HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200061 Application 2022-10-14Application for Initial Site Plan or Final Site Plan or Site Plan Exception Project Name: ACSA - Avon Maintenance Yard Tax map arul pmccl(s): 09100-00-00-00100 zoning: R1 - Residential Contact (who should eve contact about this project) Dewberry Engineers Inc., Kevin Pennock Street Address 4805 Lake Brook Drive, Suite 200 City Glen Allen State VA 'zip Code 23060 Phone Number (804) 205-3338 Entail kpennock@dewberry.com Owner of Record Albemarle County Service Authority Street Address 168 Spotnap Road City Charlottesville Statc VA zip code 22911 Phone Number (434) 977-4511 ext. 116 gnnnait amorrison@serviceauthority.org Applicant Albemarle County Service Authority, Alexander Morrison Street Address 168 Spotnap Road City Charlottesville state VA zip code 22911 Phone Number (434) 977-4511 ext. 116 Pnrgil amorrison@serviceauthority.org Residential Type of unit(s): H of building(s): Sq. ft. of building(s): H of units per building: Total N of units: Resulting density: Acreage of site: Acreage in open space: Acreage in roads: Average gallons of water used pet, day: or lie vero poem ® Non-residential ® Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Quasi -Public Sq. h. of building(s): 7800 Sf Acreage of site: 7.31 ac Acreage in open space: 3.73 ac Acreage in roads: 1.07 ac Average gallons of water used per day: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SDP # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # CkH By: County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McLntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 REVISED 8/15/2022 1 of 2 Coins nents/Attachments: FEES SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SITE PLAN EXCEPTION Technology Surcharge 4% of each transaction Initial Site Plan Final Site Plan Exception to drawing of site plan under section 32.3.5 a Approved No Prea p lication plan Prea p plication plan ® $1846 ❑ $1,846 ❑ 5861.12 Fee $828+Technology Surcharge ❑ 51,476.8OFce$1,420+Technology Surcharge $33.12 $58.80 Fee + Fee $1,775 + Plus Plus Technology 'Fechnology N of dwellings ,X'SI6=S R.04= Not dpwellings_XS16=S X.04= Surcharge $71 .00 Surcharge $71.00 S S +Fire Rescue +Fire Rescue Plus Plus Fee of $100 Fee of $100 Nonresidential square feet X.016 = Nonresidential square feet X 0.016 = S X.04= S X.04= TOTAL$ TOTAL$ +Fire Rescue Fee of $100 +Fire Rescue Fee of $100 A completed application and all supplemental doetanents should be submitted Na the CommunIA, Develo nnenf Apply for pace. If paper /s the only option, teen one co p qf a corm feted application and all su p tlentental documents (nap be provided. ❑ Site plan has a parking structure. Included are revised architechn•al elevations, drawings, photographs or other visual malerinls snbmitled n•ilh the initial site jarin. The devaftons shall he part of theapproved final site plan. Notices require(] by Section (f) Initial notice fee to be provided in conjunction with an application, for preparing and mailing notices and published notice =$448 GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT (Requiredfor all non-residential site plans not serviced by public watel) ❑ If the plans show a use using less than 2,000 gallons/day (average) Tier 3 Groundwater Review = $627.12 Fee $603 + Technology Surcharge $24.12 ❑ If the plans show a use using greater than 2,000 gallons/day (average) 'Fier 4 Groundwater Review= $1,354.08 Fee $1302+'rechnolo Surcharge $52.08 ❑ Special Exception = $523.12 Fee $503+1rechnology Surcharge This application may require additional review by the Fire Marshal. Fees in addition to those shown on this application may be required by the Fire Prevention Code Fee Schedule. A copy of the schedule is available from the Fire Marshal. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by Section 32.5 (Initial Site Plan) or Section 32.6 (Final Site Plan) of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. I understand that plans which lack information requited by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten (10) days of submittal as provided in Section or Section of Chapter 18 of the Code as One case may be. By signing this application I am consenting to written continents, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. For Final Plans Onlv: To the best of my knowledge, I have complied with Section of Chanter 18 of the Code. SignaturContractPurchaser,Agent Date / 3. Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory Site Plan Application REVISED 8/15/2022 Page 2 of2