HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA199500021 Study 1994-04-25 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Avon Street Retail Development Albemarle County, Virginia Prepared For: Cathcart Properties, Inc. Prepared By: Wilbur Smith Associates April 25 , 1994 e •ctD • WILBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 10 EAST FRANKLIN STREET • RICHMOND, VA 23219 • (804) 643-6651 • FAX(804) 644-2709 April 25, 1994 Mr. Rip Cathcart Cathcart Properties, Inc. 101 East Water Street, Suite 105 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 SUBJECT: Avon Street Retail Development Traffic Impact Study Dear Mr. Cathcart: This is to briefly relate to you our findings concerning traffic impact of the Avon Street Retail Development project located in Albemarle County, Virginia, just south of Charlottesville. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the impact of this facility in terms of projected traffic conditions on existing and proposed adjacent roadway network for the full development year 2000. Proposed Site Development & Surrounding Access Roads The Avon Street Retail Development s located on the east side of avon Street (Route 742) directly across from Mill Creek Drive. Figure 1 identifies the location of tne site and the surrounding roadway network. The development encompasses approximately twelve acres with land usss consisting of a supermarket, discount drug store, bank, service station with convenience market, restaurants, and several specialty retail shops. The only access to the site is via a collector road which will form the east approach to the Mills Creek Drive/Avon Street intersection. Avon Street is a two-lane undivided north/south arterial roadway serving predominantly local traffic in the site area. Mills Creek Drive is a two-lane undivided roadway used as the primary access for residential communities feeding off it. No roadway improvements to Avon Street are currently scheduled in the subject area. Anticipated Site Traffic Conditions An evaluation of anticipated traffic impact on the surrounding roadway network requires an estimation of site generated traffic volumes which are then superimposed upon projected local volumes. These combined volumes are used to evaluate the adequacy of the adjacent roadway network. The following summarizes the methodology used in this analysis. Anticipated traffic volumes generated by the proposed development are summarizes in Table 1. The trip generation rate for each land use were developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and used in accordance with methodology outlined in the ITE's Trip Generation Handbook, 5th edition. ALBANY, NY • ALLIANCE, OH • BALTIMORE,MD • CAIRO,EGYPT • CHARLESTON,SC • COLUMBIA, SC • COLUMBUS, OH • FALLS CHURCH,V. HONG KONG • HOUSTON,TX • ISELIN, NJ • JACKSONVILLE, FL • KNOXVILLE,TN • LEXINGTON, KY • LONDON, ENGLAND • LCS ANGELES, CF MIAMI,FL • MINNEAPOLIS,MN • NEENAH,WI • NEW HAVEN,CT • ORLANDO,FL • PHOENIX,AZ • PITTSBURGH,PA • PORTSMOUTH, NH • PROVIDENCE,R RALEIGH,NC • RICHMOND,VA • ROSELLE,IL • SAN FRANCISCO,CA • SAN JOSE,CA • SINGAPORE • TORONTO,CANADA • WASHINGTON,DC EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY Mbj�c o c W 1an �v1 �T 4� �O \VS� ��.r.r / r .. / 0 At u. ?'° \ \�\•cUQ0 lQOfr• O J/. •9,P, '•r �/ . W $ 44 sru F Johnson1l -�� o c �•, ,�,,. alp,, J y t[LU[� _irjL r y �N r •. ES 1♦/ t f e 'Or "p I c O P /.[f ylr J PLO !� _�� r�O, V�" C tip l / y Ida j1 goy c...Gf '\ I / 1,, I l HILL SOa dp QpRK� z 0O i00 J[ JtJ n (F I; \ y _.41 , / fp Ilon.r .� , � I, 1 :/4.7.4 S7� N • .3 ' i PQJO�►¢Cc��p�K 1 \Pp9 P��t�O Q '. ":"�f �.t .,.3 ,� VIEWS P a r k p .44, 4 gc j'' ,t.. eoo �0•0 /o'<fz,c, '' kouo ;P,//y n=� 1\,,'' TERRACE GC�� °��� ` �R1``Q� ��.7y 9v� P,NpRpl� ?Ip t. ' +c - 1 `� t( TROOSI 5WILL?UGHRY `ilY ::)14cy )%�O j no . It ptr ,y [ aeo / q 4�t:�T1`� .* ES/ 1-...../ ./---'•,•:• ( (... i �t I �9 7$0 'A, Azale. Park u •�ru MANSrI iii‘ksti CT p1� . _�_r � Exit�23 �° ���� � OUNT•Y Ak�n /I _ /1/ �� - Charlottesgille Albemarle i ® OA 1 ; Joint�� I Joint Security Complex G1` i 4 9^ If i j Piedmon • OAK ILL /ST,q • �� • P S°°. OAK i National Guard Com MOBILE HOME / E n„f HI Armory 1E9e COIi•j o . _ HILL - to \� s� P� M4y I •`�LJ MILL of ." OR s e. o �,gMoyf /474... CREEK �\` r// z Mlll Cfl(iK a Q\i. I O`er9 I0 p (- /--- CKpBY S. M\\` CD � \ �\`O >O \P L 4� _ ems./'09 Hp 1 [ BOUlOER PRING S,.O 1 O.NNSE I C7 a. i ' 'M."' I 1 aiJ'Q Ps5 lQ• PO w `'JPoOGE i I , 1 `Q �o Z °P u I Rey Lake i; 2 -- ' '-. _ I ; IWOOD STATES j' LE HOME PARK \ 1 20 \ ti Mayo Chapel _/ u i I ` '•s" FIGURE SITE LOCATION MAP \ASA 1 �.Eel CO . w1-BJ S'✓rTN A-WY-1AIES Table 1 WEEKDAY LAND USE AND TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS-2000 Avon Street Retail Development Total 24-Hour AM PEAK PM PEAK LAND USE MEASUREMENT UNIT ITE CODE Trips Enter Trips Exit Trips Enter Trips Exit Trips o Shopping Center 60,400 Square Feet 820 5,157 76 45 238 238 SOURCE: ITE [rip Generation Handbook, 5th Edition. Wilbur Smith Associates 04/25/94 • At full development, the Avon Street Retail Development is anticipated to generate approximately 124 vehicle trips in the morning peak hour and approximately 476 vehicle trips in the evening peak hour. Anticipated Site Traffic Distribution Anticipated traffic distribution were based on existing travel patterns on Avon Street as observed by our firm. In general it was anticipated that 60 percent of site generated traffic will enter from and exit to the north, 30 percent enter from and exit to the south, while the remaining ten percent enters from and exits to the residential communities feeding off of Mill Creek Drive. Figure 2 shows the anticipated site traffic distribution used. Local Traffic Volumes Existing traffic at the Avon Street/Mill Creek Drive intersection was counted during the morning (7:00-9:00) and evening (4:00-6:00) peak hours on April 21, 1994 by our firm. Results of that count can be seen in Appendix A and Figure 3 shows the existing peak hour traffic volumes at the T-intersection. In order to project these 1994 traffic volumes to the 2000 design year, a three percent per year growth rate was applied to the existing traffic volumes.This was based on historical average daily traffic volumes supplied by the Virginia Department of Transportation and can be seen in Table 2. Because of the nature of the land uses in this shopping center, it is anticipated that a certain amount of"pass-by" traffic wil' occur. Pass-by traffic are trips made as intermediate stops on the way from an origin to a primary trip destination. Based on ITE studies of similar sizes, 25 percent pass-by trip rate was deemed applicable. Figures 4 and 5 present the ::300 site and background morning and evening peak hour traffic volumes respectively. Proposed Access Plan To accommodate traffic generated by the development and to promote safe operations on Avon Street, several improvements to the roadway are recommended. Considering the traffic volumes and travelling speeds anticipated at the location of the site driveway, the potential need for auxiliary turning lanes was investigated. Techniques published in the Highway Research Report 211 on the subject of left-turn lane requirements indicate that a left turn of 75 feet will be required. A 200 foot taper creating the left-turn lane would appear appropriate. Appendix B presents these findings. Plan Adequacy The intersection capacity techniques outlined in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual were used to analyze the adequacy of the roadway network. These procedures provide a quantified "Level of Service" which describeE traffic conditions by intersection delay. These service conditions are defined by the letters "A" through "F", with "A" being excellent (no delay) traffic conditions, and "F" equating to congested, unstable traffic flow with excessive delay. Table 3 Avon St [Rt 742) ry„.1 s T (cam) Creek Dr �- y L (3� Site Access LcG�N� CO C OTC ACC) Ck j ,rR��w� FIGURE «�■•O► ANTICIPATED SITE TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION 2 V \66\ Avon St (Rt 742) NJ - r � c5— �, r Mill Creek Dr — t IW ip m LEGEND : 00 - AM PEAK ( 00) - Ph PEAK alvii FIGURE EXISTING 1994 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC UU66\ Table 2 TRAFFIC GROWTH TRENDS Avon St. Retail Development AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR ROADWAY SEGMENT RT. 742: YEAR Frolm_.RI 29_tu_Rt 1191 % Change 1984 4, 274 0. 00 . 1986 3 , 697 -25. 18% 1988 4 , 015 17.94% 1990 4 , 284 13 .85% Weighted Average Yearly Growth: 2 .20% USE 3( SOURCE: VDOT Average Daily Traffic Volumes on Secondary Routes WILBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES 04/20/94 Avon St [lIt 742) NJ A If (.24) Mill Creek Dr 1 I (, Site Access 1 1\ r LEGEND: ee • - (e0)- FIGURE " �" ''" ANTICIPATED AN BACKGROUND & SITE TRAFFIC • Avon St [Rt 742) rs4 6-M r (111 Mill Creek Dr �-1 J L. �,�( ) Site Access►3 - - LEGEND: go - 01\cicci.z-co n (00)- Sit FIGURE �«U%1 i iTICIPATED PH BIICKGROUND & SITE TRAFFIC V\S1\ • rresents a full definition of these levels. Table 4 summarizes the levels of service for the intersection. Appendix C presents the detailed capacity analysis worksheets. Conclusion The capacity analyses summarized in Table 4 shows acceptable levels of service in the morning peak but "E" levels of service for drivers exiting Mill Creek Drive and the site and turning left onto Avon Street. These are typical findings involving minor public roads or private development entrances accessing heavily travelled arterials. That is, individual drivers experience considerable delays waiting for gaps in heavy peak hour traffic. This is particularly true concerning left turns wherein the driver must find simultaneous gaps in traffic in both directions. Although delay for each driver is appreciable, total side street traffic is so low that traffic signal control is not warranted. Signalization would simply increase overall intersection delays since the major traffic movement would now be stopped. It can be concluded that the development can be safely and efficiently accommodated by the roadway system provided that the aforementioned improvements are in place. After reviewing the above report, should you have any questions or comments pertaining to its contents, please contact us. espectfully Submitted, WIBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES Thomas E. FLynn, P.E. Vice President Attachments Table 3 LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINITIONS A ROADWAY SEGMENTS OR CONTROLLED ACCESS L.O.S. HIGHWAYS INTERSECTIONS A Free flow, low No vehicle waits ... traffic density. longer than one signal indication. B Delay is not unreasonable, On a rare occasion stable traffic flow. motorists wait through more than one signal indication. Stable condition, movements Intermittently drivers C .7.1,6,//'' C somewhat restricted due to wait through more than higher volumes, but not one signal indication, ifg objectionable for motorists, and occasionally backups ' ', may develop behind left k .. turning vehicles, traffic • flow still stable and 0 acceptable.` Movements more restricted, Delays at intersections queues and delays may occur may become extensive during short peaks, but with some, especially D lower demands occur often left-turning vehicles D enough to permit dealing, wait;^g two or more thus preventing exce_c:ive signal indications, but. : .s'-‘•-• ... ..._....,..46"..""-:t backups. enough cycles with Jcwer " ` �✓ demand occur to permit �, periodic clearance, thus �� preventing excessive back-ups. � 4 Actual capacity of the Very long queues may p E roadway involves delay create lengthy delays, to all motorists due to especially for left congestion. turning vehicles. Forced flow with demand Backups from locations volumes greater than downstream restrict or >_' ..%‘s -..,. ..s____"/- 6'.'/<•;1 F capacity resulting in prevent movement of complete congestion. vehicles out of approach Volumes drop to zero in creating a storage area ��� extreme cases. during part or all of '75) 0 an hour. SOURCE: A Policy on Design of Design of Urban Highways and , �: Arterial Streets - AASHTO, 1973 based upon material P.- -- published in Highway Capacity Manual, National Academy of Sciences, 1965. Table 4 2000 BACKGROUND AND SITE TRAFFIC INTERSECT:INTERSECT: s, CAPACaTY ANALYSIS RESULTS Avon Street Retail Development AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION TYPE OF MOVEMENT LEVEL OF RES. CAP./ LEVEL OF RES. CAP./ NAME CONTROL APPROACH SERVICE DELAY (*) SERVICE DELAY (*) Mill Creek/Avon Street UNSIGNALIZED EB Left D 104 E 84 EB Through C 273 C 217 EB Right A 919 A 777 WB Left C 202 E 87 WB Through C 279 C 219 WB Right A 533 A 633 SB Left A 626 A 732 NL3 Left A 890 A 695 NOTE: (*) Unsignalized intersections are expressed in reserve capacity (veh/hr). WILBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES APPENDIX A Tab TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS AT AVON ST/MILL CREEK DR RECORDERS: MARY & EMMETT DATE: 4/21/94 On: MILL CREEK DR On: AVON ST On: AVON ST EB NB SB GRAND TIME LEFT RIGHT TOTAL LEFT THROUGH TOTAL THROUGH RIGHT TOTAL TOTAL 7:00-7:15 AM 9 4 13 1 73 74 37 5 42 129 7:15-7:30 25 2 27 2 64 66 32 2 34 127 7:30-7:45 28 5 33 3 94 97 29 3 32 162 7:45-8:00 26 10 36 3 109 112 66 8 74 222 8:00-8:15 18 12 30 7 127 134 52 3 55 219 8:15-8:30 19 5 24 9 51 60 29 4 33 117 8:30-8:45 17 7 24 1 55 56 20 7 27 107 8:45-9:00 16 3 19 1 57 58 34 6 40 117 AM PEAK: 7:15-8:15 97 29 1261 15 394 409 179 16 195 730 4:00-4:15 5 2 7 3 46 49 58 12 70 126 4:15-4:30 5 2 7 1 51 52 64 13 77 136 4:30-4:45 8 5 13 3 38 41 71 14 85 139 4:45-5:00 9 2 11 2 43 45 81 13 94 150 5:00-5:15 16 2 18 3 46 49 74 21 95 162 5:15-5:30 5 2 7 6 39 45 94 18 112 164 5:30-5:45 13 5 18 4 32 36 78 17 95 149 5:45-6.00 13 2 15 41 44 71 21 92 151 PM PEAK: _ 5:00-6:00 47 111 58 16 158 174 317 77 394 626 WILBUR SMITFI ASSOCIATES 04/21/94 APPENDIX B I. I SCENARIO 1' I ILeft-Turn Lane Requirements I - I .. ; \. ;. I I_ _ G•o•l•,Uns.gno6r.0 Interseetgne t i - --+1--- t • L• % Left Turns •n Vn r•• I = � T'+— S'Ste.oce Ler.gtn ReQvr•0 50 mph �— --- '.+,_ L •• 10• L—' 1. -T— , --1N._— ; —T---I t ,___L__ S r-- = : 1 t I . • 24 y —. _ _ ! — t;— —T- --� • TT— t • T T • ••• eve •N w• y1l �N ••• •a• • • c• t r ..• 50o (lit) Figure 9. Warrant for left-turn storcge lanes on two-lone higtiwoyi. CE&N 0 co - titcr.% PE Poo AL`f s'S ' 30'f1-% cns , ST ePi C =l s f .4 245,--r. CoQ) - eM PE-A . f}►JA-orsi s SOURCE: Highway Research Report f/211 Ey M . D . Harme] ink APPENDIX C • 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-1 ****************************************-********-******-*********-****** IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 45 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 1 AREA POPULATION 150000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET MILL CREEK DR/SITE ACCESS NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET AVON ST NAME OF THE ANALYST TTN DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 04-24-1994 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 2000 BACKGROUND & SITE INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: 4-LEG MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE EASTBOUND: STOP SIGN CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB ---- ---- ---- ---- LEFT 112 17 18 45 THRU 8 3 459 200 RIGHT 34 24 23 19 NUMBER OF LANES AND LANE USAGE EB WB NB SB LANES 2 2 1 1 LANE USAGE L + TR L + TR ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 Y WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION % SU TRUCKS % COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES EASTBOUND 0 0 0 WESTBOUND 0 0 0 NORTHBOUND 0 0 0 SOUTHBOUND 0 0 0 CRITICAL GAPS TABULAR VALUES A:JUSTED SISHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2) VP_UE ADJUSTMENT CRITICAL GAP MINOR RIGHTS EB 6.10 5.10 0.00 5.10 WB 6.10 6.10 0.00 6.10 MAJOR LEFTS SB 5.30 5.30 0.00 5.30 NB 5.30 5.30 0.00 5.30 MINOR THROUGHS EB 6.90 6.90 0.00 6.90 WB 6.90 6.90 0.00 6.90 MINOR LEFTS EB 7.40 7.40 0.00 7.40 WB 7.40 7.40 0.00 7.40 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET MILL CREEK DR/SITE ACCESS NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... AVON ST DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 04-24-1994 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 2000 BACKGROUND & SITE CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH MINOR STREET EB LEFT 123 250 228 228 104 D THROUGH 9 298 281 ) 281 > 273 ) C RIGHT 37 957 957 ) 657 957 ) 611 919 >A A MINOR STREET WB LEFT 19 244 221 221 202 C THROUGH 3 299 283 > 283 ) 279 > C RIGHT 26 559 559 ) 504 559 ) 474 533 )A A MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 50 675 675 675 626 A NB LEFT 20 909 909 909 890 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET MILL CREEK DR/SITE ACCESS NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... AVON ST DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 04-24-1994 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 2000 BACKGROUND & SITE 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-1 x******************-****-*****-***-*******-******-******-***************** «.*- IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 45 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 1 AREA POPULATION 150000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET Mill Creek Dr/Site Access NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET Avon St NAME OF THE ANALYST ttn DATE OF THE ANALYSTS (mm/dd/yy) 04-22-1994 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 2000 BACKGROUND & SITE INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: 4-LEG MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/S:JTH CONTROL TYPE EASTBOUND: STOP S:SN CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: STOP S:SN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB ---- ---- ---- ---- LEFT 49 89 19 143 THRU 24 18 168 338 RIGHT 13 111 71 91 NUMBER OF LANES AND LANE USAGE EB WB NB SB LANES 2 .2 1 1 LANE USAGE L + TR L + TR ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 Y WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION % SU TRUCKS % COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES EASTBOUND 0 0 0 WESTBOUND 0 0 0 NORTHBOUND 0 0 0 SOUTHBOUND 0 0 0 CRITICAL GAPS TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRITICAL GAP MINOR RIGHTS EB 6.10 5.10 0.00 5.10 WB 6.10 6.10 0.00 6.10 MAJOR LEFTS SB 5.30 5.30 0.00 5.30 NB 5.30 5.30 0.00 5.30 MINOR THROUGHS EB 6.90 6.90 0.00 6.90 WB 6.90 6.90 0.00 6.90 MINOR LEFTS EB 7.40 7.40 0.00 7.40 WB 7.40 7.40 0.00 7.40 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET Mill Creek Dr/Site Access NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... Avon St DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 04-22-1994 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 2000 BACKGROUND & SITE CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH MINOR STREET EB LEFT 54 191 137 137 84 E THROUGH 26 282 244 > 244 > 217 ) C RIGHT 14 792 792 ) 322 792 > 281 777 >C A MINOR STREET WB LEFT 98 229 185 185 87 E THROUGH 20 277 239 > 239 > 219 > C RIGHT 144 777 777 > 611 777 ) 447 633 >A A MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 157 890 890 890 732 A NB LEFT 21 716 716 716 695 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET Mill Creek Dr/Site Access NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... Avon St DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS O4-22-1994 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 2000 BACKGROUND & SITE