HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202200030 Correspondence 2022-11-02 (2)Application for Special Use Permit IMPORTANT: Your application will be considered INCOMPLETE until all of the required attachments listed on page 2 have been submitted with the appropriate signature on page 3. Also, please see the list on page 4 for the appropriate fee(s) related to your application. PROJECT NAME: (how should we refer to this application?) Spring Hill Farm Subdivision PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Subdivide two (2) parcels totalling 71.51 acres from 442.42 Spring Hill Farm Residue ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION(S): Divisions of land as provided in Section 10.5.2 EXISTING COMP PLAN LAND USEMENSITY: RA Rural Area LOCATION/ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Property located on Dick Woods Road, approximately .1 miles south of intersection with Bloomfield Road TAX MAP PARCEL(s): Tax Map 58 Parcel 95 ZONING DISTRICT: Samuel Miller # OF ACRES TO BE COVERED BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT if a portion, it must be delineated on a plat): Is this an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit? If Yes provide that SP Number. SP-1981-00055 0 YES ❑ NO Are you submitting a preliminary site plan with this application? EYES ❑ NO Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Ethan A. Miller Address 2245 Garth Road City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22901 Daytime Phone t__) 434-249-5917 Fax # (__) E-mail eamiller@ladeltafarms.com Owner of Record Blue Springs Land Corporation Address P.O. Box 1285 City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902 Daytime Phone () 434-249-5917 Fax # (_) E-mail eamiller@ladeltafarms.com Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): Blue Springs Land Corporation Address Daytime Phone (_) Fax # (—_) City E-mail State Zip Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership interest in) any abutting property? If yes, please list those tax map and parcel numbers: No. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SP # SIGN # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By: ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION Concurrent reviewof Site Development Plan? YES_ NO_ County of Albemarle Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 9724126 Special Use Permit Application Revised 5/3/2022 Page 1 of 5 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS & OTHER INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED for THE APPLICATION TO BE OFFICIALLY SUBMITTED & DEEMED COMPLETE A completed application and all supplemental documents should he submitted via the Community Development Apply for pore. !f paper is the only option, then one copy of a completed application and all supplemental documents may be provided. ® Application Signature Pape ® One (1) completed & signed copy of the Checklist for a Special Use Permit. One (1) copy of the Pre -application Comment Form received from county staff ❑ One (1) copy of any special studies or documentation as specified in the Pre -application Comment Form, ❑ One (1) copy of a Conceptual Plan. ® One (1) copy of a written narrative The narrative must be laid out to identify each of the bulleted TITLES as follows: PROJECT PROPOSAL The project proposal, including • its public need or benefit; • how the special use will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent lots, • how the character of the zoning district will not be changed by the proposed special use, and • how the special use will be in harmony with the following; o the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, o the uses permitted by right in the zoning district, o the regulations provided in Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance as applicable, and o the public health, safety and general welfare. (be as descriptive as possible, including details such as but not limited to the number of persons involved in the use, operating hours, and any unique features of the use) • CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area; The proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public infrastructure. • IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The proposed project's impacts on environmental features. ❑ One (1) coov of the most recent recorded plat, that shows the Deed Book/Page Number, of the parcel(s) composing the proposed project, or a boundary survey if a portion of one or more parcels compose the proposed project, both of which shall include a metes and bounds description of the boundaries. ❑ Taxes, charges, fees, liens owed to the County of Albemarle As the owner/agent I certify that any delinquent real estate taxes, nuisance charges, stormwater management utility fees, and any other charges that constitute a lien on the subject property, which are owed to the County of Albemarle and have been properly assessed against the subject property, have been paid. Special Use Permit Application Revised 5/3/2022 Page 2 of 5 APPLICATION SIGNATURE PAGE If the person signing the application is someone other than the owner of record, then a signed copy of the "CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER" form must be provided in addition to the signing the application below. (page 5) Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign By signing this application, I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner of the subject parcel(s) listed in County Records. 1 also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application, I am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. ipom V:eQ i+'aS,�on� Sign ture of Owner / ent / Contract` Purchaser ' NytA o, A. 4-k ear Print Name \0\2�\22 Date Daytime phone number of Signatory Special Use Permit Application Revised 5/3/2022 Page 3 of 5 roTIR, 1. TICS PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE EENEF f OF A CURRENT TIRE REPORT AND TNEREFCRE (TOES NOT NECESSARILY INDICATE ALL ENCUMBRANCES CMXWIS, UTILITIES, AND EASEMENTS THAT MAY E)VF. ALL RECCRCM EASETMEMS KNOWN TO THIS SURVEYOR ARE SHOWN HEREON, 2 BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN HEREON FOR TMP 58-95 IS BASED UPON A FIELD SURVEY IN DECEMBER 2010 AND A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY FOR LOTS 1 AND 2. 3. THE LAND USE REGULATIONS LISTED HEREIN ARE [IMPOSED PURSUANT M THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING OR&NANCES IN EFFECT ON TIM DATE AND ARE SHOWN FOR INFOAWTION& PURPOSES ONLY. THEY ARE NOT RESTfD K MIANTS FELM2Z. WITH THE LAND AND THEIR APPEARANCE ON 7105 PLAT 6 NOT INTENDED TO IMPOSE THEN AS SUCH. (A) CURRENT ZORDFG RA (RURAL AREAS (B.) BUILDING SETBACI : FROM - 25 FEET FROM MENTAL PUVATE STREETS. WE - 25 FEET, REAR - 35 FEET. (C.) AS PER SECTION 18-10.3.1 OF THE ALSEMARLE COUNTY SBBV4(ON ORDINANCE, LOTS I AND 2 ARE ASMIED NO OWN RGHTS. (D.) LOTS 1 AND 2 AND THE RESCUE OF NIP 58-95 EACH CONTAIN A WILDNC SITE THAT COUPLES WITH SECTION 4.11 OF THE ALEEYAJEE COUNTY ZONUNG ORDINANCE. (E.) PROPERTIES UE WITHIN THE W CREEH WATER SUPPLY WATERSTOED. THE SIRFAN BUFFER SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AIBWJU COUNTY WATER PROTECTION ORDPIANCE. (F.) THE STREETS IN THIS SUBDN61&N MAY NOT NEST THE STANDARDS FOR ACCUTANCE INTO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM OF STATE H:CFIWAYS AND WILL NOT BE MMMAINED BY THE VRGINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OR THE COUNTY OF ALBEMAAIOEE. (G.) PRDPERiOS DO NOT UE WHIN AN AMWMPAL-MR57AL WTRCT. (H) PROPERTY 6 SULUECT TO REDURD 30 OF SP-81-01 AND SP-11I-55. 4. A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN HOW LIES WRNN ZONE AE (100 YEAR FLOOD PLAD)) ACCORDING TO THE TEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2005 (CONNBNDY PANEL 51003CO2651)). 5. THE NON-EXCLIM 30' JOINT PRIVATE ACCESS EAMEIT (FROM PRO A' TO POOH'61 AND JW PRIVATE ACCESS EAMIENT (FROM POINT 'B' TO POLO 'C') SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 6 CLNIM ON THE DOSTRC ROADS AND SHALL BE JOOITLY UWXXED. THE 370.911 AC. RESIDUE FOR TRIP 59-85 SFALL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE SAID PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS. & THE ETWO ' TDB FOLLOWS THE CE UGME OF THE STREAM UNDER FROM POINT 'D' TO POLIO 'E7 TO POINT r. PRINCIPAL COURSES ARID DISTANCE ARE SHOWN HEREON. 7. THE 370912 AC. RMM FOR TMP 58-95 HAS ACCESS FROM M WOODS ROAD (RT. 637). W OEPOT ROAD (RT. 786). GRASSMERE ROAD (RT. 679). SPRING LANE. AND MOLLY LANE AREA TABULATION TMP 58-95 (COUNTY CIS) - 442.421 AC. LOT 1 0 -46.87 At LOT 2 e -24.64 AG RESDUE o 37D911 AC. TITLE SOURCE TMP 58-0 WIB SPRINGS LAND ODRPO JTION `SPRING HILL TAW OB 1333-t92 DB 693-26 PLAT ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 1285 C ARD716VIUF, VA 22902 ALBEFMRLE COUNTY APPROVAL MDDMI COUNTY BOAR) OF 9JPIMSOR6 SU62021-ODD) VICINITY YAP P= UDgtr Vl 'sxwt m,' swt u. suns FW #717,5 p NMI 191 THE PLATTING OF LAIS I AND 2 BEING A PORTION OF TAX MAP 58, PARCEL 95 6 WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OESUIE OF THE UNDFWAM OWNERS, PROPRETCRS AND TRUSTEES, IF ANY. BLUE SPRYM WED CORPORATION DWB EDOMDN MILLER. PRESIDENT TAN! MAP 58, PARCEL 95 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COUNTY/CTIY OF THE FORECOPIC INSMUENT WAS AWOKEDCED BEFORE ME TAILS_ DAY OF 2D- NOTARY PUSUC Wm DB - DEED B001f IRF - IRDN ROD FOUND • =LION ROD SET TMP - TAX W PARCEL '(� - UTILITY POLE SURLY sxanHc LOTS I & 2 BEING A DM6NN OF TAX MAP 58, PARCEL 95 THE LANDS OF BLUE SPRINGS LAND CORPORATION LOCATED NEAR N SAMUEL LOUR UAMSiF M OISW ABDIAAE COUNTY, NROINA UAY 9. 2022 PREPARED FOR BLUE &VXG5 HIND CDWMTION XNN HUM & ASMTES LAND SURVEYORS & PLANNERS 220 EAST RXAL STREET CHAN.OTTESY" VA 229M (434) 296-6942 SHOT I OF 2 0.tE a)•as Nm EGdVLG¢I �� m W-arNp gym• Sm91e 16: ' • �•. m a•14 11e a-24 I $ERVA80N AREA 'A' �� 14.944 AC. .. ..: • ♦ OIN1 0a � }lo a-9s r; � J•6}M" Iq a-i4 BIE 90CS U.VI OlEO4'IO� y.'., 1pi p YVC ML flAl' I m IS1Y1R Cit / \ I ®WYN RAf m maR rw am•. )male ti Ll 101 9 247 ,\ n 1h4 F ` IS, - 160M \1 b t11 ••• :�: : LOT 2 Aa 24.64 AC. a\a } �a ,\a wE 91E sac neT i�'� m INI-la ]I.11 m) 06 a 9L[ SNMs31WT m INI-la {W • )1-IN Lm ] / ••. CONSER14ATM AREA 'S _ 21.781 M. 1 '• ` ... / W }I-15 lm I RT50 Wad Mm m Ila-733 %At LOT 1 46.87 AC. m n aR4r • m N-63 n mN'Y'•11ffi N 51'dmr E a n SNO'IP • 111T n5COTICj p $y . AVE AB RU6 Vpmll 40'9 Y{NF II)WI CIO 1445C 1a.19 Sla) N TbnS'• I" C11 I- }na 1RID 4 NMa19 • cII 1135i1 lap ]Sm o n 1 7M W OSd'I9' 1593 IpNI ).N N WIWI • 1S9 G1 mNST 9N Iplpm ]Em N }T • N31 q3 p' law awo 3 1 N IISI • 1001 pR 36 IS 4m SOm I659 N • I G1 I!'a•3T 914 M)m 4.4 N IS • XWI 91J1 tl! OvIvir 3}.I} 313m Isam INMIg • 51-09 ® Old r .4 am fat N • IM CD mR la 14m 1a1 s 4YIt5 [ la W A -In MYm I1" m n15-3u lYP 11-IJE H.9sFY ruu CO,SG.VP. LLC CIO]eHal-W-Ns s 49r16' • Ww Na NOA"CE Wi 9 R. 01 Ei0 0 ]m Im WO $tCIL 1• • }OO' Ip NA[ w NN915 lixISca IlOinil lOIOd CI !Jm iT I.p 1(a.16 s 1SIIY • m6a) <I ID I'M IISW I)SA 1).R ! 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