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SUB201300170 Approval - Agencies 2013-11-25
, COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALBEMARLE-CHARLOTTESVILLE State Department of Health FLUVANNA COUNTY(PALMYRA) 1138 Rose Hill Drive GREENE COUNTY(STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY(LOUISA) Phone(434)972-6219 P. O. Box 7546 NELSON COUNTY(LOVINGSTON) Fax (434)972-4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 January 9,2014 Megan Yaniglos Department of Community Development Division of Zoning and Current Development 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for Individual Onsite Sewage Systems as part of a division of Tax Map 132 Parcel 13 located in Albemarle County,Virginia. Dear Ms. Yaniglos: On January 3,2014,the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of Health(via the Albemarle County Health Department)review the proposed subdivision plat identified above.This letter is to inform you that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved for individual Onsite Sewage Systems in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia,the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, and local ordinances. This request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of§ 32.1-163.5 of the Code of Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator(AOSE)or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for residential development. This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's Regulations by: Stephen P.Gooch; OSE#1940001320. This subdivision approval is issued in reliance upon that certification. Pursuant to §360 of the Regulations this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System Construction Permits will be issued for any lot in the subdivision identified above unless that lot is specifically identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system, and unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the time of this approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage systems. This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances. Sincerely, Travis T. Davis Environmental Health Specialist, Sr. ,..1,oy Auu., i igl 0 „_ r © Ravi etv `rriusv- —fra f COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dot VJ S Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 January 3, 2014 Virginia Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville,VA 22906 Dear Ms. Batten: The County of Albemarle has received application to develop/subdivide [Tax Map 132,Parcel 13]. This project requires Health Department approval before receiving final County approval. The applicant has provided soils information,which is attached. Please review the proposal for suitable subsurface drainfields which comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Sections 4.2.2,4.2.3,4.2.4, and Chapter 14, Sections 14-309 and 14-310 of the Albemarle County Code. Should you have any comments please feel free to contact me. Since ely, c,....iiiii V . Megan Yaniglos Senior Planner Department of Community Development Voice: (434)296-5832 ext. 3004 Fax: (434) 972-4035 V 111'*a■A a.ti ! i 11 Commonwealth of Virginia Health Depart °1* a Application for Subdivision Review Due Date (page I of 2 to be filled out by the Owner or Agent) Owner Carl R.Evans Phone 434.831.2254 Mailing Address 9145 Howardsville Turnpike Phone Schuyler,Virginia 22969 Fax Developer/Agent Phone Mailing Address Phone Fax AOSE Roger C.Nelson Phone 434.221.9000 Mailing Address 568 Mayo Creek Lane Phone Wingina,Virginia 24599 Fax Directions to Property: 29S;L on 6E;R on 800;L on 602 to site on R at intersection of Howardsville Turnpike and Rockfish River Road Name of Proposed Subdivision Tax Map 132-13 Other Property Identification Dimension/Acreage of Property 7+Acres Number of lots proposed 2 Proposed water source(note:new or existing,public or individual) residue existing,X new privat- General size of lots (give range if appropriate) Additional description of subdivision Overview of soils and geology(optional but encouraged) In order for VDH to process a subdivision application you must attach a plat of the property showing the location of the proposed onsite sewage disposal systems and the reserve absorption areas(if required)and the location of the water supply system on each lot,if applicable. Each plat or subsection of a subdivision plat shall be accompanied by specific soil information for each lot (absorption area and reserve area). If not provided by the local subdivision ordinance,the districtor local health department may require the plat to show streets,utilities,storm drainage,water supplies,easements,lot lines and d?fginal topographic contour lines by detail survey or other information as required. When the OSE site evaluations are reviewed,the property lines,building location and the proposed well and sewage system sites mustbe clearly marked and the property sufficiently visible to see the topography,otherwise this application will be denied. I give permission to the Virginia Department of Health(VDH)to enter. o the property described during normal business hours f the purpose of processing this application and to perform quality assur., checks of evaluations and d ' s certified by an Onsite Soil Evaluator(OSE)or a Professional Engineer(PE)as neces A �til ti constructed and approved. '" • Signature of Own Agent tb ate Commonwealth of Virginia Health Departments°°l Application for Subdivision Review Due Date (page 2 of 2 to be filled out by the county official requesting a VDH review) County Office initiating request Contact Individual Phone Local offices of the Virginia Department of Health may review subdivision applications for compliance with state rules and regulations governing sewage treatment and dispersal and private water supplies,compliance with local ordinance governing sewage treatment and dispersal and private water supplies and potentially for compliance with other local ordinances. Please indicate the nature of review you are asking the health department to conduct. 1. Review for conformance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations 2. Review for conformance with local onsite wastewater ordinances 3. Other(describe below) Name and title of re i s.. . t»l t requestor • OSE Form F Revised 7/02/09 Page s of se OSE/PE Report For: v Construction Permit Certification Letter t( 1 Subdivision Approval FO Property Location: 911 Address: Across from 9145 Howardsville Turnpike City: Schuyler Lot Section Subdivision GPIN or Tax Map# 132 - 13 Health Dept ID# Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: Carl R. Evans Street: 9145 Howardsville Turnpike City: Schuyler State Virginia Zip Code 22969 Prepared by: OSE Name Roger C. Nelson License# 1940001320 Address 568 Mayo Creek Lane City Wingina State Virginia Zip Code 24599 PE Name License# Address City State Zip Code Date of Report November 20, 2013 Date of Revision#1 OSE/PE Job# Date of Revision#2 Contents/Index of this report(e.g.,Site Evaluation Summary,Soil Profile Descriptions,Site Sketch,Abbreviated Design,etc.) Application Residue Site Evaluation, Design & SPDs Certification Survey Plat Lot X Site Evaluation, Design &SPDs Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations(12 VACS-610),the Private Well Regulations(12 VACS-630),the Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems(12VAC5-613)and all other applicable laws,regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health.I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. tiThe work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exem. 'on to the practice of engineering,specifically the exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-302.A.11 ,c t e, t I recommend that a(select one): construction permit❑certification letter[ isi.° . o ; l5 :a ele I ►.1 -;41 • ov: •er20 ., 01 4a OSE/PE Signature _ Dateer Air, Soil, & Water Environmental, LLC cd. l.nr.\\.,ngina.': ,:+ini.,217,99 Carl R.Evans Page 4 of 6 T.M.#132—13 Parcel X Albemarle County,Virginia Date of evaluation: 11/06/2013 Well:IIIC Slope: 12% Position in landscape: sideslope Depth to seasonal water table:none Texture group: III Free water present: none Estimated perc rate:65 mpi Depth to rock/impervious strata:none Abbreviated Design: Projected daily flow: 450 gpd(3BR) Trench bottom square feet/BR:496 sq.ft. Number of trenches: 5 Width of trench: 3' Length of trench: 100' Length of available area: 100' Width required: 39' Width of available area: 100' Installation depth: 24" Center to center spacing: 9' Design square footage: 1500 sq.ft. Total square footage required: 1488 sq.ft. Pump required:no Reserve area required: 100%available Soil Profile Descriptions Hole Horizon Depth(inches) Color/Texture Texture Group 1 A 0- 1 7.5yr 3/3 dark brown loam IIb AB 1 -9 7.5yr 4/6 strong brown loam IIb B 9-39 2.5yr 4/6 red clay loam III BC 39-48 mixed 2.5yr 4/6 red, l0yr 5/6 yellowish brown and l0yr 6/4 light yellowish brown silty clay loam III 2 A 0- 1 7.5yr 3/3 dark brown loam Iib AB 1 -8 7.5yr 4/6 strong brown loam Ilb B 8 -29 2.5yr 4/6 red clay loam III BC 29-48 mixed 2.5yr 4/6 red, l0yr 5/6 yellowish brown and l0yr 6/4 light yellowish brown silty clay loam III 3 A 0- 1 7.5yr 3/3 dark brown loam IIb AB 1 -8 7.5yr 4/6 strong brown loam lib B 8-30 mixed 2.5yr 4/6 red and 7.5yr 5/8 strong brown clay loam III BC 30-48 mixed 2.5yr 4/6 red, l0yr 5/6 yellowish brown and 10yr 6/4 light yellowish brown silty clay loam III Roger C.Nelson,Onsite Soil Evaluator#1940001320,434. 1.9000`a: Aar Air, Soil, &Water Environmental, LLC I.ute \t'sn'ma. \I/ 2.4 w,, Carl R.Evans Page 5 of 6 T.M.#132—13 Residue Parcel Reserve Drainfield Albemarle County,Virginia Date of evaluation: 11/06/2013 Well: existing Slope: 15% Position in landscape: sideslope Depth to seasonal water table:n/a Texture group: III Free water present: none Estimated perc rate: 65 mpi Depth to rock/impervious strata: 20 inches in holes 2&3 Abbreviated Design: Site will utilize EcoFlow, Pura-flo,Aqua-Safe orAdvantex in conjunction with shallow placed drip disposal. Projected daily flow: 450 gpd(3BR) Design rate: 65 mpi Conversion factor: 0.68 Trench bottom calculations: (150)/(0.68)(3)(3BR)= 1985 sq.ft. Area increase: (1985 sq.ft.)(1.17)=2322 sq.ft. Length of available area: 80' Width of available area: 55' Total available area: 4400+sq.ft. Installation depth:6" Soil Profile Descriptions Hole Horizon Depth(inches) Color/Texture Texture Group 1 A 0- 1 7.5yr 3/3 dark brown loam IIb AB 1 -5 7.5`r 4/4 brown loam IIb B 5- 14 2.5yr 4/6 red clay loam III CB 14-24 mixed 2.4yr 4/6 red.5yr 5/8 yellowish red and 10yr 6/4 light yellowish brown silty clay loam III w/highly few weathered friable schist fragments 2 A 0- 1 7.5yr 3/3 dark brown loam IIb AB 1 -6 7.5yr 4/4 brown loam IIb B 6- 11 2.5yr 4/6 red clay loam III CB 11 -20 mixed 2.4yr 4/6 red,5yr 5/8 yellowish red, 103,T 6/4 light yellowish brown and 10yr 7/6 yellow silty clay loam III w/highly few weathered friable schist fragments auger refusal at 20" 3 A 0- 1 7.5yr 3/3 dark brown loam llb AB 1 -3 7.5yr 4/4 brown loam IIb B 3 -9 2.53r 4/6 red clay loam III CB 9-20 mixed 2.4yr 4/6 red, 5yr 5/8 yell, ish red. l Oyr 6/4 light yellowish brown ; ° = L 4 -; and 10yr 7/6 yellow'silty clay boa k� i /l w•/highly few weathered friable is t auger refusal at 20" ', G Roger C.Nelson,Onsite Soil Evaluator#1940001320,434.221.9000 LINE BEARING HORIZ DIST N L1 S15°02'38"W 82.60' L2 S16°43'39"W 80.45' L3 S18°23'26"W 60.67' '4% L4 S19°21'29"W 69.08' . L5 S19°56'18"W 39.90' =/` rIi L6 N68 43'35'W 70.24' L7 N78°46'26"W 39.60' L8 N87°41'06"W 47.17' L9 S88°08'09"W 63.22' GRID NORTH VA-S SPC L10 S89°57'20"W 48.49' L11 N85°24'14"W 49.95' L12 N81°57'24"W 53.20' 0 100' 200' L13 N78°47'01"W 47.02' L14 N72°15'16"W 36.90' ..., L15 N56°40'34"W 39.18' i ARBITRARY VERTICL DATUM L16 N40°09'09"W 41.81' - - L17 N26°38'45"W 48.82' 2'CONTOUR INTERVAL � - - - -11 40- ' it /� SS94 ° / h Co 3) ��6'- o ' / N N CO / 2 Ne 11280 V":C/3 I g,..?j3 e / ., + I I ery f`e\a / /DFC �, / / 1281 ,TB1 tt 12 � 2 / J A124 5/ i / / 120�T�g // '/ / 4156 8A/iD 51 I / / / r / •1�1(�� DFC / ■ "V 0 /116.1 ^pry 0^ M PROPOSED / PARCEL "X" ` 3.26 Acres / ■ N 31°22'29" E 3 / 80.00' to N / sS°3O ¢'p HQ N 04' co 00 12>I 0cb 4S' I Q. /DFC • / I 90.6 • ' l( / (^Q TMP 132-13 904 •/ - 4'": • 4 RESIDUE TB1 — 866 .8, ' ' 49/ 4.51 Acres I / D / 1 ' �(§o _ . / Existing 1 80—DFC QseNe Garage , 616 Otal�fe�d Existing / 1 \ Frame House W / I. • y I \ N I / \ \ // \•\ Existing / l\\• Drainfield • y% ,' ' / /4� L13— — • • • — _ /• /, OCISx LIRIVER11 ROAD L9 L8 S.R. 617 L7 ` -sue • / , / ' , ' / / PLT H OF / 2 / 1. • David Q. Linke > � /Lic. No. 2576f�y //-X6-•/3 Q- PROP "� LOCATION AND XO" AND REOS DUE APHY -94, 40 S U Rv �O ..;. TAX ` AP 1 ', PARCEL 13 SAM = LER DISTRICT ALB COUNTY, VIRGINIA leer Virginia Landcraft, LLC SCALE: 00' Surveying&Mapping SHE• � � P.O. Box 148 DAT` -,! MBER 15, 2013 North Garden, Virginia 22959 13-00, ''.., (434)293-2583 rhisaigatami Traverse PC