HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202200138 Review Comments Rural Division Plat 2022-10-05Syd Shoaf CSenior Planner, Planning County of Albemarle sshoaf@albemarle.org _ Community Development Department - Department Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3902 Memorandum To: Gwen Lacy, gwen(a@raysurveying.com Date: October 5, 2022 Re: SUB202200138 TMP 04000-00-00-03900 Nag's Head Farm LLC Rural Subdivision Plat - Review Comments The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. [14-316] VDOT approval is required prior to final plat approval. VDOT's review is pending. Please contact Syd Shoaf in the Planning Division by using sshoaf(c)albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext.3902 for further information. Comments from Other Reviewers: Community Development Department Engineering - Matthew Wentland, mwentland@albemarle.org - No objections. Virginia Department of Health (VDH) - Travis Davis, travis.davis@vdh.virginia.gov - Approved. See attached. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) - John Wilson, iohn.c.wilson(a)vdot.viriginia.gov - Review pending. WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 N APPROVED il�)�I �I(�)V1\ I'lf.l Ills/ Aff"(i A •1 In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Phone (434) 972-6200 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Fax (434)972-4310 September 20, 2022 Syd Sheaf County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 ALBEMARLE- CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY (PALMYRA GREENE COUNTY (STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY (LOUISA) NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON) RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for Individual Onsite Sewage Systems as part of a division of Tax Map 41-39 located in Albemarle County, Virginia (SUB202200138). Dear Mr. Sheaf: On September 14, 2022, the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of Health (via the Albemarle County Health Department) review the proposed subdivision plat identified above. This letter is to inform you that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved for individual Onsite Sewage Systems in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, and local ordinances. This request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of § 32.1-163.5 of the Code of Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for residential development. This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's Regulations by: Stephen Gooch OSE #1940001284. This subdivision approval is issued in reliance upon that certification. Pursuant to § 360 of the Regulations this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System Construction Permits will be issued for any lot in the subdivision identified above unless that lot is specifically identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system, and unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the time of this approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage systems. This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances. Sincerely, J-1 JCk—, Travis T. Davis, OSE Environmental Health Specialist, Sr. Soils Study for Drain Field Sites Rural Subdivision of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County SUB2022O0138 Prepared for: Nags Head Farm LLC 672 Nags Head Farm Crozet, VA 22932 Prepared by: Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist, Inc. 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 August 19, 2022 Page 1 of 5 OSE/PE Report for: Construction Permit 0 Certification Letter F1 Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: 672 Nags Head Farm City: Lot A Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 40-39 Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Nags Head Farm LLC Street: 672 Nags Head Farm City: Crozet State VA Zip Code 22932 Prepared by: OSE Name Steve Gooch Address 703 Oliver Creek Road License # 1940001284 City Troy PE Name: Address State VA Zip Code 22974 License # City State Zip Code Date of Report 8119/22 Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc.) OSE Cover Page Soil Profile Sheet Soil Information Summary Sheet Abbreviated Design Form Plat Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Deparhnent of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of eneineerinQ, specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.11 I recommend that a (select one): nstruction permit certification letter subdivision approval ✓❑ be (select one) issuedZ denied U . OSE/PE Signature 4Ta-e- Date 5//'-1/Zz-, Soil Profile �)u')L Parcel A A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group 1 0-9 Ap Brown (7.5YR 4/4) loam, friable 2 9-41 Bt Red (2.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam, firm 3 41-67 Cl Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) sandy clay loam, friable 2 67-84 C2 Light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4), very pale brown 2 (IOYR 7/4) sandy loam, friable 2 0-10 Ap Dark gray (IOYR 4/1) loam, friable 2 10-31 Bt Reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) silty clay loam, firrn 3 31-47 CI Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) sandy clay loam, friable 2 47-84 C2 Reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) sandy clay loam, friable 2 3 0-12 Ap Dark gray (10YR 4/1) loam, friable 2 12-34 Bt Reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) silty clay loam, fine 3 34-60 CBt Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) sandy clav loam, seams of red 3 (I OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 60-84 C Very pale brown (01YR 7/4) sandy loam, friable, 25% 2 weathered granite fragments, friable 4 0-6 Ap Dark gray (10YR 4/1) loam, friable 2 6-14 AB Brown (7.5YR 4/4) loam, friable 2 14-37 Bt Red (2.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam, firm 3 37-84 CBt Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) sandy clay loam, friable 2 5 0-10 Ap Dark gray (IOYR 4/1) loam, friable 2 10-37 Bt Reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) silty clay loam, firm 3 37-62 CBt Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) sandy clay loam, seams of red 3 (I OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 62-84 C Reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) sandy clay loam, friable 2 Page' of Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 8/19/22 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant Nags Head Farm LLC Telephone Number (434) 361-1613 Address 672 Nags Head Farm Crozet, VA 22932 Owner Same _ Address Same Location 672 Nags Head Farm Tax Map 40-39 Subdivision Block/Section Lot Parcel A SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? rX— Yes r No Describe shoulder 2. Slope 8 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. Min. None x 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) Ix No r Yes inches 5. Free water present Ix No r Yes range in inches- 6. Soil percolation rate estimated Ix Yes Texture group 1 II III IV r No Estimated rate _ 65 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed r Yes r No If yes, note type of test performed and attach Site Approved: Drainfield to be placed at 48" depth at site designated on permit. r Site Disapproved: Reasons for rejection: 1 Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2• r Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. r Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. r Rates of absorption too slow. 5. r Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. (— Proposed system too close to well. 7 r Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) p4, q' Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution (LPD) sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the B primary and reserve area, ❑ only the primary area, ❑ only the reserve area (check one) for Parcel A — A Division of Tax Man 40-39 Design Basis Total length of available area: 100' Total width of available area: 160' Estimated Pere. Rate: 65 at 48" in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): 5 Conveyance Method : Gravity Distribution method 2 (specify). 3c Effluent quality required: Primary (Primary, Secondary, Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 496 Total trench bottom area required: 4960 Area Calculations Number of trenches 18 Width of trenches: 3' Reserve required? Yes Total width of absorption area required 156' Length of trenches: 100' Center to center spacing: 9' Percent reserve area required: 100 Total trench bottom area provided: 5400 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is required. Page _ of AOSE Form E Revised July 18, 2007 l�a5c S' up< RADIUS I ARC TANGENT CHORD I CHORD BEARING T.M,40-256 MOUNT JULIET FARM LLC D.B.3042-362 11 R 1AV7-d90 f Aln DI AT ._ 326.631 247.46 130-011 241.58 N35-45.43"E 809.67 16 .001 81.771 162.72 N63'!3'58'E GRAPHIC SCALE 1"-100' 100 200 300 STATE ROUTE 81.0 3 UTILITY LINE G2� PEDESTAL / 'ARM LLC / / P 362 748 PLAT STAKE TP / STAKE °--- I / 1 / o. / l 9yF T t t 90 moo. 1/ t 14 00 • Gam✓ '40'06"W 3,85' N36'13'32"W 108.86' T.M.40-3883 PARCEL C1 E 0. MCGAHREN, III HERINE I.MCGAHREN 0.8.4429-275 568-438 & 439 PLAT ��J . Sg�r' • �� pJ �'y, � Sr 90 J WHITE HALL ROAD E r r r (30'PRESCRIPTIVE EASEMENT) Op'�6� r r N6 ,ea At r rrr rr r r _ �11Z1'1 WELL AREA (PERMIT 101-22-0270) sTIKE �� i PNOP0SE0 i 0 IRLD o wST* AREA POTENTIAL HOUSE SITE STAKE 4 PROPOSED DRAIN FIELD (PRIMARV AND RESERVE) PARCEL A 8.64 ACRES 3caie I Ivu - Soil Frohle Hole House„ Well and Dra n Field Sites Parcel A A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County. VA Steve Gooch Consultin; 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 i73.22' ;'5 r r IS' GE r r �, m nil n cn ao v N O !n GA 50.08 I X T.M.40-39 ' (133.92+/- ACRES) NAGS HEAD FARM,LLC 0.8.4990-225 D.B.1102-551 & 552 PLAT RESIDUE- 119.05+/- ACRES (BYDEDUCTION FROM ACREAGE) TAD Page 1 of 8 OSE/PE Report for: Construction Permit FI Certification Letter EJ Subdivision Approval W1 Property Location: 911 Address: 672 Nags Head Farm City: Lot B Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 40-39 Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Nags Head Farm LLC Street: 672 Nags Head Farm City: Crozet State VA Zip Code 22932 Prepared by: OSE Name Steve Gooch Address 703 Oliver Creek Road License # 1940001284 City Troy PE Name: Address State VA Zip Code 22974 License # City State Zip Code Date of Report 8/19/22 Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc.) OSE Cover Paae Soil Profile Sheets Soil Information Summary Sheets Abbreviated Design Forms Plat Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. ElThe work attached to this cover pace has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54,1-402.11 I recommend that a (select one): nstruction permit certification letter subdivision approval �✓ be (select one) issued denied U. OSE/PE Signature %% f Q,,AP-- jj� Date (9/zz Soil Profile Primary Drain Field Parcel B A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description (in.) 6 0-8 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 8-20 EBt Reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 20-35 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 35-84 CBt Yellow (1 OYR 7/8) silt loam, friable, w/seams of red (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam Soil Texture Group 7 0-8 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 8-22 EBt Strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) clay loam, friable 3 2240 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 40-64 Bt2 Red (2.5YR 5/6) sandy clay loam, friable 2 64-84 C Very pale brown (10YR 8/3) silt loam, friable 3 8 0-10 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 10-35 Bt Red (2.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam, firm 3 35-65 Bt2 Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 65-84 C Reddish brown (5YR 5/4), yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/8), 2 sandy clay loam, friable 9 0-9 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 9-29 Bt Red (2.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam, firm 3 29-43 Bt2 Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 43-84 C Reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) sandy loam, friable 2 10 0-9 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 9-48 Bt Reddish brown (5YR 5/4), red (2.5YR 5/8) clay, firm 4 48-60 Bt2 Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 60-84 C Yellow (1 OYR 7/8) sandy loam, friable 2 11 0-10 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 10-42 Bt Red (2.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam, firm 3 42-60 Bt2 Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) clay loam, friable 2 60-84 C2 Light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) sandy loam, friable 2 Page -� of Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 8/19/22 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant Nags Head Farm LLC Telephone Number (434) 361-1613 Address 672 Nags Head Farm Crozet, VA 22932 Owner Same _ Address Same Location 672 Nags Head Farm Tax Map 40-39 Subdivision Block/Section Lot Parcel B SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY- Pn D 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? Fx- Yes F- No Describe shoulder 2. Slope 4 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. Min. None x 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) fX No I Yes inches 5. Free water present IX No i- Yes range in inches_ 6. Soil percolation rater estimated FX- Yes Texture group I II III IV F- No Estimated rate _ 75 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed r Yes r No If yes, note type of test performed and attach r Site Approved: Drainfeld to be placed at 60" depth at site designated on permit. r Site Disapproved: Reasons for rejection: 1. F- Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2 i- Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. r Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. r Rates of absorption too slow. 5. i- Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. i- Proposed system too close to well. 7. r- Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) 6 Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution (LPD) sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the O primary and reserve area, Bonly the primary area, O only the reserve area (check one) for Parcel B — A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Design Basis Total length of available area: 100' Total width of available area: 115' Estimated Perc. Rate: 75 at 60" in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): 5 Conveyance Method 1 : Pump Distribution method z(specify): Pump_ Dispersal system basis cTable 5.4 LGMI required? No (Yes/No) Effluent quality required: Primary (Primary, Secondary, Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 596 Total trench bottom area required: 2980 Area Calculations Number of trenches 10 Width of trenches: 3' Reserve required? Yes Total width of absorption area required 84' Length of trenches: 100' Center to center spacing: 9' Percent reserve area required: 100 Total trench bottom area provided: _3000 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding I trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is required. Page _ of AOSE Fomt E Revised July 18, 2007 Soil Profile Reserve Drain Field Parcel B A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group 12 0-8 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 8-39 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 39-84 CBt Yellow (IOYR 7/8) silt loam, friable, w/seams of red 3 (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam 13 0-10 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 10-44 Bt Red (2.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam, firm 3 44-84 C Reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) silty clay loam, white 3 (IOYR 8/1) feldspar (lithochromic), firm 14 0-12 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 12-38 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 38-84 CBt Yellow (1 OYR 7/8) silt loam, friable, w/seams of red 3 (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam 15 0-8 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 8-39 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 39-84 C Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 16 0-9 Ap Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) loam, friable 2 9-30 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 30-84 C Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 Page 69 of Y- Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 8/19/22 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant Nags Head Farm LLC Telephone Number (434) 361-1613 Address 672 Nags Head Farm Crozet, VA 22932 Owner Same _ Address Same Location 672 Nags Head Farm _ Tax Map 40-39 Subdivision Block/Section Lot Parcel B SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY - I2ie5 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? Fx- Yes F No Describe shoulder 2. Slope 5 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. Min. None x 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) FX No 7 Yes inches 5. Free water present FX- No F— Yes range in inches_ 6. Soil percolation rate estimated Fx Yes Texture group 1 II III IV F— No Estimated rate _ 90 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed F— Yes Fx No If yes, note type of test performed and attach (x Site Approved: Drainfield to be placed at 66" depth at site designated on permit. I- Site Disapproved: Reasons for rejection: 1. F— Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. F- Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. r Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. F- Rates of absorption too slow. 5. F— Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. i— Proposed system too close to well. 7 i— Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) �4ti�7a�� Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution (LPD) sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the ❑ primary and reserve area, ❑ only the primary area, a/only the reserve area (check one) for Parcel B — A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Design Basis Total length of available area: l00' Total width of available area: 75' Estimated Perc. Rate: 90 at 66" in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): 5 Conveyance Method I: Pump Distribution method (specify): Pump Dispersal system se basis AOSS reks Effluent quality required: Advanced Secondary Square feet per bedroom: 228 LPD/trench Linear loading rate — 0.66 gnd/sgft Area Calculations Number of trenches 6 Width of trenches: 3' Reserve required? This is reserve Total width of absorption area required 48; LGMI required? No (Yes/No) (Primary, Secondary, Advanced Secondary) Total trench bottom area required: 1140 Length of trenches: 65' Center to center spacing: 9' Percent reserve area required: 100 Total trench bottom area provided: 1140 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is required. Page _ of_ AOSE Form E Revised July 18, 2007 Puy Y, a� or T.M.40-268 HEALTH DEPARTMENT COPS' MOUNT JULIET FARM 0.8.3042 362 uc, NOT FOR RECORDATION 4EP> 'Sty6,S D.B.1455-502 & 503 PLAT Sr�s. P. sAr• —'� t29---- A— � s f A _ GATE /"•-� S25 °44' 14"W s 1W IS 91..88' R'm �( ROCK °R'aAFFA�0 i mm m X. X t GATE B1ICATION 95 = iKE IF AT PLAT) 25.32' STAKE 1S e �< PROPOSED RESERVE - ST12a ems_ �pB� _ _ DRAIN FIELD PARC 6.22 ACRES POTENTIAL HOUSE SITE WELL AREA (PERMIT 101-22,0271) NEW 50'& VARIABL.E — WIDTH PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT (NAGS HEAD FARM) x' STAK' pmem u P10POSED PRIMARY DRAIN FIELD J f x '1e N e 1708, J O AA' C 1 go- �• ZS FOR REVIEW T.M.41-5A PARCEL 2 EDUARD HINRICH BRAN S SARAH H.BRAU D.B.1893-445 D.B.991-95 PLAT EXISTING WELL Scale I, _ I UU' - Soil Profile Hole House, 'Welland Drain Field Sites Parcel B A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle Countv. VA Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 SCALE: 1e w 100' DATE: AUGUST 17, 2022 qT ROGER W.RAY & ASSOC..INC. ES 663 BERKMAR COURT t7HARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22901 TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 RAYSURVEYING.COM Page 1 of 6 OSETE Report for: Construction Permit F-1 Certification Letter F-1 Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: 672 Nags Head Farm City: Lot Residue Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map # 40-39 Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Nags Head Farm LLC Street: 672 Nags Head Farm City: Crozet State VA Zip Code 22932 Prepared by: OSE Name Steve Gooch Address 703 Oliver Creek Road License # 1940001284 City Troy PE Name: Address State VA Zip Code 22974 License # City State Zip Code Date of Report 8119/22 Date of Revision # l OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc.) OSE Cover Page Abbreviated Design Form Soil Profile Sheet Albemarle County GIS Map Soil Information Summary Sheet Plat Certification Statement 1 hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. ❑ The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.11 I recommend that a (select one): nstruction permit certification letter subdivision approval �✓ be (select one) issued denied Lj . OSE/PE Signature !�'et,-2, , Date J?uyE. Z C& Soil Profile Reserve Drain Field Residue - Main House A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group 17 0-7 Ap Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 7-25 Bt Red (1 OR 4/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 25-40 Bt2 Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 40-55 Cl Yellowish red (5YR 5/8) clay loam, friable 3 55-70 C2 Reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) schist saprolite, crushes to 2 sandy loam, friable 70-84 C3 Reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) clay loam, friable 3 18 0-6 Ap Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 6-39 Bt Red (1 OR 4/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 39-54 BtC Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, reddish brown (5YR 5/4) 3 sandy loam, firm 54-84 C Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) sandy loam, friable, 10% 2 weathered gneiss fragments, friable 19 0-7 Ap Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 7-34 Bt Red (I OR 4/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 34-48 Bt2 Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 48-84 CBt Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) sandy loam, seams of red 3 (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, friable 20 0-10 Ap Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 10-41 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 41-84 CBt Yellowish red (5YR 5/8), light reddish brown (5YR 6/4), 3 yellow (1 OYR 7/8) sandy clay loam, red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, friable 21 0-12 Ap Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 12-25 Bt Reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 25-48 Bt2 Red (I OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 48-84 C Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) sandy clay loam, friable 2 Page 3 of (_ Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 8/19/22 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant Nags Head Farm LLC Telephone Number (434) 361-1613 Address 672 Nags Head Farm Crozet, VA 22932 Owner Same Address Same Location 672 Nags Head Farm Tax Map Subdivision Block/Section Lot Residue SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY- I e� Prav` 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? fx Yes r No Describe shoulder 2. Slope 8 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. Min. None x 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) Fx- No F- Yes inches 5. Free water present r No F- Yes range in inches_ 6. Soil percolation rate estimated r Yes Texture group 1 II III IV F- No Estimated rate _ 65 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed f Yes Ix No If yes, note type of test performed and attach Fx Site Approved: Drainfield to be placed at 60" depth at site designated on permit. F- Site Disapproved: Reasons for rejection: 1 r Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. F- Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. i— Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. F- Rates of absorption too slow. 5. r Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. F- Proposed system too close to well. 7. F- Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) q rF- Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution (LPD) sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the ❑ primary and reserve area, ❑ only the primary area, manly the reserve area (check one) for Residue - A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Design Basis Total length of available area: 130' Total width of available area: 55' Estimated Perc. Rate: 65 at 60" in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): 4 Conveyance Methods: Pump Distribution method (specify): Pump Dispersal system basisse Table 5.4 LGMI required? No (Yes/No) Effluent quality required: Primary (Primary, Secondary, Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 496 Total trench bottom area required: 1984 Area Calculations Number of trenches 12* Width of trenches: 3' Reserve required? This is reserve Total width of absorption area required 48' Length of trenches: 60' Center to center spacing: 9' Percent reserve area required: 100 Total trench bottom area provided: 2160 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is required. *System will butterfly Page _ of_ AOSE Form E Revised July 18, 2007 8/19/22, 4:29 PM GIS Web I Albemarle County, VA ij U1'i A Help (Help.aspx?application=GISWEBApp&functiontabs=search,selection, legend, location, markup,share) • • • Id ntifir,r w' 4 E- M 1 NOTE: SEE PAGE 6 OF 6 FOR SURVEYED LOCATION OF RESERVE DRAIN FIELD PROPOSED RESERVE �. DRAINFIELD ri EXISTING DRAIN FIELD (PER HEALTH DEPT. PERMIT FOR 40-39-9 DATED 10/12n3) EXISTING WELL Scale P" 100' • - Soil Pr1 Reserve Drain Field Site 672 Nags Head Farm Residue A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County, VA Steve Gooch Consulting Geol, 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 5.1.0 (production) hBps://gisweb.albemade.orWgpv_51Niewecaspx# 41, ON THIS PLAT ARE IMPOSED AT THE 810 F PLANNING. BY PLACING HIS/HER BROWNS /SHE HAS DEEMED THAT THEY ARE GAP WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY TURNPIKE T THIS DATE. THESE NOTES ARE 614 RUNNING WITH THE LAND AND SUGAR PLAT IS NOT INTENDED TO IMPOSE HOLLOW NCE TO FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ROAD EORETICAL ONLY. WH ITL 614 MOUNT GARTH GNED ONE DEVELOPMENT RIGHT EACH JULIET 8:',0 --� ROAD DIVIDED. FARM 39 RETAINS TWO DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS WHITE WINTER IDED. Y OF ALBEMARLE 13IS DATA,PARCEL B, HALL SITE ROAD CREEK FARM UE OF T.M.40-39,EACH CONTAIN A BUILDING H SECTION 4.2.1 OF THE ALBEMARLE NAGS E ROUTE 810 & STATE ROUTE 680) HEAD BROWNS PROPOSED } FARM ' GAP SEPTIC TURNPIKE Y OF ALBEMARLE GIS OATA,THIS PROPERTY DRAINFIELD J�•0 ACCORDING TO PLAT PPLY WATERSHED. Y OF ALBEMARLE GIS DATA,THIS PROPERTY AREA ">1 (SEE DETAIL RECORDED IN O.B.1102-552, AG -FORESTAL DISTRICT. OLICY,PUBLIC WATER AND/OR SEWER SERVICE BELOW) T.M.40-39 HAS 329.20', TO THIS PROPERTY. ';; OF FRONTAGE ONSTATE DNS OF THE STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREON WERE � �—APPROXIMATE ROUTE 680 OF ALBEMARLE GIS DATA AND SHALL BE LOCATION WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER \ 100'STREAM BUFFER �, RESIDt1E T.M.40-39 - SUBDIVISION PLAT EL B AND PARCEL C )F TAX MAP 40 PARCEL 39 fY OF NAGS HEAD FARM,LLC E ROUTE B10(WHITE HALL ROAD) EAR WHITE HALL L MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 3LE COUNTY, VIRGINIA DATE: AUGUST 17, 2022 FOR: VAGS HEAD FARM, L.LC R W.RAY & ASSOC-INC. 663 BERKMAR COURT fTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22901 PHONE: (434) 293-3195 RAYSURVEYING.COM KEY MAP & VICINITY MAP - SCALE: 1" = 2000'+/- STAKE 19 E-686. 90 STAKE 20 E-689.20 i PROPOSED SEPTIC DRAIIFIELD AREA IS 21 �� E 7.52 i ST E-6688. 75 �`'� STAKE 1 E-686.16 PROPOSED SEPTIC DRAINFIELD AREA FOR RESIDUE T.M.40-39 SCALE: i" = 100' HEALTH DEPARTMENT COPY NOT FOR RECORDATION Scale F'= 100' - Soil Profile Hole Proposed Reserve Drain Field Site Residue A Division of Tax Map 40-39 Albemarle County, VA Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 TIER II GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT AdftkCounty of Albemarle Department of Community Development £ 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434-296-5832 1 www.albemarle.org/cdd DATE: 09/15/2022 APPLICATION: SUB 2022-00138 PROJECT NAME: NAGS HEAD FARM, LLC - RURAL DIVISION - DIGITAL TMP: 04000-00-00-03900 The pending development on the property affected by the above referenced application number meets criteria outlined in Albemarle County Code Article IV - Groundwater Assessments to warrant a Tier 2 Groundwater Assessment. The following assessment uses the best available sources to outline the various groundwater conditions that could have an impact on this property. Water Quantity # of Wells within .5 Miles of Parcel: 31 Range of Depth of those wells: 0.0 to 705.0 feet Range of Yield of those wells: 0.0 to 120.0 gallons per minute (gpm) Median Yield for Wells in County: 6.0 gpm Water Quality # of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs) within 2000 Feet of Parcel: 1 # of Superfund sites within .5 miles: 0 # of Landfills within .5 miles: 0 Hydroaraohy % of Parcel that Contains Required Stream Buffers: 13.9% Watershed of Parcel (Y/N'): Mechums River -Beaver Creek (Y) 86.4% Mechums River -Beaver Creek (Y) 13.6% Geology Bedrock: Crozet Granite(Ycz) - granite 28.4% Blue Ridge basement complex(Ypg) - pyroxene granulite 71.6% Hydrogeologic Units*: Foothills -II 100.0% If you should have any questions, please contact the Community Development Department at 434-296-5832. ' A "Y" indicates that the watershed is a water supply watershed. An "N" means that it is not. 1 40-26 40-41 C �� �' <3 41B40-38BI � K410- 1A 40-38 12 - , 40-38E 4Q-41 N � a 40 ' U ' 2 �* r0 40-41 C 40 4 B M-40A 40-42A 40-42 40-43A 40-44H O-44E Y G] x O 40-26 B i WINTER r3 ' 41-5A 41-23A 41-5 = i z n 41-21 p 680 1-21A 0 3 41-21C An. 41-20�A 41 20G a 3nW�41 41-6 %41-20F 41-7 �� 40-45 41- Tier II Groundwater Assessment Site Map ° 42° �° ,.28Feet APP#: SUB 2022-00138 O Subject Parcel - LUSTs TM P: 04000-00-00-03900 O Known water wells A Superfund Sites ■ Ma Created b CDD on: 09/15/2022 l **a v *** nOrdin Protection ■ Landfills t Aerial Imagery from Y2018 ` Ordinance Buffers 2 *Hydrogeologic Units Defined Taken from the 1213012003 Albemarle County Hydrogeologic Assessment Phase ii — Groundwater Availability and Sensitivity Assessment with Proposed Groundwater Assessment Standards. Prepared by ENSAT Corporation, Culpeper, VA. The process of investigating groundwater availability at the County -wide scale involved identifying distinct hydrogeologic units and comparing the units based on groundwater availability characteristics for which data could be obtained. Each hydrogeologic unit shares some common characteristics with regard to geology, soils, and topography, although there is quite a bit of variability within each unit. Nine hydrogeologic units were identified across the County, as follows, and as shown on the Albemarle County Hydrogeologic Unit Map (Figure 2). 1. 2. 3. Figure 2 - Albemarle County Hydrogeologic Unit Map Blue Ridge West-IW: This unit lies primarily on the steep eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains and is dominated by the Myersville and Parker Soils, and to a lesser extent the Chester. Slopes range from 2-60%. These soils are residual in nature. The Myersville soils are derived from weathered volcanic metamorphic rocks (greenstone) and Parker and Chester soil series are derived from weathered granite and granite gneiss. These soils are considered to be relatively deep and well drained. Blue Ridge East-IE: The Blue Ridge East unit overlies volcanic greenstone rock and represents the eastern limb of the Blue Ridge Anticlinorium. The area is characterized by the presence of a prominent ridge and trends generally northeast within the otherwise rolling piedmont landscape. Portions of this ridge are known locally as Green Mountain, Carters Mountain, and the Southwest Mountains. This area is dominated by the Rabun and Myersville soils and to a lesser extent, the Catoctin. The Rabun soil series is deep and well drained and like the Myersville soil series is formed from weathered greenstone. The Catoctin soil series is considered to be moderately deep and well drained and is also formed from weathered greenstone. Colluvial Fans -II: The Colluvial Fan unit lies at the base of the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountain and is characterized by relatively steep drainage swales that extend to more gradual sloping conditions. The area includes a series of intermittent drainages that include ephemeral drainage ways. Many of the intermittent drainages become perennial streams as this area includes stream bottom valleys. A significant portion of the unit area consists of transported soils including the Braddock and Thurmont. These soils are formed in colluvial and alluvial materials found on colluvial fans and terraces and are the product of weathered granite, granodiorite, granite gneiss, and greenstone. Both of these soil series are deep and well drained with slopes ranging from 2-25%. Residual soils including the Hayesville and the Chester are also abundant. These soils are also deep and well drained and are formed on upland slopes from weathered products of granite and granite gneiss. Slopes of these soils typically range from 2-45%. Bedrock geology consists largely of metagranitic rock of the Blue Ridge Basement Complex and metasedimentary, metaconglomerate and phyllite of the Swift Run Formation. The accumulation of transported soils (colluvial and alluvial) can form "cappings" over residual soils and parent material, which can add to the overall thickness of the overburden. 4. Piedmont Foothills -III: The Piedmont Foothills unit is characterized by rolling upland to relatively steep topography. Soils within this area dominated by the Hayesville, Ashe and Chester soil series which are moderately deep to deep, and generally well drained. These soils are found on the piedmont upland and foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountain on slopes ranging from 2-45%. These soils are formed from weathered granites and meta -granites of the Blue Ridge Basement complex. The Piedmont Foothills area is bifurcated by Hydrogeologic Unit IV (Lynchburg). 5. Lynchburg -IV: The Lynchburg unit is characterized by a relatively narrow band that trends in a northeast direction and includes a relatively long segment of the Mechums River valley. Soils within this unit are dominated by the Hazel and to a lesser extent by the Elioak and Glenelg soils. The Hazel soil series are moderately deep and well drained and are formed in the weathered products of metagraywacke sandstone and mica schist. Hazel soils lie on uplands and their slopes range from 7- 45%. The Elioak soil series are deep and well drained and are formed in the products of weathered micaeous metamorphic rock. Slopes of the Elioak range from 2-25%. The Glenelg soils are also deep and well drained and are formed in the weathered products of quartz mica schist. Slopes of the Glenelg range from 2-45%. The area is underlain primarily by the Lynchburg Formation and/or the Mechums River Formation which consists largely of metagraywacke, meta sandstone, and graphitic schist. 6. Ragged Mountain-V: The Ragged Mountain unit is characterized by mountainous terrain located in the southwestern portion of the County and is underlain by the metagranitic rocks of the Blue Ridge Basement Complex. The soils in the area are dominated by the Chester, Hayesville, Ashe, and Parker soil series. These soils are derived from weathered granite and granite gneiss and are deep and excessively well drained. These soils range in slope from 2-45% with some slopes up to 60 percent in the Parker soils. 7. Candler -VI: The Candler unit is underlain primarily by the Candler formation. Bedrock geology includes phyllites and to a lesser degree laminated metasiltstone. Soils underlying the unit area are dominated by the Manteo and Nason series. Manteo soils are shallow and somewhat excessively drained. The Manteo soils are formed in the weathered products of sericitic schist/phyllite on uplands and range in slope from 2-45%. The Nason soil series are deep and well drained and are also formed in the weathered products of sericitic schist/phyllite. The Nason soils are formed on uplands and range in slope from 2-25%. 8. Newark Basin-VII: The Newark Basin unit is characterized by low relief topography, which exists over Mesozoic basin geology. The unit is underlain by the Newark Supergroup which consists of sandstones, siltstones, and shales. Soils within this area are dominated by the Totier, Rapidan, and Penn series. The Totier soil series are deep and well drained and are formed from weathered Triassic red shale. These soils are found on uplands and range in slope from 2-15% deep to moderately deep and well drained. Slopes range from 2-25%. The Rapidan soil series are also deep and well drained and are formed in weathered products of Triassic conglomerate. The Rapidan, like the Totier, are found on uplands and range in slope from 2-25%. The Penn series are moderately deep and well drained and are formed from the weathered products of Triassic red shale. The Newark Basin hydrogeologic unit includes the Scottsville Basin located in the southern portion of the County and much smaller area of the Barboursville Basin located in the northern portion of the County. 9. Piedmont Proper-VIII: The Piedmont Proper unit is characterized by gently rolling piedmont topography. The bedrock geology underlying the unit is mapped as Metagraywacke, quartoze schist, and melange. Soils in the unit area are dominated by the Nason and the Manteo in nearly equal percentages. Although these same soils also dominated the Candler unit, it should be noted that the Manteo soils were nearly twice as prevalent as compared to the Nason. Manteo soils are shallow and somewhat excessively drained. The Manteo soils are formed in the weathered products of sericitic schists/phyllites on uplands and range in slope from 2-45%. The Nason soil series are deep and well drained and are also formed in the weathered products of sericitic schist. The Nason soils are formed on uplands and range in slope from 2-25%. 10. Barboursville -IX: This unit exists in only a small portion of the County at the area where Route 20 enters Orange County. Evidently this hydrogeologic unit was small enough that it did not factor into the ENSAT report and therefore does not have a description like the other units. You can see an unlabeled delineation of this unit in the map (Figure 2) along the northern County boundary near the right-hand side. 0