HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202200041 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2022-11-11401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
County of Albemarle Telephone: 434-296-5832
VSNIP Permit Plan Review
Project title:
Granger Property VSNIP Plan
Project file number:
Plan preparer:
Scott Collins, PE, Collins Engineering [ scott6d�collins-engineeringxom
200 Garret Street� Suite K, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Owner or rep.:
Stribling Holdings, LLC
P.O. Box 1467, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Alan Taylor [ alankiiverbenddev.com J Riverbend Development
455 Second Street SE, Suite 201 / Charlottesville, VA 22902
Plan received date:
29 September 2022
Date of comments:
11 November 2022
John Anderson, PE/CFM
County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSNIP authority to act on any
VSNIP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is disapproved for reasons listed below.
The VSNIP application content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-401.
A. Stormwatcr Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain
(1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWNT, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary.
1. Please ensure SWPPP cover includes reference to WP0202200041.
a. Sec. 1, Registration Statement, Sec. V. Certification: Sign /date.
b. Sec. 4, 5: Once ESC and SWM revised, please include I I" x 17" sheet inserts.
c. Sec. 6.A.: PPP Exhibit: Please include with SWPPP. Show initial location of.
i. Rain gauge.
ii. Portable sanitary facilities (porta-john).
iii. Covered non -hazardous waste dumpster.
iv. Vehicle wash waters draining to trapping measure (Not a sediment
trap design, per se, but shallow depression — 1-2 backhoe buckets.
Avoid direct drainage to Ex. storm system.)
v. Concrete wash -out.
vi. On -site fuel area.
vii. Paint, stucco, chemical storage.
d. Sec. 8: For Grading Permit: Name an individual (contractor/third-party)
responsible for ESC inspections /logs vis-A-vis VESCH, Yd Edit, 1992.
e. Sec. 9: Ensure Signed Certification is signed and dated.
B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) — See above item 2.c.
The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404.
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C. Stormwatcr Managcment Plan (SWMP)
VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This
plan is disapproved for reasons listed below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be
found in County Code section 17-403.
1. General
a. Include Construction Record Drawing (As-buili)for VSW QDF) on the plans.
b. Include WP0202200041 in plan, SWPPP, and Calc. packet title.
c. Provide Mitigation Plan for stream buffer impacts (at subdiv. entrance, for example) at 2:1 ratio.
d. Coordinate work within Sunset Ave. Ext. public RW with VDOT. A land use permit is required.
e. 17-60 LC. 'Incorporation into development design. Each stream buffer shall be incorporated into
the design of the development by keeping stream buffers in open or natural spaces, and out of
residential lots or areas of active use, to the fullest extcnt possible.' Revise lots consistent vo : th
f Include letter of Nutrient Credit Availability from h� Creek Nutrient Bank, LLC.
2. Sheet 15, Elements to be reviewed with (road plan) or VSMP:
a. Proposed 72" culvert at development entrance.
b. Provide curb inlet /yard inlet /storm culvert pipe computations (LD-204, LD-229).
c. Please revise DAI post-dev I -year flow (table) value 0.71cfs to 0.73cfs (lower right comer sheet),
consistent with hydrograph, Granger UGD System No. I routing value, p. 42, calc. packet.
d. Stormwater Management Narrative: Please add the following: 'Albemarle Code 18-4.3.3.C.4.
requires surface water diversions (ditches, swalles, or downslope conveyance using a designed
structure) to protect slopes. Requirement applies to all lots and throughout the subdivision. 18-
4.3.3.C.4. prohibits release of concentrated surface water (including disconnected impervious
rooftop runoff) such as from natural drainage ways, graded swales, downspouts or similar
conveyances across any cut or fill slope, without exception.' Lot 10- 13, 50-54 builders or owners
may wish to route downspout runoff across back lawn areas (via buried pipe) for release to cut /fill
slopes, including slopes above retaining walls, this occurs on projects with some regularity, but is
3. Sheet 16
a. Water Quality Summary (Narrative): 9.94 lb. purchase of nutrient credits will meet state SWM
water quality requirements. Multiple labels, this sheet, also propose areas to be in SWM forest
and open space easement. Pg. 54 of calc. packet indicates a combination of nutrient credit
purchase and FOS easement is proposed to meet state SWM requirements. Design recognizes:
i. 9VAC25-870-69.B.2. allows purchase of off -site nutrient credits if 'the post -construction
phosphorus control requirement is less than 10 pounds per year.' As is the case, here.
ii. That restrictions apply to SWM forest and open space easement. Note to left of graphic
scale along bottom edge of sheet 16 specifies restrictions on FOS easement.
b. Note: FOS may be recorded with Granger final subdivision plat with deeds for SWM and public
drainage easement. Engineering will format deeds once final subdivision plat review comments
are addressed.
c. Label SWM Access easement for UGD System # I similar to label included at System # I detail,
sheet 17.
4. Sheet 17
a. Revise proposed UGD System #1 bypass Str. Al I HDPE DIA to 15" or 18", whichever is correct.
DIA dimension labels in center profile and far right detail differ.
b. Recommend label for INV IN Str. At I at 120" UGD System #I ' i.e., 432.25'.
c. 10-year peak WSE =435.20. Weir plate detail indicates this WSE is slightly higher than top of
pipe, even allowing for fall along 0.5% sloped 90', 103', 118' detention lines. UGD System #1
design should contain 10-year peak WSE within the system, else system may be pressurized,
neglecting presence of 15"- 18" bypass pipe. Clarify whether I 0-year pipe WSE is contained
withing UGD System # 1. P. 12 calc. packet states: 'The peak 10-yr. backwater elevation is
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contained within the underground detention system.' If top elevation of UGD System #1 is
435.50' please include this ellev. information on plan profile /detail (label /note).
5. Sheet 18: Recommend label for INV IN Str. BII at 120" UGD System #2, i.e., 446.75'.
6. Sheet 20
a. Provide VDOT (GR-2) guardrail at top of fill slope at culvert, at subdivision entrance.
b. Provide reverse slope benches at 2:1 fill slopes east /west of Crespi Bluff Drive at subdivision
entrance. Requirements listed at 18-4.3.3.C. 1.,2. Please see sheet 2 1: yard inlet 44 captures
c. With next submittal, provide TW/BW elevations for stepped retaining walls, and any wall with
ht.>4-ft. at any location in the subdivision.
d. Note: PE -sealed geotechnical retaining wall design is required prior to VSMP approval. Please
send retaining wall design to Engineering, when available.
Sheets 20-23
a. Specify proposed permanent vegetative stabilization for 2:1 slopes, species hardier than grass.
Please identify Aabel 2:1 slopes.
b. Note: Provide copy of recorded Wall Maintenance Agreement /Deed/s for proposed Wall
Maintenance Easements for VSMP plan approval, or with final plat, to be recorded with final plat.
c. Assign ID to Retaining Walls: A, B, C, D, etc.
D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan
is disapproved for reasons listed, below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in
County Code section 17-402.
1. Sheet 10, 11
a. Proposed retaining walls >3' lit. require a building permit.
b. Proposed retaining walls >4' lit. require sealed plans (not generic).
c. Note: PE -sealed retaining wall design is required prior to VSMP approval. Please send to
Engineering at your convenience.
d. Provide channel lining, stabilization, and downslope ESC measures as needed at fill slope west of
subdivision entrance (a channel is created by existing -proposed grade tie).
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'Next Steps' after WPO plan approval
Purchase Nutrient Credits (if required)
a. PLEASE coordinate with the County reviewer before working with a nutrient bank. The reviewer
must confirm if your project must follow the DEQ hierarchy requirements.
b. Letter of availability must be provided on the VRO approved plans.
c. Applicant must contact/coordinate nutrient credit purchase with Ana Kilmer,
d. Affidavit of Purchase must be provided to Ana Kilmer before a grading permit can be issued.
2. Post WPO Bond
a. Applicant must submit a 'Request to Establish a Bond'form and fee to CDD.
i.Complete the form and email it to akilmer(a),albemarle.org, along with proof of payment (see
b. Payment can be made either online or with a check.
Uf paying online:
I . Go to the online payment portal.
a. Select WPONSMP as the application 'type.'
b. Type in the WPO number and project name in the Notes/Details section of the
C. Type in the 'payment amount' as $294.34.
d. Click "Proceed to Secure Checkout" link to make payment.
2. You will receive a receipt in an email.
ii.Email a copy of the receipt to akilmer(a),albemarle.org.
c. Once the bond request and payment are received, the applicant can provide the bond estimate
(completed on the County worksheet), or Engineering staff will complete the estimate. Once the
estimate is approved, Ana Kilmer will contact and work with the applicant to post the bond.
Obtain DEQ Permit (if required)
After nutrient credits have been purchased and the bond has been posted:
a. County staff will register the project with DEQ.
b. Applicant/operator listed on the Registration Statement will receive an email with instructions on
how to pay the DEQ permit fee.
c. Applicant must email a copy of the DEQ receipt of payment to charris;Q�albemarle.org.
d. DEQ typically will issue a permit within 2 weeks of receiving payment.
4. Request pre -construction meeting:
a. Complete and email the Request for a Preconstruction Meeting and Grading Permit
to charris&albeniarle.org.
b. Pay the fee via the online payment portal or a check at the pre -construction meeting. If paid
online, email a copy of the receipt to charriskalbemarle.org.
All steps must be completed before the grading permit can be issued.
County forms can be found on the county website fornis center under Engineering Applications:
Thank you.
Please call if any questions — tel. 434.296-5832 -x3069, or email 4 anderson,20),albemarle.org.
WP0202200041—Granger Propertyl 11122