HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA199200004 Correspondence 1992-08-28 •
8:440.: cry
Office of County Executive
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5841
August 28, 1992
Mr. Forbes R. Reback
230 Court Square
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Dear Mr. Reback:
The attached information has been provided to the Albemarle County
Board of Supervisors for their consideration at their September 2 ,
1992 meeting. The agenda item is for the Board to decide if they
want to go to public hearing on the request to extend the
jurisdictional area for public sewer to include the Ridge
Restaurant property.
I expect this item to be discussed by the Board around 9 : 30 a.m.
and request the property owner, or representative(s) , be present to
discuss this request with the Board.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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Robert B. Brandenburger
Assistant County Executive
92 . 067 .
cc: W. Benton Downer, III -
Dr. Susan L. McLeod -
Mr. Don Hackler
Mr. Keith Van Yahres
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County of Albemarle
Jurisdictional Area for the Ridge (Galerie) September 2, 1992
Applicant request for public sewer CONSENT AGENDA:
jurisdictional area be extended to the ACTION: INFORMATION:
Ridge Restaurant property.
Messrs. Tucker, Brandenburger,✓Cilimberg REVIEWED BY: /
BACKGROUND: This request was initially submitted in January, 1992 but was deferred by the
Board, and subsequently by the applicant, pending investigation of other alternatives. This
property is located at the intersection of Routes 240 and 250 and was found to not have
adequate sewage disposal when health department permits were being issued for the new Ridge
Restaurant. In order for the Ridge to open, a temporary pump and haul permit was issued by
the Commissioner of Health for six months. This permit is due to expire on September 11,
1992 and will not be extended unless certain conditions are met - specifically, a permanent
solution is in hand and under construction with completion within six months. Four potential
options were initially proposed:
(1) Package treatment plant
(2) Permanent pump and haul
(3) Septic system off site as on-site is not feasible
(4) Connection to public sewer
(1) The package treatment plant is unlikely as the state has been reluctant to allow
such plants in any watershed.
(2) Permanent pump and haul is not desirable and would require agreement by the
County and state in which the County assumes responsibility for its operation.
(3) Off-site septic was actively pursued but is not an option due to poor site
conditions and the inability to get the necessary easements from private property
(4) Connection to public sewer is an option but would only be to the gravity line as
the Service Authority will not allow connection to the forced main. Connecting
to the gravity line is being investigated. Even if easements and engineering
solutions are obtained, the cost implications may result in the applicant not
pursuing this option. The applicant has not completed this feasibility review.
The applicant is requesting a public hearing be set to extend the jurisdictional area. This
action will allow them to complete their investigation of the feasibility of connecting to
public sewer. The applicant feels this step is necessary for them to request continuance of
their temporary pump and haul but there is no guarantee the Health Department will grant any
Staff has no recommendation at this time. The Board's questions from January and the County
Attorney's response are attached for information.
RECOMMENDATION: None, provided for discussion in response to the applicant's request for a
public hearing on October 7, 1992 to consider extending the jurisdictional area.
g �9
Dept. of Planning & Community Development
401 Mclntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5823
January 24, 1992
W. Benton Downer
Associate Broker
Montague, Miller & Company
500 Westfield Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901
RE: Request to Amend Albemarle County Service Authority
Jurisdictional Area - Galerie Restaurant
Dear Mr. Downer:
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on January 15,
1992 , deferred action on the above-noted request. This request has
tentatively been re-scheduled for February 19, 1992. This request was
deferred in order to receive a legal opinion from the County Attorney on
the following issues:
1. What rights does the applicant have to a septic disposal system
that exists with his purchase of the property vs. the applicant's
request to be included in the service area boundaries of the
Albemarle County Service Authority for sewer service?
2. If the Board denies the request, does that denial remove the
property from use without compensation?
3. Does approval by the County Executive of a pump and haul system
reestablish a use on the property?
4. Does a pump and haul system place a vested interest on the property?
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted
action, please do not hesitatt to contact me.
(/), 60 / /,
V. Wayne ilimberg
Director of Plannin & ommunity Development
VWC/j cw
cc: Lettie E. Neher
oFA ;
=� 01 AUG 27 1992
% Ls 4
Office of County Attorney
416 Park Street
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Telephone 296-7138
August 25, 1992
Robert Brandenburger
Deputy County Executive
Albemarle County
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Re: Agenda Item #16, Action letter January 16, 1992
Dear Bob:
I will answer the four questions set out in the above action
letter, in the order in which they appear in that letter;
1. What rights does the applicant have to a septic disposal
system that exists with his purchase of the property vs. the
applicant's request to be included in the service area
boundaries of the Albemarle County Service Authority for sewer
Answer: The location of, and amendment of, the
jurisdictional areas for the Albemarle County Service Authority
is a legislative function of the supervisors. It is my opinion
that no land-owner has a right to special legislation, to
provide a remedy to a topographic problem which was not created
by government in the first place, but rather by act of nature
and/or by the character of the topography itself, which I
believe to be the situation in this case.
2 . Based on the rationale above in Paragraph 1, I believe
that if the Board denies th6 request, the denial does not remove
the property from use without compensation. The purchaser was
well aware of the situation when he acquired the property, and
was aware that the pump and haul permit was not to be permanent.
3 . Approval by the County Executive of a pump and haul
system did not reestablish a use on the property, since the pump
and haul permit was clearly temporary in the hope, repeat the
hope, not the certainty, that a permanent solution could be
Robert Brandenburger Page 2 August 25, 1992
4 . A pump and haul system does not place a vested interest
on the property because the pump and haul permit itself, on its
face, was temporary, not permanent.
In providing these answers I have considered the recent U. S.
Supreme Court case of Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Commission
and I do not believe that case applicable to this situation. I
do believe, that if a decision denying access to the public
sewer, were to be challenged in court, there would be
justiciable arguments on both sides, as to the "taking" issue,
but in my opinion the County should prevail.
In giving you this opinion I am in no way advocating, one way
or the other, how I feel the Board should act on this request.
I am simply stating the legal parameters within which their
decision can be made.
Sincerely yours,
George R. St. John