HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900085 Application 2022-11-02r9 *IZM-4IN: 1n".Vl- rit,. :;iPtOV FOR f'ZOAD PLAN APPROVAL Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes 7 No P Is this a revision or resubmission for review'? Yes No ✓ County File Number: Ito he provided br Couuty.Jbr nevi, opplications) 8 C'opics of the Plan to be submitted a nd distributed by the County as follows: 2 Copies In County Engineering I Copy to Albemarle Fire and Reserve I Copy to Planning for Street Trees and other landscaping review 2 Copies to Albemarle County Service Authority 2 Copies to Virginia Department of Transportation Have you submitted plans separately to any agencies listed above? Yes No I-w /\✓_cllcies: Project Name Montgomery Ridge Subdivision - Phase 4 '1'as neap and parcels' 46-24 Znnino R-1 --- Physical Street Address (if assigned): 2506 Powell Arrlicalit Eric & Emily Britton StreetAddress8521 WitezCourt Cg y Parker stateco IPhone D Owner of' Record Same as Smell Address City Phone Number Email COIL tact (who should we contact about this Meridian Planning Group, LLC 30134 greet Addres5440 Premier Circle, Ste 200 "ityCharlottesville State VA Zip Code22901 'hone Number434-882-0121 ?mailtmiller@meridianwbe.com I s ( lute tl) �,1 \Ihrmn .I t. .. Deparlmmiil o11'muuunlil� Urrrinpulclrt .. 401 NIrinlirt Itnad (111n'Inllrst Ill,, \-.1 229112 \ oicr: (414) 29(,-4g32 1':I\: (4i4) 972-4126 APP uc.ivriom FOR FZdlAD PLAN APPROVAL FEES ROAD PLANS FOR PROPOSED 5pRDiVfSTUN rFublic ic and private streets are proposed, pay the higher of the two fees (private street) 8 copies of the rood pinrl rn e required,%i r rrll slrGlxiffals Street Pees Private Sta•eef Pees f a submitted plan, including rr- ❑ Aulhoriza Linn ol'one or more private streets within plan t>pruvul =$26y + $lUll Firc a snhdi"sion lilcd separately irmn a subdivision appli- - cmion = $721) ❑ Ror each review of a subrnittcd plan, including rc- victvs of'revisions after plan approval = $430+$1.00 F. Reseue Fee - VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BEFORE APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT ❑ Variation to or exception from street interconnection rrquireruents = $581 O Variatimt ha or exception from one or mote street standards = $581 ❑ Variation [u ur exception from curb and/ur gutter requirements = S581 AFTER PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL AND BEFORE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ❑ Variation to or exception from aor requirement of Chapter 14 for which a variation to or exception from is au- thorized after approval of preliminary plal and before approval of n final plat=S892.UU. Attach written,jusfilica- Pion AFTER FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ❑ variation to or exception from any requirement of Chapter 14 for which a variation to or exception from is au- thorized after approval of a final plat = $892.00, Attach written justification SURETYBONDING If required to construct a street, the subdivider shall pay to the county a fce equal to the cost of the inspection ofthe con- st ictioo of any such street. Thcsc fees shall be paicl prior to completion Of all necessary inspcctioos and shall be deemed a Pat-[ of the cost ofconstruction of [Ile strccl for porpo.<cs ofseofion 14-435(B). The bond process end forms cam be Pound al the document center under bonds. After a plan is approved, a bond cstimale rcuuest firm most be submitted to the Community 17cveluputent office with the required fee. The owner signatures will be verified for each parcel affected, and OSlimates will be prepared by the engineering rcciewer. A bond amount will be pro- vicled to the owner. Itond agTeements will be prepared by [hc county, and when properly completed by [Ile owner, will be reviewed and signed by the County Attorney and County Fogineer. Please allow,' few weeks Ibr this proceSS. . ti?i�iV:; `.:_�'�'oY>•'i t�tfi.;i"aC flil�`.�*37ir..�i.,�'.., �_ m C dePrlLJCA''€-fir,ti 70 r':D!lf7 , ( r.,. e,•r n,q Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign The foregoing information is complete and correct to the best ol'my knowledge. I have read and understand the provisions of Chapter 14 Subdivision of Land of the Albemarle County Code, and the Design Manual, and am consenting to all correspondence front Albemarle County be in any of the following forms in writing: by First class mail, by personal delivery, by fax or, by email. May 15, 2019 Signature of Owncr, Contract Purchase Agent pate Miller Print Name FOR OFFICE USE ONI,V BY wlpo�mdon 434-882-01 Daytime phone number of Signatory RECEIVED MAY 1 6 7n19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Amnual S ;fin / — Dale Paid Fee Race Ive ,g6 R�t� ad Date Received By 0 1 MERIDIAN Engine•eriuq • Surveying • P(curnnra t,i, I I I t 4-10 Premier Circle. Suite 200 CLarlotteerillr- FA 22901 }'Loue: 4W8$2.0121 May 15, 2019 a',xn.rueridiam+•t�.•.cnm Planning Commission County of Albemarle RE: MONTGOMERV RIDGE SUBDIVISION— PHASE 4 SECTION 14-422(E) - EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK SECTION I4-422(F) - EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR PLANTING STRIP To Whom it may Concern. The Owners of TMP 04600-00-00-02400. Eric and Emily Britton, are hoping to create a 13-lot subdivision ofthis parcel- which will become Phase 4 ofthe Montgomery Ridge Subdivision. Eric and Emily inherited this parcel from their father, Richard Britton, who passed away last year after owning it since 19-58. Neither Eric nor Emily live in Virginia so they are notable to live in the house on the property, therefore, they must sell it. The subdivision plat for Montgomery Ridge — Phase 2 was recorded in DB 3201-729 oil April 20. 2006. Approval of this subdivision required a strip of land be reserved for firturc dedication as an inter -parcel connection to TMP 04600-00-O0-02400. 1 was the engineer of record for Montgomery Ridge Subdivision — Phase ? It was determined at that time that TMP 04600-00-00-02400 would only allow a maximum of 15 lots and that VDOT Subdivision Guidelines in affect at that time; and currently, alloy for a 40' Right - of -Way. Consequently, a 40' wide strip of land designated as Area Y (TMP 046DO-00-00-OOOA2) was included on the Phase 2 Subdivision plat. Section 14-422 (A) of the current Albemarle County Ordinance requires a 6- wide planting strip and 5' wide concrete sidewalk on both sides of each new street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached dwellings in the development areas. Montgomery Ridge — Phase 4 %will have to meet the requirements of this section. The Preliminary Subdivision Plat that was submitted with this Exception Request shows the proposed 13- lot single family detached subdivision with Road A as the inter -parcel connection from Montgomer Ridge Road through TMP 046DO-00-00-OOOA2 to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. The VDOT regulations require a minimum width of 24-feet from face of curb to face of curb for all the roads in Phase 4. Sheet Pj shows the Typical Road Sections for Roads A. B. and C. Roads B and C have the required 6' wide planting strip and S %vide sidewalk on both sides of the street. The right-of-way ha idth required for these roads is 48'. Since the width of TMP 046DO-00-00-000A2 is 40' it will only allow for a 6' planting strip and ;' concrete sidewalk on one side of Road A. Consequent%•. an exception for sidewalk and planting strip on one side of Road A is required for approval of Montgomery Ridge Subdivision — Phase Page l (1) Pedestrian Oriented Neighborhood: Sidewalk connections between smaller blocks of a neighborhood allow for pedestrian access to friend's homes and parks. Sidewalks along one side of the street are acceptable where there is no development along one side of the street. Section 14-422(F) Variation of or exception to planting strip requirements. 1. Information to be submitted (i) As explained above, the width of TMP 046D0-00-00-000A2 as recorded in DB 3210-729 is 40' and does not allow for planting strips on both side of Road A. At the time the plat for Phase 2 was recorded it was not determined that planting strips would have to be provided on both sides of the road. The first 1000 feet of Montgomery Ridge Road was approved with planting strip on only one side of the road because there are no houses along that portion of the road. (ii) Sheet P5 shows the larger street network in the Montgomery Ridge Subdivision. (iii) Sheets P I and P2 shows the conceptual subdivision and the boundaries of the parcel. (iv) Sheet P5 shows the topography of the property at 2-foot contour intervals to a distance of 500' from Road A. (v) Sheets P3 and P4 show steep slopes. There are no streams, stream buffers,. floodplains, or known wetlands on this parcel. (vi) Sheet P4 shows proposed layout of streets, lots, water mains, and sanitary sewer. 2. Consideration (i) Not applicable. (ii) Approval of sidewalk exception is part of this request (iii) Approval ofthis planting strip exception would promote the following goals of the Comprehensive Plan, Neighborhood Model, and Places 29 Master Plan. • Comprehensive Plan: Without this exception; TMP 04600-00-00-02400 wilt remain a 14-acre property that is designated as 'Neighborhood Density on the Comprehensive Plan but will only only be allowed to have onone single family dwelling. • (2) Neighborhood Friendlv Streets & Paths: The 6' wide planting strip proposed on one side of Road A will provide street trees between the road and the sidewalk. • (3) Interconnected Streets: Without this exception, The Montgomery Ridge road network will not be allowed to connect to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. 1n Addition, the proposed Phase 4 Road Network will extend the existing road network to TMP 04600-00-00-02600, which has frontage on Polo Grounds Road. Future development of 04600-00-00-02600 would further extend the Montgomery Ridge road network to provide a second entrance onto Polo Grounds Road. The existing Montgomery Ridge road network has only one entrance to an external public road. • Places 29 - Future Land Use North Master Plan: Without this exception, TMP 04600-00-00- 02400 will remain a 14-acre property that is designated as `Neighborhood Density' on the Master Plan but will only be allowed to have only one single family dwelling, (iv) Approval of this planting strip exception would enable the following goal of the neighborhood model. (1) Pedestrian Oriented Neighborhood: Sidewalk connections between smaller blocks of a neighborhood allow for pedestrian access to friend's homes and parks. Sidewalks along one side of the street are acceptable where there is no development along one side of the street. Page 3 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road C-Imm, Vrtgvua 22701 Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner June 28, 2019 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Christopher Perez Re: Montgomery Ridge Subdivision -Phase 4 — Preliminary Plat/Special Exception SUB-2019-00085 Review # I Dear Mr. Perez: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Meridian Planning Group, LLC, dated 15 May 2019, and offer the following comments. 1. Road plans for this development must be approved prior to plat approval. 2. Intersection of road way B & C should be a curve instead of a 90 degree bend. If further information is desired, please contact Willis Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, L1_ Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING M N ' � A Cm rD (D O oCH Q (DrX pj fDS rD f�D r0—* p� O O w'D 3 r+ m ram+ H .0 3 D °* O CL ;C -* + r+ CD O (A am � W N n rD p M 3 N y r0+ M Ul O o 7 y r to X r+ to Cr c O (D cD n . o ,� m ra- o � C_ v � O c r+ (A a) '� C< O� O Q y m C w Z) p o* 7 O cu .0 � ft � c p o Cl) � o r+ O r+ O O O D) O q —• N !3 7 fD �p 3 fD O Q M � 3 w _ O 0) O = O R L• tyC j � - n 1 f 1 HI � l-�c-�--,. - 1 f J rg ti[ tit. AI�---+_ ja Z CL Cam. o'o. /Q O \ C L 1, cn r+ — fD 0.1 r-r a m r+ s _• O r+ F = C r+ tD cr m � � c� C .� • N fu Q m _L cu fD• F+ _OQQ H• X, (D M fu 3 3 -h �l cu 1 CL 2 rD m x n (D O 7 (D Nf (D r* r O rt LOU LO 0 O cu O h O c r+ N e h Di (D fu r 7 O O_ r+ piq w �7 lO 13 su n (D s N N 0 n e m N 3 N C 0 O w m 0 N rD 7 rD c v 0 N F 6 rD O v rD 0_ 0 0 X O Cl 7 N ct 0 O O N N a CD 0 c 0 O N rD rD cn Z3 Q O CC cu C G n N O C O n O_ O CD 04 r+ I Q. O rD m, ri) rD < < O� n .G rD r n' O rD < LA ^Q W r* rt rD rD m O r+ e" h rD —mh O rt /���( n O rD CL -3 N r+ C V) O * rD (D rD Qj < O n rD D W rD Q r+ W 0 N .< ( fD rD NrD ram+ r+ N L O rD rD j rD n O M h rD O O r* J CL rD T C r+ X' (D C O e+ -I (D W rD 1,0 Ln 70 cu n 'VT m D A CD m O O lu h y C e-t Q m fu ;r 7 a Cq fD fD 3 H M fu n rD 0 0 • :3 Ln cu o o om z�O o m0 n m3 fD N m rD Q o fo D = -0 <rD l< Q a 77 rD m o m -1Z3 m m o m m o Ln < �* ° O r+ m r0- rD M n m s p -1 m o CL rt m p -a o x m q 3 z; m C rt Q m m m a a p n =- o o n m car, O m� o v � 3 -0 m O 0- r+ C m 0 rD �, C+ n N O � rD .G O 0-3 m p CL rDQ - LA mm m. r+ _� p rD r+ r+ U- r+m O OCU rNO rD r+ � O _ LN • Q N r+ G O Q m m r+ O v v (D M Ln = v rmr �, r O � o 0 Ln D m v, r C w C: o aq m w m m s :^ 1.0 m C 0- m � rD O rt Q � n O CD N r) rD r+ rD r+ fD r+ rD r.+ O r+ Q V) CD � r-r =Y- C-+ rD rD % a) Q Q O rD fi rD 3. O � % W 0'q r-r CD OrQ rD 0. O cn r+ _0 =r N N Q n rD cu cr 77 rD Cl) �• :3 cn Q r+ cm rD fD 0- rD = W r+ � rD W � n c� rD Ln r�-r O rD � rD rD N (n Q C: rD O �. 0 O O Ln rD n m r-+ rD v e 0 1 MERIDIAN Engineering • Surveying • Planning I PLANNING GROUP, LLC 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 Charlottmille, VA 22901 Phone: 434.882.0121 August 14, 2019 www.meridianwbe.com Planning Commission County of Albemarle RE: MONTGOMERY RIDGE SUBDIVISION — PHASE 4 SECTION 14-422(E) - EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK SECTION 14-422(F) - EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR PLANTING STRIP To Whom it may Concern; The Owners of TMP 04600-00-00-02400, Eric and Emily Britton, are hoping to create a 13-lot subdivision of this parcel, which will become Phase 4 of the Montgomery Ridge Subdivision. Eric and Emily inherited this parcel from their father, Richard Britton, who passed away last year after owning it since 1958. Neither Eric nor Emily live in Virginia so they are not able to live in the house on the property, therefore, they must sell it. The subdivision plat for Montgomery Ridge — Phase 2 was recorded in DB 3201-729 on April 20, 2006. Approval of this subdivision required a strip of land be reserved for future dedication as an inter -parcel connection to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. I was the engineer of record for Montgomery Ridge Subdivision — Phase 2. It was determined at that time that TMP 04600-00-00-02400 would only allow a maximum of 15 lots and that VDOT Subdivision Guidelines in affect at that time, and currently, allow for a 40' Right - of -Way. Consequently, a 40' wide strip of land designated as Area Y (TMP 046DO-00-00-OOOA2) was included on the Phase 2 Subdivision plat. Section 14-422 (A) of the current Albemarle County Ordinance requires a 6' wide planting strip and 5' wide concrete sidewalk on both sides of each new street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached dwellings in the development areas. Montgomery Ridge — Phase 4 will have to meet the requirements of this section. The Preliminary Subdivision Plat that was submitted with this Exception Request shows the proposed 13- lot single family detached subdivision with Road A as the inter -parcel connection from Montgomery Ridge Road through TMP 046DO-00-00-0OOA2 to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. The VDOT regulations require a minimum width of 24-feet from face of curb to face of curb for all the roads in Phase 4. Sheet P5 shows the Typical Road Sections for Roads A, B, and C. Roads B and C have the required 6' wide planting strip and 5' wide sidewalk on both sides of the street. The right-of-way width required for these roads is 48'. Since the width of TMP 046DO-00-00-OOOA2 is 40' it will not allow for a 6' planting strip and 5' concrete sidewalk on both sides of Road A. Consequently, an exception for sidewalk on the right side and planting strip on the left side of Road A is required for approval of Montgomery Ridge Subdivision — Phase 4. Page 1 • (1) Pedestrian Oriented Neighborhood: Sidewalk connections between smaller blocks of a neighborhood allow for pedestrian access to friend's homes and parks. Sidewalks along one side of the street are acceptable where there is no development along one side of the street. Section 14-422(F) Variation of or exception to planting strip requirements. 1. Information to be submitted (i) As explained above, the width of TMP 046D0-00-00-OOOA2 as recorded in DB 3210-729 is 40' and does not allow for planting strips on both side of Road A. At the time the plat for Phase 2 was recorded it was not determined that planting strips would have to be provided on both sides of the road. The first 1,000 feet of Montgomery Ridge Road was approved with planting strip on only one side of the road because there are no houses along that portion of the road. (ii) Sheet P5 shows the larger street network in the Montgomery Ridge Subdivision. (iii) Sheets Pl and P2 shows the conceptual subdivision and the boundaries of the parcel. (iv) Sheet P5 shows the topography of the property at 2-foot contour intervals to a distance of 500' from Road A. (v) Sheets P3 and P4 show steep slopes. There are no streams, stream buffers, floodplains, or known wetlands on this parcel. (vi) Sheet P4 shows proposed layout of streets, lots, water mains, and sanitary sewer. 2. Consideration (i) Not applicable. (ii) Approval of a sidewalk exception is part of this request (iii) Approval of this planting strip exception would promote the following goals of the Comprehensive Plan, Neighborhood Model, and Places 29 Master Plan. • Comprehensive Plan: Without this exception, TMP 04600-00-00-02400 will remain a 14-acre property that is designated as `Neighborhood Density' on the Comprehensive Plan but will only be allowed to have only one single family dwelling. • (2) Neighborhood Friendly Streets & Paths: The 6' wide planting strip proposed on one side of Road A will provide street trees between the road and the sidewalk. • (3) Interconnected Streets: Without this exception, The Montgomery Ridge road network will not be allowed to connect to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. In Addition, the proposed Phase 4 Road Network will extend the existing road network to TMP 04600-00-00-02600, which has frontage on Polo Grounds Road. Future development of 04600-00-00-02600 would further extend the Montgomery Ridge road network to provide a second entrance onto Polo Grounds Road. The existing Montgomery Ridge road network has only one entrance to an external public road. • Places 29 - Future Land Use North Master Plan: Without this exception, TMP 04600-00-00- 02400 will remain a 14-acre property that is designated as `Neighborhood Density' on the Master Plan but will only be allowed to have only one single family dwelling. (iv) Approval of this planting strip exception would enable the following goal of the neighborhood model. • (1) Pedestrian Oriented Neighborhood: Sidewalk connections between smaller blocks of a neighborhood allow for pedestrian access to friend's homes and parks. Sidewalks along one side of the street are acceptable where there is no development along one side of the street. Page 3 F- COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Oranpa Road Gulpopar Virymla 22701 Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner September 20, 2019 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Christopher Perez Re: Montgomery Ridge Subdivision -Phase 4 — Preliminary Plat/Special Exception SUB-2019-00085 Review #2 Dear Mr. Perez: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Meridian Planning Group, LLC, dated 13 August 2019, and offer the following comments. I. The Road B to Road C 90' bend must be revised to an acceptable curve. 2. Powell Ridge appears to be a private road. Is a connection here allowed/appropriate? 3. The Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements (SSAR) call for a second connection. Is a stub out to a private road acceptable to the county? 4. If roll top curb is used, appropriate entrance details must be used. Driveways will not be permitted to connect directly to standard roll top curb. 5. The proposed right of way must extent to one foot beyond the back of sidewalk. 6. Approved road plans meeting SSAR, and in compliance with the VDOT Road Design Manual are required prior to plat approval. If further information is desired, please contact Willis Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, 1� Adam J. Mire P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING I MERIDIAN Engineering • Surveying • Planning PLANNING GROUP, LLC 440 Prayer Circle, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: 434.882.0121 August 14, 2019 www.meridianwbe.con, Planning Commission County of Albemarle RE: MONTGOMERY RIDGE SUBDIVISION — PHASE 4 , SECTION 14-422(E) - EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK SECTION 14-422(F) - EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR PLANTING STRIP To Whom it may Concern; The Owners of TMP 04600-00-00-02400, Eric and Emily Britton, are hoping to create a 134ot subdivision of this parcel, which will become Phase 4 of the Montgomery Ridge Subdivision. Eric and Emily inherited this parcel from their father, Richard Britton, who passed away last year after owning it since 1958. Neither Eric nor Emily live in Virginia so they are not able to live in the house on the property, therefore, they must sell it. is �e subdivision plat for Montgomery Ridge — Phase 2 was recorded in DB 3201-729 on April 20, 2006. Approval of this subdivision required a strip of land be reserved for future dedication as an inter -parcel \a' connection to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. I was the engineer of record for Montgomery Ridge Subdivision Phase 2. It was determined at that time that TMP 04600-00-00-02400 would only allow a maximum of <` 15 lots and that VDOT Subdivision Guidelines in affect at that time, and currently, allow for a 40' Right - of -Way. Consequently, a 40' wide strip of land designated as Area Y (TMP 046DO-00-00-00OA2) was r,)� included on the Phase 2 Subdivision plat. Section 14-422 (A) of the current Albemarle County Ordinance requires a 6' wide planting strip and 5' wide concrete sidewalk on both sides of each new street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached dwellings in the development areas. Montgomery Ridge — Phase 4 will have to meet the requirements of this section. The Preliminary Subdivision Plat that was submitted with this Exception Request shows the proposed 13- lot single family detached subdivision with Road A as the inter -parcel connection from Montgomery Ridge Road through TMP 046DO-00-00-000A2 to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. The VDOT regulations require a minimum width of 24-feet from face of curb to face of curb for all the l8l) roads in Phase 4. Sheet P5 shows the Typical Road Sections for Roads A, B, and C. Roads B and C have the required 6' wide planting strip and 5' wide sidewalk on both sides of the street. The right-of-way width ,,t required for these roads is 48'. Since the width of TMP 046DO-00-00-000A2 is 40, it will not allow for a 6' planting strip and 5' concrete sidewalk on both sides of Road A. Consequently, an exception for sidewalk on the right side and planting strip on the left side of Road A is required for approval of Montgomery Ridge Subdivision — Phase 4. Page 1 • (1) Pedestrian Oriented Neighborhood: Sidewalk connections between smaller blocks of a neighborhood allow for pedestrian access to friend's homes and parks. Sidewalks along one side of the street are acceptable where there is no development along one side of the street. Section 14-422(F) Variation of or exception to planting strip requirements. I. Information to be submitted (i) As explained above, the width of TMP 046130-00-00-000A2 as recorded in DB 3210-729 is 40' and does not allow for planting strips on both side of Road A. At the time the plat for Phase 2 was recorded it was not determined that planting strips would have to be provided on both sides of the road. The fast 1,000 feet of Montgomery Ridge Road was approved with planting strip on only one side of the road because there are no houses along that portion of the road. (ii) Sheet P5 shows the larger street network in the Montgomery Ridge Subdivision. (iii) Sheets PI and P2 shows the conceptual subdivision and the boundaries of the parcel. (iv) Sheet P5 shows the topography of the property at 2-foot contour intervals to a distance of 500' from Road A. (v) Sheets P3 and P4 show steep slopes. There are no streams, stream buffers, floodplains, or known wetlands on this parcel. (vi) Sheet P4 shows proposed layout of streets, lots, water mains, and sanitary sewer. 2. Consideration (i) Not applicable. (ii) Approval of a sidewalk exception is part of this request (iii) Approval of this planting strip exception would promote the following goals of the Comprehensive Plan, Neighborhood Model, and Places 29 Master Plan. • Comprehensive Plan: Without this exception, TMP 04600-00-00-02400 will remain a 14-acre property that is designated as `Neighborhood Density' on the Comprehensive Plan but will only be allowed to have only one single family dwelling. • (2) Neighborhood Friendly Streets & Paths: The 6' wide planting strip proposed on one side of Road A will provide street trees between the road and the sidewalk. • (3) Interconnected Streets: Without this exception, The Montgomery Ridge road network will not be allowed to connect to TMP 04600-00-00-02400. In Addition, the proposed Phase 4 Road Network will extend the existing road network to TMP 04600-00-00-02600, which has frontage on Polo Grounds Road. Future development of 04600-00-00-02600 would further extend the Montgomery Ridge road network to provide a second entrance onto Polo Grounds Road. The existing Montgomery Ridge road network has only one entrance to an external public road. • Places 29 - Future Land Use North Master Plan: Without this exception, TMP 04600-00-00- 02400 will remain a 14-acre property that is designated as `Neighborhood Density' on the Master Plan but will only be allowed to have only one single family dwelling. (iv) Approval of this planting strip exception would enable the following goal of the neighborhood model. • (1) Pedestrian Oriented Neighborhood: Sidewalk connections between smaller blocks of a neighborhood allow for pedestrian access to friend's homes and parks. Sidewalks along one side of the street are acceptable where there is no development along one side of the street. Page 3 d COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 9724126 August 15, 2006 250 West Holdings LLC 1900 Arlington Blvd Suite A Charlottesville, VA 22903 RE: SUB-2002-0262 Foxchase Subdivision - Reservation of land for dedication to public use upon demand of the County To Whom It May Concern As the agent for the Subdivision Ordinance of the County of Albemarle I have been authorized to hereby demand that the 0.184 acres designated as Residue Parcel 2 on the Foxchase Subdivision plat, signed by the County on 6/27/2003, that was "reserved for future dedication upon demand of the County" be dedicated to public use as public street Right -Of -Way. The dedication shall be accomplished by providing the County Attorney's office with a completed deed of dedication that will then be brought before the Board of Supervisors for formal acceptance of the public street Right -Of -Way. Please use the attached deed of dedication. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or require additional information. Please submit the deed of dedication on or before September 10 in order for it to be on the October 4' Board of Supervisors day meeting agenda. Sincerely, Amelia G. McCulley, AICP Zoning Administrator Director of Zoning & Current Development Attachments: Deed of Dedication Sheet 5 of 6 of SUB-2002-262 signed 6/27/03 File: SUB-2002-0262 & SUB-2006-0197 Cc: David Mitchell P.O. BOX 248 Crozet, VA 22932 Bob Tucker; County Executive Tom Foley; Assistant County Executive Greg Kamptner; Deputy County Attorney Francis H MacCall; Senior Planner w� \ Ffi' F�RGR'nP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 9724126 July 10, 2006 David G. Mitchell Traditional Homes of Richmond P.O. BOX 248 Crozet, VA 22932 RE: Right -of -Way Dedication for Foxchase Landing Final Plat To Whom It May Concern: There is currently a 0.184 acre parcel ]mows as Tax Map/Parcel 56G/A2 currently owned by 250 West Holdings LLC. This portion of land was approved with the final plat for the Foxchase subdivision in 2003 with the notation that it is "reserved for future dedication to public use upon demand of the County." The owner at that time did sign that plat thus permitting that parcel to be developed for public use upon the demand of the County. The adjacent parcels are being proposed to be developed as Foxchase Landing, thus will need to access the existing public roads in the existing Foxchase subdivision through the 0.184 acre parcel that was "reserved for future dedication to public use upon the demand of the County." The preliminary plat for Foxchase Landing was approved showing the roads in the Foxchase subdivision connecting to the proposed subdivision via this .184 acre parcel of land. The 0.184 acres is intended to be right -of way (ROW) for road construction and other infrastructure improvements and nothing else. The final plat currently under review by the Department of Community Development for Foxchase Landing is showing that public streets be established. This plat will be required to state that all roads will be dedicated to public use. The Department of Community Development and the Virginia Department of Transportation are reviewing the plans for these roads. The plat will not be signed until those plans are acceptable to both the Department of Community Development and the Virginia Department of Transportation. The signature on the plat by the agent for the Board of Supervisors acts as the County's demand that the area showing ROW is now dedicated to public use for the construction of the roads and any other infrastructure improvements needed. Thus the act of approving the plat by the County is the demand that it be dedicated to public use as ROW and does not need the signature of the owner since that signature was given in 2003. Sincerely, Francis H MacCall Senior Planner Zoning & Current Development