HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202200061 Correspondence 2022-10-20Structural Analysis Report of the 100' (AGL) Monopole Western Albemarle HS 5941 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Crozet, Virginia 22932 10, 2022 Prepared For: Milestone Towers 12110 Sunset Hills Road #600 Reston, Virginia 20190 T-Mobile Project Name: Western Albemarle HS T-Mobile Project Number: VA72576A Entrex Protect Number: 1050.215 Revision 1 \/ entrex communication services, inc. (202)408-0960 6100 Executive Blvd, Suite 430 Rockville, MD 20852 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. INTRODUCTION 3. ORGANIZATION OF ANALYSIS 4. FINDINGS AND EVALUATION 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6. COMPUTER ANALYSIS (INPUT/OUTPUT) 7. MONOPOLE DRAWINGS AND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Report Revision: October 19, 2021: Original Report February 10, 2022: Revise T-Mobile mount and antennas at elevation 85 ft. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to investigate the capacity of the monopole to support the proposed antennas and appurtenances. The analysis was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the TIA-222-H Standard for a 110 mph basic wind speed with no ice and a 30 mph basic wind speed with 1" ice in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard. The antenna loadings considered in the analysis consists of all antennas, transmission lines, and ancillary appurtenances as well as the proposed antennas and appurtenances. The results of the structural analysis indicate that the monopole meets the TIA-222-H Standard under the 110 mph wind speed with no ice and a 30 mph basic wind speed with 1" ice with the proposed antennas and appurtenances outlined in this report. The results: Top Shaft Section 1: 11.0% capacity Base Shaft Section 2: 19.1 % capacity Base Plate: 24% capacity Anchor Bolts: 17% capacity Foundation: 19% capacity Note: This structural evaluation is limited to a quantitative review of the monopole structure and a qualitative review of its foundation system. This structural evaluation does not include a review of any specific antenna mounting details, mounting platforms or mounting hardware. Such review shall be provided under a separate agreement or shall be provided by others. Page -1- Western Albemarle High School 100' (AGL) Monopole Crozet, Virginia 2. INTRODUCTION The subject monopole was originally designed by Sabre Industries Towers and Poles as a 120 ft (AGL) monopole as shown on design drawing dated December 12, 2018 (Job Number 422553 Revision A). The existing monopole was constructed to a height of 100 ft (AGL) which is the structure height being evaluated in this analysis. For the purpose of the analysis, the monopole geometry and structure member sizes were taken from the original manufacturer drawings (See Monopole Drawings). The monopole is an 18- sided tubular pole structure. The pole is constructed of steel with minimum yield strength of 65,000 psi. The current monopole analysis is being performed to investigate the structural capacity of the monopole to support the antenna loading, the proposed antenna loading on the monopole. The monopole wind loading investigated in this analysis is 110 mph basic wind velocity, 30 mph plus 1" ice, in accordance with the TIA-222-H standard. Page -2- Western Albemarle High School 100' (AGL) Monopole Crozet, Virginia 3. ORGANIZATION OF ANALYSIS The monopole is analyzed with the use of a comprehensive computer structural analysis program from tnxTower. This program creates an idealized mathematical model of the monopole structure. In this model, the exact structure geometry is input to the computer program in three-dimensional space. In this analysis a finite element mathematical model of the monopole was prepared based upon the exact structure geometry. The overall finite element model was loaded with wind loading and weight associated with the structure itself as well as the antennas and appurtenances. The input to the tower program consists of the overall monopole geometry, all structural member sizes and the antenna, coax and ancillary equipment weight and wind loadings to be applied to the structure. The program considers the effects of eccentric and torsional loading from the antennas and ancillary loadings. Wind load on the structure as well as the antennas, coax lines and all ancillary equipment are computed in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard. Page -3- Western Albemarle High School 100' (AGL) Monopole Crozet, Virginia T-Mobile Elevation = 85 ft (AGL) Per Unit Eff. Wind Area, EPA Total Eff Wind Area, EPA Qty Description & Model Height (in) Width (in) Depth (in) Weight (Ibs) Ca CaAa A CaAa (SD 3 RFS APXVAALL24_43-U-NA20 96.00 24.00 8.50 123 1.27 20.27 60.8 3 Ericsson AIR 6449 B41 33.11 20.51 8.54 83 1.20 5.66 17.0 3 Radio 4460 B25+B66 19.60 15.70 12.10 109 1.20 2.56 1 7.7 3 Radio 4480 B71+V85 22.00 15.70 7.50 81 1.20 2.88 2.9 1 RFS SB3 W 100AMPT microwave dish 36.00 - - 51 1.2617 8.92 8.92 3 2" Std Pipe x 10' Lon (Exposed) 24.00 2.375 - 37 1.00 0.40 1.19 3 2" Std Pipe x 10' Lon (Exposed) 86.89 2.375 - 37 1.00 1.43 4.30 1 Upper Site Pro 1 UDS-NP (Elev 88 ft) - - - 402 - 4.24 4.2 1 Lower Site Pro 1 UDS-NP (Elev. 82 ft) - - - 402 - 4.24 4.2 4 Hybrid Cables, 1 Nexans-SF/UTP CAT5E- Cabl, & 2 Reserved Hybrid Cables Inside Pole Total Frontal EPA = 107.0 sf Note: The antenna elevations shown are the elevations above ground level. In the structural analysis, the top of the monopole base plate is 1'-0" above the ground. Page -4- Western Albemarle High School 100' (AGL) Monopole Crozet, Virginia 4. FINDINGS AND EVALUATION The following is an analysis summary for the monopole structure with antenna loads under a design wind loading of the 110 mph basic wind speed with no ice classification: 1. The monopole base shaft was found to be adequate. 2. The base plate was found to be adequate. 3. The anchor bolts were found to be adequate. 4. The maximum monopole base reactions are as follows: Original Reactions Analysis Reactions Download 53 kips 22 kips Base Shear 39 kips 12 kips OTM 3850 kips-ft 713 kips-ft Note: The analysis reactions are less than the original design reaction. 5. The service load displacement at the top of the monopole is 2.6 inches. The following is an analysis summary for the monopole structure with antenna loads under a basic wind speed of 30 mph plus 1" ice: 1. The maximum monopole base reactions are as follows: Original Reactions Analysis Reactions Download 110 kips 29 kips Base Shear 9 kips 1 kips OTM 1002 kips-ft 83 kips-ft Note: The analysis reactions are less than the original design reaction. Page -5- Western Albemarle High School 100' (AGL) Monopole Crozet, Virginia 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The monopole with the proposed antennas and appurtenances, meets the 110 mph basic wind speed with no ice and a 30 mph basic wind speed with 1" ice loading criteria in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard. Note: This structural evaluation is limited to a quantitative review of the monopole structure and a qualitative review of its foundation system. This structural evaluation does not include a review of any specific antenna mounting details, mounting platforms or mounting hardware. Such review shall be provided under a separate agreement or shall be provided by others. The findings and conclusions presented in this structural analysis report are based upon the monopole as -built configuration being in compliance with the original monopole drawings as supplied by others. Entrex Communication Services, Inc. makes no representation, express or implied, that it has made an evaluation of the as -built configuration of the monopole, the current maintenance condition of the monopole or the current antenna and transmission line loading on the structure. Furthermore, Entrex Communication Services, Inc. assumes no liability for damages resulting from monopole as -built conditions contrary to the assumptions outlined above. Released By: Camille Shabshab Date: February 10, 2022 Page -6- Western Albemarle High School 100' (AGL) Monopole Crozet, Virginia 6. COMPUTER ANALYSIS (INPUT/OUTPUT) � S i3 R R 2 8 5 ? fi 2 z' r r m 95 rb 1woft A8.8ft loft MATERIAL TOWER DESIGN NOTES Tower is located in Albemarle County, Virginia. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-H Standard. Tower designed for a 110 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard. Tower is also designed for a 30 mph basic wind with 1.00 in ice. Ice is considered to increase in thickness with height. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. Tower Risk Category If. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.00 ft TOWER RATING: 23.6% ALL REACTIONS ARE FACTORED AXIAL /29ITKK SHEAR \ MOMENT I K ��� ���,,, y 83 kip-R mph WIND - 1.0000 in ICE AXIAL /22ITKK HEAM \ MOMENT 2 K ��� ���,,, i 713 kip-R REACTIONS -110 mph WIND Entrex 1050.215 6100 Executive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: 202408-0960 i3 R R 2 8 5 ? fi 2 E Y u v S z' r r m 95 rb 100aft A8.8ft loft DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATION Ughbiig Rod 100 Radio6190B71+V85(T-Mobip) 85 L . Eeuprem Lead (ACPS) 95 Radio 6080 B71+W5 (T-Mobip) 85 Upper Ste R 1 UDS-NP nr-M ) 88 T SW Pipe x 19 Lmg (Exposed) CT -Mobile) N RFSAPXVAALL24d U-NA20 (T-Mobile) 85 T SM Pipe x 19 Lmg (Exposed) (T-Mobile) 85 RFSAPXVAAL d U-NA20 CT -Mobile) BS T SM Pipe x 19 Lmg (Exposed) (T-Mobile) 85 RFSAPXVM L2A_dS-U-NA20 CT -Mobile) 85 T SM Pipe x 19 Lmg (Exposed) (PMobik) 85 Edesem AIR6M9861(T-MdNe) 85 Edcssm AlR 6449 B61 (T-MOM18) 85 IT Sb RW x 1gLmg (Eiq W) T-Mww) 85 B61 (T-MOMIe) Edosem60 85 E6C49 Radio 6160 B25+B66 (T-Mobile) 85 T SM Rw x 10 Lmg (F-xposed) (T-Mobile) 85 Radio 6160 B25+B66 (T-Mobile) Radio 6160 B25+B66(T-Mobile) Radio 619U B71+V85 (TwM ile) 85 85 85 us sea W10pPMPT Dish (T-Mobile) 85 L. Ste Rp1UD8-NP(r-Mobile) 182 MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE7 FY Fu 1 GRADE I FY Fu A5nfi5 65 bi m Imi TOWER DESIGN NOTES Tower is located in Albemarle County, Virginia. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-H Standard. Tower designed for a 110 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard. Tower is also designed for a 30 mph basic wind with 1.00 in ice. Ice is considered to increase in thickness with height. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. Tower Risk Category If. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.00 ft TOWER RATING: 23.6% ALL REACTIONS ARE FACTORED AXIAL /29ITKK SHEAR \ MOMENT I K ��� ���,,, y 83 kip-R mph WIND - 1.0000 in ICE AXIAL /22IK� HEAM \ MOMENT 2 K ��� ���,,, i 713 kip-R REACTIONS -110 mph WIND Entrex 1050.215 6100 Executive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: 202408-0960 OO rOO OO OO 55.0000 in _ (' 1 I/ 1. Plate thickness is 2.2500 in. 2. Plate grade is A572-50. 3. Anchor bolt grade is A615-75. 4. Pc is 5 ksi. 6100 Executive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: 202408-0960 FOUNDATION NOTES Entrex 1050.215 tnx o1" er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 1 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Executive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y mRoy Crurine FAX' Tower Input Data The tower is a monopole. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-H standard The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Albemarle County, Virginia. Tower base elevation above sea level: 690.00 ft. Basic wind speed of 110 mph. Risk Category II. Exposure Category C. Simplified Topographic Factor Procedure for wind speed-up calculations is used. Topographic Category: 1. Crest Height: 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 1.0000 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 30 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50 'F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non -linear (P-delta) analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feed line supports, and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Consider Moments - Legs Consider Moments - Horizontals Consider Moments - Diagonals Use Moment Magnification Use Code Stress Ratios Use Code Safety Factors - Guys Escalate Ice Always Use Max Kz Use Special Wind Profile Include Bolts In Member Capacity Leg Bolts Are At Top Of Section Secondary Horizontal Braces Leg Use Diamond Inner Bracing (4 Sided) SR Members Have Cm Ends SR Members Are Concentric Options Distribute Leg Loads As Uniform Assume Legs Pvmed Assume Rigid Index Plate Use Clear Spans For Wind Area Use Clear Spans For KLh Retension Guys To Initial Tension Bypass Mast Stability Checks Use Azimuth Dish Coefficients Project Wind Area of Appint Amnesic Torque Arm Areas Add IBC .6D+W Combination Sort Capacity Reports By Component Triangulate Diamond Inner Bracing Treat Feed Line Bundles As Cylinder Ignore KLAry For 60 Deg, Angle Legs Use ASCE 10 X-Brace Ly Rules Calculate Redundant Bracing Forces Ignore Redundant Members in FEA SR Leg Bolts Resist Compression All Leg Panels Have Same Allowable Offset Girt At Foundation Consider Feed Line Torque Include Angle Block Shear Check Use TIA-222-H Bracing Resist Exemption Use TIA-222-H Tension Splice Exemption Poles Include Shear -Torsion Interaction Always Use Sub -Critical Flow Use Top Mounted Sockets Pole Without Linear Attachments Pole With Shroud Or No Appurtenances Outside and Inside Comer Radii Are Known Tapered Pole Section Geometry tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 2 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Execufive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO Crumrine FAX' Section Elevation Section Splice Number Top Bottom Wall Bend Pole Grade Length Length of Diameter Diameter Thickness Radius Ll 100.00-48.75 51.25 5.50 18 27.0800 38.4800 0.3125 1.2500 A572-65 (65 ksi) L2 48.75-1.00 53.25 18 36.6316 48.4765 0.3750 1.5000 A572-65 (65 ksi) Tapered Pole Properties Section Tip Dur Area I r C VC J It/Q w w/t 39.0254 37.8574 6967.4769 13.5495 19.5478 356.4321 13944.1218 18.9323 6.2225 19.912 L2 38.3811 43.1544 7166.9822 12.8711 18.6088 385.1385 14343.3949 21.5813 5.7872 15.432 49.1664 57.2528 16735.9549 17.0760 24.6260 679.6039 33493.9314 28.6318 7.8719 20.992 Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust. Factor Adjust. Weight Mult. Double Angle Double Angle Double Angle Elevation Area Thickness Af Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (perface) A, Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals Redundants LI 100.00-48.75 L2 48.75-1.00 Monopole Base Plate Data Base Plate Data Base plate is square Base plate is grouted Anchor bolt grade A615-75 Anchor bolt size 2.2500 in Number of bolts 14 Embedment length 67.1300 in f, 5 ksi Grout space 4.5000 in Base plate grade A572-50 Base plate thickness 2.2500 in Bolt circle diameter 55 0000 in Outer diameter 60.7500 in Inner diameter 36 0000 in Base plate type Plain Plate Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area Description Face Allow Exclude Component Placement Total C,AA Weight or Shield From Type Number Leg Torque ft fP/ft Ar Calculation Hybrid Cables A No No Inside Pole 85.00 - 6.00 4 No Ice 0.00 1.99 (T-Mobile) 1/2" Ice 0.00 1.99 tnxT®wer Entrex Commmnication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page3 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Executive Btvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO ClUmrine FAX Description Face Allow Exclude Component Placement Total CAAA Weight or Shield From Type Number Leg Torque h ftl ft ptr P Ice 0.00 1.99 Nexans-SF/UTP B No No Inside Pole 85.00 - 6.00 1 No Ice 0.00 0.25 CAT5E 1/2" Ice 0.00 0.25 (T-Mobile) P Ice 0.00 0.25 Hybrid Cables A No No Inside Pole 85.00 - 6.00 2 No Ice 0.00 1.99 (Reserved) 1/2" Ice 0.00 1.99 (T-Mobile) P Ice 0.00 1.99 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas Tauter Tauter Face AR AF CAAA CAAA Weight Section Elevation In Face Out Face LI 100.00-48.75 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 L2 48.75-1.00 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.51 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas - With Ice Tower Tower Face Ice AR AF CAAA CAAA Weight Section Elevation or Thickness In Face Out Face LI 100.00-48.75 A 1.083 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.43 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 L2 48.75-1.00 A 0.973 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.51 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 Feed Line Center of Pressure Section Elevation CPx CPz CPx CPz Ice Ice LI 100.00-48.75 0.0000 0,0000 0.0000 0.0000 L2 48.75-1.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0,0000 Note: For pole sections, center of pressure calculations do not consider feed line shielding. tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 4 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Execufive Btvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO Crumrine FAX' Discrete Tower Loads Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement C,AA C,AA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ° ft .l� .iir K I/2" Ice 0.80 0.80 0.04 V Ice 1.20 1.20 0.05 Lease Equipment Load C None 0.0000 95.00 No Ice 20.00 20.00 0.30 (ACPS) 12" Ice 25.00 25.00 0.40 V Ice 30.00 30.00 0.50 Upper Site Pro 1 UDS-NP C None 0.0000 88.00 No Ice 4.24 4.18 0.40 (T-Mobile) 12" Ice 5.14 5.04 0.46 P Ice 6.04 5.90 0.52 RFS A From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 20.27 8.74 0.12 APXVAALL24_43-U-NA20 0.00 12"Ice 21.24 9.88 0.23 (r-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 22.21 11.02 0.35 RFS B From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 20.27 8.74 0.12 APXVAALL24 43-U-NA20 0.00 12"Ice 21.24 9.88 0.23 (T-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 22.21 11.02 0.35 RFS C From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 20.27 8.74 0.12 APXVAALL24 43-U-NA20 0.00 12"Ice 21.24 9.88 0.23 (T-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 22.21 11.02 0.35 Ericsson AIR 6449 B41 A From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 5.66 2.48 0.08 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 6.11 2.85 0.12 0.00 P Ice 6.56 3.22 0.16 Ericsson AIR 6449 B41 B From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 5.66 2.48 0.08 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 6.11 2.85 0.12 0.00 P Ice 6.56 3.22 0.16 Ericsson AIR 6449 B41 C From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 5.66 2.48 0.08 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 6.11 2.85 0.12 0.00 P Ice 6.56 3.22 0.16 Radio 4460 B25+B66 A From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 2.56 1.98 0.11 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 2.87 2.25 0.13 0.00 P Ice 3.18 2.52 0.16 Radio 4460 B25+B66 B From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 2.56 1.98 0.11 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 2.87 2.25 0.13 0.00 P Ice 3.18 2.52 0.16 Radio 4460 B25+B66 C From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 2.56 1.98 0.11 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 2.87 2.25 0.13 0.00 V Ice 3.18 2.52 0.16 Radio 4480 B71+V85 A From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 2.88 1.40 0.08 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 3.20 1.66 0.10 0.00 V Ice 3.52 1.92 0.13 Radio 4480 B71+V85 B From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 2.88 1.40 0.08 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 3.20 1.66 0.10 0.00 V Ice 3.52 1.92 0.13 Radio 4480 B71+V85 C From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 2.88 1.40 0.08 (T-Mobile) 0.00 12" Ice 3.20 1.66 0.10 0.00 P Ice 3.52 1.92 0.13 2" Std Pipe x 10' Long A From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 0.40 2.38 0.04 (Exposed) 0.00 12" Ice 0.59 3.40 0.05 (T-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 0.78 4.42 0.07 2" Std Pipe x 10' Long B From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 0.40 2.38 0.04 (Exposed) 0.00 12" Ice 0.59 3.40 0.05 (T-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 0.78 4.42 0.07 2" Std Pipe x 10' Long C From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 0.40 2.38 0.04 (Exposed) 0.00 12" Ice 0.59 3.40 0.05 (T-Mobile) 0.00 V Ice 0.78 4.42 0.07 tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 5 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Execufive Btvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y mRoy Crurine FAX' Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement C,AA C,AA Weight or Type Hom Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ft ft, ft, K (Exposed) 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.06 3.40 0.05 (r-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 2.69 4.42 0.07 2" Std Pipe x 10' Long B From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 1.43 2.38 0.04 (Exposed) 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.06 3.40 0.05 (r-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 2.69 4.42 0.07 2" Std Pipe x 10' Long C From Leg 1.00 0,0000 85.00 No Ice 1.43 2.38 0.04 (Exposed) 0.00 12" Ice 2.06 3.40 0.05 (T-Mobile) 0.00 P Ice 2.69 4.42 0.07 Lovrer Site Pro 1 UDS-NP C None 0.0000 82.00 No Ice 4.24 4.18 0.40 (T-Mobile) 12" Ice 5.14 5.04 0.46 P Ice 6.04 5.90 0.52 Dishes Description Face Dish Offset Offsets: Azimuth 3 dB Elevation Outside Aperture Weight or Type Type Hom Adjustment Beam Diameter Area Leg Lateral Width Vert ft ft ft ft, K RFS Paraboloid None 0,0000 85.00 3.00 No Ice 7.07 0.05 SB3W100AMPT w/Shroud(BP) 1/2" Ice 7.47 0.10 Dish 1" Ice 7.87 0.15 (T-Mobile) Force Totals Load Vertical Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Torques Case Forces Forces Forces Overturning Overturning x Z Moments, M. Moments, M.K K K ki ki ki - Leg Weight 14.71 Bracing Weight 0.00 Total Member Self -Weight 14.71 0.00 0.00 Total Weight 18.27 0.00 0.00 -11.52 0.00 Wind deg -No Ice 0.00 -706.29 0.00 Wind 30 deg - No Ice 5.76 -9.98 -611.67 -353.15 0.00 Wind 60 deg - No Ice 9.98 -5.76 -353.15 -611.67 0.00 Wind 90 deg - No Ice 11.52 0.00 0.00 -706.29 0.00 Wind 120 deg - No Ice 9.98 5.76 353.15 -611.67 0.00 Wind 150 deg - No Ice 5.76 9.98 611.67 -353.15 0.00 Wind 180 deg - No Ice 0.00 11.52 706.29 0.00 0.00 Wind 210 deg - No Ice -5.76 9.98 611.67 353.15 0.00 Wind 240 deg - No Ice -9.98 5.76 353.15 611.67 0.00 Wind 270 deg - No Ice -11.52 0.00 0.00 706.29 0.00 Wind 300 deg - No Ice -9.98 -5.76 -353.15 611.67 0.00 Wind 330 deg - No Ice -5.76 -9.98 -611.67 353.151 0.00 Member Ice 4.85 tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 6 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Executive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, MD 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO Crumrine FAX' Load Case Vertical Forces K Sum of Forces X K Sum of Forces Z K Sum of Overturning Moments, M. ki Sum of Overturning Moments, M. ki - Sum of Torques ki Total Weight Ice 25.25 0.00 0.00 Wind 0 deg - Ice 0.00 -1.37 -81.92 0.00 0.00 Wind 30 deg - Ice 0.69 -1.19 -70.94 -40.96 0.00 Wind 60 deg - Ice 1.19 -0.69 -40.96 -70.94 0.00 Wind 90 deg - Ice 1.37 0.00 0.00 -81.92 0.00 Wind 120 deg - Ice 1.19 0.69 40.96 -70.94 0.00 Wind 150 deg - Ice 0.69 1.19 70.94 -40.96 0.00 Wind 180 deg - Ice 0.00 1.37 81.92 0.00 0.00 Wind 210 deg - Ice -0.69 1.19 70.94 40.96 0.00 Wind 240 deg - Ice -1.19 0.69 40.96 70.94 0.00 Wind 270 deg - Ice -1.37 0.00 0.00 81.92 0.00 Wind 300 deg - Ice -1.19 -0.69 -40.96 70.94 0.00 Wind 330 deg - Ice -0.69 -1.19 -70.94 40.96 0.00 Total Weight 18.27 0.00 0.00 Wind 0 deg- Service 0.00 -3.07 -188.02 0.00 0.00 Wind 30 deg - Service 1.53 -2.66 -162.83 -94.01 0.00 Wind 60 deg - Service 2.66 -1.53 -94.01 -162.83 0.00 Wind 90 deg - Service 3.07 0.00 0.00 -188.02 0.00 Wind 120 deg - Service 2.66 1.53 94.01 -162.83 0.00 Wind 150 deg - Service 1.53 2.66 162.83 -94.01 0.00 Wind 180 deg - Service 0.00 3.07 188.02 0.00 0.00 Wind 210 deg - Service -1.53 2.66 162.83 94.01 0.00 Wind 240 deg - Service -2.66 1.53 94.01 162.83 0.00 Wind 270 deg - Service -3.07 0.00 0.00 188.02 0.00 Wind 300 deg - Service -2.66 -L53 -94.01 162.83 0.00 Wind 330 de - Service -1.53 -2.66 -162.83 94.01 0.00 Load Combinations Comb. Description No. 1 Dead Only 2 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg - No Ice 3 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg - No Ice 4 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg - No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg - No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg - No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg - No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg - No Ice 9 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg - No Ice 10 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg - No Ice 11 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg - No Ice 12 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg - No Ice 13 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg - No Ice 14 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg - No Ice 15 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg - No Ice 16 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg - No Ice 17 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg - No Ice 18 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg - No Ice 19 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg - No Ice 20 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg - No Ice 21 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg - No Ice 22 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg - No Ice 23 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg - No Ice 24 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg - No Ice 25 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg - No Ice MxTbwer Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 7 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Executive Blvd State 430 Rockville, MD 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO CfUmrine FAX Comb. Description No. 26 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 27 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 28 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 29 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 30 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 31 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 32 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 33 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 34 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 35 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 36 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 37 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 38 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 39 Dead+Wind 0 deg - Service 40 Dead+Wind 30 deg - Service 41 Dead+Wind 60 deg - Service 42 Dead+Wind 90 deg - Service 43 Dead+Wind 120 deg - Service 44 Dead+Wind 150 deg - Service 45 Dead+Wind 180 deg - Service 46 Dead+Wind 210 deg - Service 47 Dead+Wind 240 deg - Service 48 Dead+Wind 270 deg - Service 49 Dead+Wind 300 deg - Service 50 Dead+Wind 330 deg - Service Maximum Member Forces Section No. Elevation jt Component Type Condition Gov. Load Comb. Axial K Major Axis Moment ki" Minor Axis Moment ki" Ll 100 - 48.75 Pole Max Tension 33 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max. Compression 26 -13.69 0.00 0.00 Max. Mx 8 -9.42 -206.29 0.00 Max. My 14 -9.42 0.00 -206.29 Max. Vy 8 7.41 -206.29 0.00 Max. Vx 14 7.41 0.00 -206.29 Max. Torque 12 0.00 L2 48.75 - 1 Pole Max Tension 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max. Compression 26 -29.20 0.00 0.00 Max. Mx 8 -21.92 -712.84 0.00 Max. My 14 -21.92 0.00 -712.84 Max. Vy 8 11.52 -712.84 0.00 Max. Vx 2 -11.52 0.00 712.84 Max. Torque 12 0.00 Maximum Reactions Location Condition Gov. Vertical Horizontal, X Horizontal, Z Load K K K Comb. Pole Max. Vert 26 29.20 0.00 0.00 Max. H. 21 16.44 11.52 0.00 Max. H� 3 16.44 0.00 11.52 Max. M. 2 712.84 0.00 11.52 tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 8 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Exemfive Btvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO Crumrine FAX' Location Condition Gov. Vertical Horizontal, X Horizontal, Z Load K K K Max. M. 8 712.84 -11.52 0.00 Max. Torsion 12 0.00 -5.76 -9.97 Min. Vert 9 16.44 -11.52 0.00 Min. H, 9 16.44 -11.52 0.00 Min. H, 15 16.44 0.00 -11.52 Min. Mx 14 -712.84 0.00 -11.52 Min. M. 20 -712.84 11.52 0.00 Min. Torsion 16 -0.00 5.76 -9.97 Tower Mast Reaction Summary Torque Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overturning Overturning Combination Moment, M. Moment, M K K K ki" ki" kio-jt Dead Only 18.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.2 Dead+l.O Wind O deg - No 21.93 0.00 -11.52 -712.84 0.00 0.00 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg - No 16.44 0.00 -11.52 -711.18 0.00 0.00 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg - No 21.93 5.76 -9.97 -617.34 -356.42 0.00 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg - No 16.44 5.76 -9.97 -615.90 -355.59 0.00 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg - No 21.93 9.97 -5.76 -356.42 -617.34 -0.00 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg - No 16.44 9.97 -5.76 -355.59 -615.90 -0.00 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg - No 21.93 11.52 0.00 0.00 -712.84 0.00 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg - No 16.44 11.52 0.00 0.00 -711.18 0.00 Ice 1.2 Dead+l.O Wind 120 deg- 21.93 9.97 5.76 356.42 -617.34 0.00 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg - 16.44 9.97 5.76 355.59 -615.90 0.00 No Ice 1.2 Dead+l.O Wind 150 deg- 21.93 5.76 9.97 617.34 -356.42 -0.00 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg - 16.44 5.76 9.97 615.90 -355.59 -0.00 No Ice 1.2 Dead+l.O Wind 180 deg- 21.93 0.00 11.52 712.84 0.00 0.00 No Ice 0.9 Dead+l.O Wind 180 deg - 16.44 0.00 11.52 711.18 0.00 0.00 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg - 21.93 -5.76 9.97 617.34 356.42 0.00 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg - 16.44 -5.76 9.97 615.90 355.59 0.00 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg - 21.93 -9.97 5.76 356.42 617.34 -0.00 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg - 16.44 -9.97 5.76 355.59 615.90 -0.00 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg - 21.93 -11.52 0.00 0.00 712.84 0.00 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg - 16.44 -11.52 0.00 0.00 711.18 0.00 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg - 21.93 -9.97 -5.76 -356.42 617.34 0.00 No Ice tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 9 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Exemfive Bhd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO Crumrine FAX' Load Vertical Shear, Shear. Overt Ing Overturning Torque Combination Moment, M. Moment, M K K K kip-R kip-R ki" 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg - 16.44 -9.97 -5.76 -355.59 615.90 0.00 No lee 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg - 21.93 -5.76 -9.97 -617.34 356.42 -0.00 No lee 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg - 16.44 -5.76 -9.97 -615.90 355.59 -0.00 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 29.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 29.20 0.00 -1.37 -82.89 0.00 0.00 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 29.20 0.69 -1.19 -71.78 -41.44 0.00 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 29.20 1.19 -0.69 -41.44 -71.78 0.00 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 29.20 1.37 0.00 0.00 -82.89 0.00 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 29.20 1.19 0.69 41.44 -71.78 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 29.20 0.69 1.19 71.78 -41.44 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 29.20 0.00 1.37 82.89 0.00 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 29.20 -0.69 1.19 71.78 41.44 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 29.20 -1.19 0.69 41.44 71.78 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 29.20 -1.37 0.00 0.00 82.89 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 29.20 -1.19 -0.69 -41.44 71.78 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 29.20 -0.69 -1.19 -71.78 41.44 0.00 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Dead+Wind0deg -service 18.27 0.00 -3.07 -189.44 0.00 0.00 Dead+Wind 30 deg -Service 18.27 1.53 -2.65 -164.06 -94.72 0.00 Dead+Wind 60 deg - Service 18.27 2.65 -1.53 -94.72 -164.06 -0.00 Dead+Wind 90 deg -Service 18.27 3.07 0.00 0.00 -189.44 0.00 Dead+Wind 120 deg -Service 18.27 2.65 1.53 94.72 -164.06 0.00 Dead+Wind 150 deg- Service 18.27 1.53 2.65 164.06 -94.72 -0.00 Dead+Wind 180 deg- Service 18.27 0.00 3.07 189.44 0.00 0.00 Dead+Wind 210 deg - Service 18.27 -1.53 2.65 164.06 94.72 0.00 Dead+Wind 240 deg - Service 18.27 -2.65 1.53 94.72 164.06 -0.00 Dead+Wind 270 deg- Service 18.27 -3.07 0.00 0.00 189.44 0.00 Dead+Wind 300 deg- Service 18.27 -2.65 -1.53 -94.72 164.06 0.00 Dead+Wind 330 deg -Service 18.27 -1.53 -2.65 -164.06 94.72 -0.00 Solution Summary Sum of Applied Forces Sum ofReactons Load PX PY PZ PX PY PZ %Error 1 0.00 -18.27 0.00 0.00 18.27 0.00 0.0000% 2 0.00 -21.93 -11.52 0.00 21.93 11.52 0.002% 3 0.00 -16.44 -11.52 0.00 16.44 11.52 0.001% 4 5.76 -21.93 -9.98 -5.76 21.93 9.97 0.002% 5 5.76 -16.44 -9.98 -5.76 16.44 9.97 0.001% 6 9.98 -21.93 -5.76 -9.97 21.93 5.76 0.002% 7 9.98 -16.44 -5.76 -9.97 16.44 5.76 0.001% 8 11.52 -21.93 0.00 -11.52 21.93 0.00 0.002% 9 11.52 -16.44 0.00 -11.52 16.44 0.00 0.001% tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 10 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Exemfive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO Crumrine FAX' Sum of Applied Forces Sum ofReacbons Load PX Py PZ PX PY PZ %Error Comb. K K K K K K 10 9.98 -21.93 5.76 -9.97 21.93 -5.76 0.002% 11 9.98 -16.44 5.76 -9.97 16.44 -5.76 0.001% 12 5.76 -21.93 9.98 -5.76 21.93 -9.97 0.002% 13 5.76 -16.44 9.98 -5.76 16.44 -9.97 0.001% 14 0.00 -21.93 11.52 0.00 21.93 -11.52 0.002% 15 0.00 -16.44 11.52 0.00 16.44 -11.52 0.001% 16 -5.76 -21.93 9.98 5.76 21.93 -9.97 0.002% 17 -5.76 -16.44 9.98 5.76 16.44 -9.97 0.001% 18 -9.98 -21.93 5.76 9.97 21.93 -5.76 0.002% 19 -9.98 -16.44 5.76 9.97 16.44 -5.76 0.001% 20 -11.52 -21.93 0.00 11.52 21.93 0.00 0.002% 21 -11.52 -16.44 0.00 11.52 16.44 0.00 0.001% 22 -9.98 -21.93 -5.76 9.97 21.93 5.76 0.002% 23 -9.98 -16.44 -5.76 9.97 16.44 5.76 0.001% 24 -5.76 -21.93 -9.98 5.76 21.93 9.97 0.002% 25 -5.76 -16.44 -9.98 5.76 16.44 9.97 0.001% 26 0.00 -29.20 0.00 0.00 29.20 0.00 0.000% 27 0.00 -29.20 -1.37 0.00 29.20 1.37 0.004% 28 0.69 -29.20 -1.19 -0.69 29.20 1.19 0.004% 29 1.19 -29.20 -0.69 -1.19 29.20 0.69 0.004% 30 1.37 -29.20 0.00 -1.37 29.20 0.00 0.004% 31 1.19 -29.20 0.69 -1.19 29.20 -0.69 0.004% 32 0.69 -29.20 1.19 -0.69 29.20 -1.19 0.004% 33 0.00 -29.20 1.37 0.00 29.20 -1.37 0.004% 34 -0.69 -29.20 1.19 0.69 29.20 -1.19 0.004% 35 -1.19 -29.20 0.69 1.19 29.20 -0.69 0.004% 36 -1.37 -29.20 0.00 1.37 29.20 0.00 0.004% 37 -1.19 -29.20 -0.69 1.19 29.20 0.69 0.004% 38 -0.69 -29.20 -1.19 0.69 29.20 1.19 0.004% 39 0.00 -18.27 -3.07 0.00 18.27 3.07 0.002% 40 1.53 -18.27 -2.66 -1.53 18.27 2.65 0.002% 41 2.66 -18.27 -1.53 -2.65 18.27 1.53 0.002% 42 3.07 -18.27 0.00 -3.07 18.27 0.00 0.002% 43 2.66 -18.27 1.53 -2.65 18.27 -1.53 0.002% 44 1.53 -18.27 2.66 -1.53 18.27 -2.65 0.002% 45 0.00 -18.27 3.07 0.00 18.27 -3.07 0.002% 46 -1.53 -18.27 2.66 1.53 18.27 -2.65 0.002% 47 -2.66 -18.27 1.53 2.65 18.27 -1.53 0.002% 48 -3.07 -18.27 0.00 3.07 18.27 0.00 0.002% 49 -2.66 -18.27 -1.53 2.65 18.27 1.53 0.002% 50 -1.53 -18.27 -2.66 1.53 18.27 2.65 0.002% Non -Linear Convergence Results Load Converged? Number Displacement Force Combination of Cycles Tolerance Tolerance 1 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00000001 2 Yes 8 0.00000001 000008859 3 Yes 8 0.00000001 000008026 4 Yes 8 0.00000001 000007495 5 Yes 8 0.00000001 000006797 6 Yes 8 0.00000001 000007495 7 Yes 8 0.00000001 000006797 8 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00008859 9 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00008026 10 Yes 8 0,00000001 0,00007495 MxTbwer Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 11 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Exemfive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO ClU mrine FAX' 11 Yes 8 0,00000001 0,00006797 12 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00007495 13 Yes 8 0.00000001 000006797 14 Yes 8 0.00000001 000008859 15 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00008026 16 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00007495 17 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00006797 18 Yes 8 0.00000001 000007495 19 Yes 8 0.00000001 000006797 20 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00008859 21 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00008026 22 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00007495 23 Yes 8 0.00000001 000006797 24 Yes 8 0.00000001 000007495 25 Yes 8 0.00000001 0.00006797 26 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00000001 27 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00006582 28 Yes 6 0.00000001 000006581 29 Yes 6 0.00000001 000006581 30 Yes 6 0,00000001 0.00006582 31 Yes 6 0,00000001 0.00006581 32 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00006581 33 Yes 6 0.00000001 000006582 34 Yes 6 0.00000001 000006581 35 Yes 6 0,00000001 0.00006581 36 Yes 6 0,00000001 0.00006582 37 Yes 6 0.00000001 0.00006581 38 Yes 6 0.00000001 000006581 39 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010723 40 Yes 7 0,00000001 0.00010628 41 Yes 7 0,00000001 0.00010628 42 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010723 43 Yes 7 0.00000001 000010628 44 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010628 45 Yes 7 0,00000001 0.00010723 46 Yes 7 0,00000001 0.00010628 47 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010628 48 Yes 7 0.00000001 000010723 49 Yes 7 0.00000001 0.00010628 50 Yes 7 0,00000001 0.00010628 Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind Section Elevation Horz. Gov. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load LI 100-48.75 2.620 42 0.1948 0.0000 L2 54.25 - 1 0.888 42 0.1449 0.0000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature R Comb. in 0 ft 100.00 Lightning Rod 42 2.620 0.1948 0,0000 170913 95.00 Lease Equipment Load 42 2.406 0.1912 0.0000 170913 tnxT®wer Entrex Commmnication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page12 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Executive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO CfUmrine FAX' Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of LOW Curvature 88.00 Upper Site Pro 1 UDS-NP 42 2.111 0.1859 0.0000 71214 85.00 RFS SB3-W100AMPT Dish 42 1.986 0.1835 0.0000 56971 82.00 Lower Site Pro 1 UDS-NP 42 1.864 0.1809 0.0000 47476 Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind Section Elevation Hors. Gov. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load ft in Comb. LI 100 - 48.75 9.861 14 0.7333 0.0000 L2 54,25 - 1 3.340 14 0.5453 0.0000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Design Wind Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature 100.00 Lightning Rod 14 9.861 0.7333 0,0000 45414 95.00 Lease Equipment Load 14 9.058 0.7198 0.0000 45414 88.00 Upper Site Pro 1 UDS-NP 14 7.945 0.6998 0.0000 18922 85.00 RFS SB3-W100AWr Dish 14 7.476 0.6906 0.0000 15138 82.00 Lower Site Pro 1 UDS-NP 14 7,015 0.6809 0,0000 12615 Base Plate Design Data Plate Number Anchor Bolt Actual Actual Actual Actual Controlling Ratio Thickness of Anchor Size Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Condition Bolts Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Bolt Bolt Plate Stiffener Tension Compression Stress Stress in in K K ksi ksi 2.2500 14 2.2500 42.05 44.89 10.635 Plate 0.24 243.58 404.34 45.000 0.17 0.11 0.24 Compression Checks Pole Design Data tnxTower Entrrez COmmunicadon Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 13 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Execulive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, MD 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO C1Umrine FAX Section Elevation Size L L, K11r A P. +P„ Ratio No. P. jt jt jt in, K K 6p, Ll 100-48.75(1) TP38.48x27.08x0.3125 51.25 0.00 0.0 36.6439 -9.42 2143.67 0.004 L2 48.75 - 1 (2) TP48.4765x36.6316x0.375 53.25 0.00 0.0 57.2528 -21.92 3349.29 0.007 Pole Bending Design Data Section Elevation Size M. +M„ Ratio M,v }Mw Ratio No. M. Alo ft ki" ki" m , k,P-R kip-R +vM Ll 100-48.75(1) TP38.48x27.08x0.3125 206.29 1946.97 0.106 0.00 1946.97 0.000 L2 48.75 - 1 (2) TP48.4765x36.6316x0.375 712.84 3857.22 0.185 0.00 3857.22 0.000 Pole Shear Design Data Section Elevation Size Actual 4 V. Ratio Actual T. Ratio No. V. V. T. T. f+ K K hv, ki" ki" m Lt 100-48.75(1) TP38.48x27.08x0.3125 7.41 643.10 0.012 0.00 2080.68 0.000 L2 48.75 - 1 (2) TP48.4765x36.6316x0.375 11.52 1004.79 0.011 0.00 4232.64 0.000 Pole Interaction Design Data Section Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Comb. Allow. Criteria No. P. M. M,v V. T. Stress Stress jt op, OM- �M OV. mT Ratio Ratio Ll 100 - 48.75 (1) 0.004 0.106 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.110 1.000 1/ 4 8 2 L2 48.75 - 1 (2) 0.007 0.185 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.191 1.000 1/ 4 8 2 Section Capacity Table Section Elevation Component Size Critical P oP,,a„ % Pass No. .fr Type Element K K Capacity Fail Ll 100-48.75 Pole TP38.48x27.08x0.3125 1 -9.42 2143.67 11.0 Pass L2 48.75 - 1 Pole TP48.4765x36.6316x0.375 2 -21.92 3349.29 19.1 Pass Summary Pole (1,2) 19.1 Pass Base Plate 23.6 Pass RATING = 23.6 Pass tnx off' er Entrex Communication Job Entrex 1050.215 Page 14 of 14 Project Date Services, Inc. Western Albemarle HS 16:40:23 02/08/22 6100 Exemfive Blvd Suite 430 Rockville, AM 20852 Client Designed by Phone: 202-408-0960 Milestone y RO Crumrine FAX' Program Version - 6/3/2021 File:T:/Milestone/1050_215nMO_02_08_22/1050215_TMO_02_08_22.eri 7. MONOPOLE DRAWINGS AND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Designed Appurtenance Loading 4 � fy 9 bc s a co i so 8 o E . 3 0 FUTURE EXTENSION i t6't 0'x IT ® 80°,180°,300° 10T t 0'x 13' a 80°,180°,300° Wx IT ® 80°,180°,300° Wx IT ® 80°1180°1300° Wx 13' a 80°,180°,300° Else Description T.U.. 122J102" (1)2 sq. ft. EPA 120'"" (1) 200 a1. ft. EPA, 7OW to Weight (12)19B" 110'"" (1) 150 a1. ft. EPA, 4,500 to Weight (12)19B" 100 (1)150 a1. ft. EPA, 4,500 to Weight (12) 19B" W (1)100 Sq. Ft. EPA (3,0001bs) (12) 19B" N (1)100 Sq. Ft. EPA (3,0001bs) (12) 19B" Design Criteria - ANSlMA-222-G Ultimate Wind Speed (No Ice) 115 mph Wind Speed (Ice) 30 mph Design Ice Thickness 0.75 in Structure Clew II Risk Category II Exposure Category C Topographic Category 1 Load Case Reactions . Atlel(Nos) BM1Nr(ki,$) MOn4n1(ft*) DerlectlOn(%) 8wey(inI 52.99 38.85 3849.99 8.36 ].11 0.9 Dead R 39.]3 38.8] 3783.83 8.1] 8.93110A4 8.]1 1002.48 2.3 1.9444.18 I.. I 974.15 1 2.13 1 1.8 Wx IT Base Plate Dimensions ® EO°,180°,300° BM1epe Diameter TM1lckn¢88 BOIf Circle BOIf GIy BOIL D18me1H Routs 0.75" 2.25" 55' 14 22F Anchor Bolt Dimensions L.,fth Diameter Hol. Diameter I welgm Type PIn..h 0' x IT ®60°,180°.300° Sr 225' 2625" 1695A A61S75 on, 1 it x 24"M 60°.150°,240t330° t it x 34'n NO° Notes 1) Antenna Feed Lines Run Inside Pole 2) All dimensions are above ground level, unless otherwise specified. 3) Weights shown are estimates. Final weights may vary. 4) This tower design and, if applicable, the foundation design(s) shown on the following page(s) also meet or exceed the requirements of the 2012 International Building Code. 5) Full Height Step Bolts 6) Tower Rating: 99.9 These Appurtenances cannot be installed at the higher elevation until the Monopole has been extended. These Appurtenances cannot be installed until the Monopole has been extended. Sabre Communications Corporation '1obi 422553A 7101 Southbridge Drive Sabre Industrless P.O. Box 658 Customer: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Towers and Poles Sioux City, IA 51102-N58 1.(112)25a9eea Site Name: Western Albemade HS, VA rx Ir121.Il acme' —.in. hewn Is u. w. mPaX a sob. coo—1 .aa. comer em, om:nus .wee. Description: 100' ext. 120' Monopole p,.p�..wVotl...nvl.m�,.nm.pd.mw mmo�.,1ns�m�,.mmCe,:enb`oei cwo"aten. a•e.. r. a„v Date: BY: 11/12/2018 RES Page 1 No.: 422553 Sabre Industries Towers and Poles Customer: MILESTONE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Site: Western Albemarle HIS, VA 100' Monopole Extendible to 120' Grade Slope = 9% Dia. I I Two (2) #5 ties within top 5" of concrete I I L-----I I I I I I L— I I �T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ELEVATION VIEW (29.85 Cu. Yds.) (1 REQUIRED; NOT TO SCALE) Date: 12/12/18 By: MH Notes: 1) Concrete shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,500 psi, in o J accordance with ACI 318-11. U a 2) Rebar to conform to ASTM specification A615 Grade 60. 3) All rebar to have a minimum of 3" concrete cover. 4) All exposed concrete corners to be chamfered 3/4". 5) The foundation design is based on the geotechnical report by Froehling & Robertson, Inc., Project No. 71 W0174 dated: October N 12th, 2018.. N 6) See the geotechnical report for drilled pier installation requirements, if specified. 7) The foundation is based on the following factored loads: Moment = 3,849.99 k-ft Axial = 52.99 k Shear = 38.85 k Rebar Schedule for Pier (24) #11 vertical rebar w/ #5 ties, two within top Pier 5" of pier, then 10" C/C Information contained herein is the sole property of Sabre Towers & Poles, constitutes a trade secret as defined by Iowa Code Ch. 550 and shall not be reproduced, copied or used in whole or part for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of Sabre Towers & Poles. 7101 Southbridge Drive - P.O. Box 658 - Sioux City, IA 51102-0658 - Phone 712.258.6690 - Fax 712.279.0814 Page 2 o o —E - !m ! I �## _ 7«- _ \ � \} E)/\\\ - _ \\ \�`�- mE \!,7 §G ¢) \ � § mml ƒ) (! ) k\/2{) !\\\\ { z. . 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BeY S U p�poQ'=�gwg °za?«a3 9F€ Q p C 1 y Q$B F TTT �.4ffiSmii aa� gal gig � r ao 5 �o Om £tu � FS Y� I a � V� w21 ASCE WENIC N SOCIEW OF CML ENGINEERS Address: No Address at This Location Wind ASCE 7 Hazards Report Standard: ASCE/SEI 7-16 Elevation: 688.77 ft (NAVD 88) Risk Category: 11 Latitude: 38.047312 Soil Class: Longitude:-78.703215 egly sch 3. Results: Wind Speed: 110 Vmph 10-year MRI 75 Vmph 25-year MRI 83 Vmph 50-year MRI 89 Vmph 100-year MRI 94 Vmph r ui b_TruV Data Source: ASCE/SEI 7-16, Fig. 26.5-1 B and Figs. CC.2-1—CC.2-4, and Section 26.5.2 Date Accessed: Tue Oct 19 2021 Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C Category, based on linear interpolation between contours. Wind speeds are interpolated in accordance with the 7-16 Standard. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability = 0.00143, MRI = 700 years). Site is not in a hurricane -prone region as defined in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 26.2 hftps:/Iasce7hazardtool.online/ Page 1 of 2 Tue Od 19 2021 ASCE WERQN SOCIEW OF CML ENGINEERS Ice Results: Ice Thickness: Concurrent Temperature: Gust Speed: Data Source: Date Accessed: 1.00 in. 15F 30 mph Standard ASCE/SEI 7-16, Figs. 10-2 through 10-8 Tue Oct 19 2021 Ice thicknesses on structures in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. Values provided are equivalent radial ice thicknesses due to freezing rain with concurrent 3-second gust speeds, for a 500-year mean recurrence interval, and temperatures concurrent with ice thicknesses due to freezing rain. Thicknesses for ice accretions caused by other sources shall be obtained from local meteorological studies. Ice thicknesses in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience, for informational purposes only, and is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind. The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed, produced, and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard. While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies, ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, or quality of any data provided herein. Any third -party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation, relationship, or sponsorship of such third -party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool, you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers, directors, employees, members, affiliates, or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of, or reliance on, the Tool or any information obtained therein. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool. hftps:/Iasce7hazardtool.online/ Page 2 of 2 Tue Oct 19 2021