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WPO202200002 Plan - VSMP 2022-11-18
ALBEMARLECOUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General Construction Notes 1. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, tip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class I1I. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Pat 1926). General Construction Notes for Streets (This list is in addition to the General Construction Notes) 1. All materials and construction must be tested and documented according to VDOT standards and specifications. 2. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the public right-of-way or within easements prior to acceptance. All drainage outfall easements are to be extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. 3. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified at the time of construction. Additional guardrail may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of VDOT (for public roads) or the County Engineer (for private roads), or designee. it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is required, it shall be installed lour (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 4. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG-9(A, B or Q. 5. Where rural cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PF-1 6. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhered to. 7. Road plan approval for subdivisions is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat fur this project expire prior to signing and recordation, then approval of these plans shall be null and void. 8. All signs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming and Properly Numbering Ordinance and Manual. 9. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barricades shall be installed by The developer when, in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 10. The speed limits to be posted on speed limit signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by VDOT for public roads. 11. VDOT standard CDA or CD-2 cross -drains are to be installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points as shown on the road profiles. 12. A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible to VDOT or County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT's video camera inspection procedure. General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off site borrow or waste arts), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken front an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken it) an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12, Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall he transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to an public street because o slides sinking, or collapse. P � g YP � g� P 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent slormwater numa emen[ facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required o PP I by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February, to consist a 50150 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/l00sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer. permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 10001bs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 1801bs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved b the County erosion control PP ] PP Y - inspecmr. 19. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Sill traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 21. This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-204G. PP (W ) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) General construction notes for Stormwater Management plans 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotechnical engineer. A geotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and riserjoints are to be watertight within stomtwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent Stormwater management facilities; conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized. and permission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. NORTH POINTE SU SITE DATA DEVELOPER/APPLICANT ENGINEER SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ZONING DISTRICT TAX MAPS/PARCELS ZONING S *'��TION U' El 2 WPO PLANS GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: david®southern-classic.com TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 1 PARK WEST CIR., SUITE 108 MIDLOTHIAN, VA 23114 PHONE: (86) 748-9011 FAX: (86) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 RIVANNA PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) 03200-00-00-023EO (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023AO 03200-00-00-02360 03200-00-00-029CO 03200-00-00-023DO 03200-00-00-029FO 03200-00-00-023GO 03200-00-00-029HO ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 67.44 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) General Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes Last Revised: February 2011 ate a s and methods o co st action s i comph 0'1 the latest \e o o the General I All m u l n m h 1 n r t o h II nhpl, t h h I r t n l h Water and Setter Construction Specifications as adopted be the Albemarle Counh Service Authm th-on Januan 15. 1998. except as modified below or modified in Special Notes. 2_ RWSA shall approre all construction runerials and methods of construction_ A pwconstruction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of any Mork_ 3_ The contactor shall be responsible for notifiins Miss Utilih-(1-800552-7001)_ 4_ RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (J 34) 977-2970 ex-t_ 205) shall be notified three business days prior to the start of construction_ 5. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination tsith and the presence of RWSA staff. No stark shall be conducted on RWSA facilities on weekends or holidacs without special written permission from RWSA. 6. For sanitan sewer line construction: RWSA nun require bcpass pumping for tie-ins to the existing scstenh. All doghouse manholes most be pressure -tested before a connection is made to the rester. 7. The locationof evsting utilities as shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessank complete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cerilication of the location. size and depth of all existing utilities. both surface and subsurface. t. The Contractor r shall inunediatel nd ul the Engineer of anv discrepancies between the plans and field conditions_ The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times_ whether shown on the plans or not Damage to am existing utilities shall be repaired be the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner_ 8. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be pemutted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RWSA No grading shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise b- RWSA in writing. 9. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -Mast sunec may be required. For blasting within lot) feel of anv operative RWSA sewerlines. bcpass punhping and m pre- and poll-C'C'1'V noac be required. RWSA mac also require certification front a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage anv RWSA facilities. Danhage to anv utilities due to blasting shall be repaired bs the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the (Trner. 10, The contractor shall observe nunintunl separation requirements for utilitc crossings. When a crossing is made under an existing fScilit) _ adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 57 alone to the springline of the existing pipe. 11. New water main installations shall be pressure tested_ chlorinated_ flushed and have water samples approved prior to making anv permanent correction to the public water s} stem. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water resins will be required to present any contamination of the public water system. 12_ All easements for new RWSA facilities slhall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities into service. 13 No permanent stmemral facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement_ This includes building oNerhames. fetainin_ walls. footers for anv structure. drainage structures. etc_ Trees are not Perrintiedin the RWSA casement_ ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED Sc STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Se TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CRCP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. qM VARlOC86 TOTAL LAND OF DEVELOPMENT = 268 AC V) coo: \� NOT TO SCALE AIRPORT PGR�S t ®PREVIOUS DISTURBED AREA = 68.78 AC (WPO#201500073, WPO#201500078, WPO#***) PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA = 67.44 AC (WPO#***) TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 136.22 AC ROAD AND DRAINAGE 1 CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE N0.) EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. O PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR SODDED DITCH EARTH DITCH - GRASS LINED ---10�--- EXISTING CONTOUR 100 PROPOSED CONTOUR - EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS •11= PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS T/C100W (T/C - TOP OF CURB) �q1 BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO. ® VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND 6i*,d --i~----�- T EXIS ING SANITARY SEWER --------0- PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER T T SANITARY SEWER SERVICE ~ 0 CONNECTIONS i3 12600.00 MANHOLE NO. W/ STATION OR 150500.00 COORDINATE LOCATION WATER EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE T T PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION 04 GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP t REDUCER BORE CROSSING ALL HOUSES WILL REQUIRE SPLASH BLOCKS FOR DOWNSPOUTS ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAT 3:1 WILL REQUIRE A LOW -MAINTENANCE GROUND COVER Know what's below. Call before you dig. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #--- ________ & #---------- CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION SECTION 2 IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION, FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR10C86) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON/ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC. PCE 3.02 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF�E 3.05 SILT FENCE IP 3.07 - INLET PROTECTION 3.09 e TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ST 3.13 [] TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ROCK CHECK DAM 00000 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS 3.31 TEMPORARY SEEDING PS 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING MU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL L_ 0 %�"r" rrrT ROAD LOCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000' APPLICANTS NAME SI TE GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 N/A ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT it PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER BRIAN C, MITCHELI INSPECTION Lic, No. 035724 091,2712022 ARB �ESo, .... ctAG DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION O HEALTH DEPARTMENT N INDEX TO SHEETS Q ti LATEST SHEET # REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 09-27-22 COVER SHEET v 1 15 q C-1A SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1B MODIFIED APPLICATION PLAN V C-2 09-27-22 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN ^' O C-3 09-27-22 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE I ►� y C-4 09-27-22 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE II C) C-5 09-27-22 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE O C-5A 09-27-22 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS ►C� C-5B 09 27-22 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS - r V C-6 09 27-22 GRADING PLAN C-6A 09-27-22 GRADING PLAN C-6B 09-27-22 GRADING PLAN Q C-6C 09-27-22 GRADING PLAN C-6D 09-27-22 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SUMMARY C-7 09-27-22 HYDRAULICS REVISIONS C-8 09-27-22 SWM COMPLIANCE - PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONDITION DATE ITEM 05118122 PER COMMENTS 09-27-22 C 9 POST- COMPLIANCE -POST DEVELOPMENT CONDITION 07/27/22 COMMENTS PER C-10 09-27-22 SWM COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS -SECTION 1 09/27/22 PER COMMENTS C-10A 09-27-22 SWM COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS_ SECTION 2 C-11 09-27-22 CBPA COMPLIANCE PLAN C-11A 09-27-22 CBPA COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS C-12 09-27-22 BIO-RETENTION FILTERS C-12A 09-27-22 BIO-RETENTION FILTER LANDSCAPING C-13 09-27-22 DATE POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 01-20-2022 SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY APPROVED by the Albemarle County PROJ.# Community DeyQLopment Department 20140065 Date ll1 I t5/2L SHEET # File WP0202200002 C - 1 a c 0 T 0 m `o O p O o O ,( O ° D O O ' / o O I° 0 i O o o 01 I / — 1 <.� 0- I O o / I O O /I`� ` I O ip \\ v\ _ ♦♦` v`v \I ", \ \ \ `\ 01 O O O ./ ♦ ` p ` V v O O ° I of o I o o: / O I( o f 11 a °° NOR I /o ° ) I \ I o It 1 1 \\ 1 I II '•'.1!:''j 1 1 1, 1 I / I / � I I\ \ \ \ 1 \_ —_ -- I I\♦\----'�♦, \i II I 1 \ 1 � I a\�;{(•t.' 1 I� \ I I I I I l I `♦ \ \ l ' ( '/ I\ , \ \'•:':kyc.. , \\ `\ j i j j `\ j j 1 1 r.1:.1.•/%''�' / ` ` / i i / l / l 1 \ \ 1 I ' ` I \ \ b . O �`rJ 'ice✓ � / '/ 8 08 --- b �b t O NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION i I�'.l I I/fie / l-\�'•_��/ fly./ \����\ SECTION 2 — WPO PLANS RIVANNA DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN he reproduction. coDvina, or other use of this drawina without their written consent is I � , ' I I w I CO � rA Z � Townes � n � °" 4 SITE ENGINEERING N W� _ N _ 1 Park West Circle, Suite 108 A � Midlothian, Virginia 23114 vPhone:(804) 748-9011 Fax: (804) 748-2590 ASK US HOW Comnanv Website: www.cetownes.com any 0 0 w BY - _ i \ f --' r , — / \ _ l i r I �__ --� casmuc , iC-munaeulr, \ -- - — -- — — — - c — — -- — -- -- — _ — -- cAismyo^T — ��. _T % •BUFFER \ \ -- --�� — on am 14rO00 / I/ ��, �� ♦ J \ \ I \ \ J /— \ \ I I 1 T/��00/00 Aft 4 no No 1111a ON ��_ 1 �s`ss \ s 57 ss #TEb'`PORAi Y \ \ ' - �, M 0,000 TEMPOR�RY + \ �I ��\ \ \ `w1T. OF _ �r� \ I I �i STOCKPILE / \ I \ �� 54''I \ ST0�1(PILE e + M DAr T-I ♦♦ I I J \ \ �I _ 'I— / I I ID sa �c 4.97 AC ,� / I I � // �,`53 \\ \ /' /' / U UITi OF/ K IN I / I I l / /� /l/ A �' / // mE-ARI 6/\\11 �-- NCEI , ITS SF / / / / — i CLEARING/// I\ ////i/// W$TUANC� I , \\ // I / / \\ \I\ \\ / s — I `.30---- =-'_ %DISTURBANCE / / / , // / / i / / / / I — / / I \ / r�nu taxi. / / �' T / 43 f J TC31 / I / / / ♦ 1 v ounFr / / / / ♦ / / / v v 1 V # / 41 32 P. LIMITS of I:: r ao / �- — \I \ \ \ / \ I / / // \ \ I I I I D STURBANCE 1.I /' ARK / : ` — — I DX ST-5 ® \\ \ \ �I I // `\\'' 33 I v� I 2.4B- kC \ \ \ \ / DA SB-1 I I I STONE ST-2 -- i - l 5 / I OUTLET 3.os '4 3.13 \ \ \ \ %,�✓ 5' BREAK IN I \\ \ / n- THE STILT FEN 1\ \ \ \\ /�. \\ // I / \ 1 /�\ \/ .-r \ i / \ I \ I I 35 /i l OUTLET/ .O5 I \ ST-3 \ — i / I \ / / \ Z\ 36 \ / / OUOTLE1 >,. � I \�--- � \ �\ � ��/ � ��` I /I l � l \ \ \ , I � � � ; 37 \ \ / 4 ♦ \1 \1 ----- \/ -----^\\ , \ � -- /� `�� / / •�• \I 1 \ \\ -- ': / / :.: 1: I ♦ - _ '`� , �` \`� `' --' i l \ IJ ♦ 1 -F� _- Vim 1 1 `�___-- 1 i ' 2i/ S: BREAK-IN- ` i iI--- / / / . • \ \ \`46 / --- -- .LIMITS .i.:.. ` E SILT FENCE '----- /�-�- \ / / / / I /- _ I \ 111 STONE, B TUR NCE \1_� -1)_ -----\ 1 1 \ \ -"(- C i / - . `. UTLET ___'$' BREA ` / % � , \` ��- It t l I � 1 I \ \ 45 ' F , a' sox sa 17 OUTLET BREAK BREAK IN I I I I I 1 / THE SILT FENCE- 1\WITH STONE AK IN 1 j FENCE j WITH STONE OUTLET - .\ .\ -' '-i 1 -H- Q2ACK 1°OE ON �RITCK�Ts� I ^� I I' 9 THE SILT FENCE / /\ WITH SMALL �••� EXCAVATED PIT - -� .e _ _ ------- 0- __— p O_� 0�O�i �.� Y- 3.05 ' �' NCE srti ♦f ' 'y - _w - �1+-��w ----- ' - • v '/ %305 o. o l o o' • 5' BRAE. CLEARING/ v _ p WIT01 LL \ 7/ r o o (g ''o o THE Slld EIQL`E ISTURBAN --.`\ G/E -- ,�. / ,w\'--------- o \_ / 0 0 II•.- EX@AV TED PIT / \ o /4 DA -ST-6 --'' C -- , / . A / w W , / ��,�------- r i .09 54 AC 00 ,--- ---- --- - ----- - _ O g� ° �A ° o p` !. `` .09 ' r -�,` \\ \`\ \\ i /i ---- MAPORAR;Y,� - ---_'\ rc"`ec 41 1 '� _--- STOCKPILE y .• ,� / / _ ------ \, M�ti"six�s` -- 5 BREAK IN,/ 1 ; i / 1► ' r,• T �•._ .� `.\ �* I\ ,THE SILT FE E , - ''---------- WASH RACK i i '----- ` --- ` � W ' ♦ .OUTLET / ' /t :07WATER LOCATION -- ----- -----f -- `-- ,'' // , fwq ❑HW c wo; ro p SUPPLY ' ---- \' \' \ '-- _ ♦ , 57 WASH RACK PW❑❑SC w: "'yo6s �� I I I\ `\ ( `, `� \\ j \\\\ 1 1 2.48 AC '' ,� '' /' ' ♦ LOCATION WA: A O xTO'-CONCRETE WASH AREA ' - I __ ,/ >*'s ,�' // ♦ WATER TRUCK � 1 �� ------ / ,' ^ TO SUPPLY �� WC: WASH CLEANUP AREA \\ \\ \\ \ 'N `\ \\ `\ ` ` I //'--__ I VW: VEHICLE WASH AREA \`\ `OUTONETLET «� _,----- ' , / -2.96 AC - ♦ so ,-PW: STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT do WASTE /' ; ' '' ♦ � SC: SPILL CONTAINMENT KIT �� \ • '' LIMITS OF ,' 4 i ♦ - HW: PORTABLE TOILET NAHAZARDEk1S 4(ASTE DISPOS \ I . I I ` __-- ------ FM FUELING &MAINTENANCE rV- -- CLEARING/ ♦ ' �----- \ \ `C 1 \ i _..,./w 3.a5 ' = A9 DISTURBANCE ♦1� / ♦`, 'j - CLMITS OF / 1 1 \\ \t \ \\z` ' EARI WA I DISTURBAN/S)E\\ a\: 171a,t7zy.� �` \\ \ l ' \ I I t'\:\. \ 1'':1': 1': 1. \ .<: ... ` .. aar�wx rr T r+e�.c \ c` ``� i ---_-_-- '' `�`� \\ \ ' 1\ ° O O p OC, ON CONTROL A .( I:I:I "I` {:.1 / IL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA a :DIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK — T IL1MIP OF - i:::1 �--\ \ \ I I �`� ,� / / l I ! ,/ •\ , / / / / I .1:.r.r.Y i\::\:5:: /' /OISTupBANCEI C CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 5' BREAK IN \ / � THE -SILT FENCE °per- _ • ' l 1 ' 1 1 SILT FENCE AK IN ---' L I i \ WITH STONE o •�: -� / / - .E9fL'f FENCE / / / j `\ `\ i /- ..:C;.\`--------'� i / t 1 \ INLET PROTECTION °p / / /' jOU,II•ET-WITH-STONE- I >— TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE \\\ ® / 1 / _-_- \\\ /T \��- / �+ //'7Tr_ 1 I \`N-� T / i ' i ' >` �cz) 00 03 'b.00 cc) co 00 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ° ° ° ° O \ / / 1 r \ ' - -- -_ / I I I ROCK CHECK DAM ° O O O ° ° ° O ° I 1 11 __---_ 6) b0 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION O u O0 CID " �,. O - O ���� TEMP���� 0 0 0 \ _ 1 _ r 10 ✓A..c:.:.J TEMPORARY SEEDING � b� .O p• 0 O_• 0 O p O O 1- PERMANENT SEEDING 0 °• O ° \' 00 00 \^/`�'�' •\ CRITICAL SLOPE 0 0 GRAPHIC SCALE MULCHING '� 00 — PRESERVED 100 0 50 100 200 O DUST CONTROL �r�, O // / p 1 0 /// MANAGED ( IN FEET ) .. / . _., - P - .. 1 inch = 100 ft. O O Lid C/)� O U _Z O �0 W CW���U .� Z ,� '�G4 U >;r r� V Z o O 4 w�Nj o CO 00 0u LTH BRIAN C. MIYCHELL c Lic. No, 035724 v ,,0 0912712022 ,�y 11 ;' T N 0 U � c O co w r r I ; d 0 '� fa 0 ti C()c 0 0.1 p 4 �64 w 0 U W O 0 N O � w 0 c REVISIONS o DATE ITEM w C DATE Ol— 20-2022 J SCALE AS SHOIYN PROJECT bL4NAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROJ.1 20140065 SHEET # C — 3 0 C 0 0 00 r- U UFO �r co U : m o: w biO o.. oco cdb^a a' o }cd aco ye i a)) O 0 u 0 4 a T BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lic, No. 035724 i r NO O DATE i dn Q4 0912712022 ,F1 n�n Q, r� S r O r� v v 1 REVISIONS 0 2 W 4) in c 3 N N O N 3 `Q DATE r 01-20-2022 a� SCALE 1"=100' o t PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY Y -� c Q PROJ.# 20140065 0 L C — 4 NARRATIVE THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 162-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT THAT IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. THE PROJECT ALSO INVOLVES THE INSTALLATION OF TWO BIO- RETENTION BASINS. THE TWO PROPOSED AND FOUR EXISTING BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE, AND A PORTION OF A FUTURE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT EAST OF THIS PROJECT. THE DISTURBED AREA ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT IS APPROXIMATELY 51 ACRES. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS THE EXISTING SITE IS MOSTLY FORESTED. THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE SLOPES NORTHWEST TO RIVANNA RIVER. THE SITE CONTAINS WATERS OF THE U.S. THAT SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED EXCEPT FOR THE PERMITTED AREAS TO BE IMPACTED. GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER AND A 12" WATERLINE ARE AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION AS PART OF THE NORTHPOINTE SECTIONONE PROJECT. EACH WILL BE EXTENDED TO SERVICE THIS PROJECT. ADJACENT AREAS THE SITE IS BORDERED BY GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH AND FURTURE DEVELOPMENT TO THE WEST, PRITCHETT DRIVE (VA 785) TO THE SOUTH, AND FORESTED PARCELS TO THE EAST. OFFSITE AREAS THERE IS NO OFFSITE WORK PROPOSED WITH THIS PROJECT. SOILS THE SITE IS CHARACTERIZED BY SANDY, LEAN CLAY (CL) AND SILTY, LEAN SAND (SM). CRITICAL AREAS SENSITIVE AREAS INCLUDE WETLANDS AND WATERS OF THE U.S., CONTRACTOR MUST CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION FROM LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND PREVENT THEM FROM ENTERING WATERWAYS. THIS SITE IS SET UP TO DRAIN TO TWO SEDIMENT TRAPS AND A SEDIMENT BASIN WHICH WILL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS STABILIZED. THE SITE CONTAINS STEEP SLOPES THROUGHOUT THE DISTURBED AREAS. THESE DISTURBED AREAS WILL NEED TO BE SEEDED AND STABILIZATION ACHIEVED TO PREVENT EROSION FROM OCCURRING AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD ALSO TAKE CARE TO KEEP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION IN ORDER TO NOT TRACK MUD ONTO EXISTING ROADWAYS. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE 1 I - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR- 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS- 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: I. THE OWNER MUST GIVE THE COUNTY INSPECTOR 48 HOURS NOTIFICATION TO SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING THAT WILL BE HELD AT COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED AT 401 MCINTIRE ROAD FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 2. THE CERTIFIED RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER (CRLD) MUST ATTEND THE PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 3. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON THE ENTRANCE DRIVE AND PROFFIT ROAD LOCATIONS AS SHOWN. 4. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AS NEEDED TO INSTALL SEDIMENT TRAPS AND BASINS. 5. INSTALL SEDIMENT BASIN 1 AS WELL AS SEDIENT TRAPS 1, AND 2. GRADE IN SEDIMENT BASINS AND INSTALL THE RISER, BARREL, AND OUTLET PROTECTION AS SHOWN ON PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO THE ROAD PLANS FOR THIS PROJECT FOR DETAILS ON THE POND GRADING, INSTALLATION OF THE CLAY CORE WITHIN THE DAM, AND THE 12" DRAIN, VALVE AND CONCRETE SLAB REQUIRED FOR TI LE BASIN. 6. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IN THIS AREA AS SHOWN NECESSARY TO INSTALL ASSOICATED TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKES AND SILT FENCE TO DIRECT RUNOFF TO SEDIMENT BASIN I AS WEE AS SEDIMENT TRAPS 1, AND 2. 7. INSTALL ALL TREE PROTECTION AND SILT FENCE 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR SEDIMENT TRAPS I - 2 AND SEDIMENT BASIN 1 OF SEDIMENT THAT BUILDS UP OVER TIME AND PERFORM ANY REPAIRS NEEDED FOR THE TRAPS AND BASINS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY. 9. AFTER THE INSTALLATION OF ALL SEDIMENT TRAPS, SEDIMENT BASINS, AND OTHER INITIAL EROSION CONTROL (EC) MEASURES, THE COUNTY INSPECTOR AND CRLD MUST MEET TO INSPECT EC MEASURES BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PHASE II. PERMANENT STABILIZATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GRASS STABILIZATION ON ALL DENUDED AREAS PRIOR TO TURNOVER OF THE PROJECT TO THE DEVELOPER SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AS DICTATED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK SIX BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER QUANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE, AND THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS WEST OF THIS SECTION. MS-19 IS BEING ACHIEVED WITHIN THE NATURAL CHANNELS THROUGH THE STORM BEING CONTAINED WITHIN THE CHANNEL BANKS AND NOT CAUSING THE CIIANNEL BEDS TO ERODE. MAINTENANCE IN GENERAL, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED DAILY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. SITE INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AS SPECIFIED IN VAR10-PART 11-F. ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: a. SEDIMENT TRAPS WILL BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK b. THE BASIN EMBANKMENTS SHOULD BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE STRUCTURALLY SOUND AND HAVE NOT BEEN DAMAGED BY EROSION OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. THE BASINS SHOULD BE CHECKED AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL FOR SEDIMENT CLEANOUT. WHEN THE SEDIMENT REACHES THE CLEAN -OUT LEVEL, IT SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED. C. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DEPOSIT SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EMSTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. D. ALL GRAVEL OUTLETS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR SEDIMENT BUILDUP THAT WILL PREVENT PROPER DRAINAGE. IF THE GRAVEL IS CLOGGED BY SEDIMENT, THE GRAVEL WILL BE REMOVED AND CLEANED, OR IT WILL BE REPLACED. E. DIVERSION DIKES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EVERY STORM EVENT AND REPAIRS MADE TO THE DIKES, FLOW CHANNELS, OUTLET OR SEDIMENT TRAPPING FACILITY, AS NECESSARY. ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS, WHETHER A STORM EVENT HAS OCCURRED OR NOT, THE MEASURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRS MADE IF NEEDED. DAMAGES CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OR OTHER ACTIVITY MUST BE REPAIRED BEFORE THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. DUST CONTROL THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION: - VEGETATIVE COVER: IN AREAS SUBJECT TO LITTLE OR NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, A VEGETATIVE STABILIZED SURFACE WILL REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS. - MULCH: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AREAS WITHIN HEAVY TRAFFIC PATHWAYS. - IRRIGATION: SITE TO BE SPRINKLED WITH WATER UNTIL THE SURFACE IS WET. REPEAT AS NEEDED. IT OFFERS FAST PROTECTION FOR HAUL ROADS AND OTHER HEAVY TRAFFIC ROUTES. IN ADDITION TO THE TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES, PERMANENT METHODS SHALL BE APPLIED AND THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: - PERMANENT VEGETATION: APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING (PER STD 3.32). EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE II 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR- 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER- 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 6 - THE, TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL. NOT BF. REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CLEAR AND GRUB TO FINAL LIMITS OF CLEARING. 2. INSTALL ADDITIONAL SILT FENCE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. BEGIN SITE GRADING OPERATIONS. 4. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER. 5. GRADE ROADWAYS TO SUBGRADE. 6. INSTALL STORM SEWER PIPES AND STRUCTURES, INSTALLING INLET PROTECTION FOR THE DRAINAGE INLETS AS PROGRESSION OCCURS. 7. INSTALL WATERLINE. 8. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER, STONE, AND PAVEMENT. 9. SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS. 10. ONCE LAND DISTURBANCE AREAS HAVE BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE SEDIMENT TRAPS AND OTHER EC DEVICES (WITH EXCEPTION OF THE SEDIMENT BASINS) UPON APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. 11.ONCE SEDIMENT TRAPS I AND 2 ARE REMOVED, PERMANENT BIOFIOLTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED, RESPECTIVELY. THE SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL REMAIN AS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS UNTIL THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE ARE CONSTRUCTED. ONCE THESE FUTURE SITES ARE STABILIZED, THE BASINS MAY BE CONVERTED TO PERMANENT SWMBMPS. 0 LO CQ N O 00 r- U cn co U co 0: -- V 4 co cd 4 ^ �i a' CD }aye c M GJ O O 4 a T BRIAN C. MPfCHELI Lic, No. 035724 0912712022 11 r ti Q4 .1 NO rQ S r O Q4 r ti q 2 REVISIONS DATE ITEM 0 c 0 E 0 04 c c T c 0 -0 c 0 DATE r 01-20— .022 SCALE c AS SHOWN o PROJECT MANAGER L BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY -°10 BCM / LEN � CHECKED BY v c 0 PROD.# 20140065 0 L C — Paved construction entrance for erosion c ntml plans STONE 70' viN. PCE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS 3" SM 2A ASPHALT TOP COURSE EXI `Nd J% 2% PAVEM.VT 5 M N. L A AGO d OAT'_ BASIL PROFILE STONE 70 MIN CONSTRUCTION ^ -ins IPnvE ACCESS IM��:J WASFRAHAC¢ XI.T N" 2% 2 n'hVFNT� ZR 12' MIN! I `NUS EXTEND FULL WIDTH I-- A I -POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF INGRESS AND EGRESS II TO SEDIMENT ELAN TRAPPING DEVICE OPERATION op 12 VIN POSITIVE DRNNA6L 29 TO SEGMENT TRAPPING DE Vic FILTER CLOTH SECTION A -A \R T I' T installed n A nuuumm� water hip c f l inch inn . t l e mFfRDeK nth a nuuuwml 1 inch U McocA Lntoff vRh-e -n hvTs a wash ho _e mth R Ktimneter of 1 5 ruches for adequate DP cou'.tnnt Ares m e wR.ch n•Rter nm»t be cmne<I nwmL run the athauce to D1 TppioT ed setthu Tre,ito rnnot a eKWueut. Ail -edhuem ANAl be prevwttd from elltemL Amu KIIRn:, ditches 01 N'nteicoulsei_ PAVED WASH RACK PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS oP A A 3.18 •-« -• :� �? �?:1PJ �%�••:� i - I III T All VW it i,llll_II -;tl11�='uTl� - `��I ■�iI 1 _ _ II -I�� _ l _ �_ _ 'I »- a- xl N r r :» 1 w .•.. w . w I w w• w w w n•..n...•. w n .•'n ..•n .cow . n 1 _•_•_` \ w w• ... w w w w w w w w w w l w w w w w w w w w w i ... .:.. 1.. » N I » »N 'rl •wwwwwwwww li�i9i�i�i�i�i�i�di�i� •• w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w R �i�i�•!��w�i�i�w�i�i�i)i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�di�i�� w w;w w w w w•• w w w• .• e w w l •wwwwwwwww � I�w�ww�yw�w�w�w�w�w�• w w w w w w w siwiwl r•_ $ iwieiwil iwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiw�•iwi w w w w co w • � w w w w w w w w w w w w w w e ew.w. :.w.w.wl •.•.w.•.w.•.w.w.w.w.w.• 1 > . z Iw.w.w.•w.w.w.w.w.w.we w Ilw4lw!w!w!w!d_w!•!w!w •!w!wlw, h!$w!w!1 !w4lw!•!w!w!wlw4lw!w! ° w - � ^'v3`�•t..r-'>` 0 ` - l -=i _ II -I =I �III-.. -.III- �� .max ,. _ °\�.�• � _ �_ _ _ �V. _ � ♦ �1� - --:.�.•'� +►:: - - •o:i. .t�•! - -. -ITZin 4=' i .. i • • I, IN i j. ■ a .- 1-.I aWS AWplea pail on TWA. ,A AJ"G VAN AFIRU ANU eAKOra 51AmNDAS VA mw ROCK CHECK DAM cD IP SILT FENCE DROP INLET s.2o S.o7 PROTECTION 2 ACRES OR LESS OF DRAINAGE AREA: z x G• xrTm FRAME FLOW Source: Va. DI Plate 3.18-1 SOURCE: VA DI EC-3 MAT TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 EC-3 TYPICAL INSTALLATION AT END OF PIPE se. SIABLIZATION HAT NAY BE STAKING DETAIL USED N CONJUNCTION WITH STANDARD EC-1 EROSION CONTROL STONE AT OUTLET a. END OF PPE. I I I NIL y IBSf I :. � 'Y..i7tL'tWYLR jjorfll��,. G\�N ,\w \ 3-OVERLAP I I OR PINS `\• \ .ti BETWEEN ROLLS 31 AKES D.C. e .C. \ I Ilk ENTRENCH EDGES OF BENCHUATORKSEDGES ES IjyYGD', g,?jQ ow CHECK SLOT 25' O.C. I AHTRANSVERSE CLOSED CHECK SLOT T-2• r&z. a' . 3"OVERLAP � To a" * TR/NSVERSE CHECK 9LOT TO !E THE Y�AACT AN ACCORDANCE! \ Pot PN%rERREO INSTALLATION. * TRANSVERSE OPEN CHECK SLOT V DITCH NOTES: 1. STAKES SHALL BE WOOD OR MET& AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANWACTURER AND SH&L BE A MIMAIAI OF 12" IN LENGTH IN SANDY SOLS MET& STAKES A MI•IIM OF 18" N LENGTH SHALL BE USED. 2. SOIL STF IZATON WT TYPE AND B ARE TO BE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PRODUCTS LIST. 3. SOL STABLIZATDN WT SHOULD BE INSTALLED TO THE SHOULDER NEW PONT OR COSTNB GROUND THEN EMBEDDED a'. WTERIAL Cal BOTH SIDES DF THE DITCH SHALL BE INSTALLED TO THE SAME I '. ELEVATIONS. f' 4_ IF WORE THAN 3 LNES m WTERIAL IRE REQUIRED PM&LEL TO THE 4 OF THE aTCH, WTERI& 6H,EL BE MI&LED PERPENDICAM TO THE CENTER LIE OF THE DITCH, STARTING AT THE LOWEST :;ELEVATION ,.A•. OF THE DITCH. UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM TERMINAL 5. TORS SOURCES OF APPROVED MTERMLS SEE VDOT'S APPROVED PRKOUGTS IFOR ST'O EC-3, TYPE B. aREFTC"TEN REFERENCESOIL STABILIZATION MAT �VDO'F ND S7 DITCH INSTALLATION TYPE A ORB ROAD "DA BRO°E SHEET IROS GOB REVISION GATE SHEET 1 OF 3 e0e VROINA DEPARTMENT OF TRAVSPOtTATION 1u.o3 6" BEND FOR 4"x4" DOWNSPOUTS CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK FINISHED GROUND BUILDING WALL TYPICAL SPLASH BLOCK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DROP NET NnH CRATE I _ <_ 3' W. GATHER AT CORN! U COR caR PERSPECTIVE VIEWS ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION DETAIL A �-'- SPECIFIC 7PLI 77 I RIPRAP THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION 15 APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FIAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER PUTS. 3.20-1 THAN 5x) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT EXCEEDING i C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. SOURCE: N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 19M PLATE d.07-1 DD TEMPORARY DIVERSIOW DATE 3.09 1 Compacted Soil 18" min. 1 I Area to be protected �. I I I I Flow SOURCE: VA. DSWC 4.5' min. PLATE J.09- SOURCE: VA DSWC PLATE. 3.13-2 M `6 ICI JI��pp�� lul�,__(�ww�tk� Ilmu=1111 -11 'lu II-IIIIIIIIIII( �IIIIII THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION AS APPIUCABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE PDVDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE INCONVENIENCE OR D4lI TO ADI4CENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED AREAS. • GROIVEL STALL BE VDOT 13, 1357 OR 5 COARSE AGGREGITE SOURCE VA. DSWC PLATE 3.07- TABLE 3.32-D (Rewind June 2D03) SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA SEEDI LAND USE SPECIES APPLICATION PER ACRE Mninum Core Lawn Tall Fescuel 95-100X (Canmercid a ReaidMltid) Perennial Ryegross Kentucky Bluegruesl O-5x 0-5x TOTAL 175-200 be. ft Maintenance Lawn Tall Fesael TOTAL' 200-250 be. Tall Fescue 128 Iba General Slope (3:1 or leas) Red Top Dion or Gaping Red Fescue Setemd Nurse Crape 2 Its. 20 Iba TOTAL' 1 Iba T 1 all Fescue 108 Iba 1 o m,mtmmm Slane R T R IH eel Grass m n eel escue W Crcep 9 I 2 be. (Steeper than 3:11 Seismal Nurse Cr W 2 20 lbs. (kornwetch3 20 lbs. TOTAL: 15D baba 1 - When selecting wdties of turfgross, use the Virginia Crop Improvement Associatim (VCIA) recommended turfgross moiety list Quality seed will bear a lable Indicatingthat the are approved b VCIA. A current turf ass variety list Y PP Y g Y I is ow0oble at the lord County Eztenstlen office or through VCIA of 804-746-4854 or at http, //mdan.mes.vLedu/mUSM[f/tu ublimtions2.html 2 - Use seismal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below: February 16th through April ....................................................Annual Rye May 9 1st through August 15th ............................................... Foxtail Millet August 16th through October ................................................. Annual R 9 9h ye November through February 15th .............................................Winter Rye 3 - Substitute Sericea lespedeza for Crownvetch seat of Formvile, Va. (May through September use hulled Sericea all other periods, use unhulled Sericea . 9 SeP D ) If Fla ea is used increase rate to 30 Ibs acre. If Weeping Lo roas is used tD / ceP 9 w9 include in an slope of low maintenance mixture cluing wormer seeding periods. Y oP4 9 9 P ads• increase to 30 - 40 SOURCE VA DSWC SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET cIP PROTECTION 3.08 ETDwYL TOE OF PALL OALwAI TOE aF tor. SILT FENCE •mrA 6 e• A•a111.V F FLOW 6 L mwARo D•wnEwr FLOY OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION* T.o' rs FLOW 25' •• 1D0Al /,l. JUA (!T, /3a OR jJ' 7 C44M ADV' Ra1TE aAiS 19PRAP ro IPFPIACE Slr FENCE x • "BE" • NFgI HIGHN30OTY OF Flaw 6 ExPECIEp SOURCE AD4PTED more MOT Standard Sheets and Va. DSWC PLATE. J.08- TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN TABLE 3.31-C TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS, SEEDING RATES, AND DATES SEEDING RATE NORTHI, SOUTHI, PLANT 3/1 5/1 8/15 2/15 5/1 9/1 SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS Acre 1000 ft2 to to to to to to 4/30 8/15 11/1 4/30 9/1 11/15 OATS 3 111 (up to too be., 2 Ito. x - - x - - Use spring Varieties (e.g. Noble). (Maw .sumo) not less than 50 Its.) RYE' 2 bu. (up to 110 lb, Iba X - X X - X Use for late fail seedings, winter (SweekRYE' a,d,) not lase than 50 Iba) Cover. tolerates add and low moisture. GERMAN RYEGRASS 50 Ibis . appros. 1 OIL- x - - X - wane-Nnm annual. Din at first (� ��) frost. May be added to summer mixes. ANNUAL RYEGRASS 1 A Iba Y added in mixes Will ldYwn mdtl-Baum mow Out of most etanda WEEPING 15 Iba 5 h ozs. - x - - X - Warm -season pernnld. May bunch. Tolerates hot, dry slopes LOVEGRASS and acid, infertile soar May be (Dwastb axVdo) added to mixes. KOREAN 25 Iba' approx. 1 14 Iba x x - x x - Warm seasonal annual legume. LESPEDEZAC Tolerates ad eons. May be (Land. nblBawo) added to mixes ° Northern Piedmont and Mountain region. See Plate 3.22-1 and 3.22-2. b Southern Piemont and Coastal Plain. c May be used as a cover crop with spring seeding. Y P P SI 9 d May be used as a cover crop with fall seeding. X May be planted between these dates. - May O-d be planted between these dates. SOURCE VA DSWC SMALL EXCAVATED PR ON UPPER SIDE OF STONE OUTLET 10'11 DEEP -FLOW ARROW (STONE OUTLET) / SILT VDOT CL IAPLAN VIEW RIP RAP ELEVATION VIEW N75 STONE ORE DETAIL Nrs SEDIMENT BASIN S CHEMA TI C ELEVATIONS DESIGN HIGH WATER L,(25-YR. STORM ELEV.) 67 C.Y./ AC. WET w STORAGE SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POINT (" TO WET • STORAGERREDUCED SOURCE: VA. DSWC 0.5' 7; ; : 1 BARREL PLATE. 3.14-2 BASIN # DRAIN AREA WET STOR. VOL. REO D. WET STOR. VOL. ELEV. WET STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. REO D. DRY STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. ELEV. 60TTOM ELEV. RISER CREST ELEV. DEWAT, DEVICE ELEV. EMERG. SPILL. ELEV. 25-yR STORM ELEV. TOP DAM ELEV. RISER DIAM. DEWAT. DEVICE DIAM. FLEX. TUBING DIAM. ANTI- VORTEX DIAM. ANTI- VORTEX THICK GAUGE AN77- VORTEX HEIGHT ANT7- VORTEX STIFFENER -114 p/PE or 1-1/4x1-1/4 x1 4 ANGLE OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL ANTI -SEEP COLLARS DIAM. LENGTH INV. IN INV. OUT 1 AC. YD.3 FT YD.3 YD.3 YD.3 FT. FT. FT. FT. FT. FT FT IN. IN. IN. IN. GA. IN. IN. FT. FT. FT. SIZE 38.12 2554 430 6128 2554 7318 435.50 422 435.50 430 435.50 436.55 437.50 48 24 26 72 14 21 42 120.49 422 418 4 5.8X5.8 0 D7 C ZTin NIZINI Co F d U - T••1 0 Q) 0 C"DCO 0: W W Cal .,.4 U Z W • P. ~� w Nowe U Fr 1 .4 �") � Z N"1 •4.3 W." CO W O-N WP1 A�t 0 �4 r-I 0 R Q) O \ a c 0 BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lic. No. 035724 AA, 0912712022 y-. C D es C O V }_ 'C III [ti q r 0 O 6 ; MM6-4 t7 O I- O W m 7 ti 0 �� O II 0 U c O 6-4 ~ U O Wo 0 d Wo REVISIONS DATE ITEM DATE 01-20-2022 CLE NOTSTOASCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRLIN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROD.# 20140065 SHEET ,¢' C-5A Silt Trap 1 Area= 1.97 acres Wet Volume Req'd 3564 cf Dry Volume Req'd 3564 cf Bottom L = 44 ft Bottom W = 22 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4308 cf Dry Volume Actual 4592 cf Stone Outlet L = 12 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 455.0 Top Width= 42.0 Top Length= 64.0 Silt Trap 2 Area= 2.49 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4504 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4504 cf Bottom L = 52 ft Bottom W = 26 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 5676 cf Dry Volume Actual 5744 cf Stone Outlet L = 15 Ift Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 468.0 Top Width= 46.0 Top Length= 72.0 Silt Trap 3 Area= 2.38 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4305 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4305 cf Bottom L = 44 ft Bottom W = 22 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4308 cf Dry Volume Actual 4592 lcf Stone Outlet L = 15 Ift Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 458.0 Top Width= 42.0 Top Length= 64.0 Silt Trap 4 Area= 2.96 acres Wet Volume Req'd 5355 cf Dry Volume Req'd 5355 cf Bottom L = 52 ft Bottom W = 26 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 5676 cf Dry Volume Actual 5744 cf Stone Outlet L = 18 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 458.0 Top Width= 46.0 Top Length= 72.0 \ / , I I ----- ----- //S T -- _ - ST- 1 ;�o• /////// ii IIII it//i i� �/�////�•'/%/'//ii���/ / ,.�i . /����//// /iiii/////��/ •y�:.'.'�p .�i '�,/ / / ST_2 I `. I[it III I I I I I IIII F I 1 1 _ i l, I I � •� IIII IIIIII II III IIIIII � -- � `` I _ I ST-2SCA I M6 0, (IIII I/I Ijl I I \\ \\ \` \��_ - 111 IIII/ // I IIII IIIIIIIIIII II I�III�j �'iiiliiiiliiiiliii�lii��l�ii ll I I I - -- I II � - Iiiilliili\ �'\'. � \`--'------ �Ilj�'lllll �lll ll �I1111 �t\`\\\\ ----`-- lll�'Ijlll �ll ��ll IIII, - - - - - --- - -_-- --__- - - ---------- U---- 11, 1111,1111 �\�__--------- //, III, II, U1, 111, u. ------------ /III IIII r I, l l 1 1111----- ---- ///l,//////,//I, III rll l1 \ -------------- III I 1 1 --_--------- i-3 --------- ------- -- -- -_ ----_-_-_- -_-'- FiSO _-- :'. -_-----''//�''' _ -- I ---_ ' ___ _ ST-4 1 50' Silt Trap 5 Area= 2.46 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4450 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4450 cf Bottom L = 46 ft Bottom W = 23 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4632 cf Dry Volume Actual 4868 cf Stone Outlet L = 15 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 499.0 Top Width= 43.0 Top Length= 66.0 Silt Trap N Area= 2.54 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4595 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4595 cf Bottom L = 46 ft Bottom W = 23 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4632 cf Dry Volume Actual 4868 cf Stone Outlet L = 16 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 440.0 Top Width= 43.0 Top Length= 66.0 Silt Trap II Area= 2.62 acres Wet Volume Req'd 4740 cf Dry Volume Req'd 4740 cf Bottom L = 48 ft Bottom W = 24 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 4968 cf Dry Volume Actual 5152 cf Stone Outlet L = 16 ft Side Slopes= 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 420.0 Top Width= 44.0 Top Length= 68.0 SCALE ST-5 1 "-50' ST- 6 SCALE ST- 7 1 �50' O O in CQ co 0 Z CC) UMO ��45 00 W Z '�G4 U Z O Wes- O W M-4 0 .� �� ►y 00 'i Q 0U 0 0 \ a in BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lic. No. 035724 q� 0912712022 REVISIONS DATE ITEM DATE 01-20-2022 SCALE NOT TO SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRMN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROD.# 20140065 c 0 V 0 V `o C - U2 CO NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION SECTION 2- WPO PLANS Townes oy RIVANNA DISTRICT o� SITE ENGINEERING AAA v�, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA %� N ti m 1 Park Pest Circle, Suite 108 o Midlothian, Virginia 23114 z z GRADING PLAN " Phone:(804) 748-9011 Fax: (804) 748-2590 y ti ASK US HOW Company Website: www.ectownes.com 9 the property of Townes Site Engineering the reproduction, copying, or other use of this drawing without their written consent is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. C 2022 Townes Site Engineering n I 0 0 o b tiff m Flo A A o oX: zz ti ti NORTH POINTE SUBDIVISION CO SECTION 2- WPO PLANS , 9 0 D Townes �i� z r y 0z RIVANNA DISTRICT a w� SITE ENGINEERING ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRCINIA yc� N 4 m 1 Park West Circle, Suite 108 r Midlothian, Virginia 23114 GRADING PLAN r v` Phone:(804) 748-9011 Fax: (804) 748-2590 ASK US HOW Company Website: www.cctownes.com ng the reproduction, copying, or other use of this drawing without their written consent is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. C 2022 Townes Site Engineering 1 ///' — _ _—__— \\\\_ \ \\\\\\\\�\—� -- ---- _ /// // // - _ `- --- ��/l 1/ /// //I/ -�/'\ \\\\\\\\ \\\ \\\ \\�\\` J////% ��` It It It \, Zz ZZ \ \\\\\ //ice __---��\\// III ��fl IIIII'I�/� _____�_ '//r /O i' ! /�^\`\\\♦ ♦�\\�♦J L_�r///� /__� IIII [/ /-------- _�� /' i / i _ `♦ ♦ ♦ \ \\ __ --_ // _-_ -�� - �\ '/ i -'-- -� / ` `♦ j Il I I �f^iI'�1/��`--------___r' i ` II I LI I I Wi^------------- !' _ ' - i ` �`♦\` �_-______ �_ / /i'' / l _______-_ --- _ `�_^ `` `� J // / / / /' ` _ - i _ _ �♦ ` ,i i _ i__ _ \--_---- --- III 111 11 I 1 I 1\ \ ` I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ `� `^ `^ `♦ ♦a 1� ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ lid �Y ` _ - - -- -It,1 \ \ It 10 CA ` ♦ `♦ ♦♦ \ \ \ \ ` `^ _ _ � -` / I I I I I I , X.1 I \ •_/_ - �` Gj� � \ \ \ \ IIII \ I \\ \\ `\ I11\\\\\V1' IIII \\\ \ \,\ `.D �- - ` `♦ `\ ` - __ - _ �Bl / /// / //'// / /r _ / 1 I I i ___ I \\ \ \. 4 \ \ II I 11^ \ \ \\ 11\\ \\\i IIII\\\\\ \\\ \ \ - - - \ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -__ _ - -__� / //� //// , / / /, / i ' _ �/ _Q���O `\ \\ � 1 II 2 \ I 11 j�19 1 A Ar/ vv v V `> �� _ 'IIII III 11 1 v � . v -__- _ -__-_-_-� i I //! 1/ � I / /� j I I 1 / / \/^ i '\- ^\\ � _� I 1\ T IIII � \\\ \ I I /'/ ♦\ l \ II III II 1 \ \ \---- -- 1 I I IIII 11 � � � � HS �-_ _______ _ = ��� I 1 � I I I I II \ \ \ \ / �♦ \ \ 1\ A _I 1 1 1 1 \ ✓ I I � I I/,\ \\ m I I VI •I y- _ _ _ 1 y d •. 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C 2022 Townes Site Engineering STRUCTURE TABLE Structure Name STRUCTURE DETAILS STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION 1 RIM = 504.00 VDOT DI-5 2 INV OUT = 499.50 RIM = 503.80 3 2 INV IN = 495.35 VDOT DI-5 4 INV OUT = 495.25 RIM = 503.32 5 4 INV IN = 494.89 VDOT DI-3C (8ft) 58 INV IN = 494.90 6 INV OUT = 494.80 5A RIM = 504.13 VDOT DI-313 (8ft) 5B INV OUT = 500.10 RIM = 503.32 7 6 INV IN = 494.39 VDOT DI-3C (8ft) 8 INV OUT = 494.30 RIM = 490.00 9 8 INV IN = 485.85 VDOT DI-5 10 INV OUT = 485.10 RIM = 490.14 11 10 INV IN = 482.02 VDOT DI-313 (6ft) 12 INV OUT 481.92 13 RIM = 493.59 VDOT DI-313 (12tt) 14 INV OUT = 485.67 15 RIM = 493.49 VDOT DI-3B (6ft) 16 INV OUT = 486.18 RIM = 493.49 17 14 INV IN = 485.21 VDOT DI-3A 16 INV IN = 485.21 18 INV OUT = 485.11 RIM = 490.18 19 12 INV IN = 481.10 VDOT DI-3B (6ft) 18 INV IN = 483.92 20 INV OUT = 481.00 RIM = 476.40 20A 20 INV IN = 470.41 DRNG M/H 208 INV OUT = 462.58 21 RIM = 486.00 VDOT DI-5 22 INV OUT = 481.54 RIM = 483.83 23 22 INV IN = 479.84 VDOT DI-3B (8ft) 24 INV OUT = 477.78 RIM = 483.19 25 24 INV IN = 477.27 VDOT DI-3C (8ft) 26 INV OUT = 475.91 RIM = 483.55 27 26 INV IN = 475.10 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 28 INV OUT = 475.00 RIM = 475.58 29 28 INV IN = 470.23 DRNG M/H 30 INV OUT = 463.28 RIM = 459.14 31 30 INV IN = 454.04 DRNG M/H 32 INV OUT = 452.06 RIM = 460.03 33 208 INV IN - 454.92 DRNG M/H 32 INV IN = 449.56 34 INV OUT = 445.35 35 RIM = 446.79 ENDWALL 34 INV IN = 444.00 37 RIM = 489.93 VDOT DROP INLET 3A, 3B, 3C 38 INV OUT = 478.46 RIM = 489.93 39 38 INV IN = 478.06 VDOT DI-313 (10ft) 40 INV OUT = 477.96 41 RIM = 485.13 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 42 INV OUT = 479.19 RIM = 485.13 43 40 INV IN = 477.20 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 42 INV IN = 477.99 44 INV OUT = 477.10 45 RIM = 483.00 VDOT DI-5 46 INV OUT - 479.50 RIM = 482.50 47 46 INV IN = 477.27 VDOT DI-5 44 INV IN = 476.22 48 INV OUT = 476.12 RIM = 485.12 49 48 INV IN = 475.49 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 50 INV OUT = 475.39 RIM = 485.10 51 50 INV IN = 474.99 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 52 INV OUT = 474.89 RIM = 468.49 53 52 INV IN = 461.00 DRNG M/H 54 INV OUT = 460.15 55 RIM = 461.25 ENDWALL 54 INV IN = 459.00 RIM = 447.63 59 59A INV IN = 442.36 DRNG M/H 60 INV OUT = 438.27 59B RIM = 457.00 VDOT DROP INLET 5 59A INV OUT = 451.13 RIM = 435.23 61 60 INV IN = 431.00 DRNG M/H 62 INV OUT = 425.26 RIM = 423.58 63 62 INV IN = 419.00 DRNG M/H 64 INV OUT = 412.56 65 RIM = 413.75 ENDWALL 64 INV IN = 411.50 67 RIM = 483.59 VDOT DI-5 68 INV OUT = 480.20 RIM = 465.00 69 68 INV IN = 461.50 VDOT DI-5 70 INV OUT = 461.40 RIM = 459.00 71 70 INV IN = 455.50 VDOT DI-5 72 INV OUT = 454.75 RIM = 473.31 73 72 INV IN = 453.86 DRNG M/H 76 INV OUT = 453.76 RIM = 472.55 77 76 INV IN = 453.44 DRNG M/H 78 INV OUT = 453.34 STRUCTURE TABLE Structure Name STRUCTURE DETAILS STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION RIM = 447.77 78A 78 INV IN = 444.07 DRNG M/H 78B INV OUT = 429.95 79 RIM = 429.75 ENDWALL 78B INV IN = 426.95 81A RIM = 469.03 VDOT DI-5 81B INV OUT = 465.00 RIM = 469.17 81D INV IN = 462.29 81 81B INV IN = 464.80 VDOT DI-3C (8ft) 81F INV IN = 464.80 82 INV OUT = 462.19 81C RIM = 469.97 VDOT DI-36 (10ft) 81D INV OUT = 464.05 81E RIM = 470.25 VDOT DI-313 (8ft) 81F INV OUT = 466.19 RIM = 469.21 83 82 INV IN = 461.79 VDOT DI-3C (8ft) 84 INV OUT = 461.68 RIM = 463.85 85 84 INV IN = 460.00 DRNG M/H 86 INV OUT = 459.90 87 RIM = 461.25 ENDWALL 86 INV IN = 459.00 RIM = 440.19 89 89A INV IN = 435.10 DRNG M/H 90. INV OUT = 435.00 89B RIM = 457.00 VDOT DROP INLET 5 89A INV OUT = 451.41 RIM = 429.57 91 90. INV IN = 423.60 DRNG M/H 92 INV OUT = 417.61 93 RIM = 419.26 ENDWALL 92 INV IN = 417.01 RIM = 463.19 95 95B INV IN = 457.13 VDOT DI-313 (10ft) 96 INV OUT = 456.30 95A RIM = 468.65 VDOT DI-36 (10ft) 95B INV OUT = 463.03 RIM = 463.20 97 96 INV IN = 455.90 VDOT DI-36 (8ft) 98 INV OUT = 455.80 RIM = 459.01 99 98 INV IN = 453.09 VDOT DI-3A 100 INV OUT = 452.99 RIM = 441.96 101 100 INV IN = 435.92 DRNG M/H 102 INV OUT = 429.39 RIM = 405.29 102C 102E INV IN = 401.00 DRNG M/H 102D INV OUT = 394.74 RIM = 425.29 102A 102 INV IN = 421.00 DRNG M/H 102B INV OUT = 410.74 103 RIM = 395.11 ENDWALL 102D INV IN = 393.15 105 RIM = 475.50 VDOT DI-5 106 INV OUT = 467.63 RIM = 475.01 107 106 INV IN = 466.72 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 108 INV OUT = 466.62 RIM = 475.14 109 1098 INV IN = 469.22 VDOT DI-38 (6ft) 108 INV IN = 465.94 110 INV OUT = 465.84 109A RIM = 477.18 VDOT DI-3B (6ft) 1098 INV OUT = 469.92 RIM = 465.00 111 110 INV IN = 461.50 VDOT DI-5 112 INV OUT = 452.13 RIM = 452.25 112A 112 INV IN = 447.00 DRNG M/H 112E INV OUT = 438.81 113 RIM = 439.96 ENDWALL 112E INV IN = 438.00 115 RIM = 473.54 VDOT DI-38 (8ft) 116 INV OUT = 466.28 RIM = 473.54 117 116 INV IN = 464.43 VDOT DI-3B (8ft) 118 INV OUT = 464.33 RIM = 471.44 119 118 INV IN = 463.92 VDOT DI-3A 120 INV OUT = 463.82 121 RIM = 470.19 VDOT DI-3B (6ft) 122 INV OUT = 463.07 RIM = 470.19 123 120 INV IN = 462.66 VDOT DI-3B (6ft) 122 INV IN = 462.66 124 INV OUT = 462.56 RIM = 468.38 125 124 INV IN = 461.47 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 126 INV OUT = 461.37 RIM = 458.02 127 126 INV IN = 453.20 DRNG M/H 128 INV OUT = 450.10 RIM = 456.46 129 128 INV IN = 447.00 DRNG M/H 130 INV OUT = 446.90 131 RIM = 447.96 ENDWALL 130 INV IN = 446.00 133 RIM = 461.92 VDOT DI-3B (12ft) 134 INV OUT = 454.74 RIM = 461.92 135 134 INV IN = 454.34 VDOT DI-3B (8ft) 136 INV OUT = 454.24 RIM = 456.36 137 136 INV IN = 452.46 VDOT DI-3B (6ft) 138 INV OUT = 452.36 STRUCTURE TABLE Structure Name STRUCTURE DETAILS STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION 139 RIM = 453.05 VDOT DI-36 (6ft) 140 INV OUT = 446.05 RIM = 453.05 141 138 INV IN = 445.53 VDOT DI-36 (6ft) 140 INV IN = 445.53 142 INV OUT = 445.43 143 RIM = 458.00 VDOT DI-5 144 INV OUT = 454.50 RIM = 450.50 145 142 INV IN = 443.38 VDOT DI-5 144 INV IN = 445.31 146 INV OUT = 443.28 RIM = 447.86 147 146 INV IN = 441.98 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 148 INV OUT = 441.88 RIM = 431.62 149 148 INV IN = 425.58 VDOT DI-5 150 INV OUT = 425.32 151 RIM = 427.25 ENDWALL 150 INV IN = 425.00 153 RIM = 451.51 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 154 INV OUT = 443.81 RIM = 451.51 154 INV IN = 443.41 155 155E INV IN = 447.16 VDOT DI-3C (6ft) 155D INV IN = 443.41 156 INV OUT = 443.31 155A RIM - 451.50 VDOT DI-5 1558 INV OUT = 448.00 155C RIM = 453.68 VDOT DI-36 (10ft) 155D INV OUT = 445.87 RIM = 453.00 157 156 INV IN = 442.01 VDOT DI-3A 158 INV OUT = 441.91 RIM = 439.96 159 158 INV IN = 436.34 DRNG M/H 160 INV OUT = 432.01 RIM = 426.13 161 160 INV IN = 422.13 DRNG M/H 162 INV OUT = 414.25 RIM = 405.03 163 162 INV IN = 400.00 DRNG M/H 164 INV OUT = 392.10 RIM = 388.19 165 164 INV IN = 383.90 DRNG M/H 166 INV OUT = 378.30 167 RIM = 379.95 ENDWALL 166 INV IN = 377.99 169 RIM = 506.43 ENDWALL 170 INV OUT = 503.64 171 RIM = 505.50 ENDWALL 170 INV IN = 502.71 STORM PIPE TABLE STORM PIPE FROM STIR TO STIR UPPER INV LOWER INV PIPE LENGTH SLOPE PIPE SIZE 2 1 3 499.50 495.35 110.93' 3.74% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 4 3 5 495.25 494.89 35.53' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 58 5A 5 500.10 494.90 84.77' 6.14% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 6 5 7 494.80 494.39 40.00' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 8 7 9 494.30 485.85 142.50' 5.93% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 10 9 11 485.10 482.02 142.50' 2.16% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 12 11 19 481.92 481.10 40.06' 2.05% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 14 13 17 485.67 485.21 84.26' 0.55% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 16 15 17 486.18 485.21 40.00' 2.42% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 18 17 19 485.11 483.92 157.34' 0.76% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 20B 20A 33 462.58 454.92 63.80' 12.00% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 20 19 20A 481.00 470.41 132.37' 8.00% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 22 21 23 481.54 479.84 142.49' 1.19% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 24 23 25 477.78 477.27 44.99' 1.13% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 26 25 27 475.91 475.10 40.74' 2.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 28 27 29 475.00 470.23 119.21' 4.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 30 29 31 463.28 454.04 76.97' 12.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 32 31 33 452.06 449.56 345.05' 0.72% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 34 33 35 445.35 444.00 31.50' 4.29% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 38 37. 39 478.46 478.06 40.00' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 40 39 43 477.96 477.20 99.97' 0.76% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 42 41 43 479.19 477.99 40.00' 3.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 44 43 47 477.10 476.22 66.90' 1.32% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 46 45 47 479.50 477.27 116.41' 1.91% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 48 1 47 49 476.12 475.49 1 62,73' 1.00% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 50 49 51 475.39 474.99 40.00' 1.00% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 52 51 53 474.89 461.00 141.51' 9.81% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 54 53 55 460.15 459.00 28.68' 4.01% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 59A 59B 59 451.13 442.36 68.48' 12.81% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 60 59 61 438.27 431.00 60.58' 12.00% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 62 61 63 425.26 419.00 52.17' 12.00% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 64 63 65 412.56 411.50 41.52' 2.55% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 68 67 69 480.20 461.50 228.52' 8.18% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 70 69 71 461.40 455.50 124.00' 4.76% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 72 71 73 454.75 453.86 178.33' 0.50% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 76 73 77 453.76 453.44 41.37' 0.76% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 78B 78A 79 429.95 426.95 51.63' 5.81% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 78 77 78A 453.34 444.07 77.29' 12.00% 24 IN. CL. III RCP 81F 81E 81 466.19 464.80 69.01' 2.01% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 818 81A 81 465.00 464.80 24.67' 0.81% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 81D 81C 81 464.05 462.29 104.17' 1.69% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 82 81 83 462.19 461.79 40.13' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 84 83 85 461.68 460.00 85.49' 1.97% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 86 85 87 459.90 459.00 89.01' 1.01% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 89A 89B 89 451.41 435.10 82.72' 19.71% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 90. 89 91 435.00 423.60 44.24' 25.76% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 92 91 93 417.61 417.01 30.68' 1.95% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 95B 95A 95 463.03 457.13 121.03' 4.87% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 96 95 97 456.30 455.90 40.00' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 98 97 99 455.80 453.09 115.77' 2.34% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 100 99 101 452.99 435.92 167.55' 10.19% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 102D 102C 103 394.74 393.15 47.69' 3.34% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 1028 102A 102C 410.74 401.00 81.17' 12.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 102 101 102A 429.39 1 421.00 69,94' 12.00% 1 15 IN. CL. III RCP STORM PIPE TABLE STORM PIPE FROM STIR TO STIR UPPER INV LOWER INV PIPE LENGTH SLOPE PIPE SIZE 106 105 107 467.63 466.72 90.49' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 108 107 109 466.62 465.94 67.80' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 109E 109A 109 469.92 469.22 98.75' 0.70% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 110 109 111 465.84 461.50 101.07' 4.30% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 112B 112A 113 438.81 438.00 33.35' 2.43% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 112 111 112A 452.13 447.00 42.79' 12.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 116 115 117 466.28 464.43 40.00' 4.62% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 118 117 119 464.33 463.92 58.96' 0.70% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 120 119 123 463.82 462.66 105.26' 1.10% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 122 121 123 463.07 462.66 40.02' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 124 123 125 462.56 461.47 109.87' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 126 125 127 461.37 453.20 157.75' 5.18% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 128 127 129 450.10 447.00 259.96' 1.19% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 130 129 131 446.90 446.00 26.11' 3.45% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 134 133 135 454.74 454.34 40.00' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 136 135 137 454.24 452.46 50.78' 3.51% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 138 137 141 452.36 445.53 67.24' 10.16% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 140 139 141 446.05 445.53 40.00' 1.30% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 142 141 145 445.43 443.38 51.17' 3.99% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 144 143 145 454.50 445.31 129.30' 7.11% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 146 145 147 443.28 441.98 85.84' 1.52% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 148 147 149 441.88 425.58 224.31' 7.27% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 150 149 151 425.32 425.00 23.21' 1.40% 18 IN. CL. III RCP 154 153 155 443.81 443.41 40.00' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 155D 155C 155 445.87 443.41 122.60' 2.00% 1 15 IN. CL. III RCP 155E 155A 155 448.00 447.16 16.76' 5.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 156 155 157 443.31 442.01 130.05' 1.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 158 157 159 441.91 436.34 163.60' 3.41% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 160 159 161 432.01 422.13 82.71' 11.95% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 162 161 163 414.25 400.00 118.72' 12.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 164 163 165 392.10 383.90 68.35' 12.00% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 166 165 167 378.30 377.99 30.59' 1.01% 15 IN. CL. III RCP 170 169 171 503.64 502.71 28.00' 3.31% 24 IN. CL. III RCP O O in CQ CC) C.) o CID CO 0 WX4 U � N O or- co °� .b Cd ado a .-i 00 O O 0U O A a�EPLTH_p 11 II c BRIAN C. MITCHELL o Lic. No, 035724 0 ,0 0912712022 4�.y ti q i i 44, oil REVISIONS DATE ITEM DATE 01-20-2022 SCA=-5 1 " = PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROD.# 20140065 r1 `o C - i �� �■� _ ? �r!'��►i�3� �s�-.��j`+�,�� �I��.� �' '%'EMI �NI� o � �I ���� �' _i / �I .l - - - � v.:�..r- .nimbi; �•��� .�,cr..'�.c. 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Own vas Arne=12e1 Ponm=8.1'rt0.21y n=0000 EeM.[Mde fioXom. clean,.. %.0 1,50 Tam 34.0 1,50 T., XB 1,50 .1 153 17W Tw 153 17W Tp 153 1,70 TAY II5 148t TOW n5 1,481 .1 i2.E 1181 .1 SuacncNnent Pret: Preaev AP1 Subcfthuwnt Pre': Preaev AP1 Subvdchmen Pre1: laeev APt Subcalcllmen Fe3: Pre6er AP3 SUMalcNneM Nei: Pre6 M3 SuMstchment Prei: Re M3 Subcthment Prei: Redw, M4 Suautchnanl Prat: Redw AP4 Suautchment Pre4: Pleaev AP4 l'e h S az cis 0 n2290 ch 0 70sP ch a t3sT d5 ® 4G 7t ds 0 t25Ade 0 501 tls_ � 22.fada � 654t cfsl Type II 2441r Type II 24-hr Type II 244N Type II 24-hr Type 1124M Type II 2641r Type 1124-hr Type II 24-hr Type II 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62' 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 10-Year Ramftfl=5.46" 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 10-Year Rainfall=5,46' 100-Year Rainfall=8.96' Runoff Area=25.120 ac Runoff Area=25.120 ac Runoff Area=25.120 ac Runoff Area=25.170 ac Runoff Area=25.170 ac Runoff Area=25.170 ac Runoff Area=16.820 ac RunoHArea=16.820 ac RunoH Area=16.820 ac Runoff Volume=0.966 of Runoff Volume=2.843 of Runoff Volume=7.735 at Runoff Volume=1.136 of n Runoff Volume=3.153 of Runoff Volume=8.260 of Runoff Volume=0.702 of Runoff Volume=2.005 of Runoff Volume=5.350 of 9 Runoff Depth-0.46" 9:1 Runoff Depth=1.36" ae: Runoff Depth=17V z Runoff Depth=O.54" f Runoff Depth=1-50" f Runoff Depth=3.W 3 Runoff Depth=0.W' `a h Runoff Depth=1.43'• E •° Runoff Depth=3.82" Flow Length=1,583' I;', Flow Length=1,583- § Flow length=1,583' - Flow Length=1,750- .1' Flew Length=1,750' Flow Length=1,750- F Flow Length=1,461' a :� Flow Length=1,461' - Flow Length=1,461' Tc=34.9 min Tc=34.9 min Tc=34.9 min - Tc=15.3 min - Tc=16.3 min Tc=15.3 min Tc=22.5 min. Tc=22.5 min Tc=22.5 min ON=57 CN=57 CN=57 � CN-_59 ON=59 0N=59 CN=58 � ON=58 n 0N=58 O O kO Wo U) Z O O co) .00 1 W �WCd ��CU Z ^� a�PC. U it r- V Z O LU o � OW r. ate' o `� 1' 0U T BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lica Not 035724 6,,0 0912712022 ,4 DATE Ol-20-2022 SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROJe1 20140065 SHEET # C - 8 C 0 T N ° ° Try °° lYER °° °° oc. \tea °00000000000000 °moo. 0 0 0 0 •�„` o 0 0 0 0 °'0 ° ° ° a. o r GRAPHIC SC) 8)/,00/oo 150 0 75 150 20160200 NP-SECTA TyPa 1124M 2-Yea•Feim%0�4. 62" 20160290 NP3ECT.1 Troe112H f0-Yea•FaiMatlSA6• 20160D0 NP3ECTA 7 p 112"r 1�Yearf&ncfaH= 95' OyHPInP. Ivn=ta PreparM EyHPInc. PmW IV1.0t0 Pr¢pwM pyHP lnc Pmlm9/1mp19 Ynp69u u2pw Xwmcw snnmmsanm,. uc Pme at .e,ncwm10 W19 Yne6va umla xwncPn sonamswnmauc PmeN X,amcemlppnl9 Ynp¢e umw xwmcm sanv�.. sanm,. uc pace e7Summary fw Link API: ANALYSW POINT I Summary ice Link API: ANALYSIS POINT I Sumnmry fcr Link AM1 ANALYSIS PONT1 � Y. \� ✓ _ \� \\ \\\\�/ T \ \-� �\ 0� JYI'I!r FEET InM.v Ma= W 2W m. 20.7M ImMr-s cmvC - 12P kr2-Year ewM Inlbx Nea= 26.20]x. M IMIngermr. IcA-CpN=2.0 M1LLYe . In A -a: Wmac. N.TP%Inyenloue. Inflwvuepn-55S b16 tccme ( IN L'LET ) p-Iy ,tack' 199pM Vtlm- 17cQ. pn .. Im=nnmm I�ry ])mM, 1171M..- 5.N ABe-m6 lypnnmin I ry a5B9M' 1J C]Xz Vtla 1J 1NX ANx EY Ignmm� nm. ,m._ m. tle® 1p Le. ,me= m. tle® 1 eme- 1 inch = 150 ft. PnmeryoNlkw-1M .Thna9pm=5MI20Whc,tl 005Fn Prlmeryav04x=1nM.Thm Spar-5 W120.W F�a tlF-005M Pnrnaryoull4x=lnlbw, T'mo51rI=5t6120MM,"005M Link API: ANALYSIS POINT I Link API: ANALYSIS POINT 1 LINT AM; ANALYwS POINT 1 0 i a S'zxsem InflowArea=26.200 ac a" p Inflow Arean26.200 ac 20160290 NPdECTA Type ll N-hr 10.Yemf nOW04.1. Prepare! by HPlnc. Prinlp 1211 Y1018 HMmGM1000.1]Yn O0a50 ®AIe NMmfA➢9onwan SNubne LLG Pene00 201602W NPdECT.i Type 112,1v AYear RmnmpJ.W Prepal�byHP6c. PMW 1y1Y1p18 HMioC00010041]Yn6B'AB OAH HMrtCP➢S011wvebuhme LLG Pmen W1603B0_NP4ECT.1 type 02e.hr 10Yew Hncnc'=5.m' Repa�byHPlnc. PmM 1N182018 HMmLPC0 fC0 TehDtcSS IIM14 WN' neh-bJtu LLC PmeW W1502lo NP-0ECT.1 Type a 2. f00.vew ft cie c-B 9S hagR6 by HPlx. PmN]iXINlp1B X,Ji <.0061nWn MM1Y 0AH XNeUD9Mwe5Wba LLG Pa B] W15M NP-SECT.1 Type n 24,hr 2-Yew NwmMV.62- Reprel ly HPlrm. PmW 1L16"201B H,JRIL010W1]MW]Y OMIeXHdJD Sdhrae Srl/nu LLC ParoY W150290_NPdECT.1 Type 1124,Ir MYew Rana]=5 e6' P2palel py HP lnc. PmrcJ 1L1B'2mB Xgd:K610011]eM Wl500M1aNgvCM SdMYe SYbs LLC Pan B] 201602M NPd CTA Typo 112., fa0.Yeer aae4e0=695' %epleO by HP hm. PmroY ILtBrzO1B XYd:PL6100S1]YTOS]Y OAI.XMIdNO iMYa SWbs LLCim Summary fur Link API: ANALYSW POINT I Summary fat Link AM: ANALYSW POINT J Summery far Link AM: ANALYSW POINT3 Summery fw Link AM: ANALYSW POINTS Summary ipr LnR AP/: ANALYSW POINT/ Summary M lack AP/:ANALYSW POINT/ Summary i0r Link AP/: ANALYSW POINT Pree= 20]P% neepm w¢, Inflwr Cep61= 2, h 10V1- nl Inlha Anna N.T =, JTfi1kinneraccs Inflmv WpM= IGY b2-Yxrmnl Inlhx Pmi= Ip.] m. J]61%Ingmvc-, Inflw NpN= 318' W 10Yeaeenl InMxNm= BO.TA x. 31,61%Inye- cenc 0.yN= 63]' la 100Yeerevml Inagv Prea= 8]Dx 1015%hpelvlm. IMbx ApN= OBt' b2-Vmrevnl InllvvMm= 8]211 x, 101A6 a1pxmm. Inlba0.pN= I1S b 10.Yemevml MIRw H®= B]91 x, 101M 111{ervuu¢. InnmvCWn' = Im' Iq 1WVearewn 11.. Nnge. IMbry - 23.W de0 12]1 M, Vdure= 58]nN Inhwr - 12..@ 128]M, Vdure= n.. IMbx - d222.0 128C M, Vtlure= 10 W3 e1 Inlba - 10512ebQ 1251M, Vtlin� 21MO Ink- - 510 d<Q 12]]M. Vpnlm 0]%al In. - I1 4.,@ 12]BM, V4ellr- 1];N LJbx - a012m® 1225 hrs, VWme= 0]1N Pnmery i2.BB dae 12]1 M, Vdllrn= 66N BI, Ahn=0%, Lp=OOmin %Imary = 12W de® 120J M. VdWa= 55B$tl, ARn=n%, I[p=OOmin Pnmery = c2Etk® 1289 M. VdWma 106W a1, AKn=e%, 1p=OOmin Pnmary 105.12 C4® 12N M. Va6am^ 21.. , Aam=O%, Ly=Onmm Prvrery = 5]eda® 12J]M. Vtla11T 0]31I. Atlen=896, tq=OOmm Pmury = 11 t4W® 1226M, M1. A =0%, Iq=00 min ReNy = ap l2ck® t225 hrs. Vo4mn= 4W1/, Pllerr-0%. la%=OO mac Pnmery wXlsv=InIW. Time Spm=5 00120 W he 6F-005 Fm "IT aullhx=Inlbw.Iona Spn=5W,120 W he 61=005 Fm Pnican, =lnbx. Trte Fpn=5W120 00M,6 005M PnmaryoNlba=Inbe. T-Spn=5.1.WM, 61=pWM PmmerycuMoe= In. Terc 81m1= 5.1 A.W M.6Cp p5M PmmYycNllov=In. Tnrc 8{m=5.1Z1W M.6F-0MM Pnnvywllbw=Ytlbx, Tam Bpn=SW-I. W hM1 d=c ce In. Link AM: ANALYSIS POINT I Link AM: ANALYSIS POINT J Link AM: ANALYSIS POINT J Link AM: ANALYSIS POINT 0 Lim, AP4: ANALYSIS POINT 4 Link AP/: ANALYSIS POINT4 Link AP/: ANALYSIS POINT/ N,depa{n xpepW xpapnn lryegraw. Npgrap. xreyrW. xpry,q. 'r enra. O O ® O O - .'Inflow Area=28200 ac - +zoo Inflow .Area=rT0720.ac "� `I` Inflow Area=40720 ac "1B51z "¢ IIMow ATna=40.720 ac 5]a tl` Inflow Area=9.730 ac 10 L` Inflow Area=9.730 ac w1�tl¢ Inflow Area=9.730 ac ,m AP Acres 5 4.82 6 8.95 7 1.49 8 0.63 9 12.07 10 4.70 11 2.26 12 3.30 SWM/BMP5 4.41 SWM/BMP6 3.31 O O lf� V (j) ZO O r- "It U W �. �� 0 W �W ��CU Z tw U it veel Z } O eP. W e-;�� PC O O�� oreenel 'i in g u T BRIAN C. MITCHELI Licr No, 035724 qp 0912712022 ,4 REVISIONS DATE DATE 01-20-120212 CSCALE 1" = 150' PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROJe# 20140065 C - c 0 71 - T e II 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NP SECT.1 yp - T H 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62' 20150290 NP SECT.1 Type - T ll 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NP SECT.1 ype - Type n 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall-3_62" 20150290 NP SECT.1 yp _ Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/i6/2018 _ Prepared ty HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 _ Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 _ Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD® 10.00-13 s/n 06356 C 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 HydroCAD® 10.00-13 s/n 06356 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 23 HydroCAD® 10 00-13 s/n 06356 0 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 26 HydroCAD® 10.00-13 s/n 06356 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 29 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP7 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hytlrograph Hytlrograph Primary OutFlow Max=11.94 cfs @ 12.93 him HW=437.05' (Free Discharge) t -Harrell (Culvert) (Passes 11.94 cfs of 141.25 cfs potential flow) 2=0rfice - 2 VR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 10.37 cfs @ 7.43 fps) Hytlrograph Fs-, nflcw 24.49 cfs .anm"�> .Inlbw 3.30 cfs o I>nm"ry .Influx 2.07 cfs • anmary 2° Inflow Area=25.450 ac Inflow Area=1.910 ac 3=Orifice - 10VR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 1.57 cfs @ 2.52 fps) Inflow Area=1.540 ac z4 =Riser ( Controls 0 00 cfs)WMM Peak EIev=446.63' J Peak EIev=501.21' Peak EIev=438.3T20 22 ggeoondary OulFlOw Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hB HW=434.00' (Free Discharge) Storage=152,413 cf Storage=3,212 cf t-5=Emergency Spillway(Controls0.00cfs) Storage=2,699 cf 16 -- _ Pond BMP 3: SWMBMP3 (RETENTION BASIN 11)14 - z 1.80 cfs Hyarograph+259.04 I cas InflowArea=40.310ac - -' -:--:- ° im PeakElev--437.05' a.ozcfs m 4 55 Storage=280,030-ef- 2 Po °5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 ]° 75 80 85 90 95 1001 05 1t0 115 t20 ° 5 ip 15 m m 30 35 40 65 W 55 W 65 ]c 75 W 05 90 95 1Cp 105 110 115 1m - " 4a 5 ID 15 211 25 30 35 40 15 50 55 fi0 6570 ]5 a. 85 90 95 1. IDS 110 115 1.Time (hours) rime (noun) E Trice Ihouml Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) 30 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge stage-Discharge'1 09 Z0 11.96 cfs stage -Discharge ❑ anme�, 4wr:� o yarn.. is - ❑ anmen 44 10 a4 cfs 4a0.00 s to u m m m 35 40 4S So 5560 rs m 7s a° 8s Por4-444m 4.1 434343 0 10 20 m 4° 5° W 70 B] 911 160 0 10 2) 30 40 50 60 ]0 BO N a 5 10 15 m 25 m 35 4° 45 50 M 66 as Discharge (cha) Dhacnerge (crs) Discharge (as) 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type It 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290_NP-SECTA Type If 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46' 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared ty HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared 6y HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared ty HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD® 10.00-13 s/n 06356 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 53 HydroCAD®10A0-13 sin 06356 0 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 56 HydroCADS 10.00-13 sin 06356 IB 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 59 HvdroCADE) 10.00-13 s/n 06356 02014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paoe 62 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN 11) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hytlrograph Hytlrograph rlmary OutFlow Max=41.77 cfs @ 12.64 him HW=439.20' (Free Discharge) Barrell (Culvert) (Passes 41.77 cfs of 156.77 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice - 2 VR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 14.32 cfs @ 10.25 fps) Hyarograph o Innax 53.56 cfs D ar�,n„y D InOow 6.84 cfs D anmery g ,chow 4.51 cfs D anmarr 55. Inflow Area=25.450 ac 7 6.5oofs Inflow Area=1.910 ac 3=0r'tfice-10VRControlling Structure (OnficeControls 14.36cis @6.58fps) Inflow Area=1.540 ac =Riser (Weir Controls 13.09 cfs @ 2.07 fps) 4-15 cfs 50 Peak EIev=447.85' Peak EIev=501.4T Peak EIev=438.61' 45 6- S$econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=434.00' (Free Discharge) i%=Emergency 4 Storage=196,295 cf 40 5 Storage=3,998 cf Spillway ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Storage=3,375 cf _ Pond BMP 3: SWM/BMP3 (RETENTION BASIN 11) 235. x 00 3 4 ----- HYtlmgrepM1 - 21 22.47 cfs w > ■lmwx 115.60 cfs c 2 20 ❑ omnw Inflow Area=40.310 ac Peak Elev=439.20' 0 Storage=364,250 cf 5 o' ° 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 00 OS 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 5 10 15 m m m 35 40 45 59 55 Po 65 is ]5 as 65 9a 95 ,0a tM 110 its tm 5 10 15 m 25 30 35 60 45 50 55 65 70 75 80 &5 90 95 100 105 110 115 tm Time Ihoursl rime (amael lime Ihourel m Fi 7 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) se m 42.08 cfs Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge Stage -Discharge w stage -Discharge 460 o anm.�,r 503- 44c- ❑ Pnme�y "a m �8 Rr 0.00 GIs 441 446- 5 10 15 m 25 m 35 40 45 50 4 60 0.5 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 t05 rip v5 40 onrse - �:_ . _ 502 rime geuq 4,5 439 _ 444 _ p 443 o e p 442 ' w ' 44t w cruse, we"Cimfies . . ............ . ... . .. . .... .... ..... w LUNam WeitlOrifice __ 440 439 438 43] car.(COnsh m 439 p 10 m 30 40 50 60 70 W 90 100 a to 20 30 40 5p 6a 70 W 90 0 5 10 15 m 25 30 35 0 45 50 55 e° 85 Discharge (car) Washarge lag Discharge (chat 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Typel124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8. 95' Prepared ty HP Inc. Printed 12/i6/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12116/2018 Prepared Iy HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD® 10.00-13 s/n o6356 ©2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 86 HydroCADO 1 OnC-13 s/n 06356 0 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 89 HydroCAD® 10.00-13 s]n 06356 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Sdufiom LLC Page 92 HydroCAD® 10.00-13 s/n 06356 ® 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 95 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN 11) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hyarograph Hytlrograph pprimary OutFlow Max=154.64 cfs @ 12.35 him HW=440.56' (Free Discharge) t =Barrell (Culvert) (Passes 154.64 cfs of 165.77 cfs potential flow) 2=Orifice - 2 VR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 16.31 cfs @ 11.68 fps) Hytlrograph � � ■ _O __11 - 14.15 ds D rims, a , 9.67 cfs ■ pam m InflowArea=25.450 ac 13.81 ds InflowArea=1.910 ac 3=Orifice-10VR ControllingStructure(Onfice Controls 18.86 cfs@8.64 fps) 10 9.45 cfs InflowArea=1.540 ac =Riser (Weir Controls 1197 cfs @ 4.33 fps) im Peak EIev=448.97' 3 Peak EIev=501.72' Peak EIev=438.84' Storage=240,021 eC-EmergencySpilondary OutFlow lway(WerControls39.73cfs@�0.fps) eeDischarge) 6 Po g5.2q - _ _' of Storage=4,834 cf Storage=4,067 of - 10 Pond BMP 3:SWM/BMP3(RETENTION BASIN II)-- ,. .__.___.. ___ ___ __ __ ___ $ 7p _ -�,,--, 9 fi �° Hvaroaravn „ 7 ®ltxMw w ,o- S Inflow Area=40.310 ac •�""'°" 4 ■ secew 3 . o - Peak Elev--440.56' z-----------.. ,_.._.. _ - __... - Storage=420r868cf :- w ' 1 ° o f25ds 5 tp 15 m 25 30 35 10 q6 50 55 70 ]5 Bo BS Po 95 100 105 11a 116 12c 5 1° 15 m E 30 35 40 45 50 55 SO Ba 70 ]5 90 85 BO 85 10D 106 110 115 Im 5 10 15 m 25 311 35 10 45 50 rd 60 85 ]° ]5 80 BS 911 95 1m 165 110 115 tm at ea That Ihnoel Time ,gent 2 y r Imatej Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN 11) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge StageDischargeStage-Discharge 450 _ _ - - ❑ vnmer,' S°T o anmary 449 0 Ye Rem, m a - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - 448 5 10 15 m 25 m a5 40 45 50 65 fig A TS BD is Po 95 16016611a 1151a1 Dn e m2 r Par�q 445 439 444 _ 0 443 - -.._ - --'--- .-- ---- - - __. - - W 441 � � � - - w currn welnonace a cwmm weewrir 44a ass 439 438 437 ear. rculrntl 500 4. 0 +0 20 m 41) 50 60 7o 63 90 1Po 0 1. 20 3a a° so ea 70 6u s0 a 5 10 15 m 25 m 35 45 m 55 6a has Divenvae (is) D-har9e (dc) Diattrge (an) North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 1 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SWM/BMP Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From S WMBMP at Analysis Point (yr) (cfs) (cfs) (els) 01) (cfs) 2 Year 5.42 5.42 4.02 446.63 4.08 Storm 10 Year 22.8 22.8 22.47 447.85 22.69 Storm 100 Year 70.59 N/A 85.24 448.97 85.93 Storm North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 3 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SWM/BMP Devlopmeirt Rtnroff Post Devlopment Rltnoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From SWM/BMP at Analysis Point (yr) (ets) (cfs) (efr) 00 (cfs) 2 Year 12.57 12.57 11.96 437.05 12.00 Storm 10 Year 44.71 44.71 42.08 439.20 42.22 Storm 100 Year 125.20 N/A 194.25 440.56 195.12 SIOmI North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 4 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SWM/BMP Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From SWM/BMP at Analysis Point (yr) (cfs) (els) (cfs) 00 (els) 2 Year 5.67 5.67 0.76 438.37 5.78 Storm 10 Year 22.16 22.16 4.15 438.61 17.14 Storm 100 Year 65.41 N/A 9.45 438.84 40.12 Storm O O In CQ I 00 0 CC)r-U e; O no� W x"ICID yM UFO lam+ , U cd U real real "U U O cJ O real �0 W 'A0� 1104 Pat '21 O R .--1 CO Q O O U 4 Pill O 2 I-T 11 6" Ny(, rI I I c : 0 1dlfIm BRIAN C, MITCHELL o Utz, No. 035724 1 -o qp 0912712022.E r� r RN rQ, i t>; oil REVISIONS DATE ITEM DATE 01-20-2022 SCALE NO SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROD.# 20140065 T. `o C - 20140065_NP-SECT.2 Type If 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20140065_14PSECT.2 Type//24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62' Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1152022 Hyde,CAD 10 00-13 s/n 06356 © 2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 1 HydroCA 10.1 0 13 sin 063M © 2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 1 Pond 10P: SWM/BMPS (1310-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWM/BMP6 (810-RETENTION FILTER) Hydrograpn Hydrograph 7.34 cfs i a�l�umy 5.51 cfs ®rom�ary Inflow Area=4.410 ac Inflow Area=3.310 ac Peak Elev=458.39' a's9gfa Peak EIev=458.40' 6 Storage=7,463 cf Storage=4,130 cf 4.77 cfs 4 5 10 15 20 25 w 55 b a5 59 55 W 65 ]a i5 ffi ffi 90 95 160 Im 110 115 In 5 10 15 20 25 30 55 a0 45 50 $ ® 65 ]0 is ffi ffi 90 95 16. 16.5 110 115 120 Time (Mum) rime (murs) Pond 10P: SWM/BMPS (1310-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWM/BMP6 (1310-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge alaga0iscaasge d60 l L� a Primary W W au Eysa+llwarrotlree aye 6 10 z6 96 46 106v TO m alxasge (cb1 417 6 6 26 w 46 sin m 7o e6 YlxOsge (clot 20140065_NPSECT.2 Type H24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20140065_NPSECT.2 Typel124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46• Prepared t y HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 Prepared by HP Inc. Panted 1152022 HydroCAD810.00-13 s/n W356 0 M14 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paine 2 HydroCAD81000-13 sin 06356 02014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 2 Pond 10P: SWMIBMP5 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWM/BMP6 (810-RETENTION FILTER) Hydrograplr Hydrograp0 1 14.79 cfs - - - - - • rv�r�m®-y 14. 9 , 11.1 O cf5 a rv�mary Inflow Area=4.410 ac D.n chin Inflow Area=3.310 ac 13 Peak EIev=458.73' , Peak EIev=458.65' 12 Storage=9,515 cf Storage=4,994 cf _ 57 a 6 -------- ----- __----------------- _. 2 _ _. 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 W 55 ae 65 70 75 W e5 96 ffi iW toy 110 115 U. 5 10 15 20 25 90 J1 a0 ds 56 ss s0 Bs 70 is 90 e5 90 95 1. 115 110 115 120 Time (Soursi Time rho...) Pond 10P: SWM/BMPS (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWMIBMP6 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) stage-0iimhm,e stae"ischarge 4. ■Primary de0 Iu J d 59- 4. F "' dye c:azleelwemarnRe ; rise. wsmm wmnlmmle. a9 0 10 LI b 40 50 60 70 00 90 457 0 10 20 30 46 50 66 70 80 elstimge (c%) alecllage (c%) 20140065_NP-SECT.2 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfallm8.95" 20140066 NPSECT.2 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Reinfalf=8.95" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 1/5/2022 HydroCAO010.00.13 s/n 06356 ® 2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 3 HydroCADS 10.00-13 sin 06356 02014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 3 Pond 10P: SWMIBMP5 (1310-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWMIBMP6 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hydrograp5 Hydrograp( 29.88 cFs__�,____•,--.--: ivrllren a 2243 cfs ©arn 2a.eeafa Inflow Area=4.410 ac 22.04cfs Inflow Area=3.310 ac 2-------;---' Peak EIev=459.10' p Peak EIev=458.98' Storage=11,906 cf Storage=6,234 cf rz i6 f 1e 1 9;4 16 II LL 14 1, - 12 10 e _ - _ __ - _ - - --- _-_ __ _ _- ° __ --- ------ 5 i0 15 ZI E 90 95 a0 AS W 55 W 95 70 75 e0 95 9] 65 1W t& ttc „5 I20 , 5 10 i5 A E 90 95 . a.5 W 53 W 65 N A W 85 60 65 1W 105 ,t0 115 191 Ties (lours) Time (he-) Pond 10P: SWMIBMP5 (B10-RETENTION FILTER) Pond 9P: SWMIBMP6 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) stag.-abcaarga ataga-abcnup. 4ffi 0 Pnmry Oro ■ Pnmvy 4. --- 4% = s` '� cmmm wemom�� s w c�mam wmuormu '1" 0 16 26 36 60 10 e0 u1 ofssn.ge trio 457 0 16 20 90 46 W 56 76 A 06cnnge lOq PRE -DEVELOPMENT POST -DEVELOPMENT AP Q2 V2 ELEV Q2 V2 ELEV TOP OF BANK Allowable V 5 5.94 2.81 418.13 11.45 3.31 418.44 425 5.00 6 17.11 3.97 426.11 15.75 3.89 426.08 430 5.00 7 19.02 1.85 413.49 17.95 1.82 413.45 415 5.00 8 19.77 3.93 405.29 18.71 3.88 405.26 410 5.00 9 38.4 1 3.88 1 381.73 1 46.68 1 4.07 1 381.86 1 385 1 5.00 10 41.09 3.63 374.04 55.04 3.91 374.21 380 5.00 11 43.27 4.36 360.99 57.12 4.69 361.23 365 5.00 12 6.82 3.39 425.48 7.67 3.50 425.5 430 3.75 STREAMSTATS.USGS.GOV SHOWS A 108 SQUARE MILE OR 69,120 ACRE DRAINAGE AREA FOR THE NORTH RIVANNA RIVER WHERE THIS DEVELOPMENT DISCHARGES. THE COMBINED 69.37 ACRES AT ANALYSIS POINT 11 IS LESS THAN 1% OF THE 69,120 ACRES DRAINAGE AREA FOR THE NORTH RIVANNA RIVER. 0 CQ y C0 0 00 U o y �� Q),.y �"1 M o CO �N� U .co r U tt0 F-t •r�-I �i Cd ^ ado a 03 Q.)I O iM U 0 4 a ��pLTH p BRIAN C. MI CHELI Lic, No. 035724 q 0912712022 < � n_SSSIONAL 10 It. jr- ►_I r: O 2 i. REVISIONS DATE ITEM rn c 0 c c w 4) U1 m c c 0 N (V 0 N C U1 to C C 3.1 O r 0 C 0 0 a DATE r 01-20-2022 ro SCALE c NO SCALE o PROJECT MANAGER C BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. o .N DESIGNED BY -°10 BCM / LEN � CHECKED BY -� c 0 PROD.# 20140065 0 L C - 1 O ❑ ° x 8548 O ' ` 654983 CONST/E T14W 490 LJ ` CONSTIENT14W _ �v� /' 1JJYq, �AR OWN •.:' t - SWM/BMP 2 BYPASS 1 i BYPASS TO AP 2 (DA-2A) �— zo '172'\ �\\2c zs 1♦ BYPASS 3 ' \\ — \ { — — — J -------------- Si30 a[ 31 BYPASS 4 ♦ p ' ( \ \ ,/ I I °1 / nz i l/� 1 \�\ �\ WM/BMP 4 i YP SA-4 AP 4 ------ , \ _ J 4A)zi If 400' / 00, , \ ,. .may_ Y � \ / __ 1 I 1 • ro' / /// 7 / ..:x \\ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ / / ' 4r d I I PASS - \ ° SWM BMP 1 - / 12 AP BYPASS P SST t / J \\\\ / \_ r/ ._ s _7•r/r0C I . 1' ) � I �\ / BYPAS , SkPARR IPM Y� �I•- `\ r ', V _ r �� / \ /� / _ ♦ / ; BYPASS 6`— awn for-0 00 s ------------ y - - , ° 6• - II a e \\ i i / ''� l o000 m N ' I / \ \ \ I I I \ y` / t \\ \ \\ \ I I 1 fir/ SWA(/6P 4 1/ i •�. � .� - �' . - ----_ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,\ l / � �a ----' / / 8 • \ • • .. .. .. [-. _ _ % /,/' II \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\\ \\ \\\ \\\ i // Il / 1' I I I t\ 1'1 \I 1 1\\11\ \\ '\ '/ ' ^ I 1 p I I l I I 1 1\ 1 \ _� > o i. \ •�. _ , ' a` - - / ' I I I I 1\ \' • \ i / i i I +' I \ 1 1 OIf ' I 1 ------' --- I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 \ 1 \�' 1 I I' I I 1 \ 1 1 1\ 1 \` --' / / \� O I //' 1 / - / / l I I r I I I ' I -\ \ \ .�_— B%'PASO- 4 ��': \ \ I I' ' �._`_ �.. l • _ -__` l I 1 1 /l 1 \I `\-' \I I \A X\ O 1 11 1 1 ' -• �/ \ \\ \dV�p 1 \ \ \ `.�1^y 'rti:`\� � �-_�� •\••�_ I ♦ ,/ L\ _/ \ \ /' -�\`\ `-= / / / I / / 111 /' \,./ � � 'e \ � � / � / /�/,�— ice\ \ \\ \ .1 I I \ ` ,. ,,v vyy.= � �•�•.� � \ \ \ % l % / l I /_ ��`\\ "'/ / � / / I11111�1 i , _ .. BYPASS 5 . • - _ / / / l / / \ \ ���'� SWM BMA 3 BYPASS i i \ \ \`\ ��- `-� TO AP 3 (�A-3A) b� � 0 0 O O _ -� ` `• -- - / / / Tj 1 \ ` �a.� /' - O 0 0 0 \ \• I / Q / J / / o 0 0 o p 0 0 0 0 ° ° / \11 '\� 0 ° o 1 - > - - / c - • 'e ° O ° / ��� °° 1 t\ \ ®\ cS� i / / / AREAS SUMMARY TABLE: 0 .110 o O ° °\ o `I = o _ 8 o / .0 \ / / Cb CID DED TO APPLICABLE 0 0. o i / o.-o•q 1 0 0 / // 8: ° °o0O 008"000 / o� o ° p`Q.yQ. 0 ° / / / 8/ : o° 000000 got ` _ APPLICABLE SITE AREA = 131.25 ACRES 44� 0 0 0 0 0 / ° 0 / �--/ / 8: I°m• // / / P I I \\ I' `\\\\ \ 1aost= 37 /o p 0 ` / // 8� :o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / 0 / i / \oe00 QQ / O°\O ! GRAPHIC SCALE '' ''/ _150 0 75 150 300 00 / 00 0 !# / �0oddopoa-- % oA •�+ / / i\ ' ` c- ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 150 ft. ONSITE OFFSITE (NOTAD SITE AREA) NO. ACRES IMP. % BYPASS 1 1.74 30 BYPASS 3 1.40 27 BYPASS 4 9.52 28 BYPASS 5 41.48 26 DA-1 22.13 43 DA-lA 3.85 6 DA-2 1.91 41 DA-3 40.31 53 DA-4 1.54 39 DA-5 3.31 46 DA-6 4.41 46 DA-7 1.97 60 O (73 Io co 0 O � 06 Z �d'^,a 0 W IN �W Z1--t U (� >� v c W Z +' O m A� W�'•�ao�LLI O �v� N W � -4 adC) C a N �� o O U c, c a ° U 0 0 m 0 O = m Cn q Z a HRIAN C. MITCHELI LIc. No. 035724 09/27/2022 ,4 c 0 m m m U OT ^ 39 v 11 •� m 7 o c 0 C/) 2 I� y V � 0 Q4 c 0 o p 0 0 7 O (Y a r.ry m 01 C O � m REVISIONS DATE ITEM IN 05/18/22 PER COMMENTS 07127122 PER COMMENTS 09/27/P2 PER COMMENTS DATE 01-20-2022 SCALE 1"=150' PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROD.# 20140065 SHEET *1 C - II c m m c c w In m m c 3 0 0 1 n m L m c 3 0 t m c rn m v m L O c ° 0, c .3 0 v L PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX 5E Worksheet 1 Page 1 of 3 STEP 1 (Determine the applicable area (A) and the post -developed impervious cover (lpost) Applicable area (A)* = 131.25 acres Post -development impervious cover: Structures = acres parking lot = acres roadway= acres other: = acres = acres Total = acres (post=(total post -development impervious cover /A)x100= 37% * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, consult the locality for proper determination of this value. STEP 2 Determine the average land covercondition (lwatershed) orthe existing impervious cover (lexisting) Average land cover condition (Iw,t,nhJ: If the locality has determined land cover conditions for individual watersheds within its jurisdiction, use the watershed specificvalue determined by the locality as Iwatershed- lwatershed = 16% Worksheet 1 Page 2 of 3 Existing impervious cover (I,,;,tn,): Determine the existing impervious cover of eth development site if present. Existing impervious cover: Structures = acres parking lot = acres roadway= acres other: = acres acres Total = acres lexisting = (total post -development impervious cover / A) x 101 0% * The area should be the same as used in STEP 1. STEP 3 Determine the appropriate situation. The site informtaion determined in STEP 1 and STEP 2 provide enough information to determine the appropriate development situation under which the performance criteria will apply. Check ( ) the appropriate development situation as follows: Situation 1: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexisting) is less than or equal to the average land cover condition (lwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover (lpo,t) which is less than or equal to the average land cover condition (lwatershed)• 1post lwatershed Worksheet 1 Page 3 of 3 X Situation 2: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lex;sting) is less than or equal to the average land cover condition (lwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover (Ipost) which isgreater than the average land cover condition (Iwatershed)- lexisting 00/0 < lwatershed 16% (post 37% > lwatershed 16% Situation 3: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexisting) is greater than the average land cover condition (lwatershed) lexisting lwatershed Situation 4: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexisting) is served by an existing stormwater management BMP (s) that addresses waterouality If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situation 1, than the low density development is considered to be the BMP and no pollutant removal is required. The calculation procedure for Situation 1 stops here. If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situations 2, 3 or4, then proceed to STEP 4 on the appropriate worsheet. PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX SD Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Page 1 of 4 Summary of Situation 2 criteria: from calculations procedure STEP 1 thru STEP 3, Worksheet 1: Applicable area (A)* = 131.25 acres (post=(total post -development impervious cover/ A)x100= 37% * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, consult the locality for proper determination of this value. watershed = 0 o lexisting = (total post -development impervious cover/ A) x 10C 0% lexisting 0% < Iwatershec 160/0 Imt 37% > Iwatershec 169/0 STEP 4 Determine the relative pre -development pollutant load (Lpre). Lpre(watershed) = [0.05 + (0.009 x lwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) Where(watershed) = relative pre -development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) (watershed = average land cover condition for specific watersh or locality or the Chesapeake Bay default value of 16% (percent expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area (acres) Lpre(watershed) = [0.05+(0.009) x 16% )] x 131.25 x 2.28 = 58.055 Poundsperyear Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Page 1 of 4 STEP 5 Determine the relative post -development pollutant load (Lpost). Lpost = [0.05+(0.009 x lwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) Where: Lpost = relativepost-development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) (post = post -development percent impervious cover (expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area (acres) Lpost = [0.05+(0.009) x 37% )] x 131.25 x 2.28 = 114.742 Poundsperyear STEP 6 Determine the relative poluutant removal requirement (RR). RR = Lpost - Lpre(watershed) RR = 114.742 - 58.055 = 56.688 Poundsperyear STEP 7 Identify best management practice (BMP) for the site. 1. Determine the required pollutant removal efficiency forthe site: EFF = ( RR / Lpo,t) x 100 Where: EFF = required pollutant removal efficiency (percent expressed in whole numbers) RR = pollutant removal requirement (pounds peryear) Lpost = relative post -development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) EFF = 56.688 / ###### x 100 = 49% 2. Select BMP (s) from Table 5-15 and locate on the site: BMP 1: BMP 2: BMP 3: BMP 4: BMP 5: 3. Determine the pollutant load entering the proposed BMP(s) : 6mp = [0.05+(0.009x IBM,)] x A x 2.29 (Equation 5-23) Where: LBMP = relative post -development total phosphorus load entering proposed BMP (pounds per year) Ipost = post -development percent impervious cover of BMP drainage area percent expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area of proposed BMP (acres) LBMP, = [0.05+(0.009) x 26 )] x 41.48 x 2.28 = 26.859 Pounds per year LBMP2 = 10. 05 + (0.009) x 6 )] x 3.85 x 2.28 = 0.913 Pounds per year LBMP3 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 41 )] x 1.91 x 2.28 = 1.820 Pounds per year LBMP4 = [0. 05 + (0.009) x 46 )] x 4.41 x 2.28 = 4.661 Pounds per year LBMPs = 10. 05 + (0.009) x 46 )] x 3.31 x 2.28 = 3.489 Pounds per year LBMP6 = 10. 05 + (0.009) x 46 )] x 4.41 x 2.28 = 4.661 Pounds per year 4. Calculate the pollutant load removed by the proposed BMP(s): Lremmed = EffBMp x LBMp (Equation 5-24) Where: Lremoved = Post -development pollutant load removed by proposed BMP (pounds per year) EffBMP = pollutatn removal efficiency of BMP (expressed in decimal form) LBMP = relative post-devlopment total phosphorus load entering proposed BMP (pounds peryear) Lremmed/BMP3 = 65 x 26.859 = 17.458 pounds per year Lremmed/BMP2 = 50 x 0.913 = 0.456 pounds per year Lremmed/BMP3 = 65 x 1.820 = 1.183 pounds per year Lremm,ed/BMP4 = 50 x 4.661 = 2.330 pounds per year Lremoved/BMPS = 50 x 3.489 = 1.744 pounds per year Lremmed/BMP6 = 50 x 4.661 = 2.330 pounds per year 5. Calculate the total pollutant load removed by the BMP(s): Lremmed/total = Lremoved/BMP1 + Lmmoved/BMP2 + Lmmoved/BMP3 + Lremoved/BMP4 Lremoved/total = 17.46 + 0.46 + 1.18 + 2.33 + 1.74 + 2.33 25.50 Pounds per year 6. Verify compliance: Lremoxed/total RR 25.50 < 56.69 Water Quality Volume Calculations: Vwq (ft3)= Impervious area (ft2) x 0.5 (in) / 12 (in./ft Vwq (ac.ft.) = Vwq (ft3) / 43560 ft2/ac. SWM/BMP3 : Drainage Area= 41.48 acres Impervious= 26 % = 10.7848 acres Vwq (ft) = 19,574 ft3 Required 4 x Vwq = 78,298 ft3 Provided WQvolume = 101,646 ft3 SWM/BMP2 : Drainage Area = 3.85 acres Impervious = 6 % = 0.231 acres Vwq (ft) = 839 ft3 treatment volume 0.5" of runoff from impervious are: Provided WQvolume = 4,929 ft3 ARFAC CI IMMARYTARI F- ONSITE OFFSITE (NOT AD[ SITE AREA) NO. ACRES IMP. % BYPASS 1 1.74 30 BYPASS 3 1.40 27 BYPASS 4 9.52 28 BYPASS 5 41.48 26 DA-1 22.13 43 DA-1A 3.85 6 DA-2 1.91 41 DA-3 40.31 53 DA-4 1.54 39 DA-5 3.31 46 DA-6 4.41 46 DA-7 1.97 60 )ED TO APPLICABLE APPLICABLE SITE AREA = 131.25 ACRES Ipost = 37% COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development Construction Record Drawings (As -built) for VSMP The following is a list of information required on construction record drawings for stormwater facilities (reference Water Protection Ordinance 17-422). It is preferable that the construction record drawing be prepared by someone other than the designer. Please do not provide design drawings as construction record drawings. A. A signed and dated professional seal of the preparing engineer or surveyor. B. The name and address of the firm and individual preparing the drawings on the title sheet. C. The constructed location of all items associated with each facility, and the inspection records to verify proper dimensions, materials and installation. The items include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Inspection Records and photographs for pipe trenches and bedding, including underdrains. 2. Video Pipe Inspection for any pipes which are not accessible or viewable. 3. Updated Location with geo-coordinates of all facilities. 4. Verified Drainage Area maps for the drainage area treated, and for drainage to the facilities. 5. Current physical and topographic survey for all earthen structures. Ponds should include a survey of the pond bottom. Surveys should verify pond volumes are per design. Corrections may be required for alterations from the design. 6. Plants, location and type. 7. Plans and profiles for all culverts, Pipes, Risers, Weirs and Drainage Structures - Display the installed type of drainage structures, culvert/pipe size, weirs, materials, inlets or end treatment(s), inlet and outlet protection, alignment and invert elevations compared to design. 8. Computations: For significant deviations from design, provide sealed computations verifying that the as -built condition is equivalent or better than design. 9. Ditch Lines - Display the constructed location of all ditch lines and channels, including typical sections and linings. 10. Easements - Show all platted easements with dead book references labeled. Facilities and drainage must be within platted easements. Provide copies of recorded documents. 11. Guardrail, fences or other safety provisions - Display the constructed location of all safety provisions; fences, guardrail, including the type, length and applied end treatments, compared to design. 12. Material layers - biofilter media, stone layers, sand layers, keyways and cores must be verified as to material types and depths. Include inspection reports, boring or test pit reports and materials certifications. Biofilter media must be an approved state mix. 13. Access roads - show location of access roads, surface treatment, drainage, etc, as applicable. 14. Compaction reports are required to verify fill compaction in dams. 15. Manufacturers certifications for proprietary BMP's certifying proper installation and functioning. O O in CQ CO 0 CC)rU W Z OHO 0r W CO �W �W�r, Z O 'b.0 r-I U 14 ZO � �Cn•u1 0 LU �- W0°r- ago Ra 0000 q O O 0 U O \ a `i BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lic. No. 035724 qp 0912712022 REVISIONS DATE ITEM DATE 01-20-2022 SCALE NO SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BChf / LEN CHECKED BY PROD.# 20140065 SHEET 1 C - 11A c 0 T C ' E/kSEMENT/ - / --`` _ _�� ,' 8' WADE BERId ,, W/ CLAY RE- -- __ _ TOP�.O/• I - - - - - , - ------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------ - yr' 7 1 / 1 , 1�,/ / 0/1' N MEMMIN MEMEMEM MENNEN MEMEME no MENE 000111115., M 0 0 R a M M I I I 111 IRAN` na I P A NUNN go., I I VARIABLE WDTH ENERGY ------- 01FAMPOIr 2* M _,. ASIk' rVAI JA,MM5 'OR NOW MAIN 'FABRH mv/�fflm MEN MMMMMMME MMMMMMMMME MMMMMMMMMI Y i' ij 3✓4+I-T AI% i 471 461 451 Uri 7_7 3MP 5 PROFILE � rn a vN W0� N� Nn M N m +mom .. <a m N 0_ in 88 WID BERM T ELEV 460.0 r 0 V: L=89- D=1 S-=I.oi RCP ; 16 x m / VARIA LE v ENERGY O v / _H DISSIPATER 00 altzo / N 452.2 °D II - / 2" MIN. WASHED 1¢- CL GRAVE In Ln-Zz " PERFORATED / HDPE WRAPPED / IN FILTER FABRIC / PLACED BELOW TORM SENER /I 19A S7RUC IRES & I YPES /N PXL .=82.72 =19.71X D=150 R P CLASS III If / / iff' fir.0 2+ 5 I �'Y�Yt�Lt'1-/'J /' ,' � // � ' � l � , t r 111�LLyI------j��� I I 1 / / /"F.. ' / / / 1 I � � � I 1\ •\♦ �`♦` `♦♦♦ II' �`201`DFAIt4AQ1;- If (PUB EAPEM ''/ . ' ` ll/' ll' � i," l l�l(rl'l� /l'� 1 !El'-. 1 I \\ ♦♦ ��-- ' 'Pam "W / / r ,CON RETp I / 1 \ \ ♦ ♦ � ._____ AM T A51'.O 1 1 1 _ 1 1 \♦----------- FAB C Ul�if,��tt�lF/i1T / �I 1 1 _ .•� 1 Tt _____________- if , i I :4 ��. ! - ---- - - - ---- ----- I / i'/// /'/// ///; / -- 1 /, , „ / //// I I . ----- ,/PERFORATm------- APPED-- I /' / ' / / % / / / % " / i % / % i I I I I I I I ♦ / �♦ � FABRI - - �♦ I • Mulch Layer • The mulch shall be uniformly applied approximately 2 to 3 inches in depth on top of planting soil. • An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood clips or similar product. • Of the approved mulch products all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material including plant material. • Mulch shall be free of weed seeds, soil, roots, grass or any other substance not consisting of either bole or branch wood or bark NOTES: 1. SOIL EVALUATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOR COMPOSITION, PLACEMENT AND DEPTH PER THE PLANTING SOIL MEDIA GUIDELINES AS PRESENTED ON THIS SHEET. 2. RAIN GARDEN CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE SITE IS FULLY STABILIZED AND ALL EC MEASURES HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR REMOVAL 3. ALL GRASSED SWALES AND SURROUNDING GRASSED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY STABILIZED AND THE RAIN GARDEN EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE SODDED PRIOR TO PLACING THE RAIN GARDEN IN TO OPERATION 4. A MINIMUM OF 3 SOIL BORING LOGS PER BASIN SHALL BE PROVIDED TO EVALUATE SOIL SUITABILITY FOR THE PROPOSED RAIN GARDENS AND TO ENSURE THAT THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER IS AT LEAST 3 FEET BELOW THE FILTER BED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF EACH RAIN GARDEN. 5. A DENSE COVER OF WATER -TOLERANT, EROSION -RESISTANT GRASS OR OTHER VEGETATION MUST BE ESTABLISHED. RECOMMENDED GRASSES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: KENTUCKY-31 TALL FESCUE, REED CANARY GRASS, REDTOP, AND ROUGH -STALKED BLUE GRASS, NOTE THAT THESE GRASSES CAN BE MIXED. 6. MONKEY GRASS SHALL BE PLANTED OVER MULCH LAYER TO STABILIZE THE MULCH. 7. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING INSPECTOR WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE INITIAL GRADING IS COMPLETE AND THE UNSUITABLE EXISTING SOIL HAS BEEN EXCAVATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM. 8. THE PERIOD OF CARE AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BEGIN AFTER INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL PLANTS AND CONTINUE UNTIL ONE YEAR AFTER STATE ACCEPTANCE. BIORETENTON AREA low i �� ��� GRASS CHA EL — 12" MAX. PONDING DEPTH TOP <--0.O% PROPOSED GRADE •MULCH 3' MULCH 3:1 MAX •• PLANTING • MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTED SOIL 2.5' SOIL MEDIA HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS 3' PEA GRAVEL •• THE RECOMMENDED MIN " CRAVELO 12' WASHED GRAVEL BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS 0 GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMYMIN SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE, NTH THE FOLLOWING S' PERFORATED HOPE TO COMPOSITION PER THE VA DIED DAYLIGHT O i% 1/2' - 2- STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO.9 GRAVEL -9% TO 12X SOILNFINES; AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3%TO 5%ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 5 (NOT TO SCALE) BIORETENTION AREA E70SIai0 GROUND� GRASS CH EL r12' MAX. PONDING DEPTH — PROPOSED GRADE-/ " • VUL - ::, 3' MULCH \ % 3:1 MAX •` PnNB 2.5• SOIL MEDIA • MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTED HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS 3" PEA GRAVEL I •• THE RECOMMENDED O GRAVELO BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS 12' WASHED GRAVEL cENExALLY °AsSIFIED As LOAMY ......MIN SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE; WITH THE FOLLOWING 6' PERFORATED HOPE TO COMPOSITION PER THE VA DEO DAYLIGHT O 1% 1/2' - 2- STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO.9 GRAVEL -a5% TO 88% SAND -8% TO 12% SOIL FINES: AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3% To 5% ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 6 (NOT TO SCALE) Bioretention Basin Adjacent to a Drainage Swale 11 BIORETENTION AREA LIMIT A IILOW CONCRETE CHECK DAM FLOW Off 15' FLOW w♦ 4 PLAN VIEW (NOT TO SCALE) `SD NMI MAX PONDED 't II �?'PP SECTION A —A' (NOT TO SCALE) 11-5.DWG BERM NOTES: 1. PLANTING SOILS SHALL BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM 12" OR LESS LAYERS AND SHALL BE LIGHTLY COMPACTED. �1 BIORETENTION AREA PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. ROOT STOCK OF THE PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE KEPT MOIST DURING TRANSPORT FROM THE SOURCE TO THE JOB SITE AND UNTIL PLANTED 2. WALLS OF PLANTING PIT SHALL BE DUG SO THAT THEY ARE VERTICAL 3. THE DIAMETER OF THE PLANTING PIT MUST BE A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") LARGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL OF THE TREE 4. THE PLANTING SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ALLOW 1 8 OF THE OVERALL DIMENSION OF THE ROOT BALL TO BE ABOVE GRADE. LOOSE SOIL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIT SHALL BE TAMPED BY HAND. 5. THE PLANT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER AND PLACED IN THE PLANTING PIT BY LIFTING AND CARRYING THE PLANT BY ITS' BALL NEVER LIFT BY BRANCHES OR TRUNK) 6. SET THE PLANT STRAIGHT AND IN THE CENTER OF THE PIT SO THAT APPROXIMATELY 1/8 OF THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL IS ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. MAKE SURE PLANT REMAINS STRAIGHT DURING BACKFILLING PROCEDURE. 8. NEVER COVER THE TOP OF THE BALL WITH SOIL. MOUND SOIL AROUND THE EXPOSED BALL. 9. TREES SHALL BE BRACED BY USING 2" BY 2" WHITE OAK STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO WALWAYS AND BUILDINGS. STAKES ARE TO BE EQUALLY SPACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE TREE BALL. UTILIZING HOSE AND WIRE THE TREE IS BRACED TO THE STAKES. 10. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVELS OF NUTRIENTS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF TO BE TREATED, BIORETENTION BASIN PLANTS SHOULD NOT REQUIRE CHEMICAL FERTILIZATION PLANTING DATE GUIDELINES BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATES. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. Maintenance/Inspection Guidelines The following maintenance and inspection guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive. Specific Facilities may require additional measures not discussed here. A schedule ofrecommended maintenance for bioretention areas is given in Table 3.11-5. The table gives general guidance regarding methods, frequency, and time of year for maintenance. Planting Soil Urban plant communities tend to become very acidic due to precipitation as well as the influences of storm water nmoff. For this reason, it is recommended that the application of alkaline, such as limestone, be considered once to twice a year. Testing ofthepH ofthe organic layer and soil, should precede the limestone application to determine the amount of limestone required - Soil testing should be conducted annually so that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals can be detected or prevented. Over a period of time, heavy metals and other toxic substances will tend to accumulate in the soil and the plants. Data from other environs such as forest buffers and grass swales suggest accumulation oftoxins and heavy metals within five years ofinstallation. However, there is no methodology to estimate the level oftoxic materials in thebioretention areas since runoff, soil, and plant characteristics will vary from site to site. „ As thetoxic substances accumulate, theplant biologic functions maybceome impaired, andthe plant d* experience dwarfed growth followed by mortality. The biota within the soil can also become void and the natural soil chemistry may be altered. The preventative measures would include the removal of the contaminated soil. In some cases, removal and disposal ofthe entire soil base as well as the plant material may be required. Mulch Bioretention areas should be mulched once the planting of trees and shrubs has occurred. Any ground cover specified as plugs may be installed once the area has been mulched. Ground cover established by seeding and\or consisting of grass should not be covered with mulch. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L EXIST. GROUND AT C/L SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: 1" = 5' 0 O kO Co 0 CO r U co J 0 W � �W Z '�G4 U Z � O � OW W _ a �Cd rn� Q U U BRIAN C. MITCHELI Llc, No, 035724 qp 0912712022 ,4 a C O T r+ C N (8 0 U W O - ` , .I_ ~ N o O h w A� N w 0 44 o O o�� U 0 U 0 p o � � N REVISIONS c DATE ITEM W DATE 01-20-2022 SCALE AS SHOIIIV PROJECT MANAGER BRL4N C. MITCRELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROJ.# 20140065 SHEET # C - 12 , \ f PRUNE ALL BROKEN, DEAD AND DAMAGED BRANCHES. —jfYjE e DONOCUTLEADER [� FF + 2'-STAKE S" MRL WEBBING x 1Y MIN. f y THREAD CABLE THROUGH METAL WIRE GUV GROMMETS TURNBUCKLE WRAP WITH COMMERCIAL CREPE TO YAYT'e'— SECOND BRANCH. START AT BOTTOM 120' D-1/2- GAL VANI2EO TURNBUCKLE ~12 GA. WOOD RMZED GUV WIRE TAG - WOOD D WHITAL FLAG - PAINTED WHITE r�14f2@- • —� ',l —3- EARTH MOUND TO CREATE SAUCER Y' MIN. SHREDDED PINEBARK MULCH REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 11,3 OF BALL 30 VI L '2 MIN y�--Y4YS00'-STAKES. SALT PRESSURE FLUSX WRN GRADE PREPARED TOPSOIL BACKFILL ' I 0'-P"MBY Ilf.l =• � =I SCARIFY BOTTOM OF PR CIL TREE GUYING DETAIL - 3- CALIPER OR MORE NOT TO SCALE 3" EARTH MOUNDED TO FORM SAUCER - I- SHREDDED PINEBARK MULCH 3"-4" PINEBARK MULCH REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1i3 OF BALL �IiI / t III i tC l MIN — :t PREPARED TOPSOIL B0.GKFILL - ' i"-` 1IL�- III MIN SCARIFY BOTTOM OF PIT1111— �] B & B SHRUB / GROUNDCOVER BED NOT TO SCALE BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATE. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. BIORETENTION FILTER S PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL 70TAN. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SZE HEIGHT SPACING ® 11 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' O.C. O2 Magnolia Virginiona Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7' 15' O.C. 12 Itea Virginica 'Henry's Garnett' Sweetspire 3gal' 4' O.C. 16 Cornus Sericea 'Arctic Fire' Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' O.C. O 12 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' O.C. Table 9.7. Suggested Annual Maintenance Activities for Bioretention Maintenance Tasks Frequency • Mowing of grass filter strips and bioretention turf cover At least 4 times a year • Sot weeding, erosion repair, trash removal, and mulch raking Twice during growing season • Add reinforcement planting to maintain desired the vegetation density As needed IS Remove invasive plants using recommended control methods • Stabilize the contributing drainage area to prevent erosion • Spring inspection and cleanup • Supplement mulch to maintain a 3 inch layer Annually • Prune trees and shrubs • Remove sediment in re -treatment cells and inflow points Once every 2 to 3 years • Replace the mulch layer Every 3 years BMP 6 � l � l I -` /� /I /I � /I 11 I 1�: \ \\ ��\ \`-\- �l /� �l �l l /l l l/ l � / .• 1.: I( \ �\ -\\ /. l i ` 11 11 \\ ♦♦ \\ \\\ `\ �� l i i i � i i i i i 1 1 1 i i 'r i \\ � / -'------------ ________________ j/ / /� I I 1 • ---------- --------------- I I I I -- BIORETENTION FILTER 6 PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL TOTAANL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME HSIIZE GHr SPACING 4 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' O.C. O2 Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7' 15' O.C. 7 Itea Virginica 'Henry's Garnett' Sweetspire 3gol' 4' O.C. 10 Cornus Sericeo 'Arctic Fire' Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' O.C. O12 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' O.C. 0 k^Oi' Y\ co 0 _Z ^WW` co W U C:Uj ZbV U ai O W I O O i, W a d' Cd o to U BRIAN C. MITCHELI Lic, No, 035724 q� 0912712022 ,4 c 0 T c d a� c U c ~ A 'o q G o 0 0 c w CI o 0 o � e L c d e REVISIONS c DATE ITEM w` C DATE Ol- 20-2022 J SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT bL4NAGER BRUN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / LEN CHECKED BY PROJ•j 20140065 SHEET # C - I2A PURPOSE 9VAC25-870-54 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Permit Regulations requires that Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) be developed for all regulated land disturbing activities. The SWPPP must include, but not be limited to an approved erosion and sediment control Ian. an approved stormwater PP P PP management Ian and this Pollution Prevention Plan PPP for regulated land g P ( ) g disturbing activities, and a description of any additional control measures necessary to address a TMDL as applicable. The plan for implementing pollution prevention measures during construction activities P P 9P P 9 developed on this sheet must be implemented and updated as necessary. An PPP P f P P ry Y requirements not included on this sheet must be incorporated into the SWPPP required by 9VAC25.870.54 that must be developed before land disturbance commences. This PPP identifies potential sources of pollutants that may reasonable be expected to affect the quality stormwater discharges from the construction site (both on- and off -site activities) and describes control measures that will be used to minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges from the construction site. OTHER REFERENCED PLANS SWPPP requirements may be fulfilled by incorporating, by reference, other plans. All plans incorporated by reference become enforceable under the VSMP Permit Regulations and General Permit VAR10 for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities. If a plan incorporated by reference does not contain all of the required elements of the PPP, the operator must develop the missing elements and: include them in the SWPPP. _- Independent Plans __ Incorporated by Reference Stormwater Management Plans (Regional or Master) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans Off -Site Stockpile Off -Site Borrow Area POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES The following sources of potential pollutants must be addressed in the Pollution Prevention Plan. Various controls and/or measures designed to prevent and/or 9 minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges from the project site must be applied to P 9 P 1 PP the sources found on the site. Additional information concerning the following controls and/or measures may be found in the SWPPP. Deviations from the location criteria may be approved by the County's Environmental Engineering Inspector. LEAKS, SPILLS, AND OTHER RELEASES ✓ The operator(s) shall ensure procedures are in place to prevent and respond to all leaks, spills and other releases of pollutants. ✓ The operator(s) shall ensure all leaks, spills and other releases of pollutant are contained and cleaned immediately upon discovery. Any contaminated materials are to be disposed in accordance with federal, state, and/or local requirements. ✓ The operator(s) shall ensure spill containment kits containing appropriate materials (e g., absorbent material and pads, brooms, gloves, sand, etc ) are available at appropriate locations, including, but not limited to. designated areas for vehicle and equipment maintenance: vehicle and equipment fueling: storage and disposal of construction materials, products, and waste: and storage and disposal of hazardous and toxic materials; and sanitary waste facilities. ✓ The locations of the spill containment kits are identified as described below. Shown on Date Plan Sheet Location #(5) Approved Plan REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Shown on Operator Date Plan Sheet Location Initials ✓ The operator(s) shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality of leaks, spills, and other releases that discharge to or have the potential to discharge to surface waters immediately upon discovery of the discharge but in no case later than 24 after the discovery. ✓ The operator(s) shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) of leaks, spills, and other releases that discharge to or have the potential to discharge to surface waters immediately upon discovery of the discharge but In no case later than 24 after the discovery. Written notice of the discharge must be sent to DEQ and 9 Countyin i with five (5)days of the discovery, Virginia Department of Environmental Chesterfield County Quality ty Dept. of Environmental Engineering P.O. Box 1105 Richmond, VA 23218 9800 Government Center Parkway 1-(804) 698-4000 P.O. Box 40 1-800-592-5482 (Toll Free in VA) Chesterfield, Virginia 23832-0040 (800) 468-8892 (outside normal working (804) 796-7106 hours) (804) 661-0717 EQUIPMENT / VEHICLE WASHING ✓ Washing must be conducted in a dedicated area that is located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ All wash water used in vehicle wheel washing must be directed to a sediment basin/trap. ✓ All vehicle washing activities other than wheel washing must have secondary containment. ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated areas) are located. Location of Water Source Activity Shown on Dedicated Area(sl _Plan Location Wheel Wash Other Wash Areas REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Activity Location of Shown onPlan Water Source Operator's ials Dedicated Area(a) anew efc1 Location Initials VEHICLE FUELING AND MAINTENANCE ✓ Conduct regular maintenance in a dedicated area that is located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets ditches waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ f fueling i conducted t a dedicated area the location must be located to I s a d ed 9 maximize the distance from storm drain inlets ditches waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ The dedicated areas must be designed to eliminate the discharge of spilled and leaked fuels and chemicals from vehicle fuelingand maintenance activities b Y providing seconds containment (spill berms decks. spill containmentpallets, P 9 secondary (P P providing cover where appropriate, and having spill kits readily available). ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated area(s) are located. Shown on Data Plan Location of Dedicated Areas) Sheet #(s) Approved Plan REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Shown On Operator's Date Plan Location of Dedicated Area(s) Initials Sheet s ✓ If mobile fueling will be used, the fueling must be done in an area that located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ Spill kits must be readily available at all mobile fueling locations. ✓ On -site storage tanks must have a means of secondary containment (spill berms, decks, spill containment pallets, etc.) and must be covered where appropriate. ✓ All vehicles on site must be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventive maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. DISCHARGE FROM STORAGE. HANDLING. AND DISPOSAL OF CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, AND WASTE ✓ Storage of construction products. materials, and waste is to be conducted in dedicated areas. ✓ The dedicated area must be located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditcheswaterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. Separations of less than 50 feet may be approved by the Environmental Inspector. ✓ The dedicated areas must be designed to minimize the discharge of pollutants from storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials and wastes including (i) building products such as asphalt sealants, copper flashing, roofing materials, adhesives, concrete admixtures; (ii) pesticides. herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and landscape materials; and (III) construction and domestic wastes such as packaging materials, scrap construction materials, masonry products, timber, pipe and electrical cuttings. plastics. Styrofoam, concrete and other trash or building products.. ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated areas) are located. Date Shown on Plan Sheet # s Location(s) of Dedicated Areas) for storage of construction products and materials Approved Plan REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Date Shown on Plan Sheet #9 Location(s) of Dedicated Areas) for storage of construction products and materials Operator(s) Initials Shown Date wan Sheet # s Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) for waste from - construction products and materials Approved Plan REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Date Shown on Plan Sheet # s Location(s) of Dedicated Areas) for waste from construction products and materials Operator(s) ( ) Initials ✓ Follow all federal, state, and bcahrequirements that apply to the use, handling and disposal of pesticides,herbicides and fertilizers. P ✓ Keep chemicals on -site in small quantities and in closed. well marked containers. ✓ Clean up solid waste, including building materials, garbage. and debris on a daily basis and deposit into covered dumpsters that are periodically emptied. ✓ Schedule waste collodion to prevent exceeding the capacity of onsite containers. Additional containers may be necessary depending on the phase of construction (e.g., demolition, etc.). ✓ Dispose of all solid waste at an authorized disposal site. ✓ Ensure that containers have lids or are otherwise protected from exposure to precipitation. DISCHARGES FROM OTHER POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES ✓ Discharges from other pollutant sources (e.g., water line flushing, storm sewer flushing, above ground storage tanks, etc.) not mentioned elsewhere must be addressed. ✓ Above ground oil storage tanks with a storage capacity exceeding 1,320 gallons and have a reasonable expectation of a discharge into or upon Waters of the United States are required to have a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan ✓ The discharge of contaminated flush water and material removed during flushing operations must be collected and disposed of in accordance with appropriate federal, state, and local requirements DISCHARGES FROM CONCRETE RELATED WASH ACTIVITIES ✓ Concrete trucks are not allowed to wash out or discharge surplus concrete or drum wash water on site except in a dedicated area(s) that is located to prevent discharge to storm drain inlets ditches waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ Each facility must have a stabilized access to prevent mud tracking into the street. ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated areas are located. Shown on Date Plan Location of Dedicated Areas) Sheet # s Approved Plan- REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Shown on Operators Date- Plan Location of Dedicated Area(s) Initials Sheet #(s T_ ✓ Facilities must be cleaned, or new facilities constructed, once the washout area is two-thirds (2/3) full. BELOW GRADE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA :kin I I l(J I FJ w0 O O O 0 SANDBAG B y MIN 3' MIN 18" MIN. -- 10MIN SECTION A ABOVE GRADE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA STAPLE DETAIL 4 %8' OIA. STEEL WIRE 2' STAPLES (2 PER STRAW BALE) INDINO WIRE STRAW BALE 3' MIN. J WOOD OR METAL STAKES (2 PER STRAW BALE) SECTION B �l It I MIN SECTION C CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA NOTES ✓ The facility must be lined with 10 mil plastic lining that is free from holes, tears, or other defects that might compromise the material's impermeability. ✓ The lining must be anchored with staples (2' spacing) or sandbags. ✓ Side slopes must be 1:1 (horizontal: vertical) or flatter. ✓ Stone access must be provided between the street and the concrete washout area. ✓ A `Concrete Washout" sign must be installed within 30 feet of the washout facility. The sign must be no smaller than T tall by 4' wide. DISCHARGES OF SOAPS. DETERGENTS, SOLVENTS. AND WASH WATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEANUP OF STUCCO, PAINT, FORM RELEASE OILS. AND CURING COMPOUNDS Washing activities associated with construction activities other than vehicle and equipment washing, such as clean up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds are to be conducted in a dedicated area. ✓ The dedicated area must be located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets. ditches waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. Separations of less than 50 feet may be approved b the Environmental Inspector. P Y PP Y P ✓ The dedicated areas must be designed to prevent the discharge of soaps, detergents, solvents, and wastewater. Shown on Date Plan Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) Sheet Ws) Approveld - Plan REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Date Plan Operator(s) Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) Sheet #(s Initials ✓ The dedicated area must be covered (e.g., plastic sheeting, temporary roof, etc.) to prevent contact with stormwater. ✓ The contaminated wastewater from the dedicated area must be collected for disposal by a waste hauler or discharged to the sanitary sewer. ✓ In situations where these pollutants are or could be generated at locations other than at the designated area (e g., concrete pours, building washing, etc.), cover (e.g., plastic sheeting, temporary roof, etc.) must be provided to prevent contact with stormwater and the contaminated wastewater from the activity must be collected for disposal by a waste hauler or discharged to the sanitary sewer. DISCHARGES OF HAZARDOUS, TOXIC, AND SANITARY WASTE ✓ Storage and disposal of hazardous, toxic and sanitary wastes are to be conducted in dedicated areas ✓ The dedicated areas must be located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets. ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. Separations of less than 50 feet may be approved by the Environmental Inspector. ✓ The dedicated areas must be designed to prevent the discharge of hazardous, toxic and sanitary waste by avoiding contact with precipitation ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated area(s) are located. Date Shown on Plan Sheet s Locations) of Dedicated Area(s) for storage and disposal of hazardous and toxic wastes Approved Plan REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Date Shown on Plan Sheet s Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) for storage and disposal of hazardous and toxic wastes Operator(s).. Initials Date Shown on Plan Sheet # s Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) for portable toilets Approved Plan REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS Date Shown on Plan Sheet S I i Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) for portable Operator(s) toilets Initials t ✓ Consult with local waste management authorities or private firms about the requirements for disposing of hazardous materials and/or soils that may be contaminated with hazardous materials. ✓ Never remove the original product label from the container. Follow the manufacturer's recommended method of disposal. ✓ Schedule periodic pumping of portable toilets and dispose of waste ✓ Dispose of all solid waste at an authorized disposal site. SWPPP MODIFICATIONS AND REVISIONS The operator(s) shall ensure the SWPPP is modified and/or revised to reflect. ✓ Changes in qualified personnel; delegated authorities or other personnel required as a condition of the General Construction Permit, ✓ Changes in site conditions: ✓ Changes in the design, construction. operation, or maintenance of the construction site that affect the potential for discharges of pollutants that are not addressed in the normal implementation of the plan; and ✓ Ineffective control measures identified during inspections or investigations conducted by the operator's qualified personnel or local, state or federal officials. Modifications/revisions to the SWPPP shall include additional or modified control measures to address the identified deficiencies. If the necessary modifications/revisions require approval by the Administrator or DEQ, the modifications/revisions must be implemented no later than seven (7) calendar days following approval. If the necessary modifications/revisions do not require approval by the Administrator, the modifications/revisions must be implemented prior to the next anticipated storm event or as soon as practicable. Blocks colored blue indicate information must be provided by the Operator or Delegated Authority Blocks colored yellow indicate information must be provided by the Consultant prior to plan approval SWPPP UPDATES The operator(s) shall update the SWPPP to include: ✓ A record of dates when 1) major grading activities occur, 2) construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site and 3 stabilization p Y P Y p ) measures are initiated; ✓ Documentation of modifications and revisions to the SWPPP; ✓ Areas that have reached final stabilization where no further SWPPP or inspection requirements apply, All that are no longer under the legal control of the operator and the dates properties 9 9 P on which the operator no longer had legal control over each prop" and Pe 9 9 P PertY• ✓ The date, volume, and corrective/preventative actions implemented for any prohibited discharge. The operator(s) shall update the SWPPP no later than seven (7) days following any of the situations identified above OPERATOR INSPECTIONS The operator(s) identified below shall provide for Inspections of the permitted land- disturbingactivities b the qualified personnel identified below. The inspections will be Y q Pe P conducted (select one the following options). ❑ at (east once every four (4) business days; or ❑ at least once every five (5) business days and no later than 48 hours following any measurable storm event. Where areas are in a stabilized condition or runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions, the inspection frequency may be reduced to once every 30 days while these conditions exist. Otherwise, the operator(s) shall resume the regular inspection frequency identified above. The operator(s) shall provide for inspections of the permitted land -disturbing activity to ensure implementation and continued maintenance of all requirements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Stormwater Management Plan, Pollution Prevention Plan, TMDL requirements. etc.). Records of the required inspections must be maintained and included in the SWPPP binder. The qualified personnel are encouraged to use the Operator Inspection form provided in the SWPPP binder to document the required inspections. If inspections are conducted once every five (5) business days and no later than 48 hours following any measureable storm event, the location of the rain gauge used to determine the amount of rain must be included in the SWPPP and documented in the inspection report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I certifyunder penalty of law that the qualified personnel identified below: P Y q a. has been designated by the Operator to conduct inspections of the permitted site; b. is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control and stormwater management. C. possesses the skills to assess conditions at the permitted site for the Operator(s) that could impact stormwater quality and quantity; d will assess the effectiveness of any erosion and sediment control measures or stormwater management facilities selected to control the stormwater discharges from the permitted site; and e. will conduct inspections in accordance with the frequency noted above in the OPERATOR INSPECTIONS section of this sheet, QUALIFIED PERSONNEL Name (print) Phone Additional information is located in Tab 6 of the SWPPP Binder As the Operator(s) or Delegated Authority, Ywe understand that prior to initiating land disturbance. the potential pollutant sources. appropriate control measures. and all responsible parties (operator, qualified inspection personnel, contractors, etc.) required as a condition of the General Construction Permit (GCP) and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be identified. I also understand this information must be updated as necessary throughout all phases of construction until the GCP is terminated. Furthermore I/we certify under penalty of law that I/we have read and understand all requirements of the SWPPP (erosion and sediment control plan, stormwater management plan, pollution prevention lam TMDL provisions, administrative requirements, etc and GCP and that P P P 9 ) the information herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true. accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment for knowing violations. Ilwe understand that I/we are ultimately responsible for compliance with all conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and GCP and for ensuring all contractors and subcontractors on the permitted site are aware of the conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and GCP. I/we shall comply with all conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and shall at all times operate and maintain all measures and control and related property P appurtenances) which are installed or used to achieve compliance with the conditions of the GCP. Proper opration and maintenance also includes adequate funding and adequate staffing. q 9 I/we shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of the SWPPP and/or GCP. I/we understand that if it determined by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in consultation with the State Water Control Board at any time that stormwater discharges are causing, have reasonable potential to cause, or contribute to and excursion above any applicable water quality standard, the DEQ may, in consultation with the Administrator, take appropriate enforcement action and require: a. Modification of control measures to adequately address water quality concerns: Is. Submission of valid and verifiable data and information that are representative of ambient conditions and indicate that the receiving water Is attaining water quality standards: or C. Cessation of discharges of pollutants from construction activity and submit an individual permit application according to 9VAC25.870.410. OPERATOR(S) / DELEGATED AUTHORITY Additional contact information can be found in the SWPPP Binder 0 to CQ �j N O (n v Z O U Q) .--t LPL U O •r-1 co �✓ O W � W CO DC U C: Z � w rC-4 ' F-4 -'4 ✓ •--1 Zo .-i -� �+ 1 W C:) O W ��� Cd b ^ who 9 a. VJ CO U O \ a 0 T BRIAN C. MPfCHEL Lic, No. 035724 q 0912712022 �OFFSSIONAL REVISIONS DATE ITEM c 0 U 0 0 rn 0 U 0 0 N n c 0 E 0 rn c w c a c 0 0 c 0 v L 0 a T c 0 C c 0 V c 3 Z s 0 0 3 it c i 0 v iE 0 rn 0 r 0 0 O or c Q 0 U c 0 U 0 0 y 05/18/22 PER COMMENTS 07/27/22 PER COMMENTS 09/27/22 PER COMMENTS 3: 0 H 0 r d n 0 `a r DATE 01-20- .022 :D SCALE NOT TO SCALE o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY -°10 BCM / LEN � CHECKED BY v c 0 PROD.# 20140065 0 L C - i „ I i - Own- { �� ors'? fir. ��i � in�bi; �•� MIMIttttttttll� (I r \ • � ��- _ ��a�i��iaa�n'.��♦�.e�i ',ai.v�_.�u_�`R>.y����=fn� _ - /��� �t1�11�y� � �-��� / �u /�' �� � �a b!! ����������■ii/fsR��, �,���'/"�rt���_-,_�_s.�- Via.. �• «�, _� PW�t rANN am! I j�h_ • ►r./i' - .� .. ,_w-�� 1 �t OWLS & WA Irip ■a IF�� j ?�� �,.�.'��� � �r���,yf0 �% � -- \'���� �r����`lrt!■[YY"s��_„�'1'►. -/ �-=/�»m-•.�e�ea.�•�{� � • ":� t�lli•: ►�\ g} �/_ ��,�\\ -_- 1 �_I�y �I r �I �-s�-rc�/,•- sco any "'.� Zi}��p� ��� 3��, i��I' /�,��� w Tip P-9` s� gg all lot IS 4- IN Wl • � -.VIM 0%1-f ly am p- i� • • • • • • • • - 2401,_•� BAN ow 0 DO I: " �� to � • a �� �'� ;.-�.i� ��� ppm " ' ' ,�/ _1 ""'". �����'g■•A,4r Dom`. 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M CHELI Lic. No. 035724 ,0 0912612022 _j w c U c O'C �I 3 � o L �1 3 q �� o - f O L V Ix C a W U 0 U E 0 w a v� L u lm REVISIONS DATE ITEM w 110610212022 PER COMMENTS II R DATE r 01-24-2022 SCALE 1"=100, o PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn .N DESIGNED BY v BCM / LEN t CHECKED BY -° ° PROD.# 20140065 0 SHEET # C - 8