HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP199700092 Assessment - Groundwater Preliminary Site Plan 1997-08-21 • 7 ) \F °e,l iQ? A..4..'4:4,:1:.1,0:ll 4.‹Y. a R 1}41 1f ` -I' { S1 <,.• rat\ L r„,gL 366 T ' � l �. J ..(rt/\ \ 140 `* /', . ::ter . •1 1 . � s ....(44. . .4 • • 40.4/.. ..*,. 4,1$ „i„..„Iinikt.,,,.. . ,.. 37C 36t3 14C /// 9 t. 1 A•/ *....,...'‘ b;.i,.l:sl11* ,�4: y 4 t, +y "i \4\44 / 88 ;` t jr �� 3 / / 65C •' �. Z /�` 656 t r` y/ , 6`vi, � 65: , iA . 34!.0 34D �4.�'f� 368 \ 34C r36B // .... , + ^k 6i5C 2Dr ® ' °, 9'� ' / 0.41! ( # 34C /3/ il" .� r .„ if 218 r 21 `" 3 a � / / ' ,a i • r1:1;1' ,iiii .. r366 / l < ,,, , - • 36C• , f. I, egir ---- 47C —.-.‘ - P.:117/1 . A. :40-.‘ irgitf I 1 IT A t '... ,, J.J, . 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Am: .:-., (Joins sheet 11) } 34D P • SCALE 1:15 840 49 S / ' l 2 vi\-) 5000 Feet 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 Mile 1000 Meters 800 600 400 200 0 1 Kilometer C--_ I I I_- _ - - l ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NO 6 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 1 OF 3 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 WATER FEATURES FIRST CITIZENS Flooding High water table and ponding Map symbol Hydro- Water Maximum and soil name logic Frequency Duration Months table Kind of Months Ponding ponding group depth water table duration depth Ft Ft 88: UDORTHENTS. 34D: GLENELG B None --- --- >6.0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 2 OF 3 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 WATER FEATURES Endnote -- WATER FEATURES This report gives estimates of various soil water features. The estimates are used in land use planning that involves engineering considerations. Hydrologic soil groups are used to estimate runoff from precipitation. Soils not protected by vegetation are assigned to one of four groups. They are grouped according to the infiltration of water when the soils are thoroughly wet and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The four hydrologic soil groups are: Group " A". Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group "B". Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group "C". Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group "D". Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a permanent high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to two hydrologic groups in this report, the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Flooding, the temporary inundation of an area, is caused by overflowing streams, by runoff from adjacent slopes, or by tides. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or snowmelt is not considered flooding, nor is water in swamps and marshes. This report gives the frequency and duration of flooding and the time of year when flooding is most likely. Frequency, duration, and probable dates of occurrence are estimated. Frequency is expressed as "None", "Rare", "Occasional", and "Frequent". "None" means that flooding is not probable; "Rare" that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather conditions; "Occasional" that it occurs, on the average, once or less in 2 years; and "Frequent" that it occurs, on the average, more than once in 2 years. Duration is expressed as "Very brief" if less than 2 days, "Brief" if 2 to 7 days, "Long" if 7 to 30 days, and "Very long" if more than 30 days. The information is based on evidence in the soil profile, namely thin strata of gravel, sand, silt, or clay deposited by floodwater; irregular decrease in organic matter content with increasing depth; and absence of distinctive horizons that form in soils that are not subject to flooding. Also considered are local information about the extent and levels of flooding and the relation of each soil on the landscape to historic floods. • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 3 OF 3 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 WATER FEATURES Endnote -- WATER FEATURES--Continued Information on the extent of flooding based on soil data is less specific than that provided by detailed engineering surveys that delineate flood-prone areas at specific flood frequency levels. High water table (seasonal) is the highest level of a saturated zone in the soil in most years. The depth to a seasonal high water table applies to undrained soils. The estimates are based mainly on the evidence of a saturated zone, namely grayish colors or mottles in the soil. Indicated in this report are the depth to the seasonal high water table; the kind of water table, that is, "Apparent", "Artesian", or "Perched"; and the months of the year that the water table commonly is high. A water table that is seasonally high for less than 1 month is not indicated in this report. An "Apparent" water table is a thick zone of free water in the soil. It is indicated by the level at which water stands in an uncased borehole after adequate time is allowed for adjustment in the surrounding soil. An "Artesian" water table exists under a hydrostatic beneath an impermeable layer. When the impermeable layer has been penetrated by a cased borehole, the water rises. The final level of the water in the cased borehole is characterized as an artesian water table. A "Perched" water table is water standing above an unsaturated zone. In places an upper, or "Perched", water table is separated from a lower one by a dry zone. Only saturated zones within a depth of about 6 feet are indicated. Ponding is standing water in a closed depression. The water is removed only by deep percolation, transpiration, evaporation, or a combination of these processes. This report gives the depth and duration of ponding and the time of year when ponding is most likely. Depth, duration, and probable dates of occurrence are estimated. Depth is expressed as the depth of ponded water in feet above the soil surface. Duration is expressed as "Very brief" if less than 2 days, "Brief" if 2 to 7 days, "Long" if 7 to 30 days, and "Very long" if more than 30 days. The information is based on the relation of each soil on the landscape to historic ponding and on local information about the extent and levels of ponding. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 1 OF 2 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 SOIL FEATURES FIRST CITIZENS Bedrock Cemented pan Subsidence I Risk of corrosion Potential Map symbol I frost action' Uncoated and soil name Depth Hardness Depth Kind Initial Total steel Concrete In In In In 88: UDORTHENTS. 34D: GLENELG >60 --- --- --- --- --- Moderate 'Low IHigh U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 2 OF 2 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 SOIL FEATURES Endnote -- SOIL FEATURES This report gives estimates of various soil features. The estimates are used in land use planning that involves engineering considerations. Depth to bedrock is given if bedrock is within a depth of 5 feet. The depth is based on many soil borings and on observations during soil mapping. The rock is either "Soft" or "Hard". If the rock is "Soft" or fractured, excavations can be made with trenching machines, backhoes, or small rippers. If the rock is "Hard" or massive, blasting or special equipment generally is needed for excavation. Cemented pans are cemented or indurated subsurface layers within a depth of 5 feet. Such pans cause difficulty in excavation. Pans are classified as "Thin" or "Thick". A "Thin" pan is less than 3 inches thick if continuously indurated or less than 18 inches thick if discontinuous or fractured. Excavations can be made by trenching machines, backhoes, or small rippers. A "Thick" pan is more than 3 inches thick if continuously indurated or more than 18 inches thick if discontinuous or fractured. Such a pan is so thick or massive that blasting or special equipment is needed in excavation. Subsidence is the settlement of organic soils or of saturated mineral soils of very low density. Subsidence results from either desiccation and shrinkage or oxidation of organic material, or both, following drainage. Subsidence takes place gradually, usually over a period of several years. This report shows the expected initial subsidence, which usually is a result of drainage, and total subsidence, which usually is a result of oxidation. Not shown in the report is subsidence caused by an imposed surface load or by the withdrawal of ground water throughout an extensive area as a result of lowering the water table. Potential frost action is the likelihood of upward or lateral expansion of the soil caused by the formation of segregated ice lenses (frost heave) and the subsequent collapse of the soil and loss of strength on thawing. Frost action occurs when moisture moves into the freezing zone of the soil. Temperature, texture, density, permeability, content of organic matter, and depth to the water table are the most important factors considered in evaluating the potential for frost action. It is assumed that the soil is not insulated by vegetation or snow and is not artificially drained. Silty and highly structured clayey soils that have a high water table in winter are the most susceptible to frost action. Well drained, very gravelly, or very sandy soils are the least susceptible. Frost heave and low soil strength during thawing cause damage mainly to pavements and other rigid structures. Risk of corrosion pertains to potential soil-induced electrochemical or chemical action that dissolves or weakens uncoated steel or concrete. The rate of corrosion of uncoated steel is related to such factors as soil moisture, particle-size distribution, acidity, and electrical conductivity of the soil. The rate of corrosion of concrete is based mainly on the sulfate and sodium content, texture, moisture content, and acidity of the soil. Special site examination and design may be needed if the combination of factors creates a severe corrosion environment. The steel installations that intersect soil boundaries or soil layers is more susceptible to corrosion than steel in installations that are entirely within one kind of soil or within one soil layer. For uncoated steel, the risk of corrosion, expressed as "Low", "Moderate", or "High", is based on soil drainage class, total acidity, electrical resistivity near field capacity, and electrical conductivity of the saturation extract. For concrete, the risk of corrosion is also expressed as "Low", "Moderate", or "High". It is based on soil texture, acidity, and amount of sulfates in the saturation extract. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 1 OF 3 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 SANITARY FACILITIES FIRST CITIZENS (The information in this report indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation) Map symbol Septic tank Sewage lagoon Trench Area Daily cover and soil name absorption areas sanitary sanitary I for landfill fields landfill landfill 88: UDORTHENTS. 34D: GLENELG Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: slope slope slope slope I seepage, large stones, slope U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 2 OF 3 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 SANITARY FACILITIES Endnote -- SANITARY FACILITIES This report shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect septic tank absorption fields, sewage lagoons, and sanitary landfills. The limitations are considered "Slight" if soil properties and site features generally are favorable for the indicated use and limitations are minor and easily overcome; "Moderate" if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize the limitations; and "Severe" if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increases in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are required. This report also shows the suitability of the soils for use as daily cover for landfills. A rating of "Good" indicates that soil properties and site features are favorable for the use and good performance and low maintenance can be expected; "Fair" indicates that soil properties and site features are moderately favorable for the use and one or more soil properties or site features make the soil less desirable than the soils rated "Good"; and "Poor" indicates that one or more soil properties or site features are unfavorable for the use and overcoming the unfavorable properties requires special design, extra maintenance, or costly alteration. SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELDS are areas in which effluent from a septic tank is distributed into the soil through subsurface tiles or perforated pipe. Only that part of the soil between depths of 24 to 72 inches is evaluated. The ratings are base on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Permeability, a high water table, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, and flooding affect absorption of the effluent. Large stones and bedrock or a cemented pan interfere with installation. Unsatisfactory performance of septic tank absorption fields, including excessively slow absorption of effluent, surfacing of effluent, and hillside seepage, can affect public health. Groundwater can be polluted if highly permeable sand and gravel or fractured bedrock is less than 4 feet below the base of the absorption field, if slope is excessive, or if the water table is near the surface. There must be unsaturated soil material beneath the absorption field to filter the effluent effectively. Many local ordinances require that this material be of a certain thickness. SEWAGE LAGOONS are shallow ponds constructed to hold sewage while aerobic bacteria decompose the solid and liquid wastes. Lagoons should have a nearly level floor surrounded by cut slopes or embankments of compacted soil. Lagoons generally are designed to hold the sewage within a depth of 2 to 5 feet. Nearly impervious soil material for the lagoon floor and sides is required to minimize seepage and contamination of ground water. This report gives ratings for the natural soil that makes up the lagoon floor. The surface layer and, generally, 1 or 2 feet of soil material below the surface layer are excavated to provide material for the embankments. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Considered in the ratings are slope, permeability, a high water table, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, flooding, large stones, and content of organic matter. Excessive seepage due to rapid permeability of the soil or a water table that is high enough to raise the level of sewage in the lagoon causes a lagoon to function unsatisfactorily. Pollution results if seepage is excessive or if floodwater overtops the lagoon. A high content of organic matter is detrimental to proper functioning of the lagoon because it inhibits aerobic activity. Slope, bedrock, and cemented pans can cause construction problems, and large stones can hinder compaction of the lagoon floor. SANITARY LANDFILLS are areas where solid waste is disposed of by burying it in soil. There are two types of landfill, trench and area. In a trench landfill, the waste is placed in a trench. It is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil excavated at the site. In an area landfill, the waste is placed in successive layers on the surface of the soil. The waste is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil form a source away from the site. Both types of landfill must be able to bear heavy vehicular traffic. Both types involve a risk of groundwater pollution. Ease of excavation and revegetation need to be considered. The ratings in this report are based U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 3 OF 3 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 SANITARY FACILITIES Endnote -- SANITARY FACILITIES--Continued on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Permeability, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, a high water table, slope, and flooding affect both types of landfill. Texture, stones and boulders, highly organic layers, soil reaction, and content of salts and sodium affect trench type landfills. Unless otherwise stated, the ratings apply only to that part of the soil within a depth of about 6 feet. For deeper trenches, a limitation rate "Slight" or "Moderate" may not be valid. Onsite investigation is needed. DAILY COVER FOR LANDFILL is the soil material that is used to cover compacted solid waste in an area type sanitary landfill. The soil material is obtained offsite, transported to the landfill, and spread over the waste. Soil texture, wetness, coarse fragments, and slope affect the ease of removing and spreading the material during wet and dry periods. Loamy or silty soils that are free of large stones or excess gravel are the best cover for a landfill. Clayey soils may be sticky or cloddy and are difficult to spread; sandy soils are subject to soil blowing. After soil material has been removed, the soil material remaining in the borrow area must be thick enough over bedrock, a cemented pan, or the water table to permit revegetation. The soil material used as final cover for a landfill should be suitable for plants. The surface layer generally has the best workability, more organic matter than the rest of the profile, and the best potential for plants. Material from the surface layer should be stockpiled for use as the final cover. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 1 OF 2 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT FIRST CITIZENS (The information in this report indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation) Map symbol Shallow Dwellings Dwellings Small Local roads Lawns and and soil name excavations without with commercial and streets landscaping basements basements buildings 88: UDORTHENTS. 34D: GLENELG Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: slope slope slope slope slope slope U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 2 OF 2 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 08/21/97 BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT Endnote -- BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT This report shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect shallow excavations, dwellings with and without basements, small commercial buildings, local roads and streets, and lawns and landscaping. The limitations are "Slight", "Moderate", or "Severe". The limitations are considered "Slight" if soil properties and site features are generally favorable for the indicated use and limitaions are minor and easily overcome; "Moderate" if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize the limitations; and "Severe" if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increases in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are required. Special feasibility studies may be required where the soil limitations are severe. SHALLOW EXCAVATIONS are trenches or holes dug to a maximum depth of 5 or 6 feet for basements, graves, utility lines, open ditches, and other purposes. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. The ease of digging, filling, and compacting is affected by the depth to bedrock, a cemented pan, or a very firm dense layer; stone content; soil texture; and slope. The time of the year that excavations can be made is affected by the depth to a seasonal high water table and the susceptibility of the soil to flooding. The resistance of the excavation walls or bands to sloughing or caving is affected by soil texture and the depth to the water table. DWELLINGS AND SMALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS are structures built on shallow foundations on undisturbed soil. The load limit is the same as that for single-family dwellings no higher than three stories. Ratings are made for small commercial buildings without basements, for dwellings with basements, and for dwellings without basements. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. A high water table, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, large stones, slope, and flooding affect the ease of excavation and construction. Landscaping and grading that require cuts and fills of more than 5 or 6 feet are not considered. LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS have an all-weather surface and carry automobile and light truck traffic all year. They have a subgrade of cut or fill soil material, a base of gravel, crushed rock, or stabilized soil material, and a flexible or rigid surface. Cuts and fills are generally properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, a high water table, flooding, large stones, and slope affect the ease of excavating and grading. Soil strength (as inferred from the engineering classification of the soil), shrink-swell potential, frost action potential, and depth to a high water table affect the traffic-supporting capacity. LAWNS AND LANDSCAPING require soils on which turf and ornamental trees and shrubs can be established and maintained. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Soil reaction, a high water table, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, the available water capacity in the upper 40 inches, and the content of salts, sodium, and sulfidic materials affect plant growth. Flooding, wetness, slope, stoniness, and the amount of sand, clay, or organic matter in the surface layer affect trafficability after vegetation is established. NONTECHNICAL SOILS DESCRIPTION REPORT FIRST CITIZENS Map Soil name and description Symbol 88 udorthents, loamy This map unit is made up of areas that have been used for cutting or filling during grading for roads, housing development, recreational areas, quarries, and other similar uses. Permeability ranges from moderately rapid to slow. The available water capacity is low to moderate. Surface runoff is medium to very rapid, and the hazard of erosion is moderate to very severe. The organic matter content and the natural fertility are low. These soils are medium acid to very strongly acid throughtout. Water stands in some areas during winter and spring, or throughout the year. 34D glenelg loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes Glenelg soils are deep, well drained soils. Permeability is moderate, and the available water capacity is high. Erosion hazard varies from moderate to severe. The subsoil has low shrink-swell potential. The root zone extends to a depth of 30 inches. The organic matter content is low to moderate, and natural fertility is low. This soil commonly is strongly acid or very strongly acid throughout, but reaction in the surface layer is variable because of local liming. Bedrock is generally at a depth of more than 60 inches.