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ACSA201100100 Executive Summary 2001-04-25
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: AGENDA DATE: ITEM NUMBER: Roy L. Williams -- Request to amend Albemarle County April 25, 2001 Service Authority Jurisdictional Area ACTION: INFORMATION: SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: CONSENT AGENDA: Consider holding a public hearing to amend the ACSA ACTION: X INFORMATION: Jurisdictional Area boundary to provide water and sewer service to Tax Map 62, Parcel 24A. ATTACHMENTS: Yes STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Benish, Cilimberg, Foley, Tucker REVIEWED BY: / BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting Jurisdictional Area designation for water service to a parcel (Tax Map 62, Parcel 24A) located on the west side of Route 20 and the east side of Dorrier Drive, just north of Darden Towe Park. The property is located within Urban Area Three (Pantops). The applicant is requesting water service due to contamination of the existing well on-site. DISCUSSION: Th subject property is located in the Urban Area Neighborhood Three. The Comprehensive Plan provides the following c ruing the provision of water and sewer service to the Development Areas: "General Principle: Urban Areas, Communities, and Villages are to be served by public water and sewer(p. 109)." "Provide water and sewer service only to areas within the ACSA Jurisdictional Areas (p. 125)." "Follow the boundaries of the designated Development Areas in delineating Jurisdictional Areas (p.125)." RECOMMENDATION: As a general policy, staff has advised that public utility capacity should be reserved to support development of designated Development Areas. This request is consistent with public utility policy of the Comprehensive Plan. Since this property is located within the designated Development Area the provision of both water and sewer service to the property would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan public utility policy. Therefore, staff recommends proceeding to public hearing to consider providing water and sewer service to Tax Map 62, Parcel 24A. Attachments: RECEIVED A- Location/Jurisdictional Area Map 1 R �/ B—Land Use Plan Map, Neighborhood Three APR 1 0 2001 r'LANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 01.089 REVISED: 8/11/98 . 1. •-- . ALBEMARLE COUNTY ATTACHMENT A 4 6 ....:t-.1\W 4\,\\\s\,..\\'Nik•NI•Z..*- f`/\,k;...'ley III 111111.111111111111111 IIII :k4V„.1 ,. -; . 4\s'. •.seope. 7 5= ----.,--: --/,.rs';`,‘:- . 'V'••-•$'' .."X.••••.V.‘,:s.,.... `kz,,,P -•,.."47&„,.1•$41.'' 50 '...7'.•3'ii1RISDICTIO NAL AREA'MAP;;..-,..--A4.--1 : ':..?' ,-- ,LVs4... 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