HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300128 Checklist 2013-09-17 SIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST with REFERENCES—Wall Sign, Single Business ARB 13-128,Dunkin Donuts October 16, 2013 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES TYPE X 9.b For internally illuminated signs, channel lettering OK—channel letter (mounted on a raceway or individual letters) is preferred to cabinet signs. X S.b When channel letters cannot be adequately accommodated, N/A internally illuminated cabinet signs may be considered. X 6 Reader boards are discouraged. None proposed MATERIALS X 4.c Materials used in the sign should complement the building OK being served by the sign. COLOR X 4.e Color for raceway-mounted channel letters, the raceway OK: direct-mount shall match the wall color. Sign colors must be harmonious with each other. OK—meets comp. criteria Sign colors must not clash with the site, when viewed in OK daylight and at night. Overly intense color, (such as dayglo or fluorescent None proposed colors), are prohibited. Use of three colors or less (black and white considered as OK—meets comp. criteria colors) Additional colors may be approved if they contribute to the sign balance/unity. SIZE, SCALE, PROPORTION,AND LOCATION X 4.b Signs may not exceed the size, height and setback OK—per S. Wright 9-18-13 requirements as outlined in Section 4.15 of the Albemarle 4 signs totaling 84.1 sq ft - 90 sq ft max allowed County Zoning Ordinance (unless sign has a variance). CLE 2013-12 X Appendix A ratio of 1/3 text to 2/3 wall area or 1/4 text to 3/4 wall OK 1 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES A.A area is a good working proportioning system for placing a sign. X Appendix Color, form, surface pattern, shape, and disposition of OK A.A.4 elements and openings in an architectural design can affect our perception of scale and can impact the appearance of a sign on a building. X 9.d The wall sign's size must coordinate with the architectural Sign A: element's size. Sign band is 225" (w) x 48" (t) (on-line) Sign band is 248" (w) x 48" (t) (applicant) Proposed sign: 237" (w) x 41" (t) From applicant's dimensions: 5.5" clearance on sides; 3.5" clearance at top/bottom Sign B: - OK Sign band is 156" (w)x 48" (t) (on-line) Sign band is 180" (w)x 48" (t) (applicant) Proposed sign: 158" (w) x 27.25" (t) From applicant's dimension: 12" clearance on sides; 10.37" clearance at top/bottom Sign C: OK Sign C: Sign band is 186" (w)x 48" (t) (on-line) Sign band is 212" (w) x 48" (t) (applicant) Proposed sign: 106" (w) x 12" (t) From applicant's dimensions: 53" clearance on sides; 18" clearance at top/bottom The sign should not over-crowd the architectural element, See above the wall, or the sign area. Buildings and building elements should not be used as OK billboards. 2 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES X 9.a Wall signs must integrate with the building's architecture. OK—in approved sign bands The sign placement should not obscure architectural OK features or details, (such as cornices, windows, columns, pilasters and paneling). X 9.d An appropriate height for channel letters in a 30" high sign band is 18". This allows 6" of unoccupied space above and below the Issue: letters. Sign A—not met 4" of clear space above, below, and to the sides of a Issue: channel letter sign is considered a minimum, with larger Sign A—not met clearances required for larger sign bands. Degree of visibility, the distance from the Entrance Corridor, and the architectural design of the building/area will determine sign size, placement, and proportions. X 4.d Lettering should be in proportion (font size and typeface OK style)to the sign and the building. Use of three typefaces or less. OK- 1 Additional typefaces may be approved if they contribute to N/A a balanced/legible/unified sign design. X 9.e.iv The width of the outline must be in proportion to the width None proposed of the letter. An outline width of 1/8" has been found to be an appropriate sign dimension. TRADEMARKS, CORPORATE LOGOS AND GRAPHICS X 4.f The ARB may require that the color and scale of standard OK—integrated appearance templates for trademarks, service marks, corporate logos and graphics be modified. When used, trademarks, service marks, corporate logos OK—integrated appearance 3 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES and/or graphics should be incorporated as an integral part of the overall sign. X 5.a External (or no) illumination is preferred for approved OK—internal graphics/logos; X 5.b internal illumination may be considered for approval on a OK case-by-case basis. LIGHTING X 9.e.i External (or no) illumination is preferred for wall signs. OK—internal X 5.f Any internal illumination is considered to contribute to OK visual clutter and will be limited. X 5.c Internal illumination design approval will be evaluated on OK size, balance, complexity, and distance from the Entrance Corridor. X 9.e.iv The backgrounds of such cabinet signs must be made Issue: Not addressed opaque (zero light transmission). X 5.e External illumination should be shielded and not create None proposed glare. All external light sources shall be white. N/A X 9.ii Sign lighting (external) should be shielded so that it N/A illuminates only face of the sign and does not shine beyond the edge of the sign. X 9.iii Channel letters with translucent faces must have no light OK spilling outward from the top, bottom, sides or back. Faces and returns of channel letters shall be opaque when N/A back-lit (halo-lit). X 9.iv Cabinet signs shall have a non-illuminated background, or Issue: Not addressed an opaque (zero light transmission)background. 4 REF CHECKLIST ITEM NOTES Cabinet signs shall be constructed such that no light spills OK outward from the top, bottom, sides or back. X 5.g All illumination shall be non-blinking. None proposed X 5.h An exposed light source that forms the body of a sign, None proposed (such as exposed neon signs), shall not be used in the Entrance Corridors. ARB ACTIONS X If LED lighting is proposed the sign drawing must state OK—note on drawing The level of illumination provided by the LED lights will not exceed the illumination produced by a single stroke of 30 milliamp (ma) neon. X Red acrylic #2283 has been determined to be an OK-No red proposed inappropriate color for signs. Pantone color match for 2283 is 485C. Red#2793 has been approved as an acceptable substitute. Pantone color match for 2793 is 187C. X ARB Visual clutter resulting from adjacency, for example at the OK Action Hardee's locations, is a reasonable basis for not allowing Memo: illumination of the graphic. 5/7/12 5 a V ro y ci O b o O 0-4 M `� ca cz wl u dq �..� N y d U � .� O - > �+ ° c b t c ca ' a as cc ° �. T u O a 3 °�. oA � . o c u d 3 > > c wl 0-4 W cz t o cC ° u E Imo-+ V O o P. Y ' W � Y of °n3 � •� � CA cz & W N CC = N c E `,3 U ea o. c E 0 = ,, c •� v, 0-4 a+ Q U 3 cn F° U z n cin to � .p C u W c,G7 .� k G a A Z ++ �A �T. F R 0 0 a w wl W) E-� d SIGN DETAIL ❑APPROVED ❑APPROVED wfl*vs1ONS ❑REsueMR X KETAIL NOKTH ELEVATION KETAIL SOUTH ELEVATION 51GN NAM-WHIC-eaw SGN&%NU-6511%-a5'W 561,BAND:-6611%_62W - 5xal erYYl:-fB'H%-195Y/ SK,�J 6M1D:�B11M-XMW SIGN&WP 4e11%-LY11V C Pit.—Plozo SIGN PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE scale:proportional //���/�� L 2165 Seminole Tray Layout by:Mo cie Location: yr m�aw°ISr r.dw°I.enr Davi"location:P.t2013tEL-EbchicalROavw Plozo HlVifaaLCn Charbtlasle,VA 22901 phone:18001482-0 Wlxl ld % DFlnd awing ae%.a mrrwwr.uewra IGNS far.434 74-6898 S t ro PAGE 2 OF 3 Ptwne/Emcl: aasmaare.q a.a r.aras.a.. Revision N:rev.01 d.19.IJ;rsv.025.15.13-5.15.13 sign band wkMion pg2a3 mocbQhtsva.cpn Copyright Warning:This is an original unpublished design created by Hightech Signs.It is submitted for your personal consideration,R is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor is it to be reprodLced or exhibited in any fashion whatsoever.It remains the property of Hightech Signs until legally purchased SIGN DETAIL ❑APPROVED ❑APPROVED W/REVISIONS ❑RESUBMR X RETAIL EAST ELEVATION 5"eAND:-eHT1%-167W 510A aAND:-66-H% 5161,10AND:_p2'H-ZM SKiN 9nND:-66'H%�)n9'W SIGN ONlD:4811X-2DOW SIGN VW:-48HX-2D6W -4811z-1e5w 51CN BAND:-4B'it%-MV 51G11&WR-4611%-253V 51CN AMP.-1011%-2%V - Clent:RMOnna Plaza SIGN PLACEMENT MAY CHANGE D—kig scale:Ropoltbnd 2165 Seminole Trail Layout by:Marcie Renglfo ❑.Preliminary Aawing Location: we mnna swn.ae..m wwr ne¢n.4 Dmwhg locallon:P.12013AEL-Eleci6caWlyanrw Plaza /',IGHTECH Charlottesville,VA 22901 phone:(800(482-0603 X114 ❑Flnol DmWrp IGNS k.(434)974 6898 Phone/Enxsl: R.M.I-N:re.01-4.19.13;rev.025.15.13-.V-d sign band vdM on pg2&3 marale(.lhhw.aom PAGE 3 OF 3 Copyright Warning:This is an original unpublished design created by Hightech Signs.It is submitted for your personal consideration,it is not to be shown to anyone outside your organization nor is it to be reproduced or exhibited in any fashion whatsoever.It remains the property of Hightech Signs until legally purchased.