HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201400121 Application 2014-09-11f b as ref u ty C�ammunity otter opment D9D2 -45 6 4 1 F;' clntireRoadCharlottesville ;VA22902 -4596 `voice : (434) 246 -5832 Fax : (434) 972 -4126 Planning Application PARCEL DWNER IfVFDF2MATIDN TNIP 061WO- 03- 00 -O21A0 - -,- ,ner,'. LINDA BLAKE GAYLE LLC Application # FARB201400121 PROPERTYINFDRMATIDN Legal description ACREAGE VILLAGE GREEN SHOPPING Magisterial Dist, Jack ]ouett Land Use Primary Commercial Current AFD I Not in Af F District .J LTJ Current 'zoning Primary C1 Commercial APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 2001 COMMONWEALTH DR CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 Entered By Application Type I Architectural: Review Board 111 Marti r, t 'r 9 11 2}14 Project Thai Cuisine - Sign Received Date 09f 10 {14 Received Date Final Submittal Date 09f 22f 14 Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid Revision Number Comments Legal Ad ISUB APPLICA I TvDe I Sub ADN icatioI Comment I SIGN r CoatactType Name ,"address CityStafba Zip Phone Phone ---ell Ow�-r Applicart LINDA BLAKE GAYLE LLC 15 RrVER ROAD RICHMOND VA 23226 ..... :r�l �_rtra_.r der -_ .'t ¢..... ............. AMERICAN MADE SIGNS a ................ W, :725 RIO ROAD W STE. 2gg ..,.............................................. CHARLOTTESViLL ,. :229171 � 4349717445 ........................................... t Prmrary Contact _ ................. ............................................................................_....... IOSHUA O CONNOR OR KELLY HARRIS ............................... ...... :72.5 RIO ROAD W.r STE.. 255 _ CHARLOTTESVILL ........ .......................... 22.901 4349717445 _ Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date / 1 � Application and Checklist for Sign Permit -,- ,y Part A: Applicant and Parcel Information Nrejeet Name: THAI .CUISINE. . . . . . Addren: 2205 COMMONWEALTH DR.. CVILLE 22901 Fax map and pareelfs): - 061 WO- 03- 0O-021A0 . _. lonirit;: Contact i'erson tWiio should,*se call!►%riteconcerning this pror:ct'): Joshua O'Connor -or• Kelly Harris Address 725 Rio Road W. STE 200 -- t'ih' Charlottesville - -- State __VA__ Gip 22901 — Darlene Plione) 4 34 1071 -7446 Fax ft I—) sales americanm On oer of Remrd: LINDA BLAKE GAYLE LLC Address 15 RIVER ROAD - - -- CityRICHMONI1 -- State VA- — LIP --2322£ Daytime Phone ( —) — - -, Fax A ( —) - -- -- E -mail _ -- - - - - -- {Contractor NaindBusiness Nam a: AMERICAN MADE SIGNS - ALL INFO SAME AS ABOVE CONTACT PERSON Address - - - - -- _ -- C tty _ -- - - -- State - -- Daytime Plione ( —) — Fax # { —) - - - - -_ E -mail _ -- Part B: Determining application requirements and fees 1. Sign Permit - Pleases indicate ntrkh wr<ti tp,7e yvir are applpinRfiar: ❑ Frttistantiing or Monument Sign: $85.60 ❑ If ftwung is required. an additional kc is required: $ 30.60 x❑ Wall Sign U ncludingprojmrl %.amnint;.liirll)llmlrl'ulH/1)\ +tgli +l: 585.60 ❑ Sign Reiat: ing: $550l 2. Electrical Permit - Will the sign he illuminated? Yes (llheminared signs Yrquire an ek- etrica? p•tmitancl mt elertre al m-henr tic ! $45.90 No $ ().(X) 1. ARB Review - 1#111 the pernarment si1gnt.) he c nxinraied in an Entrance t'vrridorF (See the Entrance Cinridur-map in the Sign Pt-rnlii.JpI4icataut /kit let fora list of Erifram.e Condo -.., ❑ Yes (-this sign will hr cuns ins c -1tv( in an Entrance farridar and it does not meet the t-emdltums oja $12 {).00 Cionprehensire Sign Retitws. Se'erlRBrcyuinmrnbnt:ttpuges_l Yes (this sign will IV cxrn. trrnwrcvl in an Enuunt'e Cars idcn-and it does meet the ecmditisms vl a Waive Fee Cumprehensi%e Sign Rr \iewc. SeeAR8myuireme•nb nekrpiges.l ❑No (this sign will not IV cemsrnee'k -d in an Entrance Cuntidcir) FEE TOTAL Oease add all (he amounts e•han•ked insertions I — 3t: S OFFICE USE ONLY UN '/h�L ARB FOR I V t �C1 hak '�J '�`— �— �% —(� —/- IY F'cr Amwnt S_ • - -- [ktic Maid o' ti vl 1 !_! �.0 Counh• of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottes%ille. 1 A 22902 Voice: (434) 2% -5832 Fax: (434)'972-4126 01,-'05,2011 I'agk 1 of 4 SECTION z: WALL SIGNS A. Submittal Requirements 7 A drawing, to scale, showing dimensions of the sign (length, height, depth). Elevation drawings) or modified photograph of the enure building, io settle and in color, showing Q The sign location on the building. sign height above grade, and the length of building frontage. (Bt-.% itit, rr,ahr, inr•ludr• Ihs•u• dbni•nairms uir tlrc dia�um+ pruaidrd i,r appr•nrtia !f. t © Sign lettering and.-or graphics in their proposed location. ❑ Entrance Corridor Requircrnenls: If the sign is to he constructed in an EntrunceCorridox also providea color illustration of the lions and side elevations of the sign showing: Indication of sign type (channel letters, cabinet, panel, etc.). L, Indicate on the drawings the proposed materials and colors. lrx ludo standard color udentil`ication numbers (Panione, l3enjamin Moore, Acrylic, ctc.) fur all materials, text. graphics, faces, trim caps, ete. For channel letter signs, indicate on the drawing shut the racew ay color shall munch the color of the wall to which the raceway is attached. c Provide accurate physical samples ofall colors proposed in the sign, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that accurately relkct the proposed colors are acceptable.) C" Location of proposed light fixtures and mt►nufacturcr cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17. o For internally illuminative signs, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated. {Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through When [It only from behind, the color of an opaque material cannot be detected nor can obiecis be seen through it. Internally illuminated cabinets must have ovaclue backgrounds.) B. Inspection Requirements for Wall or Projecting Signs Q Wall and projecting signs are required to lxive electrical ins pections ifilluminated. l5cheduk•d In applkano Wail and rimieclang signs are regmred to [dive final building and zoning inspections. 1.5i hedulcd fn a144ieanrl SECTION 3: ILLUMINATION REQUIREMENTS A. if the proposed sign is to beillunainated, the applicant roust pro %idc the fuilo» ins;: ' Electrical permit >= 1C5R��gc. LS E�ISSISNEr . Q Electrical schemalk C] The location of proposed light fixtures identified on a plan and .'or elevation ® Manufacturer cut sheels describing illumination type. intensity. style. shielding, color. and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordani me. SECTION 4: WORK VALUATION A. Work Valuation 111:415 '2011 Page 3 of 4 Fart D: Applicant Agreenwnt Applicant must read and sign • Each application package must contain 4 lbldW copiv ofall plarr, and documents buing submitted. Only 1 set of mat<rial.cuktr sampk-s is n yuin_Yl. All submittal items k-conw the property of Albemarle County. Applicants arc cncourziged to maintain duplicate copies in thcir;i w'n lilcs. • The applical kin package is not complete without this checklist, completed. signed, and included with the required submittal muteriaL% indicated on the checklist. I herzbt, ccrtib, that the ire /orrnatrun prot•idetl our this appliczrtinn cuid accompanying injarmaltonr or acctunrtc, trueand correct to th st r nor hiiowledt;e anrt hullo and c onwins all wk)rmatiun required hr dose c he ckli.�t.3 _-161AIL-1 - atun: of perwn completing chctklist Dtile JOSHUA O'CONNOR 434 - 971 -7446 printed Name Title Daytime phone numbcrofSignatory County of Albemarle Department al'Community Development 401 McIntire Road. ''north Wing. Charlouesvdtc. VA 14 '34) 296 -5832 Tel, (4 34) 972 1126 Fax w u w.albetnar1c.org I 01 05-2011 Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER This form fllonte Orcurxttion, Zoning C;learan.cv, Zoning Administrator Deternr %stations or . l►,rrer+ls, Sign 1'et7p+its. Building Permit) if the a{)1dication is not the A►191er. I certify that notice of the application. [County, application name and number] was provided to G AYI,9_ Ltd the owner of record of Tax Map [nan)ci s oI'the record owners of the parcel] and Parcel Number mel.w 0 -03 -00 -0at A o by delivering a copy of the application in the manner identified below: Hand delivering acopy of the application to , [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person: if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on Date Mailing a copy of the application to [. .erne ofthe record owner if the record tnvner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identity the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on cc • Date to the following address: "\�XQ0AIrwV, VA A7SAA 42 [address; written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on the current real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requirement]. S, nature of [cant --S—&txuA G'C -()A -n 0fZ, Print `applicant Nainc `,)c ,l`( Date