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SDP201300009 Approval - Agencies 2013-06-26
EIIie Ray From: Austin, Nathran. (VDOT) [Nathran .Austin ©vdot.virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:26 AM To: EIIie Ray Subject: SDP - 2013 -00009 Seminole Trail Fire Station - Major Amendment Attachments: SDP - 2013 -00009 Seminole Trail Fire Station - Approval - 6- 26- 13.pdf Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Land Development — South Culpeper District P.O. Box 1017 Troy, VA 22974 Phone: (434) 589 -5871 Fax: (434) 589 -3967 1 r t COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, Virginia 22701 -3819 Gregory A. Whirley Commissioner of Highways June 26, 2013 Ms. Ellie Carter Ray Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SDP - 2013 -00009 Seminole Trail Fire Station Major Amendment Dear Ms. Ray: We have reviewed the site plan entitled Seminole Trail Fire Station Addition & Renovations dated 4'26 with revisions dated 6/11/13 as submitted by DJG, Inc. and offer the following comments: 1. Per the approved access management exception, the street trees located to the north of the entrances for the fire station must be located such that they do not interfere with sight distance of either entrance. This will be verified upon planting of the street trees. 2. All previous comments have been adequately addressed. At this time, VDOT finds the above referenced site plan to be technically adequate, and we have no objection to the site plan as submitted. At least 48 hours prior to construction beginning, we should be notified for a pre - construction conference. In addition, we need to be contacted at least 48 hours prior to all required inspections by VDOT. If you need additional information concerning this project, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Tro Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Culpeper District VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING EIIie Ray ■ From: Blake Abplanalp Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 12:35 PM To: Trevor Henry; Ellie Ray Subject: FW: Access Management Spacing Exception Approval Attachments: Approved VDOT AM -2.pdf FYI From: Darren Curtis [mailto:dcurtis(adiginc.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:50 AM To: Blake Abplanalp Cc: 'Donald Booth'; Herb Braun Subject: FW: Access Management Spacing Exception Approval Blake, The exception request has been approved by the district administrator. Please see attached. Darren R. Curtis, PLA, LEED AP Landscape Architect . ?"--" ENGINEERS * ARCHITECTS S * PLANNERS 449 Mc Laws Code • Wallarnsburg. VA 23185 ___ , �-+�' t 757253.0673 Fax 7571532319 ,- vrwW.d anc d, r * t 1° +4 ta , "#q xr.r./a ll- From: Austin, Nathran. (VDOT) [ mailto: Nathran .Austin@avdot.virginia.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:41 AM To: Darren Curtis Subject: Access Management Spacing Exception Approval Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Land Development —South Culpeper District P.O. Box 1017 Troy, VA 22974 Phone: (434) 589 -5871 Fax: (434) 589 -3967 1 VDOT Virginia ORartreb: of Transportation August 2012 ACCESS MANAGEMENT EXCEPTION REQUEST: AM - 2 MINOR ARTERIAL, COLLECTOR, & LOCAL STREET REGULATIONS 24 VAC 30 -73 SECTION 120 Submitted by: Darren Curtis Date: 05/23/13 Email Address: dcurtis @djginc.com Phone: 757- 253 -0673 Address: 449 Mciaws Circle Project Name: Seminole Trail Fire Station Rte # 1403 Locality: Charlottesville Description of Project: re prclect consists of adding two ad'ditiLnai Lays tc: the existing :,emi.nole trail fire station. With the addition of the tw,, bays a new entrance will be added tc separate the emergency vehicle and non emergency vehicle access to the site. i VDOT District: Area Land Use Engineer: ' NOTES: (1). Submit this form and any attachments to one of the District's Area Land Use Engineers. 1 (2). See Section 120 of the Regulations for details on the requirements, exceptions, and exception request review process. (3). Attach additional information as necessary to justify the exception request(s). I (4). If a traffic engineering study is required, the decision on the request will be based on VDOT engineering judgment. (5). Use the LD -440 Design Exception or the LD -448 Design Waiver forms for engineering related standards, e.g. sight distance. See 11v- LD-227 for additional instructions. Select the Exception(s) Being Requested C Exception to the shared entrance requirement. (Access M Regulations Section 120 C.2) Reason for exception: __ A, An agreement to share the entrance could not be reached with adjoining property owner. p Attached: Written evidence that adjoining property owner will not share the entrance. ® B. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. I- Specify constraint: The new entrance vn1R separare non emergency ve ncies from emergency vehicles W Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map, Exception to the vehicular connection to adjoining undeveloped property requirement. (Section 120 C. 4) Reason for exception: A. Physical constraints: topography, adjacent hazardous land use, stream, wetland, other. n Specify constraint: ❑ Attached: Documentation of constraint such as aerial photo or topographic map, H B. Other reason: — Exception to the requirement that an entrance shall not be located within the functional area of an intersection or roundabout. (See Regulation Section 120 C. 1; Appendix F, Rd Design Manual) Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that the operation of the intersection and public safety will not be adversely impacted. 1 AM-2 August 2012 n EXCEPTION TO THE SPACING STANDARDS FOR: • Entrances, intersections, crossovers (Table 2 -2); • Entrances, intersections near interchange ramps (Tables 2 -3, 2-4); or • Corner clearance (Figure 4 - 4). Appendix F, Road Design Manual Provide the following information on the Exception Request E ON A MINOR ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR r7 NEAR AN INTERCHANGE RAMP (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) ❑ CORNER CLEARANCE (Submittal of a traffic engineering study required) Type of entrance /intersection /crossover: Signalized ❑ Unsignalized /Full Access ❑ Partial Access ❑ Posted speed limit: 35 mph Minor Arterial: ❑ Collector: ❑ Local: ❑ Required spacing distance 50 ft According to figure 4 -11, appendix F, VDOT Road Design Proposed spacing distance 10 ft Manual Requested exception: Reduction in required spacing 4 0 ft REASON FOR EXCEPTION: E A. To be located on an older, established business section of a highway corridor where existing spacing did not meet the spacing standards prior to October 14, 2009. (Regulation Section 120 C.3.c) n Attached: Dated aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance /intersection location. E B. Not enough property frontage to meet spacing standard, but the applicant does not want a partial access right -in /right -out entrance. (Section 120 C.3.f) n Attached: A traffic engineering study documenting that left turn movements at the entrance will not have a negative impact on highway operation or safety. L. C. To be located within a new urbanism mixed use type development. (Section 120 C.3.d) Attached: The design of the development and compliance with intersection sight distance. n D. The proposed entrance meets the signal warrants but does not meet the signalized intersection spacing standard. The applicant requests an exception to the spacing standard. Attached: A traffic engineering study that (i) evaluates the location's suitability for a roundabout and (ii) contains specific /documented reasons showing that the proximity of the proposed signal to an adjacent signal will not adversely impact a safe and efficient flow of traffic on the highway. (Section 120 C.5) • E. The development's 2 (or additional) entrance does not meet the spacing standards but is necessary for the streets to be accepted into the secondary system. (Section 120 C.3.e) Attached: Information on the development that identifies the location of entrances. n F. To be located within the limits of a VDOT and locality approved access management corridor plan. Attached: Aerial photo of corridor identifying proposed entrance /intersection location. (Sect 120 C.3.b) 2 AM -2 August 2012 FOR VDOT USE ONLY Recommendation on Exception Request: Approve ❑ Deny [717:: June 24, 2013 Area Land Use Engineer or : Name: Troy Austin Remarks: As part of the proposed site development, the entrance to the existing parking lot used for passenger vehicles will be separated from the entrance which will be used by emergency vehicles. With the proposed design, the entrance grade to the existing parking lot is will be approximately 10.8 %. Moving the entrance approximately 40' to meet the spacing requirement will increase this grade to approximately 17 -19 %. In addition, due to the limited road frontage and steep topography, either grading on the adjacent property or constructing a retaining wall would be required with the relocation of the entrance. All street trees must be located such that they do not block sight distance from either entrance. Exception Request Action: Approved Denied ❑ .F Date: e" ,.7 ,� j District Administrator or Designee: Name (and position if Designee) 4.4„, / Remarks: District Staff: Please email copy to Paul,Orase+ycz VDO .Vi inia.G 3 AM-2 August 2012 • MINOR ARTERIAL & COLLECTOR REGULATIONS Section 124. Commercial entrance access management. • A. As commercial entrance locations and designs are prepared and reviewed, appropriate access management regulations and standards shall be utilized to ensure the safety, integrity and operational characteristics of the transportation system are maintained. The proposed commercial entrance shall meet the access management standards contained in Appendix F of the Road Design Manual and the regulations in this chapter to provide the users of such entrance with a safe means of ingress and egress while minimizing the impact of such ingress and egress on the operation of the highway. B. A proposed development's compliance with the access management requirements specified below should be considered during the local government and VDOT's review of any rezoning, site plan, or subdivision plat for the development. VDOT's review of a rezoning traffic impact statement and a site plan/subdivision plat supplemental traffic analysis submitted for a development in accordance with the Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations shall include comments on the development's compliance with the access management requirements specified below. C. Access management requirements, in addition to other regulations in this chapter, include but are not limited to: 1. Restricting commercial entrance locations. To prevent undue interference with free traffic movement and to preserve safety, entrances to the highways shall not be permitted within the functional areas of intersections, roundabouts, railroad grade crossings, interchanges or similar areas with sensitive traffic operations. A request for an exception to this requirement submitted according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D shall include a traffic engineering investigation report that contains specific and documented reasons showing that highway operation and safety will not be adversely impacted. 2. Entrances shared with adjoining properties on minor arterials and collectors. To reduce the number of entrances to state highways, a condition of entrance permit issuance shall be that entrances serve two or more parcels. A street that meets the Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements will be publicly maintained and shall be the preferred method for shared entrances as such entrances will allow for the future development of a network of publicly maintained streets. Otherwise a shared commercial entrance shall be created and designed to serve adjoining properties. A copy of the property owners' recorded agreement to share use of and maintain the entrance shall be included with the entrance permit application submitted to the district administrator's designee. The shared entrance shall be identified on any site plan or subdivision plat of the property. The district administrator's designee is authorized to approve an exception to this requirement upon submittal of a request according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D that includes the following: a. Written evidence that a reasonable agreement to share an entrance cannot be reached with adjoining property owners, or b. Documentation that there are physical constraints, including but not limited to topography, environmentally sensitive areas, and hazardous uses, to creating a shared entrance. 3. Spacing of entrances and intersections. The spacing of proposed entrances and intersections shall comply with the spacing standards for entrances and intersections in Appendix F except as specified below. a. Where a plan of development or a condition of development that identifies the specific location of an entrance or entrances was proffered pursuant to §15.2 -2297, 15.2 -2298, or 15.2 -2303 of the Code of Virginia as part of a rezoning approved by the locality prior to October 14, 2009, such entrances shall be exempt from the applicable spacing standards for entrances and intersections, provided the requirements of § 15.2 -2307 of the Code of Virginia have been met. Entrances shall be exempt from the applicable spacing standards for entrances and intersections when the location of such entrances are shown on a subdivision plat, site plan, preliminary subdivision plat, or a Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements conceptual sketch that was submitted by the locality to VDOT for review and received by VDOT prior to October 14, 2009 or is valid pursuant to § §15.2 -2260 and 15.2 -2261 and was approved in accordance with § §15.2 -2286 and 15.2 -2241 through 15.2 -2245 prior to October 14, 2009. The district administrator's designee is authorized to exempt such entrances from the spacing standards upon submittal of a request according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D that includes documentation of the above criteria. 4 AM -2 August 2012 b. VDOT may work with a locality or localities on access management corridor plans. Such plans may allow for spacing standards that differ from and supersede the applicable spacing standards for entrances and intersections, subject to approval by the district administrator. Such plans may also identify the locations of any physical constraints to creating shared entrances or vehicular /pedestrian connections between adjoining properties. If the permit applicant submits a request according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D for an exception to the spacing standards and provides documentation that the location of the proposed commercial entrance is within the limits of an access management plan approved by the local government and by VDOT, the plan should guide the district administrator's designee in approving the exception request and in determining the appropriate location of the entrance. c. On older, established business corridors of a locality within an urban area where existing entrances and intersections did not meet the spacing standards prior to October 14, 2009, spacing for new entrances and intersections may be allowed by the district administrator's designee that is consistent with the established spacing along the highway, provided that the permit applicant submits a request according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D for an exception to the spacing standards that includes evidence that reasonable efforts were made to comply with the other access management requirements of this section including restricting entrances within the functional areas of intersections, sharing entrances with and providing vehicular and pedestrian connections between adjoining properties, and physically restricting entrances to right -in or ri ght -out or both movements. d. Where a developer proposes a development within a designated urban development area as defined in § 15.2 - 2223.1 of the Code of Virginia or an area designated in the local comprehensive plan for higher density development that incorporates principles of new urbanism and traditional neighborhood development, which may include but need not be limited to (i) pedestrian - friendly road design, (ii) interconnection of new local streets with existing local streets and roads, (iii) connectivity of road and pedestrian networks, (iv) preservation of natural areas, (v) satisfaction of requirements for stonnwater management, (vi) mixed -use neighborhoods, including mixed housing types, (vii) reduction of front and side yard building setbacks, and (viii) reduction of subdivision street widths and turning radii at subdivision street intersections, the district administrator's designee may approve spacing standards for public street intersections internal to the development that differ from the otherwise applicable spacing standards, provided that the developer submits a request according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D for an exception to the spacing standards that includes information on the design of the development and on the conformance of such entrances and intersections with the intersection sight distance standards specified in Appendix F. e. Where a development's second or additional commercial entrances are necessary for the streets in the development to be eligible for acceptance into the secondary system of state highways in accordance with the Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements and such commercial entrances cannot meet the spacing standards for highways, the developer may submit a request according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D for an exception to the spacing standards that includes infonnation on the design of the development. The following shall apply to the exception request: 1) For highways with a functional classification as a collector or local street, the district administrator's designee may approve spacing standards that differ from the otherwise applicable spacing standards to allow the approval of the entrance or entrances. Such commercial entrances shall be required to meet the intersection sight distance standards specified in Appendix F of the Road Design Manual. 2) For highways with a functional classification as a minor arterial, the district administrator's designee shall, in consultation with the developer and the locality within which the development is proposed, either approve spacing standards that differ from the otherwise applicable spacing standards to allow the approval of the entrance or entrances, or waive such state requirements that necessitate second or additional commercial entrances. If approved, such commercial entrances shall be required to meet the intersection sight distance standards specified in Appendix F. 5 AM -2 August 2012 f. Where a parcel of record has insufficient frontage on a highway to meet the spacing standards because of the dimensions of the parcel or a physical constraint such as topography or an environmentally sensitive area, the entrance shall be physically restricted to right -in or right -out movements or both or similar restrictions such that the public interests in a safe and efficient flow of traffic on the systems of state highways are protected and preserved. A request for an exception to this requirement submitted according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D shall include a traffic engineering investigation report that contains specific and documented reasons showing that highway operation and safety will not be adversely impacted. 4. Vehicular /pedestrian circulation between adjoining properties. To facilitate traffic circulation between adjacent properties, reduce the number of entrances to the highway, and maximize use of new signalized intersections, the permit applicant shall be required on a highway with a functional classification as a minor arterial highway, and may be required by the district administrator's designee on a highway with a functional classification as a collector, as a condition of permit issuance to record access easements and to construct vehicular connections to the boundaries of the property (which may include frontage roads or reverse frontage roads) in such a manner that affords safe and efficient future access between the permit applicant's property and adjoining undeveloped properties. Where appropriate, the permit applicant also shall construct pedestrian connections to the boundary lines of adjoining undeveloped properties and adjoining developed properties with sidewalks that abut the property. At such time that a commercial entrance permit application is submitted for the adjoining property, a condition of permit issuance shall be to extend such vehicular /pedestrian connections into the proposed development. Development sites under the same ownership or consolidated for the purposes of development and comprised of more than one building site shall provide a unified vehicular and pedestrian access connection and circulation system between the sites. a. Such connections shall not be required if the permit applicant submits a request for an exception according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D and provides documentation that there are physical constraints to snaking such connections between properties, including but not limited to topography, environmentally sensitive areas, and hazardous uses. b. If a permit applicant does not wish to comply with this requirement, the pennit applicant's entrance shall be physically restricted to right -in or right -out movements or both or similar restrictions such that the public interests in a safe and efficient flow of traffic on the systems of state highways are protected. 5. Traffic signal spacing. To promote the efficient progression of traffic on highways, commercial entrances that are expected to serve sufficient traffic volumes and movements to require signalization shall not be permitted if the spacing between the entrance and at least one adjacent signalized intersection is below signalized intersection spacing standards in Appendix F of the Road Design Manual. If sufficient spacing between adjacent traffic signals is not available, the entrance shall be physically restricted to right -in or right - out movements or both or similar restrictions such that the public interests in a safe and efficient flow of traffic on the systems of state highways are protected and preserved. A request for an exception to this requirement submitted according to 24VAC30 -73 -120 D shall include a traffic engineering investigation report that (i) evaluates the suitability of the entrance location for design as a roundabout, (ii) contains specific and documented reasons showing that highway operation and safety will not be adversely impacted. 6. Limiting entrance movements. To preserve the safety and function of certain highways, the district administrator's designee may require an entrance to be designed and constructed in such a manner as to physically prohibit certain traffic movements. D. A request for an exception from the access management requirements in 24VAC30 -73 -120 C shall be submitted in writing to the district administrator's designee. The request shall identify the type of exception, describe the reasons for the request, and include all documentation specified in 24VAC30 -73 -120 C for the type of exception. After considering all pertinent information including any improvements that will be needed to the entrance or intersection to protect the operational characteristics of the highway, the district administrator's designee will advise the applicant in writing regarding the decision on the exception request within 30 calendar days of receipt of the written exception request, with a copy to the district administrator. The applicant may appeal the decision of the district administrator's designee to the district administrator in accordance with the procedures for an appeal. 6 AM -2 New Ater arm , 41111110 1111111 OW MU IOW /NC. www.djginc com May 23, 2013 Mr. Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Land Development — South Culpeper District P.O. Box 1017 11430 James Madison Highway Troy, VA 22974 RE: Seminole Trail Fire Station Site Plan Amendment Exception to the Spacing Standards for Entrances DJG No. 2130150 Dear Mr. Austin, The following are the reasons for our Access Management Exception Request regarding the spacing requirements of two unsignalized/full access entrances to the Seminole Fire Station in Albemarle County, VA. The facility currently has one shared entrance that permits emergency vehicle access to the fire station as well as public access to a POV parking lot. The proposed design separates this shared entrance into two separate entrances one for emergency and the other for POV vehicles. The emergency vehicle entrance will remain in its' existing location, and the parking lot entrance will move north of this entrance, coincidental with the corner of the parking lot to remain. Separating the entrances will alleviate the conflict between POV vehicles potentially blocking emergency vehicle egress or driving into responding emergency vehicles. The VDOT- required spacing distance for these entrances is a minimum of 50 feet. The proposed spacing distance is approximately 10 feet as per the VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix F, figure 4 -11. The distance between the two entrances from center line to center line is approximately 86'. The request for granting this exemption is as follows: I. The site currently has a 71 space parking lot adjacent the fire station. The proposed building addition will impact this existing parking lot and reduce the amount of available parking spaces. 'I he undisturbed portion of the parking lot is proposed to remain intact in order to avoid reducing the parking capacity further by addressing the currently required setbacks that apply to new parking lots. The proposed design reflects the removal of 34 spaces for a total of 37 spaces remaining. Albemarle Zoning Department has determined that 32 spaces are required. Shifting the parking lot entrance further from the emergency vehicle entrance will locate the parking lot entrance near the center of the existing lot. When relocated to this location, approximately 9 additional parking spaces will be lost to accommodate the relocation of the parking aisles and permitting maneuverability of garbage trucks or other large vehicles. The loss of 9 spaces results in a parking space count of 28, which is 4 less than the 32 required. The existing site constraints in conjunction with the necessity to adhere to the zoning regulations would render the parking lot essentially useless should the entrance be relocated further north. ENGINEERS • ARCHITECTS • PLANNERS VOICE: (757) 253 -0673 • FAX: (757) 253 -2319 • FROM NORFOLK/ VIRGINIA BEACH: (757) 874 -5015 449 McLAWS CIRCLE • WILLIAMSBURG, VA • 23185 Mr. Austin May 23, 2013 Page 2 of 2 2. The parking lot entrance has been located where there is the least amount of grade change from the edge of traveled way to the edge of the existing parking lot to remain. It is also located where the distance between the edge of Berkmar Drive and the existing parking lot is greatest. The current designed entrance is sloped at approximately 10.8 %. Shifting the proposed entrance location 40' north will result in an entrance slope approaching 19.50 %. 3. The proposed grading for the new proposed parking lot entrance terminates at the property line. Moving the entrance 40' north would require significant grading on the neighboring property and within 20' of the existing structure located at the front of the property. This is due to the significant slopes located along the right of way on Berkmar Drive on both the subject property and neighboring property. Constructing a retaining wall in this location would locate the wall in the right of way and may potentially limit visibility for vehicles leaving the parking lot entrance. 4. Clearing of an additional 1600 square feet of mature wooded buffer would be required. Per the proposed design, this accounts for the required buffer between the parking lot and Berkmar Drive. 5. An additional 40 linear feet of stonnwater piping would be required to convey water from the parking lot entrance to the outfall. An additional 400 square feet of impervious surface would be required as well. 6. The amount of traffic accessing the site on a daily basis (VPD) is unchanged by the project. As stated earlier, the goal is to separate emergency vehicle circulation from the POV access. The amount of traffic utilizing the emergency vehicle entrance will be very minimal, reducing the concern that the proximity of the two entrances to one another will be problematic. Also, the emergency vehicle entrance will be signed to designate "emergency vehicles only ". 7. The entrances to the Monticello Fire Station in Albemarle County was designed in a very similar way, with the priority being to separate the emergency and POV traffic. The County has not experienced a negative implication to this design that would persuade then to reconsider the layout of these entrances. We hope you find our justification for applying for this exception acceptable. If you have any questions or comments regarding this request, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Darren R. Curtis, PLA, LEED AP Landscape Architect DRC:se Cc: Blake Abplanalp, County of Albemarle Trevor Henry, County of Albemarle %id 'Ned 1 .!..•-• Am , .. ..,, , a .......a .raf a eis up . e 1 ,.. . '.......74:.----17.:4--- larl•,,,t 1 „,„,......,,,, ....I...A .z..4..Ac \ ' ' ••• 4•*•-•' ...v. s'141114:sisig.•■:,,, •„.. „ „„,,, 1., ,,,,,,,,, . ''''. .‘,.., :',', „.4r4 l. us. , .... ... 4.1.'s , ,„„„..,,, aulan ENGINEERS '''''IL7:1111FiSk I '', - 1 , .. , ' i-, 00/101, Y•• i• CO „...,..• • • .,.... l . . ARCHITECTS , r ;I, Pr ' ' - 11:Zr . I - ' "1., • T''' - ."... 1 1 , ' • I 1 L Ig 'T. '• . '''''"'"` VW tt, PLANNERS .... . . t • y4 Stt ' ■ ,4 _......,.. 4 ., „ ,,. i - • ,. , ,., ..- . ....,,...., , ,.., ,-, .7- „,„ :..„ "%it 4. ,, ,' ....0 .. • . .....4,4 g''' .., • i •Nn... . ,. ,.... goss.474. . • , „ ' 1 '",, "` " '''' , ........= ;,...1 il i - Wm: Cax • ''.I7L. L s, t , /441 L'4 .f..,,Js SIS MU ... -`,..., .2". . - .- . t . , 4.66 era rit '...... 1 r D .... ,a,Nalt °• =11r,gr:;? 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'* ... , ... , , • - ... ,,, a, , I C.1 .04 . , F -24 Footnotes to Table 2 -2 OO Legal Speed Limit – The speed limit set forth on signs lawfully posted on a highway or in the absence of such signs the speed limit established by Article 8 ( §46.2 -870 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia. 0 Signalized Intersection– Spacing is allocated in fractions of a mile: (1/2 mile, 2,640 ft); (1/3 mile, 1,760 ft); (1/4 mile, 1,320 ft); (1/5 mile, 1,050 ft); (1/6 mile, 880 ft), (1/8 mile, 660 ft). It is based on (i) the Signalized Intersection Spacing section and Table 2 -1 and (ii) Transportation and Land Development by Vergil Stover and Frank Koepke, Institute of I'? `-- Transportation Engineers: "Traffic signal control applied in a sequential pattern according to specific spacing criteria optimize traffic efficiency" ..."to reduce fuel consumption, reduce delay, reduce vehicular emissions and improve safety." O Unsignatized Intersection /Crossover – Intersections and crossovers need ample spacing to accommodate the complex situations faced by motorists from vehicular deceleration, acceleration, and numerous conflict points associated with vehicular crossing and left and right • >. turning movements. At a four way intersections, these traffic movements' --_) c_-- create 32 conflict (collision) points (see Figure 2 -1). Intersections and I :— crossovers also may become signalized over time. Spacing is allocated in fractions of a mile (see footnote 2). Note: Roundabouts are separated from signalized and unsignaiized intersections /crossovers by this spacing standard'. ® Full Access Entrance Spacing – Spacing can be less than unsignaiized intersection and crossover spacing as there are fewer turning movements and potential conflict points and generally no crossing movements. However, studies have demonstrated that the majority of access related vehicular crashes involve left turns. The spacing is based -- on intersection sight distance for both four and two lane highways to assure that motorists approaching an entrance and those turning out of the entrance have sufficient time to react to highway and entrance traffic and to merge safely when making right and left turns. Again the purpose is to maintain the capacity and safety of the highway. 0 Partial Access One or Two Way Entrance Spacing – Left turn movements are limited (right in /right out with or without left in movement). The focus is on making sure motorists have sufficient time to be able to see /react to a vehicle slowing down to turn into the entrance or to a vehicle exiting the entrance, and stop in time to avoid a collision. Stopping sight distance can be used for this purpose. See Figure 4 -5 for illustrations of commercial entrance channelization island options for creating a partial access entrance on highways without a restrictive non - traversable median. Also see "Restricting Left Tum Movements at Commercial Entrances" for additional information. Note: Roundabouts are separated from other roundabouts by the partial access entrance spacing standard. Rev. 7/12 F -25 0 Local Street Spacing — For commercial entrances on local streets (not individual private entrance driveways to homes), a spacing distance of 50 ft between entrance radii is specified to assure a minimum separation between such entrances (illustrated in Figure 4 -11). O Corner Clearance — Corner clearance is the minimum distance entrances on a minor side street need to be separated from an intersection to prevent queued vehicles from backing up into the highway or blocking entrances near the intersection. This separation protects the functional area of the intersection. The corner clearance distance will apply where it is greater than the Table 2 -2 spacing standard, See Corner Clearance in Section 4 for more information. j ig) �f ' ' " _ :,`fi r .. �.,4 . -y -: ", iy r P S... t � � „4", ,,, , a , O *u rrt t o T`ra - St ion ' a ,!' "/ ' 17-7 - „,-1- ' ,.-1,,,i7,Ce' , • • , .. ' ,V. t '" t • ••: k � _ 1. ,, ,4 ..,‘ ,- \ ,,,,., ,, Nt,. � F� 44 . , ,,,,,.....14:, , , ' 7 a § �a �' x ' s , 4 s -^' a s ' .a a * p • � '„ �33 ' a f, Image 205' Commo n weal th a Virg' + ► ) , ,, ii% �-�+ I m iles 60 C o earth km' 100