HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300134 Application 2013-09-19 It':i Albemarle Codt..0ty Community Development Department 401 tl mire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596 Planning Application Voice : (434) 296 -5832 Fax : (434) 972 -4126 PARC L / OWNER INFORMATION TMPI 06100- 00- 00 -026A0 Owner(s): Application # ARB201300134 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PHYSICIANS GROUP PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE B Magisterial Dist. Jack 3ouett Land Use Primary Unassigned Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary C1 Commercial APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 107 WHITEWOOD RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 Entered By Todd Shifflett Application Type Architectural Review Board 109/19/2013 1 Project IUPG Child Care Center - Sign Received Date 09/19/13 Received Date Final I I Submittal Date Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) T Sub A • • licati Comment SIGN . } (APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType I Name Address owner tcant ; F: "' " " ` - � - 1 CityState Zip Phone PhoneCelf /? l .. ,. ,, UNIVERSITY. ©F .VIR.".IIVI fYSICFkb15. , z 5Q0 :FtAY;C:FFt1NT:IaR: ;.;'; : :;= tiARI i 7T"t ESVItL` :2 ?943 5' ` :. ; :.' : ; :.' :, .._. ::r ..., . ;.:...,. �; . . . Primary Contact AD ELE BALL - GROPEN SIGNS, INC. 1144 E. MARKET ST. CHARLOTTESVILL 22902 4342951924 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date t r e -, / `' Application and Checklist for Sign Permit Part A: Applicant and Parcel Information ProjectNaine: UPG Child Care Center Address: 107 Whitewood Rd, Charlottesvil . - - . .... . ..... . ... . ..... . .......... - VA,--22-9-0 1 Tax niap and parcel(s): 06100-00-00-026AO Zoning: Commercial " - - - -,, ------------ -- . . . ........ - . - .......... ---- . . ................... .......... .......... . .... . . - - - -.--------- - ----------- ............ . . . . .... . ....... I . ........... ... ---- ....... .. . .. . . . ................................ . ................. .............. --------- - ------- ------------- . . ............. ...... . . ............ ..... Contact Person (Wl io should we call /write coil Cell] ing thi proj ect ?): Gropen Signs -- Adele Ball Address 1144 E. Market St. City Charlottesville state VA Zip 22902 Daytime plione (4 34) 295 192 4xl 11 Fax # (j3 4) 2 192 6 F:- marl aball@gropen.com .. ... . ... .... . .. . ....................... . ........... . ....... ............... .... . ................ . . . ... . .. . .............. . ... . . .... . ............... .. . ............ . . ... . ..... ................. . ............ Owner of Record: University of Virginia Physician's Group Gary Lowe ------ ---------- - ---- - Address 500 Ray C Hunt Drive Charlottesville st VA /,ip 22903 .. .. ...... -------- Daytimef Fax F-mail GEL3W@virgiri.ia.edu ............... . - C'ertification thin notice qfthis application has been provided lo the property owner, q'owneris ttilferentftoln aplVicant is required. (.'otitractot•Naiiie/BtisiiiessNaine: Gropen Signs Address 1144 E. Market St. City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902 ... . .. .. ............. ... .... ... . . . . . .. ............................ ..... .. . Dayti ine phone (43 4) 2 9 5 19 2 4 x 111 F 3 4) 2 19 2 6 F,- abal1@gropen.com . .. .. ...... .. ... . ..... .... Part B: Determining application requirements and fees 1. Sign Permit Please indicate which sign type you are applying for: M Freestanding or Monument Sign: %85,60 ❑ If a footing is required, an additional f'ee is reqnired: $30.60 ❑ W a I I Sign ('Inc luding iding I) ropvrt)" owning, It I e I p I I I np ctntojry signs): $85.60 ❑ Sign Refacing: $55.00 2. Electrical Permit -- 14411 the sign be illuminated? ❑ Yes (111nininatedsigns rctlifire an electrical permit and an elec v-ical schematic.) $45.90 No S 0.00 3. ARBReview -- Will the permanent sign(s) be constructed in an Entrance Corridor? (See the Ent ram v Corridor inal) in the Sign Pconit A,oplication bucket for o list/ ofbitruncc Corridors) ❑ Yes (This sign wifl be comirticicd in (in Entrance Corridor and it does not inset the conditions of a $120.00 Cont1weliensivc Sign Revi(qv, ❑ Yes (T his sign will he construe ied in an Entrancc Corridor and ii iloes meet the conditions of a Waive. Fee No (This sign will not be c(Ansinicled in an 1, ("Orrit1m) $0.00 FEE TOTAL, (Please i.0ilcall the amounts checkeilin seem ns 1 3): $ ... . . ......... . ................. . . .. ... ... ..... ..... .. .. .. .. .... . . ............ p,� FOR OFFICE, USE ONLY 131 ARB9 tee AjaoLmt$ DatcNlid 13Y Who? Rcccipt ft Check By ............. . ... . ........ County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 7/1/2011 f I o1`4 le Part C: Submittal Items Required N A i4m� Submittal packages must contain 4 collated copies of all information unless othenAise indicated. Additional submittal materials may hc required if review 6ythe Architect Review Board iunecessary. Applicants will beuodfimdifadditiona materials mARB review are required. L S E - F - I .. 0 . N i FREESTAN-DING, SU.BD.I-V..I. S - I PN ORP R _._C..TOR.Y._..S I .. G A. Submittal Requirement [] Site plan nr latest approved plat showing, to scale, (lie proposed inuwdoo of|bc sign(s) with dimensions, �l Distance trom the sign to the property lines and/or edge of the VD01'right-of-way. A footing diagram showing how the base or pole will be anchored in the ground. �l lfdbc ni@p will be located in an casement, uiouc *fnpyrvvul from the easement holder will be required. F] x to-scale color illustration of&c proposed sign showing El Dimensions ofthe sign, including overall height f the ground; cabinet size, length, width and depth; base size, etc. (Be sure mulso include /6am dimensions vv the di"x, m*y/vvided/vthmSig"p,nnox/ydicx/mnrmku ) Fl Prop lettering and/or graphics in their prop locatio �l Entrance Corridor Requirements: I t'the sign is to be constructed in an FAitrance Corridor, also provide ocolor illustration nf|hc front and side elevations ofthu sign showing: o Ifiriternally illuniniated, indicate which areas ofthe sign a opaque and which are illuminated. Internally illuminated cabinet signs must. have opaque backgrounds. (0paque materia don't allow lig to pass through. When fit only fi-orn behind, the color ofan opaque material cannot be detected nor can obJects be seen through it.) u Identification of proposed materials and colors. Include standard color id numbers (Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic, etc.) for all omterial», text, graphics, base, &ocu, trim caps, returns, etc. o provide accurate physical wumplcmn[al| colors proposed, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are ooceptab|c.) o provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping around the sign, including botanical names and planting sizes. o Additional aubmixu/ mn|orio|s may 6orequired if review bythe Architectural Review Board isnecessary. (The applicant will be notified if this requirement applies.) B. Inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision orDirectory Si Applicant onmtmudk the loca nfdo property lines and the location ofthe sign with stakes iu preparation for u preliminary zoni inspection. (A8/b^r corners o/ihcxigxmmslhemunk*/ with stokes thv are eamUY visible m(1Y insj)ecmo/ F &prchodnury zoning inspection must h* completed mvc,i6/the |oxab"no[the sign betb,c the permit oun be issue(]. Freestanding signs are required to have footing inspections. (s,6vdb/cJtr^Av0cu") F] Freestanding signs are require(] to have electrical inspections if iflurninated. (whedi bY applicant) Fl Freestanding signs are required to have final building and zoning inspections. (sr6edblc(l/r,m,//cvno 7/1/2011 Page 2 44 2: WALL SIGNS A. Submittal Requirements Fl A drawing, m scale, showing dimensions ofdu sign (|oogth. height, Jq*h). Elevation drawing(s) or modified photograph ofthe entire building, to scale and in color, showing El The sign location Oil the building, sign height above grade, in(] the length of building frontage. (Be sure malso Sign lettering and/or graphics io their proposed loomd^o. Entrance Corridor Requirements: |y|he sign iembeconstructed in anEommce Corridor also provide ucolor illustration ofthe front and side elevations ofthe sign showing: o Indication of sign type (channel letters, cabinet, panel, etc.). o Indicate on the drawi the proposed materials and colors. Include standard color identification numbers (Puoumc.Be Moore, Acrylic, etc.) for all materials, text, graphics, faces, trim caps, etc. For channel letter signs, indicate on the drawing that the raceway color shall match the color o[the wall to which the raceway in o/mukod. o Provide accurate physical samples n[all colors proposed in the sign potcrab|yiothe material proposed. (Paint chips t accurately reflect the proposed colors are uuccpmb|o) o Location of proposed light fixtures and mumdfilom,o Cut sheets describing ill type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must ineet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4. 17. o For inter illuminate(] signs, indicate which areas ofdhc sign are opaque arid which are illuminated. «}puqvc mater don't allow light to pass t When lit only frorn behind, the color ofan opaque rriater cannot be detected nor can objects be seen throuah it. firternallv illUrninated cabinets must have ot)a(JLle backurounds.) B. Inspection Requirements for Wall or Projcudn � Wall and projecting signs are required m have electrical inspections ifilluminated. (SchedulcdbY applicant) Wall and rroiectinLy sjois are reauiredmhave final bLlildinL and M iowVCti0nm, SECTION 3: 1 LLUMINATION REQUIREMENTS A. n the proposed sign ismur illuminated, the applicant most provide the following: [� Electrical perm U Electrical schematic D The location ofympvocdUAht fixtures iJcovi tied ouu plat) and/or elevation Manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination typc, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must mcutondioaocoreuuinmcnbnmnuUiucdinSochon4.l7of&cZonnoul0odinuouu. SECTION 4: WORK VALUATION A. Work Valuation |S 566 7/|/2O\| Page 3of4 .. . .......... .. . ............. . .................. — - ------- Part D: Applicant Agreement . . ............ . - ------ Applicant must read and sign .... . .. . .............. . .... . .... .............. . . - ---------- • F ach application package must contain 4 folded copies ofall plans in(] docuinents being SUNnitted. Only I set of' Material/color sarnples is required. All subirvittal itenis become the property of"Albernarle County. Applicants are CrICOUraged to nrannain duplicate copies in their own files. • The application package is not complete without this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. ... ......... - ..... . ....................... .. .. -- - . .............. . ... ... - . . . ........... ---- ..... . . . . ....... . ........ . ... . ...... . ........... . . ...... - ---------- . ....... ---- - - ------------- . .... . ............ ........... — - - - — - - ---- - ----------------- I herebv cert4i� that the iqlbrination provided on this al)I'Vication and occoinj iqlormalion J . s accurale, truc und correct to the beyi o0nY knowlecke and bcliqfund contains all in1brIvolion requirco' hV these chcckhsts September 16th, 2013 .......... . ... .. . ... . .. ... . . ... .......................... --- .. . . . .. .. .................. Signature of person completing checklist Date Adele Ball 434 295 1924 x 111 .......... Printed Narne / Title Daytime phone number of Signatory .... . ..... ... . .. . ......... County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Chad ottesvi Ile, VA 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4 126 Fax �k �k �N, � a I I)c I h d 1- ---------- . . ........ . .................. . .......... . .......... . ..... 7 /1 /2 0 11 P age 4 o f'4 CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER T/iisfirm must uccoinjunq zoning al)lVivations (Home OcCulmfion, Zoning Gearance, Zoning Administrwor Determinations or.AI)Ivals, Sign Permits, Building Permits) if'ffiv al)lVication is not the owner. I certify that notice of the application, UPG Child Care Center - - - — ------ . ....... lCounly application name and number] was provided to UVA Physi.cian's Group the owner ofrecord ot"Fax Map ......... .... .... . ..... 1 of the record owners ofthe parcel] and Parcel Number 061 - . - 00 by delivering a copy col` the application in the rnanner identified below: b land dell vering a copy ofthe application to -,­-, . . . .. .. ............. - ......... . ............ . . [Name ofthc record owner if the record owner is person if the owner ot'record is an entity, identify the recipient ofthe record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] W Date Mailing a copy ofthe application to Gary Lowe --- - ----------- ............ .. ........ [Name ofthe record owner if the record owner is a pers(:)Il; if the owner of record is all entity, identity the recipient ofthe record and the recipient's title or office for that entityl oil the J'ollowing address: Date Sq Ray C R_unt -Drive, ___Chq.r..].,_q.t t.e.s.ville VA_, 22901 . ...... . _ __ _ [address; written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address ofthe owner as shown oil tile CUrrent real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requirement]. S i , n W�ti re o A p 1) 1 i ca n t . .... Adele Ball Print Applicant Name 9/18/13 Date