HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201100042 Application 2011-07-06 ?�z Albemarle Cou Community Development Department ! 401 Mire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 -� " Planning Application Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126 PARCEL/ OWNER INFORMATION TMP 07800-00-00-01581 Owner(s): Application # WP020130 W- 2rcc "1°`{e 16"i PROPERTY INFORMATION �r Legal Description ACREAGE PARCEL M Magisterial Dist. Unassigned Land Use Primary Open Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Unassigned APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address Entered By Todd Shifflett Application Type Water Protection Ordinances 08/20/2013 Project Crown BMW Retail Parts&Service Building Received Date 08/16/13 Received Date Final Submittal Date Total Fees 180 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 180 Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type j Sub Applicati Comment Erosion and Sediment Control Nan 'APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType I Name I Address CityState I Zip j Phone PhoneCell Primary Contact I CHARLES GARCIA 209 WEST STONE AVENUE ;. IGREENVILLE,SC 129609 ,646723430. General Contractor MORLANDO CONSTRUCTION, LLC 4 8604 CUFF CAMERON DRIVE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 7045475058 Plan Preparer FREELAND AND KAUFFMAN,INC. 209 WEST STONE AVENUE GREENVILLE, SC 29609 8646723430 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Ajf"j?iication for Review of ` "� ' ;{F Erosion & Sediment Control Plan & Stormwater Management/BMP Plan & ` Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan ® Erosion & Sediment Control Plan ❑ Stormwater Management/BMP Plan ❑ Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan CZ E&S Plan Amendment ❑ SWM Plan Amendment (Previous Plan#WPO201100042) (Previous Plan# ) ❑ E&S Plan with Variance ❑ Request for Exception #of Variances ❑ SWM Plan Resubmittal ❑ E&S Plan Resubmittal WPO Application# WPO Application# Submit 2 copies each of applicable plans/narrative/computations *When a WPO plan is reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Project Name: Crown BMW Retail Parts& Service Building Tax map and parcel: 07800(015B1, 015B0 &01500) zoning:Highway Commercial Amount of Land Disturbance: 2.8 Acres Location of property(landmarks,intersections,or other): At the intersection of Richmond Rd (Rt 250) and Pantops Park Drive Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Charles Garcia Address 209 West Stone Avenue City Greenville State SC Zip 29609 Daytime Phone(864)672-3430 Fax#(864)233-8915 E-mail cgarciac fk-inc.com Owner of Record Baumgardner, Ricky Lee or Donna G Address 1252 Still Meadow Avenue City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22901 Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail Contractor Morlando Construction, LLC Address 8604 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 155 City Charlotte State NC Zip 28269 Daytime Phone(704)547-5058 Fax#(704)547-6217 E-mail dmorlando @morlandoconstruction.com Plan Preparer Freeland and Kauffman, Inc. Address 209 West Stone Avenue City Greenville State SC Zip 29609 Daytime Phone(864)-672-3430 Fax#(864)233-8915 E-mail cgarciaAfk-inc.com Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign By signing this application as owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of the approved Erosion Control Plan,Stormwater Management/BMP Plan,and/or Mitigation Plan will be complied with and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and developme the subject pro I erty. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure compli. a ro :n. e. x/13 Signature t f Owne Contract Purchaser Date q -aro.. "ow, . ,.�►-C k r"-‘ —7 7 0 - 1 ' ��,D Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR OFFICE �/USE ONLY WPO# , - 4,, Fee Amount S itC Date Paid' -13 By who? Receipt#(tan Ck# A,I, By: r 4 ` x3 Revised November 14,2011 Page 1 of 3 • *aro Nay' EROSION CONTROL PLAN: (SUBMIT 2 COPIES) Land disturbing activity pertaining to single family dwelling unit: 1. Plan Review $150 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 2 Permit and First Year Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 3. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 4. Each reinspection $150 (REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) Land disturbing activity pertaining to non-exempt agricultural land: 5. Plan Review $150 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 6. Permit and First Year Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 7. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees $150 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 8. Each reinspection $150 (REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) All other land disturbing activity: 9. Plan Review, Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre $150 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 10. Permit and First Year Inspection Fees,Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre $200 (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 11. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees, Disturbed Area Less Than One Acre $200 (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 12. Plan Review, Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger $300 per review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 13. Permit and First Year Inspection Fees, Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger $100/per disturbed acre (TO BE PAID PRIOR TO SCHEDULING PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE FOR EROSION CONTROL PERMIT) 14. Annual Permit Renewal and Inspection Fees, Disturbed Area One Acre or Larger $100/per disturbed acre (TO BE PAID ANNUALLY,STARTING WITH SECOND YEAR,UNTIL COMPLETION OF APPROVED PLAN REQUIREMENTS) 15. Each reinspection $250 (RE INSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) 16. Amendment to Approved Plan $180/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 17. Variances $150/per request (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 18. SUBTOTAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN $ $180 Revised November 14,2011 Page 2 of 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT/BMP PLAN & MITIGATION PLAN: (SUBMIT 2 COPIES) 19. Stormwater Management/BMP Plan. $300/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 20. Major Amendment of Plan $180/per plan review (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION AND EACH SUBMITTAL THEREAFTER UNTIL APPROVAL) 21. Request for exception $240 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 22. Request for development in a stream buffer or for reduction or modification of stream buffer and mitigation plan(if not part of another document)—Single family dwelling unit or accessory structure $85 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 23. Each inspection or reinspection $60 (INSPECTION/REINSPECTION FEES ARE INVOICED TO THE LANDOWNER) 24. Mitigation Plan $150 (TO BE PAID AT TIME OF APPLICATION) 25. SUBTOTAL SWM/BMP PLAN $ $0 TOTAL APPLICATION FEE: (Add lines 18 and 25) $ $180 THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REINSPECTION AND/OR ANNUAL RENEWAL FEES WHICH MAY BE CHARGED TO THIS PROJECT. Revised November 14,2011 Page 3 of 3 , FREELAND and IUFFMAN, INC. ` ENGINEERS • LANDSCAPE ARaIJTECT5 August 14, 2013 To: County of Albemarle Attn.: Glen Brooks 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5822 From: Charles A. Garica Re: Crown BMW — Erosion Control Plan Revisions Charlottesville, VA Glen, Enclosed is the application for review of the revised Erosion and Sediment Control Plans for Crown BMW at 1295 Richmond Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911 . Attached are the following documents: -1 Completed Application -2 Copies of revised erosion control plan sheets -1 Check made out to Albemarle County for$180.00 If you have any questions or need anymore information, feel free to give me a call at 864-672-3430 or e-mail me at cgarcia @fk-inc.com Thanks Charles Garcia 209 West Stone Avenue•Greenville,South Carolina 29609•Telephone 864-233-5497•Fax 864-233-8915 ORIGINAL-White DUPLICATE-Canary County of Albemarle 92312 TRIPLICATE-Pink Department of Community Development Telephone(434)296-5832 Dat: i C4 / , RECEIVED FRAM: i/ AMOUNT: / �� /'i $ I /i 307 308 324 510 Va/9 or: fJ/// cash off ii / r cre t and lLa� *Naer ‘,44001 , RF1 2,P--0 :-.:". AW..3 1 h iJ 4: Albemarle Coltinty Communit y Develo p ment Department ? 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 Planning Application Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax: (434)972-4126 v;oe PARCEL/ OWNER INFORMATION TMP 07800-00-00-015B1 Owner(s): Application # WP0201100042 BAUMGARDNER, RICKEY LEE OR DONNA G PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACREAGE PARCEL M Magisterial Dist. Rivanna Land Use Primary Open Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Highway Commercial APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address Entered By Judy Martin Application Type Water Protection Ordinances 107/06/2011 Project Crown BMW Retail Parts &Service Building Received Date 07/05/11 Received Date Final Submittal Date 07/05/11 Total Fees 600 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 600 Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Applicati Comment Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Stormwater Management/BMP Plan (APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType I Name [ Address j CityState I Zip Phone PhoneCell Owner/Applicant" BAUMGARDNER,RICKEY LEE OR DONNA 1252 STILL MEADOW'AVE CHARLOTrESVILL 225,Q1-62 Primary Contact ANKITA KOT 209 WEST STONE AVENUE GREENVILLE, SC ;29609 8646723433 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Application for Review of Erosion &Sediment Control Plan & Stormwater 104'1\ 1Vbnagement/BMP Plan & Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan ® Erosion&Sediment Control Plan E Stormwater Management/BMP Plan ❑ Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan ❑ E&S Plan Amendment IJ SWM Plan Amendment (Previous Plan# ) (Previous Plan# ) ❑ E&S Plan with Variance ❑Request for Exception #of Variances ❑ SWM Plan Resubmittal ❑ E&S Plan Resubmittal WPO Application# WPO Application# Submit 2 copies each of applicable plans/narrative/computations project Name:_Crown BMW Retail Parts&Service Building Tax Wrap and parcel:_07800(015B1,01580&01500) _Zoning:_Fighway Corrrnercial Amount of Land Disturbance: 2.8 Acres Location of property(landrn<uks,intersections,or other):_At the irrtersedion of Richmond Rd(Rt 250)and p E,cs :1 r' ' 1,1 a r•P Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Ankita Kot Address 209 West Stone Avenue City Greenville State SC Zip_29609 Daytime Phone(864 I 672-3433 Fax#(864)_233-8915 )-mail_akot cr,k inc.00m Owner of Record Baumgardner,Ricky tee or Donna G. q.. / w ) L-4,7 t- +✓ Address 1252 Still P Still Maadow Avenue City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22901 Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail Contractor Unknown Address City State Zip Daytirre Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail Plan Preparer Freeland and Kauffman, Inc. Address_209 VVbst Stone Avenue City Greenville State_SC Zip_29609 Daytime Phone(8 6 4 6 7 2-3430 Fax#(864 233-8915 E-mailcgarcia@fk-inc.com Owner/Applicant 1Vkist Read and Sign By signing this application as owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of the approved Erosion Control Plan,Storn water . • tBMP Plan,and/or Mitigation Plan will be complied with and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and devel�rt1 • on i e subject property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure on '. • the approved plan. Signature of Owner,Contract Purchaser Date L�LCt fl t:' X416011 s 53G- 7 0953 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR OFFICE USE ONLY WPO# Fee Amount •W Date Paid'f-5.1) By who? 11 l Receipt# C1'451101 GlOttp Revised September I ,2008 Page 1 of 3 FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INC. EMGR EERS •LANDSCAPE ARCI TECTS Date: June 30, 2011 To: Phil Custer From: Ankita Kot Re: Crown BMW Retail Parts and Service Building (Charlottesville, VA) Attached please find 2 sets of plans, 2 copies of stormwater management report, application for review of E&S and Stormwater management plan and check of$600.0 payable to"County of Albemarle"for the above referenced project. Please call me with any questions at 864-672- 3433 or via e-mail akot @fk-inc.com. Thank you. 209 West Stone Avenue•Greenville,South Carolina 29609•Telephone 864-233-5497•Fax 864-233-8915