HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE202200153 Application 2022-11-29Zoning Clearance Application FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fee Amount: $ 61,36 Application fee: $59 + Technology Surcharge. $2.36 Receipt #: Clearance Number: Date Paid: By: Check #: By: Applicant - Fill out the entire page below and return to: Community Development 401 McIntire Rd, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902 �e ,tom L� ? T Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Rd North Wing CheConesWle VA 22902 Phone 434.296 5832 Name: Q Mail Address: IUSi1XSi1t Q1f10.t� GOiYI Mailing Address: l hK� ,_rL ,l 2 # L Phone #: 114 Z loll Tax Map and Parcel number and/or Address of the Business: 1 j 401 Vacs} �0 C hAv iotiCbvl lik I V4 22g6 i Zoning: staff will fin out if unknown Parcel Owner: Chp f/ d(//k Si7/Oh Squa�G Owner's Address: l/W? E ( re fl Check any that apply: Li�Aew Business _' Change of Use`, Change of ownership Change of Name Business Name: Zu-s,h J*eu" Nff- Description of Business: Describe the business ircludirg use. number of employees. number of shifts, availatility of parking. and any acditicnal info n rm, f{�fIG�%i11511t VVilit� �eY , �""� �"'''""f f• il111rq �Xtwt rtttKul4S, iCUS.itndwGS.eik.�tyta rnewuwA wf �CiN1140141. 4rikirl vi Plum is Previous Business on Site: ' r "MCST,4 p Floor Plan: Please attach either an architectural drawing or a sketch of the proposed business indicating the location cf uses, the uses of roamsthe total square footage of the use.. and any additional infcrmaticr. Total Square Footage Used for the Business: n �� /V Is the Parcel Zoned LI, HI, Or PDIP? j Yes No If yes, fill out a Cerbfled Pnmreer's Reccrt rCER. Will there be food preparation? Yes i ✓ No If yes, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Is the Parcel on public water or private well? Opublic Private If on private well, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Is the Parcel on public sewer or septic? F public Septic If on septic, provide Virginia Department of Health approval Will you be putting up any new signage? �, Yes No If yes, obtain appropriate sign permit and list permit #below Will there be new construction or renovations? ❑Yes No If yes, obtain approp ate building permit and list pe mit #below Please list any applicable Building Permit #s: I Zoning Clearance review cannot begin until the application above is complete and all applicable forms and fees are submitted. This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify, or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1 have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will hem. I Signature Onnted Q/7/a.. Data 2 %01 ..; 1] ,S ► 0S t oc �S 89S'Z ,9 3S JS LLO JS tr60 8t�t Ll£l 9lEl � - CK 7 v> 0' rn moo N) > Z 0Cn ---� N o z -v 90 N co ' N ,9 b ,lZ o 0313 ,Zb cn N 769A41LBSAFBLE PLUS Employee Door to 1329 . BEAUTIFUL EYE 1379 SF Back door to hall Employee Bathroom a UN 2 W h O AIL �y �N� F oON W aLL Y IU m LL LL WLL LL WN y'J m—� Qq �1< Qgi� Z i0' � NO_m �Jt` Mall Customer Gate •0M •t �,. "t" FIX _ 11�� HA IER ING PAGODA Klls s'-t ' Mar L— _4