HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202200032 Checklist 2022-11-21SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST for PREAPP202200046 Miller School Rebecca Ragsdale 07200-00-00-03200 rragsdale@albemarle.org Section 18-10.2.2(5) Private School After the mandatory pre -application meeting, county staff will mark this checklist appropriately so that it is clear to the applicant the information from Section 33.4 (c) that must be submitted with the official application Required for Provided with application? Staff) application SECTION 33.4(c) (County (Applicant) X X YES NO X X A narrative of the project proposal and description of the proposed campus master plan and future uses, including its public need or benefit; X X A narrative of the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, including the land use plan; including recommendations from the comprehensive plan regarding historic resources. Please be as specific as possible about any impacts to historic structures (buildings 50 years old and older — not just the three buildings listed in the National Register), any proposed additions to historic structures, how compatibility of new buildings or additions with historic resources will be achieved. X X A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on environmental features. X X A narrative that addresses the impacts of the proposed development on public transportation facilities, public safety facilities, public school facilities, and public parks. X X One or more maps showing the proposed project's regional context and existing natural and manmade physical conditions; X X A conceptual plan showing, as applicable: X X 1) the street network, including circulation within the project and connections to existing and proposed or planned streets within and outside of the project; 2) typical cross -sections to show proportions, scale and streetscape/cross- secti on s/c i rc u I ati on; X X 3) the general location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities; X X 4) building envelopes; SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 09-2020 Page 1 of 2 X X 5) parking envelopes; 6) public spaces and amenities; X X 7) areas to be designated as conservation and/or preservation areas; X X 8) conceptual stormwater detention facility locations; X X 9) conceptual grading; X X 10) potential locations of well and septic X X Other special studies or documentation, if applicable, and any other information identified as necessary by the county on the pre -application comment form. • Provide trip generation figures, show location of entrance(s), sight distance at each. • Indicate in project narrative maximum student enrollment proposed, including anticipated commuter students and boarding students. • Indicate how water and sewer will be provided and potential locations shown on concept plan, three or more connections is considered a central system and would require BOS approval Please note: There are additional submittal requirements outlined on the official application for a Special Use Permit. Read and Sign I hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, the official application submitted contains all information marked on this checklist as required for application. Signature of person completing this checklist Daniel C. Hyer Print Name November 21, 2022 Date 434-262-0169 Daytime phone number of Signatory SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 09-2020 Page 2 of 2