HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300066 Application 2013-05-28 l Albemarle Comity Community Development Department nf 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 -4596
Planning Application Voice : (434) 296 -5832 Fax : (434) 972 -4126
TMPI 04500 -00 -00 -10900 I Owner(s):
Application # ARB201300066
Legal Description ACREAGE PARCEL B
Magisterial Dist. Rio Land Use Primary Commercial
Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Highway Commercial
Street Address 305 RIVANNA PLAZA DR CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 Entered By
Application Type Architectural Review Board Jennifer Durrer
Received Date 05/24/13 Received Date Final Submittal Date 06/03/13 Total Fees
Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid
Revision Number
Legal Ad
Type [ Sub Applicati Comment
ContactT • - Name Address Ci State Zi • Phone PhoneCell
Dvaner /Applicant 0IYANNA PLAZA ttt 109 RO IAtSON WOQDS , CHARi.OT'rESVILL 22903
Primary Contact ' RANDY SMITH P.O. BOX 6585 CHARLOTTESVILL 22906 4347600418 €...:^
Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date
Application and Checklist for SIgn.Permit
. . ....... . .. -7 . .......... . . ...
Part A: Applicant and Parcel Information
Project Name:
T as ilia p a n (I parcel(s): ------ zo rl i it g: .. . ...... . .. ... .....
------- - --------- - . ......... . . - --- -------- ---
Contact Person (Mllio should wt; call /write coiieei this l)ro - ----- -
Freestanding or MOMMIC11t Sign:
... . .. . . ........
Address --Cit State ✓ zip.-SA
Daytime Phone ax ...... ... . F-mail o"A*.
.... .. - --------- ___ ... . . ..... . . . ......... . .. — ----- .......... ..
. . ........
,�c ----- ....... . .. .......... . . ..... . ...... - ------------- .
O vncr of Record: -
4V,4j,u J
Wall Sign (Jncludingj?roj)erO1, aivrnng,,fiielpurnj) curiojn,�siArns):
Address. , ------ --- City State Zip
Daytime Phone .. . ....... Fax 4 __ - _ - - --_-_--- --- ---- - ---------
Certlfieation that notice of this application has been provided to theltiroperty owner, If owner is (1tfferentfrom aplVicant
is required.
Electrical Permit - Will the sign be illuminated?
Contractor Name/Business Name 22 :
Address City state Zip jl�
Daytime Phone Fax # . . ..... ------ 1? -mail ---------- - ......... .
Part B: Determining ap01_iC1qtio_11 requirements and fees
Sign Permit - Please indicate whieh sign type you are apj)lyingfor:
Freestanding or MOMMIC11t Sign:
If a footing is required, an additional fee is required:
Wall Sign (Jncludingj?roj)erO1, aivrnng,,fiielpurnj) curiojn,�siArns):
Sign Refacing:
Electrical Permit - Will the sign be illuminated?
Yes (Illuininatedsigns require (in electrical permit unelan electrical schematic)
$ 0,00
AR13 Review - Will the permanent sign(s) be constructed ill an E'ntrance Corridor?
(Yee the E Corridor maj,7 in the Sign Permit AptVication lnicketfi)r a list eta E*ntrance Corridors)
Yes (his sign ivill he constructed at an Entrance Corridor and it does not meet the conditions of a
Conij)rehensive Sign Reviciv. See ARB requirements next puges.)
Yes (This sign will he constructed in (in P,'ntrunce Corridor and it does nteet the conditions oj a
Waive Fee
(.,'ot?il.)i-elieiisii .See AI?Bi-eqiiii next p(it;es.)
No (Phis sign will not he constructed in an E'ntrance Corridor)
FEE TOTA L (Please add all the amounts checkca' in sections I -- 3):
Fee Amouat Li.y Check 11
----- -------
County of Albemarle Department of Community Developnielit
401 McIntire Roa(I Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
7/1/2011 Page I oI'4
Part C:
'I acka' 'must contain 4:collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated, Additional submittal
materials may be required ifreview by the Architectural Review Board is necessary, Applicants will be notified if additional
materials or AR� 1'ev'ie'W "ire required,
A. Sulnoi#u]Rmqnirmm/cmto
Site plan or latest approved plat showing, W scale, the proposed location uf&csign(s) with dimensions.
Fl Distance from the sign to the property lines and/or edge of the VDOTright-of'-way.
Fl Afuodmg/fuondwdnn diagram showing how the base orpole will be anchored io the ground.
Fl If tile sign will be located in an easement, a letter ofapproval from the easement holder will be required.
El A to-scale color illustration of the proposed sign showing
Fl Dimensions of the sign, including overall height from the ground; cabinet size, length, width and depth; haou
size, etc. (Be sure to also inclu these dimensions on the diagruais prm in the Sign PermitApplication packet.)
El Proposed lettering and/or graphics io then- proposed location.
F� Eu^mmcm Corridor Requirements: If the sign into6c oous(ruotod io all Entrance Corridor, also provide o uo\nv
illustration o[ the front and side elevations o/ tile sign showing:
n lf internally illuminated, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated, Iuto/uu|iy
illuminated cabinet signs must have opaque backgrounds, (Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through.
When lit only frorn behind, the color of all opaque material cannot be delected nor can objects be seen through it.)
o Identification oIprmpomcd materials and colors. Include standard color id numbers (Paut000, Benjamin Moore,
Acrylic, etc.) for all materials, text, graphics, base, faces, trim caps, returns, etc.
n Provide accurate physical mnmp|mm of all colors Proposed, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that
accurately reflect the proposed colors are ooucpW6|e.)
o Provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping around the oigo, including botanical oumco and planting sizes,
o Additional submittal materials may be required if review hythe Architectural Review Board is necessary. (7bc
applicant will be notified if this requirement applies.)
B. Inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision or Directory Sigris
Applicant must mark the location of the property lines and the location of the sign with stakes ill preparation for a
preliminary zoning inspection, (Allfour corners qfthesign must be marked with sdakes that are easily visible to all
A 1welirninary zoning inspection must be complete(] to verify the location ofthe sign before the permit call be
0 Freestanding signs are required uu have footing inspections. (sJech'ledbyapplicno0
r Freestanding signs are required m have electrical inspections ifiOumiomted. (schedvedtr9vliovnt)
E] Freestanding signs are required to have final building and zoning inspections, (scheduled 6yapplicant)
7/1/2011 Page 2 o[4
A. Submittal Requirements
�� dm° �� hmw �m u� f� �n(|o�,h�gh�d��)
[j?" drawing(s) or modified photograph of the entire building, to scale and in color, showing
F sign location on the building, sign height above grade, , the length of building frontage. (Be sure malso
include these diniensions on the diagLc
pm,kded iii Appendix D.)
[_��'igo lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location.
[�~Enimocm Corridor Qu)uir*mcnim� >[thooign is to be constructed inau£obmnou Corridor also provide ucolor
illustration oftbofiront and side elevations of tile sign showing:
o Indication ofsign type (channel letters, cabinet, panel, etc.).
o Indicate oo the drawings the proposed materials and colors. Include standard color identification numbers
(Puntono, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic, etc.) for all materials, text, graphics, &mco trim caps, etc. For channel letter
signs, indicate on the drawing that the raceway color shall match the color of the wall to which the raceway ia
o provide accurate physical samples uiall colors proposed in the sign, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint
chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are mccqptob|oj
o Location ufpmposmd light fixtures and manufacturer Cut sheets describing illumination typo, intensity, style,
shielding, color, and height, All lighting must meet ordinance requirements euoutlined in Section 4.17.
o F'or internally illuminated signs, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated. (Opaque
materials don't allow light to pass through. When Ht only froni behind, the color of an opaque material cannot be
detected nor can uhierts6e seen through k. Internally illuminated d
B. In. ection C. tdrements for Wall or Projecting �S
[:J"�Wall and proJecting signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (Scheduled bY applicant)
Wall and i)rojecting signs are required to have final buildi!j �ad zonii '
A Vthe twoposed sign is to be illuminated, the al)1flicant njust 1)rovidc the following:
E permit
E] Electrical schematic
[] The location of proposed light fixtures identified nna plan and/or elevation
El M anti facture r cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must
rnect ordinance rl IrenlentS as Outlined in Section 4.17 ofthe Zoning Ordinance.
A. Work Valuation |$
Part D: Applicant Agreement
Applicant niust read and sigii
...... . ....
* Each application package must contain 4 161ded copies ofall platis and documems being submitted, Only I set of
material/color samples is required. All submittal itenis become the property ofAlbeinaric County. Applicants are
encouraged to maiwaiii duplicate copies iii their own files.
* The application package is not complete without this Checklist, Completed, signed, and included with the required
submittal inaterials indicated on the checklist.
. ....... — ----------- --- . .. .... - - ------
I lierebY cerl�f� that Me iqfibrination provided on this uioplicution and aceontly(atI)ing in,16rmation is uccurate, true and
correct to the best ofin b mledge and beliefund contains all iqfiviwalion required bY these checklists
--- ---------
Sigiiature ofpersoii c npleting clieck] ist Date
Printed Name Title Daytime phone number ol'Sigiiatory
- - -------- . ........... . . ........ ----- --------
County of Albernarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wirig, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
(434) 296-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4126 Fax
wwwalbet le.or
7/1/2011 Page 4 of4
Thisfirm must acconymny zoning applications (Hoare Occupation, Zoning Clearance, Zoning
Administrator Deterininatiom orAjrj)eals, Sign Permits, Building Permits) if the ulyVication is not the
own er.
I certify that notice oftlic application,
was provided to
- - - ------- - ----- - . ........... ..
name(s) of the record ownci
and Parcel NumberY
manner identified below:
Hand delivering a copy of the application to
[Name of the record owner ifthe record owner is a
person; ifthe owner of record is all entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's
title or office for that entity]
. . . ... . ...........
[County application name and 11617iberl
L LC_ . . ... file owner of record of Map
.... ......... .. - - . .......
----- .
s ofthe parcel]
by delivering a copy ofthe application in the
. ...... . ... -. Mailing a copy of the application to .. . ...... .... . . ........
[Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person;
if the owner of" record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or
office for that entity]
to the Following address:
[ written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on
the current real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies
this requirement],
6'?( &_4' A;
. . ... . ..... . . . ....... . .. . ........ .....
or' of Applicant
Print Applicant arne
. . ...... . . . .........