property to the general outline of the master plan which has been submitted as part of this rezoning application. i a 5. in the way of road improvements, we proffer to limit developOment of ;It III `i , (( i P!.. POF_117, e is the property to not exceed the capacity of the access road until such milli i I '`' 4 ^ f'e•'<, P P Y P Y ul-els �y air'. time as the road is Improved to accommodate the additional traffic Ik' € . °°`"` °' ` s�s^rFe fit-- generated by the added development of this rezoning. The capacity of j +}!t I the access road is that capacity which will accommodate the traffic from the contiguous properties If fully developed under the existing zoning. 6. We will expand the undisturbed buffer area from the required 30 foot width to a 50 foot width along the lot line which abuts the lots of Airport ?`-0" Acres. C53Fs K,tt 7. No portion of the buildings will be within the 4 acre buffer zone adjacent I snze,i sfl `- r � a to the lots of Airport Acres. Ng l•.¢ a.SI y ' UNr�ttPR-rhtN e-'"`�-�". �=,a�l;.*.eee;"e � sTr-�t *+F j C3R?N�l., 4", P.oRFev.f+,;-rep Pyc LimDigRfs•4�F�I_ From the letter dated November 20, 1987 (AA4-btTc H43 U`iIL�iFP !3 ala r-:LJ)5-& Vf F�tG. t fw4 V"l r l • We will provide twice the screening requirement stated in the ordinance ('fb ! ,I) for any disturbed areas within 100 feet of the lots In Airport Acres. WJLAPPED • The buffer area adjacent to the Airport Acres subdivision will be graded FADc so as to maintain the natural topography of that property up to the area required to grade the bank on a two to one slope to the edge of the building and in such a manner as to continue to provide adequate storm drainage facilities for that section of the property. The planting of the screening trees or the building of berms will be done in a manner to insulate as far as is feasible the glare, noise, and visibility of the project Albemarle County Engineering from the adjacent residential neighborhood. General Construction Notes for Site Plans • The exterior architectural styling of the buildings will be reasonably consistent throughout the project. The buildings will be substantially 1.. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, masonry or concrete wall construction and will be reviewed in a + including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained schematic fashion with the Planning Staff for their comments prior to i from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as construction. drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. I Where any discrepancies occur, the requirements of the permit shall Magisterial District govern. Rivanna l 2. All paving, drainage related materials and construction methods d Albemarle County, Virginia shall conform to current specifications, and standards of VDOT unless I £ otherwise noted. s Source of Topography: James Sell, Inc. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in Thomas B. Lincoln Land Surveyor I accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. Survey Information: 3 Thomas B. Lincoln Land Surveyor 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and i P 1 mulched. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Adjacent Parcels: Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. TM 32A Sec William M and Jean G Jarvis. 5. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required a Zoned RI when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering, Use Residential or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize 'I a drainage channel. TM 32 P 22C5 Larry B or Barbara A Hall 6. A,ll traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Zoned HI I Uniform Traffic Control C_, vices. Use Commercial 7. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete pipe shall be reinforced TM 32 P 67 concrete pipe - Class III. Larry B or Barbara A Hall Zoned HI 8. AIII excavation for underground pipe installation must comply Use Industrial with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). TM 32A Sec 1 B P 11 Jerry L and Molly S Marshall Zoned RI i Use Residential TM32P21C Danny D Charles 4 Zoned RI Use Residential TM 32 P 22N Larry Sr or Barbara Hall Zoned RI Use Residential TM 32A Sec 1 B P 12 Anne Carder or Melvin Breeden Zoned RI Use Residential TYPE "A"AES SHARP CUTOFF TYPE III DISTRIBUTION 20' MOUNTING HEIGHT TM 32A Sec I B P 13 POLE # SSP204.0-11-F-DM10 Carroll J or Joyce L Good Zoned RI TYPE "B"-IES SHARP CUTOFF TYPE IV DISTRIBUTION 20' MOUNTING WIGHT Use Residential POLE # SSP20-4.0-11-DM10 TM32P19 University Real Estate Foundation O Symbol used for light fixture Zoned PD-IF _ _ Use Industrial.•r - s Proposed Use: t I� Warehouse Facilities and Service Retail Site Size: 34.82 Acresh Building Coverage:'i e ky,x 3% 81,540 Square Feet TYPE "C"--IES DARK SKY SHARP CUTOFF WALL MOUt:T5D TYPEIII, Paving Coverage: 5% 75,840 Square Feet The site is not located in a Water Supply Water Shed Total Impervious Coverage: 10% Datum Reference 157,380 Square Feet : USGS i Pavement Section: Open Space: 6" Base Stone 2 1 A 90% 2.5" BM-2 31.33 Acres 1.5" SM-2A UTILITY LINES WILL BE PLACED UNDERGROUND WHERE PRACTICAL Maximum Height of Structure not to exceed 30' Bumper blocks will be located at the edge of pavement to allow for 1 foot Parking Schedule overhang Industrial use - 81,540 square feet 1 Sp/2 employees. 98 employees = 49 spaces, Possible division into 7 areas 2 Sp/ customer = 14 spaces Required Parking 63 spaces tEach outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp which emits 3.000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire or a decorative luminaire with Total Parking Provided - 127 Spaces full cutoff optics. i Loading Spaces - 1SPA 0,000 sf The spillover of lighting from parking area luminaires onto public roads and 81,540 sf i property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one- 8 Loading Spaces required half (1/2) foot candle. Total Loading Spaces Provided 10 Loading Spaces This site is served by public water and a private septic system. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS REVISIONS -- SITE FLAN LANDSCAPE SCHEDULENUMER SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONDITION REMARKS SIZE 24" ht. 76 AG Abelia randiflora Gloss Abelia Container 5' o.c. 24" ht. 19 BT Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry Container 5' o.c. auto ea Crimson Velvet Franklinia alatamaha Franklinia Container on sh n 6' ht. 4 FA IA Ilex attenuata Fosters American B&B As shown Holl on Ian IC Ilex civuata'convexa' Ja ese Holly Container 24" ht. 27 IV Itea virginica Virginia Sweetspire Container 5' o.c. Henr 's Garnet 7uniperus chinensis Chinese Juniper B&B s 8'-10' ht. 12 JC plan cloumnaris glauca Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Container D oo 6'-9 lit. 7 MV lot window py Primus yedoensis Yoshino Cherry B&B As shown 21/2" 5 on Ian cal. QR Quercus rubra Red Oak B&B 35' o.c. 3 1/2 cal. 15 TC Tilia cordata'Bicentennial' Littleleaf Linden B&B As shown 5 on Ian cal`2 UP Urmus parvifolia Allee Chinese Elm B&B 35' o.c. cal, 10 VP Viburnum prunifolium'Early Blackhaw B&B As shown 211" 2 - 1. v;h„rnnm Ion plan I cal. rj- --]WC-er rubrum Red Maple B & B 20' o.c. cal 15 EXISTING TREE LINE County Approval Block Department of Engineering � I Date Planning and Community Developin 0 ate ! Department of Zoning ate i Fire Official Date ' Building Official � Date Albemarle Co. Service Authority Date i ITS' (,_AAp G# ,Lo 66 1 IRt6,5 n/ , DRAINAGE TABLE S mbol Descri tion To Elevation Inv. In. Inv. Out Al 313-1 469.0 454.18 (18) 443.91 (36 Box) 457.8 36" A2 MH-1 473.3 461.64 (1811) 460.64 (36") 41 1.64 24" A3 DI-7 467.5 462.8 462.7 Type II Grate A4 MH - 1 465.5 463.5 DI-7 Grate (3" oriface) Type 1 C1 DI-12B 462.0 457.57 457.37 (18" RCP C2 Ex. ES 461.22 (181, CMP D1 Ex. DI-6A 473.9 46 17 B1 ES-1 464..25 B2 MH-1 469.5 464.5 464.25 B3 DI-7 509.0 506.0 RIVAL` NA COMMERCIAL PARK Site Plan August 9, 1999 Sheet I of 5 �wL Joseph Associates 481 Clarks Tract Keswick VA 22947 804-984-4199 MQ cry J 4r Z RIVANNA COMMERCIAL PARK SITE PLAN SEPTIC,a SITE Nz, S E P T I C S I T E,,,i ,- y Spa / ,% ,, ,�.,>r ,� ., R a � `m•,, 101 k 'A S E P T I C SEPTIC I T E S I T E la F. sv ol� Iv IV '0n tG If If * jpl Ilk '4/ei 5 ew P fi rT C. L 6740 R I I C A 'o 4 ry kv J1. V IR, /o, 77 f" :tom 41 in e4- Lu STr414% h Iz At il IT tr 11 ell lk 4 J lktt k '10 e�o lr t lk 'e NCA -4to aR N, rC op A -S' No. ri 4k ,elk Ile zqM Ile IL V4 -k, It, Z' Ile xA. g4r, le 'It Alt Ikk CAL Ke", N. llp 'N el lkN ItP Wl� :7 'N' N, IF* At y.4F A 62 7 1 - 'ayyt i� % 41 1.10 N, J-% LA f I INE art MATCH LINE N, Y ;30- V, UNDISTU E D 15 \ CC BUFFER % '41 tl SCALE SHEET 1 20 4 OF 9 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number Description Larnp vile Lumens LLF A 7 BV2 250M R3 ARM MOUNTED PREMIUM ONE 250-WATT METAL `026.ies CUT-OFF FIXTURE I HALIDE, HORIZONTAL 9701 23000 0.72 W/SEGMENTED OPTICS POS. 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