HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300120 Application 2013-09-12 Iti Albemarle Co(' Community Development Department *� 401 fire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 - Planning Application Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126 PARCEL/ OWNER INFORMATION TMP 06100-00-00-12700 Owner(s): ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH OF CH'VILLE; RALEIGH V Application # ARB201300120 WORLEY ETAL TRS PROPERTY INFORMATION • Legal Description ACREAGE Magisterial Dist. Rio Land Use Primary Semi-public Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary R2 Residential APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 1410 OLD BROOK RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 Entered By Todd Shifflett Application Type Architectural Review Board 09/12/2013 Project ICrosslife Community Church -Sign 1 Received Date 09/11/13 Received Date Final Submittal Date Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type ( Sub Applicati Comment SIGN:.. . .:. , ............. (APPLICANT/ CONTACT INFORMATION ContactT a Name Address ,CityState 1, „Zip Phone ] PhoneCell wncr App"scant:"-'.(:ALLIANCE BIELE'CHURCH:OF!CII MLLE °':1:141{)OW%BROOK;ROA[7 ;`:'=: ::; 'CHARLO1TE$VIU.1 2290-i '.;%_. Primary Contact JOHN GRADY 2575 DUDLEY MOUNTAIN RO NORTH GARDEN, 22901 4349739162 General Contractor FORMANCE SIGNS 18 COMMERCE DRIVE RUCKERSVILLE, 22968 4349857556 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date f/tfw Application and Checklist for Sign i'crtnit I'a t A: Ap'plica'nt'and Parcel Information Project Nome; � �M,-� �. p Address: Tax rmrp turd pared(s):__._..._ � � _ .._....._...___.l ..__...—._.._..____....._.__....._._.__._.... _ Zanirri: ..._...... __...__._,.................—___._..._...... .-.--- Contact Person(Who should weeall/write conresrninf!this Irra. t7): . Address ` Cit 7i 7 Daytime 11honc( )_. t_"_ i d... ._..__._..Fax li( _-_).._... _. _._.._1?-rn ail . ......_�° w_ _.._... •_C.0 V,- — - Owner ofRccord: __-__.........__.__.__-__._...----_-.__.� Address ......_......___ City. . . __.... __._ .___.State ----.._"l.rp_ zq Certification nl e Phone C_ li i�;-rrraril that notice of this application has Been pro Ndeel to the property owner,if owner is different from applicant is required. Contractor Name[Business Name;'° i C : ._ _ _ .__.._.____�._..__ ....__.__.___—.-----.--.---_ s Adclress._�_ tt _- _- Cit State----- < .--Grp Daytime I'hone Part B:"M& init g`ajipllcatiari requirements aril fees' 1 I-SSign Permit—Please indicate which sign type you are applying for, Freestanding or Monument Sign: g 0 $85.60 ❑ If a footing is required,an additional fee is required: $50.60 ❑ Wall Sign (Including propert)� awning,fuel pump canopy signs): $85.60 ❑ Sign Refacing: $55.00 2. Electrical Permit-- Will the sign he illuminated? ❑ Yes (Illanrainated signs require an electrical permit and can electrical schematic.) $45.90 ❑ No $ 0.00 3. ARB Review— Will the permanent sign(s)he constructed in an E'lltrance Corridor? (See the Entrance Corridor map in the.Sign Permit Application packet fear ca list of Entrance Corridors) ❑ Yes (['his sign will be constructed in an Entrance Corridor and it sloes not meet the conditions of $120.00 Comprehensive Sign Review, See ARB requirements next pages.) ❑ Yes (['his sign will be constructed in an Entrance corridor and it does meet the conditions of'cr Waive Fee C'onalarehe.nsive Sign Review. 5eee ARB requirements next poges.) [❑ No (1"his sign will not be constructed in can Entrance CIO ridor) $0.00 ° s FEE'L'OTAL(Please ad(/all the anumnis checked in sections ---- --- hu k 11 I OIC OFFICE 1 tJ`sli ONLY l31' _ fecAmourrt$ ' �:"� "- i�iywl)or 1't cc rptld i W C i3 I'��are 1 au1- ._ County of Albemarle Department of C 01111tz2aelc pincnt 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 7/1/2011 Page I of4 x 6a�° ryI SS i ,rj. kr%O Kr'��{1 'a � fo '� �,a � ?�r,, r., � fr.rr,`,11,t� 44 T� t°r�llY�r ado, Submltlai �acka es oiI m 4ca latetl a7 is of gI� nffrl atto t;illessdtlt, i,Y) tndtcated�°, 14i�d}ttona�suebm�ital ��' `; �.ri w� H�`, ±,� x i6rdb'�7�1'fi ,f ,.....N? �IPPf tnatprlls;ma bete ullesi,liteY,t ,bytheArchltecttrrleyt��f3aar �sracr4saly, r� plrcantswill!bengltedtSlditlonal 1, . 3' 7�13'�.itil r,1r94 d1,�4,q��'',.,wj+�k`y {�b�;a:"uPga�� /✓ `;wrx�Y Y+�'F,trh 7* kt�1 i[:v rri t� �l�'r"�t l ud`91 nip"' � r�fi rtf r'.tV ./o .'t'i ii ,r�ivy. ��''�°rt h�;EO � i :§,f°s`.. SECTION t FREESTANDING, SUBDIVISION OR DIRECTORY SIGNS A, Submittal Requirements ❑ Site plan or latest approved plat showing, to scale,the proposed location ofthe sign(s)with dimensions. [] Distance from the sign to the property lines and/or edge of the VDOT right-of'-way. ❑ A footing/foundation diagram showing how the base or pole will be anchored in the ground, ❑ Ifthe sign will be located in an easement, a letter ol'approval from the casement holder will be required. ❑ A to-scale color illustration ofthe proposed sign showing Dimensions ofthe sign, including overall height from the ground; cabinet size, length,width and depth; base size,etc. (lac sure to also include these dimensions on the diagrams provided in the S'ign Pe rmil 9pplicalion packet.) ❑ Proposed lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location. ❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor,also provide a color illustration ofthe front and side elevations ofthe sign showing: • If internally illuminated, indicate which areas ofthe sign are opaque and which are illuminated.Internally illuminated cabinet signs must have opaque backgrounds. (Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through, When ht only from behind,the color of an opaque material cannot be detected nor can objects be seen through it.) • Identification of proposed materials and colors.Include standard color id numbers (Pantone,Benjamin Moore, Acrylic,etc.)for all materials,text,graphics,base,faces,trim caps,returns, etc. • Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.) • Provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping around the sign, including botanical names and planting sizes. • Additional submittal materials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. (The applicant will be notified if this requirement applies.) B. Inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision or Directory Signs ❑ Applicant must mark the location ofthe property lines and the location ofthe sign with stakes in preparation for a preliminary zoning inspection. (;111 four ccu-ners gfthe sign must be marked with stakes that are easily visible to all inspectors.) ❑ A preliminary zoning inspection must be completed to verify the location ofthe sign before the permit can be issued. ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have footing inspections. (scheduled byoplrliccnnt) ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (scheduled try applicarit) ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have finial building and zoning inspections. (scheduled b),applicant) 7/1/201 1 11age 2 of 4 --------------- —------ —------ --------------- arc ION 2: WALL SKINS —----------- A. Stibrnittal Requirements -I--.-.---..-.-............... ---------- A drawing,to scale,Showing dimensions of the sign (length,height,deptil). Flevation drawing(s)or Blodified pljotogj°apjj ofthe entire building,to scale and in color, Showing grade, And the length ol'building fr;)Iitage� 10"/-�O The sign location on tile building,sign height above gr, include these dilnensions On Mel provided in Appendix 10 C. Sign lettering ajj(j/oj�gr,jphics in their proposed location. Entrance Corridor Requirements: I f'tlie sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor also provide a color illustration of'the front and side elevations ofthe Sig" showing: • Indication of'sign type(channel letters,cabinet,panel, etc.). • Indicate on tile drawings the proposed materials and colors, include standard color ideritification numbers (Pantone, Ben.janiin Moore, Acrylic,etc.) for all materials,text,graphics, faces,trim caps,etc.For channel letter signs, indicate on the drawing that the raceway color shall inatch tile color of the wall to which the raceway is attached. • Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed in tile sign,preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.) • Location of'proposed light fixtures and rnanUfaCtUrer cut sheets describing illumination type,intensity, style, shielding,color,and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17. • For internally illuminated signs, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated. (Opaque niaterials don't allow light to pass through. When lit only frorn behind,the color of all opaque material cannot be detected not-can RbjSRj%Ile seen through it, Internal! illuminated cabinets must have ofrague tac Eo ind.)_j B. Inspection I�e 1 wall 01-.11rojectin _qt irements for Wall and projecting signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (Scheciuled by applicani) El -Li xja I buildin g as t1 Bonin—Y�all and sj2s al�L Ic Jns)ectjo Lis (Sch, ed b), pL SECTION 3- 11,LUMINATION REQUIREMENTS A. If the proposed sign is to be iIIIIIIIi,111tecl,the applicant must provide the following: ❑ Electrical permit ❑ Electrical schematic ❑ The location of proposed light fixtures identi fied can a plan and/or elevation Manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity,style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting ITILISt coact ordinance re�(J(Jirerneiits as Outlined in Section 4.17 ofthe Zon Ordinance. i t ............. .............---------- SEICTION 4: WORK VALUAII ON .......... A. Work Valuation 7/1/2011 Page 3 olA Applicant:must road sand sign _..._ • 1.aach application package naaast contain 4 folded copies of Gall plans rand documents being submitted Only 1 set o Inaterial/color samples is required, All saabrraittal items become the property of Albemarle County, Applicants are encouraged to maiaatain duplicate copies ill their owl' files. • The application package is not complete without this checklist,coropleteal,sigue(l,and included with (lie required Snt)rnittsal materials indicated on the checklist. I hereby certify that the ngfnrmcrtuon provided can this cr1)l)Ii(w on and accomilmnvnak is crce',Wrate, truer an cc4jrc�ct to tilg 4est of nry krCnar/edge and helsel'ancl contains a'r!I inf4i•motion required Iq these' checklists klist�s 4� � .. ... .� ... .....__ _....... Signature ofperson compled al;checklist Date Ir _._......_ ....._ Printed'Nance/ Title Daytime phone a'lUmber of Signatory County of Albernarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing, Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Tel,(434)972-4126 Fax rx!wwua,lb�:�aaarle.or 7/1%2011 Page 4 of'4 C.ER'1'IFI(,'A]'ION ,rflAI' NO'FICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS 13 EN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER "/is ance, Zoning ,form must accomimnY zollitig opj)fications (Ifoine Oceuj)ation,Zoning Cleat A dininistrator Determinations or Aj)joeals, Sign Permits,Building Permits) if the uI)I)fleation is not the owner. I certify that notice of1he application, .. ........... -------- IC',ounty application name and riumbor.1 was provided to ­____._..._­_,.......... the owner of record of Tax. Map [narne(s)of record owners ofthe parcel] and Parcel NUrnber ............. -.--,..,-.by delivering a copy of the application in the inariner identified below: Hand delivering a copy of application to [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] 0 ri Date Mailing a copy of the application [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient ofthe record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on to the following address: Date ­­1............. [address; written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on the current real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requireinent], ........................- Signature of'Applicant ............. ---------------------------........ Print Applicant Naine ............. -------- Date