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WPO202200039 Plan - Submittal (First) 2022-09-20
ROAD PLAN LEGEND EXISTING NEW 10 1.00' 10 312 12 311.5 x TIT 311.5 TO x TPSFIST 311.5 T W x '°S96T 311.5 BW x X7T 0 0 0 0 0O O 0 00 O DESCRIPTION boundaries BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACANT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK ACCESS EASEMENT site text NOTES PARKING COUNT DIMENIONS ground GRADING EASEMENT INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT EVELVATION TOP OF CURB ELEVATION TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION RETAINING WALL STAIRS building BUILDING ROAD -EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD- CENTERLINE ROAD -FRONT OF CURB ROAD BACK OF CURB CG-2 STANDARD 6" CURB CG-6 STANDARD 6" CURB AND GUTTER CG-12 STANDARD ACCESS RAMP SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING PARKING SURFACE CROSSWALK HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING material CONCRETE/PAVEMENT-SIDEWALK RIPRAP ASPHALT GRASS EC-3 MATTING EC-2 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE FENCE STREAM utility UTILITY EASEMENT UTILITY POLE LIGHT POLE OVERHEAD UTILITY MANHOLE sanitary & sewer STORM LINE ROOF DRAIN DRAIN INLET DRAINAGE EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT STORM SEWER EASEMENT SEWER LINE SANITARY EASEMENT water WATER LINE WATER METER WATER VALVE AND BOX FIRE HYDRANT WATER EASEMENT gas GAS LINE PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH OWNER/DEVELOPER Greenwood Homes Charlottesville LLC 6535 Woodbourne Lane Crozet VA, 22932 PLAN PREPARER Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434)227-5140 ZONING R15 - Residential per ZMA 201800019. See proffers Sheet C2. SETBACKS Front: Minimum 5 ft from right-of-way or edge of sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of right-of-way Maximum 25 ft from right-of-way or edge of sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of right-of-way Side: Minimum 5 fl, unless the building shares a common wall Rear: Minimum 20 ft Building Separation: Minimum 10 ft, unless the building shares a common wall DISTRICT Rivanna SOURCE OF TITLE DB 5160 PG 296 DB 512 PG 516 PLAT SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary & topographic survey provided by: Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. (April 15, 2019) w/ topography provided by Axis Geospatial, LLC (March 14, 2019) BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88 FLOODZONE According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO285D) this property does not lie in a floodplain RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Powell Creek Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Site is served by Albemarle County Service Authority. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). 10. Due to required distances from lot lines and structures as required b the NFPA underground propane tanks may be q q Y 9 P p Y prohibited. Plan accordingly. GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existingutilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are only P P Y P Y approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. PP Y 9 rY 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. ACSA GENERAL WATER & SEWER CONDITIONS 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) inspectors. the contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper ACSA officials at the start of the work. 2. The Albemarle County Service Authority shall have access to use the airspace above the locations of construction for the flight of unmanned aerial vehicles for the purpose of imagery collection. 3. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are only approximately correct. the contractor shall, on his own initiative, locate all underground lines and structures, as necessary. 4. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications, as adopted by the ACSA. 5. Datum for all elevations shown in national geodetic survey. 6. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying miss utility (1-800-552-7001). 7. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. this includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 8. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 9. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provide adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 10. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 11. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (senate bill 3874 which amends the safe drinking water act). 12. The sewer lateral beyond the connection at the sewer main shall be private. the sewer lateral stub -out shall undergo the ACSA low-pressure air test to satisfy county testing requirements. visual inspection of the sewer lateral stub out shall be witnessed by the county building inspections department. this inspection shall occur under an "other plumbing' permit which must be obtained by the contractor. 13. The sewer lateral beyond the connection at a manhole shall be private. visual inspection and pressure testing of the sewer lateral shall be witnessed by the county building inspections department. this inspection shall occur under an "other plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the contractor. 14. The fire sprinkler main downstream of the gate valve is private. visual inspection and testing of the fire sprinkler main downstream of the gate valve shall be witnessed by the county building inspections department. this inspection shall occur under an "other plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the contractor. 15. all flushing of fire sprinkler mains shall not occur until approval is given by the ACSA. LIGHTING All outdoor light fixtures shall not exceed 3000 lumens. No other luminaires are proposed. TRASH DISPOSAL AND WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Each unit shall store trash in toters which shall be located on each lot within a garage or a fenced enclosure. Water and Sanitary Service is provided by Albemarle County Service Authority. TURN AROUND DESIGN NOTES 1- All proposed streets have a turn around, the design for vehicular use allows residence and visitors to turn around easily. 2- No Cul-Da-Sacs are proposed nor required in this project because the side streets have a length of < or = to 150 ft. BUILDING HEIGHTS Maximum Allowable: 65 ft Maximum Proposed: 30 ft EXISTING USE Single Family Dwelling PROPOSED USE 40 Single Family Attached Dwelling Units, 13.6 DUA Maximum Disturbed Area: 3.32 acres LAND USE SCHEDULE (Does not include right-of-way dedication area) EXISTING Area % Building 2,458 SF 1.9% Travelway 7,244 SF 5.7% Managed Turf/Woods 118,416 SF 92.4% Total= 128,118 SF (2.94 ac.) PROPOSED Area % Building 33,000 SF 25.7% Travelway 43,401 SF 33.9% Managed Turf/Open space 51,717 SF 40.4% Total= 128,118 SF (2.94 ac.) RECREATIONAL AREA Recreational area will comply with Section 4.16 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Required minimum of 200 square feet per unit of recreational area shall be provided in common area or open space on the site, not to exceed five percent of gross site area. Tot lot equipment provided shall be in accordance with Section 4.16. Site area = 128,118 SF Required Recreational Area = 6,406 sf Proposed recreational area= 5,000 sf + 2,400 tot lot =7,400 sf PARKING SCHEDULE PARKING SCHEDULE FOR TMP 32-35 Required: Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18, Article II Section 4.12.6 Single Family Attached Dwellings: Two or more bedrooms, 2 spaces per unit + 1 guest space per 4 units 2 " 40 units + 40 = 80+10 = 90 Parking Spaces Required. Maximum Parking allowed = Parking Required + 20% of Parking Required = 90 + (90"0.20) = 108 Provided: 9 + 38 one car driveway parking (lots 2-7 and lots 9-40)+ 19 one car garage units (lots 22-40) + 21 (2) car garages (lots 1-15, & lets 16-21) 108 parking spaces provided' SIGNgote: no parallel on street parking is provided. All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County and/or the Charlottesville residency office Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. ITE Trip Generation ITE TOpGen, loth Edition AM PM Use Description ITE Qty in out Total in out Total Multifamily Housing (Low -Rise) 220 40 Units 7 17 24 17 11 28 Trip Generation reflects AM and PM peak hour traffic. MATERIALS NOTE All curb, gutter, pavement and stone applications, and drainage structures shall be in conformance with VDOT standards and specifications. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on P 9 9 9 information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. At of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing PoIes etc the contractor shall usewhatev r methods that are necessary ssaryto protect structures from damage. Replacement expense. of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's 9 P 9 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. At bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. 13. Building or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a permit. Asbestos removal permits are required is positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for additional requirements and permits for demolition projects. 14. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain, or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. VDOT NOTES VDOT's land development south staff (540-967-3715 or 540-967-3716) shall be notified 48 hours in advance of any anticipated road/shoulder closures", "The permittee or his or her designee shall report all work zones in the VDOT right of way on a daily basis at set up and take down to VDOT'S Smart Traffic Center (540-332-9500)", "Copies of all independent testing reports to be submitted to VDOT for verification", "A minimum 48 hours advance notification of a proof roll of both the subgrade and stone base is required by VDOT." "All areas excavated below existing pavement surface and within clear zone, at the conclusion of each workday, shall be backfilled to form an approximate 6:1 wedge, against the existing pavement surface for the safety and protection of vehicular traffic." And that "Traffic shall be maintained during construction of the tie-in and mill of the adjacent travel lanes."'Water lines, sewer lines, etc. crossing future VDOT maintained roads have to be sleeved with ductile iron pipe "two (2) times diameter of the utility line)." And "A video (3 electronic copies to VDOT) of all stormwater systems carrying VDOT runoff or runoff under a future state road is required to be submitted to VDOT for review and approval prior to paving operations. VDOT DETAILS CONTRACTOR MUST REVIEW THE FOLLOWING VDOT STANDARD DETAILS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 1. VDOT 315: WP-2 ASPHELT PAVEMENT WIDENING 2. VDOT CG-12: DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (GENERAL NOTES) 3. VDOT CG-12: DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (METHOD OF INSTALLATION) 4. VDOT CG-12: DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYPE A) 5. VDOT CG-12: DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYPE B) 6. VDOT CG-11: METHOD OF TREATMENT CONNECTION FOR STREET INTERSECTIONS AND COMMERCIAL ENTRANCES 7. VDOT CG-6: COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER 8. VDOT CG-3: STANDARD 4" CURB 9. VDOT CG-2: STANDARD 6" CURB 10. VDOT MH-1: MANHOLE FOR 12" - 48" PIPE CULVERT 11. VDOT MH-1 FRAME & COVER: MANHOLE FOR 12" - 48" PIPE CULVERTS 12. VDOT DI-7, 7A, 7B: STANDARDS DI-7, 7A OR 7B WITH FLUME CONNECTION 13. VDOT DI-3A, B, & C: STANDARD CURB DROP INLET a c' SUB 2021-00124 TAX MAP 32, PARCEL 35 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAPSCALE : V=1000' AIRPORT CENTER '9? uo�rRa c yL a L fl Airport Road Auto Center L2 DEERWOOD Q SITE Ad! Walgreens Q arorf/rR� S P R I N G F I E L D ABINGTON P L A C E The UPS Store Q a ��d Target Q Q Food Lion f FOREST RIDGE Timberwood Grill Q 1521 FOREST LAKES &31 Map provided by Google.com SHEETINDEX C1 COVER C2 PROFFERS C3 EXISTING CONDITIONS-1 C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS-2 C5 SITE PLAN C6 GRADING PLAN-1 C7 UTILITY PLAN-1 ono GRAIDING o I T-1I ITIES C C9 LANDSCAPE PLAN C10 UTILITY PROFILES C11 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN, PROFILES & OPPOSING LEFT TURNS C12 ROADS PLAN & PROFILES & SECTIONS C13 ACSA DETAILS C14 ACSA & SITE DETAILS C15 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC & AUTO -TURN EXHIBIT C16 TURN LANE WARRANT ANALYSIS APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date 3/14/2022 M01111111111•`111111MP41Yi[II1iYZ, � J SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM OP �c O �I U JU T S P a ic. V183 Z Off, A G s N S E O NAL ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO. COVER 18.041 C1 lt Original Proffers Xq ° ii. Multi -Family: Off street parking serving multi -family structures shall be OWNER: Amendment P� - relegated to the side or rear of buildings adjacent to Proffit Road and shal I e' Albemarle Land Development LLC be accessed from the internal road network. r, • Residential Units: A maximum of forty (40) dwelling units shall be built on the PROFFER S'TA1'EMENT property. 2. INTERCONNECTED STREETS AND TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS. - By: Albemarle Land Development LLC Upon demand by the County, the property owner shall prepare and record, at its sole ZMA Number: 2018-00019 expense, a deed or other instrument (c ollectively, collective) The "deed" establishing an access � II P ( �, Y ) Title. LLC Member Tax Map and Parcel Number: 03200-00-00-03500 easement for the purpose of providing interparcel interconnectivity. The access easement shall be for the benefit of Tax Parcel 03200-00-00-029DO and Tax Parcel 046B4-00-00- Tax Map and Parcel Number:03200-00-00-03500 jl Owner: Albemarle Land Development LLC 005AO and its owners and users and shall be located to provide access from Tax Parcel „I s 03200-00-00-03500 to any future road on Tax Parcel 03200-00-00-029DO or Tax Parcel _° _: "ro- -- Date of Proffer Signature: June 26, 2019 04684-00-00-005A0. Before the deed is recorded, the property owner and the County Rezone 3.198 acres from R-1 to R-15 maintenance. g d,;, _ S the access easement its location, width, an _ • e including to Ir - shall agree o e terms o- e e ALBEMARLE LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC, is the owner (the "Owner") oTax f TMap and - s - _ - II ?, Parcel Number 03200-00-00-03500 (the Property) which is the subject of rezoning application °' L ` „''` _ _ ZMA No. 2018-00019, a project known as " 3226 Proffit Road" {the "Project Pursuant to Section 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code), the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be ° ° l „-- -' - applied to the Property if ZMA 2018-00019 is approved. These conditions are proffered as a part - - _ -- _ f _ ;,II PP P Y ° _ of the requested rezoning( and the Owner acknowledges that the conditions are reasonable. Each7,1 signatory below signing on behalf of the Owner covenants and warrants that the are am ° - _J o g g g Y ° _ V, I - authorized signatory of the Owner for this Proffer Statement. = I - I:^- `Ire„ i� ° u -' - n p 'I _ i. 1. CONCEPT PLAN: The property shall be developed in general accord with the plans titled "Zoning Ma Concept Plan �226 Proffit Road (the concept plan) prepared by P P - Shun Engineering P.C., dated December 17, 2019 and last revised June, 24, 20t9 and p Y - 1 - _, _ I t the following major elements as shown and noted on the plans: - shall rcticc c. g j P I , II ` l' �I. ' r.- ,, �= o � ° _ - I r1J • °- - I � II Il f of the first subdivision °I , _ , •° e t9 - - ° - • Right of Way Dedication. Concurrent with recordation - _ �,°; ou - it ,.I 1; 1 "_ o, •i e ° -'r —.^,u' the property. plat of the parcel, the property owner shall dedicate a portion of - _ along Proffit Road, as shown on the concept plan, to.public right of way. - '` ° - e - - ^ _ rc. v - .. _ - — - _ _ - • Right of Wav improvements, within 120 days of issuance of certificate o ° 0 - _ e -n — - —-'— �.J^ I,^ _ _ � -. - � IIII ,' IC. •-, , . I occupancy of the 20` dwelling unit on the property, the owner shall provide mt- n ' with the "Right of • improvements within the right of way dedication accordance i a b Way Dedication Section" shown on the concept plan. _ • �. _ _ _ _ParParkingStandards: nt'fa ade ^, d and Single Family Attached The fro - .. .. i. Single Lamily Detached g c7.1 - o` • � I III" II _ a '_, ,, _ -° of single family detached and single family attached units shall face. shall enter direct) onto Proffit°., r _ • - - o Proffit Road. No individual lot driveway y h internal road network. 1 :^ Road, driveways shall only enter onto the - --- _- a , °.' ,^ I - - pp li Y,•�,,,.I_ i �IaS n II[�.�:' - _ _. l ° •• - T;"^ _ —s - _ r:[ >; q` --'r�7� L= tea,. = - I, L _ I ^,,:, = - I - ° .. n..II>- " u - - - , �J 'I11 J�..- R I = L 1 - -'a P."P' ° _ � - -gin • _v ' u �':' _ - �I _'ti P� L - ❑--rC c-2=-� e _.� -�-1 T -- - - °1€` a - w= .r�r _. —��ir- :� • - r `i5: o - rT ��af� - - i',-��P✓' 9 ar= •,^ pJr.^ .� �_ { - I' ,I: '°�'. LL o„— �L°^ v• ei ° 7-:. rlI J�," i ,�� _ 1 - LIIT oc li` I. - _ — I: b—` -."�, aS:�� _lrrl — o tr °_ _ _ .. - - -� n^-�' cal— — - a=- o' vg: „i. I ° ^ e, , SHIMP ENGINEERIN 32 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 --- CHARLOTTESVILLEVA,22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM The undersigned Owner hereby proffers that the use and development of the Property shall be in conformance with the proffers and conditions herein above. This document shall supersede all NL�ap� other agreements, proffers or conditions that may be found to be in conflict. The Owner agrees �QC that all proffers shall be binding to the property, which means the proffers shall be transferred to O all future property successors of the land. U JU T S P a ic. 183 0 WiTNESS the following signature: `OAS Icss SfONAL E A►bem le L d D v to t LLC Bv: I_i I COMMONWEALTH OF ViRGiNIA C4-T-Y"COUNTY OF to wit: � 61,�arle The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 041ay of J/,arfei 2019 by Albemarle Land Development LLC. ciUt-t,ir�r.+.c� Gf Notary Public ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO. PROFFERS 18.041 C2 � Z \ I c > 1 \ \ � 532 534 ----- c ❑ Dense Trees 530 I / \ �I No \ 530 TR \ 536 _ v /J \ 536 _ _ _ _ — — — —\ / �N 0 \\ 1 1 530— \ \\ 111611 POLL / PED 0 0 c S32 OHU OHU —I- OHU OHU OHU OHU— OHU OHU OHU CHU HU ,� N S28, — — — I — — — — — — OHU OHU— OHU OHU— OHU— �Lr' g�,�U _ — �_ — / / I POLE \ \ 01 o'+ / \0 1 1 532 G 526 to \ \ifV.�°2 08"E 48 .68' IRON FOUND C➢' 456.10 %A v� v LO �� � / \ 1� G (HEL >CATE)1 4 v V I ��% / N WELP TBR I Cl T.M. 4 4-5A I %A �111\ 1\ A0 I \ DI SA EX. 8" DI S C_ ROBERT G. PETCHEL & \ \ \ G \ / / / -.'�4 KATHLEE 0. PETCHEL D.B. 296-686 9Y D.B. 1685 11g)k 12 PLAT % D-B..___1 o69 28 & 29 PLAT I \ • \ \ �' D.B. 95 -443 PLAT A A AV % N EX. GRAVHLBR DRIVEWAY \I X Z NED R1 \ I A A/ 0 SLEE ESTE x co \ \ \ I \ \ EX. BUILDING TO BE / 2 m 1 \ W \ W REMOVED �x n It m 1 �r E BE RX. EWMOVEDM T \ m ABANDON ONATOTION MAIN vv I v 0 \ I1 v v olUP o 0 0 8" DI SAN 0 E . 8" DI S EX. $' DI SAN 0 \ \Sao 1 z — �� v T.M. 32A-2-2 52p V v / N S o �o �I 1 �ALBEMARLE LAND TREES TBR I\ — 'I \ 1 DEVELOPMENT. LLc ___ , =m DB.-1850 SHIMP \ \ I ` D.B. 1794-107 1 D.B. 439-185 PLAT 1 o \ I I m QTRES y1D.B. 5154-753 TBR \ \\, \\ \ z� \\ ENGINEERING2. T.M. 32-29D _ o LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT �y m I I \ \ J ! � \ _�" r \ c MAPLE GROVE CHRISTIAN CHURCH \ \ \ 3.20 ACRES "`w.WW1" N6' \ '� ➢ < \ \ CP D.B. 2303-626, \ ALBEMARLE-LAMP DEVELOPMENT, LLC I \ —/ D.C. 630 THRU 633 PLAT D B 5-51 296 I D.B. 512-516 PLAT �''` °'z- 1 912E.HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 D.B. 1406-131 PLAT I cr o o v = D.B. 1011-131 PLAT j 1 N \ ZONED R15 \ — — — — c CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 'Q D.B. 781-200 D.B. 294-5, 5 PLAT ZONE*R1 \ , SR 649 EOP • J 522 — — — — Li \ \ %''� �`"� \ r w N� �' l \ c / Q 0 v]U T S Pa 1Ji 9[ E524 G`• Nil/ --_ REES TBR / .-- / = 1 I I \I 01 I I o 't N ---__ I I — — // I p II ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD / Dense6 i9 N� I 11 1 m 11 1 TOWNHOMES SOUTH 5�A ,T-nee FOUND \ _ _ _ — — 526 S27°59'12" W 338.89, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA -- — --- — I— — -- — --528- — — — — \ 01, '�r SUBMISSION: _ _ �� 11 I 1 2021.07.01 530 — 15' NONEXCLUSIVE RIGHT 0 _ 1 �ND�ES=B 505-615) — — _ _ 152E J I REVISION: / ----__ I 44.69 EX. GRAVEL DRIVEWA TBR I 530 1R0 S26°08'59"w 169.50' ��� I 1) 2021.09.07 —— — — 1 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] °� /i� N I Dense Trees — s3o — — F�IRJ°D a 1\ e I 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] a2� o — — — — — — — — — — — 532 — — — \ \ / 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] — . 532 FILE NO. 18.041 r' ul I I N EXISTING CONDITIONS 0*0 1 20 0 20 01 0 , 60 A C 3 Scale: 1'i 91" / I EXISTIN 1 3ANITARY PIPE a� z I a:# Brush N \ _ v — 53o I r XISTING ZO' UTILITY EASEMENT � � __. JJO --- �� m l / /O PD[E r _ L MISTING SANITARY MANHOLE 52a, _ \ \ EstesPk-2�5CP � — — � I 526 J 526 , I \ f / r o / IRON \ Dense Trees FOUND \ 0 SANITARY EASEMENT \ \ \ I DB 301 PG 407 I \ T.M. 46B4-5A I \�' ROBERT G. PETCHEL & � 0 KATHLEEN9.. PETCHEL � -0 0 p2\ 4 11 C_ M. PETCHEL _ D. . 2 AT � �282969 AT 0) ROBERG. PETC EL & 524 KATHLEE 0. PETCHEL .B.54 \� A \ D.B. 11685 15�12 686PLAT 1 f \ I -9,B-10&9 28 & 29 PLAT A D.B. 9 —443 PLAT \ \ \ 1522 — X r, Z NED R1 A \ �v \ul 0' SANITARY EASEMENT -- � — — 1 DB 5301 PG 396 A 522 1VD BRUSH III -_ -_--- - \ I — _ 520 — _ 520 w L 516 5 0 g" 111IS11DIR-26 SAN 5y2J— I I / 516 ---�� I \ CP S7o I // \ 20' STORM WA TER MANAGEMENT _ e =B 5521 EASEMENT � \e 240 ° \ DI SAN v E 8. ,. of T.M. 32-29 CHRISTIAGNCHURCH TREES TBR s IV v\ D.B. 2303-6 6, " —\ SHIMP D.C. 630 THRU 6 3 PLA I D.B. 1406-131 PLAT I �' D.B. 1011-131 PLAT x o\ E N G I N E E R I N G 2 D.B. B \ J / D.B.948T.M. 32-29D 1-200 AT "� TR ES TBR I \ ZONED R1 ) I \ LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT MAPLE GROVE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 912E.HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 DB. 2303-626, D.C. 6330 THIRD 633 PLAT I CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 06-131 PLAT D.B. 10111-131 PLAT \ 15` V � � � ° D.B. D.B. 1— 00 I � / N, / ZONE�R1 I / —� I 1 0 -- —— szz - 0 I U1U T S Pa 1 / j 0 © ic. �183 I A Z 5122 4p 1 I \\ \ I I N I N �sSIONAL V' a U-4 / i I 13�REES TBR 0 / / 0 0 — - ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD _ _ - _ 6 I TOWNHOMES SOUTH 52 Dense ,Tre RON _ / / FOUND _ 526 — S27's9'12"w 338.89 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA -- _I— _ SUBMISSION: sza--___ - - - 2021.07.01 530 — — REVISION: 1)2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] / I 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] ul FILE N0. 18.041 EXISTING CONDITIONS -2 20 0 21 40 60 C 4 Scale: 1 "-20' b Dense Trees C I TEL. G V _ PED 0 �- POLE pHD 1� O - - - - - - - - - - pHU - - - - OHU OHU - OHU- pHU- pHU -OHU OHU -OHU- HU - OHU CHU- CHU POLE CHU- CHU SOH r' ��{U _ POLE NEW 30' NEW 15' GAS 0 1 c TRANSI ION TO 6" TO EASEMENT I I 0" URB H IGH PRIVATE CG-3 BOLLARDS B 1 CG-2 ACCESS (4" CURB) O ESMT c Ut o PROPOSED ROW 0 LOT 31 N o EM RGENCY ENTRANCE ° I DEDICATION 35.5' WIDTH I FROM ROAD CL FFE 528.50 0 50' ESMT_WbTF NO ARKING" o V.W. EM RGENCY I ONE 0- GARAGE IT a .I I 20' REAR SETB CK - �CCES ESMT o 1 ROAD NAME SIGN NEW 20_ACSA_ - EASEMENT I � o LOT 30 FFE 528.00 ONE CAR 36.00' LOT 37 LOT 38 LOT 39 LOT 40 / OPEN o GARAGE UNIT - LOT 32 LOT 33 LOT 34 LOT 35 FFE 531.50 FFE 532.00 FFE 533.00 FFE 533.0 / O< 22.00' LOT 36 SPACE I. FFE 529.00 FFE 529 50 FFE 530.00 FFE 530 50 FFE 531.00 ONE CAR I ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE CAR, 1 2,384 SF 1' 1 0, ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE BAR ON GARAGE UNIT. GAR�GE UNI GARAGE -UNIT GARAGE UN - I 11 20.00' GARAGE UNIT GARAGE UNIT GARAGE -UNIT GARAGE UNIT GA I LOT 29 1 J `I o I - O. .. 16.0 "NO PARKING' FFE 527 50 1 NO 0 18.0 �z xter, BOLLARDS - / o s ofI STOP SIGNONE C4R GARAGE UNIT oaMAX. SETBACK 20.00' S' 00'----- o 5 MP - -- - I SIG 9 < o 0 +50 pF- GARAGET O PARKING' 5 M`IN ET AC 1 5' CON.(,°. SIDEWALK (TYP`�.. ° a 1 iP o a EW 30'..ACSLO ASMT ' k0p LK �Sl'Pi I FFE 27.00 -I„ " 'NO PARKING"2 d " T _ i 2QY�' �1 SVDEW o GAONERAGE UNIT 1 CG 2 CG-9 NO PARKING"�1� 5 GONG <;.a PROPOSED PROTFT NORTH C 7 MUTC R 48 PRIV ESM TWIDTHCESS V.W. PRIVATE ROAD ro NEW 20' PUBLIC u o- 1 TOWNHOMES ENTRANCE ROAD ? STORM-ESM 5 PRIVATE �00'R---1+50 ROL '. STOP c 1 o 0 13+73.8 13+ AM€ StGR! 13+00 12+50 0 1 OACCESS E MT WIDTH- CURB TOP t ro o VARIABLE WIDTH ACADIA DRIVE /N'EW 15' TRANSITION 1 1 FFE SUNIT o I I N CG-2 �15 MPH D SIGN SPEED GARAG. _ \ o EE CUR _ _ _ EASEMENt <_ _ _ S _ _ T.M. 32A-2-2 °"- " T ANSITIO - I I x vc DEVELOPMENT, LBMARLELAND C GG 9.00' < 1 I o 0 DETAIL G4 o I I �j L VERLA P E2 x m D.B. 254-160 - o .< - I--Q 1 L_55 .p0 I .° 1 07 D.B. 4 3979851 PLAT SHIMP m o a ... v a p v a s <: ,° 39.79 1 I, GAR NIT / I i 1 D.B. 5154-753 C '12 'I PARKI G' I \U' 1 I pG" I TY _p - o �� ENGINEERING2. LOT 220 I 9 1' 'j FE 577 on I I4 ° 1 +- _-zz FONE CAR 0 ° I LOT 9 00 1 I o O = I LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT l - ' _ GARAGE UNIT I I �, z o I FFE �52�8.00 X X X X X TREAT- 1 FFRAGE2UNIT o I TWO CAR TIMBER 1 O GA z Z. LO 0' I GARAGE UNIT m I \ ONT IN a 1 N r� '1 'I FFE 4'NIT 1 .50' I 1 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 �wHIRL x ULC �° ".' 1 GARAG .4 1p.0 i LOT 2 I � � � 4 S 14'x14r, I � 11 � c 1 1 CHARLOTTESVILLE Vq 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 2,400 SF / I4 I F - � 10 1 I FFE 5 0 SWI G T _ SR 649 EOP �b ° ONE CAR L• I I LOT 17 30'x (60 x40') 1 - L 2.50 _ I, I GARAG UNIT I I I GARAGE CAR UNIT 1 <w 1 101MBE SLID 1 GARAA UN --4$ Q_- II - p I TOT LOT x �� IT �jI LCT 4150 144.28" __ 0 CLIM ER I 1 I� II I FFE GE...1'41NIT LOT 24 -- o� x[� X20'x 5"- I _ NEW 20 p SM - vI 1 GARA v o V, �,rA I FFE 5$_/�0. 0 1 41 00' PRIVATE l4 I N"I �(2) 1 L0532.50 ST� M 2 .00' 19.7 $ rm NEW 15' GAS !� ONE .CAR LO 8 o L. BENC S FFE GARAG` UNIT A CE S ESMT ro FFE 5 �I$.50 m < Gqp qGE UNIT --$ j 1 1 EASEMENT C 1 WIDTH N 1 cn TWO ro y' I. -I I GARAGEUNIT �: d 70 ,��tooRl p JU S P v�.1 t5 1URB U 183 9 O Al I LOT 5 v -`. �I SIC FFE 2�50 � v n 146 m L 19 E{ o° A FFE 12.50 cn 340 g0?RIVATE ' ..7g' N "'- I .o G 5122 _ � _ N I - ° _ - n FFE 28.50 m I o 1 AG UNIT I -� RO ES GARAGE UNIT j X TWO AR > 1 1 1 v GAR Z 2 54:0 Z I 1 �C+S,SI� Et�G LOT I I GARA UNIT,I a' ",CURB GARAGE U-_.IT➢ a- N 1 SEE x LOT 26 a' N 77 13 II v TRANSITI N FFE 527.50 �, 14 5,000SF RECREATION AREA 1 v LOT E 00 NAIL CC7 -� m - ONE CAR o I �� 1532 IT n v p I I 1 GARAGE UNIT q j " I I FFEO5z_8.50 1 a' 1 / 1 I GAWE 1 .,1 VARIABLE WIDTH --a - 1 LOT 6UN - NEW 15' GA Z -- 3 'J9' I `L� VAT RO UNIT SWMFACILITYEASEMENt I i RIBS R '1 '� GARAGES. .. �. to ROAD PLAN EASEMENT` 8 00' ES T WIDTHT 14 ORM ES T ' J 11' ox LONEw 2°' P Iv E PROFFIT ROAD 1 'NO PARKIN " I I FFE.5,31T TOWNHOMES SOUTH -1 ro I L 21 GARAGE _a 'I LOT T' I rn F' FFE 28.5 I �_ � _ -- Dense Tree o I TWO R lo' 1 -_4 1 FFE 533.NIT 1 N I GARA UNIT 1 I . 4.1 FT PEDESTRIAN 1 1 1 GARAGE m. I m I ACCESS 6FT PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 1 � o ACCESS v O ACCESS - - LOT 15 ESMT CG-2 ^' EASE ENT FFE_- GE 531UNIT '� 1 /3 pRIVATE 1 GA _ ' q�ROAD ESMT L a I I ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA FFE ACSA ESMT -- 1 3.00 SUBMISSION: a ti I 3 11 y x GARAG NIT c 1 2021.07.01 w + I J I I 0' RA SITION TO 6" TO "NO PARKI G" I o REVISION: � 0" C R HEIGHT 4..r � � 1) 2021.09.07 PRIVATE END ROLL I TOP CURB SEECG-2 B 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] Dense Trees ACESMT AT CG-6 TRANS TIG o 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] DETAIL 1 ` 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 0 1 1 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] 0 \ FILE N0. 18.041 0 oyG SITE PLAN I Z_ 1 20 0 20 0 60 C 5 Scale: 1 "=20' ISO NEEDED FIRE FLOW DATA: \ TOWNHOMES ARE CONSTRUCTION TYPE V-B 532 � � � \ WITH 2400 SF MAX FLOOR AREA PER UNIT. - 534 - - - - - \ ISO NEEDED FIRE FLOW = 1500 GPM �---�`--------532--- Dense \ I �� \\ v AVAILABLE FIRE FLOW = 2247 GPM Trees \ \ I \ \ \ 530 / \ \ � 53 \ 536 / J \ 536 - - - \ 1 `i I` 530 o V PED 'o POLE / S3? O pHUHU v` \ POLE N -OHU-OHU-I-OHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHU- �OHUpHU-OHU CHU-CHU- g -� i�r' 1111U- _ POLE \ \ \ NEW-15' GAS LOW 532MAIN - 526 - \ EASEM`ENT� \\ GRASS NACE / / \ \ \� / \ 526, 2e \ 2700 2 N 1 x o / � O \ \ ,1839 3.45% 2�' 2 a 7,9 \ ?61F 3°0 LOT 1 `x, t�h 5 \ _ _ g00 FFE 548.50 � 1ai T o'- _ _ - � \ I \ I G RAGE IT ONE\ \e' 0 \ „2o Q ° 0 0 / 0 i \ / _ c I P <,, w _ 29 so 0 00 31 oo if AI\ h a �. �r28 29 \ 30 31 32 n �8 2.69% 27 2 6 LOT 30XS2427w FFE 528 004 ORtE -QAR \ LOT 37 LOT 38 LO 39 LOT 40 GARAGE UNIT --- I \OT 32 LOT 33LOT 34 \LOT 35 FFE 531.50 LOT 36 FFE 532.00 FFE 33.00 FFE 533.00X529.00 FFE 529.50 FFE 530.00 F 530.50 FFE 531.00 ONE CAR ONE CAR ONV CAR ONE CAR33 -CAR0 CAR ONE CAR_ _ ON GARAGE UNIT GARAGE ff GARAGE UNITGARAG UNIIE� 3.00% 27a,. 6 \ GA�2'/�GE\UNIT GA E UNIT A --- GA E UNIT GA �E UNIT - -- / `I _ a V LOT 29 FONE G4.RO GARAGE UNIT � va° - - ° _ J �a S I I \700 1.78% 260 2 Sao cVj-._..._��m - 2850 -- 9 - --K-oo `�� - -- - . ---- % L� / 32 3R .0%----- - /I so 28 b�11 rn b� 0 E\ rn b\ o Lm sa _ , \ 26 FF�t28 I \ \ \afl �! \ m r°i! �� M! �' - -O ---4ze l� 3 ' ➢ m 1 EONE UNIT _ \ i \`S2� GARAGE UNIT I \ I \ "I� \ ��\ 01 e , e a, sa 3 / �I c o pp \ I� 3.40% 26�2 o X.S�u I 2°�e o a e.27.'.o 0 2�3.0� °. 28° ;aa ° /3 - °° n 31a�a zs50 LO " 27 I I 9)(2?' \ FFE 27.00 °v \ ONE R. -. N I o 2626., x2. x2 / 28 x 9-_*'�.. \_/ ..x / a o w -,GARAGE UNIT - a 1 \ i2e' \ ° I I \ 2 3 I \ \ 2. %° - I o � ° v _ems � � \ \ � A ' >a \ Sao A V \ ACADIA EE \ W , -' GAS \ 4- FFE 5.50 IT VI a 34 \ z� e, \ \ o' 15 MPH DESGN3P-�D I - i 1 li 34 1 GAR U Is4 2 5 V A / _ I %d \ _ 520- ° 31z x31} % r' -- III - 2� T.M. ARL -2 1 ° \ �4LBEMARLE LAND 2 - - x2 T -sr- Q ..°o° .: .00 _ I \� DEVELOPMENT, LI,\ o \L - ° .2- R5 3 I 1 �5 �0 0> �N ° I D.B. 1794-107 SHIMP I D.B. D.B.1�545 PLAT N ° n b�in I 34 FF y2,G UNIT '� � \ 51154-753 °° a,e 31 ,.320 11 2 , 3 , vA o \6 GAR \\ I C ENGINEERING \ 2g30 FFELOT 520 1.... . �o \ I l4 \ z�. OX 9 I I \ vl 9a I oo \ o \`yl \`p 2 LOT 2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ONE CAR I ,,IIa s o n 7 LO 6 E ' GARAGE UNIT 2� 26 q x 5o z o I 4.2 FFE 528.00 \ X X _X _X X 1 GARAGE 4.23% a A I \ I TWO � ,i m 526 1 . 1 z ➢ , 4.5 \ GARAGE'. UNIT v27 7 \ - 1 _�41 z 50 FFE 53 \ I 1 \ fo, m rn I . II m I 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 so \ I 00 -- . _ 32 132 g7% CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 0o FFEOS 2. 0 I4a \ � � 3 26 ONE i I oo L 17 \ .I.. L0 532.50 li GARAGE UNIT %° 6az 2 z x 5vz 3i7 I!. I x : x - \GARAGE _�. �� Q-� - ) 0% � \ '�- FFE 28.00 1 . UNIT \ 2.94% �, I TWO AR . \ _-.> ' LOT 4 Q �� \ _ GARAGE UNIT / 17 7� °\ I I 3so FFE 534 \ _ d-- \ \ ao II 2 3 %I GARAGE..UNIT X \ \ LOT 24 522 / q 32 3� " 11 % 26 FFE-527:�D� - - a /'j I La .al yll 3 1 z FOT 11 0 1 M o �� \ ONE CAR o 09 2 0J I 7oa LOTB 1 I FFE-,..`0\32.5IEASEMENTASGARAGE UNIT 2% 2.31% z6 �TWO i, e, . GARA __2 X32 411% FFE 528.50 X X - X X ° GE\UN " \- I I \ 'C �+ 1 SR 649 EOP U'U ic. SI83 P a I GARAGE. UNIT .7 7 w I c LOT , 5 1 1 3 ,/, a� x32 / 2799 FFE 52 . n 1..' A .gas ao / 1.31 LO 12. L 19 F _ s ONE CAR 8 T O I UNIT 27oa 6B3 2 X. 613 2 5.32� FFE 528.50 I 1 1 GARAGE - ---GARAGE - _ 3.40% I TWO CAR 97 e7 1 '', __4 / o0 GARAGE UNIT / '.27 7 / 1 I 3 FFE GE NIT I \ I ZONAL 32 ° 1j 2.07% - /°b^' 5� GARA 2.0 i I \ LOT 26 - - a-- - 31 ' X o \ I \ '27oa FFE 52 0 _ 1 I / 3 .3 X x 'LOT 1300 ONE 'CAR- I- o \ ,n z I o^ a s as 2 I 3.51 0l 1 a, I UN I --- 0 GARAGE UNIT 27502.03% 2T. 2A X26 - _ET1E�5 8.50 / . 91, e, 1 GAGE ___ % LOT 6 - -/NEW 15' GASH----- I - - / GARAGEIUNIT 7 lv<I �I '31aa43.47% 13 3(/ 5 9'll 2 FFF GARAGE3UNIT X I I ROAD PLAN EASEMENT I --- -- - '�31 , 0 1 0 H I -T 14 °I ,� 3 30 x ° / N i I, H I I PROFFIT ROAD 5 - 4t%_ - �, z 4. 0% 8oa I I - O ` __ m I FFE 528.5 GAR __ Dense �Tnee - o �I - TWoAR ��, I- E I NIA 1� - F Eo'.5G I� I > I 1 TOWNHOMES SOUTH - - 7 K I GARA - 1. / I d33 2 AGE' -UNIT '-- "I-------&6----- 11 I31/ 1�3160 II .83% 3 I� ,o ' 7.28 ( GAR .. 1 / ��--- 526 - I -- - c ,t -_, _ 1 9 ��0 O+ __ I 1 28OT 15 31-50 1 9 I -- - - - - - - - - - - - s2s- - - - 1" .1 ca'cE NIT �'� r� o , I / ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 2 T 8 2.0 - < 1 _� x 2 '% 5 0 �1 \99 FFE 533.00 ° 1 I SUBMISSION: 7 - I 2 GA AGE UNIT _ 528 - - _ p2mr 3e - - c 530 - �. - ' 28 291.75%,295 0 ., II 2 11 I 2021.07.01 _ REVISION: 0 530 ® 30 I 11 1) 2021.09.07 Dense Trees ® �N� - -0- - 530 - - - 0 1\ 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] e I 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] ----------- 532 ---\ \\ / 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] 532 --� i d11 \ \ FILE N0. 18.041 G GRADING PLANA I' \ I Z_ 20 0 20 � � � so C 6 Scale: 1 "=20' A4D r � I I I I I LOT 1 I c o FFE 5.50 I I m ONE CtZ— GARAGE IT I I m I n LOT 30 I FFE 528.00 I c ONE CAR 0 c, GARAGE UNIT �' I I c m N o LOT 29 I � FFE 527 50 C74 ONE R I GARAGE UNIT 0 i m I LOT 28 I I FIFE2 ONE R I GARAGE UNIT c c> — I I � c LO 27 I I FFE 27.00 ONE R >>_ GARAGE UNIT o m A413 RD — RD RD 2 4A 8" I c m 24" HOPE W _ c WEIR WALLa b Dense Trees TEL. to I I GV II POLE _ FEED O to POLE OHUpHU— OHUGHU — OHU—OHU—OHU—OHUGHU —OHU— HU — OHUpHU—OHU OHU—pHU O —OH r'Q�{U _ POLE NEW 15' GAS Ic EASEMENT SECONDARY 0 B x c UGE UGE 341 U E UGE ==UGE UGE UGE UGE 3 PROPOSED ROW sns cns cns cns cn c —cns —cns — -- „ ns GA —cns ns —cns cns —cns —cns sns GAS c;. ; ° —cns cns sns DEDICATION 35.5' WIDTH U�L --- ------— FROM ROADCL 217"REAR TTT8 K� RD RD � R � RD �0 � o� as � a � as as � oac NEW 20_ACSA—O4RD10 EASEMENT Q pl Al o Q Q EX. 8" DI SAN Q c 32 / DI SA LOT 37 LOT 38 LOT 39 LOT 40— LOT 32 LOT 33 LOT 34 LOT 35 I FFE 531.50 FFE 532.00 FFE 533.00 FFE 533.00 FFE 529.50 FFE 530.00 FFE 530.50 CAR I ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE CAR ONE CAR FU�5316 T 3 FF00 I GARAGE UNIT. GAR�E UNI GARAGE UNIT GARA UNI 2 L STIL - / �/ GARAGE UNIT GARAGE UNIT GARAGE -UNIT GARAGE UNIT GA E UNIT SLEE E o, a 25' MAX. SETBACK e I o �, $,.��.. ---- - ----- ---- L.- --- - _eerrn 8 ° °� g I E ---- - ----- - ---- - ---- _.---- I ��' `' `° 3 TO EXISTI G A WATERLII = X I — Wo °oo 3D '\N / 0 a ' MIN. ET AC 10 UGH E U E E JOE T UGE UGE UGE UGE-- UGE GE T„x6„ 1Po I ^ EW ACSA T'a o 0 0 a < / PROPOSED PROFFIT NORTH ED TOWNHOMES ENTRANCE RI� c .5' W� s a, .. Jv W W— W �n W DPW Wn W V W- EWI 20 PUBLIC W WI E o a o ? TEEB STO M ESMT QQF, N(e" TE c v I 6„ VARIABLE WIDTH N <'e Gc A N2' D1- - E 1 6 I D O ,RED ACADIA DRIVE /N'EW GAS �' I 4 FFE SUNIT N 90' "x8' 15 MPH DESIGN SPEED G S p. II GARAG. c v SWEEP RED S EASEMENt_ _ _ 2'-38 _ _ _ �F I I I 32A-2-2 O -- ® W. 0" BA E a II 'I o I o ALBEMARLE LAND HP ST RM AS NEVI ws I c i m DEVELOPMENT, LC D.B➢ as as as �� Uc� 'UGE u ODE 4 W o a�� 36•, OQ o�/a "� 4 N m D.B. 1794-107 CON A A4E E �,A� _ q — __-Q .: 5,; 00 I D.B. 439-185 PLAT _ LGt I oi, 1 I GFt GE NIT / �ii-. � D.B. 5154-753 >HIMIJ FIFE a g , �`!x 5 ��A - ENGINEERING2. I m 1..-.. ti YP. OT I O i I LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT o ONE CAR � j� � j LOT 16 'a PREVE �_, _ FFE 532� '�, 1 m� c r 00 N GARAGE UNIT I h, z I I FFE 528.00 - I GARAGE UNITNIA 4-- I I I TWO CAR I 1 1 c I M I GARAGE UNIT EOT_ 4.5 m m - I d I x 1 a l S 1 FFE NIT I I 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 'n LOT 2 I ha - .. 9 �� 1 CA AG o n .a AI i m .I �i 1 � c I CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM FFE 52�0 S n a., - 1 10 �, 1 I EO 5° `cF 1 I I SR 649 EOP m ONE CAR I N I LOT 17 I e l x FFE .>28.00 1 UNIT ws I GARAGE{ UNIT N 0 I I TWO CAR II GARA __= 4 c N EOT i, I o o GARAGE UNIT _ Mn o .I 41 � S � 1 �li FFE 5341 NIT FFE 5 /�"JO �� 1 I 1 AGE. ° s I EI 1 GAR W LOT 24 7 I 5 W ws ws -- x - NEW 2G M 'I v TYP S l4 I I T 11 ST� rp Z ONE.CAR I LO 8 I I o FFE 532_ I c,� �' c 4G GARAG UNIT I I FTWO 8.50 ro ro - GARAGE 50 p E �� NEW 15' GAS I NSP TION QR UNIT F. - cas I EASEMENT m C� GARAGE UNIT 99. u �U s P a D 1 I A9A Gas -- 0 1 I I \ Gas ic. I83 m LOT $5 A G FFE S�f� mA. LOT 12 I m a 5 2.50 Ga o <V — FFE— FU I ONE CAED R cm .DGARAGE UNIT GFFE85 WO AR ARUN0T SzoNAL ENG SC rn.S S' i GARA X o LOT 26 z N II m I y `� `s c 8, FWM .N n ai FE 52750 .(T,P. I4 1 :!S"fa� I m I I 5 ONE CAR LO-0 1 I � � � '� FF N n a n I GARAGE UNIT I I I FFE 5$.50 I: I , GA GE UNIT I m, q o B- 'I TWO CAR VARIABLE WIDTH �w m LOT 6 m N\ m I a -raWM _ EASEMENT I>. I 4 S S II �, GARAGE3 NEW 15' GA UN y I ROAD PLAN GARAGE UNIT SWM FACILITY — FFE �, o o� I v EASEMENT y -- - I o H NEW 20" IV E L 215;34 ORM ES T I 11 --- = H I PROFFIT ROAD GA °E < cns ns cns cns - cn- cns- ca. ,I`, S a., FFE 28.5 UN'T I '" I TOWNHOMES SOUTH 4b E Dense Tree TWO R ' 411 5 �S) I GFVF ARAGE NIT GARA UNIT 1. < 1 0 BOA 1 FFE cE �N,T a s "' E ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NEW 30' , GA - 8 00 i 9C ACSA ESMT 28 I ":'� / a0 ) �I FFE 3. NIT SUBMISSION: A9 1 I ZSa s I, GAR 2 2021.07.01 I REVISION: 0 0 , � °A 30 I 1) 2021.09.07 0 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] Dense Trees ® G � 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] � c g - 1 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 0 \ G \ 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] O,sG 1 \ 0 \ FILE N0. 18.041 0 0 0 oy UTILITY PLAN-1 1 G \ Gq � 20 0 20 0 60 C 7 Scale: 1 "=20' NEW 30' --\ CA � a 4 \I� p 4' G „ L° , IY o � al � m o � � A Q LO D 1 1 m EASEMENT SECONDARY c 1 J1 I 0 J c v UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE U E UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE J E UGE UGE p — I I AS GAS GAS GAS GAS G GAS —GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GA GAS AS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS o GAS GAS GAS LOT 31 ° GAS c GAS —GAS S j ' 8 ��ll F o �° D o 0 I S RE LCO-nAR Sre RDRo R fto o— as a as as I IN as -- — — — I b fto • I ➢ z LOT 30 \� LOT 37 LOT 38 LOT 39 LOT 40 LOT 32 LOT 33 LOT 34 LOT 35 _CT 36 c I ILOT 29 o ' c ws I� ='S MAX. SEILACK ETI — ---- — ---- -- ---- — ----- — ----- I ^"I ;a • I I I ni LOT 28 `I Y ' m�u - W > c 'MIN. ET AC r /w o UGH E U E E JGE T UGE UGE UGE UG UGE GE Tc EW CSA S T'a • / M/ ' — — ® I m o ° LOT' 27 `..1 a " Q ® r • • J • . �, / o _�d I B c — — — W W �WV W �nWW WnW W WWvu �W WI _ 0 I _ yyyy o '^ fto fto fto I — EW TO M ESMT Ro O \ o I ACADIA DRIVE W 5 GAS 6 I 4 o I n VARIABLE WIDTH �15 MPH DESIGN SPEED c kS II n -- — —— — 5 //-- EASEMENt— L cF 11 II o I m noa n oa ,oc oa as as N AR E uc� JOE WE —tee A — I— � 4 a � LQT: S .I 1 m c I I LOT 2 ws wSZc111 I q� I m O B - o ....__. ° e -�LOT 9 I Gc O LO m nml LOT 2 " -- Im I LO, 17 n N o I � LOT 24 I ws n S Ip I- I LOT18 m I c I � m LOT 5 S N cI S m D 'aL 19 I D I z LOT 266I I -- m n IA I :E _ LOT 0 I I c I I o — n -- � I � I re e L GAS AS GAS GAS AS GA GAS GAS ,1` GAS L 21 SET TRUNK PLUMB, SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING ONE CENTRAL LEADER (NO CODOMINANT LEADERS, UNLESS SPECIFIED) ARBOR TIES, OR EQUIV. 2"X2" SQ. OAK STAKES SET 180 DEGREES APART OUTSIDE ROOT PACKAGE TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE 2" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 4" LAYER OF WOOD CHIPS. NO MORE THAN 1" OF MULCH ON TOP OF ROOT BALL. ROUND -TOPPED SOIL BERM 4" HIGH X 8" WIDE ABOVE ROOT BALL SURFACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AROUND THE ROOT BALL. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOT BALL PERIPHERY. REMOVE BURLAP, STRING, AND WIRE FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOT BALL. BOTTOM OF ROOT BALL RESTS ON EXISTING OR RECOMPACTED SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING SLOPE AND ROUGHEN SIDES OF LOOSENED SOIL. I 3X ROOTBALL DIAMETER DIM. TREE PLANTING DETAIL FINISHED GRADE EXISTING GRADE (PROPOSED ROW DEDICATION 35.5' WIDTH FROM ROAD CL 1 NEW 20ACSA_ — — — — — EASEMENT 4 q I I I I I' LANDSCAPING WITHIN THE SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE N (ALL TREES ALONG BOTH -+ SIDES OF THE MULTI -USE PATH ALONG THE PROFFIT u'm RTolAD 4�`d :J ABE) SHALL Ao � 'HIT1AII6QN AREA c DE�LfNL� FEET i m D.B.Aq§JE 16IQOUND I m � I D.B. 439-185 PLAT 1 D.B. 5154- 753 I I c a I x - TO '��; o I ---� I • LOi'4 11 S o 1 I 1 - x -- NEW Tp M SM I I • 1 LOT 11 S E �Tc• m NEW 15' GAS • $ I EASEMENT i I GAS I. ' 1 1 I 1 I �� GAS Gns _cns� °T SR 649 EOP <1 o 1 y LOT 13 c, I a- N I�O 6 r o s VARIABLE WIDTH SWM FACILITY I '° I Q _--a �� LOT m c a S EASEMENt S NEW20'P IVTE II o v �_ 14 STORM ES d LCI 7 rn I a I I I I I 1 I I • 1 I 1 LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE PlantSymbol Total Canopy Total Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal./Height Quantity Height(ft) SF Canopy in 10 Yrs SF 0Q r Large Deciduous Tree Quercus robur English Oak 1J1-14" 14 31 329 4606 Large Deciduous Tree Tilia tomentoso "Green Mountain" "Green Mountain" Silver Linden 11-14" 17 25 276 4692 O Large Deciduous Tree Betula nigra "Heritage" "Heritage" River Birch 1}-14" 14 25 397 5558 j - ' Large Deciduous Tree Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak 11-14" 16 31 299 4784 Ornamental Tree Cercis conadensis Eastern Redbud 6-7' Ht. 6 17 124 744 Ornamental Tree Corpus florida Flowering Dogwood. 6-7' Ht. 5 17 124 620 Screening Evergreen Cryptomeria japonica Cryptomeria 4-5' Ht. 8 25 123 984 TOTAL SF: 21004 LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT (SEC. 15% CANOPY REQUIRED. SITE AREA: 3.198 AC (139,305 SF) 139,305 SF x 15% = 20,896 SF CANOPY REQUIRED: 20,896 SF CANOPY PROVIDED: 21,004 SF STREET TREES (SEC. LARGE SHADE TREES (1.5" CAL.) — 50 O.C. PROFFIT ROAD: 250 LF / 50 = 5 REQUIRED: 5 LARGE TREES PROVIDED: 6 LARGE TREES PRIVATE ROAD A: 280 LF / 50 = 6 REQUIRED: 6 LARGE TREES PROVIDED: 7 LARGE TREES PRIVATE ROAD B: 150 LF / 50 = 3 REQUIRED: 3 LARGE TREES OR 6 LARGE TREES TOTAL PROVIDED: 3 LARGE TREES, 6 LARGE TREES TOTAL PRIVATE ROAD C: 200 LF / 50 = 64 REQUIRED: 4 LARGE TREES OR 8 LARGE TREES TOTAL PROVIDED: 4 LARGE TREES, 10 LARGE TREES TOTAL NOTES: 1. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 2. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 3. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. 4. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover. 5. Any existing tree proposed to remain shall be replaced in kind if negatively impacted by improvements associated with this project. c � c I o� 20 0 20 40 Scale: 1 "=20' 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM UJUS�f �Pa IC. l I63 O F�`rSIONAL ENG ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO. 18.041 LANDSCAPE PLAN Not to Scale C9 JYu 535 530 525 520 515 OFF I e SOMEONE- RoOFDRNN GRADE LINE I /-NEW NV. IN W. YR IFNI GRADE LINEI GRADE LINE INNINNINNEF-PRO SEPARATION-- e e MONSOON- Im WEIR e e NIQ OFF e e m OFF OFF OFF eeOFF ee e ee e e ee a ee • ee • - ee • ee • ee . •-• �• • HYDRAULIC —'a�� � - ram.-�r�r►-- � �� STORM SEWER PROFILE Al—A6 1 Q HORZ: 1"=20'VERT: 1"=10' ZSa �=_I . FINE MEN WAIN �,- FINE ...-__ FINE ■ __ MONSOON IN IN IN ININ ■ pia -1 10+50 11+00 S� o> z_z 2 SANITARY SEWER PROFILE Z5—Z5a C1 Q HORZ: 1"=20'VERT: 1"=10' 53D x 52 w 52 51 0 Z4a J4V 535 530 540 525 535 520 530 SIMON IFNI SEPARATION 356.89LF 8" DIP 515 525 IFNI in IFNI 5 0 520 9+50 10+00 10+50 3 WATER MAIN PROFILE ON ROAD A 11+50 12+06 \C1 QJHORZ: 1"=20'VERT: 1"=10' 1,zE71.d•I_1.DROP �" E3 _ _ _ 510. zz 10+50 11+00 o » > zz No z %4�SANITARY SEWER PROFILE Z4—Z4aON C1 QJHORZ: 1"=20'VERT: 1"=10' 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 z Z14 m Z4b NSt� o z 10+50 11+00 55 >_ 11+5010 z SANITARY SEWER PROFILE Z4—Z4b 1 Q HORZ: 1"=20'VERT: 1"=10' 535 530 525 520 515 10 11+5D 11+00 1+50 12+00 12+50 13+00NOR IN FEE j�� e� �i.�.■ems: � � _ �� li � • w .Rim .>_�_ �,� ,• a L`t�l7l�N. P!S • : � 11n201� • •• • • •• • •• • i-_ U ,•ri'� ��7R1 r1 - 10+00 10+50 11+00 7 STORM SEWER PROFILE A9—A9C C1Q HORZ: 1"=20'VERT: 1"=10' „+50 A7 � I � w o z � 5" HP FROM A8 INTO A7 INV. IN=522.50 - - l 8'ADS N-12 MANIFOLD � INTO THE ISOLATOR ROW TION 1.3 FT OF EW GRA T (TYP.) STONE COVER X. / GRADE -- -- MC-4500 END CAP \i;� 535 530 525 520 ---II-519_80--------------- NDERDRAIN 8 ADS N 12 O 2 FT OF INV. OUT TP= OTHER CHAMBERS STONE BAS€ "^N{FOLD pU-T TBOTTOM STR A6 INV.=519.50 ANHOLE SOLATOR ROW INV. 519.80 � STORMTECH MC-4500 VARIABLE LENGTH (TYP.) INV 515 517.30 510 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 ,2+00 ,2+50 545 540 535 530 525 520 515 s,o 13+00 6 WATER MAIN PROFILE ON ROAD B C1 Q HORZ: 1"=20'VERT: 1"=10' T-1 IQ @ A7 AS `o A9 A10 A11 � a d rN.E W. 540 535 I o Ex-, � GRADE/rPnDE •n - O r .,•, -� ^ � UKAULIC AnE LInIE � ZN 3 � „-.. o rIV �HI o � G. �_.�.+So xNo - w wow _ 530 --- - 8 1STORM SEWER PROFILE A7—A11 C1 Q HORZ 1"=20'VERL• 1"=10' 530 Ex 53# C.I?Ar)� 525 525 515 515 510 log 510 M qPPARATinKi • • •• • • •• • •• • •• �� •�•� 1Q WATER MAIN PROFILE ON ROAD C ;j Q HORZ: 1"=20' VERT: 1"=10' 13+50 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 14+00 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM uJus Pa IC. l 163 4p� O F�`rSIONAL ENG ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO UTILITY PROFILES g MC-4500 10 HORZ: 1"=20' VERT: 1 "=10' cool INCCO n / 538 ---- // �oN ^\ �/ - ��Q)w1� kv-OQ 536 -- -- — - ----� _ _ 534 / --- / STATE ROUTE 649 — — 35'M H ---- / 390' INTERSECTION SIGHT 534 DISTANCE RIGHT \\ ()LE —` / 5 01 � J_� _ p— N 0L DISTANCE TO - - MOUBRY LANE N — — = O (V -- i n Z .. l '_ HEIGHT HEIGHT OF 540 OR IF(T 540 390' SIGHT LOOKING RIGHT 535 535 �EX. — GRAD 530 530 59255 55225 510+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 \ \ \ / 71 Co 53, 528 / I 5/ 34 - 7 -- 538 ---- DISTANCE TO MOUBRY LANE C' Nn 536 ------ nAN _ o M O v7 _ N_ HEIGHT 540 OF EYE 540 DE 535 535 530 GRADEDE 530 525 525 520 5520 51 +00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+0D15 ---------------------- STATE- ROUTE 649 � 35�hiP�H / �53 M N rn Scale: 1 "=20' MOUBRY LANE SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 00V !� o _� UJU .s Pa IC. l t 63 O F�`rSIONAL ENG ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH N 60 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO. 18.041 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE PLAN, PROFILE & OPPOSING LEFT TURNS Cil Q / I p I > Nri'�/ O V.-'�...L� O l w ° i 0 po�: ° p ------ ------ ------ vo y-- d b --- d b - d O M In CALICO COURT °� �+ CAfICO COURT 1CALICO COURT I { ° 0 0 0 0/ 0 _ -- I DESI N '`° -MPH SPEED g2 5L" w 1 00 �1A50 11+00 11 0 11 50 12 0} 0 JI )-2- 50 1 + .02 e p CONC �SIDEWA°LvK TYP) p . °° v I � .00' I J I I "' I I z I C5 15 10+00 10+50 3 ROAD C CALICO COURT PROFILE 12 HORZ: 1"=20' VVERT: 1"=10' Scale: VI PM STA. 11+21.25 PVI GI rV ROR iA 40 60 ,1 • n��ms !mi 111M i p, VA OEM.! 0 �---n oil •��i7T1111 �� `J C ram^ 11+00 COUC4111.1-' I®.it•]� LEE • �•ilto NMI 1, 0 INN 20 y 6 SC 111=20' 0 20 40 60 CALICO COURT 41' PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 30' ACSA EASEMENT I I I I I I I I I ROAD I �•CLI u 4- 3.000 1 _ yp.)--------- 4"- wOT B21A BASESIDNE 2- BM-25 (MJ COMPACTED %BCRADE MIN. WDT (121A BAY (TYP.J CBR-6'0 CMPACIED BUBg1A0E MIN. C&P-8.0 i0 BE FlEt➢ VERSED TO BE gEW `T FIED (TPJ HOUSE PAVEDSIDEWALI�G-9 LANE ROAD LANE DRIVEWAY HOUSE DRIVEWAY GUTTER CL RIBBON CURB gip. eU Y° I ^ ACADIA DRI Y F_m Q w O aw z 3 ROAD A I 0 X Q I I z �.. A- m w N Q > V Q W oT z & pW. 1rAlp -I =LIj ACADIA DRIVE ROAD A A -A V.W. (t48') PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT I 30' i � �ACSA EASEMENT� I I I I I ROAD I I r-- CIL 11+50 12+00 12+50 535 530 525 520 515 13+00 20 0 20 40 60 Scale: 111 1 OAD B B-B BRINDLE LANE 34' PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT I 30' ACSA r—EASEMENT-1 I I ROAD I CL I i I I 4 - woT 91AJ/ I \r BM-zS ('J BASESTONEJ/ L 8' woT d21A BASE (M.) COMPACTED SUBORADE NLIP&CTED SUBMADE MIN, MIN. CBR=6.0 CBI TO FlEN 4ERIFlED TO Y FlELD VERIFlEO (m) HOUSE PAVED ROAD DRIVEWAY ROLLTOP CL RIBBON DRIVEWAY CURB CURB ii�ll�i�i���i���ii�■r ��iiil� •I �LA BRINDLE NE ! [ • • I� Hux � �I�; •�� 60 N Scale: 1 "=20' 0 0 0 0 0 0 LqIn Inr 0 0 00 In_ NI' Nh p0 mm NN tlj0 N +M ON 0, +N) c 0 h0 OIn +M ON +M OIn min +M �� +� �> Q W Q > > H J W H J H J F J H J H J n W N W U) W V 1 W (n W U 1 W > > > > U U H H > > > > » » aw as a- In- wd dd da owz PVI STA. 10+35.00 PVI STA. 11+00.00 PVI STA. 11+72.00 540 PVI ELEV 53 —RW-ELEV 5321 QV EV 540 a> O 535 � n 535 530 530 525 525 nGRADE n 00 Njo 520 n 520 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 � 26.00VC w 1000.00SD - 15.55K- 19. 195�OSD VC .00V 4 3.12 D 2 ROAD B BRINDLE LANE PROFILE 12 HORZ: 1"=20' VERT: 1 "=10' o, I 2200' \ 8 \ LOT 36 / SPACE 2,384 SE t .b� o \ 18.0 BOLLARDS �- e. I o \ 20.00' Z D Dn -32 0 70 sR a , ACADIA DRIVE o A,/ I ° 5' CON. . SIDEWALK (T'Y a ° <. a a EW .30' .ACSA tSMT. a °.aa ..' .. i — /"pcv ✓ N I � I ° �� • �G72 \- \ a av CG-2 CG-9 � — i — � 1 �Op��1 � � 5VD WPC E <1 I I — o �A�CADIA DRIVE \ � — ° \ NEW 20' PUBLIC 9 ORMESfyiT cn 91 0 o 13+33.8 13 0 �� 6 13+0 � � 12+50 — 0 `' � 1 0 ry \ \ V \ � -�� VARIA LE WIDTH �15 ACADIA L '�!EE MPH DESIGN 30-'-D i �Pd'E'.W 1 'GAS A' �` \ 2, o� o 0 _ EASEMENiL 9.00' G _ L c rom o 1 •1 Scale: 1 "=20' 0 � N N + Lfl TO W Q W N H F- > > °- 4BVI PVI cN 0 00 N + tit N_ W Q W V) U U > > STA. 13+00.09 a ELEV. 526.51 25.00VC 1000.00SD 0 I Oj N + to � W Q W N F- F- > > a a PVI STA. 11+70.00 PVI ELEV. 529.76 37.00VC 466.04SD 0 L° N OM + 1n �_ W Q J0 W VJ U U > > m m 0 0 Lo O m M + M + 0 � to 0 W Q W Q J0 JH W N W V) F- F- U U > > > > P\� STA. 11+aEP.00 PVI ELEV. 532.86 14.00VC 246.99SD 540 540 535GRADIFUKAUL 535 530 530 ------------ 525 525 520 520 0 nL� 155 514+00 13+50 13+00 12+50 12+00 11+50 11+00 10+50 10+0-d5 1 ROAD A ACADIA DRIVE PROFILE C12 HORZ: 1"=20' VERT: 1 "=10' mp ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM uus�f 1 Pa IC. l t i53 o F�`SgSIONAL ENG ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO ROAD PROFILES & SECTIONS 4'- wOT I"t1A BASESTONE� COMPACTED SUBMABE ." CBI TO BE FlE11D MERIFlED HOUSE PAVED SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY ROAD CL CG-2 SIDEWALK HOUSE 6' LANDSCAPE ISLAND C12 FRAME & COVER +• r,(ArPRE,Av r . 3; 4' MALE �1'E COUPIJN:: OR APPROVED EDUAL (SEE FIG. S—I—D,E) SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: / 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE w STREET SURFACE OR NON —PAVED AREA r' SOFT Co'PS ER FOR USE ON ATIACKED SINGLE FAMILY AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS INDICATED THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE _J Z SLOPED AREA RESIDENTIAL SERACES OR DUAL RESIDENTIAL Q ANI1 IRRIGATION SEPmcES , , LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2 HIGHER THAN THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED l TO THE MANHOLE. 1'—O" MAX 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHALL 3000 PSI CONC. BASE 0) BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE. BENCH SLOPED TO FLOW NOTE Ne sAEAT�• Flm4cS 2' — 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE 2% Q (1/4" PER FOOT) �1 CHANNEL 1/4" : 1' MIN RUBBER COATED STEEL 3-0 MIN ,UAL SERVICE R STEPS CAST IN PLACE 1• COMPRESSION .3/4• MALE COUPLING . 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 2' MIN PRECAST REINFORCED OR APPROVED EQUAL DIAMETER OF 4". CONCRETE SECTIONS 12 MIN "0" RING SEALS d 16" MAX I" TYPE p SCFTCOPPER 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3 FEET. „ 1 BRANCH MINIMUM ELEVATION � Qj I 12It J J as DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5" 4'-0" 5' Fr:R I.SE ON JETACMCo 14NUE FAMILY SALT FROM INLET TO OUTLET METE Is T rgc0c¢ENE AN IR''ICAn°" TREATED SHALL BE 0.20 FEET. 2 x 4 CONCRETE VARIES FINISHED GROUND2 MARKER DEPTH OF FLOW FILLETSNOS SINGLE SERVICE .I Q CHANNEL TO BE 3/4 DIAMETER OF 1) SADDLES SHALL kE !.'Z) ON PVC PIPE CONTRIBUTING -- '--%_— q UST IR04 UC SEWER. h • a . 12 ` _ FlJ31EO ORAOE ° A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH d NOTE: FLEXIBLE CONNECTION TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN LOLL A1NG METER WITH STAINLESS STEEL ALL CONNECTIONS TO INLET &OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. MIN. 6" BEDDING HALL eox VALVE h ONIET ° ' - BAND EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL NOTE W/ NO. 68 STONE 36• MIN ounEr' COPP EMSETIEA w BE CORED AND A FLEXIBLE " DEN- _QL LINc� Ds r' PLUG END OF CONNECTION BOOT 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE MAIN LINE SERVICE LATERAL o INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. SECTION 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON —EXTENDED BASES. —vLTE4 -• . ..,,,.; ., , n 45.0 0 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED &GROUTED Laaaaa4nu4 ;ruu r; ';;1 Y'Y = NECESSARY =J,• MANHOLE PLAN INSIDE AND OUT. tI. "'` MI.TYPICAL �•=`%`"1� i �� A' JIAYEIER RAIN 'F'E 12- SAIiO OR DUST UNDER-xr•;."fi •i'. TYPICAL C A L MANHOLE N H 0 L E SECTION C TI O N 90x AND SETTER (2-INCH ;; _••, ... rF•:::�=-t LONG STONE DOCKET. T �NM� TM« ) a �_-SPY r-> -:: c = �� �Ox N� �Y A�REUA,< -. .x:.�K`.Ss SHOWING BRANCH TIE — N SHOWING BRANCH TIE—IN TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION NTS N.T.S •• (5/8 & 1 METERS) IN LINE WYE—TEE FIG. S—I—B FIG. S—I—A PLAN NTS FIG. W-6A VARIES TD-27 TD-25 TD-10 R 1 ACSA: TYPICAL MH TIE IN PLAN VIEW 3 ACSA: TYP. MANHOLE SECTION BRANCH TIE-IN 5 ACSA: TYP. SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION C13 NOT TO SCALE C13 NOT TO SCALE C13 NOT TO SCALE N.T.S. FIG. S-2 SHIMP TD-33 PLACE 5' GALVANIZED ' •ITNESS " POST WITH GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL CAPPED ENDS PAINTED L E IN REMOTE APEA- AS DIRECTED. MARKER L 'TI 'J MAY BE EtT I '�' 7 ACSA: SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION ENGINEERING2. TO HIGHWAY DEPARTME.T APPROVAL NOTE MIN. 60" DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED, LANDPLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT C13 NOT TO SCALE qTEPFINISHED GRADE DROP MANHOLE Pvc (BOSS u 24" IN INITIAL BACKFILL ?4 IN 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 FMTH USE APPROVED FLEXIBLE RUBBER �' �" MIN MIN.MIN. MIN. CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM q Boor. 6" BEDDING "6" u * STABLE SOIL ROCK =1? iJ$TA9LE TRAFFIC h TEI' GASKETED e STOP COUPLING --LVE BOX W/ LID o — 27• * SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL �p..LT J DROP PIPE STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND Z PIPE STRAPS e e (STAINLESS STEEL) " THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF STONE. NOTE: HYDRANT MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES — SPACED EVERY 2' VERTICALLY #68 MLLE THREADS WHICH IS Z q q THE LOCAL STANDARD. O U 9 90' RESTRAINED BEND JU S P *C14� SEWER FLUENT ' ' INFLUENT FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER —CUT CONDITION LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES 6' MIN q ic. 183 (� A PIPE 2' TO 10' A 5(72 q". FOSS SEWER 18"-22" ENG TONAL PIPE 7 CU. FT. ALVE BOX -TE VAL` E 4' INITIAL BACKFILL 4 MI #68 STONE t PLAN UNSTABLE a° a" a" e" 7` PROFILE SOIL-, _ MIN. MIN. MIN MIN. #68 STONE ~� O GRANULAR FILL AS 0 , . ,, 6" GATE MIN, 6' BEDDING WITH NO, 68 STONE_ _ ,;r,•c;• ;... _j'-.. — _ APPROVED BY ACSA •:.:._;-;,.: 42"MIN �; �' ' .' . > VALVE _, .. ' � STABLE ,' ,,'' �, 'e" x s" ROAD PLAN 1. HEIGHT OF THE VERTICAL DROP PIPE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE ACSA, BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN TWO SOIL OR ROCIt� STABLE 501L OR ROCK �° 1� (2) FEET. �.: TEE WATER ! LI' E 2. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE SDR 26 P.V.C, SIZED THE SAME AS THE INCOMING PIPE AND CONNECTED TO r. 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE � �.': • - i.; PRpOFFIT ROAD OAD I THE DROP FITTING WITH STANDARD GASKET JOINT. NOTE BASE AND THRUST BLOCK AGAINST • ' '''�'• TOWNHOMES SOUTH 3. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE STRAPPED TO THE MANHOLE AT PIPE JOINTS. STRAPS SHALL BE MADE OF 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. UNDISTURBED STABLE STAINLESS STEEL. 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED SOIL. STEEL PILE .' 2500 P-S.I 4. SHAPE INVERT ASNEEDED TOPROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE POINT ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS TO SPRING LINE OF MANHOLE INVERT. 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN CONCRETE' a 2'x 2' BEARING AREA 4.NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, IN ADDITION ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA THRUST BLOCK —� d S. DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE FITTING SHALL BE ORIENTED AT 45 DEGREES, INTO THE FLOW. TO POURING CONCRETE, A STEEL PILE SHALL IN THE TRENCH. BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. SUBMISSION: 6. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 90 DEGREES FROM THE ACCESS STEPS. e a 7. MINIMUM 72" DIAMETER MANHOLE REQUIRED FOR ASINGLE 10" OR 12" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTION, OR 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. 2021 • ° ri TWO 8" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTIONS. .07.01 ° Q DUCTILE IRON WATER NOTE : REVISION: STANDARD INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION 1) 2021.09.07 PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. N.T.S. 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT 2 2021.09.21 ACSA ) [ ] NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE FIG. S-1—C2 NTS w—z 3.(FINISH FINISHED EC SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND FIG. VALVE Box. 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] TD-30 TD-2 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] TYPICAL v ATE VALVE 4 ACSA: INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION 6 ACSA: DIP INSTALLATION 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAIL ING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. IF 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] NTS REQUIRED TO BE IN WET AREASTHE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE , FIG. w-5 C13 NOT TO SCALE C13 NOT TO SCALE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. FILE NO. TD-9 18.041 TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL ACSA DETAILS 2 ACSA: GATE VALVE TYP. N.T.S. C13 NOT TO SCALE FIG. W-4 TD-8 8 ACSA: FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY C13 NOT TO SCALE C13_ v -3C TOP 525.77 100-YR WSE 524.68 10-YR WSE 523.27 WEIR TOP 523.40 4 ° ° a 2-YR WSE 521.23 C� 24x5.5" ORIFICE 1-YR WSE 520.86 INV. 520.90 d as 2.2" ORIFICE INV. 516.72 PROVIDE A TRASH RACK FOR THIS ORIFICE 1 WEIR WALL DETAIL C14 NOT TO SCALE GROUND ELEVATION 52 STONE TOP 525 CHAMBER ROW TOP 524 1.00' 18 1- COMPRESSION x 3/e MALE PIPE COUPLING OR APPROVED EQUAL NOTE: NO SWEATED FITTINGS DUAL SERVICE 1' TYPE 'K' SOFT COPPER SINGLE SERVICE NOTE: 1) SADDLES SHAH BE USED ON PVC PIPE MIN. 1/8 BEND COUPLING ps, TEE Nol ID FOR USE ON ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTAL SERVICES OR DUAL RESIDENTIAL AND IRRIGAnDN SERVICES. 0 �r R t• COMPRESSION x 3/c MALE PIPE COUPLING OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR USE ON DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESDENTAL SERVICE WHERE AN IRWGATON METER IS NOT PROVIDED. CAST IRON LID GRADE -CORPORATION STOPLl� SAND OR DUST UNDER4' BOX ANO SETTER (2-INOI MINIMUM THIOWESS) DIAMETER DRAIN PIPE. Ir i?'QS>.r;w.•..}� LONG STONE POCKET. VDOT _ „z=a;a:'i �p�';- •+:w �`. SPEC. 203. NO. 57 AGGREGATE TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION (5/8" & 1" METERS) NITS FIG. W-6A 2�)ACSA:5/8" & 1" WATER METER INSTALLATION C14 NOT TO SCALE 375 2 RESERVED 4G PARKING zD 1 4•• 6 •3875 3875 ' 1: AW- 75 , p12 R7-8 NO PARKING LEGEND- GREEN (RETROREFL), WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE (RETROREFL) R7.6a G 9NIAOMSSMICE MMIAtta&OIE A 8 C D 1 E F G N 1 x L Ix 8 3Ti A39 lb 15o b ID 17 GYA 1.8 IB 9 9i5 .49 xn xD 1 15D 2ffi3 4TN 15 BACKGROUND -WHITE (RETROREFL) *Reduce spacing 50%. PAWOIIGMN'ATgX DRECTapALAP➢LFATrW **Seepage&31. COLORS LEGEND -GREEN IROPIIRBi£CENn ORMAOX COLORS IEGBO -WHITE TITEIROERECINEI ftYMC/ID1RH1-WHRE IREItWRER£C1WE1 RN2:GRJIMD-BETE (RfIR�JICRECINEi ***Seepage 62 for arrow design. 3 HC PARKING SIGNAGE C14 NOT TO SCALE TRANSITION TO 0" HEIGHT 6" CURB CURB TRANSITION DETAIL 1 4 NOT TO SCALE ADS GEOSYNTHETIC 601T NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE T 18" ADS N-12 AROUND ALL STONE LAYERS INSPECTION PORT MANIFOLD UND ELEV. 528.05' 1.30' SIDNE TOP 525.80' #3 STONE e ISOLATOR ROW TOP 524.80 W 0 STUD ECH 1 OLATOR Rt MC-4 TYP. f-T TOR BOTTOM 519.8' ERDRAIN INV. 517.50' 5' #3 STO -CFFAMBER BOTTOM 519.5' 8.33' E BOTTOM 517.50' 24" SUMP 24" SUMP (4) 1• (25mm) Dw HOLES ON 32 3/4• (834mm) Ow "m) LETTERS BOLT*mm) o ED FLUSH) rKHO ESD1 1/2' Da: r- o 0 (W1 1 1 (2) CORED CKHCRS T DR BOBS 27 1/2' DA t 1/2' [ 99[38mm] m 2661/mma•] 3 [00mm] [667mm] 26' DIA 1 1/2• r 3Bmm] I- 24• Dw NEOP(I3m) CIA RENEmGASKET 1 1 [791mm] [BO6mm] O �za 7/1 s• DiA� s/e• [23• Dw [J22mm] [I6mm] 5B4mm] �T 36DR 25' DM N [914mm] [835mm] O.D. OF GASKET GROOVE FRAME SECTON SECTION 6 ACSA: MANHOLE FRAME & COVER C14 NOT TO SCALE FRAME & COVER SEE FIG. S-I-D, E STREET SURFACE OR NON -PAVED AREA SLOPED AREA 4,D ., 2-0 RUBBER COATED STEEL STEPS 1'-0� MAx CAST IN PLACE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTIONS WITH "0" RING SEALS OR APPROVED EQUAL S-O' MIN e .Q THE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE e DUCTILE IRON PIPE (CLASS 50) 5" BACKFILLED IN 6" LAYERS AND COMPACTED BY HAND TAMPERS OR 12 MIN BACKFILLED WITH SELF -COMPACTING 16" MAX STONE. 5" tl MINIMUM ELEVATION DIFFERENCE 12"MIN 12"MIN° ACROSS M.H. FROM INLET TO VARIE OUTLET SHALL BE 0.20 FEET . A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN INLET & OULET PIPE SHALL BE ' PROVIDED. . �' t? 12' � � 6: D " .D' D' 3/4 DIA OF LARGEST PIPE IN MANHOLE MIN. 6" BEDDING WITH NO. 68 STONE NOTES: 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AND SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. 2. THE CONSULTANT SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED INSIDE AND OUT. 4. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION SHALL BE GIVEN FOR ENTRANCE DESIGN ON SEWERS WITH STEEP SLOPES. TYPICAL MANHOLE WITH DROP CONNECTION NTS FIG. S-I-C TD-28 ACSA: EXTERNAL DROP 1 4 NOT TO SCALE I 4" 3,000 PSI CONCRETE 00000004" VDOT #21A BASESTON E0000000III IIII COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION NOT TO SCALE 1.5" OF SM-9.5A 2.5" OF BM-25 -6" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE - COMPACTED SUBGRADE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION 14 NOT TO SCALE 2" OF SM-9.5A SUPERPAVE 0000000000000000I 6" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE I 1 COMPACTED SUBGRADE TYPICAL DRIVEWAY, MULTIUSE PATH & EMERGENCY ACCESS SECTION 8"MIN EMBEDMENT SPRING LINE OF PIPE NO. 68 STONE "MIN 24' REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL LARGER THAN 5" IN ANY DIMENSION -INTIAL BACKFILL* (6" LIFTS) * THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY HAND OR APPROVED MECHANICAL TAMPER -HAUNCHING -BEDDING 6" max 4" min -FOUNDATION (SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN SOIL CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE %ALL PIPE) NOTE 1. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE BACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. 2. FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED' 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" BEDDING OF NO. 68 STONE TYPICAL SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH NTS FIG. S-3 11�)ACSA: SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION (TYP.) C14 NOT TO SCALE VARIES 4" DIAMETER BRANCH VALVE BOX AND VALVE M.J. PLUG VARIES i+ \ WATER MAIN `- RAINED EST T RESTRAINED JOINT FITTINGS ON-LINE (TYPE "B") VARIES THREADED COUPLING PVC SLEEVE BRASS NIPPLE AND PVC o CAP i LUBRICATE ALL THREADS THRUST BLOCK 'o METER BOX (SEE FIG. W-7) VALVE NO. 57 STONE M.J. FITTING 2" PIPE SLOPED TO DRAIN IF = GRADE ALLOWS VARIES VARIES 2" BRASS PIPE WATER MAIN AND VALVE 2" THREADED TAP ARE SAME SIZE PLUG DEAD END (TYPE "A") TYPICAL BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY NTS FIG. W-8 TD-19 12 )ACSA: BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY TYP C14 NOT TO SCALE Foce of Curb Invert Llne I r� I°I r r; R•!25'- - - -� Rolltop Curb t-aveawnt Rlbbon Curb Slope Rmatch ocent oadway ooadway Slope Ribbon Curb SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 00VNL.r n (DP r� !� �f o � UJU .S Pa IC. l t 5.5 2 s 22 1� O F "SZONAL IE ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO. SITE & ACSA DETAILS 5 MC-4500 DETAIL C14 NU I SHALL ROLL TOP CURB & RIBBON CURB NOT TO SCALE C14 Page 6H-48 September 2019 September 2019 Page 6H-49 Page 611-14 September 2019 Lane Closure Operation with Temporary Traffic Barrier' (Figure TTC-20.2) NOTES Guidance: 1. See Table 6H-5, page 6H-6, for recommended spacing of advance warning signs. 2. SHOULDER CLOSED (W21-5a) signs should be used on Limited -Access Highways where there is no opportunhyfor disabled vehicles to pull off the roadway (see Figure TTC-6). 3. When closing a lane, a PCMS should be used in advance of the first warning sign if all of the left side signs cannot be installed 2 4. If drivers cannot see a pull -off area beyond the closed shoulder, information regarding the length of the shoulder closure should be provided in feet or miles, as appropriate. 5. An emergency pulloffarea should be provided per Section 6G. 18 and Temporary Traffic Control Figure TTC-8. Standard: 6. On divided highways having a median wider than 8', right and left sign assemblies shall be required. 7. Group 2 channelizing device spacing shall beat the following: Group 2 Channelizing Device Spacing Location Spacing Speed Limit (mph) 0.35 36+ Location Spacing Speed Limit (mph)Location i Spac ng Speed Limit ra h ( p ) 0-35 36+ 0-35 36+ Transition 20' 40' Travelway 40' 80 Construction Access 80' 120' Construction access spacing may be increased to this distance, but shall not exceed one access per mile. 8. For taper lengths, see TTC-19.2 9. See Table 611-6 for barrier transition flare rate .2 When the barrier transition flare' is on a horizontal alignment, the total offset shall be prorated around the curve in lieu of a straight-line flare. 10. End treatment of a barrier in order of preference: a. Where guardrail exists, attach to barrier with appropriate fixed object attachment. b. Where cut slope exists, bury barrier into cut slope and provide for drainage as needed. c. Extend end of barrier until it is beyond the established clear zone (see Figure 2 on Page A-4 of Appendix A for clear zone values). d. When barrier end is inside the established clear zone, attenuator service Type I or Type H shall be used. Refer to L&D special design drawings. It. Barrier panels 8 inches in width and 12 inches in height shall be laced on to of the concrete barrier P g P P and spaced on 40' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 80' centers along the parallel or tangent sections. Reflectorized surface shall be fluorescent orange prismatic lens sheeting. The light at the beginningof the barrier run and at the breakpoint where the barrier 8 g P becomes parallel to the roadway shall be a Type B flashing light. Barrier delinators shall be spaced on 20' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 80' centers and centered' in- between the barrier panels slop the parallel or tangent sections approximately 24 inches u from P g P g PP Y P the roadway surface. Guidance: 12. Eradication of existing pavement markings should be as shown in Figure TTC-55. [ion: 13. The barrier shown in this typical application is an example of one method that may be used to close a shoulder and lane' on a long-term project. 14. Lone -tear transvere rumble strips may be installed to enhance the work zone see Chapter 6F. Section 6F, 99 paragraph 12 and 13 for installation guidance and spacing.' 1: Revision 1 - 4/112015 2: Revision 2 - 7/1/2018 Page 6H-54 September 2019 Typical Traffic Control Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers (Figure TTC-23. Nam Guidance: 1. Sign spacing distance should be 350'-500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less, and 500'-800' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph. 2. Care should be exercised when establishing the limits of the work zone to insure maximum possible sight distance in advance of the flagger station and transition, based on the posted speed limit and at least equal to or greater than the values in Table 6H-3. Generally speaking, motorists should have a clear line of sight from the graphic flagger symbol sign to the flogger. 3. To maintain efficient traffic flow in a flagging operation on a two-lane roadway, the maximum time motorists should be stopped at a flagger station is 8 minutes for high volume roadways (average daily traffic of 500 or more vehicles per day) to a maximum of 12 minutes for low volume roadways (less than 500 vehicles per day). For additional information see Section 6E.07.2 Standard: 4. Portable Temporary Ru ile Strips (PTRS) shall be used as noted in Section 6F.99. 5. Flagging stations shall be located far enough in advance of the work space to permit approaching traffic to reduce speed and/or stop before passing the work space and allow sufficient distance for departing traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching opposing traffic (see Table 6H-3 on Page 6H-5). 6. All flaggers shall be state certified and have their certification card in their possession when performing flagging duties (see Section 6E.01, Qualifications for Flaggers). 7. Cone spacing shall be based on the posted speed and the values in Table 6H4 on Page 6H-6.' 8. A shadow vehicle with at least one high intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating light shall be parked 80'-120' in advance of the first work crew. Option: 8. A SLOW (W21-V 10) sienz may be required in this area to give advance warning of the operation ahead by slowing approaching traffic affix prior to reaching the fagger station or queued traffic. Guidance: 9. If the queue of traffic reaches the BE PREPARED TO STOP (W34) sign then the signs, and if used the PTRS1 should be readjusted at greater distances. 10. When a highway -rail crossing exists within or upstream of the transition area and it is anticipated that queues resulting from the lane closure might extend through the highway -rail grade crossing, the temporary traffic control zone should be extended so that the transition area precedes the highway -rail crossing (see Figure TTC-56for additional information on highway -rail crossings). Standard: 11. At night, nagger stations shall be illuminated, except in emergencies (see Section 6E.08). Lion: 12. Cones may be eliminated when using a pilot vehicle operation or when the total roadway width is 20 feet or less. 13. For low -volume situations with short work zones on straight roadways where the flaaaer is visible to road Standard:' 14. When used', three portable temporary rumble (PTRS) strips shall be installed across the entire travel lane adjacent to the BE PREPARED TO STOP (W34) sign. The portable temporary rumble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as necessary during the work shift to ensure proper placement on the roadway. When the PTRS are installed, the RUMBLE STRIPS AHEAD (W20- V26) sign shall also be utilized. 1: Revision I-4/112015 2: Revision 2 - 9/1/2019 Lane Closure Operation with Temporary Traffic Barrier I (Figure TTC-20.2) O z } y 6-LINE BEGINNING AT ANGLE BREAK aW T OF BARRIER \\\ w> 8-LINE a \ SEE NOTES SEE NOTE 8 SEE NOTE 11 SEE NOTE Ii SEE - KEEP R4-V7L NOTE i LEFT SEE 1 flIGHT ONOTE UNE ~ CIOSED HUD SEE Rollo WORN AHEAD NOTE 1 1: Revision 1-4/112015 2: Revision 2 - 7/1/2018 September 2019 G20-2 IV) BARRIER PANELS SEE NOTE 11 -� BARRIER DELINEATOR SEE NOTE 11 TYPE B WARNING LIGHT SEE NOTE 11 BARRIER PANELS _ SEE NOTE 11 BARRIER DELINEATOR O SEE NOTE 11 300' O GROUP 2 CHANNELIZING MIN. DEVICES SEE NOTE 7 C� ERADICATE 0 20O'OFEXISTING //PAVEMENT MARKING O/ - GUARDRAIL SEE NOTE 11 a a �I ILLUMINATED FLASHING - AMBER ARROW TYPE C O SEE NOTE 3 I 0'�-SHOULDER TAPER 00 W4-2R OPTIONAL LONG-TERM TRANSVERSE RUMBLE STRIPS i uxE Exss SEE NOTE 14 NERGE W9-2L LEFT SR1 -3RifW9 ED HEAD ROAD i WORK W20-1 1 � � HEAD PCMS - SEE NOTE 3- [•] Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers (Figure TTC-23.2) OV3HV xtlOI �T avow Y3HY av08 3NY1 -9 4>----r d01S �.-T 03tlVAIIJ 38 G20-2 m i RDA. WORX (V) O � 500 + g'85'E'Z SBION 33S� NOLLV_LS H300VTH 0 © 50'-100, © BUFFER SEE TABLE 6H-3 PTRS SPACING (CENTER TO CENTER) POSTED/STATUTORY SPEED LIMIT S40 MPH LO FEET 41 -55 MPH 15 FEET > 55 MPH 20 FEET PTRS SEE NOTE 4 + DOG ROADWAY CENTER LINE PTRS SEE NOTE 4 & 14 1: Revision 1- 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 9/1/2019 t4�0 JL O ■ ■ 00 SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED BUFFER SEE TABLE 6H-3 50' - 100' FLAGGER STATION SEE NOTES 2, 3, 5 & 6 Typical Traffic Control Stationary Operation on a Shoulder (Figure TTC4.2) Standard 1. For long-term stationary work (more than 3 days) on divided highways having a median wider than 8', sign assemblies on both sides of the roadway shall be required as shown (ROAD WORK AHEAD (W20-1), RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED AHEAD (W21-511DR), RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED (W21-5aR)'), even though only one shoulder is being closed. For operations less than 3 days in duration, sign assemblies will only be required on the side where the shoulder is being closed. Guidance 2. Sign spacing should be 130W-1500' for Limited Access highways. For all other roadways, the sign spacing should be 500L800' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and 35W-500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less. lion: 3. The SHOULDER WORK (W21-5) sign on an intersecting roadway may be omitted where driver; emerging from that roadway will encounter another advance warning sign prior to this activity area. 4. For short duration operations of 60 minutes or less, all signs and channelizing devices may be eliminated if a vehicle with activated high -intensity amber rotating flashing, or' oscillating lights is used. Standard: 5. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the vehicle's high -intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating lights. Vehicle hazard warning signals can be used to supplement high -intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating, lights. 6. Taper length (L) shall be at the following: Tape Length L Speed Limit (mph) Lane with Feet Remarks Speed Limit (mph) Lane Width Feet Remarks 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 25 95 105 115 125 L=STAv/60 50 450 500 550 600 L=SW 30 135 150 165 180 L=s2w/60 55 495 550 605 660 L= SW 35 185 205 1 225 245 L=Ssn//60 60 540 600 660 720 L=SW 40 240 270 1 295 320 L=S"160 65 585 650 1 715 1 780 L=SW 45 405 450 I 495 540 L=SW 70 630 700 1 770 1 840 L=SW Limited Access highways shall use a 1000' merging taper regardless of the posted speed, for shifting taper see Table 6H.22 Shoulder Taper = % L Minimum 7. Channelizing device spacinE shall be at the following: Channelizing Device Spacing Location Spacing Speed Limit ra h(mph ( P Location Spacing Speed Limit ( P) Location Spacing P 9 Speed Limit (mph 1 P ) 0 -35 316. 0 -35 38 + D -35 36 + Transition 1 20' 1 40' Travelwa 40' 1 80' 11 `Construction Access 1 80' 1 120' •Construction access spacing may be increased to this distance, but shall not exceed one access per '/. mile. 8. On roadways with paved shoulders having a width of 8 feet or more, channelizing devices shall be used to close the shoulder in advance of the merging taper to direct vehicular traffic to remain within the traveled way. 9. The buffer space length shall be as shown in Table 611-3 on Page 6H-5 for the posted speed limit. 10. A truck -mounted attenuator (TMA) shall be used on the shadow vehicle on Limited Access highways and multi -lane roadways with posted speed limit equal to or greater than 45 mph for operations with a duration greater than 60 minutes. 11. When a side road intersects the highway within the temporary traffic control zone, additional traffic control devices shall be placed as needed. 1: Revision 1- 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 9/1/2019 Page 611-55 ane an �> �- 75 MPH I DE� E, ucE- UGE S�PP / P C �Q D A . W20-7 W3-4 MNOTE 10 W20-V26 SEE NOTE 15 W20-4 D 1 TRUCK AUTO -TURN C15 SCALE: 1"=20' September 2019 Page 6H-15 Stationary Operation on a Shoulder (Figure TTC4.2) G20-2 (V) s0o' ± 80'- 120' SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED TMA REQUIREMENT SEE NOTE 10 0 ILLUMINATED FLASHING AMBER (CAUTION MODE) o SEE NOTE 9 TYPE B OR C O 0 0 O SEE NOTE 6 ® CHANNELIZING DEVICES SPACING SEE NOTE 7 SEE NOTE 2 RIGHT sxOutD i 1 1 W27-5aR CLOSED SEE NOTE 2 RIGNi RIDHT SHOULDER SHOULDER CLOSED �i CLOSED W21-5bR AHEAD AHEAD SEE NOTE 2 ROAD ROAD WORK �i WORK W20-1 HEAD , AHEAD 1: Revision I - 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 9/1/2019 SO I WIN _ r I ® PER` 4 -41 a �7 / 0 0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE FeDepartment of Community Development Construction Record Drawings (As -built) for Streets The following is a list of information required on as -built road drawings. It is preferable that the construction record drawing be prepared by someone other than the designer. Please do not provide design drawings as construction record drawings. A. A signed and dated professional seal of the preparing engineer or surveyor. B. The name and address of the firm and individual preparing the drawings on the title sheet. C. The constructed location of all items associated with the road construction must be shown. The items include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Horizontal Alignment - Show and label measurement points, and an interpreted line between measurements. Show the as -built centerline over the design centerline. Distinguish between the design and as -built by labels and line type. Measurements shall be at frequent enough intervals to accurately portray the as -built centerline, and the position of the roadway within the right-of-way or easement. Any portions outside the right-of-way or easement must be corrected by plat or construction. 2. Vertical Alignment - Show and label measurement points, and an interpreted line between measurements. Show the as -built centerline over the design centerline. Distinguish between them by labels and line type. Write the constructed vertical elevations and compare to the design elevations where necessary. Measurements shall be at frequent enough intervals to accurately portray the as - built centerline. For alignments which deviate significantly from the design, provide curvature and sight -distances. Corrections may be required for alterations from the design alignment. 3. Edge of Pavement - Display the constructed edges of pavement and width measurements at every station, or more frequently if necessary to accurately portray the as -built edges. Show the as -built edges over the design edges for comparison. Show and label constructed edge of pavement radii for all intersections and cul-de-sacs. Edges for sidewalk, as well as ramps and curb cuts must be included. 4. Culverts, Pipes and Drainage Structures - Display the installed type of drainage structure, culvert/pipe size, material, inlets or end treatment(s), inlet and outlet protection, alignment and invert elevations compared to design. Computations: For slopes flatter than design, or inverts shallower than design, provide computations verifying design standards. 5. Ditch Lines - Display the constructed location of all ditch lines, including typical section, direction of flow, and linings. 6. Drainage Easements - Show all platted easements with dead book references labeled. Drainage must be within platted right-of-way or drainage easements. Provide copies of recorded documents. 7. Guardrail - Display the constructed location of guardrail, including the guardrail type, length and applied end treatments, compared to design. 8. Right of way and associated easements - Label deed book and page numbers for all dedicated right-of-ways, sight easements, slope easements, etc., and provide copies of recorded documents. 9. Pavement Designs - Label the as -built pavement and base layers. Indicate the measured pavement thicknesses based on inspections or cores as referenced and included. Inspection reports are required for fill compaction, CBR's, and pavement applications. 10. Street Trees - Provide design and as -built locations and species. Compare to design. 11. Signs - Show all installed signs and pavement markings. Include any pedestals or other features. Maintenace of Traffic: TTC 20.2 & 23.2 to be used during entrance installation. TTC 4.2 to be used for multi -use path installation. SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM IC. l t 63 2 s Z2 4;� o F�`S'SIONAL ENG ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO. • MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC & AUTO -TURN EXHIBIT C15 ISHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineeripg July 1, 2021 Adam Moore Virginia DepartmenL*Ti naportation 701 Vdot Way Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 SUB2021tpO8Proffit Road Townhomes South -Road Plan Tarn4a6e Warrant Analysis Dear Mr. Moore, Please find attached a warrant analysis for Proffit Road Townhomes South. The final site plan propeses . -- the development of 40 townhome units on Proffit Road, between Pritchett Lane and U.S. Route 2C The following items are included with this report: • VDOT 2019 Traffic Data I-TE Trip Generation �`Ummary • Warrant Analysis Exhibits Please note that this analysis includes new trips generated by Proffit Road Townho es (North (SpPZ020- 28). The—mached analysis shows that a right nor left turn lane is warranted with ttli development❑h If you have any questions, you may contact me at justigja[shimp-ene neen`ne.eom or by pline at 434- 953-6116. Regards, Justin Shimp Shimp Engineering, P.C. JUS M..�HIMP N 45183 �o l'I�21 w4 ��SSjOIVAL ti�� 1119ig St. Zvi o 90 1434.2275140 I shimp engineering com 1. VDOT 2019 Traffic Data The following table provides VDOT 2019 traffic data on the 0.54-mile segment from Pritchett Lane to U.S. Route 29. The speed limit on this portion of Proffit Road is 35-mph. For further accuracy, estimated trips generated by the maximum 80-unit townhome development immediately north of the property, Proffit Road Townhomes North (SDP2020-28) has been added to the 2019 AADT and accounted for in this wan -ant analysis. Proffit Road 2-lane highway 0.54-mile segment 35-m h AADT 2019 8000 ITE Trip Generation Daily Total SDP2020-28 564 AADT(Total) 8564 K 0.11 D 0.543 Peak Hour Total 942 Peak Hour Direction A 512 Peak Hour Direction B 430 2. ITE Trip Generation Summary ITE Code Independent Variable AM PM Daily Total In Out Total In Out Total Low -Rise 220 40 Units 5 IS 20 16 10 26 262 Multifamil With 40 units proposed, there could be up to 5 trips occurring in the morning peak hour and 16 trips occurring in the evening peak hour. Based on the directional factor given by the VDOT 2019 AADT, G right and left turns are likely evenly split in the eastern and western direction. Based on the data - above, potential turning movements are highest in the evening, with 8 right turns and 8 left turns into the property. The evening scenario was analyzed, when the highest number of turns would occur. Turns In Advancing Opposing % of Left Turns Morning Right 3 433 - - Morning Left 3 514 433 0.5% Evening Right 8 520 - - Evening Left 8 439 520 2% 3. Warrant Analysis Exhibits Given the existing background traffic, including Proffit Road Townhomes North, and the new trips generated by Proffit Road Townhomes South, right and left turn lanes are not wan -anted with this development. WARRANT FOR LEFT -TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO-LANE HIGHWAY 800 —- - - n L , L 11 1 n,. •7 L 4n I\... .p. w 600 r ru I T 500 400 LL . .. d No♦Left Turn Lane Required . `x :. : . .. : ..:. 100 _......._................._................ .{ o I 0 200 400 600 800 1000 VA ADVANCING VOLUME (VPH) FIGURE 3-4 WARRANT FOR LEFT TURN STORAGE LANES ON TWO LANE! HIGHWAY /.PER REOUIRm '. l PHV MPrgACH TOTAL VEHICLES life HOUR FIGURE 3.2E WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (2-LANE HIGHWAY) Appropriate Radius required at all Intersects s and Entrances (Gommerc l or Private). —_—.- LEGEND 'I, PIN- Prwk Hour Volume (also Design Houdy Volume equivalent) A4lustment for Rloht Turns For posted speeds at or under 45 mph. PHV right tums 140, and PHV total < 300- Adjusted right lums = PHV Right Turns - 20 K PHV is not known use formula: PHV = ADT x K x D K = the percent of AADT ocaanng in the peak hour D = the percent of UaNc in she Peak daeC of flow Note: An average of 11% for K x D will suffice. When rill turn faaldes are warranted. see Fcuse 3.1 Is design weans Rev 1115 SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 00V��p�L.I n � r f15 _f o � UJU .S Pa IC. l t G.5 2 s Z2 �ci�o o F�`S'SIONAL ENG ROAD PLAN PROFFIT ROAD TOWNHOMES SOUTH ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2021.07.01 REVISION: 1) 2021.09.07 2) 2021.09.21 [ACSA] 3) 2022.01.14 [ENGINEERING] 4) 2022.02.15 [ENGINEERING] 5) 2022.02.25 [ENGINEERING] FILE NO. 18.041 TURN LANE WARRANT ANALYSIS C16