HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202200001 Plan - Submittal (First) 2022-09-16LINES -GRADE C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Community Development Staff FROM: Kendra Moon, PE Line and Grade Civil Engineering DATE: Revised September 19, 2022 RE: SP202200001 Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment Special Use Permit Application Narrative Project Details: Applicant: Misty Mountain Investment LLC Engineer: Line and Grade Civil Engineering I Daniel C. Hyer, PE Name of Project: Misty Mountain Camp Resort Short Description: Special Use Permit for Additional Camping Spaces and Cabins Proposed Site: 56 Misty Mountain Road, Greenwood, VA 22943 Property Details: Parcel ID Number: 07100-00-00-00300 Short Parcel ID: 71-3 Total Acres: 47.11 Owner: Misty Mountain Investment LLC Property Address: 56 Misty Mountain Road, Greenwood, VA 22943 Current Tenant: Misty Mountain Camp Resort Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Zoning: Rural Areas (RA) Proffered: Yes ZMAs Related to Proffers: None Comprehensive Plan Area: Rural Area 3 Comprehensive Plan Use: Rural Area Comprehensive Plan Use: Unassigned Land Use: Commercial Surrounding Uses: Vacant land to the west Single family residential to the north Small residential subdivision to the east Vacant land to the south LINE i- GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 41h St. NE; STE 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TEL: (434) 262-0169 LINE-GRADE.COM N _ �¢mowe vn � ' 4 C Chris➢ �f, � • °cw V o to G,eemvoaa G0,,ery + The Green,"oms Garden Center collectors showcase O Of e-- Relkfsh Gap Turnpike - Stockton gePk M' o vy " C n4rt Y `M1na i' s. �., Ri i N�,� �� � � x'�° J T .�'° �� r 'S"4 ' r. � �. ��.7y g �� "°� � � i� Sys'_ � 4 $ � � W ^ll � � � '' V fit. }' � ^ t � a '4 _ `2 ,j +� 'i` — i Y �"s a �' !� yy ..: � q,. � Via. a �w �' �%.� i . �,. # 1.; , ay1 >;. � AR � i, n.}'��'"'}, i I' _ �' .� �' f�. ®vm - - �, 5�[ — Co x w: Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment Application for Special Use Permit September 19, 2022 1 Page 4 A. Background Misty Mountain Camp Resort (MMCR) is located on a 47.11 acre parcel zoned Rural Areas in Greenwood, Virginia. It has been an active campground for over 40 years and currently has 16 rentable cabins (two of which are considered dwelling units), 105 rentable campground sites, and two non -rentable dwelling units (see Appendix A). There are four special use permits (SPs) associated with this site. The full conditions associated with each SP are included in Appendices C through F, but the brief summary of each SP is as follows: • SP-82-61 1 Allows 112 camping sites/150 ft setback • SP-94-30 1 Amends SP-82-61 to allow 10 cabins (not more than 4 can qualify as dwelling units, and no cabins may be used from November 15 - March 15) • SP-2009-16 1 Allows one music festival per year subject to conditions, for trial period of two years • SP-2010-48 I Five-year extension of SP-2009-16 to continue allowing annual music festivals B. Proposal Outdoor recreation is now more important than ever, and therefore it is the intent of this special use permit to expand the capacities of the Misty Mountain Camp Resort. The applicant seeks to amend SP199400030 (see Appendix D) to allow 19 cabins and 158 campsites, an increase in 53 campsites from what is existing. Please note that SP- 94-30 allows for only 10 cabins, therefore the applicant wishes to bring the site into conformance by allowingfor the 16 cabins which were built under previous ownership. The applicant also seeks to amend the condition that the cabins are not used from November 15 to March 15 and instead limit the duration for which any rentable cabin is used to 30 nights per stay. The proposed campsites are to be located in the southernmost portion of the property, furthest from Route 250 and well outside of the floodplain of Stockton Creek. Please see Appendix B for the Concept Plan showing the proposed campsites. Access to the new campsites will be via the existing Misty Mountain Road; no new entrances to the site are proposed. Proposed improvements include the additional campsites and supporting L I N E infrastructure for those sites (e.g., travelways, water, sewer, electric), improved organization at the site entrance for check -in, and the improvements required to GRADE organize certain existing campsites within the project area and bring them into conformance with setbacks. CIVIL ENGINEERING C. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan The subject property is designated Rural Areas. The Comprehensive Plan emphasizes the preservation of natural resources and scenic beauty in these areas. The entire Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment Application for Special Use Permit September 19, 2022 1 Page 5 purpose of this campground is to provide a retreat for people to enjoy the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the preservation of natural resources is inherent to that goal. According to the MMCR website', guests are invited to "explore nature trails, splash in our pool, sit by the creek, fish in our pond, play at several playgrounds, climb our hills...;. all of which are geared toward facilitating people in enjoying the outdoors. A rural setting is necessaryto allowthe opportunity for these activities to exist alongside one another. D. Impacts on Public Safety Facilities, Public Transportation, Public Schools, Public Parks and Environmental Features The impact that the addition of these campsites will have on public facilities is minimal, mainly due to the nature and location of the site. Impact on Public Safety Facilities: There is no discernible impact on public safety facilities that would be caused by this proposal. Activities with high risk for potential fires are regulated. Part of SP- 94-30 that is not being amended is that "provisions for outdoor cooking, campfires, cooking pits, etc., shall be subject to Albemarle County Fire Official approval." Impact on Public Infrastructure: The property will not have an impact on public infrastructure such as sanitary and water lines as it will remain serviced by private well and drainfield. Consultants have sited areas for wells and drainfields that will be utilized for the added campsites. The property will have a minimal impact on public roads, as the trip generation of the site will increase. Water Fracture trace analysis performed on August 26, 2021 indicates there is ample groundwater available to sustain the needs of these added accommodations. The Virginia Department of Health Office of Drinking Water (VDH-ODW) has issued approval of the proposed well sites and both have been drilled at this time, with high yields of 7 gpm and 30 gpm. Water storage tanks are currently used on site for the lower campsites and will be used for the proposed campsites to reduce impacts of peak -demand water usage. Sewer Preliminary soils investigation of the proposed campground area reveals that there are multiple sites for potential drainfields, in addition to the two existing drainfields that were previously permitted with VDH but never used. Sewer Permitting with the Virginia Department of Health is ongoing for the proposed ' https://www.mistymountaincampresort.com/ L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment Application for Special Use Permit September 19, 2022 1 Page 6 drainfields, and a Central Sewer System Request is to be completed following VDH approval. Public Roads The additional campsites will increase the property's peak hour trip generation by 15 trips, or roughly 43 percent (see Tables 1 and 2), though it should be noted that the projected trip generation is based off of very few data points available. Compared to the VDOT 2019 Traffic Data for Rockfish Gap Turnpike, this is a 1.6% increase in peak hour traffic on the road. Table 1. Existin¢ Conditions - ITE Trip Generation 101h Edition I NE TRIP GENERATION(1Gth Edition) I _,_-,_„_„......... I Table 2. Proposed Improvements - ITE Trip Generation 10`h Edition ITE TRIP GENERATION(10th Edition) PIA PEAI(HOUR OFADIACEM SIRFETTRAFF% UUO 4XJ n mcom UNM gIY Mns %IN %OUT IN OUf IOfFL lI11V5 Sh kFam1 D A 210 O M Unl 2 10%113A6 1 1 2 W.'.Uw 416 O piWl m,a In Ir5% Z% 1 31 1 17 48 SITFTOTAU= 1 32 1 0 SO The site has an existing right -turn lane which will help to mitigate negative impacts from an increase in traffic to the site. The existing traffic volumes on Rockfish Gap Turnpike are high enough that a left - turn lane is warranted for this site, both in existing and proposed conditions. However, a Design Waiver has been approved by VDOT to allow forthe expansion of the campground without the installation of a left -turn lane (see Appendix H). The main reasons for this waiver were the required right-of-way take and disturbance to Stony Run that would result from the turn lane. The applicant has proposed to reorganize the traffic flow within the site to move vehicles off of Rockfish Gap Turnpike more quickly, which should help to alleviate possible queuing that is a result of camper check -ins. Impact on Public Transportation: This proposal has no impact on public transportation as there is currently no form of public transportation that services this area of the County. L I n ' r Impact on Public Schools and Parks: GRADE This site has no impact on public schools as the nearest school is almost 2 miles away, and the peak hours do not coincide. Likewise, the nearest public park is 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING miles away and located along a different road, therefore no impact is anticipated. Impact on Environmental Features: Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment Application for Special Use Permit September 19, 2022 1 Page 7 MMCR offers fishing, hiking, and "private sites nestled in the trees." It is to the benefit of all that the campground's impact on environmental features be as minimal as possible. The health of the fishing pond will rely on the health of Stockton Creek, which runs through the property. The joy of hiking and the privacy of campsites will largely depend on the preservation of trees on site; therefore tree removal will be selective. Individual trees in the proposed campsite areas will be surveyed prior to final design such that large canopy trees can be saved wherever feasible. MMCR is determined to keep a low impact by expanding in areas where minimal land disturbance and tree removal is required. Approximately one quarter of the site will remain forested. Impact on Adjacent Properties: Along with the addition of new campsites, the applicant intends to redevelop existing sites in the southwest corner in order to bring them into compliance with side yard regulations. This redevelopment will largely follow the existing layout in order to minimize disturbance, but it will bring more organization to the area. An 8-ft tall, black, solid wood screening fence will be installed along the western property line behind the campsites. This will be a net positive impact on the adjacent property TMP 71-2, and has already been discussed with the owner. The added campsites adjacent to TMP 71-5 and TMP 71-4E will be screened by existing vegetation and an added screening fence in the rear and side yard areas, therefore their impact on adjacent properties will be minimal. In order to prevent campers from trespassing onto adjacent properties, the owner has put up signs at the perimeter of the property warning campers of the zero -tolerance policy for trespassing. Any campers found trespassing will be immediately escorted from the L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Photo 5 — No trespassing sign Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment Application for Special Use Permit September 19, 2022 1 Page 8 E. Conclusion Misty Mountain Camp Resort has been a place for people to gather to enjoy the outdoors for over 40 years. As development within the surrounding areas continues, it is increasingly important to provide opportunities like this for people to connect with nature. The addition of 53 campsites and the revised limit on the time of year in which the cabins can be used will allow that many more potential campers and families to spend time outdoors. The character of the campground will remain unchanged, it will just be expanded for more to enjoy. Potential impacts on public facilities were evaluated, and no substantial detriment was found. The location of the site and the rural nature of its surroundings are such that its impact on schools, parks, public transportation, public infrastructure, and public safety facilities are inherently low. Preservation of environmental features on site is a key part of this development. This special use permit is a chance to extend the benefits of the outdoors to more people and to fix existing zoning violations on the site. List of Appendices Appendix A: Existing Conditions Plan Appendix B: Concept Plan Appendix C: SP198200061 Action Letter Appendix D: SP199400030 Action Letter Appendix E: SP200900016 Legacy Document Appendix F: SP201000048 Review Comments 2011-03-16 Appendix G: Office of Drinking Water Well Approvals Appendix H: Approved VDOT Design Waiver L I N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING Appendix A Existing Conditions Plan Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment BOUNDARY CURVE TABLE Curve Length Radius Delta Tangent Chord Chord Bearing C1 192.16" 1965.00' 5'36'10" 96.15' 192.08" N 79'20'12" E IMF 55-15 OWNER. GOLDEN IVAGNOL 1A LL C DB.455/ 106:736 ZONED RURAL AREA VDOT RIGHT OF WAY 98.54 ACRES EX WA TER TANKS - WITHIN STRUCTURE U 630 640 *0 660 670 680 V by0 PDX L QC4 TION EX. DOINF/ELD 610 11WGR4VFL b�0 9 • \ k90 FEMA FL OOOZONE A - C WPO BUFFER / TMP 7/-2 / h OWNER BROOM, NANCY L o OR DANIEL MATTHEW D9:1757 PG:390 o ZONED: RURAL AREA 261.. 70 ACRES e ,\0 b 650 Ego 700 y10 4,1 / �,, � \ = �d a / / � / � W4TERPROTECTIONORDlN4NCEBUFFER 0 E�� / _/� _ \ U.S. R 6 / // l / ' / / L _ _ — _ ' AREA OF CRI TICAL F 2/ / -- - — —\_ _ — �_— - SLOPES \ (TYP) WA TER PROTECTION ORDINANCE ITN' 7/-3A �� ( ✓ / / OWNER• ROL, MARCO CA OR OOOZONE 4 x OB:1725 PG: 500 IMF7146 \� x / I ZONED RURAL AREA OWN-R- PA YNE, HELEN B ///% ��\\ \ ✓�`� \ \\ \\ \ �\ \ �x 3.0 ACRES / \ 6 93 ROGIfF/SH GAP f \ /// y� / 03.2743 P623/ g — �\ / y/ ///%✓l/ / ZONED RURAL AREA WELL/N l //%ji \ I 1/ / / ///� !/ \ \\ \\ ✓ �\ \\\ \\ r \\ \ \ \4.87 ACRES LL YBA 75, gUILp x . • � . z � ® \ \ ti� � / � � /_ /�/ �, � ,\ �\ hl 1\ rMP U / V✓NER ROL, MARC C4 OR (/ • OL M ' / . / /3 4 /5 / \I / / / // // /�i ✓ DB 17 0 \� UILD/N / ° / / // // �j/ � ZONED RURAL AREA OFFICE J. 04 ACRES V I Doc EX. L 7 /// _ _ _ /,// /_ /_ � \ \\ _ �\ < < I l \ \ \ \ \ \ — � \�\ / LFARK ~� EX. WELL ( / / /jam- -� C�Id1!/\E� / / / \ \ \\\�\ \ \ 7 \ I \\\\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ (( //W�� \ \\\ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ 7711107/-4F / I ILL/ AYGROUND / f pa / // �— % _ �i — \ \ \\\\\ \o\ \\ OWNER.HUNT, DANIEL T OR KATHRYN M DB.2062 AL AR 19 OWNER.-MISTYMOUNTAINLLC \ �\ ZONEDRUR4LAREA // — OB:5522 PG:585 � J. 85 ACRES // ///� /\ r ( x \ + . ZONED RURAL AREA EX. SEPTIC TANK / / GJ l�j j / ` \ \ \ WELL l \ PRESENT USE CAMP RESORT 1�ACRES % 47. l/ / f • ° / // ' II�1111I1 IIII\\\ \ \ I\\\\\ ELL \\\ \\\\ �4VEL m - FISHING ' POND • \ \\� � � / / \ \\\\ \ \\\x \ II I I ( r� _ WPO BUFFER T I I Y RA • \ II I III\ \ 1 1 I IIII I \ \ \\\\ _`._\\ // i TMP 7/-4E\ \\\\\ \�\\ \\\ \\\ \ \ \ OWNER. ✓AL ROVNYAK \\\\\\\� \� \\ \\\ \ \ •'',s- REVOCABLE DECLALA RATION OF TRUST � \ �\ \\ \ \ \\\\ \ L 3 j II II IIII I I —_ —_ J I I I \ \ / / / VIRGIN/A G ROVNYAK REVOCABLE T — — �_ \ \ \ • / ; I I I I /// // JJJ J I I/ / \ \ \ \ \ _ \\ \ f DECLARATION OF TRUST IT �� ZONED RURAL AREA STOCK TO�C EK ®T-6- -- i — / / \ \ \ �a ll/ �l� // — / / / ' 4.38 ACRES \ \\\\ \ l/i\\ \ \\\ \\\ \\\ JI IIII II I\I.I\ 11111\11 \\1 \, \��\�\\�\' �G \ � L / —• EXIORAI lEL `/-e-/ �J ./� r • // //// // w // �EX\.\E\LL \\�� / mo��o\�\ I /I � I I I �1 �j i _ —l/ / \\ \\ 690F � \\\xz C-12' C-// 150 lg0 �40 150 C-/O IMF 7/-5 l _ OWNER.• TILMAN, LIFE \ 9` — 5 / �� 60 0\ • I\\ \ \\\\\\ \ �� \\�\ \ \\ \ \ \ R I I I L —\ \\ I �700 — / L \ ESTATE, AL ICE MAY l \ �— OB:2895 PG:4780 l ZONED RURAL AREA • g \ 64 90.98 ACRES 8 r� • IIwo K'� i � / // \ � _ 8 ( ; l 6/ / j /i/ ////i / \ \ \ - - - -\\ \ \ \ \ \\ / r��/ / ///ice \\\6�> / / 7 � \ \ ( AREA OF CRITICAL // /✓� // %/ % / \ \ \ \ \ \\\\�\\\\\\�\\ \ 1 SL OFFS (TYP) IN 110 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2 VICINITY MAP 1" = 100': 0 100 200 )1" = 30,000': 0 30,000 60,000 LU fa Z to Z Z to 1 W z J z LLI G 0 LLJ LLJ 0 LLJ Q z z 0 0 o w z z 0 0- LLJ -1 V Q � z U m cf) z Q x LLJ WE CONCEPTUAL EXHIBIT 0010w'z FOR APPROVAL APPROVED SUBMISSInrnl rn" 1 PROJECI 2107001 T H E W 0 R K O F L I N E + G R A D E Appendix B Concept Plan Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment BOUNDARY CURVE TABLE Curve Length Radius Delta Tangent Chord Chord Bearing C1 192.16" 1965.00' 5'36'10" 96.15' 192.08' N 79'20'12" E PROJECT SUMMARY \ �\� may; / ` / 1 0� pG _ �` ♦ / /_ i / �/ / / / NAME OF PROJECT: MISTY MOUNTAIN CAMP RESORT REDEVELOPMENT WATER PROTECT/ON ORDINANCE BUFFER \ ' S ROUTE 2/ ���/ / / / / L PROJECTADDRESS: 56 MISTY MOUNTAIN ROAD, GREENWOOD, VA 22943 p26 / / / / / z —PROJECT NARRATIVE: ADDITION OF 53 NEW CAMPSITES AND 3 CABINS TO EX. CAMPGROUND \ \' IMF55-I5 \ \ / J ` 03:26 W/16CABINS, 105 CAMPSITES, AND 2 NON- RENTABLE DWELLINGS \ \ \ OWNER. GOLDEN MAGNOLIA LLC / WA TER PROTECTION ORDINANCE �` `�� _ DB.455/ PG:736 / / TMP 7/-3A / / i —APPLICANT/OWNER: 1 \ ZONED RURAL AREA VDOTRIGHT OF WAY ) R50' _-- / / OWNER. ROL, MARCO CA OR FEMA FLOODZONEq // //— _ CONTACT: MISTY MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT LLC 1 98.54 ACRES - -R50' \ ANGELA M / �/ / % / //i i �% %/ UPGRADED CIRCULATION _ FOR CHECK IN x / / OB:1725 PG:500 ( / !��_ ANDREW BALDWIN \ \ 1 L \ \ I I ZONED RURAL AREA 1 i % %�/%/ / IMF 7/ 4G j� = ADDRESS: 600 E WATER STREET, SUITE H \ / 1 / /� / / / / OWNER.• PA YNE, HELEN B ' I VDOT COMMERCIAL /` / / _ _ SEE NOTE 2 / J. ACRES / / // / �- �/ CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 �� REORGANIZED PARKING 31, ENTRANCE OB.2743 PG23/ �' ��l/mil / • 39 \ ` 6 93 ROGIfF/SH GAP f� /� �i / / %/// ZONED RURAL AREA PHONE: 434422-5050 e , WELL/N /%%%� _��\�// // //� 4.87ACRESd�l \\ � _ / \\ EMAIL: ANDREW@CORECVILLE.COM \ENGINEER OF RECORD: xz — / -- T/ / /� // I�l// = — _ CONTACT: LINE AND GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING ON I Z ®x \ N / \ / / / II //// // // // �// — — \ �I DANIELC. HYER, PE C r J I ILO — 1 \ / / ��// r �/ •\ �\ \,\ \\\\\� II II'�� / / / / _/ i \ J ADDRESS: 1134TH STREET NE; STE 100 I 5 a m .' : `� cl \/,� - -� TMP 7/ 3B CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 OWNER ROL, MARCO CA OR ETH\IN4TX W�KS PHONE: 434 262-0169 AUCNTUANGELA M DB/725 PG.•500 EMAIL: DHYER@LINE- GRADE.COME \ \ / I U/LD/N \ / • / / % /�// _%/// ZONED RURAL AREA III I I I I I \\\\ /�/ J..04ACRES V �II II I II I \ \ \\\ \ \\SOURCE OF SURVEY AND TOPOGRAPHY: \ \ PP OX. L CA Tl N / — 0 i / / \ \ OR lNF/ LD / �`,�/ DOG / •B 9 \ T�/_�� = // / / III I l I \ \ \ \ \ SOURCE: ROUDABUSH, GALE&ASSOCIATES, INC. /`�/%/iR 7 • {/ / / _�� / /\�\\\� \\ \ \� CONTACT: BRIANJAMISON \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ / / • 6 / ��� �� /_ �� _ C - - - - - \ \ \ — \ \\� PHONE: 434-977-0205 EMAIL: BJAMISON@ROUDABUSH.COM IMF 7/-4F / O O / _ — N. o OWNER. HUNT, 2062DANI� TORKATHRYNM / SUBJECTPARCEL(S): LIMITS OF PROPOSED WORK — — IMF 7I-3 c y �� DB.2062 PG:Ol9 �/ /� / j %�- =_ `� OWNER. MISTYMOUNTgINLLC \ �\ ) ZONED RURALgREA \ PARCEL ID:71-3 IIIIIIIIIIII\ II / / ///// / // / / / +: • /// ///�/��'/// /ll/� ��1 ZONED RURAL AREA \��\ l \ \\3\qC\S / I / OWNER: MISTY MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT LLC I I I 11 \\ �� II ll/l/(1 \ \ I I \ I l / — I CONTACT: ANDREW BALDWIN EX�EPTIC TAN!( I \ WELLI \ PRESENT USE. CAMP RESORT \ ZONED: RA III I I \ / / m . % / Jll • �( '( \ \ \ \ x \ 47. // ACRES OVERLAYS: ENTRANCE CORRIDOR, SCENIC BYWAYS, FLOOD HAZARD \ ///// // •_ III SP2010-48 �43 •' \\ \\\\\\\\ / / / // i ` \ / / LEGAL AREA: 47 11 AC II `\ 1 \ \\\✓_/// // /// . I 4 •I /x/ e ELL I IIII 11' \\ \\\\ \\\\\\\\ \ \\ \ 1 \\ \PROPOSED ONE-WAY \ \ �� �j/ \ ADJACENT PARCEL(S), ALLZONED RA: �9• / 4 . 27 FISHING d II Ii1 \ \\ \\ I I \\\\ ROADWAY \ \� i /// j/ // /� \55-15 \\ \ \ \ \ \' PARCEL I R: GOLD \\ PROPOSED DRAINFIELD RESERVE / / / POND OWNER: GOLDEN MAGNOLIA LLC PARCEL ID: 71-2 I \ -- -' // / /• ® •_• \ /// / / / IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II1I1III1I1II1f//1//1/1 �//V�/ �///;/_/�W�P_OBU1FJFI_E� RI I=I II I_II I II �II I I I I I I I II I II \ RA OWNER: NANC Y&DANIELBRODY T TM f OWNER.• ✓AMESL ROVNYAK PARCEL ID: 71-3A /` DD/ R O�4� OWNER: ANGELA & MARCO ROL T VIRGIN/q GROVNYq( REVOCABLt j I \ DECLARATION OF TRUST PARCEL ID: 71-3B FEMA FLOODZONE A 4879 PG:349 OWNER: ANGELA & MARCO ROL ZONED RURAL AREA / STOCKTO_N CREEK �� T�� — _ l ll, I �illlr /��/� / / // / �/ I ` \ ' \ �\ 4.38 ACRES PARCEL ID: 71-4E \ % ������ CRITICAL SLOPES -SEE NOTE 1 / / — ��� ,, / ✓ J ®/ _ - \ �\ / _ OWNER: JAMES &VIRGINIA ROVNYAK \ / // j/ 1� / • \\���\\� II ((( / . �� WOODED ARA p �`'` l ♦ v `� / \ I r - PARCEL OWNER: KATHRYN& DANIEL HUNT \ \ // ///� `/I 1 TO REMAIN / P�VC$O/ \ �' \ ♦ i \ I \ \\ ~ _� [ J jIII / i ♦ EXIORgI IELp �i / I �\ I I I I \ i PARCEL ID: 714G /�/f/ 71 / I -/ �_ �\ \\\ \\\ I IIII II 1\\I \ — / y OWNER HELEN PAYNE / / /( JJl / G�y = \ \� I �\ -- / �� + • /' BATH HOUSE �� 1 I 7 '� \ _ ��—_�_'_ �j/// • / \\\\ \ \I �• f / B� I v� / _ PARCEL ID:71-5 _—�� �_ // / \ / • ' C �M\��\\ i �� / 1' \ \1 \ ��/ /_ I i �� \ / \ / ~ OWNER: ALICETILMAN _ v _ J ���� // / ///////�� / /�j/� ✓/C-B - ,1 I1II `\\\\F I AR.K�IN\G \(TP)PROPOSED RV \ \ \\\ \ ` � / / I /'' .•/ / L �r %I / / i / \ _ �//�`UTILITIES, GRADING, IMPERVIOUS AREA: / ♦ / / / / / / _ SITE TO BE SERVED BY PRIVATE WELLAND SEPTIC WEi \ \\\\\\� _ \\ Y / %^ 1'/ ^ NEW CENTRAL SEWER SYSTEM+ WATER SYSTEM PROPOSED PROPOSED DRAINFIELD\\ \ / / 1 1 ' �/ / / / / / MINIMALGRADING PROPOSED Q— �4 \\\ \\\ AND RESERVE k \ \ \ I / � / / SMALL RETAINING WALLS PROPOSED BY EACH NEW CAMPSITE '� PROPOSED SCREENING FENCE SITE IMPERVIOUS AREA INCREASED BY APPROXIMATELY 1.54ACRES CABING-21RELOCATED TMP 7/-2 WITHIN SETBACK— / OWNER. BRODY, NANCY L / "/ / -mil \ I (( t ORDANIEL IVAT THEW / / - / 55�\ PROPOSED �r I _ TWO-WAY ROADWAY TMP 7/-5 ZONED: RURAL AREA \ � � / 5 \\ ` J '` - f�� � �LIFE / /' � • \ \ \ \ \ \ / / \ _ / Z � OWNER.• T/LMAN, 26/.70 ACRES / �C 5 / 1-�' 60 0 \\_ \ \ \ \ / / \e �` / 5 / \ \\ \\ \ 9 \\\\\ \\ \— I l L \ ESTgTE,ALICEMgY I 1 \\ i /OB:2895 PG:478D l \ \ \\ \ , \\ CABINS 5//�� ) III l \\ \ \\\\\. \ %V�" I I \ ZONED RURAL AREA I \\ \\\\ \ \\ \ (3\PROPOSED CABINS � � ' i l� � \ 90. 98 ACRES \ \ 64 /\ I Proposed Camp Site Breakdown Dwelling Units (Not Rentable) 2 Cabin Dwelling Units (Existing) 2 Cabin Rental (Existing, Not Dwelling Units) 14 Cabin Rental (Proposed, Not Dwelling Units 3 RV Sites (Existing and Unchanged) 81 RV Sites (Existing and Renovated) 16 RV Sites (Proposed) 53 Tent Sites (Existing) 8 Total Existing Camp Sites 123 Total Camp Sites with SP 179 _ / /\���/�/i:/J -��/ l/ � /� � III \ '^��\ \ ='`• /,/ \\ \ —___\\ � \�\\ / r_'—�� \ ~ /� `:— • I I \/H LIMITS OF PROPOSED WORK 68 \ MA/ TE/A C 70 69 - -_= J= _ __ �_�'-__ ___ ; / � .•/ , � ;/ 1 �/_ /// Jam/ // � \ \ \_ - - -� \ _ _ — � �\ �� 1 ( \ \ \ /l \\ � _ \ / PROPOSED SCREENING FENCE \� / --//// // — _ll\\�/\\ \ D�RjAINFIELD RESERVE �K NOTES: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / r ^ ( / / / //� /j % _ \ \ 1) CRITICAL SLOPE DELINEATIONS PER GIS DO NOT MATCH WITH GIS TOPOGRAPHY IN f /j \ \ j / _ / \ \\ \ \\\\\\\\ \ \\ c \ \ \ \ 1 1 I 1 \ /// /� / / \ CERTAIN AREAS. THESE AREAS WILL BE FIELD SURVEYED TO CONFIRM. \ \ \ \ \ // \ \ \ 2 VEGETATION ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF THE SITE BY ROUTE 250 IS TO REMAIN. / / \ \ 3) EXISTING AND PROPOSED TREELINES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. EXISTING TREES ARE TO / // /i//�� \ BE SURVEYED PRIOR TO FINAL DESIGN. CAMPSITE LOCATIONS SHOWN MAY CHANGE / // / �\ \ \ \ SLIGHTLY TO AVOID IMPACT TO LARGE CANOPY TREES. TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL \ \ /-� BE USED TO PRESERVE TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4 ) — —� _/ \�\\ \ / // / \ THE LIMITS OF WORK DELINEATED INCLUDE AREAS OF EXISTING ROADS AND CAMPSITES \ \ / I I I I �\ / \ 1 1 I I TO BE IMPROVED. THESE AREAS DO NOT NECESSARILY CORRELATE WITH LIMITS OF GRADING OR DISTURBANCE AREAS. Qi N CONCEPT PLAN 1" = 100': 0 100 200 z Uj 0 W W 0 O W Q z r� vCJ G w 0 Q U W z i a U O U CONCEPTUAL EXHIBIT o0>0�z FOR APPROVAL APPROVED SUBMISSI )1\I r\I' 1 PROJECI 2107001 T H E W 0 R h O F L I N E + G R A D E C200 Appendix C SP198200061 Action Letter Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment ROBERT W.TUCKER,JR Director of Planning December 3, 1982 • NiY OF AALBzA,,,9R� GO DEPARTMENT of PLANNING 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901-4596 804-296-5823 Mr. Werner Kappes Route 1, Box 275 Greenwood, Virginia 22943 RONALD S. KEELER Assistant Director of Planning R. KEITH MABE Principal Planner NANCY MASON CAPERTON Senior Planner KATHERINE L. IMHOFF Planner Re: Sp-82-61 Monticello - Skyline Campground, Incorporated Dear Mr. Kappes: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting of December 1, 1982, approved your above -referenced special use permit request, subject to the following conditions: 1. No more than a total of 112 camping sites on property described as County Tax Map 71, Parcel 3, Samuel Miller Magisterial District, consisting of 47.11 acres zoned RA Rural Areas; 2. No new camping sites shall be located in the flood plain, as determined by the Army Corps of Engineers; 3. Health Department approval prior to Planning Commission approval of site plan; 4. Fire Official approval prior to Planning Commission approval of a site plan; ** 5. Conditions one and six of Conditional Use Permit #116 shall be met to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Planning; G. No new camping sites or additional storage of parked trailers, campers and recreational vehicles. New and additional vehicles shall be in compliance with the Scenic Highway requirement of a 150-foot setback. If you should have any questions with regard to this action and notification, please contact Mr. Ronald S. Keeler at 296-5823. Sincerely, Stuart L. Richard Department of Planning slr Attachment cc: Jack Collins Health Department Zoning Administrator Appendix D SP199400030 Action Letter Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment 1 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902.4596 (804) 296-5823 December 29, 1994 Richard E. Carter 414 Park St Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SP-94-30 James F. & Esther C. McDonald Dear Mr. Carter: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on December 14, 1994, approved the above -noted request to amend SP-82-61 to allow construction of ten (10) tourist cabins. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: No more than a total of 112 camping sites on property described as County Tax Map 71, Parcel 3, Samuel Miller Magisterial District, consisting of 47.11 acres zoned RA Rural Areas. Not more than six of these camp sites may be used for cabins which are to be located on the south side of Stockton Creek in existing camp sites. Not more than four of these cabins may qualify as dwelling units. Any cabins constructed as dwelling units shall comply with the provisions of Section No cabins shall be utilized until all appropriate Building Code and Health Department requirements have been met; 2. No new camping sites shall be located in the flood plain, as determined by the Army Corps of Engineers; 3. All such uses shall conform to the requirements of the Virginia Department of Health Bureau of Tourist Establishment Sanitation and other applicable requirements; 4. Provisions for outdoor cooking, campfires, cooking pits, ctc., shall be subject to Albemarle County Fire Official approval; 1 Page 2 December 29, 1994 5. Conditions one and six of Conditional Use Permit 4116 shall be met to the reasonable satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator; 6. No new camping si ltional "storage of parked trailers, campers and recreational vehicles withi6!he45$=f6"oTsetback. New and additional vehicles shall be in compliance with a 150-foot setback from the edge of the Route 250 right-of-way; 7. The cabins would not be used from November 15 to March 15. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, W� V. Wayne Cilimber�g�CZY Director of Planning & Community Development V WC/jcw cc: Ella Carey Amelia McCulley Jo Higgins James & Esther McDonald 2 Appendix E SP200900016 Legacy Document Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment COUNTY OF ALBBMARLF Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Cliarlottesville, Virginin 229024596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4012 September 28, 2009 Mike Leo 56 Misty Mountain Road Greenwood, VA 22943 RE: SP200900016 Music Festival TAX MAP/PARCEL: 07100000000300 Dear Mr. Leo: On September 9, 2009, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on SP #200900016 to allow a special event at the Misty Mountain Camp Resort on Tax Map 71, Parcel 3 in the Samuel Miller District. This special use permit was approved based on the following conditions: 1. The use shall conform to any existing applicable special use permits, including but not limited to SP-1994-30, whose terms are hereby incorporated by reference; 2. Development of the use shall be in conformity with the Concept Plan entitled Misty Mountain Camp Resort SP-2009-16 Music Festival, prepared by Albemarle County Office of Geographic Data Services, and signed by Mike Leo and dated August 6, 2009. (hereinafter, the "Conceptual Plan'), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator; To be In conformity with the plan, development shall reflect the following central features within the development essential to the design of the development location of temporary parking areas 1,2, and 3 location of temporary stage All activities related to the music festival shall - take place within the area of the site bound by the Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Misty Mountain Road, Stockton Creek and the western parcel boundary. Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance; 3. A music festival special event shall be permitted once every twelve (12) month period, for a maximum of three (3) consecutive days consisting of one (1) week day and two (2) weekend days. Any increase in the number of special events shall require an amendment to this special use permit; 4. A maximum of fifteen (15) vendors shall be allowed to operate on any given day during the music festival; 5. Written approval from the Police Department, Fire and Rescue, and the Health Department shall be required each year prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance to allow the special event use; 6. No tree removal, grading, or disturbance shall take place within the driplines of the trees as shown on.the Concept Plan prepared by Mike Leo, and dated March 25, 2009. Any grading or disturbance within ten (10) feet of any dripline shall necessitate submittal of a "Tree Protection Plan" in accord with section of the Zoning Ordinance. No grading or disturbance within ten (10) feet of any dripline shall be permitted until: a) a survey and fencing have been completed and b) the Planning Director approves a plan which shows the grading or disturbance and the surveyed dripline of the existing trees; 7. Hours of operation for the music event shall be between 12:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. 8. Off -site parking shall not be permitted except in authorized parking lots from which people are transported to the special event by shuttle or comparable vehicles; 9. The maximum number of people allowed on the site for the special event on each day shall not exceed five hundred (500) persons. 10. The maximum number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the site for the special event on each day shall not exceed two hundred twenty four (224). 11. A minimum of twenty (20) private security, parking, and traffic control staff members shall be required on site each day of the music festival; 12. Overnight camping outside the designated camping areas shall be prohibited; 13. All outdoor lighting shall be only full cut-off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot candles shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval; 14. The maximum level of noise shall not exceed sixty-five (65) dBA as measured from an adjacent property; 15. The applicant shall reseed and restore the parking area site(s) as required by the zoning administrator within thirty (30) days of the last day of the special event; 16. The site shall be restored and cleared of all trash, debris, and temporary structures associated with the special event within two (2) days after the final day of the special event; and 17. Special use permit 2009-16 shall be valid until June 30, 2011. Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes: compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced within twenty-four (24) months from the date of Board approval, it shall be deemed abandoned and the permit terminated. The term "commenced" means 'construction of any structure necessary to the use of the permit." If you have questions or comments regarding the. above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact Sherri Proctor at 296-5632. SU incerely, V. Wayne imber, Director of Planning Cc: 1906 LLC 30 Tupelo Road Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 Email Copy: Tex Weaver; Chuck Proctor; Sherri Proctor; Elise Hackett File Appendix F SP201000048 Review Comments 2011-03-16 Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 March 16, 2011 Michael D. Leo 56 Misty Mountain Rd Greenwood, VA 22943 RE: SP201000048 Music Festival Tax Map 71, Parcel 3 Dear Mr. Leo: On March 9, 2011, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the above referenced special use permit to continue allowing an annual special event at the Misty Mountain Camp on the above referenced parcel in the Whitehall District. This special use permit was approved based on the following conditions: 1. The use shall conform to any existing applicable special use permits, including but not limited to SP-1994-30, whose terms are hereby incorporated by reference; 2. Development of the use shall be in conformity with the Concept Plan entitled Misty Mountain Camp Resort SP-2009-16 Music Festival, prepared by Albemarle County Office of Geographic Data Services, and signed by Mike Leo and dated August 6, 2009, (hereinafter, the "Conceptual Plan"), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator; To be in conformity with the plan, development shall reflect the following central features within the development essential to the design of the development: location of temporary parking areas 1, 2, and 3 • location of temporary stage All activities related to the music festival shall take place within the area of the site bound by the Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Misty Mountain Road, Stockton Creek and the western parcel boundary. Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance; 3. A music festival special event shall be permitted once every twelve (12) month period, for a maximum of three (3) consecutive days consisting of one (1) week day and two (2) weekend days. Any increase in the number of special events shall require an amendment to this special use permit; 4. A maximum of fifteen (15) vendors shall be allowed to operate on any given day during the music festival; 5. Written approval from the Police Department, Fire and Rescue, and the Health Department shall be required each year prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance to allow the special event use; 6. No tree removal, grading, or disturbance shall take place within the driplines of the trees as shown on the Concept Plan prepared by Mike Leo, and dated March 25, 2009. Any grading or disturbance within ten (10) feet of any dripline shall necessitate submittal of a "Tree Protection Plan" in accord with section of the Zoning Ordinance. No grading or disturbance within ten (10) feet of any dripline shall be permitted until: a) a survey and fencing have been completed and b) the Planning Director approves a plan which shows the grading or disturbance and the surveyed dripline of the existing trees; 7. Hours of operation for the music event shall be between 12:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.; 8. Off -site parking shall not be permitted except in authorized parking lots from which people are transported to the special event by shuttle or comparable vehicles; 9. The maximum number of people allowed on the site for the special event on each day shall not exceed five hundred (500) persons; 10. The maximum number of vehicles allowed to be parked on the site for the special event on each day shall not exceed two hundred twenty four (224); 11. A minimum of twenty (20) private security, parking, and traffic control staff members shall be required on site each day of the music festival; 12. Overnight camping outside the designated camping areas shall be prohibited; 13. All outdoor lighting shall be only full cut-off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot candles shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval; 14. The maximum level of noise shall not exceed sixty-five (65) dBA as measured from an adjacent property; 15. The applicant shall reseed and restore the parking area site(s) as required by the zoning administrator within thirty (30) days of the last day of the special event; and 16. The site shall be restored and cleared of all trash, debris, and temporary structures associated with the special event within two (2) days after the final day of the special event. Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes: • compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; • approval of a ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced within twenty-four (24) months from the date of Board approval, it shall be deemed abandoned and the permit terminated. The term "commenced" means "construction of any structure necessary to the use of the permit." If you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact Ron Higgins at 296-5832. Sincerely, V vUL Wayne Cilimberg Director of Plannin CC: 1906 LLC 30 Tupelo Road Hilton Head Island, SC 22928 Appendix G Office of Drinking Water Well Approvals Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment Form GW-2 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Revised 8/19/2016 UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT Page I of 4 *Indicates required field or section "Indicates required field or section, if applicable 1. Contact Information* DEQ Well # USGS Local # VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2003665 Cont act�7i, J Name Address Phone 0 T 7e' - Andrew Baldwin / Misty Mountain 600 East Water Street, Ste H, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Driller, ,: : Foster Well & Pump Co Inc PO Box 260, Earlysville, VA 22936 434-973-9079 -System Provider 2. Well Location* Physical Address: 56 Misty Mountain Road Coun /Ci Albemarle Subdivision Name: Section: Block: Lot: Tax Ma /GPIN #: 71-3 Latitude: 38.03754 N Longitude:-78.73590 W Datum Source Horizontal: ❑ WGS84 ❑ NAD83 ❑ NAD27 Lat/Long Source (Check One): ❑ Map ❑ GPS ❑ PPDGPS ❑ Survey ❑ Imagery ❑ WAAS Location Information Collected By Physical Location Description: 3. Facility & Use* �.T' e of,1,�6!li ,(Check On6):._ T e of Use "Check All That A ` 1 ' ® Private ® Drinking/Domestic Use ❑ Agricultural ❑ Food Processing ❑ Waterworks ❑ Manufacturing ❑ Irrigation ❑ Injection ❑ Observation/Monitoring Well ❑ Geothermal (Cooling/Heating) ❑ Fire Safety ❑ Closed ❑ Open: O Retained to Surface ❑ Returned to Aquifer 4. Well Construction* Well designation, Name or Number: Wt 003 (well 3, located In the woods) Date Started: 2/1/2022 1 Date Completed: 2/2/2022 1 Type Rig: Air Rotary Class Well (Check One): ❑ I ❑ IIA 0 IIB ❑ IIIA ❑ IIIB ❑ IIIC ❑ IIID ❑ IIIE ❑ IV Construction Ty a (Check One): ® New ❑ Existing -Modified: ❑ weB ❑ Pump: Date_ Well De the 505 ft. Total Hole borehole Depth: 72 ft. Depth to Bedrock: 70 ft, Hole Size (Include reamed zones): 10 inches from 0 to 72 ft. 6 Inches from 72 to 505 ft. Height of Casing above Land Surface: z ft. 0 inches Casing Size (I.D.) and Materials: (below) Total Depth of Casing: 74 ft. 61/8 inches from +2 to 72 ft. ❑ infilled Material steel .280 wall Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. O infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. Screen Size & Mesh: inches from to ft. o infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. ❑ infdled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Mesh Size Type Water Zones: from 86 to 87 ft. from 120 to 121 ft. from 163 to 164 ft. Gravel Pack: Size: Type: from to ft. Size: Type: from to ft. Grout Type: ❑ Bentonite Slurry ❑ Neat Cement ❑ Bentonite pellets/chips O Concrete 5d Neat Cement (6% bentonite) 0 50 from t0 fi• Grouting Method: ❑ Poured from surface ❑ Poured through tremmie pipe 7 Pum ed from bottom upward Type of Seal: ❑ pitless adapter 13 sanitary seal from t0 ft. Camera Survey: ❑ Yes ❑ No I Date Conducted: Additional Well Construction Form Information Attached: 0 Yes 0 No Form GW-2 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEQ Well # Revised 8/19/2016 UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT USGS Local # Page 2 of 4 VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2003665 Well designation, Name or 5. WL003 (Well 3, located in the 6. Abandonment (*When abandoning the well. Sections l thru 4 must be completed and/or attach original GW-2) Date Started: I Date Completed: Static Water Level (unpumped level measured): ft. Casing Size (I.D.) and Materials: Casing Pulled: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Uncased Well Depth of Fill: Type and Source of Fill: Grout: From to Type: From to Type: Method of permanently marling location: 7. Pump Test** Static Water Level (unpumped level measured): 40 ft. Date: T Method (Check One): ❑ Water Tape ❑ Airline ❑ Transducer ❑ Other Stabilized measured pumping water level: ft. Date: 7 Method (Check One): ❑ Top of Well ❑ Top of Casing ❑ Surface Level Test Pump Intake Depth: ft I Stabilized Yield: gpm after hours Natural Flow: ❑ Yes ❑ No Flow Rate 7 gPM Estimated Well Yield: gpm S. Pump Data** Type: ❑ submersible ❑ Turbine ❑ Shallow Jet ❑ Deep Jet ❑ Other: Motor HP: Production Pump Intake Depth: ft 77FRated Capacity: gpm at ft TDH 9. Geologic Information Type Logs: Aquifer Test Performed: Water Quality Results Attached: Yes No Comments: Formation Lithology Province Geologic Map Used Elevation For Office Use Form GW-2 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Revised 8/19/2016 UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT Page 3 of 4 *Indicates required field or section "Indicates required field or section, if applicable 10. Driller's Log (Use additional sheets if necessary)" DEQ Well # USGS Local # VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2003665 Well designation, Name or Number: WL003 (Well 3, located in the woods) Depth (feet) Type of Rock or Soil Remarks Drilling Diagram of Well Construction (with Time dimensions) (Min. From To (Color, material, fossils, hardness, etc.) (Water, caving, cavities, etc.) 0 70 red clay, brown schist, brown weathered rock, hard gray rock, quartz 70 72 hard gray rock, quartz set casing 72 86 hard gray rock, quartz 86 87 broken -up brownstone water 87 120 hard gray rock, quartz 120 121 broken -up quartz water 121 163 hard gray rock, quartz 163 164 broken -up gray rock water 164 446 hard gray rock 446 447 soft weathered rock water 447 505 hard gray rock 11. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significantpenalties for submittingfalse information including the possibility offine and imprisonmentfor knowing violations. Signature": �[ 1�•-1•>S„j ��_ Date: 2/2/2022 License Number: 2719000250 / James R Holt Form GW-2 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Revised 8/19/2016 UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT Page 4 of 4 *Indicates required field or section *Indicates required field or section, if applicable Additional Well Construction Data (Use and submit only if additional space is needed) 12. Additional Well Construction Data DEQ Well # USGS Local # VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2003665 Well designation, Name or Number: WL003 (Well 3, located in the woods) Physical Location: Date Started: Date Completed: Hole Size (Include reamed zones): inches from to ft, inches from to ft. inches from to ft. inches from to ft. inches from to ft. inches from to ft. inches from to ft, inches from to ft. inches from to ft. Casing Size (I.D.) and Materials: inches from to ft. o infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. o infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. o infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft, o infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. o infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Material Weight per ft, or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. o infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. o infilled Material Weight 2er ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. o infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. Screen Size & Mesh: inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. o fuelled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. o infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. o infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. o infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. ❑ inslted Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. ❑ matted Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. ❑ infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. o infilled Mesh Size Type Water Zones: From 446 to 447 ft. From to ft. From to ft, From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. From to ft. Gravel Pack: Size: Type: From to ft. Size: Type: From to ft. Size Type: From to ft. Size: Type: From to ft. Size: Type: From to ft. Size: Type: From to ft. Grout Type: ❑ Bentomte Slurry ❑ Neat Cement ElBentoni[e pellets/chips El Concrete ❑ Neat Cement (6% bentonite) from to ft. Grouting Method: ❑ Poured from surface ❑ Poured through tremmie pipe ❑ Pumped from bottom upward from to ft. from to ft. COMMONWEAI,TH ®f VIRGINIA DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH 131 Walker Street OFFICE OF DRINKING WATER Lexington, VA 24450 Phone $40-463.7136 Lexington Field Office Fax 540-463-3892 SUBJECT: Albemarle County Waterworks: Misty Mountain Camp Resort PWSID No: 2003665 October 25, 2021 Mr. Andrew Baldwin Misty Mountain Camp Resort 600 East Water Street, Suite H Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Baldwin: This letter provides the results of our October 12, 2021 inspection of the proposed well sites to serve Misty Mountain Camp Resort. In accordance with the Waterworks Regulations, the following well sites are tentatively approved by the Virginia Department of Health Office of Drinking Water (VDH-ODW) for the construction of a well to be utilized as a public drinking water supply: WL002 (Well 2, located closest to resort buildings) WL003 (Well 3, located in the woods) The approval of the well sites listed above expires 12 months from the date of this letter, and is subject to the conditions described in the attached Well Site Approval Conditions Form. This approval is limited to well drilling, casing, grouting, and testing of the well. If drilling of any well(s) listed above has not commenced by the expiration date, a re -inspection of the well site(s) is required. Upon receipt of the required documentation and after plans and specifications have been approved, a Construction Permit will be issued by the State Health Commissioner in accordance with the Waterworks Regulations. Construction of the waterworks facilities shall not be started until the construction permit has been issued. Waterworks wells must be constructed by a Water Well Systems Provider certified by the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR). You may confirm licensure status by contacting DPOR or using the search tool on DPOR's website at the following address: http://www.dpor.virginia.gov/LicenseLookupt. Construction and development of waterworks wells must follow specific procedures. Please refer to the conditions below and our website at htips://www.vdh.virginia.gov/drinking-water permits-and- design/well-development-procedures/ for details. VIRGINIA VDHOF HEALTHNT Protecting You and Your Environment W W W.VDH.V IRGINIA.GOV Mr. Andrew Baldwin Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT: Albemarle County Waterworks: Misty Mountain Camp Resort PWSID No: 2003665 A Preliminary Source Water Assessment (PreSWA) has been compiled for the proposed wells. Attached you will find inventory, maps and summaries of land use and potential sources of contamination within the assessment area of the proposed wells. Please take the time to review this information and contact this office if you have any questions or corrections. This information may be used to generate a Source Water Protection Plan if desired. For assistance developing a Source Water Protection Plan, please contact Aaron Moses, PE, at (804) 864-7492. Upon request, an electronic version of the Preliminary Source Water Assessment information may be emailed to you. If you or your consultant has GIS software, we can also provide a geodatabase to facilitate further work with the data. To learn more about our Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs, as well as eligibility for assistance and funding opportunities to implement source water protection measures, we encourage you to visit our website at the following address: http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/ODW/SourceWaterPrograms/index.htm. The following well site was rejected by VDH-ODW: The well site located near the storm water drain (38.03894,-78.73987) Please contact District Engineer, Taylor Valencia. at (540) 463-0421 if you any questions or concerns Sincerely, /1(tLo .Ytn Mark. D. Perry, PE Engineering Field Director MDP/TLV/kk/211022-7 Enclosures: Well Approval Conditions Form Preliminary Source Water Assessments cc: Albemarle County Health Department Attn: Denise Bonds, MD, MPH Albemarle County Executive - Attn: Jeff Richardson Albemarle County Building Official —Attn: Mr. Michael Dellinger O C r WELL APPROVAL CONDITIONS FORM Approved Well Sites WL002 WL003 Latitude: 38.03928 38.03754 Longitude: -78.74014 -78.73590 Location: Marked: {e.g., Blue ground Blue ground Blue Flagging marker marker + Tape} orange flag Well Construction (Class H or Class 1) . Refer to 12VAC5-590-840 F. Class: October 25, 2022 Approval Expiration Date: If drilling of the well has not commenced by this date, re -inspection of the well site is required. Minimum distance of 50 feet between the well and all potential sources of contamination, property lines, and rights -of -way or easements on the property. Refer to 12VAC5-590-840 D & E. See attached (Google Earth Aerial Photo Image) Well Location and Well Lot: The well lot must be graded as necessary to divert surface run-off from the well and to prevent ponding on the well lot. The well must be located higher than the 100-year flood elevation or a lower elevation may be considered if it can be adequately shown that the well can be protected from flooding. Use neat cement grout, in accordance with Waterworks Regulations Section 840 G. 5. Grouting: Notify this office of the date and time that the well will be grouted. Provide this information as soon as possible so that a member of our staff may be present during grouting. A yield and drawdown test must be run for at least • 48 hours We recommend the pumping rate be controlled throughout the test to maximize the Well Yield and production from the well and to produce a stabilized pump water level for at least the Drawdown Test: last 6 hours of the yield test. Immediately following the yield and drawdown test the water level recovery in the well should be recorded for no less than 6 hours or until the well returns to its static water level, whichever occurs first. If water will discharge into streams during pumping tests, please contact the Department of Environmental Quality Valley Regional Office to determine if a discharge permit is required. Required A series of twenty MPN bacteriological samples must be collected from the well Bacteriological, discharge and submitted to a certified laboratory (DCLS or private laboratory) in Chemical, order to determine the bacteriological quality of the raw groundwater. Physical and One bacteriological sample should be collected at minimum 30 minute intervals Radiological during the last 10 hours of the yield and drawdown test. Sampling: Water samples must be collected and analyzed for nitrate + nitrite (combined) and nitrite-N. It is recommended that samples be analyzed for inorganic contaminants and metals also, to determine if water will result in objectionable taste, odor, color, or cause corrosion or calcium build up. The chemical samples should be collected near the end of the pump test, prior to the recovery period. Uniform Water Well Completion Report (Form GW-2) and schematic drawing(s) of well construction Submittals Well yield, drawdown, and recovery test results Required For Results of required bacteriological and chemical sampling (if not reported directly by Review Prior to laboratory) Issuance of Construction Construction permit application Permit: Final construction plans and specifications, including design calculations, prepared by a licensed professional engineer. A Preliminary Engineering Report may be required prior to submission of final construction documents. Form GW-2 Revised 8/19/2016 Page 1 of 4 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT *Indicates required field or section "Indicates required field or section, if applicable 1. Contact Information* DEQ Well # USGS Local # VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2003665 Contact: Name Address Phone Owner Misty Mountain Camp Resort 600 East Water Street, Ste H, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Driller Foster Well & Pump Cc Inc PO Box 260, Earlysville, VA 22936 434-973-9079 System Provider 2. Well Location* Physical Address: 56 Misty Mountain Road County/City: Albemarle Subdivision Name: Section: Block: Lot: Tax Ma /GPIN #: Latitude: 38.03928 N Longitude: -78.74014 W Datum Source Horizontal: ❑ WGS84 ❑ NAD83 ❑ NAD27 Lat/Long Source Check One): ❑ Map ❑ GPS ❑ PPDGPS ❑ Survey ❑ Imagery ❑ WAAS Location Information Collected By: Physical Location Description: 3. Facility & Use Type of Facility Check One): Type of Use Check All That Apply): ® Private ® Drinking/Domestic Use ❑ Agricultural ❑ Food Processing ❑ Waterworks ❑ Manufacturing ❑ Irrigation ❑ Injection ❑ Observation/Monitoring Well ❑ Geothermal (Cooling/Heating) ❑ Fire Safety O Closed ❑ Open: O Returned to Surface ❑ Returned to Aquifer 4. Well Construction* Well designation, Name or Number: WL002 (Well 2, located closest to resort buildings) Date Started: 4/25/2022 1 Date Completed: 4/26/2022 1 Type Rig: Air Rotary Class Well (Check One): ❑ I ❑ IIA ® IIB ❑ IIIA ❑ IIIB ❑ IIIC ❑ IIID ❑ IIIE ❑ IV Construction Taos e Check One): ® New ❑ Existing -Modified: o Well O Pump: Date Well Depth: fl,I Total Hole borehole Depth: 60 ft. I Depth to Bedrock: 42 ft. Hole Size (Include reamed zones): 10 inches from 0 to 60 ft. 6 Inches from 60 to 405 ft. Height of Casing above Land Surface: 2 ft. 0 inches Casing Size I.D. and Materials: below Total Depth of Casing: 62 ft. a sis inches from +2 to 60 ft. O infilled Material Steel .280 wall Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. 0 infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. inches from to ft. O infilled Material Weight per ft. or wall thickness in. Screen Size & Mesh: inches from to ft, o infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. o infilled Mesh Size Type inches from to ft. o infilled Mesh Size Type Water Zones: from 83 to 84 ft. from 183 to 185 ft. from to ft. Gravel Pack: Size: Type: I from to ft. Size: Type: from to ft. Grout Type: ❑ Bentonite Slurry O Neat Cement ❑ Bemmnite pellets/chips ❑ Concrete ® Neat Cement (6% bentonite) - from 0 50 t0 ft. Grouting Method: Poured from surface Poured through tremmie pipe 1 Pumped from bottom u ward Type of Seal: ❑ pitiless adapter ❑ sanitary seal from to ft. Camera Survey: ❑ Yes ❑ No Date Conducted: Additional Well Construction Form Information Attached: ❑ Yes 0 No Form GW-2 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEQ Well # Revised 8/19/2016 UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT USGS Local # Page 2 of VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2003665 Well designation, Name or Number"': WL002 (Well 2, located closest to resort buildings) 5. Disinfection Well Disinfected: ❑ Yes ❑ No I Date: 6. Abandonment (*When abandoning the well. Sections 1 thru 4 must be comvleted and/or attach orizinal OW-2) Date Started: I Date Completed: Static Water Level (un um ed level measured): ft. Casing Size (I.D.) and Materials: I Casing Pulled: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Uncased Well Depth of Fill: Type and Source of Fill: Grout: From to Type: From to Type: Method of Permanently marking location: 7. Pump Test** Static Water Level (un um ed level measured): 30 ft. Date: Method (Check One): ❑ Water Tape ❑ Airline ❑ Transducer ❑ Other Stabilized measured pum ing water level: ft. Date: r Method (Check One): ❑ Top of Well ❑ Top of Casing ❑ Surface Level Test Pump Intake Depth: ft I Stabilized Yield: gpm after hours Natural Flow: ❑ Yes ❑ No Flow Rate 30 gPm Estimated Well Yield: gpm 8. Pump Data** Type: ❑ submersible ❑ Turbine ❑ Shallow Jet ❑ Deep Jet ❑ Other: I Motor HP: Production Pump Intake Depth: ft I Rated Capacity: ginn at ft TDH Comments: Formation Lithology Province Geologic Map Used Elevation For Office Use Form GW-2 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEQ Well # Revised 8/19/2016 UNIFORM WATER WELL COMPLETION REPORT USGS Local # Page 3 of 4 VDH HDIN # VDH PWSID # 2003665 *Indicates required field or section **Indicates required field or section, if applicable 10. Driller's Log (Use additional sheets if necessary)* Well desistnation. Name or Number: WL002 (well 2, located closest to resort buildings) Depth (feet) Type of Rock or Soil Remarks Drilling Diagram of Well Construction (with Time dimensions) Min. From To (Color, material, fossils, hardness, etc.) ( Water, caving, cavities, etc.) 0 42 red clay, hard brown schist stone, weathered gray rock, hard gray rock, quartz 42 60 hard gray rock, quartz set casing 60 83 hard gray rock, quartz 83 84 broken -up brownstone water 84 183 hard gray rock, quartz 183 185 broken -up quartz, gray rock water 185 405 hard gray rock, quartz 11. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittingfalse information including the possibility offne and imprisonmrrnt for knowing violations. Signature*: a_iOsvrWlj I/_ PAAi-l1 Date: 4/26/2022 License Numtibr: 2719000250 / James R Holt Appendix H Approved VDOT Design Waiver Misty Mountain Camp Resort Redevelopment LD-448 (7-13-21) Page 1 of 2 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCATION AND DESIGN/STRUCTURE & BRIDGE DESIGN WAIVER REQUEST (See IIM-LD-227 for the definition of Design Waiver) Design Waiver Number: To: Michael A. Jacobs, PE District Location and Design Engineer From Project Designer (L&D, S&B or Consultant): Line and Grade - Kendra Moon, PE Project Information UPC State Project Number Federal Project Number District Culpeper District City/County Albemarle County County Proj. Number SP202200001 Project Description Misty Mountain Camp Resort Start Location (From) (US 250) Rockfish Gap Turnpike End Location (To) 56 Misty Mountain Road Funding Source ❑ Lane Shift/Tapers ❑ Total Shoulder Width 7,,Uinimum ❑ Ditch Width ❑ Shared Use Path Width (See RDM, App. A(1)) dth ❑ Superelevation ❑ Guardrail GR-9/GR-2 ❑ Sidewalk Width (See ❑ Curb and Gutter ❑ Intersection Sight Distance IIM-LD-55) NHS & Interstate System Access Control —100' ❑ Urban Areas and 300' Rural Areas ® Other Left Turn Lane (See RDM, App. F) ... and Traffic Information Functional Classification GS-2 RURAL MINOR Minimum VDOT GS St'd GS-2 ARTERIAL Left turn lanes shall be established on two-lane Page F-65 VDOT Road Min. VDOT Standard highways where needed VDOT Reference Locatio Design Manual Appendix for storage of left -turn F vehicles and/or prevention of thru-traffic delay. Design Speed 60 mph Posted Speed 55 mph Existing Dimensions No left turn lane for Requested Dimensions Left turn lane will not be existing entrance. provided for proposed LD-448 (7-13-21) Page 2 of 2 Design Waiver request must address the following: • Established design criteria versus proposed and existing criteria (including traffic data, design speed and posted speed) • Reason the appropriate design criteria cannot be met • Justification for the proposed criteria • Any background information which documents, supports or justifies the request • Any mitigation that will be provided to further support or justify the request • Cost to meet standard versus project cost Attach all supporting documentation to this exhibit including crash history (past three years). ENLTH 0� G i 2 KENDRA G. MOON y Lic. No. 63650 NAL Kendra Moon, PE - Line and Prepared By: Grade Date: 8/l/2022 Consultant (P.E.'s Name and Company Name) Note: The responsible person that prepares the request shall also electronically seal and digitally sign in the block above. All signatures below shall be digital signatures. Digitally signed by Jacobs Mike xfg24184 l.. I't .l2`FLocation: Culpeper, Virginia Jacobs Mike Xfy�84Reason: l am approving this document VDOT Approved By: Date:2ozz.oa.os 13:42:43-0400 District Location and Design Engineer CC: Appropriate Assistant State Location and Design Engineer Project Manager State Geometric Design Engineer State Structure and Bridge Engineer Assistant State Traffic Engineer — Traffic Control Devices