HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202200086 Plan - Approved 2022-10-24I Scale: 1" = 1 SIDE A Sn"Wogner Taggaq Dgnal Signature RevlpW tau for Ne Ndbefore Itis mt,we s sign aPninmeapprovaldotherapprovals ailingaW zoning, Iwndmq, and arose approvals may son ce PROPOSED Penang rorvwr Wo perms. 01p 24, 2022 AMERICAN MADESIGN4 LLC 407 Earhart St. Suite B, Charlattesville, VA 22903 PH. (434) 971-7446 PH.(434) 971-1346 Sales@AmerimMadeSigns.com www.americaomadesigns.com CLIENT Smoked Kitchen ADDRESS 2291 SEMINOLE LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DESCRIPTION XX DATE 0910912022 DRAWING REVISIONS nufflayl DATE I CHANGE BJD 09108 First Proof %NDRS OR DRAPHIcs PORTRAYED WE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. : LORS DIFFER WITH MONITORS. iAMPLES AVAIIARLE UPON REQUEST his dome" and neat sigh remains are irtlusive pmpeRy ofAmemmr More igns LLC. Forms, to pay in full within m lays of me mmteR armypleoM1 will result In a ouR beam, and we will repossess me ,nags on me pmpeM whim a sde or m itlar atl to, or will be sent to ms. llechrn Inless other agreements are mare In offin, Reposussed signs are subject to reinstallation Ice of $911 hour plus tlp charges. Reinstallation most be paid l pull before env—i ¢ staRatl. The lesgn mnnot W shared In whole or Paft v exhibned in any Omer manner without higher permission form Ammerman Made igns LLC. This orry applies M artwork W signs tleai'll show, maetrumu etl yAme,kan Media Sine LLC. Special mass are,mn-rMuntlable. All debts erot aid within 911 days and a handed off to ollecno,cs for LiqubJatM Oamage525% d the pdnnpal amount Customerwill hey Wit Sgna LLC all muR mats, 1can Rpinal dal plus t2%Interest aM []APPROVED URE-PROOF i( Signature Date PAGE 1 OF 7 I Scale: 1" = 1 EXISTING AMERICAN MADE SIGN$ LLC 407 Earhart St. Suite B, Charlottesville, VA 22903 PH. (434) 971-7446 PH.(434) 971-1346 Sales@AmerimMadeSigns.com wwwamericanmadesigns.com CLIENT Smoked Kitchen ADDRESS 2291 SEMINOLE LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DESCRIPTION XX DATE 01/1512021 DRAWING REVISIONS DIUMIRY DATE CHANGE 5 BJD 01115 First Proof XMORS OR GRAPHICS PORTRAYED WE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. : LORS DIFFER WITH MONITORS. iAMPLES AVNIARLE UPON REQUEST his drewlne aM final sigh remains new xdmihm propel sfAmedmn Mare igns LLC. Failure to pay in lull within m lays of Me mm pled work will result In a ouR beam, and we will repossess Me ,nags on am propel whim a site or is itlaNatl to, or will be sent to mllechor, trials oa n aercements are mantle In her, Repossessed signs are subject to reinstallation Ice of $959g I hour plus tlp'er,a s. Reinstallation at be paW t ran Mrore a,wi Ja storied. This lsell mnnrt M shared In whole or Paft v exbibaed in any real manner without rdtlen pennissbn from Amerman all igns LLC. This only applies M artwork vd signs restrain! ammo manutectural ryAmedran Mass Sins LLC. Special hders are mn-raluntlable. All debts nrot we within W days and fa banded oath ale feral (or liqubJalM Oamage525% it the trust,) amount Customerwill he can Mantle Sgna LLC all muR mats, ihpinal all plus t2%Interest aM []APPROVED URE-PROOF i( Signature Date PAGE 2OF7 I Scale: 1" = 1 ELEVATIONS AMER. MADES.,l 407 Earhart St. Suite B, Charlottesville, VA 22903 PH. (434) 971-7446 PH.(434) 971-1346 Sales@AmerimMadeSigns.com wwwamericanmadesigns.com CLIENT Smoked Kitchen ADDRESS 2291 SEMINOLE LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DESCRIPTION XX DATE 01/1512021 DRAWING REVISIONS DIUMIRY DATE CUNGE 5 BJD 01115 First Proof XMORS OR GRAPHICS PORTRAYED WE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. : LORS DIFFER WITH MONITORS. iAMPLES AVNIARLE UPON REQUEST his drewlne aM final sigh remains new irdmihm propel ofAmenmn Mare igns LLC. Failure to pay in full within m lays of Me mm pled work will result In a ouR beam, and we will repossess Me ,nags on am propel whim a site or is itlaNatl to, or will be sent to mllechor, trials oa n aercements are mantle In her, Repossessed signs are subject to reinstallation fee of $959g I hour plus tlp'er,a s. Reinstallation at be paW t ran More a,wi Ja storied. This lsell mnnrt M shared In whole or Paft v exbibaed in any real manner without antler pennissbn from Amerman all igns LLC. This only applies M artwork vd signs restrain! ammo manutectural ryAmedran Mass Sins LLC. Special auras are urn-raluntlable. All debts nrot aid within W days and fa banded oath ale feral (or liqubJalM Oamage525% d the trust,) amount Customerwill he Mantle Sgna LLC all muR mats, 1can hi lal plus t2%InterestaM []APPROVED URE-PROOF i( Signature Date PAGE 3OF7 I Scale: 1" = 1 LED Channel Letters on Raceway White Faces with Specks of Black Vinyl White LED Illumination Black Trim Cap Black Returns Raceway to be Painted Brick Color 120v Input / 12v Output UL Listed Meets or Exceeds VA State Code Mounted Same Alignment as Neverdark (SIDE A & B, SAME SIZE) OUM 26.27 Sq Ft LED Raceway Mount Side View Randall T 9g R Uigtal Sgnalure THIS appaval0 off, Ia Me ArGiaecWal Review 00ard. s MIS YAIy we al,nowal requiredcetpr stalrng a sign. 1 $Min , building.0 N apprpv ls may sM be padglorY rsgn I 0dider 2e, 2022 AMERIGN MADESI uel 407 Earhart St. Suite B, Charlottesville, VA 22903 PH. (434) 971-7446 PH.(434) 971-1346 Sales@AmerimMadeSigns.com WW ..americanmadesigns.com CLIENT Smoked Kitchen ADDRESS 2291 SEMINOLE LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DESCRIPTION XX DATE 0111512021 DRAWING REVISIONS ggAMIBY DATE CHANGE 1, BJD 01115 First Proof % ORS OR GRAPHICS PORTRAYED WE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. :OLORS DIFFER WITH MONRORS. iAMPLES AVAIIARLE UPON REQUEST hls R2win9 and fired sign remains the is,weive pmpeM mAmencan Made igns LLG Fi iWre to pay in lull within 90 Is otbte word! and woM1 heart t In a uR beading said we will repossess Me gnage on the pmpeM whim a ails or Is igraded ro, or will be aem ro mlleatnd s. hhhow .,at seasonal are made In aftRenosussed signs are amdeet M .managerial Ice m$95,001 ban' plus dp bananas. Penitentialmust be paW i roll berore any won ne aroRed. TM1is lesgn demand M seared In whole or paR v exhibited in any other manner wabout Mien pennissbn from Armaran Made igns LLC. This ordy applies R artwon ad signs medical smnor ing"damured yAmemwd Made Sgne LLC Special JNem are mn-refundable. All debts hot aid w,Min 911 days am w handed off to ollectons ror, iqutlaLLtl Dama9e525% it the ward, amount Customerwill he oneriman Made Sgns LLC all mot mats, idpinal dart plus 12%Imeresl and []APPROVED E)RE-PROOF X Signature Date PAGE 4OF7 I Scale: 1" = 1 PROPOSED SIDE B pal topl¢rrapgart wpilal slgramre This approval Is only MNe Argument Review board. It k ons one approval required more Installing aslgn. pommy building. and "mare ual may and the pending for your sign peimll. Od"be24 2@2 AMERICAN MADE SIGN. LLC 407 Earhart St. Suite B, Charlattesville, VA 22903 PH. (434) 971-7446 PH.(434) 971-1346 Sales@AmerimMadeSigns.com ww W.americaamadesigns.com CLIENT Smoked Kitchen ADDRESS 2291 SEMINOLE LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DESCRIPTION XX DATE 0111512021 DRAWING REVISIONS MAMINY GATE CHANGE 5 BJD 01115 First Proof % ORS OR GRAPHICS PORTRAYED WE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. :OLORS DIFFER WITH MONRORS. iAMPLES AVAllutil UPON REQUEST hls erosion aM first al remains Her istands. PmpeM oboaga mn Made term LLG FaiWre to pay in lull within m laysof Me man'th eR woe, will result Ina our t eamg and we will repossess Me ,nags on dhe pmpeM whim a ails m is barred to, or will be aunt bar mlms9ona. mass .,at dereemema are made In Mar,. Rep ssesse! signs are subject as .imagination Ice of $95 ag I hour plus tlp charges. Feideralist must be paid t bull bemre a, woe, is stared. This lan,n mabi M shared In whole or Paft ir exM1ibaed in any olgan manner warned Mtlen penMmborder Agmspan Made items LUG. This only applies by artwork red sins deaigned summer manumcture l yA mphal Mender but LLC Special J maremn adable.Plldebtsmt aid within 911 page antl is handed ma to ittonsmrliqutlaLLtl Oamage525% ddM1e pdnnpal anpunL Cusmmerwill bx.ade he can Wit S,ns LLC all muR mats, iRpinal debt plus i2%IMeresd aM []APPROVED E)RE-PROOF i( Signature Date PAGE 5OF7 I Scale: 1" = 1 EXISTING AMERIGN/ MAOESIGIl 407 Earhart St. Suite B, Charlottesville, VA 22903 PH. (434) 971-7446 PH.(434) 971-1346 Sales@AmerimMadeSigns.com W iv W. americanmadesigns. com CLIENT Smoked Kitchen ADDRESS 2291 SEMINOLE LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DESCRIPTION XX DATE 011IN2021 DRAWING REVISIONS DUMMY GATE CHANGE t, BJD 01115 First Proof % OFR OR GRAPHICS PGRTRAYEO WE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. :OLORS DIFFER WITH MONRORS. iAMPLES AVAIIARLE UPON REQUEST hls tl2win9 realfiral alremains are irtlusiha "'i mAmencan Matle igns Il FaiWre I. pay in lull within m lays,Me complei woM1 will result In a and heamg and we will repossess Me ,nags on the pmpeM whim a sits or is Hearten ro, or will be sent ro consistent, bales .,at agreements are made In Mar,. Repaaussed signs are subject ah reinstallation Ice ol$95 n01 hour plus dp charges. Reinstallation must be pi , hull berore a, won J, storied. Tire resin cannat be shamd In whole or Paft v exhibaed in any other manner wanner Mtlan parrusabn rues Amer'rcan all lips LLC. This only applies m artwon ed sins designed a,M/or manuterbeed yAmedpn fall entireLLC Special )New are ,mn-reru ndabsw Pll debts mr aid w,Min 9g days and w handed the in alacaons(or'l-k LLtl Oamage525% it the pdnnpal anpun, Cusbmerwill new brethren Matle Sil LLC all mart maps, real debt plus 12%interest and itlomsy lees. ❑APPROVED E)RE-PROOF x Signature Date PAGE 6OF7 I Scale: 1" = 1 ELEVATIONS //ile -- AMER. MAOESIG,l 407 Earhart St. Suite B, Charlottesville, VA 22903 PH. (434) 971-7446 PH.(434) 971-1346 Sales@AmerimMadeSigns.com wwwamericanmadesigns.com CLIENT Smoked Kitchen ADDRESS 2291 SEMINOLE LN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DESCRIPTION XX DATE 01/1512021 DRAWING REVISIONS DIUMIRY DATE CUNGE t, BJD 01115 First Proof XMORS OR GRAPHICS PORTRAYED WE FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. : LORS DIFFER WITH MONITORS. iAMPLES AVAIIARLE UPON REQUEST his Rrewlne aM final sigh remains new xdmihm propel sf ,uhamen Mare igns LLC. Failure to pay in lull within 90 lays, Me complamil work will result In a ouR beam, and we will repossess Me ,nags on am propel whim a site or ie itlaNad to, or will be sent to mllechor, trials oa n aercements are mere In her, Repossessed signs are subject to reinstallation Ice of $959g I hour plus dp charges. Reinstallation at be paW t ran Mrore a,wi Ja storied. This lsell carat M shared In whole or Paft v exbibaed in any real manner without antler pennissbn from Amerman all igns LLC. This only applies M artwork vd signs restrain! ammo manutectural yAmedran Mass Sins LLC. Special hders are mn-ralundable. All debts nrot we within W days and ¢ banded oath olle feral he Uquidaml Damage525% R the pna lamount. Customer will nam anament Made Sgns LLC all muR mats, ingiral all plus 12%Interest am itlomsy tees. ffffi ❑APPROVED URE-PROOF x Signature Date PAGE 7OF7