HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201300104 Approval - Agencies 2013-07-24 ,..., ,,, , pp roved 0... ,,,,, —,4 .+ 4ct r104_ COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALBEMARLE—CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY(PALMYRA) State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive GREENE COUNTY(STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY(LOUISA) Phone(434)972-6219 P. O. Box 7546 NELSON COUNTY(LOVINGSTON) Fax (434)972-4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 November 14,2013 J.T.Newberry Department of Community Development Division of Zoning and Current Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for Individual Onsite Sewage Systems as part of a division of Tax Map 80 Parcel 5 located in Albemarle County,Virginia. Dear Mr.Newberry: On October 31,2013,the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of Health(via the Albemarle County Health Department)review the proposed subdivision plat identified above.This letter is to inform you that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved for individual Onsite Sewage Systems in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia,the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, and local ordinances. This request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of§ 32.1-163.5 of the Code of Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator(AOSE)or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for residential development. This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's Regulations by: Steve Gooch; Onsite Soil Evaluator Number 1940001284. This subdivision approval is issued in reliance upon that certification. Pursuant to § 360 of the Regulations this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System Construction Permits will be issued for any lot in the subdivision identified above unless that lot is specifically identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system,and unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the time of this approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage systems. This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances. Sincerely, Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Consultant Thomas Jefferson Health District Soils Study for Reserve Drain Field Sites Boundary Line Adjustment TM 80-5 and TM 80-5A1 Albemarle County SUB: 201300104 Prepared for: Elizabeth Orr and William A. Orr,Trustees of the Elizabeth M. Orr Living Trust 3025 Milton Village Lane Charlottesville,Virginia 22902 Prepared by: Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist,Inc. 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy,Virginia 22974 111'C°‘14 October 26, 2013 *4r.• Page 1 of 6 OSE/PE Report for: Construction Permit Certification Letter Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: 3986 Keswick Road City: Keswick Lot Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map# 80-5 Health Dept ID# Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Elizabeth M. Orr&William A. Orr, Trustees of the Elizabeth M. Orr Living Trust Street: 3025 Milton Village Lane City:Charlottesville State Virginia Zip Code 22902 Prepared by: OSE Name Steve Gooch License# 1940001284 Address 703 Oliver Creek Road City Troy State Virginia Zip Code 22974 PE Name: License# N,.' Address City State Zip Code Date of Report 10/26/13 Date of Revision#1 OSE/PE Job# Date of Revision#2 Contents/Index of this report(e.g.,Site Evaluation Summary,Soil Profile Descriptions,Site Sketch,Abbreviated Design,etc.) OSE Cover Page Abbreviated Design Form Soil Profile Sheets Survey Plat Soil Information Summary Sheet Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handlin s:. Disposal Regulations(12 VAC5-610),the Private Well Regulations(12 VAC5-630)and all other applicable laws,rea atis s ±., „) policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any profes-; I' re 'ref by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agenc c d - to perform the work contained herein. r`a n The work attached to this cover pale has been conducted under an exem r; tot i - i rind specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.11 I recommend that a(select one): construction permits certification lett- !1 ." 'vision'approval ig be(select one)issued151 denied❑. g -e ,42.- / 0/Zf/f3 OSE/PE Signature ��` Date 19e41(._ z 'FG Soil Profile Reserve Drain Field TM 80-5 Albemarle County o.. Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group 6 0-5 A Brown(7.5YR 4/2) loam 2 5-14 BE Yellowish red(5YR 5/6) clay loam 3 14-41 Bt Red (10R 4/8) silty clay loam 3 41-60 C Red (10R 5/6) clay loam 3 7 0-5 A Brown(7.5YR 4/2) loam 2 5-16 Bt Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 16-42 CB Brownish yellow(10YR 6/6) silt loam, red(2.5YR 5/8) 3 clay loam 42-54 Cl Light reddish brown(2.5YR 4/4) silt loam 3 54-60 C2 Yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) silty clay loam, white 3 feldspar 8 0-6 A Dark reddish brown(2.5YR 4/3) clay loam 3 6-18 Bt Red(10R 4/8) silty clay loam 3 18-48 Cl Light red (2.5YR 6/8) clay loam 3 48-60 C2 Red (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam,yellow(10YR 7/8) silty clay 3 loam, white feldspar 9 0-5 A Brown(7.5YR 4/2) loam 2 5-24 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam 3 24-40 Bt2 Red (10R 5/8) silty clay loam, quartz 3 40-50 Cl Light red(2.5YR 6/8) clay loam 3 50-84 C2 Olive yellow(2.5Y 6/8) silt loam, white feldspar 72"-78" 3 10 0-3 A Brown(7.5YR 4/2) loam 2 3-8 BE Reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 8-27 Bt Light red (10R 6/8) silty clay loam 3 27-53 BC Light red(10R 6/8) silty clay loam and olive yellow 3 (2.5Y 6/8) silt loam 53-84 C Olive yellow(2.5Y 6/8) silt loam 3 11 0-4 A Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 4-42 Bt Red (10R 5/8) silty clay loam 3 42-54 Bt2 Light red (2.5YR 6/8) silty clay loam, white feldspar 3 54-84 CB Yellow(10YR 7/8) clay loam, light red (2.5YR 6/8) silty 3 clay loam, white feldspar )74c 3 'F Soil Profile Reserve Drain Field _*taw TM 80-5 Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) 12 0-4 A Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 4-44 Bt Red (10R 5/8) silty clay loam 3 44-57 Bt2 Light red(2.5YR 6/8) silty clay loam, white feldspar 3 57-84 CB Yellow(10YR 7/8) clay loam, light red (2.5YR 6/8) silty 3 clay loam, white feldspar 13 0-3 A Brown (7.5YR 4/2) loam 2 3-9 BE Reddish brown(2.5YR 5/4) clay loam 3 9-32 Bt Light red (10R 6/8) silty clay loam 3 32-62 BC Light red (10R 6/8) silty clay loam and olive yellow 3 (2.5Y 6/8) silt loam 62-84 C Olive yellow(2.5Y 6/8) silt loam 3 New- Page V of Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 10/26/13 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant Elizabeth M. Orr and William A. Orr Telephone Number (434)295-0476 Address 3025 Milton Village Lane Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Same Address Same Location 3986 Keswick Road Tax Map 80'5 Subdivision Block/Section Lot SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? ig Yes (—' No Describe side slope 2. Slope 9 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. Min. None x 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) ix No f Yes inches - Free water present IX No r Yes range in inches 'Soil percolation rate estimated Ix Yes Texture group I II 021 IV No Estimated rate 75 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed (� Yes Ix No If yes, note type of test performed and attach (x Site Approved: Drainfield to be placed at 30" depth at site designated on permit. r Site Disapproved: Reasons for rejection: 1. E Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. E Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. (— Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. I� Rates of absorption too slow. 5. fl Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. r Proposed system too close to well. E Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity,pump to gravity,enhanced flow,and low pressure distribution(LPD)sewage system 'esigns and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the ❑ primary and reserve area, ❑ only the primary area, �nly the reserve area(check one)for TM 80-5 (Property ID). Design Basis Total length of available area: 50' Total width of available area:— 110' Estimated Pere. Rate: 75 at 30" in. (depth) Number of bedrooms(or GPD): 5 1 2 Conveyance Method : Pump Distribution method (specify): Pump 3c Dispersal system basis GMP 118A LGMI required? No (Yes/No) Effluent quality required: Secondary (Primary, Secondary,Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 255 Total trench bottom area required: _1275_. Area Calculations Number of trenches 9 Length of trenches:_50' Width of trenches: 3' Center to center spacing: 9' Reserve required?_This is reserve Percent reserve area required: 100 Total width of absorption area required 75' Total trench bottom area provided: 1350 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center-to-center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center-to-center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available,especially up and down the slope,than is required. Now Page of AOSE Form E Revised July 18,2007 "E TRUSTEES OF THE ELIZABETH M.ORR LIVING TRUST D.8.2241-321 j`�q D D B7 405-563 PLAT &dF-6 oQ / +-... ti0 CO F + Q \ �h ►+ `9 .. 2 250 i FLAG'` t. � IQ. 20i 4\9 °� `` _al ,i,V407-'. ..-- ' / /' .. ..''"1% \ .0/� ` o :o ++,,,., ''P` \�',.FLAG S.*.° 'FLAG f 13 ,'' FLAG • /7 \\, ' /11 ',. 1 \ <'` N 3 q J r:;t,";r` - A5 FLAG RA? `' j� ; ..: * E.✓ 1 C. ..;4." I F / y53.1 �� • to ,7 Cn 1 #6G �F G PSEPTOICD Cr IT TO VIRGINIA'S°' ( '� f8 DRAINFIELD IC & POWER CO. Z i E= 453.2 AREA 1 3. 452-615) 1 ,' AG 7'46"E 141. 11 ' E=F453.3 ' i. 11 ' IRON SET FOUND �00÷ <<` 15.00' -A .,`4 ' EXISTING VISED *WELL i / 11 w EXISTING i ACRES I DWELLING x �JO / 1T, ,„ z0 / PROPOSED 28.5' 8 / SEPTIC / DRAINFIELD AREA F/ G N-• -7- ' / ( ,ii ;:3 r \ / m / T. M. 80-5 / LAG ; , it- '' ELIZABETH M.ORR & WILLIAM A.ORR, #5 ° / - 1 F r.,-.rgi : i ST OF THE ELIZABETH M.ORR LIVING TRUST `�'' y . 4 D.B.2241-317% \ D.B.2241-313 /^^ in b 0.8.2241-309 i '� p FLAG D.B.3796-34 & 35 PLAT # x RESIDUE= 4.26 ACRES /F C - x il /�L w AC ES I /•~ 27.9' '0.1 /moo~ / ITING x . .LING I N / Scale 1"=60' o- Soil Profile Hole / :"` `,�T, ,8Q-5A ,..,,„ 29.0' VI% * 4, 1 *4444/ Proposed Reserve Drain F � d TM 80-5 3 ' XISTIN6 x Albemarle County, Virginia ',9 Irs WELL: W IRON Gooch Engineering & Testing, It c. S23'29'59"w u- SET 1821 Broadway Street 50.00' ®W �a x 88.48' Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Page 1 of 5 OSE/PE Report for: Construction Permit n Certification Letter I Subdivision Approval ✓ Property Location: 3968 Keswick Road Ci Keswick 911 Address: ty: Lot Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map# Revised 80-5A1 Health Dept ID# Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Elizabeth M. Orr&William A. Orr, Trustees of the Elizabeth M. Orr Living Trust Street: 3025 Milton Village Lane City:Charlottesville State Virginia Zip Code 22902 Prepared by: OSE Name Steve Gooch License# 1940001284 Address 703 Oliver Creek Road City Troy State Virginia Zip Code 22974 PE Name: License# terw Address City State Zip Code Date of Report 10/26/13 Date of Revision#1 OSE/PE Job# Date of Revision#2 Contents/Index of this report(e.g.,Site Evaluation Summary,Soil Profile Descriptions,Site Sketch,Abbreviated Design,etc.) OSE Cover Page Abbreviated Design Form Soil Profile Sheet Survey Plat Soil Information Summary Sheet Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations(12 VAC5-610),the Private Well Regulations(12 VAC5-630)and all other applicable laws,regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional licens=. qu . . by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged ' l e t. perform the work contained herein. 1• The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption t, w - pra e • ."n spe lv the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.11 , r I recommend that a(select one): construction permits certification letter sub. app ` al 51 be(select one)issued 0 denied❑. OSE/PE Signature y �L- , f Date /0/4;`�J� dc- Soil Profile Reserve Drain Field Revised TM 80-5A1 Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group 1 0-10 A Reddish brown(5YR 4/4) clay loam 3 10-17 BE Strong brown(7.5YR 4/6) clay loam 3 17-30 Bt Red (10R 5/6) silty clay loam 3 30-66 BC Red(10R 5/6) silty clay loam and yellow(10YR 7/8) silt 3 loam 66-84 C Light red(2.5YR 6/8) clay loam 3 2 0-6 A Reddish brown(5YR 4/4)clay loam 3 6-36 Bt Red(10R 5/6) silty clay loam 3 36-84 BC Red(1OR 5/6) silty clay loam and yellow(10YR 7/8) silt 3 loam, some white feldspar 3 0-6 A Reddish brown(5YR 4/4) clay loam 3 6-24 Bt Red(2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam 3 24-37 Bt2 Red(10R 4/8) silty clay loam 3 37-64 BC Red(10R 5/6) silty clay loam and yellow(10YR 7/8) silt 3 loam 64-84 C Light reddish brown(5YR 6/4) clay loam 3 4 0-6 A Reddish brown(5YR 4/4) clay loam 3 6-36 Bt Red(10R 5/6) silty clay loam 3 36-62 BC Red(10R 5/6) silty clay loam and yellow(10YR 7/8) silt 3 loam, some white feldspar 62-84 C Yellow(10YR 7/8) silty clay loam,white feldspar 3 5 0-4 A Reddish brown(5YR 4/4) clay loam 3 4-38 Bt Red(10R 5/6) silty clay loam 3 38-84 C Light reddish brown(2.5YR 7/4) silt loam 3 Page 3 of 4 Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 10/26/13 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant Elizabeth M. Orr and William A. Orr Telephone Number (434)295-0476 Address 3025 Milton Village Lane Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Same Address Same Location 3968 Keswick Road Tax Map 80-5A1 Subdivision Block/Section Lot SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? I-X Yes �` No Describe side slope 2. Slope 5 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. Min. None x 4. Depth to seasonal water table(gray mottling or gray color) Ix No I- Yes inches Free water present lX No I` Yes range in inches 4`%*.. Soil percolation rate estimated Ix Yes Texture group I II ID IV (— No Estimated rate 75 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed E Yes Ig No If yes, note type of test performed and attach IR Site Approved: Drainfield to be placed at 48" depth at site designated on permit. 1— Site Disapproved: Reasons for rejection: 1. r Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. I— Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. f Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. I— Rates of absorption too slow. 5. Ii Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. it Proposed system too close to well. 1— Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) Pu.55 Y c1S"'� Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity,pump to gravity,enhanced flow,and low pressure distribution(LPD)sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the ❑ primary and reserve area, ❑ only the primary area, ig4 ly the reserve area(check one)for_Revised TM 80-5A1 (Property ID). Design Basis Total length of available area: 65' Total width of available area: 85' Estimated Perc.Rate: 75 at 48" in.(depth) Number of bedrooms(or GPD): 2 I 2 Conveyance Method : Gravity Distribution method (specify): Gravity 3c Dispersal system basis GMP 118A LGMI required? No (Yes/No) Effluent quality required: Secondary (Primary, Secondary,Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 255 Total trench bottom area required: 1020 Area Calculations Number of trenches 6 Length of trenches: 65' Width of trenches: 3' Center to center spacing: 9' Reserve required? This is reserve Percent reserve area required: 200 Total width of absorption area required 48; Total trench bottom area provided: 1170 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center-to-center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center-to-center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available,especially up and down the slope,than is required. `■"' Page of AOSE Form E Revised July 18,2007 J°' V --ELECTRIC & POWER CO.. z ' 7 ""_" X (D.B. 452-615) N62'17'46"E 141. 11' ` E�FLAG ��Ct�j �� Q, cc IRON 126. 11' IRON FOUND aD� °, w FOUND SET 15.00` �'p z En m •e‘ t° R. :2, 'J'F, EXISTING REVISED •WELL _ 72.3. J . T. M. 80-5A 1 , .- [ EXISTING - z 1 . 45 ACRES ( w J DWELLING -° TOTAL i cc 1 n n -� 7.3 } za — • If�l CC PROPOSED 28.5,O p e" ° FLAG DRAINFIELD - L �� CD CC #2 FLAG .-+ W 4 __f3 • -{-2CF 4 cn S,� m • �z ;, &--- T. M. 80-5 It' I FLAG , ;' ; as 1 LIZABETH M.ORR & WILLIAM A.ORR, co N 3�w ' FA G° , T tJSTEES OF THE ELIZABETH M.ORR LIVING TRUST 1 i ' ` vet=r ' K 1s" D.8.2241-317 �' o e , ' 0.8.2241-313 o _co r FLAG : R' D.B.2241-309 Ea FLAG D.B.3796-34 & 35 PLAT N X X #4--i RESIDUE= 4.26 ACRES is z F NC �I e.r s :T • s ar„v,r,''l X il� t --__1,-22 A.C'ES I w fiC POLE 27.9' cn v '^ cn i I < ;/ EXISTING X rn i m ; DWELLING ! a N. . \ ! cn / 3t 29.0 �a i : y ■ 11-111 / �• ; Hi a: I EXISTING ' 0 i DRIVEWAY X I°; A = 8 '04'09" I m� EXISTING w ;z; R =1146.87' �� ■ WELL IRON ;t-+; L =161.52' • w ,u; T =60.89' / I-` ; S23 '29'59"W 'l SET is C =161.39' . 50.00' ;w; CB=S60'02'30"W 1 in , 1.':. -. 88.48' - ; S8 02 03°W 03"W 3014. IRON -------- -.------------ ---------- T f-4--...-2 IRON -- SES __.-- -- UN -_ TERLINE-7 _-- — - ----- -FOUND _ __-_____ _ 3 - ---- --{CESW CK ROAD_i-_ --- _ — - STATE ROUTE 7_ - _ _ — S56'00'26"W 20'DEDICATON 15'1ESC S27 '42' 14"E 118.62' SEP nn Ar.. T-T.. _1D--li _-&50-569 PLAT) 558 '02'03"W Scale 1"=60' 0- Soil Profile Hole 15.38' Proposed Reserve Drain Field Site TM 80-5A1 ` Albemarle County, Virginia Gooch Engineering & Testing, Inc. ti 1821 Broadway Street w -' DATE:OABE JULY„ 19. 20,13 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=60 ' IN EN NI Isommoim ROGER W.RAY &TASSOC., INC. THE DIVISION OF LAND DESCRIBED HEREON IS WITH THE FREE CARROLL \ 22 CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE UNDER— CREEK—'• SIGNED OWNER, PROPRIETORS. AND TRUSTEES. ANY REFERENCE al '1'THOAG TO FUTURE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO DEEMED AS O 4 616 THEORETICAL ONLY ALL STATEMENTS, , ,, " s I TO THIS PLAT FOR 22 ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO BEST OF KNO ' DGE. o REVIEW '1'" BRIAN S.RAY SITE '� Lic.No 002281 731] ELIZABETH M.ORR W ,z A w4, , .ORR FOR THE ELIZABETH M. ORR LIVI, e RUST RAILROAD CAA 04, �•DSUR CITY/COUNTY OF VICINITY MAP STATE OF SCALE: 1"= 2000'+/— `z THE LAND USE NOTES SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE IMPOSED AT THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS THE REQUEST OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING. BY PLACING ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS .:« ''""" HIS/HER SIGNATURE ON THIS PLAT HE/SHE HAS DEEMED THAT DAY OF 2013. THEY ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE IN EFFECT THIS DATE. THESE BY ELIZABETH M.ORR AND NOTES ARE NOT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND AND THEIR APPEARANCE ON THIS PLAT IS NOT INTENDED WILLIAM A.ORR TO IMPOSE THEM AS SUCH. ANY REFERENCE TO FUTURE d. DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS SHOWN HEREON IS THEORETICAL. NOTARY PUBLIC # A. PROPERTY ZONED RA. B. NO DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ARE BEING ADDED WITH PARCEL Y. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES : NOTARY SEAL C. REVISED T.M.80-5A1 HAS ONE DEVELOPMENT RIGHT AND MAY _ NOT BE FURTHER DIVIDED. D. THE RESIDUE OF T.M 80-5 RETAINS TWO DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS APPROVED FOR RECORDATION AND MAY BE FURTHER DIVIDED. E. ACCORDING TO THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS WEBSITE REVISED T.M.80-5A1 AND THE RESIDUE OF T.M. 80-5 EACH CONTAIN A BUILDING SITE THAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 4.2. 1 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. AGENT FOR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE F. ACCORDING TO THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS WEBSITE THESE PROPERTIES ARE NOT LOCATED IN AN AGRICULTURAL— FORESTAL DISTRICT. G. THESE PROPERTIES ARE NOT LOCATED IN A WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED. H. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: FRONT= 75', SIDE= 25' & REAR= 35' . NOTES: 1 . OWNERS & ADDRESS: ELIZABETH M.ORR & WILLIAM A.ORR, TRUSTEES OF THE ELIZABETH M.ORR LIVING TRUST 3025 MILTON VILLAGE LANE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 2. LEGAL REFERENCES T.M. 80-5: D.B.2241-317, D.B.2241-313, D.B.2241-309 & D.B. 3796-34 & 35 PLAT. 3. LEGAL REFERENCES T.M.80-5A1: D.B. 4246-740, D.B.4186-679, D.B.3796-34 & 35 PLAT & D.B.344-456 PLAT. `4: THE BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN HEREON FOR THE NEW DIVISION LINES BETWEEN REVISED T.M.80-5A1 AND THE RESIDUE OF T.M.80-5 ARE BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. ALL OTHER BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN HEREON WAS TAKEN FROM A PLAT BY ROGER W.RAY & ASSOC.. INC., LAST DATED REVISED JULY 7, 2008, RECORDED IN 0.8.3796-34 & 35, AND WAS NOT RESURVEYED THIS DATE. 5. SHOULD AN OFFICIAL DETERMINATION OF PARCELS OF RECORD REVEAL THAT ADDITIONAL PARCELS AND/OR DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS EXIST, THE INTENT OF THIS PLAT IS NOT TO COMBINE THESE PARCELS OR EXTINGUISH DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. 6. T.M.80-5 IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: A. EASEMENT TO VIRGINIA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY (D.B.454-12 & D.B.454-32) B. RESTRICTIONS (D.B. 116-176) . C. RESTRICTIONS IN 0.8. 345-465, INSOFAR AS THEY MAY APPLY. 7. NO TITLE REPORT FURNISHED. ALL EASEMENTS KNOWN BY ME ARE SHOWN OR NOTED HEREON. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ANY ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, UTILITIES, EASEMENTS, AND/OR COVENANTS THAT MAY EXIST. 8. ACREAGES BEFORE BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT: T.M.80-5= 5. 48 ACRES T.M.80-5A1=0.23 ACRE ti BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT PARCEL Y A PORTION OF TAX MAP 80 PARCEL 5 BEING ADDED TO & COMBINED WITH TAX MAP 80-5A1 THE PROPERTIES OF ELIZABETH M. ORR & WILLIAM A. ORR, TRUSTEES OF THE ELIZABETH M. ORR LIVING TRUST LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 731 (KESWICK ROAD) RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1 "= 60 ' DATE: JULY 19, 2013 FOR DR. WILLIAM ORR ROGER W.RAY & ASSOC.. INC. 1717-1B ALLIED STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 GL TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 SHEET 1 OF 2 13647A HEALTH DEPARTMENT, COf5f NOT FOR RECORDATION ' Z , < QC, co T.M.80-3A2 ,- Ill1;100„.ELIZABETH M.ORR & WILLIAM A.ORR, 3 IN56 °00'22"E TRUSTEES OF THE ELIZABETH M.ORR LIVING TRUST r-16.53' D.B.2241-321 '; -,,,'r \`' D.B.3796-34 & 35 PLAT D.B.405-563 PLAT o ri �°•�• �Q .�' r. �_ F •�• N?e h1 �/ 1Oo h� • 56.49.. POLE ti FLAG ay2 x••``14, ms';, 0 � *s ° •� °op2�j ,,a •• a Cm. .1• / �• . �� , '' "' FLAG a ° W�ti x Z / 13 FLAG CD iw i �° ° FLAG l IH /'��1_-- ,,, I= .10 liJ - 1 E,EX:it'iSt; ;5",',',1 ','::;,'":A. ),:-.,'''1 7 : 1 A51 FLAG .' ' r ; , ' + �„°, + is P 1 _� I = 53.1'' _ , O > U) Cu r FLAG . - PROPOSED `(, a I 7 0 1 *6 FLAG SEPTIC o , EASEMENT TO VIRGINIAN°' I - E= 453.2 DRAINFIELD 1 0 > ELECTRIC & POWER CO. z •- K (D.B. 452-615) Di N62 °17'46"E 141 . 11' E453.3 , IRON Q, o • IRON 126. 11 ' IRON FOUND A0 •FOUND cn of w • in SET 15.00' q I° ° : o �'LF, EXISTING / m REVISED � •WELL - / T. M. 80-5A 1 / Z 1 . 45 ACRES i w J DWELLING D w TOTAL i °;o I oa % 0) in cc PROPOSED 28.5' �U _ • W SEPTIC r CL DRAINFIELD o `-' O FLAG AREA N \'� / W k� a *j / 3G I� +C. / < z / m / cn 1w 'H � `; oD 2) / // 4'- T. M. 80-5 / Iw � FLAG ; r' LIZABETH M.ORR & WILLIAM A.ORR, N 3 w *5 ° , 'h '` ,. , .,' tr .'. OF THE ELIZABETH M.ORR LIVING TRUST / Z co = 1 ; J1 Ht TU 0.8.2241-317 '� en 01 Q Q ' D.B.2241-313 /^' o �l' FLAG e Q D.B.2241-309 v~ FLAG D.B.3796-34 & 35 PLAT 3 1 — x *4 RESIDUE= 4.26 ACRES /d. • • N Ix x F NC i h ✓ Z I .. :11'i�! ,:k.�'T� X Pi 1.-, 1 . 2� AC ES I w ti v 1 POLE 27.9' N /o) L-2 1 a EXISTING x • / N{' DWELLING 1 °CNA / T.M.80-5A 1 0 1 29.0' a / ;31 W. / r-i' H'. L; ; EXISTING x '; p = 8 °04'09" / oe ' DRIVEWAY ° EXISTING R =1146.87' °D� WELL i�', L =161.52' / m' w IRON 5-1 T =80.89' / ~`t ; S23 °29'59"W '� SET ;x, C =161.39' / 50.00' 'w; CB=S60 °02'30"W / 1 ° x 88.46' _ --. -- S58 02'03' W i-'----------- ---------- 66.32 30. 14 IRON _ IRON __----- _ -- -- - FOUND -- CENTERLINE--7J IRON _--- SET ---- ----- -----;71L ----FOUND-----FOUND _____--_ __- - - - - - - - - - - _ _— KSWICK_R_QA_D_-__ _ _ - - STATE ROUTE 731 _ _ - - - - S56 °00'26"W 20 'DEDICATION 15'PRESCRIPTIVE S27 °42' 14"E 118.62' (D. B. 650-569 PLAT) EASEMENT S58 °02'03"'•, 20.06' TOTAL 15.38' Scale 1"=60' 0- Soil Profile Hole Proposed Reserve Drain Field Sites TM 80-5 and 80-5A1 FOR Albemarle County, Virginia REVIEW Gooch Engineering & Testing, Inc. SCALE: 1 " = 60 ' 1821 Broadway Street DATE: JULY 19, 2013 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "=60 ' ' — _ _ ROGER W.RAY & ASSOC., INC. mINNIMM 1717-1B ALLIED STREET 0 60 120 180 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 GL TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 SHEET 2 OF 2 13647A