HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300106 Application 2013-08-14 Albemarle Co ,1/ Community Development Department
`"�r�+`1 401 Mire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596
Planning Application Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126
IMP 06100-00-00-123G0 Owner(s):
Application # ARB201300106 1710 SEMINOLE TRAIL LLC
Legal Description ACREAGE PARCEL C
Magisterial Dist. Rio Land Use Primary Commercial
Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Highway Commercial
Street Address 1710 SEMINOLE TRL CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 Entered By
Todd Shifflett
Application Type Architectural Review Board 08/14/2013
Project Sultan Kebab-Sign
Received Date 08/13/13 Received Date Final Submittal Date Total Fees 120
Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 120
Revision Number
Legal Ad
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Type Sub Applicati :Comment
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ContactT Name Address Ci State Zip Phone PhoneCell
ouvrler/Ar�plc ne 1710 SEMINOLE TI AIL LLC 76 COLTHURST C51t. .. tC to LO1TESVI 2 9th
Primary Contact roDENNIS 1710 SEMINOLE TRAIL yu uu uu -CHARLOTTESVILL-22901 4344655230
General Contractor AMERICAN MADE SIGNS 725 RIO RD.W.,STE. 200 CHARLOTTESVILL 22901 4349717446
Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date
Application and Checklist for Sign .Pernut
_ _......... -_. ._ _,. _._..._ ... __._
Part A. Ap lfic 111f and Parcel Irttorination
Pr ojvct Name: ....., . ...,_ _ _ .. , Address;
t';ts rnt;r'r ruin a,rral s : Toning: _.
_ _.. _ _. _ ...
Contact Person(Whir shcanl<l we call/write Coll uerni'41,this lrrOJ ect>); . . _.. _
Aciclre.ss City �►tl .. .. _....`itatc w.l ...... /.it .......... -
170 trrrre 1 h«ue ( .� -�. �. � '.
Y ti. it kjiv4&
..__._.. ._._.,..... ...._•__ _.......... t ......._. _._.. 4 _.._ _...... _...
Owner o1 Record _ ` °. ....�� __ _ ._... ..... .. ___....
Acicir°c;ss. ....._C.;itY ).. � sttrte . il'r ARX_
Phone(.._ ._) _..... _.._ _ .....m..Fax#( )......_ H'-mail.___...I .._..
Certification that notice of this application has been provided to the property owner,if'oruner is'different J`rarrr applicant
is required.
C oatructor Na c/13crsiaess N"Inre;
Address C'rtY._ i._1!.�_., __...._........_... State �..__ _.._ ._Lip
I;ax#t E-mail .............
DaytimeDaytime d hone _ _------ (_ .....)._....._._ .,_.._ .�........... ...1s
,,Part B; Deter�n r �i requirements tiiic1 fees
1. Sign 11erinit—Please indicate which sign type you are app Ving for:
[� Freestanding or Monument Sign: $85.60
[� if footing is required,wi additional fee is required: $30.60
`Fall Sign (hncludingprcrperO,, cmming,Orel pump ccrncrM'si'00: $85.60
[l Sign Refacing: $5500
Electrical Pernrit Will tire,sign be illuminated?
Yes (/llurnincatcd sigwsr requires can e lecrtrical permit and can electrical schematic.) $45.90
No $ 0,001
3, ARB Review— fVill the perrnranent signt"s)be constructed in an Entrance Corridor?
(See the l'ntrance Corridor nup in the Sign Permit Application pacltert./br ra list of'Entranc'e C orridear•s.)
Yes (This sib>n will be canstruc.lecd in an Ewroncxe Corridor and it doves not meet thus conditionv(r/'o $120.(10
Comprehensive Sign Peview, .S"rrc ARI.t require inents next pa.es.)
Yes I his sign will be constructed in can Lsntrunce Corridor cvO it does meet the conditions of'cr Waive Fee
("onaprehensn'C'Sigra Review. See APB recluireawnts next pules.)
( i, he constructed� an Entrance C orrrdor°)
No (This sign will tart
th tic lccd nn
1TE,,7671 AL.,(Please add till the amottrats e..lrc.chctt nr sc,c.taarr. 3)OT
� �r �
Fee Amodio($.�. a.. Utatc P��icl _ � .. 13y wl7ur 7 _._ ReCICrpt# C hecla!4 ._.... By
_._........ ......__.__ .......__ __,__..._.....__._...
4(11 McIntire 112crarlt trarrlcrttesvtllr�,raVAr22r94►tr1 C'trtnitttt}fifty I)cve.lc>L�tIte'tt
2 Voice: (434) 296-5832 J{ax; (434)972-4120
7/1/2011 Page; 'I ofrl
I' .
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q. 'C+kdi".�l:si
it�ater'ials mn tier€ utt'eci,tk tevrewikT ,{3re ArcJrrtcclural T evipvparc is r ocs aty A pho�n 5 wrll E7e notrfiecl�f ai�d,t lal�aC
.... l;'} a rr,JV,:"ar'r r r'ari z1�V�i{v,N'ib9 .rri.; �!I'lr,hr,l,..,t ''f t dt'w';:r ✓`Ar 4(e ,,fie"` "
A. Submittal Requiretimit;s
�] Site plan or latest approved plat showing, to scale, the proposed loc.aturn ofthe sign(s)with dimensions.
Distance from the sign to the property lines and/or edge of the VDO T"right-of-wary.
❑] A footing/foundation diagram showing how the base or pole will be anchored in the ground.
C_] Ifthe sign will be located in an easement,a letter of'approval from the easement holder will be required.
❑ A to-scale color illustration of tire,proposed sign showing
❑ Dimensions ofthe sign, hrcluding overall height front the ground;cabinet size, length,width and depth; base
size,etc. (Be sane to also include these dimensions on the diagrams provided in the Sign Permit Al)l:)lic(ilioii packet.)
❑ proposed lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location.
❑ Entrance Corridor Regit iremetits:If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor,also provide a color
illustration of the front and side elevations of the sign showing:
• If internally illuminated, indicate which areas ofthe sign are opaque and which are illuminated.Internally
illuminated cabinet signs must have opaque backgrounds. (Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through.
When ht only from behind,the color of ail opaque material cannot be detected nor call objects be seen through it.)
• Identification of proposed materials and colors. Include standard color id numbers (Pantone, Benjamin Moore,
Acrylic,etc.)for all materials,text,graphics,base,faces,trim caps,returns,etc.
• Provide accurate physical sarnples of all colors proposed,preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that
accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.)
• Provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping around the sign, including botanical names and planting sizes.
• Additional submittal materials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. (The
applicant will be notified if this requirement applies.)
B. Inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision or Directory Suns
Applicant must mark the location ofthe property lines and the location ofthe sign with stakes rrr preparation for a
preliminary zoning inspection. (,ill f rut corners of the sign inus(be marked with stakes that care;easily)visible to all
❑ A preliminary zoning inspection must be completed to verify the location ofthe sign before the permit call be
E] Freestanding signs are required to have footing inspections. (scheduled by applicant)
Freestanding signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (scheduled by applicant)
❑ Freestanding signs are required to have final building and zoning inspections. (schedaded brr applicant)
7/l/2 011 llage 2 oP1
........... .......---...............
--------- -----------
7ir A. Subtnittal Requirements
............ ----------- ---------
A drawing,to scale, showing dimensions of the sign(length, height, depth).
❑ r
Elevation drawing(s)or niodifitud photograph of the entire building to scale and in colo ,showing
L] 'Flit sign location on tile building,sign height above grade,and the length of building frontage. (Ile sure to u1so
include these chmensions on j�
Sign lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location,
❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: If ine sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor also provide a color
illustration of the front and side elevations of the sign showing:
• Indication of sign type(channel letters,cabinet, panel,etc.).
• Indicate on the drawings the proposed materials and colors, Include standard color identification numbers
(Pantone, BenJarnin Moore, Acrylic,etc.) for all materials,text,graphics, faces,trim caps,etc.For channel letter
signs, indicate on the drawing that tile raceway color shall match the color of the wall to which the raceway is
• Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed in the sign,preferably in the material proposed, (Paint
chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.)
• Location ol"proposed light fixtures and manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style,
shielding, color,and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17.
0 For internally illuminated signs, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated. (Opaque
materials don't allow light to pass through. When lit only from behind,the color of an opaque material cannot be
detected j
I objects be seen through it. Internally illuminated cabinets must have op�aRue b�ack
I3. Inspection R�_qyi rein en Is for Wall or Projecfin&Sl t1s
❑ Wall and pro.jecting signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated, (Scheduled by applicant)
a I and Lr�,Lit rij,1 _ections. (Scheduledbi
qL _sjr,�ql,lired to have final by _Lo i ---L,/-
A. If the pl-opose(I sign is to be illuminate(l, tile applicant must iwovide the following:
❑ Electrical permit
[:] Electrical schematic
❑ 'file location of proposed light fixtures identi fied on a plan and/or elevation
❑ Manufacturer CIA sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style,shielding, color,and height. All lighting must
meet ordinance t.c,cluirenlents as outlined in Section 4.17 ofthe Zoning inancc.
--------------- ........
7- /1
----------------- ...... --------
A. Work Valuation
7/1/21)11 Page 3 oN
I' rt 1). p1icai� reeT�car<t
Applicant must read and sign
_ ......... ........ ___._.. _._.. __._...........--------
• Facl7 application package must contain 4 folded comes of all plans and documents being submitted. (:)nly l set of
material/color samples is required. All submittal items become the property of'Albemarle County. Applicants are
encouraged to maintain duplicate caries in their owu files.
• The application package is not complete Without:this checklist,completed,signed,and included Nvith the rt�,(Tuired
submittal materials indicated on the checklist,
.._..... _.. _
1 hereby rear trfj�that t r iglbrmcrtron pr ovieJed on this applicalion case!ae.compan,)4ng�in rmc`rtion is�acew-ale, true and
col-reel to they te�7st f'm knowlcr6ke arrcl he�lief'and contains al/h?Ibi'mation required by these, checklists
Signat erson pleting checkist Date
Printed Name/Title Daytime phone number of Signatory
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire'load,North Wing, Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596
('434)296-5832 Tel, (434)972-4126 Fax
7/1/201 1 Page 4 of'4
This form must aecomImn,y Caning ng alyAcations (Ilome Occulmition,Zoning CIe(trance, Zoning
Administrator Determinations orAlywals,Sign Permits, Buil(ling Permits) iI'the alyWcation is Itol the
I certify that notice ofthe application, ........------
1county application narne and riurnber"I
was provided to ---------------- ----------- ...... the owner of record of Tax Map
I narne(s) o('the record owners of the parcel]
and Parcel Number by delivering, a copy ref"the application in the
manner identified below:
VHand delivering copy ofthe application to ...........
----------- I Narne,of the record owner if the record owner is a
person; ifthe owner of'record is an entity, identify the recipient of1he record and the recipient's
title or office for that entity]
Mailing a copy of the application to ......—--------------------I...............
[Narne of the record owner if the record owner is a person;
ifthe owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the: record and the recipient's title or
office for that entity]
on to the follm dng address:
---------- ............ ............-...... ......
[address-, written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on
the current real estate tax assessment books Or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies
this requirement].
Print Applicant Narric
J- ---------------