HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201300030 Approval - County 2013-05-07 EIIie Ray
From: EIIie Ray
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:13 AM
To: 'Mike Myers'
Subject: SDP - 2013 - 00030: Hollymead Town Center Block IV - Initial Site Plan
Attachments: SDP201300030 - Initial_Site_Plan _Action_- _Approval_Letter.pdf
Please find attached the conditional approval letter for the above referenced application. If you need a copy mailed as
well, please let me know. Feel free to get in touch if you need anything additional.
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Ellie Carter Ray, PLA ^_�
Senior Planner �9v(--D V-De,
Albemarle County Community Development
Planning Division 1 - 37 . 1 1 PE 4 •
401 McIntire Road, North Wing J
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
ph: 434.296.5832 x. 3432
fax: 434.972.4126
& AL
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
June 21, 2013
Michael Myers, P.E.
Dominion Engineering
172 S. Pantops Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22911
RE: SDP201300030 Hollymead Town Center (Area C) Block IV — Initial Site Development Plan
Dear Mr. Myers:
The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced site
This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the
developer submits a final site plan for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this
letter as provided in section of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter
diligently pursues approval of the final site plan.
An Erosion and Sediment Control Permit may be issued after the following approvals are received:
1. Approval an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17 of the
Code of the County of Albemarle.
2. Approval of a Stormwater Management Plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17 of the
3. Approval of all easements for facilities for stormwater management and drainage control.
4. Approval of a mitigation plan for the disturbance of Water Protection Ordinance buffers.
5. Submittal of a tree conservation checklist.
The final site plan will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are
1. A final site plan that satisfies all of the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code.
2. A fee of $1,500.
3. Submittal of plans directly to each of the agencies /departments listed below necessary to satisfy
the conditions of approval.
The final site plan will not be approved until the following conditions are met:
The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature
until tentative approvals for the following conditions have been obtained:
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Planning Division Approval of: (2 Copies are required to be submitted for review)
1. A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code.
2. [32.5.2(a)] Provide boundary dimensions. Clarify existing and proposed boundary lines with
areas of proposed dedication clearly delineated. Also, revise the reference to Town Center Drive
in the "subdivision summary"; Town Center Drive is not an abutting roadway.
3. [32.5.2(a)] Reference the Zoning Map Amendment(s) approved for this property with the
associated application plan and code of development, as well as any proffers and applicable
approved waivers.
4. [32.5.2(a)] Correct the magisterial district to say Rio.
5. 132.5.2(a)] Provide the minimum setback and yard information.
6. [32.5.2(a)] Add the names of the owners, zoning district, tax map and parcel number, and present
use of abutting parcels.
7. [32.5.2(b) & 4.16] Developed recreational area(s) shall be provided for every development of
thirty (30) units or more equal to or exceeding four (4) dwelling units per acre. A minimum of
two hundred (200) square feet per unit of recreational area shall be provided in common area or
open space on the site. Provide the location and square footage of this required recreation area; it
cannot include paved access areas or parking.
8. [4.16.2] In the recreation area requested above, one (1) tot lot shall be provided for the first thirty
(30) units and shall contain equipment which provides an amenity equivalent to: one (1) swing
(four (4) seats), one (1) slide, two (2) climbers, one (1) buckabout or whirl, and two (2) benches.
Please show this tot lot and the required amenities on the plan.
9. [32.5.2(b)] Provide the percentage and acreage of open space; this area should not include paved
access areas or parking.
10. [32.5.2(b)] Note the maximum height of all structures.
11. [32.5.2(b) & Code of Development] The parking proposed within the plaza area does not meet
the intent of the application plan and code of development; please remove. Provide information
on how the parking requirement will be met without these spaces; on- street parking abutting the
parcel can be used to satisfy this requirement, if present (Code of Development required, but it
unclear if it has been provided — see below). Additionally, if the parking spaces remain as
proposed, a special use permit will be required for stand -alone parking if the parcel is subdivided
as tentatively shown on the plan.
12. [32.5.2(b)] Provide the maximum amount of paved parking and vehicular circulation area if any
parking area of five spaces or more is proposed.
13. [32.5.2(i) & Code of Development] Provide information regarding the abutting streets to show
they meet the sections and streetscape requirements provided in the Code of Development (Page
15 and Table C). It appears that there are several inconsistencies with the approved sections
including right -of -way width, curb -to -curb width, bike lanes, on- street parking, and sidewalk
widths. Streetscape requirements in the Code of Development must be met as well as any
additional ARB requirements.
14. [32.5.2(i)] The design of lots 16 -21 creates awkward and potentially dangerous vehicular access
to these lots; if subdivided, several access easements and shared maintenance agreements will be
required. Demonstrate how access to these lots will work. Please also show how vehicles will
navigate behind the required 18' parking spaces on each lot.
15. 14.12.16(b)] All parking spaces shall be designed so that no part of any vehicle will extend over
any lot line, right -of -way line, sidewalk, walkway, and driveway or aisle space. It appears that
the parking spaces for lots 16 -21 extend into driveway /aisle space, and one space for lot 19
extends over a walkway area and possibly over the lot line; as requested above, please revise or
demonstrate how the parking and access areas will meet this requirement.
16. [32.5.2(i)] Provide the state route numbers for all existing streets.
17. [32.5.2(k)] Verify that all necessary easements for proposed water, sewer and drainage facilities
have been shown on the plan.
18. [32.5.2(1)] Provide the location of any other existing or proposed utilities and utility easements
including telephone, cable, electric and gas.
19. [32.5.2(m)] Show the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection from the
proposed ingress and egress locations.
20. [32.5.2(n)] Dimension all proposed buildings.
21. [32.5.2(n)] Please dimension all existing and proposed walkways. Additionally, clarify the lack
of sidewalk connection at the intersection of Meeting Street and Laurel Park Lane.
22. [32.5.2(n)] Clarify if any outdoor lighting is proposed; if it is, note the location(s) and provide a
lighting plan.
23. [32.5.2(n)] Provide the dimensions of any landscaped areas and open space (as noted above,
open space shall not include paved access areas or parking).
24. [32.5.2(n)] Provide the dimensions of the recreation area requested above.
25. [32.5.2(n)] Dimension all proposed parking areas.
26. [32.5.2(o)] Clearly show any areas intended to be dedicated or reserved for dedication to public
use (such as street right -of -way), and provide a note stating that the land is to be dedicated or
reserved for public use.
27. [32.5.2(p) &] If any parking area having 5 spaces or more is proposed, all requirements
under this section (Landscaping within a parking area) must be satisfied.
28. [32.5.2(p) &] The minimum tree canopy requirement is 15 %. It appears this
requirement has been met, but some of the numbers and calculations provided are incorrect.
Quercus palustris planted at 2.5" caliper provides 419 sf of canopy, and Corms kousa provides
128 sf; please revise the table and associated calculation. Also, please revise the required canopy
calculation to reference the correct parcel acreage of 1.793. This portion of TMP32 -41 L must be
subdivided off of the parcel for the density (upon which the canopy requirement is predicated)
and the coverage numbers to be accurate. This subdivision should be submitted and approved
prior to final site plan approval.
29. [32.5.2(p)] Several of the proposed plantings appear to be within existing or proposed easements;
please either move all landscaping outside of easements or provide proof of authorization from
the easement holder.
30. [Code of Development] The plaza area provided may not meet the intent of the code of
development and application plan; the central plaza was intended to be a community feature and
not just an amenity for this block. As requested above, the parking should be removed.
Additionally, the plaza should also contain benches, gardens and a fountain or covered gazebo
like structure as listed in the block description. Provide the actual square footage of the plaza not
including the paved areas to clarify if adequate area has been proposed.
31. [Code of Development] ARB approval required.
Engineering Division Approval of: (1 Copy is required to be submitted for review)
1. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17 of the Code of the
County of Albemarle.
2. A Stormwater Management Plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17 of the Code.
3. All easements for facilities for stormwater management and drainage control.
4. Road plans.
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5. Please label proposed streets as public, private or alley. If streets are private /alley, please ensure it
meets private road standards from section 14 -410 and 14 -412.
6. I recommend aligning the far western entrance with the Laurel Park Subdivision entrance.
7. Please provide typical sections and profiles for proposed street.
8. Per 14-410 H, please show curb and gutter for proposed street. Please show standard entrance
gutter, CG -9D, and improve runoff catchment by placing additional DI's. Also, a DI shall be
placed before intersections. Please provide a DI near lot 7.
9. Please show the sight distances. 280' is VDOT requirement for 25 mph roads. Also, per 18 -4.12
please ensure 100' sight distance for travelways within site.
10. Lots 15 -22 do not have adequate frontage access due to horizontal curve. Please revise.
11. All entrances shall be a 4% grade or less for a minimum of 40' from the edge of pavement at the
intersected street. The entrance on the far west is about 6% for 20'.
12. Please provide the Albemarle County general construction notes for streets.
13. Please provide traffic control signage.
14. Please ensure all items in proffer 2 are addressed prior to approval of site plan. Per proffer 3, "All
road improvements listed in proffer 2 above shall be substantially completed prior to the issuance
of the first Certificate of Occupancy in Area C..."
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness. (8 Copies
are required to be submitted for review)
1. Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18- 30.6.4(2), (3) and (5):
2. Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines:
3. Regarding recommended conditions of initial site plan approval:
A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. The applicant shall
submit an application for a Countywide Certificate of Appropriateness for a structure located
750' or more from the Entrance Corridor. The applicant is advised that:
a. Building mass, roof form, building materials /colors, blank walls, equipment, and landscaping
are expected to be the focus of review of the Countywide Certificate of Appropriateness.
b. The plan shows gaps in the spacing of trees along Timberwood Blvd., Meeting Street, and
Laurel Park Lane where additional street trees could be planted. Trees should be provided
consistently along the length of these streets.
c. A lighting note has been provided on Sheet SP2, but it does not include the standard wording.
The standard wording should be provided: Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that
emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or
shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent
roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential
or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one - halffootcandle.
4. Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit:
Albemarle County Fire & Rescue Approval. (1 Copy is required to be submitted for review)
1. A fire hydrant shall be added in the vicinity of Lots 17,18,19,20 to serve the development.
Albemarle County Service Authority Approval. (2 Copies are required to be submitted for review)
1. Submit 3 copies of the final site plan for utility design review and approval.
2. ACSA will require the developer to enter into a Sewer Capacity agreement to obtain construction
Virginia Department of Transportation Approval. (1 Copy is required to be submitted for review)
1. The internal streets shown for the townhouses will not be considered for acceptance into VDOT's
secondary road system as designed.
2. If Laurel Park Lane is proposed to be taken into the VDOT secondary road system, the two
townhouse entrances will need to meet the 225 corner clearance requirements as discussed in
Appendix F of the Road Design Manual. If this requirement cannot be met, an Access
Management exception will need to be requested.
3. The sidewalk shown along Laurel Park Lane does not meet the requirement found in the Road
Design Manual for a buffer strip. If this road will become part of the secondary road system, a
design exception will be required.
4. If Laurel Park Lane will not be part of the secondary road system, VDOT has no objection to the
proposed site plan.
If you have any questions about these conditions or the submittal requirements please feel free to contact
me at Extension 3432, eray @albemarle.org.
Ci Li, 2 a
Ellie Carter Ray, CLA
Senior Planner
Ellie Ray
From: Alex Morrison [ amorrison @serviceauthority.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:04 AM
To: Ellie Ray
Subject: SDP- 2013 - 00030: Hollymead Town Center Block IV - Initial Site Plan
Attachments: SDP201300030 - Hollymead Town Center Block IV - Initial Site Plan.pdf
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Dear Ellie :
The Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) has received and reviewed the plan /document /project described above.
All ACSA comments have been addressed by the applicant. The ACSA hereby approves the plan /document /project
described above.
Please feel free to contact me at the number below with any comments or questions you may have.
Thank you.
Alexander J. Morrison, EIT
Civil Engineer
Service A&bfh *r1
168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Office: (434)977-4511 EXT: 116
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