HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP199700036 Application Special Use Permit 1997-07-23 . - JUL-23-1997 14:27 FROM TO 19156772050-1017 P.02 l /LS A ' C V County er . -App q on for SP ih /7)" Abilene* Date Sc `l �-.r�.. SPECIAL USE ' Fee Paid, . M "" *,•-� Receipt Number. -- . '!� PERMIT Intake Stair ,4,: .IV . DCpiTtalist of Zomiag 401 lichains Reed*Csaiceesviiie,Vegetis 22902.4596*104 396-3i75 Own*£04 9'Z.4015 iiII4 • NEW SP(see Zoning OrMitets=Section 35.0 for Appmptiste ) AMENDMENT OF A VALID SP: SP it — _ (SUS.00) D EX1T74SION OF A VALID 5P:SPIN - (335.00) Tnc Nisp/Parcti; to i t tid 4 Parcel i _____„_i t j, ;,,yrolect li l Pod t the southern:Kos t corner of the intersection of PEo.18C'r NAM; s 2 t d TUIn e. Irka 3Ls $S aona Irk Eltistin s Zooms FLC —. - i ve tern and T3i PROPOSED LW: •- OWNER Neme: Forest Lakes Pactr1614 ,Associates __ Addrem: P,Ci. tia 5207_ M .. 1ottesv,141 y..tA 21995_ FbameaIFax, __Dry row now (504) 479-9300 („�, .r.�N� p rot Cit Ba k Attn Lh s B, PcJ rl6 Al"PLIC. Name(wy ie fit=cam:* izefl • lama: F.D. Box 27131� Raleigh, 5C 27611-7131 PboceiP -S2 Tsss,a rneme CONTACT Name(if dit tft=;bon): jy pPtyr Bia23Qga Kistl�sv lie and Aesocigt�s. Iac. Addren: 3 • c 27636- 68 Pboor'F , 1919) _677-2050 (Fax). . • Day Teo now_• 9i 677 2000 I T 1 hsi,by diarital that the cower or owners of the sut ect property also have an owrsuethip bilers8t irl the Mowing bsx Hasp and peir.al mottoes,whiCA abut or ass lsrttsedetaly across the street or roalrom tha 4 -1C; 46B4-80; 46134-90 4614=1ALi 4614-1A2 If oNasw Yp of px s property is it the lams Of NAY IMO Of bpi traVy or organ zstron tang, but not limited to, Pita nine of s cxxporaBori. PAP' Or woo en, or In the name of sor in a IcoSous nem& the aqo t f MIMI We this appkatfon a document ecc.pt ablb to thewhich certain That the prison signing below has Ma authority to do so. if the applicant is a contract rchas.r of the aub�Ct property, the appioent n *t subirrft a document suable to the County co 'rxng the ow►Nra written consent to the appircotiort f the applicant is the agent of the owner, the applicant Hurst submit a docUMIltt acceptable to the County that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. I h.tsby certify dud tire information prorided so this applilW oo aid occoseipsnyiug inforAsation is sccnrstt,trtic imcl correct to the boat ofosy Womble*end beffeE 4 4- 4. 4.14Gce fc Art 44'4t('---- .7. 3. 7 siguaguildA')- I I S ($ . TOTAL P.02 • 21-'1997 11 :56AM FRnM BLDG/ZONING SERVICES 804 972 4126 P. 3 • Special Use Permit Application DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: (Please attach additional information as needed) This request is to grant a special use permit to First Citizens Bank for drive-thru windows and ATM for property zoned HE— located at the southern most corner of the intersection of US Route 29 and Timberwood Blvd. known as a portion of Tax Map 46B4, Parcel 1, in accordance with Section 22.2.2 of the Albemarle County zoning ordinance. The plat for this parcel is currently under review by Albemarle County. JUSTIFICATION: (Please attach additional information as needed) y'irt__CJ.tizens Bank must have drive-thru windows and ATM to provide financial services to its customers. This drive-thru is an accessory to the bank which is common with most banks. • OFFICE USE ONLY • :TAX MAP/PARCEL: °:1• : '. _ do._ec+:ooloo ..2. -- 3. ZQNED:'' .... A C- MAG DIST: h� ~✓4.4,,.,_‘.- REQUESTED UNDER.ORDINANCE:SECTION: `7,4 , 2 Z • 13 t3XISTINGUSE:" PROPOSED'USE: L- ✓ . 'HISTORY: .. f33(o 5 m`-D° .D ZMAs and Proffers: J 7.AS Letter of Authorization .. I:\GENERALSHARE\ZONINCASTACY\SPUSE.FRM Lst Revised 4/30/96 IS u V l533068 C ❑ Kimley-Horn D P.O.Box Raleigh,Northorth Carolina and Associates, Inc, 27636-3068 !' 2 4 1997 TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050 Transmittal BUILDING CODE&ZONING SERVICES Date: July 23, 1997 Job.No: 011037.48 To: County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Attn: Ms.Jan Sprinkle We are sending you ®Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints/Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications 0 Change Orders ❑ Other: Copies Date No. Description 2 7-23-97 Application for Special Use Permit for a Drive-Thru These are transmitted as checked below: ❑ For your use 0 Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit ® Copies for approval ❑ As requested ❑ Approved as noted ® Submit 0 Copies for distribution ® For review and comment El Returned for corrections ❑ Return 0 Corrected prints Remarks Jan, Here is the application package for the drive-thntat theForest Lakes North_Branch of First Citizens Bank located at the intersection of T_imb_erwood BJvd.and Route 29.The plans have been submitted to the Department of Planning and Community Development. The survey is not enclosed as it is currently under review by Albemarle Counter The review fees of$1.228.30 were applied to the preliminary Site Development Plan as they were larger than_the fee of$780.00 required for a special use permit. Please give myself or Peter Bishop a_call_if you have any questions. Thank you. r' Copy to:Thomas B.Morris,FCB ' Roge ng } . _ , __ .. ._. - - _ _ r. i SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST PRIOR TO nit SUBMITTAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, A PRELIMINARY CONTEPE CE SHOULD BE HELD WITH THE PLANNING STAFF. The current application form must be completed by the applicant in its entirety (the request should be clear). TWO COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHALL_BE SUBMITTED WITH T TF. APPLICATION AND IS TO BF PROSE) BY THE APPI.IC AANI: ()c) Completed application signed by the current owner of the property or a separate statement signed by the current owner authorizing the application. ( ,1) Letter of proffers, if applicable. 0-0 , (>c) Most recent approved and recorded plat. If none exists, then a copy of the deed description for the property or properties involved in the request. If the proposed e rezoning involves only a portion of a parcel, it shall be adequately indentified, to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. (x) Description of Request (on back of application or attach own sheets). (x) Justification of Request (on back of application or attach own sheets). 'L (x) Appropriate fee made payable to the County of Albemarle. THE ZONING DFP ARTM .NT WILL PR VIDE THEFOLI.QWINO INFORMATION TO THE APpT ICANT: _SA' One public notice sign for each roadway and/or road frontage. . Or Instructions for posting signs. Copy of review schedule. (Person accepting application) Date Revised 4/30/96 I:\GTERA.L\SHARE\ZONING\STACY\SPIJSECI-IK.R.M 12: 36 $804 """ 4035 ALBEMARLE COUNTY Z 002 4-1 .vim ., ) JLIl. 2 5 1997 Application for County of Albemtirle: tAlliorb,it iiir,.9� Department of Plziniag and(omthuni lgpm ent SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS ro •401 MclntireRoad _ Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596 (and Site Plan Waivers) kt l-e son 296-5823 Office Use Only: File Number f'7 f 9� Date Submitted 7 als-97 PRELIMINARY SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN `` ��Fee Paid/Rec'd by ❑ Residential Fee of$945 plus$I O'c}welling unit(14 copies required) Non-Residential Fee of$1260 plus$10/1000 sq.ft development(14 copies required) 2,930/1 ,000 = 2 .93 x $10 = $29.30 — r,.1 5P /_V,C FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN•ADMINISTRATIVE ❑ Residential or 0 Non-Residential Fee of$325 (14 copies required) FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN- COMMISSION REVIEW ❑ Prior to preliminary plan approval Fee of$900(14 copies required) ❑ After preliminary plan approval Fee of$630(14 copies required) SITE PLAN WAIVER (Ordinance§ Fee of$215 (5 copies of sketch/le/at required) Portion of T.M.46B4 TITLE OF PROJECT; First Citizens Bank TaxMap(s)-Parcel(s) Parcel 1 Location Project is located at the southern most corner of the intersection of US Route 29 and Timberwood Blvd. Existing Zoning HC Magisterial District Rivanna Acreage of parcel(s) 1 .349 AC. IF RESIDENTIAL Number and types of units Resulting density IF NON-RESIDENTIAL: Check One: ® Commercial 0 Industrial ❑ Quasi-Public Complete the following: Square footage of building(s) 2 ,9 30± S.F. Acreage of site 1.349 AC. Intended use: _Financial Institution w/drive thru and ATM Cohtact Person Mr. Peter Bishop, Kimley-Horn & Assoc. Dardm•phone (919) 677-2000 Maliing Address P.O. Box MM33068, Raleigh,. NC 27636-3068 m Developer(If dif.rt from owner) FirsWheTHzensMIanCs Daytime Phone (919) 7 7 9-8 2 3 9 MailingAddren P.O. Box 27131 , Raleigh, NC 27611-7131 Surveyor/Architect/I-andPlanner Roudabush, Gale & Assoc. DsytimePh+one i{04) 293-4251 — Mailing Addrese 914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville; VA Owner's Narne(As listed currently In Real EsratM Department) Forest Lakes Associates D.rorneMone (804) 979-9500 MailirtgAddres P,O. Box 5207 , Charlottesville, VA 22905 OWNER/APPLICANT SHALL READ AND SIGN This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by§32.5.6(Preliminary Plan)or by§32.6.6 (Final Plan)of the Albernarie County Zoning Ordinance. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be rejected by the agent within ten(l0)days of submittal with a refund of the fee paid LESS$160.If the plan is resubmitted,the new submittal is subject to all new applicable fees. FOR FINAL PLANS ONLY: To the best of my knowledge,I have complied with §32.43.1 and obtained tentative approvals for all applicable conditions from e .y�i•priate agencies. '--gsigned iL --°f A - Date 7- 2 -°l 7 (fir, 4rt P ♦ er. ° ) - - •1 • 1UL-23-1997 14:27 FROM TO 19196772050-1017 P.02 County of . -Application for SP SIP 7- ALbe�tle Date Sabiuhtte L,- `^� per. Number o- 63 M- .1.. '* Ltd Staff 0 Dritartnient of Zoning 401 Mollies Ord*�k vi. l5%ill204 3%-Sr5 phoaa*$04 972-4015 8 NEw SP(see Zoning Ordinance Section 35,0 tbr Aptdptute Fee) ' . ANIENDMENT ap A VALID SP: SP 0 __ -- 0i5.00) © EXTENSION OF A VAUD SP:SPA - (555.00) Tsx M> cal_ Pariosf T 2la Parcel 1 Lacadm:Jro-t t he southern a C Corner of the intersection off PROJECT& NAME 1 79a Aradxt t�e3rr�rvv Y • Existing ZOOIDS Kr — - - _ r i ,..— PROPOSED USE: L. wn r:t„r ton wlil 'ye hru /ad �►th Oft tie Associates Addr s- P,13= tteao Ia A S - — .-- P'aoaafP' TAD Mae (804) 9 79-920 I, . , APPLICANT Name(if difsrat t ficso ow e):ors t,C f t asuL/A , t1 rri a - P.D. Box 27131, Raleigh, iC 27611--7131 --..--- PhOtlerallY Time Pb _ - I CONTACT Name(if difftrant eget Bove r Aaaoe iatdIs. Inc` Add ".yam �., • h1 C 27636- 068 (1.1,9) _67 7.:19,29F flay Time Pima: 19192 67 7-22000 _ ; I y that the owner or owners of the stated property also haw en ownership interest in the tax nt•p and moil►umber,wtde/r abut or we urxtawct{etery across the*root or road'irom the suhjedp,Dpeay: 46B4-1C; -46B4-80f 4684-9L.46114-1A 4 4-1A2 It oWP0 V P et pl'r$'ilia the neaaf or anti type of bpi,finiNy or orpsnization L,rdArding, but not ifirrfed to, VON MUM of a cz iporaaom, pa w, or weadclacion, or to the nenrs of P. btoslt, or In a fictitious name, the aroma mead wet with Mk application a doarrrrrot acceptable to the Coin ty which ceitifkrs tat the prow signior Wow Ma tare authority to cIo so if the apoiicvnt is a eontrt Purchaser of the stab cot property, thr applicant must submit• document eccrptable to the County containing the %armee written comma to the appfrc:tfon. If the aprpacsret is ths arint of the owner, tt,e appt$ �mutt $ubinnit a d ct m•ni�b to the Coady that is id scope of the existence and ope of t►a agar'" I hsrtby certify that the ixrforrs.ti+ars provided on Ibis apptieatioo and eccomvpsnying information i. •sweets„trrrt d tarred to the boot of.ry leaowled=e and bdid - /t�/J�G' , LcceG.&i fi, c bane I C,c,c rec k- �. -cee S� �g���� , �e-find dui of- v 24,3O TOTAL P.02 SPECIAL USE PERMIT CITECETLIST PRIOR TO SUBM1 TTAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, A PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE SHOULD BE HELD WTTH 'i'Hk, PLANNING STAFF. The current application form must be completed by the applicant in its entirety (the request should be clear). TWO COPIES OF T_3E EOLLQWING INFORMATION SEAI L_BE =MI= WITH THF, APPLICATION AND IS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT: (%) Completed application signed by the current owner of the property or a separate statement signed by the current owner authorizing the application. ( ) Letter of proffers, if applicable. (X) Most recent approved and recorded plat. If none exists, then a copy of the deed description for the property or properties involved in the request. If the proposed rezoning involves only a portion of a parcel, it shall be adequately indentified, to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. (x) Description of Request(on back of application or attach own sheets). (x) Justification of Request (on back of application or attach own sheets). (x) Appropriate fee made payable to the County of Albemarle. THE ZONING DF.P 4RTMFNT WILL._PROVIDE THE FOLLQvYING INFQRMATLQN TO THE APPLICANT: ( ) One public notice sign for each roadway and/or road frontage. ( ) Instructions for posting signs. ( ) Copy of review schedule. (Person accepting application) Date Revised 4/30/96 I:\GENERALASHARE\ZONING\STACY\SPUSECHKIR.M LSHAREIZONTNG\STACY\SPUSECHK.rRM ' ' -21-1997 11 :56AM FRn" r3LDG/ZONING SERVICES 804 972 A"56 P. 3 • Special Usc Permit Application DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: (Please attach additional information as needed) This request is to grant a special use permit to First Citizens Bank for drive-thru windows and ATM for property zol�ed HC. to a d a he tenth rn most corner of the intersection of US Route 29 and Timberwood Blvd. known as a porti'on of Tax Map 46B4, Parcel 1, in accordance with Section 22.2.2 of the Albemarle County zoning ordinance. The plat for this parcel is currently under . review by Albemarle County. JUSTIFICATION: (Please attach additional information as needed) First Citizens Bank must have drive-thru windows and ATM to provide financial services to its customers. This drive-thru is an accessory to the bank which is common with most banks. OFFICE USE ONLY .TAX MA:PIPARCEL: 1.;OJA10' •60-00 0 OW .2. -- .— 3. 8. 9. ••ZO1�ED•'.. : MAG DIST: ..a ;REQUESTED UNDER,ORDINANCE SECTION: EXISTIN:G:t1SE: ' ' a' i'P.ROPOSED'USE: 11.0 - IA4 1=" F. , °HISTORY: :9 ZMAs and Proffers: V:AS: ] Letter of Authorization a I:\GENERALSHARE\ZONINONSTACY SPUSE.FRM Last Revised 4l30196