HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202200039 VSMP - SWPPP 2022-09-20 (2)Pollution Prevention Plan
Prevention - Stopping - Containing - Cleanup - Reporting
A spill is reportable if it causes a sheen (the sheen rule), creates discoloration/emulsion on surface waters, or reaches storm
drains. Any Fish Kills �ust be repo d. Reporting information regarding specific substances can be found below.
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Quick Reference Chart
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Fuels, Hydraulic
Vehicle refueling and maintenance operations will be conducted in a dedicated
Oils and Vehicle
location away from surface waters. Secondary containment (berms), readily
available spill kits and cover will be provided where appropriate. For additional
information, see the Fuels and Oils subsection below.
Soaps, Solvents,
Chemicals will be safely stored in sealed containers when not in use. Clean-up and
Detergents &
disposal will be done in a manner to prevent contact with stormwater, utilizing
Wash Water
cover, tarps, buckets, and proper disposal techniques. For additional information,
see the Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals subsection below.
Construction products and materials will be stored in a safe location and handled in
a manner consistent with the pollution prevention plan and manufacturer's
recommendations. Likely utilized items on site include asphalt sealants, copper
flashing, roofing materials, adhesives, concrete admixtures, pesticides, herbicides,
products, materials,
insecticides, fertilizers, and landscape materials. Construction and domestic wastes
and wastes
such as packaging materials, scrap construction materials, masonry products,
timber, pipe and electrical cuttings, plastics, Styrofoam, concrete, and other trash
or building materials will be disposed of properly. For additional information, see
the Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals subsection below.
Fertilizers "I be applied per manufacturer's recommendations and not during
rainfall events. For additional information, see the Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals
subsection below.
On site portable lavatories must be located away from surface waters and storm
Sanitary Wastes
drains. Any spills must be cleaned according to federal, state and local regulations.
For additional information, see the Sanitary Waste subsection below.
Wash Water without
Wash water will be directed to sediment basins or traps, using filtration devices
such as filter bags or sand filters, or similarly effective controls.
Site Excavation
Must pass through a sediment trapping device and be released onto a stabilized
(Examples listed in
surface. Conveyance channels must be stabilized.
Table 4 below)
Utility Flushing
Energy from clean water releases must be appropriately dissipated in a stabilized
area. For additional information, see the Water Testing subsection below.
Concrete wash water will be directed into a leak -proof settling basin or container.
The container or basin shall be designed so that no overflows can occur due to
Concrete Waste &
inadequate sizing or precipitation. Hardened concrete wastes shall be removed and
Wash Water
disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wastes.
Liquid concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent
with the handling of other construction wash waters and shall not be discharged to
Managing Waste
surface waters. For additional information, see the Concrete subsection below.
All solid waste and debris must be deposited in dumpsters and kept out of surface
waters. Exposure of waste materials to precipitation shall be minimized by closing
Solid Waste
or covering waste containers during precipitation events and at the end of the
business day or by implementing other similarly effective practices. Minimization
of exposure is not required in cases where the exposure to precipitation will not
result in a discharge of pollutants.
Spills and Leaks
Oil, chemical or other hazardous substance spills and leaks that exceed the reportable threshold
will be reported to the DEQ in accordance with Part III G of the Permit as soon as the discharge is
discovered, and in no case later than within 24 hours. A reportable quantity of oil is defined by the
EPA as a discharge to surface waters that causes a sheen, discoloration, and/or an emulsion. A
written report of the unauthorized discharge shall be submitted to the DEQ and VSMP authority
within five days of the discovery of the discharge and include the information listed below:
• Name, address, and telephone number of the person reporting and the responsible party
• Specific location of the incident
• Date and time the incident occurred or was discovered
• Name of the chemical/material released
• Source and cause of the release
• Total quantity discharged
• Medium into which the substance was discharged
• Amount spilled into water
• Weather conditions
• Name of the carrier or vessel, the railcar/truck number, or other identifying
• Number and type of injuries or fatalities
• Whether an evacuation has occurred
• Estimation of the dollar amount of property damage
• Description of current and future cleanup actions
• Other agencies notified or about to be notified
Reports will be made to the following:
DEQ Valley Regional Office
Phone: (540) 574-7800
Fax: (540) 574-7878
For reports outside normal working hours, leave a message.
Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Phone: 1-(800) 468-8892
Materials and equipment necessary for oil or chemical spill/ leak cleanup will be kept in the
temporary material storage trailer onsite. Equipment will include, but not be limited to, brooms,
dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, universal absorbents, sand, saw dust and plastic and metal
trash containers.
All oil or other chemical spills/ leaks will be stopped, contained, and cleaned up immediately upon
discovery. Those large enough to reach the storm sewers will be reported to the National Response
Center at 1-800-424-8802. In the event of a hazardous spill contact: 9-1-1
Fuels and Oils
The State Code of Virginia §62.1-44.34:19, states that discharges that may be reasonably expected
to enter state waters, lands or storm drains must be reported. In the event of a spill, it will be
stopped, contained, and cleaned up immediately and the material, including any contaminated soil,
will be disposed of according to all federal, state, and local regulations.
Any on -site storage tanks will have a means of secondary containment.
All vehicles on site will be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventive maintenance to
reduce the chance of leakage.
Petroleum products will be stored in labeled, sealed containers.
Spill kits will be included with all fueling sources and maintenance activities
Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals
Spills of hazardous or toxic chemicals that exceed the reportable quantity threshold must be
reported, as previously stated. The EPA lists reportable quantity thresholds for each chemical
under 40 CFR Part 110, 40 CFR part 117, or 40 CFR part 302.
All paint containers and curing compounds will be tightly sealed and stored when not required for
use. Excess paint will not be discharged to the storm sewers but will be properly disposed
according to the manufacturer's instructions. Spray guns will be cleaned on a removable tarp.
Chemicals used on -site are kept in small quantities and stored in closed containers undercover and
kept out of direct contact with stormwater. As with fuels and oils, any inadvertent spills will be
cleaned up immediately and disposed of according to federal, state, and local regulations.
Fertilizers will be applied only in the minimum amounts recommended by the manufacturer.
Fertilizers will be worked into the soil to limit exposure to stormwater.
Fertilizers will be stored under cover and partially used bags will be transferred to a sealable bin to
avoid spills.
Sanitary Waste
Portable lavatories are located on -site and are serviced on a regular basis by a contractor. They will
be located in upland areas away from direct contact with surface waters. Any spills occurring
during servicing will be cleaned up immediately, including any contaminated soils, and disposed
of according to all federal, state, and local regulations.
Concrete trucks will not be allowed to wash out or discharge surplus concrete or drum wash water
on the site, except in a specially designated concrete washout area which contains all wash water
resulting from washout activities.
Form release oil used for decorative stonework will be applied over a pallet covered with an
absorbent material to collect excess fluid. The absorbent material will be replaced and disposed of
properly when saturated.
Water Testing
When testing/cleaning of water supply lines, the discharge from the tested pipe will be collected
and conveyed to a completed stormwater pipe system for ultimate discharge into a sedimentation
basin or SWNVBMP facility.
Authorized Non-Stormwater Discharges
The following table (Table 4) displays non-stormwater discharges from construction activities that
are authorized by this general permit when discharged in compliance with the permit:
Table 4. Authorized Non-Stormwater Discharges
Discharges from firefighting activities and/or fire hydrant flushings.
Waters used to wash vehicles or equipment. '
Landscape irrigation, or water used to control dust.
Uncontaminated waterline flushings, air conditioning/compressor condensate, and ground or spring
Potable water sources, including uncontaminated waterline flushings.
Routine external building wash down. '
Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (or
where all spilled or leaked material has been removed prior to washing). I
Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated With process materials such as
Uncontaminated excavation dewatering, including dewatering of trenches and excavations.
Where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used; and where the wash water has been filtered, settled, or
similarly treated prior to discharge.