HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA199500001 Review Comments 1995-01-03 To:WAYNE CILIMBERG From: Bob Tucker Subject: Dry Hydrants Date: 1/03/95 Time: 3:44p Originated by: RHUFF 1/03/95 2:18p Forwarded by: BTUCKER 1/03/95 3:44p(CHANGED) ***"ORIGINAL MESSAGE FOLLOWS***** Bob: Below is Carl's response on dry hydrants...FYI. Rick Talked to Preston(Chief at Crozet)about Rt 684 hydrants, he felt that if dry hydrants were not installed it would not significantly hurt the fire protection in that area. If someone is willing to install the hydrants Crozet will help with the maintenance. He met 2 times with local citizens groups and businesses and stressed the importance of early reporting and taking the appropriate actions when a fire emergency occurs. I talked to Ms.Thomas and made her aware of what Preston had said, she was pleased with the information and did not feel anyone from our office needed to be at the meeting tomorrow. To:WCILIMB(Wayne Cilimberg) Cc: RICK HUFF,JO HIGGINS,BRUCE CROW From: Bob Tucker Subject: Re:Water in Yancey Mills Date: 11/09/94 Time: 10:24a Originated by: WCILIMB 8/03/94 4:39p Replied by: BTUCKER 11/08/94 9:52a Replied by: WCILIMB 11/08/94 6:36p Replied by: BTUCKER 11/09/94 10:24a WAYNE: WE DO NEED AN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXPLAINING THE RESULTS OF THE STUDY IN THIS AREA. AND IF IT ISN'T TOO DIFFICULT,AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST ASSOCIATED WITH INSTALLING THE DRY HYDRANT SHOULD BE PROVIDED ALSO FOR THE BOARD'S CONSIDERATION. THANKS FOR THE UPDATE. BOB. To: BTUCKER(Bob Tucker) Cc: Jo Higgins, Bruce Crow From: Wayne Cilimberg Subject: Re:Water in Yancey Mills Date: 11/08/94 Time: 6:36p Originated by: WCILIMB 8/03/94 4:39p Replied by: BTUCKER 11/08/94 9:52a Replied by: WCILIMB 11/08/94 6:36p There have been two meetings with people in the community-one involving Engineering and Health Department and one involving Fire Prevention and the Crozet fire chief. It seems that what we have come to is that the Rt 684 problem is not unique. It is not a question of inadequate water, but rather of detection and notification. Preston Gentry,the fire chief, indicates that once they have gotten to fires on Rt 684,they have had the necessary water to get the fires under control. Of course,this has involved use of tankers and/or withdrawing from a nearby lake. For establishing the quickest and most reliable fire fighting, a waterline and hydrant would be the best case scenario, but that is not a necessity in this area any more than it is in most any other rural area. The end of water lines along Rt 691 and Rt 797(Yancey Mills) could be available if needed to pull water for fire fighting at either end of Rt 684 in this general area. The Rt 797 line does not have the desirable pressure now, but will when ACSA finishes its Brownsville water line project next year. The best way to provide for a closer water source according to Bruce Crow and Preston Gentry would be to install one or two accessible dry hydrants along Rt 684 which could be used to pull water from a nearby lake. The question I have is whether the County is prepared to set a precedent in doing this. There will be some cost involved,there will be easements necessary from private properties to provide the water line to draw from the lake to the dry hydrant(s), and there will be need for some ongoing maintainance. If we are going to proceed forward with this idea to the Board, I might propose that Engineering take a look with Fire Prevention at where dry hydrants should be located and provide some cost estimates that we can provide to the Board. Or we can simply tell the Board basically what I have told you here in a executive summary and ask them if they want us to proceed to look at location, cost, etc. Please let me know how you would like this to proceed.