HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA199700004 Executive Summary 1997-08-06 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: AGENDA DATE: ITEM NUMBER: W.J. Kirtley Sr. - Request to amend the Albemarle August 6, 1997 County Service Authority (ACSA) Jurisdictional Area ACTION: X INFORMATION: SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Consider holding a public hearing to amend the CONSENT AGENDA: ACSA Jurisdictional Area to provide Water and Sewer ACTION: INFORMATION: to Tax Map 59, Parcel 23B(1). ATTACHMENTS: Yes STAFF CONTACT(S): •�y Messrs. Tucker, Cilimberg, Benish REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: The applicant,W.J. Kirtley, Jr., requests Jurisdictional Area designation for water and sewer to provide sewer service to property located on Tax Map 59, Parcel 23B(1)(See Attachment A). This would require access to the Crozet Interceptor which crosses at the front of the applicant's property. The applicant's property consists of 3.25 acres and is located outside of the designated Development Area on Route 250 West in the Ivy area. The applicant's property is located in the Albemarle County Service Authority service area for water only and a portion of the property near Route 250 West is designated for water and sewer. In 1984, the Board established a policy regarding properties in this area with pre- existing zoning that sewer service should be provided only to portions of the properties which could be served by gravity flow and which drained away from the South Fork Rivanna River watershed. This action added that portion of this parcel that drained away from the South Rivanna River Watershed to the service area for sewer. There are four buildings located on this property. A realty office is located near Route 250 West and is within the designated water and sewer area. Three warehouses are located near the railroad tracks and are located in the water only designated area. The applicant has stated that the drainfield serving the three warehouse in the rear of the property has failed to the extent that the septic field needs to be pumped weekly. The applicant hired a soil scientist to explore the possibility of locating a new drainfield to serve these building, but there may not be an adequate area on the parcel due to extreme rock formation to provide an approved drainfield (See Attachment B). The Health Department has indicated that the system may be in the early stages of failure, although at the time of the inspector's site visit the system was functioning satisfactorily. One alternative location for a new drainfield would require the abandonment of an existing well. A second alternative site is an "uphill" location which would require pumping and would also take up some of the reserve septic site for another building on the property (See Attachment C). DISCUSSION The subject property for this request is not within a Development Area. The Comprehensive Plan provides the following concerning water service in the Rural Area: General Principle: Utilization of central water and/or sewer systems or the extension of public water or sewer into the Rural Area is strongly discouraged except in cases where public health and safety are at issue. Recommendation: Only allow changes in jurisdictional areas outside of designated Development Area boundaries in cases where the property is:(1) adjacent to existing lines;and(2)public health or safety is endangered. The Crozet Interceptor runs along the front of the property on Route 250, so the application meets the adjacent line requirement. With the applicant's septic system backing up, the request meets the health and safety criteria. However, the warehouse site drains toward the water supply watershed and, therefore, does not meet the Board's policy for providing sewer service to this area. AGENDA TITLE: W.J. Kirtley Sr. -Request to amend the Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA) Jurisdictional Area August 6, 1997 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: This request is consistent with the strategies of the Comprehensive Plan for the provision of service outside designated Development Areas if further information were to be provided to substantiate the failing condition of the of the existing septic system. Regarding the policy for areas draining to water supply watershed, provision of sewer service may be necessary in this particular case due to the apparent failing system and lack of an adequate replacement site. Sewer service may need to be provided in order to allow continued use of the buildings. Staff recommends that the Board proceed to public hearing to consider amending the jurisdictional area map to allow for limited sewer service to the existing warehouse structures. The public hearing should be scheduled when the applicant has provided further verification of system failure. cc: Richard Carter W.J. Kirtley, Jr. Art Petrini Bill Brent David Hirschman 97.141 • ALBLMAHLE GOUN I Y ATTACHMENT A RryTsTi-ni DATES: R/10/83,4/11., 10/30/84, 1413/13 R5, il/18/n7,, )/BR , 10/1-7,Ainigwai, :• - ' -- r--- 1,_ic •, .- 1' - ' W.J. KIRTLEY Sr. -k... 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'.4404,..000V6.6.4"104,1%.144S1b14114.44%A.."blill.••:k7/ s•IVeitiSta.POOMIO9SIA SERVICE AUTHORITY .„..6A: -.,..,_•,:....:4„wl.b..,„:"6,:ib.,..4,44*.:04„,„ , „,040,1;;;NnivriA_IFInagrA '0-....a:—.'"=" -".•.—...z.g.'S474.1, 41.ifieb . ,_..,•ofthVillektiretrfr,PritIwyk014,Pal JURISDICTIONAL AREAS MAP KEY . . •-•P -444.-+•,..-,..x.rovio.tf,10"a 4,--.AreAfeefterleNnO",/Oight"VAYIVIRifrOo • "ok ••*tiAelAro..meoll01•FirititilirfrOwfittl•PeoVerfril elrfrafeWeoVenti .. g.,.•-•...,..bw.,-avoretAIWW•010040#10.44,1,014/1.0041e0014,11,14evritearm. NV veVal•Perkl•PifirAVagritOMMAINPAVA.: r •'`"w-s•4"''Viso. , VI P- AO AI Ar tookAor Aiwitowl • . ,,,w,.....~......ovw 4,,,..,ow o w .„ow IIII II.i WICeer0WW~KA:VAPONNOVAPIPAPOWNWIPOWNOVVAIAVVOWN ,-,..- , . -w`w1.6•... '''elviii0 so ---tairtaffroOtentafir/OwafateirAPArsiftpr WATER ONLY . . ..'-w....---.. 6.."...1~1~4,-.'44v,PIVIVAIOWNIzo.iviesheil .•..ikk.e..44.01...- - i ' ..0 re,"P*041100.9 rip morAsive4Wfv/V40,4000,400•14 ...wr401101r040V04040*I aft*.5.3.1.,t4)s#040:1212,== .42_,(2._ ,,..„„foloywImpsoiernivrei.Is A /144 .....47. kieuftehr,-, 0110WielhAP• lalla,..,0 terroal4 r III WATER AND SEWER / , . .. -e.:areftmeileft.• . we Ez.:;.: .rt.-orol.ro,As ,seettiatikearai"A gm 80A . WATER ONLY TO EXISTING STRUCTURES These are existing structures as of the adopted date,either 10-1-82 or 8-10-83 j'-'-"--- .4--' Please see 'Llst of Existing Structures -----7-N • 6sk"ixt„,,,t,44,Nat OR Development Rights' for specific 14 • , structures and•dates. * (I 'N.44'4'%'N' . " 4.; •,/ ,,.- LIMITED SERVICE ,i•.*44N<:::,,,.. 1 ,'''Nxt.,,,%'. '..•::'A ‘liZZ:f: ,t!i4eWs4:. . i Please see•List of Existing Structures OR Development Rights. for specific limitations. ' —"arN•4,,IN'N'''••‘*%'N'NNN,,,l'N'N*NN,NNN.N•N,NNN'N'',. .'40,:,•:•:..:':'..:•:.R1 '''''''''''''''',..'''''''N'S '''•4:•kA.4•,\:•An,' -,- itt,.., .. . •.,,... , ....,...A:a0M.Vi.. 75 SCALE IN FEET • 71EMEJMELMMEMMEMX====7 • I.. two SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT SECTION 5 9 ...-MOORMAN'S RIVERAGRICULTLFIAL a FOREVALINSTRICT• TAYLOR, ZUNSA, MILNOR Sc GARTER, LTD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 414 PARK STREET P. O. Box 1567 JOHN W.ZUNKA CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 MAGRUDER DENT,JR. RICHARD H. MILNOR 1 91 9-1 994 RICHARD E.CARTER TELEPHONE 804-977-0191 H. ROBERT YATES. Ill REAL ESTATE 804-977-8060 ROBERT E.TAYLOR(RETIRED) ALVARO A. INIGO FACSIMILE B04-977-0198 May 6, 1997 Department of Planning and Community Development i County of Albemarle � . 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 RE : W. J. Kirtley, Jr. Dear Madam or Sir: Enclosed is an application from W. J. Kirtley, Jr. , to amend the service authority area to allow him to hook up to the public sewer line at the front of this property on Route 250 West . There is an office building in the front of the property which is within the service area although it is not connected to the sewer. The building on the rear of the property is not within the service area because the sewage would have to be pumped to the sewer line . The drainfield at the rear area has failed to the extent that the septic tank needs to be pumped weekly. As you can see from Steve Gooch' s report, there is not enough space in the rear of the lot and because of the extreme rock formation there is probably not enough space behind the office building in the front of the property. Enclosed are some pictures taken recently when the water line was put in showing the rock content of the soil . If you need any other information or have any questions, please feel free to call me at the above number, or call Mr. Kirtley at 295-5090 . Very truly yours, Ri hard E. Carter REC: smw Enclosure cc : client hand delivered _, 05/05/1996 08: 14 8049776778 EARTH TECH PA'aL U'< ATTACHMENT B irrj jrh 5rreer, SW, CI•,arlorreaville, Virginia aanva-6465 April 28, 1997 Mr. W.J. Kirtley 108 Reynard Drive Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re: Soils Study Proposed Drainfield Sites for Kirtley Distributing Building i Kirtley Property- Route 250 West Albemarle County Dear Mr. Kirtley: Trl.rphnne As requested we have completed a soils study at the referenced site. The purpose of the study was to determine the suitability of the soils for the disposal of sewage by means 804.977.149a of a septic tank drainfield system. The investigation has consisted of drilling a series of hand auger test holes to determine soil profiles at two(2) potential sites that you wantediez,,,;imo. investigated. The first site is located directly behind the existing two-story brick office building in the front portion of the property. The second site is located in the gravel 8 o q.9 7 7.6 7,$ parking lot in front of the existing warehouse in the rear portion of the property. A log of each test hole is shown on the enclosed individual soil profile sheets along with a sketch showing the approximate hole locations. The holes at the first site have been flagged with red ribbon. The holes at the second site have not been flagged. Also enclosed is a soil information summary sheet for each site containing information pertinent to the design of the proposed drainfield. Based on our investigation, we offer the following comments regarding the areas investigated: Site i#1. (Behind the existing two story office building): This area was investigated with seven (7) soil profile holes. Two of the profile holes (4 and 7) encountered bedrock at 44 and 42 inches, respectively. The depth to bedrock, coupled with the fact that there is anywhere from 18 to 26 inches of existing fill in the area, will limit tAe potential drainfield site to a small area in the vicinity of holes 1,2,3,5 and 6. Provided that no bedrock is encountered at a depth above 54 inches this area will only support six (6) 67 foot lines. Using an estimated percolation rate of 40 minutes/inch and an installation depth of 54 inches below the existing ground surface, this site can dispose of approximately 600 gallons of water per day. If this site is approved by the Health Department, a pump system will be required. Site #2 (In parking lot in front of the existing warehouse building): There is a very small area in the vicinity of holes 1,2,5 and 6 that should support four (4) 50 foot lines. Using an estimated percolation rate of 40 minutes/inch and an installation depth of 42 inches below the existing parking lot, this site can dispose of approximately 300 gallons of water per day. If this site is approved by the Health Department, the parking E rt R T H �.mw TEC P9 • Soils Study Proposed Drainfield Sites for Kirtley Distributing Building Kirtley Property - Route 250 West Albemarle County Page lot will have to be paved and the existing well will have to be abandoned in accordance with Health Department regulations. We suggest that you discuss your situation with the Health Department to determine how much drainfield will be required in.order to accommodate the change that you are proposing. The contents of this report reflect our opinion as to the suitability of the soils in the areas investigated to support a septic tank/drainfield system under the current Health Department regulations. Final approval and design of the drainfield rests with the Charlottesville-Albemarle Health Department. We hope this is the information you need. If you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, EARTH TECH, Inc. --Q)`A- 'fr-Z7E3-CA Steve Gooch Encl. EAR• T H Q Y E C H • w ar I,KI 14:22 FAA 804 4ii l_1_198 Ir11L0I<./UIvh:1,hlILiNlll<Ll 11<I —11-97 11 :51 AM P. 02 ti• `` .. ATTACHMENT C COMMONWEALTH of VI]RGINIA In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALBEMARLE — CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY (PALMYRAI State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive G$EENr. cowl (STANARDBVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY (LOutSA) Office of Environmental Health P. 0. Box 7546 NELSON couw-v (LCvlNesTON) Phone (804) 972-6259 FAX (804) 972-4310 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 July 9, 1997 Mr. W.J. Kirtley 108 Reynard Drive Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr.Kirtley: i hope this will help to summarize our meeting last month concerning a building on your property. located behind the Kirtley Real Estate office on Rt.250 West. You informed me that the building had about 20 emoloyces and that while there was no leakage of sewage,the flow of water at the building is slow. This could be an early sign of failure_ In order to repair this septic system, it will he necessary to install between 1000- 1200 square feet of drainlicld. There is only enough space around this building to install approx. half this amount of drainficld. It also would involve abandoning un existing well, Another option would be to install drainfield to an area uphill,behind the Kirtley office building. This would require pumping and would take up some reserve area required for the Kirtley building. Since a water line has already been dug to connect to public water, i would recommend that you look into also connecting to public sewer,as this would offer a more permanent solution to the repair and any Future problems that may occur. I shall be happy to discuss this or any related matter as required- Sincerely, Zi"/". William A. Crawl Environmental Health Specialist Senior