HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-07January 7, 1987 (Regular Night Meeting)
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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
January 7, 1987 at 7:30 P.M., Meeting Room ~7, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, Virginia.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. F. R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Messrs. Gerald
Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., C. Timothy Lindstrom and Peter T. Way.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive; Mr. George R. St. John,
County Attorney; and Mr. John T. P. Horne, Director ~f Planning and Community Development.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the
County Executive, acting as temporary Chairman.
Agenda Item No. 2.
Agenda Item No. 3.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of Silence.
Agenda Item No. 4. Election of Chairman. Mr. Lindstrom nominated Mr. Gerald E. Fisher
as Chairman for 1987. Mr. Way offered motion to close nominations. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Lindstrom. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried
with the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Mr. Lindstrom then offered motion to elect Mr. Fisher as Chairman for 1987. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Way. There was no further dicsussion. Roll was called and the motion
carried by the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Agenda Item No. 5. Election of Vice-Chairman.
for Vice-Chairman. Mr. Lindstrom seconded the nomina
not wish to continue as Vice-Chairman. Mrs. Cooke sa
other responsibilities on her time are such that she
Vice-Chairman for two years, and feels the office sho
Mrs. Cooke nominated Mr. Peter T. Way
tion. Mr. Way asked if Mrs. Cooke did
id that the pressure of business and
~oes not wish to continue. She has been
uld be "passed around" so that everybody
has an opportunity to serve. Mr. Bowie then moved that the nominations be closed and Mr. Way
elected by acclamation. This motion was seconded by ~r. Lindstrom. There was no further
discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried with the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley and Lindstrom.
NAYS: None.
Agenda Item No. 6. Appointment of Clerk and Deputy Clerks. Mr. Lindstrom offered
motion to appoint Miss Lettie E. Neher as Clerk, and Mrs. Ella W. Carey and Mrs. Mary Poage
as Deputy Clerks. Mr. Way seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll was
called and the motion was carried with the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Mr. Fisher thanked Miss Neher and her staff for all of their help this past year.
Agenda Item No. 7. Set Meeting Times, Dates and Places for Calendar Year 1987.
Mr. Bowie offered motion to set regular Board meetings for the first and third Wednesday
of each month at 7:30 P.M. and the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 A.M. in the County
Office Building. Mr. Lindstrom seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll
was called and the motion was carried with the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Agenda Item No. 8. Set Dates for Hearing Zoning Text Amendment requests from Citizens.
Mr. Way offered motion to set the first meeting in June and the first meeting in Decem-
ber as the dates to consider zoning text amendments from citizens. Mr. Lindstrom seconded
the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion carried with
the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
January 7, 1987 (Regular Night Meeting)
Agenda Item No. 9. Readopt the Rules of Procedure.
Mr. Way offered motion to readopt the Rules of Procedure in effect (those adopted on
January 3, 1986). Mr. Lindstrom seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll
was called and the motion carried with the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Agenda Item No. 10. Introduction of Extension Agent. Mrs. Elizabeth Payne was present
to introduce to the Board Mr. Charles Goodman, the new extension agent in that office. Mr.
Goodman is a graduate of VPI-SU, served four years in the Navy, and taught in the Clarke
County schools before becoming an extension agent for Augusta County. His primary responsi-
bility has to do with horticultural activities.
Mr. Goodman expressed pleasure in working for Albemarle County.
Agenda Item No. 11. Consent Agenda. Mr. Lindstrom offered motion to accept the items
on the consent agenda as information except for Item 11.2. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Way. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Item 11.1. Letter from the Highway Department dated December 17, 1986, accepting Locust
Hill North into the State Secondary System of Highways.
"As requested in your resolution dated October 15, 1986, the following
addition to the Secondary System of Albemarle County is hereby approved,
effective December 17, 1986.
Route 1608 (Locust Hill Drive) - From Route 678
to NW cul-de-sac
0.13 Mi.
Item 11.2. Copy of Revised Tentative Allocation of Funds, Fiscal Year 1986-87, Inter-
state, Primary & Urban Highway Systems, Public Transit, Ports and Airports; Six-Year Improve-
ment Program, Fiscal Years 1986-87 through 1991-92, along with notice from the Highway
Commissioner that a public hearing on this plan will be held in Richmond on January 14, 1987.
Mr. Fisher said the hearing on highway funds for primary roads is scheduled for
January 14. If the Board wishes to make a statement it will have to be drafted tonight. The
program forwarded to the Board contains monies for Route 250 East and Free Bridge out to
1-64, with construction to begin in 1990. The program shows numerous construction items for
Route 29 North, such as the widening to eight lanes, with six lanes north of the River all
the way to Airport Road. There are funds included for the Charlottesville Bypass study.
Mr. Bowie said he thinks the Board should be represented at the hearing. He would
attend, but has scheduled an item for next week's agenda and must be here to make the
presentation. There was no further discussion at this time.
Item 11.3. Bond Program Report/Monthly Report for Arbor Crest Apartments - for the
Month of November, 1986, was received as information.
Item 11.4. Copy of booklet entitled "Employment and Wages in Virginia - 4th Quarter and
Annual 1985", from the Virginia Employment Commission, received as information.
Item 11.5. Copy of the Audit Report of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority for Fiscal
Year ending June 30, 1985, received and on file.
Item 11.6. Copies of minutes of the Planning Commission for December 2 and December 9,
1986, received as information.
Item 11.7. Letter from Mr. J. G. Ripley, Director of Planning & Programming, Virginia
Department of Highways and Transportation dated December 29, 1986, advising that the State
Highway Commission has named a portion of State Route 240 "Three Notch'd Road" and that signs
so signifying will be erected, was received as follows:
"I wish to advise that on December 18, 1986, the Highway and Transportation
Board approved, by resolution, the naming of State Route 240 "Three Notch'd
For your information, I am attaching a copy of the approved resolution.
It has been a pleasure working with your Board on this matter, and we trust
it has been handled to your satisfaction."
January 7, 1987 (Regular Night Meeting)
_~e 3_1_
"WHEREAS, the State Highway and Transportation Board is authorized
under Section 33.1-12(4) of the Code of Virginia, as amended, to give
suitable name to State Highways, except such roads as have been or may
hereafter be named by the General Assembly; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County at its meeting
held on June 4, 1986, did adopt a resolution requesting the State Highway
and Transportation Board to name a portion of State Route 240, between U.S.
Route 250 near Mechum River and Secondary Route 810 at Crozet, as "Three
Notch'd Road";
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the State Highway and Transporta-
tion Board does concur with the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County in
naming a portion of State Route 240, as previously described herein, "Three
Notch'd Road"; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that appropriate signs shall be erected by the
Department of Highways and Transportation, calling attention to this
Agenda Item No. 12. SP-86-85. Alexander Simpson. To locate a single-wide mobile home
on property west of Route 704 near its intersection with Route 714 (deferred from
December 17, 1986).
"Request: Single-wide mobile home
Acreage: 16.9 acres
RA, Rural Areas
Location: The property is located on the west side of Route 704, approxi-
mately one-fifth of a mile south of the intersection of Route 714 and Route
704. Tax Map 121, Parcel 77, Scottsville Magisterial District.
Character of the Area: There is one house currently located on the pro-
perty. The proposed mobile home site is an open field which gently slopes
away from Route 704.
The land use in the immediate area consists of scattered single-family resi-
dences with some acreage in the immediate vicinity in vacant woodland.
There are three mobile homes located within a one mile radius of the site.
Staff Comment: This request is being made for this mobile home in order to
provide housing for a person that will care for the applicant's wife. The
proposed location of the mobile home would be visible from Route 704. The
mobile home will be located 100+ feet from Route 704 and 25+ feet and 100+
feet from side property lines.
Staff has received three objections to this proposal (letters on file).
Should the Planning Commission choose to approve this application, staff
recommends the following conditions:
1. Compliance with Section 5.6.2 of the Zoning Ordinance;
Location and/or screening of the mobile home to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator to provide screening
from Route 704;
3. Access to mobile home shall be from the existing entrance only."
Mr. Horne said the Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 6, 1987, unanimously
recommended approval of the petition subject to conditions in the staff's report, but added
No. 4 reading: "Mobile home to be removed within a reasonable time after the termination of
the occupancy of the property by the latter occupant of either Mr. or Mrs. Simpson."
The public hearing was opened. Mr. Simpson said he needed the mobile home because his
wife is in ill health, and needs to have someone near for help. He does not have room in his
home for an extra person. He would appreciate any help the Board might give him on this
There being no one else from the public present to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Mr. Way said he understands the primary reason for this mobile home is to allow someone
to stay on site to help with Mr. Simpson's wife. He has personally visited the site. Mr.
Way then offered motion to approve SP-86-85 subject to the four conditions recommended by the
Planning Commission. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll
was called and the motion was carried with the following recorded votes:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
January 7, 1987 (Regular Night Meeting)
(pa_g_e 4)
(Note: The conditions of approval are as follows:)
1. Compliance with Section 5.6.2 of the Zoning Ordinance;
Location and/or screening of the mobile home to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator to provide screening
from Route 704;
3. Access to mobile home shall be from the existing entrance only;
Mobile home to be removed within a reasonable time after the
termination of the occupancy of the property by the latter
occupant of either Mr. or Mrs. Simpson.
Agenda Item No. 13. ZMA-81-12. S. L. Williamson Company, Inc. Resolution of intent by
the Board of Supervisors to rezone from NR, Natural Resource Overlay, to R-4, Residential,
the land subject to ZMA-81-12, S. L. Williamson. Property is part of Dunlora Estate and is
located on east side of Rio Road (Rt. 631) opposite the VO-TEC Center. Tax Map 62, parcel 16
(part of) Rivanna District. (Advertised in the Daily Progress December 26, 1986, and
January 2, 1987.)
Mr. Horne gave the following staff report:
"During review of ZMA-85-27 and SP-85-77, the Planning Commission instructed
the Deputy County Attorney to investigate dredging activities at the Rivanna
River. As a result of the investigation, the company involved has:
1) Withdrawn ZMA-85-77;
2) Abandoned its dredging operation near Key West;
3) Stated that it will not object to repealer of ZMA-81-12 and
Staff recommends that ZMA-81-12 and SP-81-10 be repealed thereby restoring
the underlying R-4 zoning. The Planning Commission may wish to review other
recommendations of the County Attorney's Office."
Mr. Bowie said the last time this item was discussed, he had asked a question about a
bond, and other agencies that might be involved. There was a question as to restoration of
the area. He asked for a status report. Mr. Horne said the County does not hold a bond.
This is a mining activity so is exempt under State law from the provisions of the erosion
control ordinance. There is, however, a bond being held by the State Division of Mining and
Reclamation. He talked with them yesterday, and they will continue to hold the bond and work
with the County through reseeding and regrading work which should take place this Spring or
Summer. The bond is in the amount of $1,000 an acre. Mr. Horne said he viewed the site
yesterday, and it lies right along the river bank so is essentially all sand with the natural
vegetation being very sparse. He, personally, feels that the work proposed by the Division
of Mining is adequate to restore the area to its previous condition.
The public hearing was opened. Mr. Kent Sinclair said he'was present with a neighbor,
Mrs. Jan Schwab, who wished to express their favor of the Board taking this action. He
thanked the Board and its support staff who have considered this matter. He said this is
about the sixth meeting that he has attended on this matter. He has gotten good treatment,
and is proud of County staff, especially the Deputy County Attorney, Mr. Fred Payne, who
wrote the report to the Board. Mr. Sinclair said that while the residents of Key West have
learned a lot from this experience, he is not sure the County as a whole has because this was
a special use permit which had about eight conditions attached, and he does not believe any
of the conditions were complied with. Whichever member of County staff was to be sure that
the conditions were complied with, either could not, or did not, and Mr. Payne suggested in
his report that some mechanism is created to prevent this happening again.
There being no one else from the public present to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Mr. Bowie said one reason he waited for the public session was to be sure there was no
damage the Board did not know about. If there is, it apparently is not a county problem
since the bond is held by the State. The only matter before the Board is repeal. Monitoring
of these permits falls to either the Zoning Administrator or the County Engineer, and neither
was present during any of the discussions of this matter. Mr. Bowie said he made two com-
plaints on behalf of constituents, and for some reasons those were not listed as complaints.
But the complaints made through the Board and in person, did, some time ago, start the
process which is ending tonight.
Mr. Agnor said that one of the recommendations in Mr. Payne's report is that the actual
issuance of a physical permit be initiated. In the past, the special permit was done by
letter and memorandum to the applicant. No one who receives a special permit in the future,
will actually get the permit until all of the conditions have been physically checked.
Mr. St. John said the staff has been thinking about adding an additional condition to
this kind of permit that says that in return for the permit, the applicant agrees that the
zoning administrator or county engineer can go on the property to inspect. If the County
does not have that as a condition, neither of those people can go on private property without
a search warrant. That is one problem that must be dealt with on enforcement.
Mr. Bowie offered motion that ZMA-81-12 and SP-81-10 be repealed and the underlying
zoning of R-4 be restored. Mr. Lindstrom seconded the motion. There was no further discus-
sion. Roll was called and the motion was carried with the following recorded vote:
January 7, 1987 (Regular Night Meeting)
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Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Mr. Lindstrom asked about the recommendations in Mr. Payne's memorandum, and if there
were any action the Board needed to take to implement those recommendations. Mr. Agnor said
the staff has already begun work on this matter.
Agenda Item No. 15a.
Agenda Item No. 15b.
BOCA Code Board of Appeals.
Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals.
Mr. Bowie offered motion to appoint Mr. Bruce Locker to the BOCA Code Board of Appeals
for a term expiring on August 21, 1990, and to the Fire Prevention Code Board of Appeals for
a term expiring on November 21, 1988, and to appoint Mr. William C. Thacker to the BOCA Code
Board of Appeals for a term to expire on August 21, 1991, and to the Fire Prevention Code
Board of Appeals for a term to expire on November 21, 1991. Mr. Way seconded the motion.
There was no further discussion. Roll was called and the motion was carried with the follow-
ing recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Agenda Item No. 15c. Appointments: Equalization BOard.
Mr. Way recommended that Mr. Thomas A. Allison be reappointed for 1987; Mr. Bowie
recommended that Mr. William L. Howard be reappointed for 1987; Mrs. Cooke recommended that
Mrs. Barbara Staples be reappointed for 1987; Mr. Henley recommended that Mr. Louis Rauch be
reappointed for 1987; and Mr. Lindstrom recommended that Mrs. Sharon Hamner be reappointed
for 1987.
Mr. Lindstrom offered motion that all of the above be reappointed to the Equalization
Board. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Roll was called and
the motion was carried with the following recorded vote:
Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Way.
Agenda Item No. 16. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Public and Board.
Mr. Agnor said the public hearing on the closing of Elk Drive was set for February 18
and it has since been found that a public hearing is not actually required. Mr. Bowie said
he had told his constituents that a public hearing would be held, and he felt the Board
should continue with this procedure.
Mr. Fisher said the Board still has the question of a statement for the Highway hearing
next week. Mr. Lindstrom said it is obvious the Highway Department is aware of the Board's
pending statement concerning the improvements to Route 29 North. However, if the Board
members believe it is critical that a Board member attend this meeting, he will go. Mr.
Agnor said he thinks it would be appropriate for a staff member to attend this meeting.
There is a meeting scheduled with the Highway Commissioner on Friday with the City/County/
University committee, and he feels that Mr. Fisher might indicate to Mr. Pethtel at that time
that no Board member will be present on the following Wednesday.
Mr. Bowie said he feels it would be a mistake not to get something into the written
record every time there is the chance. Mr. Lindstrom said since there are other communi-
cations going on with the Highway Department, he thinks it would be sufficient to follow that
up with a written communication. Mr. Bowie agreed.
Mr. Fisher suggested that the staff put together a statement, send the draft with next
week's agenda information, and if any Board member has a recommended change, to call and give
that change.
Mr. Lindstrom made mention of his proposals for reconstruction of Route 29 North which
he made to the Board on December 4, 1986. One thing that concerns him is that one of his
proposals cannot be done if the Highway Department's proposal is begun. In order to study
Mr. Lindstrom's proposal, or anything of a similar nature, the Hi~hwa~ D~ep.ar~t~_.ent needs~o
give enough time for the study to be done One of he things the~O~mm~ee ~l~e~ do was
ask if the Route 29 North project could be deferred fora period of time without losing the
money already allocated to the project so that a study of all alternatives could be under-
taken. Mr. Lindstrom said he has spoken with each member of the Committee who is going to
Richmond on Friday, and none have objected to his going along on the promise that he will
"keep his mouth shut" unless it gets to the point where the Commissioner says that there is
nothing else to study, and the Highway Department intends to go ahead with its proposal. If
any Board members objects to his attending the meeting, he will defer to those wishes, and
not attend. There were no objections expressed.
Agenda Item No. 17. Adjournment.
the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 P.M.
With no further business to come before the Board,