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SDP199100075 Plan - Approved Preliminary Site Plan 1992-01-03
PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR 6RIARWDOD - RR.D. PHASE 3A EXISTING CONCRETE DI TCH L C) L- c) n 11 J: .k- 'k J. -J: "k Ik- -,k. k 1: EXISTING SAN. SEWER ESMT. D.B. 690 pg. 299, 302 plot E-3 f,--: I G' If 7 /1 ZIV 0 111 47 1. 9 ZI tl 1) _I A L 2.5' `1 0 11 1171 . 1---� 0 /17 -1 . 31 0 4 7 j L .11 0 ("s V G7 . 0 1 P i e E-3) i. 7 e LenciLh f L 'I -.k, A- 9: -.1. N1 H 1.8 P, C P 29 -00 1 M L 1.8 1-11, C P 13 0 0 .1 WOODBRIAR ASSOC. T 2 9 0 6. 81 TM 32G —03-83 U 1 F-� I C' I F ICIP 71 0 0 11 . `7 30 F. .3 'RWE R- S DECKS C SORETNY.,OFIANGCO$H PART,,S T R U C T U R E L CH ON WATER 01�- S WEIR EASEMENT ..5 .99 0 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA DATE : 8-19-91 71 L I T. M. 3 2 G PARCEL A and PARCEL 83 ouniy of tkibernarle PROPOSED USE SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED Department of Planning Da OWNER UNITED LAND CORP. OF AMERICA l PO BOX 5548 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22905 TOPOGRAPHY BY R.O. SNOW 8 R.W. RAY, I N C. CHARLOTTESVILLE , VA BENCHMARK 8 SURVEY DATUM 1 TOP OF EXISTING MH 489.75 ( ELEVATIONS FROM NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY ZONED - PRD (ZMA-79-32) � \ \ � ���� -END OF EXISTING CG-6 HEWVAR��"LE R N11 IEXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT N ` I I ( / \\ 450 BFIND 9 6x4 REDUCER U)N,I I / / / EXISTING 8xGCROSS IA —EXISTING 6"GATE VALVE 8 PLUG END 7- 0 - 0L I Z4- 3 33 REMOVE PLUG B EXTEND WL 5ZG 0Z END OF EXISTING CG-6 ID - G9i I I � � r � � � � 73 c)-( I 32 G - oz,- SS C 1 DOD�R1 A TM 32G-02-71 DONALD V. CRENSHAW NOTE A 20' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT CENTERED OVER ALL DRAINAGE PIPES AND DITCHES SHALL BE DEDICATED. WOODBRIAR ASSOC TM 32G PCL I FH ASSEMBLY LAND USE SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA IN PARCELS z 8.261 AC. AREA OF SITE (PHASE 3A,313) = 5.323 AC. RESIDUE (PHASE 3C) = 2.938 AC. AREA IN LOTS 2.322 AC 43.62 */o AREA IN R/W .935 AC = 17.57% AREA IN OPEN SPACE 2.066 AC = 38.81 % TOTAL 5.323 AC = 100% TOTAL UNITS = 24 GROSS DENSITY = 4.51 DU/AC TREE CANOPY CALCULATIONS - ORIOLE COURT C;,`�NOPY REQUIRED = 0.15 X 53613 SF LOT AREA = 8072 SF CANOPY PROVIDED= 9413 SF TREES TO REMAIN AREA X 1.25 BONUS FACTOR = 11 766 SF JAN 3 1 9:71 PLANNING- DIVISION COUNTY OF ALMIARLEE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 149ZES FOR SITE PLANS Revised: September 1©, 1989 1 Prior to commencement of any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a p(-,rfnit for said construction shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (hereafter abbreviated V.D.O.T.). 2. All paving and drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications arid standards of V.D.O.T. unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures steal_' be provided in accordance vjitll the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. Maximum allowable fill or cut slope 3.s 2:1. where reasonably obtainable lesser slopes of 4:1 or. better are to be achieved. 5. M.1 drainage inlets shall have a 2-inch local depression. 6. Paved or rip -rap lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering, or his designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform With the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition. S. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All , excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OS11A Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). In addition to the above notes, the following statement must be included on all site plans which require V.D.O.T. approval. The statement must be signed by the developer Of the property prior to tentative site plan approval. we the undersigned developer(s) understand that approval Of thi,; plan by the County of Albemarle does not necessarily indicate Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) approval of the plan. Approval of the plan by the County does not in any way relieve me of my responsibility ill obtaining final VDOT approval prior to the issuance of building permits and/or certificates of occupancy. DEVELOPER DATl, TM 32G-02-70 KELLY ANN WAUGMAN 0 i I1 ICI EXISTING CONCRETE DI TCH ---'+ I c r CA G WOOpBRI oZ OZ i5 TM 3ARG -ENB `GH' NE�•N � O'Z T ARv N 1D. GR GE p2_73 IM 32G " COMgE PAv�' G• TM 32G Olz A ASS I C WOOOBR 72 OZ" 'CM 5ZyG�` MORRI GARY TM 32G-02-71 DONALD V. CRENSHAW EXISTING TM 32G-02-70 KELLY ANN WAUGMA PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR ---- _ BRIARWOOD - P.R.D. PHASE 3A Strtict-tire I'Ir�e LaLior1 Tor) Iit C 11 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT AA'r.AAkA"r.:er.A k4, kAkAkk ki;!:J::kA. kAAk�A 9:AAhA. ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VIRGINIA EXISTING SAN. SEWER ESMT. r,AkAAAAA'k D.B. 690 P9 299, plot lot O Da 3B L lG' r1;jU.5 47G.`0 4.00 Id UI'-3C L=6 1 0 3 4<, . 5 476 . 04 117. 04 471 . 79 4 .25 DATE • 8 - 19 - 91 ii I).1-3A L-2.5' 0+ 476.09 471.5() 471.30 4.'79 A�.i�?, � J. L till 11 ` 0 0' 11 6 7. 0 4 0 7.? 0 1 2. 7 ;' T. M. 32 G PARCEL A and PARCEL 8 3 County ui Albemarle t 7 vim, I I f I7 rj 1r,, .i)0 .1`,. t) • �-•,.. � ��part ent 4f Planning PROPOSED USE : SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED ,(9� Pi i z e Length c It) SI0 1e t%1 OWNER = UNITED LAND CORP. OF AMERICA Date - y P O BOX 5548 151, F%CP 1 4 0. 0 0 1 1 .:1 5 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22905 N N 1.8II RCP 29 .00 I.. Of g 14 L 18'I RCP 113 . 00 ; . 3f; TM 32G \ 9p 2G IAR Assoc. „ � TOPOGRAPHY BY : R.O. SNOW a R.W. RAY INC. TM -03-83 L U 18 RCI- 12J.00 r.8, � � J x 181, RCP 71.00 11.77 CHARLOTTESVILLE , VA BENCHMARK a SURVEY DATUM TOP OF EXISTING MH 489.75 ELEVATIONS FROM NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY190 ) (;511EIv .,r�,cf \. 30 `- � - 79-3 ) r�G)f� ~N PRD MA vv✓.LrL)i�II^Iv�E. r-k`CC. ,I1�� 8 CRETE BUIL ING CO�f�FE1S; DECKS `� OR QNY PA %OF A STRUCTURE n LL 84 0 H On WATER cTfi S WEIR EASEMENTS. 00 .99 NOTE : A 20' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT CENTERED OVER ALL DRAINAGE PIPES AND DITCHES SHALL BE DEDICATED. /I l / WOODBRIAR ASSOC. TM 32 G PC L I 4 0 3 r LAND USE SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA IN PARCELS = 8.261 AC. AREA OF SITE (PHASE 3A,3B) = 5.323 AC. RESIDUE ( PHASE 3C) = 2.938 AC. AREA IN LOTS = 2.322 AC = 43.62 °/Q ARIA IN R / W = .935 AC = 17.57 AREA IN OPEN SPACE 2.066 AC = 38.81 TOTAL 5.323 AC = 100 TOTAL UNITS = 24 GROSS DENSITY = 4.51 DU/AC TREE CANOPY CALCULATIONS - ORIOLE COURT i CANOPY REQUIRED = 0.15 X 53813 SF LOT AREA= 6072 SF CANOPY PROVIDED= 9413 SF TREES TO REMAIN AREA X 1.25 BONUS FACTOR = 11766 SF i i JAN .3 - PLANNING UIVI'S_I--ON : COUNTY OF AL13 UUILE DEPART14EIlT OF ENGINEERING ~'- END O F EXISTING C G 6 GWERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS Revised: September 18, 1989 EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1. Prior to commencement of any construction within any existing public right-of-way, includinc3 connection to any existing 6X4 REDUCER road, a permit for said construction shall be obtained from 6x6x6 TEE the Virginia Department of Transportation (hereafter abbreviated V.D.O.T.). -� FX I ST I NG 8 X 6 CRASS 2. All paving and drainage related material ; and construction methods shall conform to current specifications aria standards EXISTING 6" GATE VALVE a PLUG END of V.D.O.T. unless otherwise noted. ( REMOVE PLUG B EXTEND WL) 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shal- be provided in END OF EXISTING CG - 6 accordance with the approved erosion cor trol plan and shall. be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. Maximum allowable fill or cut slope Is 2:1. Where reasonably obtainable lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be achieved. ---FH ASSEMBLY 5. All drainage inlets shall have a 2-inch local depression. 6. Paved or rip -rap lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the Albemarle County Director of Engineering, or his designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). In addition to the above notes, the following statement must be included on all site plans which require V.D.O.T. approval. The statement must be signed by the developer of the property prior to tentative site plan approval. ®w �; we the undersigned developer(s) understand that approval of WREN rT this: plan by the County of Albemarle does not necessarily indicate Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) / w approval of the plan. Approval of the plan by the County Cdoes not in any wayrelieve me of my responsibility in T Q _ g approval p s obtaining final VDO'P a prior to the issuance of building permits and/or certificates of occupancy. BRIARWOOD : o` whITNEy DEVELOPER DATE rtiF