HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202200012 Correspondence 2022-11-07• see*
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608 Preston Avenue p 434.295.5624
Suite 200 F 434.295.1800
Charlottesville, VA 22903 www.timmons.com
October 13, 2022
Rebecca Ragsdale, Planning Manager
County of Albemarle Community Development
401 McIntire Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SP202200012 - City Church — Plan Review - Comment Response Letter
Dear Ms. Ragsdale:
We have reviewed your comments from September 19, 2022, and made the necessary revisions. Please
find our responses to the comments below in bold lettering.
Planning Comments:
Detailed comments on how your project conforms to the Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) will be
provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report that will be
prepared prior to public hearing. Planning comments at this time are focused on concept plan changes
to address Transportation comments and Neighborhood Model Principles or the need for additional
information. The prior approved concept plan is attached for reference.
Concept Plan:
1. The existing conditions sheet must be updated to include all site improvements.
The existing conditions sheet (C1.0) has been revised.
2. Update plan sheets to correct Critical Slopes to Steep Slopes Overlay District -Managed.
The slopes labels have been updated on all applicable sheets.
3. Setback information needs to be updated on the cover sheet and plan. R4 setbacks are found in
Section 4.19. However, staff believes that commercial setbacks and buffer standards found in
Section 4.20 may be appropriate given along the rear property line. This would include a 20'
buffer along the property line with the railroad.
Setbacks have been updated on Sheet C0.0 and Sheet C2.0.
4. Please see Engineering comments below. Additional information is needed to evaluate
consistency with the NMD principle of site planning that respects terrain. The previous proposal
included a site section with the concept plan.
A section has been provided on Sheet C3.0.
5. Indicate wooded areas to remain.
The proposed tree line has been indicated on Sheet C2.0.
6. Address Transportation comments below, including those related to future Rio Rd.
improvements, interconnection to CATEC property, and sidewalks.
See response to comment below.
Transportation Planning:
Applicant should review potential changes to City Church's access from Rio Road if Belvedere
Boulevard/Rio Road intersection improvements are funded; both points of ingress/egress for City
Church will become right-in/right-out only with northbound traffic being required to make a u-turn at
Greenbrier Terrace to access the church. Further, some of the proposed parking (on the SE corner of the
property) would be in conflict with a possible future connection between City Church and the CATEC
parking lot, which has been proposed as an alternative means of access for northbound traffic on Rio.
Access from Rio Road has been evaluated and will not be impacted by this project. The parking that
was noted as a possible conflict for a future connection to CATEC has been removed. See Sheet C2.0.
1. Maximum slope allowed is 2:1 (per County Code 18-4.3.3 and 18-30.7.5)
All proposed slopes are 2:1 or flatter. See Sheet C2.0.
2. SWM will be fully evaluated with WPO VSMP Plan, however it will need an access/maintenance
An access road has been added for maintenance. See Sheet C2.0.
Fire/Rescue - No objection
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) See attached.
To be filled out by ACSA for ZMA's and SP's
1. Is this site in the jurisdictional area for water and/or sewer? Yes
2. What is the distance to the closest water and sewer line, if in the jurisdictional area? Existing
water/sewer customer.
3. Are there water pressure issues which may affect the proposed use as shown on plan? None
4. Are there major upgrades needed to the water distribution or sewer collection system of which
the applicant and staff should be aware? N/A
S. Are there other service provision issues such as the need for grinder pumps? Engineer
consultant to determine the need for any pumps.
6. Which issues should be resolved at the SP/ZMA stage and which issues can be resolved at the
site plan/plat stage? Fixture counts will be needed before construction, to determine the
existing meter size is adequate.
7. If the project is a large water user, what long term impacts or implications do you forsee?
S. Additional comments?
VDOT: See attached.
1. Note that the final plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual
Appendices B(1) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other
Acknowledged. The Final Site Plan will conform to all applicable VDOT standards.
Natural Resources- No comments.
The design of the gym will have a visual impact on the Entrance Corridor (EC) street. The site plan and
architectural design will require ARB review and approval at the site plan stage. Conformity with
Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines will be required and will ensure that the visual impact is not
negative. Note that compatibility with the existing building and surrounding context will be required and
could result in requirements related to building and roof form, materials, architectural details, etc.
Acknowledged. Applicant will ensure coordination with ARB at site plan stage.
Building Inspections:
1. Add the following note to the general notes page:
• Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls
exceeding 4 feet in height require a stamped engineered design also. Walls require
inspections as outlined in the USBC.
2. Add the following note to the general notes page:
• Accessible parking spaces, access isles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance
with ICC ANSI A117.1-09 and the 2018 Virginia Construction Code.
3. Add the following to the general notes page:
• All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over
4. Add the following note to the general notes page:
• All water, sewer and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA
performs any testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s).
• The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department (ACBID) does a visual inspection and
witnesses the testing of the building drain, water service pipe and the sprinkler lead-in
• The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the
updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and
testing of all utilities not covered by the ACSA or ACBID. This includes building sewers, water
and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/building(s).
• The Special Inspector's report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County
Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued.
All notes have been added to Sheet C0.0 as requested.
We have included PDF copies of the plans and calculations for your review. If you have any questions or
comments, please feel free to give me a call at 434.295.5624 or email at jessica.denko@timmons.com.
Jessica Denko, PE
Project Manager