HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA199800005 Minutes 1999-01-20 1999-01-20 -Laserfiche WebLink Page 1 of 6 Laserriche My WebLink Home -Browse-Search Metadata!Thumbnails I Annotations To print any document,click the PDF button below when viewing the document.This will open a NEW Pop-Up tab or browser window and the generate( Larger documents may take more time to create the PDF.You can then save or print the PDF as desired.Please note that you must have Pop-Ups ALLC for this to happen. 1999-01-20 !' r View PI 1....`11: Go `por : i :+J :`t =n Last Modified 10/20/2004 1:45:45 PM .....i. .._ __........._..-..._-......._..._.. ..._.._......._..._.,......... Creation Date 12/28/2000 7:20:30 PM Fields OO( January 20, 1999 (Regular Night Meeting) Template:Board Meetings i (page 1) Category_BOS Minutes ( A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors'of Albemarle Count Meeting Date_BOS Virginia, was held on January 20, 1999, at 7:0D p.m., Room 241, Count; 1/20/1999 Clerk BOS Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Laurie Bentley Retention BOS PRESENT: Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mr. Charles S. Martin, Permanent Mr. Walter F. Perkins and Ms. Sally H. Thomas. ABSENT: Ms. Charlotte Y. Humphris and Mr. Forrest R. Marshall, , OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., ; Attorney, Mr. Larry W. Davis, and Chief of Community Development, ' ... ... Mr. David Beulah. Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m Chairman, Mr. Martin. Agenda Item No. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence. X; Agenda Item No. 4. Other M. ?ends from '•Document management portal powered by Lssartdro Public. f Webunka.s201wen1o;r.yy',1 r http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014- 1999-01-20 -Laserfiche WebLink Page 2 of 6 000261 I 1 January 20, 1955 (Regular Night Meeting) rage 1) 11 A regular meeting of the Board of napc^".ieers of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on January 20, 1999, at 7:00 p.m., Roem 241, County Office Building, McIntire Road, Cherlottesville, Virginia. _ E PRESENT: Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mr. Charles S- Martin, Mr. Walter F. Perkins and Mn. Sally H. Thomas. ABSENT: Ms. Charlotte Y. I{umphrin and Mr. rorreet R. Marshals, Jr. , QQFICSRs PR:L'5F1': County Executive, Mr. Robert_R. Tucker, Jr,, County Attorney P ._ __._.-,.._. _-- Mr. Ravi, An January 20, 1999 (Regular Right Meeting) 00( Chairman (Page 2) 6P.,:sZ•;. Ag RESOLUTION OF TH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALBE1RRLE COUNTY, VIROI IIA Ag 1 AOTE0RIE1110 TER ISSUANCE OF UP TO B14,000,000 REVENUE BONDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF WES MINSTER-CANTERBURY OF TILE BLUE RIDGE Ae / Public. 1 — 1 WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County Th Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("A:: ity"), is empowered by (a) the Albemarle County Code to fJegee a facili the residence and care of the aged, and. (b) the 7.a uetrial Development lam Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 33, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, ad ("Act"), to inaue its revenue bonds for the purpose of assisting in tt Mc acquisition, construction, equipping and refinancing of facilities for items 5. residence or care of the aged in order to provide modem and efficient was call to them, in accordance with their special needs; WHEREAS, the Authority has received a request from Westminster-CA __ MAYS: of the Blue. Ridge, a non-profit, non-stock corporation ("Borrower•), _ ASSR�l: leg that the Authority issue its revenue bentde to assist in financing l i acquisition, conetWuct1On and equipping of an approximately 50,000 sg Catered living building, (b) site work and other costs related to con: It of approximately 15 cottages, preliminary costa related to future fact by the I expansion. (d) a debt service reserve fund, and (e) coats of incuance Ridge. other expenses related to the-bonds ("Project") all of the foregoing 1 located at the Borrower's continuing care retirement community {QFaci: It ! 250 Pantope Mountain Road in Albemarle County, Virginia; Rage is WHEREAS, such assistance will benefit the inhabitants of the Corn 3nduatri ,Albemarle, Virginia and the CoeGnwcuith of Virginia, by promoting an+ -e protecting their health and welfare and assisting in the provision of related and efficient medical services; located January • WHEREAS, preliminary ,lams for the Project have been described tr ia_crmat ) Authority and a public hearing has been held as required by Section 1,addition 4' the Internal Revenue Coda of 1986, as amended, ("Code") and Sections 1. 1 of the Act; and fnanei; wHEREns, the Borrower has represented that the esticated cost of (with s acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project and all expous �' t he : incue will require an issue of revenue bonds in the aggregate princip CoeetitT the Cats sot to exceed $14,000,000. 11...1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Env:MeEB BY THE INUUSSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT I i $' ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: issuance Weetmii' 1. It is hereby ford and determined that (a) the acsl<:inition tCestmin, iconstruction and equipping et the Project will be in the public inter existir I will promote the health end welfare of the Ce0Monwealth of Virginia, B. 1 County of Albemarle, Virginia and their citi.seno, and the County of A issuanc Virginia and their citieene, and (b) the activities to be conducted a weetein .Facility arc facilities for the residence and care of the aged as con by the Albemarle County Code. 2. To induce the Borrower to locate the Project in the Casinos Virginia, and particularly in the County of Albemarle, the Authority http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 - Laserfiche WebLink - Page 3 of 6 e 0 j agrees to assist the 9orrower in financing the acquisition, conetxuct equipping of the Project by undertaking the issuance of its :avenue t an amount not co exceed $14,000,000 ups terms and conditions mutual] ... agreeable to the Authority and the Borrower- The bonds will be issued to documents satisfactory to the Authority- The bonds may be iscuesl ! more Foriec at cne time or from time to time. 3. It having been represented to the Authority that it is nt 0 to proceed immediately with the acquisition. planning and constructis y ~ project, the Authority agrees that the B",.,.twer may proceed with plat project, enter into contracts for land, construction, materials and a I for the Project, and take such other steps as it nay deem appropriate connection with the Project, provided, however, that nothing in this :.ion shall be doened to authorize the Borrower to oblieate the Lethal without its consent in each instance to the payment of any moneys or performance of any acts in connection with the Project. The Authoritl i that the Borrower may be reimbursed from the proceeds of the bonds fa 1 i 3 • d 004 January 20, 1999 (Regular :tight Meeting) (Page 3) • expenditures and costa no incurred by it, provided such expenditures a: are properly reimbursable under the Act and epplicablc federal lew's- 1 6. At the resfaeee of the Borrower, the Authority approves Menu Y E Woods, Bettie & Boothe LLP, Richmond, Virginia, as Bond Counsel in clan with the issuance of the bonds. ) 5. All costs and expenses in connection with the financing and i acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project, including the s+. expenses of Bend Counsel and Authority counsel, shall be paid by the 9 i er, to the extent permitted by applicable law, from the proceeds of th If for any reason such bonds are not issued, it is understood that all expanses shall be paid by the Borrower and that the Authority shall he responsibility therefor. 6. In adopting thin resolution the Authority intends to take " action" toward the issuance of the bonds and to evidence its 'official to reimburse from the proceeds of the bonds any expenditures paid by t 80 rower to finance the acquisition, planning end construction of the before the issuance of the boucle, all within the meaning of regulation i by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to Sections 103 and 141 throt and related sections of the Code. 1} 7. The Authority recommends that the Board of Supervisors of 0I of Albemarle, Virginia, approve the issuance of the betide. s 1 S. Na bonds mey be issued peer-lent to this resolution until m as the 'issuance of the bonds has been approved by the Board of Superv: ithe County of Albemarle, Virginia. 9. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its ado 1 1 Item No. 6.2. Appropriation: Additional Opensting Expense;, in Sheriff's hepertment, $8,.439 (Form #98049). The executive auemary states that during the FY 96/99 Budget Pr. 1 the Sheriff's Office requested $7,646 in additional funding for polio supplies and uniforms. Staff recocrnended that the Sheriff purchase t time expenditure items with carry over funds from the current year. ! subsequently approved this recommendation, although the Sheriff's Off 1 neglected to Bend in a carry-over request at the end of the year and, ifore, thia was not part of the County-wide reeppropriation rcqueut su 1 to the Board in October. 'phis request would fund the purchase of $8,439 in additional po and nd uniforms for the Sheriff's office, using $S.439 from the Fund Balance, as per the budget recommendation. The $593 increase ou http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 -Laserfiche WebLink Page 4 of 6 i8:,846 initially requested funds one-time uniform expeneea ror the to 9 juvenile court bailiff approved last October, but which were not iaci the bailiff appropriation. iStaff recamrendc approval of appropriation #96044 in the amount 1 $8,439.00, 1 - By the above recorded vote, the Board adopted the following Rea of Appropriation: — APPROPRIATION REQOEST FISCAL YEAR: 98/99 i° NUMBER: 90049 i` � FUND:. General PURPOSE OF APPROPRIA.TI©N: F'lf M= FOR ADDITIONAL OPERATING EXPENSES 7 SHERIFF'S OFFICE. (1 IMPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEOOaY PES-CRIPTrov a Ammar 1 1000 3102Q 601000 gU=.ICE SUPPLIES $7,753.00 1 1000 31020 601100 UNIFORMS a APPAREL ._J,786 DO TOTAL *8,439.00 A i a ---^ January 20, 1599 (Regular Night Meeting) { 00 • (Page 4) a , ,.. r cetera TmmrRTPi T Ofl ANOINT 2 1000 51000 510100 =MAI, FUND BALANCE $6.439 4 TOTAL *8,439.00 of the jurisdictional Item No. 5.3. Amendmentrisdictional area map to allow provision or water end sewer service to the proposed Fontana Subdivisi a Phase ZIA (SDP-98-273), Tax Flap 76. Parcel 57 (portion of). The executive suamety states that a public hearing was Budd ] April 1, 1998, to consider a request by Hurt. Invostmont Company (previ I owner) for water and sewer service to 3.19 acres located on Tax Map 78 57 (portion). The subject property is part of Fontana Subdivision, ww I received preliminary plat approval on December 19, 1997. which in turn part of the original "Luxor" parcel, It is located on the east side c 20 North, north of the Wilton Subdivision and Garnett Treatment Centel a designated Development Are* (Neighborhood 3)- Phase AIR consists of three lots (comprising a total of 1,33 aen located at the west end of Felten Court, in Fontana Subdivision. Aa, of the jurisdictional area boundary is required before final. Rubdivisi approval can be granted. 1 At its April 1, 1990 :nee 3t g, the Board approved an amendment of n.ervice area bo ndaries for water and sewer service to Fontana Subdiv: I recommended by staff, provided that a note be included on all plats is that no public water will be provided on thooe lots above the 600 fool f elevation, which serves as the Development Area boundary. Two of the sicn.'s lots along the eastern edge OC the property straddle the Bevel Low Arm boundary, and have '.moth RA and R-4 zoning. Cbnaistency with Cow ll ' policy permits cite zion of service only to that portion of these lot within the Development Area. Phase IIA is located entirely within the Development Area, in t . portion of the property zoned R-4, below the 600-foot contour. Exton water and sewer service has been approved to Fontana Recreation tenth located immediately east of these lots. It is anticipated that requc —_ -Mitt ._ ..1.4— ...... ..411 w.e e,.ww„irraa far thutura rkhazieett of the suhdiv http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 -Laserfiche WebLink Page 5 of 6 t . samaAor Lc. L-uxm iPLICZ r.leiA Y. 6....m...a....vaaa... ,....... —.......--... ,............ ....., ,___ _____ , 1 Thin request is conaiestent with the Board's April 1, 1999 actin ; . approving amendment to the Jurisdictional Area boundaries for the Fon subdivision. with the Board'e concurrence, eteff will amend eke Juei tional Area mee to allow provecion of water an aewee service to Phan and require that notes be included on the final plat limiting service ] 1 building eiten within the designated Development Area. A 1 1 By the above shown vote, the Board request otaff to amend the 0 . i . eional Area bouederies for the Fontana subdivision. With the. Bard' i . reece, staff well amend the Juriodeceioeal Area map to allow proviele mutes and sewer nervice to Phase ZIA. and require that notes be inn1 f the final plat limiting service to building sites within ate designat BeveLopment Area. . . i . i . Item No. 5.4. Copy of Planning Ceeminsion minuteu of ...Unwary .1 rmil was rezeived for information. , • . 1 Agenda item No. 6, S?-90-59. Pogo= Motorcar Co (Sign e5e), i . hearing on a request to entablisb autcmcbile dealership Wile a desigz 1 entrance Corridor. 1.75 acs lee on S wide of Rt 250 E (Richmend Rdi, 1 1,0001 E of Rt 20 ihter_ Znd RC b EC. TM7e,P15. Rivanea Diet. OW A A in the Daily Progreee on eanuary 5 and 12, 1999.3 mr. Danish summarized the staff's report, which in on file in A ; 1 Clerk's office and a permanent part of,the record. Staff recoweendeA 5 of the propeaed outdoor storage and display of automobiles with two ( i time. The Planning Cemmiaaion, at its meeting on December 15, 20 mously approved the request with the same two conditions. A ,:..... ......i f . 1 , . ..._,.,...,.... .„..„ ...,., ....... ... ._ . 001 January 20, 1999 [Regular Night Meetingl, *age 5) Mr, Jolla Gorman, representing the applicant, noted rhRt the prole plan was unanimously approved by teeth the Architectural Review hoard 1, . 1 the Planning Cemmission, . 1 . 1 Ms. Themes asked whether the atone house near the rite would be A A , Mr, Gorman replied, 'No." i I mr, Martin then opened the public bearing. With no present to 0 i this matter, he closed the public hearing. , i Imm, Motion wan offered by Ms. Thomee, noeonded by Mr. Perkins, to ap . . SP-98-59 subject to the two ceeditieno recommended by the Planning Con i • ' Roll Was called and the motion passed by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowermaa, me. Martin, Mr. Perkier., and Na. Thomas. 4 . NAYS: None. I ABSSNT: Mr. Harebell and Ms. Rumphriee e . . , I (Conditecno are as follow ) i i 1. outdoor storage and display parkieg ehall be limited to a] designated as such on the site plan dated November 23, 191 1 1 2. Architectural Review Board issuance of a Certifieate of AI 3 ateneas, which includeel J a. ARS approval of landscaping, J b. Vehicles for display shall not be elevated, 1 c. Vchielem shall be dieplayed only in areas shown an i 1 d. plan, and ARS. approval of a lighting elan. Agenda-item No. 7. SP-95-61. Triton Communicatione/Vireinia Pi 1 (Signs 41614621 . Public beeeing on a request to allow inatallation of anhantsaft on existing electrical transmiasion tower in accord we 524.2 http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 , 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 -Laserfiche WebLink Page 6 of 6 li mccir,o Ordinance. boo neat 101 Riverbend Dr (St at 3116) near inter 4i E (Rid:wend Rd) & Riverbend Dr. Znd MCa£C, TM78,P17F2.' R3vanna Div. a (Advertised in the Daily Progress on January 5 and 12, 1999.) 1 Mr. Beninh summarized the staff's report, which is on file in t Clerk's office and a permanent part of the record. Staff recommended E of the proposed tower with uir. conditions. The Planning Commiosien, meeting on January 5, 3999, by a 4-2 vote, denied approval of the reg Mr. Steve Blaine, the applicant's attorney, provided handouts t i members which included maps and other information pertaining to the a • tion_ He said this is a monopole structure within an existing Virgin tower near the Clean Machine Car Hash on Pentepts Mountain. It is syis a one. at State Farm which wan previously approved by the Board.. Staff t recommended approval of the application, since it in a co-location. ishowed photographs of the site. He noted that the tower, which is iv 1 Entrance Corridor, is viaible, but that staff believes it i;r no immsd adjacent to the travel way that one cannot actually see it an the her In response to a question from Mr, Perkins at an earlier meetir Mr. Blest-vP said Triton Communications provided the Board a map of the location clan: i- was also included as tab number eight in the handou provided the Board. ;sue ' Mr. Martin asked if all of Triton's towers are located on tower ' to the examples shown. Mr. Blaine replied, ^Yea. Triton has co-loce another wireless facility, oz located on a Virginia Power pole or a I for Be percent of their facilities." Be said the remaining towers it 1 system are for locations along'I-64_ 3 The objective is to have as few sites au possible. Mc added it Triton 1.5 years, with etaft's assistance, to locate all the sites. company's objective is basic coverage. me then showed coverage naps demonstrated. the desired coverage, They currently have no location license area. Their plan ansuales that the KM2Q tower, a tower at St; and one at Court Square wilI be active. I€ not, there will be zero t in many areas on Route 250. Propagation models were provided to oho+ �[s at the site. 1 i http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 - Laserfiche WebLink Page 1 of 6 Laser1iche My WebLink WebLink" Home -Browse-Search Metadata!Thumbnails I Annotations 1 To print any document,click the PDF button below when viewing the document This will open a NEW Pop-Up tab or browser window and the gerrrebt Larger documents mey take more time to mate the PDF.You can then save or print the PDF as desired.Please note that you must hove Pop-Ups ALLC for this to happen. 1999-01-20 Go $s11 1 ,i? or = w:3++.it + .4 View PI j Last Modified 10/20/2004 1:45-48 PM .— _.._...._.«..,.. .._...,..._ Creation Date 112/28/2000 7:2030 PM 00( Fields i January 20, 1999 (Regular Night Meeting) Template:Board Meetings ; (Page 1) Category_BOS Minutes A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Count MeetingDate_BOS f Virginia, was held on January 20, 1999, at 7:00 p.m., Room 241, Count 1/20/1999 Clerk_BOS Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Laurie Bentley Retention_BOS PRESENT: Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mr. Charles S. Martin, Permanent ------------ Mr. Walter F. Perkins and Ms. Sally H. Thomas. ABSENT: Ms. Charlotte Y. Humphris and Mr. Forrest R. Marshall, , OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Attorney, Mr. Larry W. Davis, and Chief of Community Development, Mr. David Benish. Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m Chairman, Mr. Martin. Agenda Item No. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence. Agenda Item No. 4. Other M7 ;soda from Document orandpment porn powered by Inesede Public. nsbLink•02019ee-2010;,e etal* http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 - Laserfiche WebLink Page 2 of 6 1 1 00262. il January 20, 199f (Regular Night Meeting) iPage 1) A regelar meeting 0: the Board of Supervisors of elbe marleCounty, Virginia, was held on January 20, 1999, at 7400 p.m., Room 241, County Office Building, McIntire Road, Cherlottesville, Virginia. 1 , PRESENT er. David P. Bowerman, Mr. Charles S. Martin, Mr. Welter F. Perkins and Ms. Sally E. Thooas. ABSENT: Ms. Charlotte Y. Humphria aria Mr. Forrest R. Harebell. Jr. OFFICERS PReSE227: County Executive. Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr„ County . .. . Attorney i . _, . ___ — e.- mr. nave i Ag, 00( Ctairman January20. :see (Regular Night Meeting) (Page 2) RESOLUTION OF THE eNDUSTkieL DEVreOPMENT AUTHORITY As 1 OF A:,22)1ARLE COVOTY, VIRGINIA AUTHORIZIN3 THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $14.000,000 ' REVENUE BONDS FOR TIU3 BENIFIT OF PublicA.8 2 ime — , WESTMINSTER-CANTERBURY OF THE BLUE RIDGE WKEREAS• the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County Th Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("Au lie 1 , Me ' ity"), is empowered by fa) the Albemarle County Cede to finance facili the residence and care of the aged, and (b) the Industrial Development • Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 33, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as !*Act"1, to issue its revenue bonds for the purpose of assisting in tt acquisition. construction, equipping and refinancing of facilities tot 5. residence or care of the aged in order to provide modem and efficient i items to teem. in accordance with their special needs; ,, wee call 1 I eYES. WHEREAS, the Authority has received a request from Weaeminster-CA WAYS: of the slue Ridge. a non-profit. non-stock corporation ("Borrowere), 2 ADMIT( ing that the Authority issue its revenue bonds to assist in financing acquisition. construction and eqeipping of an approximately $0,000 ere • entered swine be1ldleg, (b) site work and other coats related to eon: et of approximately 15 cottages, preliminary costs related to future !sic; 1 by the : expansion, (d) a debt service reserve fund, and (el costs of issuance 1 Ridge. other expenses related to the bands ("Project") all of the foregoing 1 located at the Borrower's continuing care retirement community ("Paci: • Tt , 250 Pantops Mountain Road in Albemarle County, Virginie; , Riege i• g 1 WHEREAS, such assistance will benefit the inhabitants of the Cou Induatri 50,000-i 1 Albemarle. Virginia and the Connenweeltt of Virginia, by proecting an, 1 related protecting their health and welfare and casting in the provision of 1 located and efficient medical services; ! , January WHEREAS, preliminary plena for the Project have been described e iratcrmpl Authority and a public hearing has been held as required by Sectien 1 additior 4.. • ' the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, ("Code") and Section 1 11 of the Act; and financii WHEREAS. the Borrower has represented that the saturated coat of eetivit, by the : acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project and all 'tepees issue will require an issue of revenue bonds in the aggregate princip * =remit; not to exceed $14,000,000. the Cow ( $ NOW, THERSFORE, RE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUT !Me ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: issuaeo Authori 4 ;. It is hereby found and determined that (s) the acquisition Westmin existin. construction and equipping of the Project will be in the public inter ( will promote the health and welfare of the Ceemenwealth of Virginia, B County of Albemarle, Virginia and their citizen*, and the County of A iesuanc ! Virginia and their citizens, and (b) the activities to be conducted a westoin 2 Facility are facilities for the residence and care of the aged as cot i by the Albemarle County Code, 2. Te induce theBorrower to locate the Project in the Comer Virginia, and particularly in the County of Albemarle, the Authority http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 - Laserfiche WebLink Page 3 of 6 • , agrees to assist the Borrower in financing the acquisition, construct equipping of the Project by undertaking the issuance of its revenue t _________L________ : ! an amount not to exceed $14,00O,O00 upon terms and conditions mutuall agreeable to the Authority and the Borrower. The bonds will be issued to do uments satisfactory to the Authority. The bonds may be issued i more series at cne time or from time td tine.. 3. It having been represented to the Authority that it is nn to proceed immediately with the acquisition, planning and constructit Project. the Authority agrees that the borrower may proceed with plat Project, enter into contracts for land, construction, materials and t for the Project, and take such other steps at it may deem appropriat4 • connection with the Project, provided, however, that nothing nn this tion shall be deemed to authoriar the Borrower to obligate the Author without its consent in each instance to the payment of any moneys or performance of any acts i.n connection with the Project. The Authoritj that the Borrower may he reimbursed from the proceeds of the bonds f: 4, __ ulna _._ ,....<. _ _. . . .fir.. __ .... ..__. ,. it 004 January 30, 1999 (Regular Night Meeting) {Page 3) expenditures and caste so incurred by it, provided such expenditures a are properly reimbursable under the Act and applicable federal laws. a. At the request of the Borrower, the Authority approves SWGU Woods, Battle n Boothe LLP, Richmond, Virginia, as Bond Counsel in con with the issuance of the bonds, . 5. All costs and expenses in connection with the financing and acquisition, construction end equipping of the Project, including the 0 expenses of Bond Counsel and Authority Counsel, shall be paid by the 9 or, to the extent permitted by applicable law, from the proceeds of th If for any reason such bonds are not issued, it is understood that all expenses shall be paid by the Borrower and that the Authority shall ha responsibility therefor. 6. In adopting this resolution the Authority intends to take action" toward the issuance of the bonds end to evidence its 'official to reimburse from the proceeds of the bonds any expenditures paid by t Borrower to finance the acquisition, planning and construction of the before the issuance of the bonds, all within the meaning of regnlatiox by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to Sections 103 and 141 three and related sections of the Code. 7. The Authority recommencia that the Board of Supervisors of ti of Albemarle, Virginia, approve the issuance of the bonds. a. No bonds may be issued pursuant to this resolution until in as the issuance of the bonds has been approved by the Beard of Superv:. the County of Albemarle. Virginia, 9, This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its ado] Item No. 5.2- 1i,prapYiatSat'+: Additional Operating Expenses in Sheriff's Department, $6,439 (Form 4198049] . The executive ene:nary states that during the FY 96/99 Budget Pr the Sheriff's Office requested $7,546 in additional funding for polio supplies and uniforms. Staff recommended that the sheriff purchase ti tine expenditure items with carry over funds from the current year. subsequently approved this recommnendation, although the Sheriff's Off neglected to send in a carry-over request at the end of the year and, fore, this was not part of the County-wide reappropriation request au to the Board in October, This request would fund the purchase of $6.439 in additional pa supplies and uniforms for the Sher_ft's Office, using $6.439 from the Fund Balance, as per the budget recommendation. The $S93 increase ov http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 -Laserfiche WebLink Page 4 of 6 i9 $7,846 initially requested funds ante-time uniform expenses for the to 1 • juvenile court bailiff approved last October, but which Were not incl j the bailie! appropriation_ $e 439Staff recommends approval of appropriation 098049 in the amount ( , .00. 1 By the above recorded vote, the Board adopted the following Res of Appropriation: 1 •,. APPROPRIATIO7 REQUEST Jams FISCAL YEAR: 90/99 aF NoMB R: 98049 PUH3: General puRFOSE OF APPROPRIATION: FUNDING FOR ACDIT:C J.L OPERATING EXPENSES SHERIFF'S OF'FTCE. EXPENDITURE r r CTR/CATEGORY 2gaZZ PTO MUNI 4 1 1000 3102C 601000 POLICE SUPPLIES $7,753.00 1 I 1 1000 11020 601100 UNIFORMS L APPAREL 686 nn TOTAL 90.439.00 , a : (Page. ) 2C, 1999 lRe3L2ar light Meeting) (Page 4) 0a E 1 ( 1 8,43 NM Prq—R1PTTni iggata 2 1000 51000 510100 L BALANCE $8.419_0q Wi TOTAL 88,439.00 1 9 ( Item No. 5.3. Amendment of the jurisdictional area map to allow provision of water and Newer service to the proposed Fontana Subdivisi Phase :IA (SDP-98-273}, Tax Map 78, Parcel 57 (portion of) .': /be executive summery states that a public hearing was held 1 April 1, 1.99e, to consider a request by Hurt Investeent. Company (previ owner) for water and sewer service to 119 acres located on Tax Map 7i 57 (portion) . The subject property is part of Fontana Subdivision, wet received preliminary plat approval on December 19, 1997, which in turf part of the original `Luxor" parcel. It is located on the east side c 20 North, north of the Wilton Subdivision and Garnett Treatment Centel a designated Development Area (Neighborhood 3). 1 Phase IIA consists of three lots (comprising a total of 1.33 ac: located at the west end of Fontana Court, in Fontana Subdivision. Arm of the jurisdictional area boundary is required before final subdlvie: approval can be granted, 1 At its April 1, 1998 meeting. the Board approved an amendment o: rervice area boundaries for water and sewer service to Fontana Subdiv. 111 recoemended by staff, provided that a note be included on all plats i+ that no public water will be provided on those lots above the 600 too elevation, which serves as the Development Ares boundary. Two of the sinn'e lots along the eastern edge of the property straddle the Devel! Areas boundary, and have both RA and.R-4 zoning. Con.aisstency with Cow !ww po:icy permits extension of service only to that portion of these lot • within the Development Area. Phase IIA is located entircy within the Development Area, in t portion of the property zoned R-4, below the 600>foot contour. Exton water ani sewer service has been approved to Fontana Recreation Cents located immediately east of these late. It is anticipated that reque u,,, 1,.a a..ti,..:�r..i !eve fr,rnra nhammn of the subdiv http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 - Laserfiche WebLink Page 5 of 6 6lmllar W Coto wave w4116: eic .w..,...........+ .r. ------ ,-.-...-- __ ___ _____ This request is consistent with the hoard's April 1, 1998 actin approving amendment to the Jurisdictional Area boundaries for the Fon Subdivision. With the Board's concurrence, staff will amend the Juri tional Area map to allow provision of water and sewer service to Phas and require that notes be included on the final plat limiting service building sites within the designated Development Area. 1 By the above shown vote. the Board request staff to amend the J tional Area boundaries for the Fontana Subdivision. With the Board's ranee, staff will amend the Jurisdictional Area map to allow provisic vaster: and sewer service to Phase .IA, and require that notes be in:le the final plat limiting service to building sites within the designat Development Area, 6 .. Item No. S.4. Copy of Planning ;,oscniseion minutes of January f air was received for information. Agenda tem No, 6. SP-9B-59. Pcpaeue Motorcar Co (Sign (59). hearing on a request to establish automobile dealership w/in a design 1 Entrance Corridor,. 1.75 ace loc on S Side of Rt 250 E (Richmotel Rd). 1,000` P of Rt 20 utter. end He i RC:. 70170.P15. Riva nna Dist. At in the Daily Progress on January b and 12. 1999.1 Mr. Benish summarized the staff's report, which is on file in t Clerk's office and a permanent part of the record. Staff recommends( of the proposed outdoor storage and display of automobiles with two s tions. The Planning Commeesion, at its meeting on December 15, 159E mausly approved the request with the same two conditions. 00( ► ' January 20, 1999 (Regular Night Meeting} (Page 5) 1 Mr. John Gorman, representing the applicant; noted that the prop Iplan was unanimously approved by both the Jrchite.ttnral Review Board 1s : the Planning Commission. 1 Ms. Themes asked whether the atone house near the site would be Mr. Gorman replied, 'Mo. 1 Mr. Martin then opened the public hearing. With no present to o 1 this matter, he closed the public hearing. S Motion wan offered by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Perkins, to ap SP-98-59 subject to the two conditions recommended by the Planning Cos Roll WAS called and the motion passed by the followieg recorded vote: AYES; Mr. Bowezmee, Me. Menem, Mr. Psrkina, and Ms, Thomas. BAYS: None. IASSENT_ Mr. Marshall and Ms. Hwcphris. (Conditions are as follow:1 1. Outdoor storage and display parking shall be limited to a3 designated as such on the site plan dated. fovem er 23, 191 2. Architectural Review Board issuance of a Certificate of Al atenees, which includes: a. ARP approval of landscaping, b_ Vehicles► for display shall not be elevated, c. Vehicles shall be displayed only in areas shown on plan, and d. ARB approval of a lighting plan. 1 s . s 1 j 1 Agenda :teen No. 7. SP-98-61. Triton Communications/Virginia le (Signs $161s621 . Public hearing on a request to allow installation of arms anrwnrae on exsstina electrical transmisaion tower in accord w/ 524.2 http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014 1999-01-20 - Laserfiche WebLink Page 6 of 6 Zoning ordinance, Lot neer: 101 Riverbend Dr (St Rt 11161 near inter j E (Richmond Rd) I Riverbend Dr. end HC4MC. TM78,P17F2. Rivanna Die (Advertised in the Daily Progress on January 5 and 12, 1999.} 1 Mr. Banish summarized the staff's report, which is on file in t Clerk's office and a permanent Part of the record. Staff recommended 1 of the proposed tower with sir. conditions. The Planning Commicaron, Imeeting on January 5, 19,9, by a 4-2 vete, denied approval of the req 1 Mr.. Steve Blaine. the applicant's attorney, provided handouts t members which included maps and other information pertaining to the a tion. He said this is a monopole structure within an existing Virgin { tower near the Clean Machine Car Wash on. Pantops Mountain. It in bin one at State Farm which was previously approved by the Board. Staff 1 recommended approval of the application, since it is a co-location. showed photographs of the site, He noted that the tower, which is in t Entrance Corridor, is visible, but than. staff believes it is so invited adjacent to the travel way that one cannot actually see it on the hoz In response to a question from Mr. Perkin at an earlier meetir. 3 1 Mr.- Blaine said Triter. Communications provided the Board a map of the 3 location plan; it was alao included as tab number eight is the handot provided the Board. NM Mr_ Martin asked it all of Triton's towers are located on towel l` 1 to the examples shown. Mr. Blaine replied, "Yea. Triton has co-loci another wireless facility, or located on a Virginia Power pole or a k for Se percent of their facilities." He said the remaining towers it system are for locations along I-64. lThe objective is to have as few eirec as possible. He added it 1 Triton 1.5 years, with staff's asaietarce, to locate all the sites. company's objective is basic coverage. He then showed coverage maps demonstrated the desired coverage. They currently have no location license area. Their plan assumes that the WMZQ tower, a tower at St; 1 and one et Court Square will be active: If not, there will be zero a in many areas or. Route 250. Propagation models were provided to shot at the site. i http://www.albemarle.org/WebLink8/DocView.aspx?id=776 3/10/2014