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WPO200400100 Plan - Stormwater 2004-11-05
9 0. S A d .G u I it 9A /r 4 A d / d r g d f r x qy/ d 11 p V d r n a` If V� A it It it It it It it It 1_ it n ,i J �:I it ., I Zvi ° If n G S it A ,I A I `' it u n it p it A t 8 it if 0 ➢ A 1 4 { I _ 5 G N 4 at �yJy it N R — A+ ll 3 44 ,I I A ,a t 4 y d6i� £i' Ai U fit 1 141 1,;1 A• rr t A_ t tiff a Kw i I1 p y � ca 11; MR it u }ll � r411,5 4 1 ..• --. SA'1I g iyV A v e S1PI 9 It GG if y E if nw ° ua a if g t� 'c A Itt iB 7 R Y e II1 � p g if ua a ! A 4 0 r>�/IW A T F, R STOMWATIF PAN0-F1LTE,,1-- NOTE-S 1. The bio-filter is not to be, installed until tho slite Is adequately stabilized according to Water Resources Personnel a (434) 23,61586L ,2. The bio~filter soil mix must- be Luck Rio -Filter PAix or tested and +approved equivalent. For more in Tease call Water Pesources personnel a (434) 236-5861. 3. -The Paio-filter soil mix must be stabilized wit'D E.G-2 motting and seed mixture of native grasses along with the trees and/or s'�rubs listed can rht pion. 4. Contractor shall contact tht; water resources inspector 2.4 boiurs pricer to backfilling the ..biof ilter and request an inspection and approval under-droin installation rind the soil mix. P 10-FiLTER LANDSCAPING. SYEWOLS LEGEND --� 2 - 1' Caljper Red Males t 2 - I` Caliper Sycamores Caliper Red Oak 1 3 001. Elderberry shrub 1 _ 3 Gal. Virginia Sweetspire f�", - (\Jf'\\1T P-?_ 0 L PL_ //\ 1'\1 r�PVC ,, , �+ OR 7. .-,„ 7 . a. STORM. WKTER CHANNEL PLAN TOP OF AS 7►3 .. :.7' LUCK ENO -FILTER MW AND EIVIPAW )EI . � . ] a IN ]' PaRIC PROVIDE PPES ACROSS ENTIRE WIDTH AM „, , PROFILE SUaLWffK*L WITH LOAM ORMULAIR EARTH FILL TOP OF CLEAN-OUr MAXIr STONE ' r w 4 —9 IiON—PERFORl17ED PVC RK i IX MIN, LOAM OR ORANUTAR SLOPE EgUWIL . t S 4'—S' PERFORAiED PVC SEE DI Wfld 5 FOR PFE O VL MIK SLOPE VECELM COVER CFf10NS. CROSS SECTION SiLT TRAP RETROFIT TO BIOFILTER NO SCALE W&B An M, VICINITY HAP lent STORMWATEP/SUFFER PLANTING NOTE The planting in the buffer area for the stormwater management is to enhance water duality of stormwater runoff from the road not caught in the bio-filter structure. The plantings in this area will be the same planting schedule as the approved Mitigation planting plan for the buffer encroachment for the proposed driveway to Lot 2. T H Or- �l �o c GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=50' Jr � Natante ns r, CEAT. N0. 032304 0 50 100 150 O pROFESSIO�P i63 I t i 0 - sit a E o v ,1 u � m to I z Q.. <C LLJ t� r ` .. LLJ D. Q �— . ' tt� 0 t� DEVONED BY DATE IMP 6/20iO4 DRAWN Z,Y DATE NIP 8/20/04 CHEGY.ED BY DATE FILE EDIT BEND-STR - SCALE 1"=50' DRAWING to - PLOT. ,.yprzO�ecT r _-- �'"`l 04 2004 OF 2 SHEET NO. VA v - T F— if I ir k Ji %FFf it A it T �411 A k y�. A 5 5 /% F Ile h 5" Al 5 Y'h 5 , gy�, - ------------- IM-�' ^eyr+�.yyw.:r^---------'- :ma's•. _ ./' '� ^.`^+,-�.'�`.. '�e,s 0 G., F— PLA,WT SG,,HEDUU Ilk I S'llk,-j,-,;�,,�i,%,Y"�,.WA'T'E..P.,. 25,1,-J!FFE.k[?, AP-E-A , ia-m'g Arfo0 o00 7�5t c H � bt o, i ssf - r , a j -cl Io pnr iti n- io r mFo i i1s:8, qlin tPi 5 G -)MkAt0-W NAhAdLr--- 'Fl- a I ot u-i ni.-A S I z FE- II PL ArNJ �i\]- Z. 0 NIA E 1t }' Nit 0 .1, A 5f 0 CC (27 T o' ci, 1) d I r r., d o n T r u bp,, •T Afl,rin s rccacomore, 5' ..5tol toc •(2 Toi) S (�z- e,d I i n m on do r eetu bs C Yc,,How Poplar 5' o.c. (23 Total) G P,5dling R a n d o rn T r c,, b tubbs D Dowood g 5' o.c. (23 ToLal) (3-5b dh rig Random Tr b e, Lubbs E.- Virginio Swc,,bLspirc, 5' o.c. (23 Total) Sc,:� t d 11 ng a n d o m T r c,, tubes F e, d b u d 5' 0. c. (4 6 T 0 t a 1) S Je.d11n _g R- a n (J ot m Trce, tubbs r3 Eldbrbtrry o. c. (4 6 T o t a 1) Sbbdling Pandom Trbb tub�s VICINITY MAP SCAL' I" = 2000' �17- Is STORZ WATE—P� ST*IP-J1`--*AM U-6111UFFEIR, IPLAWPIIIN,11654 �INIGTF_ , p, Tllbc; pt�rsnmg for tbl--/, Lmiflt "Itg4'atmin, ,sbai-1111 bt�, with tbif� -5,00M 01 y o 5-1 It s b ov,m n, i MN-atoedsr'rc'1bokr--tton5rvb'02. itifjnooplontmg sldo rit�briod Spten-,;mot, 15 1- ov,m,r 15Wor�to Nny Tb� oeao sllbi5c-', f,bor c)5dkin ,robat,55qoian d p mtduing t, ir-r,o,rp,F- istp,mcmintin o-Logacr-eorlm and thedrgivewoy toZp mwtigotion ar5a plo n , bi in! 9, s' o I i , r' o fl, a w S r, h rk -4, 1 4. sbaulil bo, p�am' t-odil nn.ii grouips of tbrf,�z,,5 os -c-z-1.6,own, in th5 Lypica'il plaah.-?Itiiniq a y 0 U t,�, W .it b a Mq P, I m ul m bptwt,��,fn, m-61vid�,,und pllamCl-s oil' cbriLer to Tbis diistonce, b6tweon grouys s-Dha,'1111 no n S tonan 11 C) r-, P,,, t 5 r L o c e, na 1, P5 r. _Fb5 plont "Clyout sboLdsd r c,- - m b:'If o, r a n d- onn, a n d ngat�L�lrrul placbmbrfl ogam' p"I C n 11.., I r rotbe,r tblon a standord lond'so"Qpp,-,�d t:.,,ppr-oocb vib tr,-�,os )rn rows ©I otbtr -or 6., Tb6c �contrar-,,tor sr'baflI w a r ,yes ani tbalt o o F d X � c;TF- io fl, P I a n t i n s o it j'3 T Pit, r �i o d r-;' on- yf�a I! o-vv mig prlariltin o p1l on surviv� ""'or aa pLonts C;OnForm-ng to ANSI' •Z� 0.'11, 7. Tbi-, �contractor sbc--�,dflll F lu r•in i s 1-v mu r, S� t,, r- err ow 11 i, ; . 1, 'qq! 0 y w Ibii--4,altby rool,-. nss r plon't or rc-ot P r u n i n a and s` ruflbs::-- bt-� wit, H S f -)a1p a Ill t lb %.e,, vigorous 01Fm c, b ro, i i, --, c1b Pd au, r v aq, � 5;: in, i n- d T r� 5 G, S (Gb a ia s knot'ts sun scald, n u Irom abra-mn- ;and g. itlu romnvo5 n t - ;r r c 5, 6.. N] tA r s i,- r Aj s t of c k sib o U �C;0:ne, fi-oyn na. lor-adl mar-sc:,,,ry or bt, a *ap;' ed to local 9, ro wing, conditions a n d b e, u �o r a n t fal by t' :b n'j-4 r s e,, r y o, s -s i, c b. $7 T- - - -ioy lumps, 3. T -b n " r -a (; t o r s allil ciean th, topscil o T" rool s o and of r 5xtraneotu'us mat eriol lbar-,-nfui to plant growth. 10. 'Tb� contractor shal'pl pik)nt trpp, ocsror-ding to tbb dc-j'all -bown, on tbis sbot. It. 'Trets tubes and brush, mats-, mu-tst- bt.. u-sed with tbo ripariori plantings. 12. Planting Zscht,,dul(-, ils bol--->(-,d on art,,o of dist,.urbanc(,- o-F 3,73;;-5 squoro fr�bt to tbi5 -streoarri buft"i--,,r., P- k 171. UP I W. Nathaniel D. Perkins CERT. NO, 032304 A V I ir R z vt Q� Cy Id < (D < z 0 _j -j Ld bj < 0 DE-516NED 8Y DATE 114P 6/20/04 DPAWN BY DATE 1\1 P 8/20/04 CHECKED BY DATE FILE DIT SCALE 1'= 50' DRAVVIN6 PLOT PP-aj,EcT OF 2 SHEET NO.