HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA199600001 Other 1996-07-10 s ! (pi! a 7(17)o��V 16-151 / tAQ V 5, -- ` / Q_5Z 1-'17 -rrvi u'f'r2/ 1041 21 /I" ?WA 4-1" y5ivp //# 2-y mot- ern (-►l r IN'i / )2 'AI"? a,A )7a,11 -11.4(40,/19 Wo° ritrY °1-1.1 Vi?PikA _779 .4--twn lA r vy- r„7/A, r-iv _ ()10, —Avnv /24 ,.,(”2 -7r?2 ° '- /9 "v4 - — 9o-v /fii P1)—'r-cry112C �3 4 f ?: E E E E Z Z Z Z Z 'Z Z Z Z Z a a a a a a a a a ar E E E E E E, E E E E. a a a 0 0 0 0 a a. a Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z z. Z. • 1. , . _... ,, . . . . .„. .. IH , • 1 ,. 1 f s a a a a a a. - E E E E . E , Z Z Z Z Z Z £86L - uoLsslW pLV ue«sLJ93 - VS3V LLIZ • • v i p please take coon date l to w/7/X3 Z.°/ 77 ❑ note and file ❑ note and return ❑ return with more details ❑ please answer (send me a copy) ❑ for your approval ❑ prepare for my signature ❑ please reply promptly ❑ take appropriate action ❑ per your request ❑ for your signature ❑ for your information ❑ investigate and report ❑ see me about this comments: signed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Christian becalmwe Aid Helping Indigenous Evangelistic Missions in Poorer Countries Overseas love the brethren. Christian Aid Mission • Route Ten, Box One •Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Telephone: 804-977-5650 June 6, 1983 Ms. Lette E. Neher COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 401 McIntyre Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 JUN - 8 1983 L Dear Ms. Neher: BOARD OF SUPERy_1SpRS ' Christian Aid Mission wishes to petition the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to ammend the present jurisdiction area which has access for hook-up into the Crozet Interceptor Line to include our facilities. The Interceptor Line will be running through the rear of our property, T. M. 69-23G. We understand from the Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority that we could hook in a six inch line approximately 1200 feet down the established easement from our property to the Route 250 Pump Station at Station 33+16. Our 16 acre property is zoned commercial and we hope to construct several additional buildings in the future. But we will soon run out of land for septic systems, and future building will be contingent upon a connection to the sewer line. It should be of interest to the Board of Supervisors that our income is derived exclusively from contributions, 99% of which come from outside Albemarle County. Thus our expenditures within the county have provided a net gain of several million dollars to the local economy. Future expenditures should be much greater if we are granted a connection to the sewer. Please advise us what steps are necessary to facilitate such an ammendment. Sincerely yours, Chairman and President RVFinley:clh Y O F A L B 0) r ��" ! '� GOv °lz`�°4a / <F JUL 21983 • 419Y PLAN v� r. 1>Rcl��r Office of County Executive GUY B.AGNOR.JR. 401 MCINTIRE ROAD RUSSELL B.OTIS COUNTY EXECUTIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA 22901-4596 ADMINISMATIVE ASSISTANT June 30 , 1983 Mr. R. V. Finley Chairman and President Christian Aid Mission Route 10 , Box 1 Charlottesville , Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Finley : This will acknowledge your letter of June 6 to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors petitioning an amendment to the jurisdiction area of the County Service Authority to allow access to the Crozet interceptor sewer lines . I apologize for the delay in response to your request . When it was received, there was a section of the routing of the interceptor in question, and even though the section was not directly in the same area described in your letter, a routing change can affet the location of a pipeline when redesign is required. That routing question has been settled this week at the Rivanna Authority Board meeting. Your request will be discussed at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Ju1.y 13. At that meeting the staff of the Albemarle Service Authority will participate with the Planning Department staff in reporting to the Board the location of your property in relation to the current jurisdiction area boundary , the adjustment in the boundary to accomodate your request, the relationship of the adjusted boundary to the County Comprehensive Plan, and the involvement of other properties , if any , in considering the adjustment . Following the staff report on your request , the Board will determine whether or not tc consider an adjustment in the boundary line , and, if affirmative , will set a date for a public hearing on the matter, which is required before a change can be voted upon. Your participation in the discussion will be important . The meeting is held from 9 a.m. co 5 p .m. and the time of day for this • • Mr. R. V. Finley June 30 , 1983 Page 2 item on the agenda can be provided on Friday, July 8 . Kindly advise Miss Neher by phone ( 296-5841) if July 13 is not a convenient time for you to attend the meeting. Sincerely yours , Guy � Agnor, Jr. County Executive GBAJr/gs cc: Miss Neher r `� T,_, f/ ' -..:". ,44;Ni'-47f,:--1 .3 ve ..- .0:... . 1 ,. hos, . ., , rA . X 41 because we Y A` 4 L 7 love the brethren. I ba 1' Christian Aid Mission • 555 Broomley Road • Charlottesville, VA 22901 Telephone: 804-977-5650 COUNTY Of ALBEMARIA JUL - 5 198 3 July 1 , 1983 -, BOARD OF S1RER11JSOW Mr . Gerald E. Fisher , Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 401 McIntyre Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ACCESS TO SEWER LINE Dear Mr . Fisher , When we moved our headquarters here from Washington and purchased 16 acres of land along U.S. Highway 250 seven years ago, we did so with several considerations in mind: 1 . We intend to construct the equivalent of a small college campus on this site within the next ten years . 2 . Since the property is zoned industrial-commercial , we presumed that there would be no restrictions hindering construction of the necessary buildings. 3 . We accertained that county water service was available as soon as funding was obtained to extend the line westward from Boar ' s Head Inn. 4 . We verified that the Crozet Interceptor Sewer Line was due to be constructed through our property, and therefore presumed that a tie-in would be permitted. Since we purchased this property we have made the following improvements : 1 . Completely renovated the existing building at a cost of about $75,000 . 2 . Constructed three additional buildings at a cost of about $600 ,000 . 3 . Expended an additional $30 ,000 on roads , parking areas , landscaping and other improvements . 4 . Let a contract for the construction of a fifth building at a cost of about $160 ,000 . We are a national organization and more than 99% of the funds expended for these improvements have come from outside Albemarle County. Future plans call for the construction within the next ten years of half a dozen additional buildings as funds become available. The needed buildings include: 1 . Library 2 . Administration building 3 . Distribution center for shipping clothing, books and medical supplies 4 . Two or three dormitories 5 . Communications center ( -Iv i:_d,� I) 6 . Auditorium with adequate parking 7 . Combination garage, workshop and maintenance building More than half of our 16 acres are in trees and forest which we hope to leave standing. It would be a shame to cut them down and clear the land for septic fields . Even then, we would not have adequate septic space for the buildings needed. A tie-in to the sewer line is indispensable for our continued growth in this location. Sincerely yours , 47V Chairman and President RVFinley: ljr \ o R • I_. • • Christian. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Robert V. Finley �: Aid n Chairman and President JUL_ 5 1983 804-977-5650 � July 5, 1983 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dear Mr. Agnor, Thank you for your letter. t: Enclosed is a copy of a letter I have written to Mr. Fisher which explains where we are heading and , why we need to tie in with the sewer line. Although I must be overseas next week myself, we plan definitely to be represented at the meeting on July 13. I have already called Miss Neher to that effect. Our representatives at the meeting are to be Mr. Thomas Baughan who is supervisor of our buildings and plant and Mr. William Landes who is our business manager. Sincerely yours, • • Y Christian Aid Mission • Route Ten, Box One • Charlottesville, Va. 22901 • ``)4.r( OF ALeziti GO v �y pF A144 ��� w BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . LETTIE E. NEHER JAMES R.BUTLER CLERK PATRICIA H.COOKE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS GERALD E. FISHER 401 MCINTIRE ROAD LINDA W. LEAKE DEPUTY CLERK J. T.HENLEY.JR. CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA 22901-4596 C.TIMOTHY LINDSTROM BARBARA J.FLAMMIA ELLEN V.NASH DEPUTY CLERK MEMO TO: Robert W. Tucker , Jr. , Director of Planning FROM: Gerald E. Fisher, Chairman DATE: July 6, 1983 SUBJECT: Christian Aid Mission-request to connect to public sewer I have just received the letter from Christian Aid Mission regarding sewer line connection. This is the first time that I had realized the scale of their development plans -- it seems very important that this area be designated for utility service in such a way as to encourage best use of land outside of South Rivanna watershed (if any) and discourage development of remainder . I hope that your staff report on July 13 will speak to this issue, not only for Christian Aid property but also for the other strip commercial/industrial lands to the east . Thanks . GEF: len BY STAFF REPORT July 13, 1983 CHRISTIAN AID MISSION Proposal : Christian Aid Mission is requesting amendment of the Albemarle County Service Authority' s service area to provide for access to the Crozet Interceptor. Sewer service will soon be necessary for future development of the property. Zoning and Current Utility Service : Christian Aid Mission consists of approximately sixteen (16) acres presently zoned Commercial Office. They are presently located within the "Water Only" service area of the Albemarle County Service Authority. Public water is not being utilized at this time , however. Comprehensive Plan: This property and others to the east are located outside of the Urban Growth Area because of their location in the South Fork Rivanna Watershed. STAFF COMMENT It has been the Board of Supervisors ' policy in the past to limit utility service to those areas located outside of the County' s designated growth areas and/or those areas located within the watershed of a drinking water impoundment. This policy is used as a tool for discouraging intensive development in those areas not designated for future growth and development, as well as those areas of drinking water impoundments which are most sensitive to development impact. Christian Aid Mission, as well as those properties located eastward between Route 250 West and the C & 0 Railroad, fall for the most part within the Board' s criteria for limited utility service . For the Board' s information, some of the properties mentioned above have approximately one hundred (100) feet in depth along Route 250 West, which drain into the Morey Creek Watershed rather than the South Fork Rivanna Watershed. Based upon the information above , the Board may wish to consider two alternatives for Service Area amendment : • Allow sewer service to this area for existing buildings (as of this date) only; and/or • Allow both water and sewer service to the areas along Route 250 West which drain outside of the South Fork Rivanna Watershed. L C cut) ``) 41-1 OF ALe -Mq GPv �ypF Ales Noks• BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JAMES R.BUTLER LETTIE E.NEHER PATRICIAH. COOKE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CLERK GERALD E. FISHER 401 MCINTIRE ROAD LINDA W.LEAKE J.T.HENLEY.JR. DEPUTY CLERK CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA 2290 1-45 96 C.TIMOTHY LINDSTROM BARBARA J.FLAMMIA ELLEN V.NASH DEPUTY CLERK July 15, 1983 18 (383 PLANNING DEPT: Mr . Robert V. Finley Chairman and President BY Christian Aid Mission Route 10, Box 1 Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Finley : The letter sent to you on July 14, 1983 contained an error in the next to last sentence of the second paragraph regarding the location of the property of Christian Aid Mission. The property is not within a designated growth area and does lie within the South Fork Rivanna Watershed . I apologize for any in- convenience this error may have caused. Very truly yours , LETTIE E. NEHER, CLERK • By : /' (YLcl:a_ )17)( /c -ke ) LEN: lwl ✓ CC: Robert W. Tucker, Jr. , Director of Planning • ,Tiat,tj (ti.cier NAY OF ALBE-41q pCIEAVIED O‘) j u L 15 1983 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ��R61r�P PLANNING DEPT. JAMES R.BUTLER - . LETTIE E. NEHER PATRICIA N.COOKE OFFICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • BY r-- GERALD E.FISHER 401 MCINTIRE ROAD LINDA W. LEAKE J.T.HENLEY.JR. DEPUTY CLERK CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA 22901-4596 C.TIMOTHY LINDSTROM BARBARA J.FLAMMIA ELLEN V.NASH DEPUTY CLERK July 14, 1983 • Mr. Robert V. Finley Chairman and President Christian Aid Mission Route 10, Box 1 Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Finley : The Board of Supervisors , at its meeting held on July 13, 1983, received and discussed your letter of June 6, 1983, requesting connection to the Crozet Interceptor Line for Christian Aid. Mission property . The Board, through adoption of the County Comprehensive Plan, has set forth a policy which does not allow connection to public utilities for those lands which lie outside of a designated growth area as shown in that plan or which lie within the watershed of a public drinking water supply impoundment . The property of Christian Aid Mission is not within a designated growth area and does asig lie within the South Fork Rivanna Watershed . Therefore, your request has been denied. Very truly yours , LETTIE E . NEHER, CLERK By : vY2. )11 (',CD1) LEN: lwl ICC: Robert W. Tucker, Jr . , Director of Planning LOB _ July 13, 1983 (Regular Day N. '•ing) "Several days ago I attended, along with Wayne Harbaugh from the Planning District Commission, a presentation on the University's utilities plan which included a discussion of plans to upgrade the University's heating plant. At the presentation, William Middleton, Assistant Vice-President, Physical Plant, repeated a statement he had made earlier to the Planning District Commission about the University's interest in working with local governments to look further into the feasibility of resource recovery in connection with the changes that need to be made to the,heating system. Mr. Middleton expressed a regret that the Resource Recovery Commission, composed of members from the University, the City and the County, had been disbanded, suggesting that such a group would be useful at this point in working with the University's consultants. I am writing Frank Hereford and Frank Buck as well as yourself to request that the Resource Recovery Commission be reestablished for such a purpose. Although the regional solid waste plan approved by the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission recommends representation from all six local governments L on such a working group, the TJPDC's executive committee has expressed support for a City-County-University committee, recognizing that the three entities have the largest interest in the possibility of resource recovery in connection with the University's heating and energy needs. The executive committee asks only that the possibility of future resource recovery of waste from the four rural counties be addressed by any group you designate. Sincerely yours, (SIGNED BY) Laurence A. Brunton" Miss Nash said Mr. Middleton was present at a recent Planning District Commission meeting and did not appear very enthusiastic about the ploan. She said the feeling is that the program should be on a regional basis rather than just for the City and County. Mr. Fisher did not feel there is much collection of solid waste in any of the rural counties. Mr. Agnor said this subject has been discussed at some of the monthly meetings between the City, County and University officials. The University people have several problems with the idea. 1) The heating plant is not going to be moved away from the entrance to the Hospital. Therefore, the flow of vehicles generated•by this type of system would create a problem. 2) The University is having difficulty with capital planning for a project of this significance. 3) The free use of a government-owned landfill does not help to encourage the University to change'its system. Mr. Agnor said the City Director of Public Works and the County Engineer are jointly responsible for the operation of the landfill and discussions have been held recently to discuss the idea of processing waste into fuel at the Ivy Landfill. This would mean 'that the flow of waste to the landfill would continue, but instead of being buried, this waste'could be converted to process fuel. The fuel would then be delivered to .a heating plant:li#La much lesser quantity. This concept was also discussed at the City, County and University meeting and the University was interested in the idea since this would eliminate processing at the heating plant. Mr. Agnor said since Federal funds were initially involved with''the"work of the Resource Recovery Commission, he does not feel there will be any funding available from either Federal or State sources if this Commission is reactivitated.L Mr.'LAgnor suggested that perhaps the staffs of both the City and County could provide some assistance to the Commission. Mr. Butler said there has been some mention of a commercial group building a plant in a location away from the University to generate energy to be sold to the community. He said the University people felt that was a more feasible approach'tothis concept. Mr. Fisher said he would be willing to explore anything that would prolong the life of the landfill. The idea of being able to reuse resources and create something that has a market value appeals to him. He also noted that over the last 'ten-years, a lot of cities and some counties have started their own system. Mr. Fisher concluded by stating that he felt the Board should communicate with the City and the University expressing the County's willingness to reestablish the Resource Recovery Commission,and receive their reaction to the proposal. Mr. Butler agreed with Mr. Fisher about the past problems of establishing a landfill, and felt that as communities grow, a larger landfill will be needed,• so some other method L of handling wastes should be examined. Motion was offered by Mrs. Cooke, seconded by Mr. Butler, to communicate with the City and the University the County's interest in reestablishing the Resource Recovery Commission: Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. NAYS: None. Agenda Item No. 17. Request: Christian Mission Aid. A letter dated June 6, 1983, from Mr. R. V. Finley,'Chairman' and President of Christian Aid Mission, was received by the Clerk of the Board requesting amendment to the Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area to allow Christlan.AidIMission to.hook into a six-inch sewer line approximately 1200 feet down the established easement from the Mission property to the Route 250 pump station. On July 1, 1983, another letter was received from Mr. Finley to further clarify the request of the above date. Based on the above letters, Mr. Fisher said he had requested the planning staff to prepare a report and that the report be done in light of other properties in the subject area to determine what could be done in relation to the Comprehensive Plan and the utility system. (Copies of the above letters are on file in the Clerk's Office.) July 13, 1983 (Regular Day Meeting) Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Director of Planning and Community Development, was present and summarized the following staff report: "Proposal: Christian Aid Mission iszrquesting amendment of the Albemarle County Service,Authority's service area to provide for access to the Crozet Interceptorewer service will soon be necessary for future development of•.the;,.property._,. Vining and Current Utility.Service:J,Christian Aid Mission consists of approximately sixteen acres presently zoned Commercial Office. They are presently.located within the 'Water Only' service area of the Albemarle County,:§Service Authority. Public water is not being utilized at this time,however. Comprehensive Plan: This property and others to the east are located outside,of.,the Urban®drowth Area because, of their location in the South Fork $ivanna4Watershed. Staff Comment: It has,been the Board of Supervisors' policy in the past to limit utilityyseF,yige;to those areas located outside of the County's;designated,Agrowthrareas and/or those areas located within the waterahed;,ofo addrinking-water impoundment. This policy is used as a tool for discouraging intensive development in those areas not designated,for future;growth and development, as.well as those areas of drinking water impoundments which are most sensitive to development impact. Christl'an';Aid Mission, as well as those properties located eastward between Route 250 West and the C & 0 Railroad, fall for the most part within the Board's criteria for limited utility service. For the Board's information, some of the properties mentioned above have approximately one hundred feet in depth along Route 250 West, which drains into the Morey Creek Watershed rather than the South Fork Rivanna Watershed. Based upon this-Information, the Board may wish to consider two alternatives for service area amendment: - Allow sewer service to this area for existing buildings (as of this date) only; and/or - Allow both water and sewer service to the areas along Route 250 West which 'drain,outside of the South Fork Rivanna Watershed." Mr. Tucker then listed Yfor; the Board the properties located in the water and sewer service areas in the subjeg1g,area. Mr. Fisher asked the location of the boundary of the growth area. Mr. Tucker,said,all.of Flordon and Farmington lie within the Rivanna Watershed, which is to the east and north1p ,,this,.property. Mr. Tucker said one site that could utilize the second alternative;.aboVe would be the Kirtley Office building. Mr. Lindstrom said the entire reason for,3the;fJurisdictional area' distinction was to discourage any urban type development that,.would be:associated with a sewer line in the watershed. Mr. Butler asked about the existing development on the Christian Aid Mission property. Mr. Tucker said there is development on a portion of the property, but Christian Aid Mission intends to develop further. Therefore, sewer will be needed because a septic system is being utilized. Mr. Tom Bond, representing the Christian Aid Mission, was present. Mr. Bond said Christian Aid Mission cannot further expand its operation without hooking onto the sewer line and the Mission is willing to conform to any County specifications. Next to speak was a Mr. Landess representing Christian Aid Mission. He said when the Mission moved to the subject location in 1976, it was their intent to expand the facilities. This has been the long-range plans and no such restrictions as this problem with hooking to public sewer were anticipated. Mr.,Landess noted that the Mission would be severely restricted if this request is,not approved. He noted that using septic systems would be a problem because that would mean going into the wooded areas and removing a considerable amount of trees. The land without trees is not suitable for a septic system for public health reasons. Therefore, Mr. Landess noted that the Mission would be severely impacted if this request is denied., Mr. Fisher said he had not envisioned Christian Aid Mission developing to the extent proposed in the letter from,Dr. Finley. He added that the development proposed is a very intensive use of the property,and if that is the intent, he personally has serious reservations about approval of the request. This property is in the South Fork watershed and if this request is granted to connect to public sewerage, he could not visualize anyway the Board could ever deny anyone else,;the right to connect and there are many areas along the interceptor line which could be developed intensively. Mr. Fisher said he had originally thought that the intent was to connect existing buildings and perhaps a small addition to the facility. In conclusion, Mr. Fisher said that although he would like to approve the request, approval would present problems for the County in the future. Mrs. Cooke said it appears that the proposal is for eleven additional buildings. She asked the amount of students to be housed in each dormitory. Mr. Landess said twenty students will be housed in each building. July 13, 1983 (Regular Day ,._sting) Mr. Lindstrom questioned the alternative in'the staff report relating to sewer service being allowed to this area for existing buildings on this date only, His concern is with defending the County's watershed policy. Approval of this proposal, even if for only one additional building, would violate the County's wat,,ershed policy. He'said it is ridiculous to destroy trees in order to install a septic system instead of allowing the sewer connection which is a clean proposition. However, the issue has to be examined in terms of the overall precedent that this approval would establish. He said he agrees.with Mr. Fisher that the Board would have a difficult time denying another person a'connection in the future if this request,is approved. Mr. Lindstrom then asked the implication'of the words L "as of this date" in the staff's alternatives. Mr. Tucker said the attempt was to align this amendment with the policy adopted in reference to water connections. Mr. Tucker also added that he is not aware of any problems with the existing septic field on the Christian Aid Mission property. Mr. Lindstrom said in thinking only about this specific application, allowing the existing structures to hook to the sewer line would be'best since less area would be disturbed. Mr. Fisher said with the interceptor line going across the county for eight or ten miles, the Board may have many other applications for connection for much more intensive L development. Mr. Fisher said the biggest problem facing the Board will, be the establishment of a uniform policy on how to deal with connections to the Crozet Interceptor line over a period of time. Mr. Lindstrom agreed but felt the same policy should be established relative to connecting to the Crozet Interceptor as was established'to connect to the public water line for areas in the watershed. Miss Nash said she felt one of the reasons that sewer was not'included in the policy was because having the availability of sewer would encourage intensive development. She felt the watershed policy should be eliminated if this 'request is approved. Mr. Fisher said the ultimate plans for this property are not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and with such intensive development proposed, he could not support the request. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the property is zoned Commercial Office.' Mr. Tucker said yes. Mr. Lindstrom asked if the uses as proposed in Dr. Finley's letter 'could'be contained on this sixteen acres. Mr. Tucker said not without public utilities.' Mr. Tucker said he understands the proposed dormitories are not for year round facili'ties,'but 'rather accessory type uses to the office building. Mr. Lindstrom said considering all the time and effort that the Board has spent to develop and defend a policy for discouraging development in the South Fork Rivanna watershed, he would agree that approval of this request would be opening the doors to a concept not desired by the County. Mrs. Cooke said she would not object to providing the sewer for the existing buildings but could not support the request for all the reasons stated by the other Board members. Motion was then offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Mrs: Cooke, to deny the request for Christian Aid Mission to connect to the Crozet Interceptor,line. ''Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: • AYES: Mr. Butler, Mrs. Cooke, Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Lindstrom and Miss Nash. NAYS: None. Agenda Item No. 14. Public Hearing; Amend Service Areas of Albemarle County Service Authority to Conform Said Areas with Recent Revisions to the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan. (Advertised in the Daily Progress on June 30 and July 6, 1983.) Mr. Tucker explained the key distributed regarding the jurisdictional areas which was color coded with the map (Copy of this key is on file in the Clerk's Office). Mr. Tucker then reviewed the following staff report: "Staff has proposed amendments to the service areas of the Albemarle County Service Authority to comply with recent amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, as well as to provide a consistent policy for''service areas throughout the County. (Mr. Tucker noted that certain policies were adopted in 1982 relevant to service in the Route 29 North area, which do not'apply in other areas of the County.) CROZET - Areas north of the current growth area have been broken'down into water and sewer service for the existing small lot development experiencing septic field failure, and where there are already preliminary plans for sewer connections. (Mr. Tucker explained the areas involved and.noted that these are areas developed in very small lots and which are having septic system problems. Mr. Tucker said the staff has met with' L representatives of the Health Department and the areas having-problems have been identified by the Health Department.); areas presently'being served with water only (Mr. Tucker said this is.pripjarily the Thurston Subdivision which is not developed but has been plated and where i waterlines exist.); areas contiguous to an existing waterline for existing structures only; areas which are undevelgped,but which are proposed for sewer connection (Mr. Tucker said the'staff'is suggesting' that these areas either be allowed to have a sewe5age''connectiof.:or' permitted one residential connection per parcel.), ` " �' A . 292 1?� • July 13, 1983 (Regular Day eting) - Service area for existing growth area is unchanged,.: except for commercial areas south of Route 250 West, which is for water only. (Mr. Tucker said the growth area was extended in the area around Go1a,s Restaurant so ` ' the area could be included for water service only.) - Area south and southwest of the growth area is deleted from utility ''- r '. . ' . " service, except for existing structures contiguous to existing waterline.- ' (Mr. Tucker pointed out the Yancey Mills area and noted that this recommendation is in keeping with the Board's policy used in other'area "'S ' such as the Route 29 North area.) : , j�� Mr. Lindstrom then asked Mr. Brent how much new line would be involved for water and ! sewer service to the areas north of Route 240 between Beaver Creek Reservoir and Del Monte. Mr. Brent was not certain because the Service Authority is working\ from a preliminary master plan started in 1976. (Mr. Tucker said the Service Authority- �e also working,from a map of the old growth area for Crozet.) The problem is that'on'Ithe-nOrth 'side Route. 240, the whole area would have to be pumped to the south side of,'Route'246 " The'siting of . a pumping station would also be critical because the pipe would'have`tO i'd'under'the• railroad and the highway, and the effluent would then be drawn by-'gravity o`'Li.ckingbole Creek and then to the interceptor. "''' ' ' ' 1i' 1 Mr. Tucker said a site plan for the "western Albemarle shopping-center"` is' still-- _ " ' pending before the Planning Commission. While the applicant could looate'this"shopping center on a septic system, he noted that the Board may want to allow the applicant'.to'pump ..'-' the effluent over to the Lickinghole Creek drainage basin. Mr. Henley asked if the shopping center property abuts a waterline. Mr. Tucker said yes, but'the'sewer line"is'1ccated outside of the Crozet growth area. Mr. Henley asked if this property should be colored light green which would place it in the "water and/or sewer available to existing structures or one residential connect for vacant lots of record" category. Mr. Tucker said it probably should be since it does abut the waterline, but there are no existing structures on the parcel. Mr. Lindstrom asked if private structures will be treated the same as the Board's policy on public structures (showing only the building on the property'as'receiving service, and not the entire parcel). Mr. Tucker said the policy was worded' this ,way'in•order to take in Bloomfield property. Mr. Tucker said public and private structures' are treated i . the 'same. IVY - Water service only to those areas currently being served or having approved plans for water, and those parcels with existing structures conginguous to existing waterlines. - Spring Hill Subdivision and Ivy Creek Farm (winery) have been maintained in the service area because of their request for inclusion,-even though they : ' are not currently using public water. (Mr. Tucker said these two,areas, fall outside of the existing service area but Spring Hill Subdivision 'rece�ntly. -.. '- made a request to the Board for inclusion. The properties were'leff n'so' '` ' ' the Board could decide whether or not to delete them. Mr. Tucker said Mr.' ' Brent has indicated that he is having discussions with the owners of.the winery for the extension of water service. Mr. Tucker' then pointed out''' '' - Kearsarge Subdivision and noted that this subdivision has been experiencing • problems with its well. He noted that there is not a waterline to this _. property. Mr. Lindstrom asked why Spring Hill was included originally. Mr. Tucker said Spring Hill was in the growth area at that time.) SCOTTSVILLE - Provides for water to existing structures contiguous to waterline. - Expands service area for water and sewer to conform with net growth'area ' ' boundaries. - Deletes service to areas outside of existing growth area except for the' ' Scottsville Spopping Center, and for commercial uses and other uses in -7 ` need of fire protection along Route 6." ' Mr. Tucker noted that this completed the staff's recommendations. In repTy''to`4i' rl question from Mr. Henley, he said the properties of Acme Visible Records and Del Monte in II Crozet have been included for water and sewer even though some of these properties'_are_ outside of the new growth area. Mr. Fisher asked how much of the area is.undeveloped. Mr. Tucker said the only area that is undeveloped is an area zoned'industx'ia3' -,:''t•'. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Allen Benn, owner of the `propertynproposed for a western Albemarle shopping center, was present. Mr. Benn said seven and`_!one,lalf'acres of his property is currently zoned for shopping center development 'and thetremai inglthirt acres is zoned Rural Areas. Mr. Benn said he had a site plan approvedfor't ispropertyEl in the past and septic tanks were proposed at that time. H9weye0ri4 at v;* tilpe,,theyPlanning Commission requested that this site connect to the public sewerage`{if,•ap*`•.when same became available. Therefore, Mr. Benn said that had been his p.ans"and p wouldreque't the seven and one-half acres be included in the service area. Mr: Benp a id:apother point he would like to mention is the issue of runoff in the area." 'The'.RA'partr4of'this property not only has natural runoff into Lickinghole Creek but also 'coilects the'runof,' from the property across the road on the northern side of Route'250. `'Mr, Benn.'said"the-runoff%plan that has been prepared for this site, will show that runoff can be•'contained'as"per County ordinances, but will also contain that runoff from across the road. " 'Mr: Benn"said"there would be no problem putting in a septic field on this property, but he is suggesting that --7.4-.',•••=•-4••••-. 4'4.,q--i-.7,-:-1.4r- A.---.,.1--.. ..,-• -...,-,-, • --...::, -' -'4--...-- '''' ---'•, ••••••••...., '-,•.- ''' ,.. --1.:-.., - "- .,-,,70.,-..•....., .1...., ..c, ....;' ..,-,-.:'..-,--- ..'!.107,171`,....--. ,-.•••:,'.:!•-.. .1--4,!.•• -., .1-...4.,„4.1*-.,,.,,... .....:, ..,,.....,,.....,,,....,.d....,,.•-d.,--,,,,-t....,.....e.-, *.„ ,.,,,,...,-*,,..„, ,.7.-, :101.,..--.,.p,:;...:.:717Z, ''',.. ...... •-;#.....; -1.4,..1,....4,;;.#.'..f,... .-..,-- -:...-,. : ,... i,._--::,- --...,:',-..........1,..f-.'.!•-••••'7'-.'-'4,11:-- --..,', -"-'r...r.:,..Th . . 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DATE 01 CHRISTIAN AID MISSION DB 684/610 N o al 13.01 ACRES 3 el; 'a, Q zI NOTE: The new orea of v APPROVED FOR RECORDATION Q Parcel TM59-23G r7 O 0 w Ni is 16.02 Acres °� N o �51 z y b( 4D/W1. -J ^ -I ►- a ct 0N 6,I o N m i & 14, i� O al j DATE _ dS .o •F�ip'�j/ o m 351.23' • N 08°26 19'E TM59-23E a EST o'" • CHRISTIAN AID MISSION -. 1, �9 I0 1 3 3.0184(2265s w > A W.FINLEY 2 • I -m0 o — DERTIFICATE No. Y 3 64-17-3(8)921 1 I n 0 �43//4J9 j A= 16°02' 05" I I n m NOTE: Parcel TM59-23E -� 2, y4" 8' 1227.63' I I z becomes purl of u �p,AND W- T= 172.91' /I Parcel TM59-23G m L= 343.56' / z 152.50' N10°52'12"E 3 NOTE: Metes and bounds shown _ o_ on this plat are based on Q i N N a survey by K.M.Glockner ROF,,�3 A=1°13 02' A. 8°0924'A'9`04 36-s C.L.S. recorded DB 584/270, M��s( '.-o R= 1177.6S R' 741.20' R.741.20 °nm and on a survey ROO .�0. T- 12. 51. T.52.85' 7'58.83' by W.M. 8 ,n o L' 25.02' L. 105.52' L. 117.43' Foster C.L.S.,recorded in no DB 684/613. a PLAT SHOWING TWO PARCELS, TM59-23E AND 23G, MERGED TO FORM A SINGLE PARCEL OF 16.02 ACRES CHRISTIAN AID MISSION, 3075 IVY ROAD, CHARLOTTESVILLE SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1", 150 DATE: SEPT. 8,1993 ELIM ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS FREE UNION,VIRGINIA 1 I