HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202200089 Plan - Other (not approved) 2022-10-06RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION - ARB PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW SUBMISSION 6* Material Updates Sep26, 2022 *MATERIAL CHANGES ARE RED BUBBLED *TYPO CORRECTION ARE NOTED "*"WITH UNDERLINE & BOLD _1t __ __ _____ _ / PAR 3C0 _ ______ gay _ 11 \ - _ ��— _-___yu\. __ � CEL /O. 0L500 00 00 09 A \ _ pgl/RN -� - yyy�y t / � 1 \ 09/PG' _ 9g OWNERWL F ER TES CCWRNLLELLC ZONED :PA4NEDDEULOPMENT SHOPPINGCENTER CAR NFTICE \ 1 1 \\ \ \ RCP JA0RWKNEEORWCLYLNAHM1AS 2k H' W I m 14/ �� \ 0934/ OO56H LIAM$ lrHlA LclRCIAL r S EPSLOANES FER $IEE - - to �� - I � � _. �• � � / c / WUh'nG[S6U5 (>•'% PARCEL /0 04500-00-00-10e00DRIFT 2019121. OWNER VONLLC Ny I a / / 9 ^y CODED OMMERC/AL I \ US� II ��GC4 I /.../ II nee Za _ 16 -I-1 ZU l / END OF CDNSTRUCTION 3, - / PARCEL lE 1 A0 REPO 41J4'6/3AA99 OWNCSENTHAL OF'ROPERT/ES HALL O �BENCHMPRh� / ZONED' PLMNEOOE✓ELDMFNT / ELEV 29 9 NORTH VIEW 2 SNOPP/NGCENTER „I LEDsO of t (SHEETS C1.2/C2.2) ON ° R° �� aRCPb I SOUTHWEST VIEW 2 (SHEETS C1.1/C2.1) MINOR CHANGES TO CQ I ON D` EXISTING SITE PLAN - SEE MANAGED SLOPES STEEPFRON , I SOUTH VIEW 1 CIVIL FOR DETAIL - I I II I I I I I 1 ( \ (SHEETS C1.0/C2.0) p9 � SOUTH NORTH VIEW 1 SOU VIEW 2 / PARCEL lD: 0<5---DO-095AO (SHEETS C1.2/C2.2) (SHEETS C1.0/C2.0) 50 a APEG 112916\ \n/ E' I I / / _ \' OWNER' COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD I OFALBEMARCE ZONED: IN A EL N O / (/sE'P(/BC CIC y F 65 SOUTHWEST VIEW 1 (SHEETS C1.1/C2.1) , A� \� \y r �_,I / Scale: 1 R = 120'-0" ownE PAarcsE — A� vTONE DISTRICT �, / PARCEL rR C 146 11 oo-09Aeo PARCEL IS 04500 00 00 09000 m \ M EL DISTR/CT ��O V„ - III OB/PG /665//69 OB/PO 69l/223 US : CAASS/GNEO Z DINNER. CMA PROPER➢ES INC OWNER: COUNTYOFALBEMARLE 20NEO H16HWA Y COMMERCIAL EPD� P`P SITE PLAN RRWARCHITECTS S \S 01R ,i,i7.,.... .�N` aFwldkanllwi.gin7171M 4l9h, ]160 b..�oRM1iremmm -, a.f s _7�" Mir -map s Is dSIM A We are pleased to resubmit (submission 2) to the Architectural Review Board and various restaurants - among a variety of other smaller businesses. Perhaps the Preliminaryl Facade Redevelopment Design for the existing Rio Hill Shop- most the most prominant feature is the site is its large parking lot. Most would ping Center. This scope of work is a complete facade remodel of the areas agree the complex appears -with its disorganized facade and tired materials - shown in this design package; which constitutes most of the existing shopping of being out of date. center with the exception of Krogers and the site's South East Corner - see scope of work Site Plan below). While the existing buildings will remain, new Analyzing the problems with the existing conditions, it quickly becomes appar- construction involves removing portions of the existing canopies and store ent that the solution for a truly successful site transformation requires a creative entries and transforming these building fronts using a variety of new materi- design response revolving around a major reorganization of the current als, forms and storefront windows. As strictly a 'facade remodel', the plan is to facade. minimize site work. Indeed, ownership approached us with the problem of how to make these 33 Most individuals living in the region can relate to Rio Hill as a large retail acres (developed in the 1980s) more 'current' and 'pedestrian friendly.' In space, anchored by such various stores as Krogers, TJ Maxx, JoAnns fabrics developing these initial design ideas, certain themes central to the ARB have PPROVED P`QFP.p P NEW VISION FOR RIO HILL A H\S ,S RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 B R W A R C H I T E C T 5 .aa v�i neo S D`( P` ,EP J �`S , APPR�vED Perspective looking from E.C. Perspective looking SW Perspective looking NW EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS A become paramount in re -orienting what we see as a new'vision' for Rio Hill. Given Rio's oversized scale and length (1600' In. ft.), the design team pro- poses demolishing portions of the existing canopy. Also, removing the exter- nal 'wing walls', seen between the canopies, helps to restructure the current relentless march of the disorganized facade design. This removal of the major existing architectural elements, in turn, begins this process of site reorganiza- tion by 'breaking down the scale' of the facade. Removing these most visible features clears the way for a more interesting, varied front and for the potential of replacing the block walls with new materials. We see this idea of 'breaking down the scale' as working hand in hand with creating a more human scale. Currently, the site's pedestrian experience is dominated by the parking lot and the uninspiring covered canopy that stretch- es nearly the entire front. Through the reorganizing of a series of new and various building fronts, this design concept looks to the idea of the pedestrian experience that is enhanced through a variety of experiences and walkway that changes and evolves at different locations. Further, with the removal of -_ - M `l structures like the clocktower (south west corner), the intent is to open areas along the building fronts that provide potential gathering space. It is not hard to imagine this new corner'opening' becoming a wonderful spot for outdoor dining while also providing a much needed attractive 'pass through' between buildings. Working in real time within the current Covid crisis, our team realizes that the idea of 'human scale' becomes even more important in determining the way future stores are developed. Much can be learned by paying attention to how certain restaurants are able to survive in these times: A priority on better indoor/outdoor connection, easier access for quick pick-up and enticing out- door environment all appear to be important features of new business models trying to adapt to this changing world. And we hope to integrate these features within the architecture of this project. It is important to understand that the owners see a potential later phase that may likely come into play with this site. They have identified the southwest corner as near -term future redevelopment option. That portion the site is prob- lematic in that its retail space is difficult to attract clients due to its awkward location — generally hidden from the rest of the site and from the road. This potential later construction phase would include the demolition the first 150' of retail space and the re -building of a new 2 story office or medical office building. You will notice on our elevations and renderings of this corner, we have illustrated both the current scope of work (Phase 1) and the new potential future building (Phase 2). In changing the dynamic of Rio Hill, concepts like 'breaking down the oversize scale' of this large strip mall and 'introducing ways of better relating to the human scale' are vital to the overall project success in the way they relate to our changing world and the future viability of the retail business center. As we work through this process, our hope is to balance this initial project with a more general road map for how to make Rio a more pedestrian friendly, attractive space that has stronger connections to its surroundings. We respectfully ask for the ARB guidance in finding the best possible solution - for the Center's redevelopment in its relation to the Entrance Corridor. APPR0vED S PROJECT NARRATIVE 1�1S 1 RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 R R W A R C H I T E C T S 110 k.A..,.. abwld Allwi.i722902 434971 ]1M Pp`( Hr , , . JH1S 1S P`RE Scale : 1 " = 175'-0" Responses tp County comments The following are responses to County comments listed on ARB-2020- 96 document (dated 10.27.20)*. Architectural responses follow each county comment below: 1. Provide line drawing elevations and plans to show in more detail what is proposed. Include 3-dimensional views. • Facade elevations and perspectives included in architectural booklet. 2. Incorporate warmer -toned materials and colors into the design. Pro- vide a material and color palette for consideration. • Color palette includes a variety of elements including Brick, Metal paneling, stucco, Architectural paneling, and refinished existing walls. Brick and archi- tectural panels meant to add warmth through not only color but also through a combination of texture. 3. Consider alternate materials, additional architectural details, and additional canopies/canopies with greater depth to improve human scale and the pedestrian experience. • Additional canopies have been added to the design in this submis- sion. (Note: The entire range of canopy pedestrian cover is called out in the Building elevation.) New areas with canopy cover now include the larger Sierra and TJ Maxx stores along with a number of storefronts around the corner of the West and South facades. It is important to note that the fapade renovation as shown has been essential in at- tracting new tenant interest in the existing vacancies. Retail tenants in today's environment locate their stores in shopping centers which are contemporary, updated and which can accommodate their specif- ic branding and co -tenancy requirements. The new design includes various depths ranging from 3' to 6' , and together with the existing larger pavilions, they provide customers with protection from the ele- ments while also giving the shopping center a new, current aesthetic look and appeal. The design strategically spaces these canopies so that no matter where you are on the site's sidewalk, adequate cover is always within reach. In keeping with the design theme of infusing variety and interest to transform Rio Hill, the canopies are shown in a variety of forms and heights, as well as different colors and textures that are intended to complement the specific architecture of each section. The variety of canopies offers the pedestrian an enhanced experience both in providing protection from the elements and in offering an ar- chitectural element that helps break down the current strip into human scale. All of the above is in contrast to the existing facade - which is dominat- ed by the low uninviting canopy extending most of the length of the facade. Not only is the existing canopy out of date and in disrepair, its removal is vital to the new design in the way it improves the pedestrian experience and appeal to the shopping center's customer. It changes the way in which customers view and experience the shopping cen- ter. The new canopies will offer variety along the fapade counteract- ing the current monotony of the travel -way. Further, their new heights will provide exalted spaces and allow for more daylight to reach the storefronts; which are currently reduced by the existing structure's low -ceiling, poor lighting and want of detail. Finally, in addition to all it's other benefits, the removal of the canopy will dramatically increase the aesthetics of the center from the Entrance Corridor. 4. Consider alternate materials and/or additional architectural detail to reduce the scale of expansive wall areas. • Our strategy for the expansive wall areas is to fill in these 'voids of blankness' with some simple but interesting decorative metal paneling that not only provides a greenscreen framework for a vines but also has architectural merit in its own right. We see a series of these panels as adding layers and interest to these expansive walls. In addition, we are working with a brick and masonry stain product that when applied to the wall, yields a fresh new look, assist with the site's overall transforma- tion and provides a proper contrast to the new accent paneling. 5. Consider design revisions that improve the pedestrian experience. • Generally, the elements of this design are focused on the customer and pedestrian experience - the intention of replacing the old fapade with one that has variety in form, material as well as repetition are all meant to lead to the idea of creating place. As ones moves through this new fapade, the facade changes and evolves as a way generat- ing interest and creating memorable locations. • But more specifically, we see the idea of 'opening up' the facade as a way creating new opportunity for both tenant and pedestrian. It gives the entire center a new visibility to consumers. Perhaps the best example of this is at the corner of the main west and south facades; where the design calls for removing the exiting clock tower and, in turn, opens up a space in the void for potential outdoor eating. This creative re -use of this underutilized outdoor space is a key to the transformation of Rio. • Finally, accent lighting will be an important part of the re -design in both the pedestrian experience and overall appearance of the Com- plex from the EC. 6. Indicate if any new accessory structures or mechanical equipment will be included in the renovation. If so, show how they will be screened from view from the EC. • As strictly a fapade renovation, The Rio project does not include new mechanical equipment; with the possible exception of the TJX stores, whose lease mandates certain tenant improvements by the Landlord. While the owners are currently attempting to negotiate a re -use of the current rooftop mechanicals, it is likely that a replacement of the existing units will be necessary, with new tenant -specific RTU's in gener- ally the same size and location. Either way, the equipment will be fully screened from the EC. 7. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the site and architectural drawings: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." • See Site Plan 8. Provide a lighting plan for review. Over -illumination of the building is not appropriate for the EC. • The main intent of architectural lighting would be to increase the pedestrian experience, provide a well -lit and inviting atmosphere and subtly accent elements of the architecture. 9. The owner is responsible for ensuring that the site matches the ap- proved site plan. Missing landscaping must be installed. Alternatively, �N1S 1S P1- the owner may submit a site plan amendment that proposes alternate landscaping. • See Site Plan 10. Consider adding landscaping close to the building to further break up its length and to improve the pedestrian experience. • See Site Plan 11. Provide with the next review a proposed Comprehensive Sign Plan for the renovated building. • Comp Sign Plan and TJX Sign review shall be provided. Other Notes: Economic Feasibility The Rio Hill Center - like many strip malls in this area - has become an outdated complex and the shopping center requires the Transforma- tion of this Facade project to attract new tenants and remain viable as a shopping destination on the Route 29 corridor. We feel the design elements incorporated in our design are very much in line with the ARB guidelines, and will substantially improve how the center is viewed from the Entrance Corridor. Ultimately, its transformation hinges on the ability for Rio Hill to attract customers through creating a more pedestrian friendly experience, reinforcing a human scale and designing the po- tential for flexibility so that the complex can adapt to remain relevant for the long-term. TJX Projects The owners would like to request of the Board that the TJX projects (which include Sierra and TJMaxx relocated to the old Dicks space) be separated out as a review, running in parallel with the rest of the Facade review. The TJX company has a specified accelerated time- line and move -in date pursuant to their lease. This project is a major driver of the overall fapade project. �pP 0\40 �pNSES TO COUNTY COMMENTS (letterdtd 10.2Z20) RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal did. December 21, 2020 ANJ IVILdJ 4W7 Or ONO it rl1i I ❑i'l, .�1..E1i N1! Y -...!..0 uArlri i' - ., - s .rfpJ y.�{(l i ���r (.• I-,'_. _� __ - -- -- - .�_, _ _-:�.+ar-�. -n - ._ i 1j r�; Esc -�, �'� !�}r�F-��i��iti� ��' jl+�.j.�.a /(�� - ] 1- 1 II -r !-'.i i.�! i1 • All . • 4rr w�r��--.WI•_�- -y i' �9�i1 .'ii1 jj :t �.'_ •' •f ` I/ r.arl'. a. r' - i i 11 �� .� p6�llli .._- _ - - 'MI-t- " _ _ _Md...ai _ 1A ♦ i. ira 74 :' 1Jr �, p - .. - =ram ��. �rP•1- - �•.� �,:atJlY�.w f'.�1J. wU. _ `� I + Tom} ' ! � I�I■�i� .. -1� _ � -�- ' A 1 . -v`` ��_ q' _ - ' v �.r�...,�.�`y_ z- __ "1 _ � _ _ _ - '.-�_.•rYi"1'.� -' j 1 n_a�+�..r+a"�-_. .Zn'Y!`w"we`4�.�.rF?!!t��..�-_ -. i�.. _. �w�,-.,w _. - __..—',. ._. .�.^�T"-,. �.•--�r..r- _.. - ':r.y;_., ' ' -'� - . _ "� - �'�'- `. - »��- ,-' ti"^'� _ - - ,,._,_ - �, .c+ � .r.�•.+-W- - _,ram _ _ — �...�' = 1_r.. ' _ ... _ _ _ .r:.. .. 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June 28, 2020), ELEVATION - AL MATERIALS HAVE BEEN REVISED -SEE ABOVE — FOR COMPLETE MATERIAL PALLETTES SEE. C P•� NEW CANOPY (4' DEEP) Scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" pPROVED 6 H ELEVATION -'PHASE 1' (or current project) RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal did. December 21, 2020 EXISTING CONDITIONS NEW PROPOSAL NEW PROPOSAL MATERIALS 3 R W A R C H I T E C T S 110 b101 akeerne aFwldleanllwi,i72290i 43497171M b. omh,i mm S 1 S 1.11 S 1.21 S2 �S3�S3.1 i FUTURE SCOPE OF WORK NOT IN SCOPE 21 S3.3 S4 S4 1 nS5 lS5.11 nS6 S7 nS8 S9 (S 0) S10.1 (S 1) Y DEMO CANOPY RE -USE/ MODIFY DEMO CANOPY RE -USE/ MODIFY Y Y DEMO CANOPY YI �I o J-AI I IN I I I I I I POTENTIAL MOB POTENTIAL ALLEY FUTURE CORNER DESIGN - PHASE 2 NOT IN SCOPE JO-AN a POTENTIAL MJB POTENTIAL ALLEY FUTURE CORt ER DESIGN NOT IN SCOPE PLATO°$ PLAW 1w MEILaw CLEANERS Gh&ndWs I I I I II L PANEL (AP-1) ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP_ 1) NEW BRICK (BR 1) FINISH (THIS SECTION) TAUPE' * TUCCO (P7 WINDiS BREATH 981 )� ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL STEEL ACCENT IN RECESS (P-7 WINDS BREAT #981) I G3AOG� G3C& SHOES CLEANERS em*o,®Wo I METAL EDGE OF CANOPY - P-1 IEXISTING ARCADE (12' DEEP) L PANEL (AP 1) � ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-1) TAUPE' TUCCO ( P7 WIND-SI BREATH 981 ) I � flwm RACK ray. �r� — METAL EDGE CIF CANOPY - P-1 EXISTING ARCADE (12' DEEP) NOTE ADDED PER ARB SUBMISSION #2 DEC. 21, 2020 VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS FROM ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. NEW CANOPY q4' DEEP) NEW BRICK (BR 1) FINISH (THIS SI ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL STEEL ACCENT IN RECESS (P-7 WINDS I L_: #981) ALENTIAL TEAKI� NEW BRICK (BR-1) FINISH (THIS SECTION) STEEL ACCENT IN RECESS -(P-7 WINDS BREATH # IA t sTAcrxrusic 11 &udo ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG (3' EEP)7 I I I 4 1. AwirA'4 CANOPY IN NEW BRICK (BR-1) FINISH (THIS SECTION) STEEL ACCENT IN RECESS -(P-7 WINDS BRED 4 CANOPY a4' DEEP)— t ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG (3' EEP) NEW CANOPY (4' DEEP) Scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" NOTE: IN THIS REVISION (dtd. June 28, 2020), ELEVATION - AL MATERIALS HAVE BEEN REVISED - SEE ABOVE. FOR COMPLETE MATERIAL PALLETTES SEE PAGE 26. SOUTH ELEVATION - 'PHASE 1' (or current project) RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 JO-ANN - J R R W A R C H I T E C T S 112 b,01 akeerne aFwldleanllwi,i722902 434971 ]1M P7 WIND'S BREATH 981 PLATO'S C� NOTE ADDED PER ARB SUBMISSION #2 DEC. 21, 2020 VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS FROM ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. �7 RACK ROOM SHOES CLEANERS CJma"PAKERY AMERICA'g -- TAM MUM y$Studio BEST NOTE: IN THIS REVISION (dtd. June 28, 2020), ELEVATION - AL MATERIALS HAVE BEEN REVISED - SEE ABOVE. FOR COMPLETE MATERIAL PALLETTES SEE PAGE 26. View from Route 29 (see existing condition photo adajacent) CATO FASHIONS Scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - PHASE 2 RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 JOANN P .1' O-, IV IV EXISTING PERSPECTIVES PPPR0vED 1S P`REPp`( CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - THIS SECTION IS NOT IN SCOPE R R W A R C H T E C T S f whenn0 4n9 a aFwldk,nllwi.ginu 3]9@ s gwmo Me BELOW EXISTING PERSPECTIVES �N1S \S PA y� PPPR�vEp �( NEW - SOUTH ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 -.Y/J..)in%' . .. E�Fir C{Cis:►' — P .1 O-,AfVN Aj i -- EXISTING PERSPECTIVES CONCEPTUAL DESIGN - THIS SECTION IS NOT IN SCOPE R R W A R C H I T E C T 5 110 bin n229001 .harldkanlle ginio as vn71neo or Me BELOW EXISTING PERSPECTIVES NEW - SOUTH ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 n ee'�3 MNEEW EXISTING +NEW PERSPECTIVES APPR�vED B R W A R C H I T E C T S A =4oz JH\ .aa v�i neo 1IIIIIIIIIIIAC1 IN1S 1S P� RACK ROOM SHOES CLEANERS c..wor. e+irtev BMT�N,Rq .1-oi EAIMON4 APPRovED �( NEW - SOUTH ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21. 2020 I "debt - 4KIL—� 6 R W A R C. H EXISTING +NEW PERSPECTIVES J ilk JO ANN RA i no u RACA RACK ROOM SHOES CLEANERS c..wor. e+irtev _ poi CATO -WNW it r.ATO NEW - SOUTH ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 . wk EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISED PER ARB COMMENTS (dtd. 07.23.21) NEW PROPOSAL NEW PROPOSAL MATERIALS C\A/'I MA/ee%A/r) 1 C\A/'] C\A/r) ry\A/A, CIA/C, C\A/L, C\A17, C1A/0 C\A/(1 I METAL PANELING ( MP-2 )� I I ARCHITECTURAL PANELING - WHITE STUCCO (P-2) ' NEW STOREFRONT I PORCELAIN TILE - MOHAWK SANDLEWOOD EXISTING ARCADE - 12' DEEP — DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN SCREEN EXISTING MASONRY WALL - NEW STAIN FINISH TO MATCH P-3 (FRENCH GI I I I I METAL PANELING ARCHITECTURAL ( MP-2 )� PANELING - WHITE STf--STUCCO (P-2) I � I NEW STOREFRONT PORCELAIN TILE - MOHAWK SANDLEWOOD EXISTING ARCADE - 12' DEEP - DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN SCREEN EXISTING MASONRY WALL - NEW STAIN FINISH TO MATCH P-3 (FRENCH NOTE ADDED PER ARB SUBMISSION k2 DEC. 21, 2020 VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS FROM ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. I I I -METAL PANELING ( MP-2 ) STUCCO (P-3) METAL PANEL SIDING (MP-1) 1r �/ c I , II/F� 1111 ARCHITECTURAL PI ELING (AP-4) I ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG METAL CANOPY IDECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN SCREEN I I -METAL PANELING ( MP-2 ) F_STUCCO (P-3) (3' DEPTH) (5' DEPTH) color p-2 AL CANOPY SUN TAN Off+ I CANOPY ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG METAL CANOPY (3' DEPTH) (5' DEPTH) color p-2 I I I I PANEL SIDING (MP-1)--� METAL CANOPY METAL CANOPY I ARCHITECTURAL P NELING (AP-4)� I ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG METAL CANOPY DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN SCREEN NOTE: IN THIS REVISION (dtd. June 28, 2020),EL�y/+TI� AL MATERIALS HAVE BEEN REVISED - FOR COMPLETE MATERIAL PALLETTES SEE PAGE 26. N-, (3' DEPTH) (5' DEPTH) color p-2 APPR0v ED ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG (METAL CANOPY li L (3' DEPTH) (5' DEPTH) color p-2 Scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" SOUTH WEST ELEVATIONS RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 EXISTING CONDITIONS REVISED PER ARB COMMENTS (dtd. 07.23.21) NEW PROPOSAL NEW PROPOSAL MATERIALS R R W A R C H I T E C T S 110 bi,i722902 aFwldkanllwi.gin7171M 34 4omh, ... b..�oRM1iremmm C\A/li C\A/cC\A/n l C%A/') C\Aif) n'\A/A. C\AIC, C\AIL, C\A/7, C\A/0 C\A/n I I I I I I I �*METAL PANELING *ARCHITECTURAL PANELING - [*METAL PANELING (MP-2 DOVE GRAY* IAP-3 GRAY MESH (MP-2 DOVE GRAYS *METAL PANEL SIDING (MP -`!A BLUE METAL CANOPY METAL CANOPY F—STUCCO (P-3)� STUCCO (P-2) r* STUCCO (P-3) FC'�* NEW STOREFRONT) I PORCELAIN TILE - MOHAWK SANDLEWOOD EXISTING ARCADE - 12' DEEF —DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN SCREEN —EXISTING MASONRY WALL - NEW STAIN FINISH TO MATCH P-3 (FRENCH I I I *METAL PANELING *ARCHITECTURAL PANELING - (MP-2 DOVE GRAY)_ (AP-3 GRAY MESH)' STUCCO (P-3)7 STUCCO (P-2) ky, i 17 IF ARCHITECTURALF I ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG IT DEPTH) DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN SCREEN (MP-2 DOVE GRAY)' *METAL r—STUCCO (P-3)-GRAY)* 11111 � Mfg 3 (AP-4) — METAL CANOPY (5' DEPTH) color p-2 � ANT s N TAN crri ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG w1ETAL (3' DEPTH) CANOPY n n DEPTH) color p-2 I CANOPY i I NEW STOREFRONT ARCHITECTURAL P NELING (AP-4) PORCELAIN TILE - MOHAWK ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG METAL CANOPY ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANG ETAL CANOP SANDLEWOOD EXISTING ARCADE - 12' DEEP IT DEPTH) (5' DEPTH) color p-2 (3' DEPTH) DEPTH) color p-2 DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN SCREEN DECORATIVE METAL PANELING/ GREEN SCREEN —EXISTING MASONRY WALL - NEW STAIN FINISH TO MATCH P-3 (FRENCH GREY)) RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 4 + / I= r IZ if R R W A R C H I T E C T S 11II"01 11", aFwldkanllwi.ginu 22902 434971 ]1M b. omh,i mm A, S �`S , APPR�vED Rtl6+• w EX - SOUTH ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE 1f J r t 1�1Mny M IN1S 1S P� Scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" �p(� O�ED Y PNEW -SOUTH WEST ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21. 2020 EXISTING CONDITIONS NEW PROPOSAL NEW PROPOSAL MATERIALS 3 R W A R C H I T E C T S 110 k101 akeerne aFwldleanllwi,i72290i 434971 ]1M b. o.,Firemmm GER - NOT IN SCOPE I KROGER - NOT IN SCOPE PREVIOUSLY ARB PAPPROVED - N.I.S. PREVIOUSLY ARB PAPPROVED - N.LS. NEW BRICK (BR-3) FINISH @ ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-3) NEW BRICK (BR-1) FINISH ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-2) EXISTING WALL - NEW STAINED COLUMN (THIS SECTION) (THIS SECTION) FINISH (FRENCH GREY) CERAMIC PANELING (CP-1) NEW BRICK (BR-2) FINISH � i ARCHITECTURAL PANELLING (AP-5) • U y 7 F 11 7A if�G.a�pe 11 uvWIfLS imLA�. le��aa v ®�9�[�a sKsoRaPstAccc jp MNE ww"DEPOT DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / DECORATIVE METAL STUCCO (P-7) GREEN SCREEN PANELING / GREEN SCREEN\\J METAL CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - METAL CANOPY (T DEPTH) - 4 color P-1 color P-5 color P-1 METAL CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - color P-2 KROGER - NOT IN SCOPE PREVIOUSLY ARB PAPPROVED - N.I.S. PREVIOUSLY ARB PAPPROVED - N.I.S. NEW BRICK (BR-3) FINISH @ — ARCHRECTURAL PANELING (AP-3) NEW BRICK (BR-1) FINISH ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-2) EXISTING WALL - NEW STAINED COLUMN (THIS SECTION) r FINISH (FRENCH GREY) CERAMIC PANELING (CP-1) (THIS SECTION) ARCHITECTURAL PANELING AP-5 NEW BRICK (BR-2) FINISH— 1 i ( )� _ I ���� , T&C nails 11 tr��i�t6�l'�t FlnaMd91 r,<st4 r I ,- Tenant Y WINE "e°°"mrn -,, 7+rne�t n I VIM 'DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / DECORATIVE METAL 4STUCCO (P-7) GREEN SCREEN PANELING /GREEN' METAL CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - p color P-1 color P-5 ^ K METAL CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - color P-2 GREEN SCREEN DESIGN `REPp�( PP HAVE BEEN REVISED. �N�S �S A METAL CANOPY (T DEPTH) color P-1 I NOTE ADDED PER ARB SUBMISSION k2 DEC. 21, 2020 VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS FROM ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. NOTE: IN THIS REVISION (dtd. June 28, 2020), ELEVATIONAL MATERIALS HAVE BEEN RE- VISED - SEE ABOVE. FOR COMPLETE MATE- RIAL PALLETTES SEE PAGE 26. Scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION ��,C ,S RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION J 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 EXISTING CONDITIONS NEW PROPOSAL NEW PROPOSAL MATERIALS 3 R W A R C H I T E C T S 110 b101 akeerne aFwldleanllwi,i72290i 434971 ]1M I I ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-3; I I NEW BRICK (BR-2) FINISH T�uawQ SALLY I I rNEW BRICK (BR-1) FINISH (THIS SECTION) - I V 0 V V WINDUP DEPOT I I ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-2) ARCHITECTURAL PANELLING (AP-5) Tama 91} I I I I I P EVIOUSLY AR PAPP OVED - N.I.-. PIfEVIOUSLY ARB P PPROVED - N.I. EXISTING WALL -NEW STAINED FINISH (FRENCH GREY) LDECORATIVE METAL PANELING, STUCCO /96) GREEN SCREEN METAL CANOPY (5 DEPTH) - CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - 4 color P-1 I color P-5 METAL CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - color P-2 I I I I I I I I ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-2) EXISTING WALL- NEW STAINED ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-3) NEW BRICK (BR-1) FINISH (THIS SECTION) FINISH (FRENCH GREY) NEW BRICK (BR-2) FINISH ARCHITECTURAL PANELING (AP-5) AM— !i ii it - h T�11�1'It RN!hA>QtzAhr Arr@lUl',i16 Fff STUCCO TAN METAL CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - CANOPY (5' DEPTH) - color P-1 color P-5 7METAL CANOPY IS DEPTH) - color P-2 DECORATIVE METAL PANELING / GREEN LDECORATIVE METAL PANELING / DECORATIVE METAL GREEN SCREEN PANELING / GREEN SCREEN GREEN SCREEN DESIGN HAVE BEEN REVISED. I I I I I I DEVIOUSLY ARB P, PPROVED - N.I.P. Cw VIERRA I NEW BRICK (BR-3) FINISH @ COLUMN (THIS SECTION) CERAMIC PANELING I T�msll fUML.Wf Otl 1 1 METAL CANOPY (T DEPTH) -� (MP-1 B DARK BRONZE) I NEW BRICK(BR-3)FINISH @ COLUMN (THIS SECTION) CERAMIC PANELING (CP-1) T&CRRlpll METAL CANOPY (7' DEPTH) (MP-1 B DARK BRONZE) GER - NOT IN SCOPE I KROGER - NOT IN SCOPE I KROGER - NOT IN SCOPE NOTE ADDED PER ARB SUBMISSION k2 DEC. 21, 2020 VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS FROM ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. NOTE: IN THIS REVISION (dtd. June 28, 2020), ELEVATIONAL MATERIALS HAVE BEEN RE- VISED - SEE ABOVE. FOR COMPLETE MATE- RIAL PALLETTES SEE PAGE 26. Scale: 3/64" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 Y . " I 1 =urri ' 111k, �. �y , •. a- ���+\ v g PPPR�vED R R W A R C H I T E C T S IlfkvnF 1 s \S P�REPD oFwldkanlle.i.ginu 3]90i �` 4l99]I ]1M EX - SOUTH ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE Tenant IN1S 1S P _ )W DEPOT PPPRovED �( NEW - SOUTH ELEVATION PERSPECTIVE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 R R W A R C H I T E C T S I ID"1N1 Berne ,_E..Pi.ginu 22902 43497171M FINISHES - VISUAL KEY 4 MAIN ADDITIVES FINISHES TYPE AP- ARCHITECTURAL PANEL MANUFACTURER: STONEWOOD OR EQ. ■ ■ MEN PRODUCT: STANDARD PANEL AINELT TYPE/$1'STEM: lY RANK/ 8° RANK ON CLIP SYSTEM FINISH 'AP-1 'AP -2 'AP -3 'AP -4 'AP -5 'AP -6 Pewter Mesh 51h Ave Elm Grey Mesh Copper Brown Bronze Valential Teak Impression TYPE % THIN ECK MANUFACTURER: ROBEN, GLEN GERY OR EQ. - PR DUCT: THIN PRODUCT: THIN BRICK 'BR-1 'BR -2 'BR -3 NF PEARL WHITE MINKGREY5MO0TH #737 PLOWED EARTH WATERSTRUCK TYPE E' E- EIFS/STUCCO['}„/��1' IvSANUFACTURER:STOCORPOREQ. W IS RI'/'j 5f �.+{ .{P 'E' -1 IF -2 STO LIMESTONE TEXTURE STANDARDTEXTUw RRE_ MP - METAL PANEL P■ ppp_,.F, ■ MANUFACTURER: MOON OR EQ. 'MP-1 COLOR: 'MP-2 COLOR: PROFILE: MATRIX 1.0 BLUE GREY PROFILE: MATRIX 1.0 DOVE GREY + MATRIX 3.0 TYPEICP OF- CERAMIC CLAD PANEL TYPE'P P- EXTERIOR PAINT MANUFACTURER: CERACLAD OR EQ. ■ MANUFACTURER: NONE PRODUCT: ZEN GARDEN BENLUNN MOORE OR EQ. 'CP-1 '1 'P-2 'P-3 'R-4 MEDIUM GREY ONYX GRAPHITE 2133-10 1603 ENGLEWOOD SILHOUETTE CLIFFS 1607 AF-655 MA a- -PT- PORCELAIN TILE MANUFACTURER: MOHAWK ■ ■ ■ 'P-5 'P-6 'P-7 'P-8 SANDLEWOOD TICONDEROGA BAIA DUNES WIND'S OXFORD TAUPE 992 997 BREATH 981 WHOE 869 TYPE� M - WIRE MESH MANUFACTURER: MCINCHOLS OR EQ. •� PRODUCT: DESIGNER MESH I TECHNA 3150, TYPE 304 PREVIOUSLY USED & APPROVED FOR TJX NONE BRICK STAIN Rr-1-ROUGH CANOPY CANOPY E- EIFS/STUCCO E- EIFS/STUCCO FRENCH GREY SAWN TIMBER COLOR COLOR 'CHINA WHITE' 'ACADIAWHITE' 'MINK'(SN EXTERIORSTAIN 'PISTOL 'AGED 6004)BY S.W. #SC-109 BLACKBRONZE' E� WRANGLER BROWN' A`REp�p`( Air �v -�H1S 1S MATERIAL PALETTE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 FINISHES - VISUAL KEY PRECEDENTS FAcwDE FINISH SCnEw1E 4 MAIN ADDITIVES NEnPE/Anlunon o MANUEACWMFAauRER rcooua SPEC cowR CONTAnmw NOTES 1YPE'AP MENNEN 'AP' -1 'AP -2 'AP -3 'AP -d 'AP -5 'AP -6 NOT IN ARR NEI ® AP -I ARCHITECTURAL RANI STONEWOOO OR w. STANDARD PANELCLIPI PERNERMaH MBORMLMOOAIOusE-GA ARCHIIEC111RLL-14101 NR9b4U-FRAIL M3taCxI1EC111PAL.COM xoruorvruwRFACESAwrTn To eE IXPOSw F151B1ER5-SEE RTM MJ.1 Mz Ara MI AS AP-6 AL ARcxrtECWwLVArve ARCHIrtaURU PANI ARCHMRURALRANEL ARCHMRURALP.WEL ARCHMRURAL P.WEL sroNEWr000 OR CON sWQCYQOD OR w. STONEWOODORDO CONEWOODOREO. STONEWOOD OR w. wNDEuw sTanoAm PAUI-CSM STANDARD PANELCLIPI STANDARD PANEL -CLIPS STANDARD PANELCLIP12 STANDARD 14 STAN AnEL-MoouTO sM AVE IaR GREYMEw CCA£R BROWN BROIGNATTEM, ALLM LLLTFAK - - MNEGALMFER-Sa S.RosvSTEYI 1.4 TO MA-B/anas ICELy ICORNeDBANE BR THIN BACK wBEN mmrvDARo BnCK F BBROwry -ALLIED CONCRETE COMP CRICK DO GROGTCOwRTBD eR-z 1HIry PACK GIENGERYO0. w. MIN BACK cRurnM M SMOOTH PRO IN ALLIED eBROWN ALLIED CONCRETE- E BB GROUT COLORIBD BR-3 MIN PACK GIEN4E1YO0. Ed_ MIN BACK IJ3)RTRUCK RIH wAR6TRUQ BR - AWEDDCONCREIE- DOBBIN WED CONCRETE I DBROwrv6duuEDCOxCPETE.COM GROVT COLOR LED PE'BR' 'BR-1 'BR-2 'BR-3 P \' .m Q WGGCOLOR I EIFS StOCORP, ORWrt OR w. STO LIMESTONE IEXiVRE ORR5EE C0.ED01. E1e7ZR ELEVAnoN _ WERE MESH MCINCHOLSORNS DESIGNER MO TECHNA 3150, PENT mP A METAL P.W t MOANO w. MAlRIX10GLLVNUM£ BWEGRET ARCHITECTURAL CHAELM ORHOUS -ry. ARESAMCHInol4zzb4s3-FUME: M KEG vwxn nEcruASL.coM MP-1B METU PANEL MObi OR Ep MAT.. GLLVAWAE 1YPE'E' yy-y ,� . � i7�.RY•T PP > �.•YO w, ,'-'S REMOVED )'. -t �.. ea e 2 i9, Q t AR MEru RANI Mo�+OR w. ALTERNAnrvG MATRa In Arvo MiIX o NODEGONZE Da'E GRFT - - Irvsau Iry MEVEmcuoAEMAmu - - P-z EKFEaoRPAM awEwAnry MOOREce GRAvxlre rlso3 73 NNW MEeMRw BEMAMIN MOORE OR EO. £NGIfW000.1. I16W P-s IX1ER1pRPAM BENWIINMOORE CR w. 'IICONOERp'iI. TAUPP 1YPE'MP �:.� r. ENATENKER 'MP 'MP-lA 'MP-1B 'MP -2 NICARalcobrnotdVided)- esBEIER sle Pb ExrtAoaruM uuunlry MoouceBP.0 w EAD DUNE51991 P-T EKIEAORPAM 1.11PLAMINMOORE OR w. wmO5 BRGTx 1981 w. 19 IXI[RIOREANG ENV B....'OR w. '"LLNEI AN1996 RE H roRCEVAan1E MOHAwK yNDEENR D EremoR PAN! • SREl PNISX-ALLFXIFRpRdwSE➢SFRVCNRALAND NFAwSRHNBE F%IEWOR, NAWNE GRADE BY SMETNN BACON Cworr WWDTOBEONEOFIOLLO I. IR fAC . COYA(COWAR WMBERORMOG UWEBER 'ERWNG 3. FAU%WWOBY ESINEC ORREE) EO WIULMS. 1YPE'M' ® Ml (emnderd) CERN ISHSCHEDULE KEY <OMPAM/muuuFAC1uRER SrtCIFIGnONS COMACF <OMUIIIR TYPE P PAINT, BRICK STAIN AND DECORATIVE Egg$ Dot used +i Qi ■ ■ y ea.n f 'P' -5 'P--6 'P-7 'P _8 'P -9 or used GPAORGMPAc.OBEQ. IX NEIRGRATE EWIDDIASSORw-CE&wG-PAUNTED C_I roLYVERMINE-<owRTBo-veos+oE Sw.P1ETo Q SHOPM wIulMSpR w. FxISTING GwB. CDurvG tO BE P.E-PUNTED-COLORTBD GENERAL NOTES: AUMETUAPPLEDNVNTro BE IXTEDOY,coMMD2CULGRADE&SUDAEIEBARExTEAORWELAnTCA MSUWff SKC. To ARCH. KGRAPWOVAL SUBMrt A1LMATERLALSAMAFSTOA NERAPwovu. - RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 R R W A R C H I T E C T S 110Zi722902 aFwldkanll '34 97171M 4omh, ... b..�oRM1iremmm 1S A`REPp`( 1N\S APPR0\10 PRELIMINARY STUDIES FOR EXTERIOR PEDESTRIAN SPACE PRELIMINARY STUDIES FOR EXTERIOR PEDESTRIAN SPACE RIO HILL FACADE RENOVATION 6th Submittal - Sep 26, 2022 SOUTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION RCP 3 R W A R C H I T E C T S 110 b101 akeerne aFwldleanllwi,i72290i 4349]I ]1M b. omh,l mm S1.1 1 2 S3 !S3.1' 2 S` . - S5 S6� S10.1 FUTURE - NOT IN SCOPE ELEVATION SECTION 7 ELEVATION SECTION 2 ELEVATION SECTION 3 ELEVATION SECTION 4 ELEVATIO FUTURE SCOPE OF WORK - N.I.S. y 49' - a" Fz' av . _ _—_—_ _—_—_—_ —- _ _—_—_ _ —_ _ _—_— _ FZ CA4TG FABbOpN z RACK RO®MMI SHOES C LEANERS arwmm 3 Y W /°'at4[�mCNS ri STArrS MUSIC T SUud6v, BEST TMp / A / A A SO S1 S1.1 1 S1.2 S2 \ D� APPR�vED ,_L S3 S3.1 NOT IN PROJECT SCOPE S3.31 DOWNLIGHT - Ap RECESSED CAN F4 (ALT-a) - BOLLARD F2 LED strip WALL WASHER F-4 (ALT-b) BOLLARD - 4" LINEAR LINEAR SURFACE LIGHT SURFACE LIGHT (alt) MOUNTED (3' TYP) 0 7 44 F]-b F]-b F]-b H-b F]-b F]-b A-b A-b F]-b F]-b S5 S5.1 F3-a F3-b WALL SCONCE WALL SCONCE bi-directional - = small bi-directional F-4 (ALT-c) - F5-a BOLLARD INGROUND - UPLIGHT F7-a 4" LINEAR RECESSED (3' NP) 4 F3-a F3-a F3-a F5-a F5-a F5-a F5-o F3-a F4 0. F4� F4 Po # F4L� �,S9 i S10 S10.1 RCP FIXTURE LEGEND F3-c F3 -d • RECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT ( 1) WALL SCONCE0 WALL WASHER SCONCE ----- LED LIGHT STRIP (F-2) Q WALL LIGHT (F-3) F5-b F5-c BOLLARDS (F-4) INGROUND INGROUND Q IN -GROUND UP LIGHT (F-5) LIGHT 41001111'GREENWALLI UPLIGHT ON A LINEAR LIGHT - CEILING MOU -6) STAKE LIGHT I� LINEAR LIGHT - RECESSED (FJ) ------ ABOVE CANOPY UPLIGHT (F-8) Scale: 3/64" _ *SEE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN FO DETAILS LIGHTIN LAN 1N1 1S RIO DE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020 vrr ✓rrc✓rrc. 1 ✓rr✓ ✓rrc.c�rr ✓rr✓ ✓rry �T \ / \� 2 �A8.� ELEVATION SECTION 6T ELEVATION SECTION 7 ✓r ✓rry ✓r T \ WEST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION RCP SOUTH WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION RCP (W1) W1.1 (W2) W2.1 3/A8.1�= ELEVATION SECTION 8 101-0" 10.-G. 101-G. i F5-c F5c F5< /6(AO OF6 (A� 06AO NF6A/ F5- F5-c F5-c `Fl-�Fl-b 'Fl-b 'FI-b PIII ❑ F4 \ F4 � �F4 #F4 F4 (W3> (W� (W5 (W6 (W \T ELEVATION SECTION 9 \ 49' - 8" ELEVATION SECTION 10 •Fl-. 'Fl-a •Fl-a 'F1-6 F1-b-�Fl-b-�Fl- 'Fl-a 0 �F4 ❑ 1 I / \ O W8) (W 22' - 2" ELEVATION SECTION 11 RCP FIXTURE LEGEND • RECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT ----- LED LIGHT STRIP (F-2) WALL LIGHT (F-3) BOLLARDS (F-4) IN -GROUND UP LIGHT (F-5) LINEAR LIGHT - CEILING MgVt!� I� LINEAR LIGHT - RECESSED (F-7) ------ ABOVE CANOPY UPLIGHT (F-8) W10 W10.1 W1 1 W1 1.1 W12 W12.1 W13 KRO 41 5" ELEVATION SECTION 12 ��B 0'�8�-0'�8�-0"�8 -o"� 481-011 84-0° 8'-0`4-0"L �81-0"�8 -o" e -o"�a -o"� mj I IIN I"ICVJCI, l 3k urr- INV I IIN I"KVJCI..I 3t urc I I v L, L, L, L, I v v v v X 4 X I I I I I —F7-" —F7-" �r W] Wl .l 0 ,v . #F4 n `W2) W2.1 L F1-a_F1-a Fl-a_F1-a_F1-a Fl-o_F1-o_F1-o_F1-o_F1-I F5 FS FS FS F4 #F4 tF4 F4 F4 #F4 V3 w1/'1 W8 0 0 0 F5 I I i I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 F6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) f6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) F6 (A) F6(A) F6(A) F6(A) G r l FF4 F4 F4 F4 W9 W10 W10.1 W11 W11.1 W12 W12.1 W1�3 v � . - *SEE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN FO DETAILS �H1 1S A� Scale: 3/64" = LIGHTIN LAN RIO DE RENOVATION 4th Submittal -June 28, 2021 2nd Rev. of Submittal dtd. December 21, 2020