HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA199800003 Correspondence 1998-03-25 tkAkt fr!RGNIP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning&Community Development MEMORANDUM 804/296-5823 ext.3386 FAX 804/972-4035 email: mscala@albemarle.org TO: Peter Sheeran • FROM: Mary Joy Scala, Senior Planner �1 DATE: March 25, 1998 RE: SDP 98-008 Farmington Country Club Indoor Tennis Preliminary Site Plan SP 98-05 Farmington Country Club and -_—Request to Amend Albemarle County Service Authority Jurisdictional Area Attached are comments received from the site review committee members regarding your preliminary site plan revisions received February 24, 1998. You will receive a Planning Commission action letter on the preliminary site plan approval and special use permit recommendation in a few days. As the Clerk of the Board has told you, the special use permit, SP 98-05 will be heard by the Albemarle CountyBoard of Supervisors on Wednesday, May 13, 1998 instead of Wednesday, May 20, 1998. Also attached is a staff report regarding Farmington's request to amend theACSA's jurisdictional area boundary for sewer service. Getting approval on a boundary request is a two-step process. The first step is a meeting on Wednesday, April 1, 1998, for the Board to decide whether or not to hold the second step, which is a public hearing on the request. You should plan to attend that meeting, call the Clerk for an approximate time. If the Board decides to hear the request, then the public hearing will be held on May 13 along with public hearing for the special use permit. As the staff report indicates, you should contact the Health Department to determine whether you will be able to locate a septic system on the site, should that be necessary. You should be prepared to address the issue of public health and/or safety. JUNTY OF ALBEMARLE. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: AGENDA DATE: ITEM NUMBER: Request to Amend the Albemarle County Service April 1, 1998 Authority (ACSA) Jurisdictional Area ACTION: Yes INFORMATION: SUBJECT/PROPOSAUREQUEST:. Consider holding a public hearing to amend the ACSA CONSENT AGENDA: Jurisdictional Area to provide sewer service designation for the proposed Indoor Tennis Facility at Farmington ACTION: INFORMATION: Country Club (Tax Map 60E2-Parcel 1) ATTACHMENTS: Yes STAFF CONTACT(SI: Ms. Scala, Messrs.Tucker, Cilimberg and Benish REVIEWED BY: l BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors will consider SP 98-05 Farmington Country Club on May 13, 1998, a request to locate an indoor tennis facility adjacent existing maintenance storage buildings on Old Mill Road approximately 1200 feet east of the existing clubhouse on the Farmington Country Club property. Farmington Country Club is also requesting amendment of the Albemarle County Service Authority's jurisdictional area to provide for sewer service to the proposed indoor tennis facility with bathroom facilities. DISCUSSION: The property is designated Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan, and is zoned Rural Area. Farmington lies within the South Fork Rivanna River reservoir watershed. The Comprehensive Plan is intentionally specific regarding where and under what circumstances of public utilities should be made available. The Plan states: • Follow the boundaries of the designated Development Areas in delineating jurisdictional areas. • Only allow changes in jurisdictional areas outside of designated Development Areas in cases where the property is: (1) adjacent to existing lines; and (2) public health and/or safety is in danger. • Prohibit access to the Crozet Interceptor between the boundary of the Crozet community and the Urban Area. The Farmington residential area is designated for water service only. The Farmington clubhouse complex was designated for both water and sewer service in the late 1970's when Morey Creek Interceptor was constructed. That designation was made prior to establishment of the current policy regarding extension of public utilities to the Rural Area. The Farmington clubhouse is currently served by privately maintained sewer lines and a pump station. An existing sewer line traverses the proposed indoor tennis facility property and connects to the Morey Creek Interceptor located on Route 601 (Old Garth Road) near the railroad underpass at the Rt. 250 Bypass ramp. The Service Authority has stated that the private lines and the Morey Creek Interceptor have adequate capacity to accept the additional load. The rate of flow is controlled by the existing pump station on the Farmington property. Staff is not aware of any public health or safety issues. The Health Department has not yet made comment on the potential for a septic system. RECOMMENDATION: This request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations regarding provision of public water and sewer service areas. The proposed use is located outside a designated Development Area,within a reservoir watershed, and is subject to a special use permit. No verification of endangerment to public health and safety has been provided. In its favor, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the special use permit, and the proposed use is located adjacent to an existing sewer line. An extenuating circumstance is the fact that the existing club is currently within the jurisdictional area for sewer service. Based on this information, the Board may want to consider holding a public hearing to receive comment. 98.048 • • . COUNTY ATTACHMENT A 1/85, El/18/87,4/20/88 , 10 12/88, 11/8/89 ,7 /1 NI \ 2 • •3 , 4 C I A i et A \ .4 SERVICE AUTHORITY • ••:,61:•• 4.. 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TO AMEND ACSA JURISDICTIONAL AREA .:-..:,.c.):1,:1). l'T• ,,..' . :•;?A' .1.sres-t,; (',It'iii, FOR SEWER SERVICE TO INDOOR TENNIS FACILITY ,,," * y ,-t --.4v,:'.,.3-',e:-N.‘,..,41.:'ti. ... 4 At.:.,,,./„,. - "Die:::',4;.tifi).,..-...,,,, i. • • , , . • ,„ , i• P e•,...54 I.'4 ...,"....".......•...;"-:1%.4.41,,.'q.Y.I.:1..'0,41 ' '. \•,''' ' 3.k..;',%";:fe.'f,',2Z•ht:•; ...0Z.t./.1:::1 4::'•:•::.:.;::1;,...;....II),,*'-,:1.t.lr;-...'',4`,'•'' ',.'.4-'X",14. ,':''!, , , • ' "".•••••,•• '.....•/:••,-..94,...„ig.t.,•„•.•,t,. i•, ::• ,••••••-,•••••,.... !..i t f'i'1:•••,... ' `,..u ' '1' , . • ',:f,' ', 4 .''.:..,"e•,,L:•,,,::,;:,,e„,,i... , .,;et:,,,' ,;:*...0„.•yt...`tt • ••• .•,.:•.:I'I,J) ::?•7!.......,. *- • . .....;..".•,:', ' ',,• ..•',;(**'[../. ..4:',3••••,irs%..„,<:',X,/,',e' ,of 4.•,14.- '')•,...k:./: ..:;'.1'.-:r•;'•••'•'•'•'..z.•P,•:1....:11-... . •.I '-' :„ ' , , '-',.',. 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JACK JOUETT / S H EERAN ATTACHMENT B ARCHITECTS INTERIORS •ARCH ITECTUR E.• PLAN NIN C January 26, 1998 Mr. Forest Marshall, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors - "'''""" County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road JAN 2 619913 Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 • Re: Farmington Indoor Tennis Building Board of Supervisors - Petition Dear Mr. Marshall, Farmington Country Club is proposing to build an indoor Tennis Building and is submitting a Preliminary Site Plan to the County for Planning Commission review on February 24, 1998 and a Special • Use Permit Application for the April 15, 1998 Board of Supervisors meeting. As part of the approval process, the applicant is required to petition the Board of Supervisors to extend the Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional area to include this facility. Farmington Country Club has ACSA supplied water and sewer to the clubs' buildings. The Farmington sewer line is owned by the club and it drains to a club owned pump station (near the old treatment plant on Rte 601), which through a force main, is pumped to the Morey Creek Interceptor/Crozet sewer line. We have been informed by the ACSA that the force main and associated sewer line capacities are more than adequate to accept the sewage from this building. Background Information A Preliminary Site Plan and Special Use Permit were approved for a similar project in March of 1992. The project did not proceed at that time. A new project of reduced scope is now being proposed for the same site. The project will have bathroom facilities which will connect to Farmington's private sewer line. The ACSA designates jurisdictional areas throughout Albemarle County for services of water and sewer. The County jurisdictional map indicates an area encompassing the club's various building facilities for connection to the sewer line, including two small buildings in a portion of the proposed Indoor Tennis Building site; all other residential areas in the Farmington subdivision are excluded from the right to connect to the sewer line and have private septic drain field systems. During a meeting in the spring of 199 I with Paul Shoop (ACSA engineer), we were advised that he did not see any problems with the proposed building location, since the main sewer line from the club is adjacent to the proposed site. When questioned that the building would be outside of the "jurisdictional" area encompassing the club, he replied that he did not believe there would be a problem, since this building would be considered an extension of the club's facilities, connecting to a sewer line owned by the club. I asked him to check into this further to confirm his opinion. Paul called me on May 23rd, 199 I to state that he was not sure of his opinion and that because the jurisdictional map did not technically include the proposed site, that it might be necessary to petition the Albemarle County Board 'TEL:804•979• 1830 226 FAST HIGH STREET•CIURLOTTESVIIIF"•VA 22902 FAX:804•979•56P 1 Mr. Forest Marshall, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors page 2 of Supervisors for an extension of the jurisdictional area. He then stated that if this were required, that the Board would in all likelihood, ask the County Attorney for an opinion. I then called George St.John, the County Attorney to further discuss the matter. After our conversation, Mr. St.John said that, in his opinion,this facility would be an extension of the club's private facilities for the club's members, and that he would recommend approval of such a request, which he subsequently did at the Planning Commission meeting. He also said in the course of applying for the Special Use Permit,that the approval should be secured from the ACSA which would obviate the necessity of applying for further approval during the Site Plan Review process. I would agree with Mr. St.John and submit that Farmington has a vested right to access to the club owned sewer line in connection with the extension of its private facilities. Thank you in advance for your assistance in bringing this matter to the Boards' attention. I will be happy to meet with you to discuss this matter at your convenience. Sincerely,/ Peter . Sheeran AIA cc: rmington Country Club Mr. William D. Fritz, County of Albemarle U , , • . .., .,,..5. ••'. . 1,kil .1.401.At -' ...•- ' • 1 •f, 1: •••• •• • . 1 . Ii7'.•'' '; .:'; •9. if't tl. !.. '''.. :. 3 : 1 . .: ,-• - • '•IY I. ••P:tl• ;;.+ AIM% .•oi ? - . .L., • , .., . , •.. - : ',.- ,.... ,, • . r . 4 . . ,, ., . 1 'APPLICATION TO ANi-.E.ND 'Mt ' :c€Atati_ &nay et . •,, —, _ . s ...- • -.. -I . . 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